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  • af Kobi
    226,95 kr.

    Das Buch für alle, die sich richtig heftig in sich selbst verlieben möchten. :)Komm', seien wir mal ehrlich: Das Leben ist in den letzten Jahren echt anstrengend geworden. Zwischen stressigen Arbeitstagen, einer Welt im Wandel und dem ganz eigenen 'Überlebensmodus' bleibt nur noch wenig Zeit für das, was wirklich glücklich macht: ein authentisches Leben in echter Selbstliebe.Als People Pleaser in Veränderung teile ich mit Dir in meinem Buch 'Feel all the feels 1', was ich in über vier Jahren Inner Work und Schattenarbeit über das Leben ¿ und meine Rolle darin ¿ gelernt habe. Mit einer modernen und authentischen Sprache habe ich auf über 200 liebevoll gestalteten Seiten meine Learnings zu verschiedenen Gefühlen in kurzen, frischen Worten aufgeschrieben. Freue Dich auf viele kleine Inspirationen. Mal als Denkanstoß, mal als Spiegel oder kleine Aufgabe ¿ aber immer mit ganz viel Liebe, um dich auf deinem Weg hin zur Selbstliebe und Authentizität zu unterstützen.Du wirst dieses Buch lieben, wenn Du ...... auf Deiner eigenen Reise bist und etwas Support gebrauchen kannst.... Dich als People Pleaser beschreiben würdest ¿ und mit Selbstliebe etwas daran ändern möchtest.... Sprache liebst und Dich gerne inspirieren lässt.... findest, dass Dir etwas mehr Selbstliebe gut tun würde.... einen kleinen Anker für die Herausforderungen des Alltags brauchst.... liebevoll gestaltete Dinge magst oder gerne verschenkst.Na, Bock drauf?

  • af Astrid Florence Cassing
    210,95 kr.

    11. Oktober 2019 ­- Der Tag fängt für Schauspielerin Claire richtig gut an. Er endet verhängnisvoll. Irgendwo dazwischen liegt diese halbe Sekunde, die schlagartig alles veränderte. Als sie im Krankenhaus wieder zu sich kommt, realisiert sie drei Dinge: Sie kann sich nicht bewegen, sie hat Schmerzen und sie hat Angst. Der Kurzroman beschreibt den Weg der dreifachen Mutter zurück ins Leben und warum ihr unerschütterlicher Glaube an sich selbst hierbei die beste Medizin ist.

  • af Anton Frisch
    210,95 kr.

    Anton hat eine Familie! Obwohl sie nicht vollständig ist, es fehlt der Vater, versucht er die Verschwiegenheit der Großmutter und seiner Mutter aufzubrechen.Doch sie haben eine Grund dafür. Die Verschwiegenheit schützt die Familie zur Zeit der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Erst nach der Wendezeit und kurz vor dem Tod der Großmutter, am selben Tag, löst sie ihre Verschwiegenheit. Ein Brief soll den Hinweis und Aufklärung um Anton Vater bringen. Seine Mutter bricht ebenfalls erst nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter die Verschwiegenheit. Sie hilft bei der Aufklärung. Vermeintlich!

  • af Alain Robbe-Grillet
    212,95 kr.

    These two novellas demonstrate why Alain Robbe-Grillet, the leading practitioner and theorist of the noveau roman, is one of the most discussed and controversial writers of the post-war era. In La Maison de Rendez-vous, the master of the "new novel" creates a world of crime, intrigue, and passion dominated by Lady Ava's mysterious Blue Villa. Set in Hong Kong, the novella unfolds over the course of one evening, but the events of that night recur repeatedly, from the perspectives of different characters. Robbe-Grillet creates an unsettling work that challenges ideas about subjectivity and objectivity, fiction and fact, and the entire process of storytelling. A haunting, disorienting, and brilliantly constructed novel, Djinn is the story of a young man who joins a clandestine organization under the command of an alluring, androgynous American girl named Djinn. His search for the meaning of his mission and for possible clues to the identity of the mysterious Djinn, becomes a quest for his own identity in an ever-shifting time-space continuum.

  • af Art Linson
    182,95 kr.

  • af Karina Abrolatis
    219,95 - 276,95 kr.

  • af Anna Pollock
    197,95 kr.

    Michael has never had a girlfriend. Thomas has never had a boyfriend. That's about to change.

  • af Ramona Busch
    331,95 kr.

  • af Jasmin Karatas
    222,95 kr.

  • af Katarina
    257,95 kr.

    If you're looking for a way to find peace and meaning amidst the chaos of modern life, "Finding Balance in a Busy World: The Mindful Life" is the book for you. Katarina guides you toward equilibrium in this fascinating book by providing modern-day applications of ancient mindfulness practices.Tools for fostering mental and physical well-being are gained as you learn to mindfully face the obstacles of technology, work pressure, and societal expectations. Katarina will show you how to develop a beginner's mind by teaching you to focus on the here and now without judgment. Mindfulness is an ageless discipline that is more important than ever.Examine the causes of people's busy lives and how that frenetic pace affects their psyches and the quality of their lives. Katarina gives you the tools you need to set boundaries, prioritize wisely, and create your own mindfulness routine so you can bring mindfulness into your daily life, workplace, and relationships.Learn how to cultivate meaningful relationships despite the chaos of everyday life by harnessing the transforming power of attentive communication, empathy, and gratitude. This book tackles doubt, time limits, and failures head-on, giving you actionable tips for achieving your goals and living a happier, healthier life.Discover how to make the pursuit of balance a deliberate and empowered choice in "Finding Balance in a Busy World," a book that brings together classic wisdom and cutting-edge research. Get your calm back in the midst of the mayhem and practice mindful living.

  • af Thomas Rüedi
    292,95 - 388,95 kr.

  • af Regina Gorsleben
    351,95 kr.

  • af Dree Morin
    107,95 kr.

    Anthology of personal experiences.

  • af Julie Stévigny
    197,95 kr.

    What happens when you're meeting with your estranged sister after years and it doesn't go as planned?Sophie could go after her sister, call it a day, order a well-deserved Latte... Or she could take matter in her own hands...Environmental lawyer, workaholic and dutiful Sophie Smith has just moved back to New York after years abroad. She's not running away from her past. No, not at all. She's back on American soil and excited to reconnect with her sister and only relative, Carol.But nothing goes according to her carefully laid plans. Nope.She reconnects with the wrong person. The type of person who makes her want to take on fewer cases - and who she definitely can't introduce to her sister.She befriends the coffee shop owner, who pushes her to rewrite all her life rules. Hello out of my comfort zone, liquor-infused moments!And she allows her inner goddess to take over the reins...Will Sophie run away again? Will she ever find her right place? And what will she ultimately decide?Love You Latte, Sophie is a story about chance encounters, finding yourself and revenge. Just not the way Sophie had imagined it.

  • af Jochen Schropp
    209,95 - 275,95 kr.

  • af Yolanda Drewell
    117,95 kr.

    Channel your inner Fabulosity and live a bigger, more dynamic, and purposeful midlife-break free from toxic societal messages that seek to color your path in boring beige!You hit midlife and suddenly, the world seems to be telling you that there is no longer any reason to feel excited, curious, and fabulous.You've been fed so many messages throughout your life that the words sexy, powerful, and dynamic only apply to people in their 20s and 30s.You are the very same incredible, vivacious, curious person you always were, but it seems that society is seeking to drown out your voice through negativity and biases.In the eyes of negative people, you've achieved all you can and there are no new goals to pursue-except they've got it all wrong.Right now, you know you are more courageous, authentic, and confident than you have ever been.You have finally discovered that you don't need to please everyone else-that doing what feels right is the greatest gift you can give yourself and others.Seeing midlife as a gift begins by making a decision and turning Fabulosity-living your most fabulous life-into a habit.It continues by approaching life intuitively and joyfully, so that authentic freedom can be the wind that propels you forward.Consider this book a "best friend" that shares a life philosophy you can embrace every day, to live your fullest and best life. Within its pages, you will find:The Fabuli Archetype - how she feels, what she does, and what she thinksThe powerful effect of using assertive, optimistic, and bold language on yourself and othersWhen you choose fabulous, fabulous chooses you - how to see life as a continual adventure and make bold, experimental, novel decisionsHow looking, feeling, and doing fabulous are all interconnected - and why they all foster your well-being and that of everyone else around you!Why reinventing yourself over and over again is a key way to have a continual purpose-and to avoid the pain of "empty nest syndrome"How people who live full, creative, authentic lives can inspire you to follow suit in your own personal wayWhy positive self-image beats plastic surgery every timeHow to find the patterns that will help you discover who you are and the things you are truly passionate about12 questions to discover the Queen you want to be next - you can wear various crowns throughout your lifetime!Why you should embrace your good, bad, and ugly sides-literally!11 common fears - and why there is no room for them in the fabosphereAnd so much more.Being fabulous isn't about having to be, do, or think what doesn't feel right.Nor does it involve fake positivity, perfection, or materialism.It's about discovering and celebrating the authentic you by daring to go where no woman has ever been before.If you're ready to break free from expectations-everyone else's as well as your own-and embrace the Queen within, then scroll upwards and click "Add to Cart" right now!

  • af Jolie Downs
    267,95 kr.

    Thriving After 40 is your simple step-by-step guide to creating your most successful, authentic, and fulfilling life. Consider this your roadmap to a better way of living.

  • af Sophie Opitz
    389,95 - 505,95 kr.

  • af Judith Ardito
    205,95 - 271,95 kr.

  • af Florian Bottke
    342,95 kr.

  • af Sven Frank
    367,95 kr.

  • af Thorid Larsson
    325,95 kr.

    Teil 1 und 2 der beliebten Nord-Süd-Liebe-Reihe als Sammelband ... Zwei romantische Geschichten für alle, die sich nicht zwischen Nord und Süd, Hund und Katze oder Laugenbrezel und Zimtschnecke entscheiden wollen, sondern lieber ihren eigenen Weg gehen!Band 1: ZimtmomenteEine Liebe mit (sprachlichen) Hindernissen¿Mara hat ihren ersten richtigen Job als Lehrerin an Stuttgarts renommiertester Sprachschule ergattert.An ihrem ersten Tag dort begegnet sie Bente, dem lässigen dänischen Koch, der ihr sofort den Kopf verdreht.Was sie allerdings nicht weiß, Bente ist weder Koch, noch hat er den Deutschunterricht bei Mara nötig.Haben die beiden trotz aller Lügen eine Chance?Band 2: NordseewolkenDie Wohnung gekündigt, vom Freund verlassen - Hannahs Leben gleicht innerhalb weniger Stunden einem Scherbenhaufen.Zeit sich in Selbstmitleid zu vergraben bleibt ihr allerdings nicht, denn Tante Theodora braucht dringend ihre Hilfe. Kurz entschlossen kehrt sie München den Rücken, um frischen Wind in die leicht verstaubte Hafenapotheke ihrer Tante zu bringen.In Ostfriesland findet sie nicht nur wieder Stück für Stück zu sich selbst zurück, sondern macht auch die Bekanntschaft von Tierarzt Frieder, der so gar nichts für affektierte Städterinnen übrig hat.Kann Hannah beweisen, dass "Meer" in ihr steckt und einen Neustart für das Leben und die Liebe wagen?

  • af Matti Charlton
    262,95 kr.

    Be utterly delighted and thoroughly dismayed wandering the twisting path of this darkly hilarious and beautifully illustrated children's book for adults by the wildly talented Matti Charlton.

  • af Rhiane Heslop
    232,95 kr.

    Timing matters when you have a biological clock ticking, when you've pictured your life one way but the years slip by and nothing changes.Anna has been waiting patiently (ok maybe not that patiently) for her boyfriend of five years to be ready for marriage and kids, and at thirty-two she feels that she can't wait much longer. If he hasn't realized that she's 'the one' by now, will he ever?When Anna discovers a poorly hidden diamond ring in Darren's sock drawer, she realizes the future she's always dreamed of is about to be hers. With an upcoming trip to Hawaii, she figures that's where it will happen and she's right. But when Darren is down on one knee, what he's proposing isn't everything she thought it would be and she's forced to make a choice between the man she loves and the family she's always dreamed of.Choosing to stay behind in Hawaii in hopes of gaining clarity, Anna will learn if timing really is everything and if true commitment is a wedding or something else entirely. But before she can make it home, a new variant of COVID triggers a global lockdown. Anna and Darren's relationship survived the first pandemic...will it survive another?Exploring themes of motherhood and marriage, All We Have Is Today offers an honest view of what it means to commit yourself to another and how women are seen and feel as girlfriends, wives, mothers or not.

  • af Sharn Lee
    177,95 kr.

    An ex-covert agent. A loving mother. An unknown power.Rachel's tranquil life on the terraformed planet of Tir-na shatters when her twenty-year-old son vanishes without a trace. With no ransom demands or clues, she must confront her past and re-enter the treacherous world of the Agency she once abandoned.In a high-stakes race against time, Rachel relies on her deadly agent skills and unlocks forgotten powers, embracing the shocking truth of her past. From the plant-covered solar-punk city of Crayn to a nomadic metropolis built upon colossal wheels, relentlessly rolling across The Wastes, her unwavering love drives her to unimaginable lengths.As the seconds tick away, can Rachel rewrite her destiny and shield her family from an impending threat? Will her rekindled abilities be enough to save her son, or will they be her ultimate downfall?Prepare for a pulse-pounding journey of sacrifice, redemption, and the indomitable spirit of a mother fighting against all odds. Secrets will be unveiled, alliances will be tested, and in the midst of peril, the true impact of the past will be revealed. If you crave thrilling science fiction tales featuring kick-ass women protagonists, rife with covert agents, corrupt corporations, secret bases, underground societies, drug dens, and deadly drone bots, then prepare for an exhilarating ride unlike any other. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world where love knows no bounds and danger lurks at every turn.

  • af Stefan Wehner
    165,95 kr.

    Da ist der junge David, der auf einer Nordseeinsel in Verdacht gerät, eine kriminelle Vereinigung zu bilden. Er sieht sich als Musiker, muss jedoch immer wieder andere Wege einschlagen, um Geld zu verdienen.Es geht um das Leben in einer kleinen Großstadt, um Lärm, Kultur und Kleingeistigkeit. Aber auch um Kindheit, Oldtimer, Gesundheit und grundsätzliche Fragestellungen und Werte."Stimmen des Alltags" ist eine Sammlung von Geschichten und Texten zu unterschiedlichen Themen aus den letzten 10 Jahren. Einige Texte müssen in der Entstehungszeit gesehen werden, andere Themen sind zeitlos und haben einen generellen Aktualitätsbezug. Die Auszüge aus dem Roman ¿Klangspuren¿ sind allesamt bisher unveröffentlicht.

  • af Hermann Selchow
    320,95 kr.

  • af Matthias Stiehler
    190,95 kr.

  • af Paolo Cognetti
    127,95 kr.

    An awestruck love letter to one of the most spectacular places on earth, from the author of international bestseller The Eight MountainsPaolo Cognetti marked his 40th birthday with a journey he had always wanted to make: to Dolpo, a remote Himalayan region where Nepal meets Tibet. He took with him two friends, a notebook, mules and guides, and a well-worn copy of The Snow Leopard. Written in 1978, Matthiessen's classic was also turning forty, and Cognetti set out to walk in the footsteps of the great adventurer.Without Ever Reaching the Summit combines travel journal, secular pilgrimage, literary homage and sublime mountain writing in a short book for readers of Macfarlane, Rebanks and Cognetti's own bestseller, The Eight Mountains. An investigation into the author's physical limits, an ancient mountain culture, and the magnificence of nature, it is an awestruck love letter to one of the most spectacular places on earth.

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