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Bøger om Rivers and lakes

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  • af Shelley Read
    198,94 - 207,95 kr.

    Smuk, tragisk, opløftende: Løb som floden er en hjertegribende coming-of-age roman om kvindelig styrke og ukuelighed med USAs grandiose natur som bagtæppe.1948, Iola, Colorado: En kølig efterårsmorgen er 17-årige Victoria Nash på vej mod landsbyen med sin vakkelvorne trækvogn fyldt med sæsonens sidste ferskner. Da hun nærmer sig et gadehjørne, stopper en gådefuld ung mand med tilsodet ansigt og ravnsorte øjne hende for at spørge om vej. Hun kunne være drejet til venstre eller krydset vejen. Men det gør hun ikke. ”Løb som floden,” hvisker han.Sådan begynder Shelley Reads opsigtsvækkende debut om en ung kvindes omtumlede tilværelse, fra hun forrådt flygter fra familiens farm op i bjergene og ud i vildmarken, til tragedien indtræffer og hun forsøger at genvinde alt hun har mistet. Løb som floden er en episk fortælling om kærlighed og svigt, moderskab og søsterskab, og i særdeleshed en storslået historisk roman om en enlig kvindes kamp for at forme sin egen vej gennem livet – og finde kærligheden, der hvor man mindst venter det.

  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    217,95 kr.

    The Danube bicycle route between Passau and Vienna ranks as Europe's best-known and most-loved cycling route - and for good reason. No other section of the river offers as diverse a range of landscapes and cultural landmarks or as many historical sites. Tranquil valleys, fertile plains, and steep vineyards line the banks of one of Europe's great rivers, where pretty farms and glorious abbeys stand side-by-side. The loop of the Danube at Schlögen, the abbey at Melk, and the romantic Wachau wine-producing region are just some of the highlights along the 330 kilometer route.

  • af Raymond Luczak
    212,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • af Karina Abrolatis
    228,95 kr.

    Geruchloser Tod ist der zweite Band der 5-Sinne-Bodenseekrimi-Reihe, der auch als Einzelwerk gelesen werden kann. Während der erste Band sich thematisch mit dem Auge befasst, greift Band 2 das Sinnesorgan "Nase" auf und handelt von einer fesselnden Tätersuche inklusive Lokalkolorit und Zeitstempel. Der Kriminalroman enthält neben landschaftlichen und kulturellen Schilderungen aus dem Bodenseeraum, medizinisches Wissen rund um den Geruchssinn.Leser werden in die Pfahlbauten Unteruhldingen am Bodensee, zu einem keltischen Hügelgrab in Oberschwaben und ins österreichische Brandnertal zu einem Steinkreis geführt. Kriminalhauptkommissarin Becca Brigg und ihr Team der Kripo Ravensburg müssen unter den erschwerten Bedingungen der Coronapandemie im Winter 2020 in mehreren Todesfällen ermitteln. Der Täter scheint ein Faible für prähistorische Orte zu haben, vermutet Polizeipsychologe Dave Bernstein. Auch Rechtsmedizinerin Dr. Li-Ming Wang ist in die Ermittlungen involviert. Ist das Team von Kriminalhauptkommissarin Becca Brigg auf den Spuren eines Serienmörders?

  • af Kathy Lockheart
    197,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    207,95 kr.

    Just over 500 kilometres in length, the route from Prague to Magdeburg offers a great mix of impressions and experiences, taking you though a change of landscapes, cultures and historic highlights - all in an easy-to-reach part of central Europe. A perfect blend of adventure, relaxed cycling, natural landscapes and a cultural and historic journey of great interest await you: Two great cultural capitals - Prague and Dresden, charming Bohemian and Saxon towns, palaces and castles, porcelain from Meissen, the Saxon Wine Road, Martin Luther's city Wittenberg, the Elbe's wide flood-plains and, as a concluding highlight, the old city of Magdeburg.

  • af Karina Abrolatis
    219,95 - 276,95 kr.

  • af Eileen Delehanty Pearkes
    177,95 - 242,95 kr.

    This is a book for anyone, of any age, who cares about rivers.This story of the Columbia River is unique. Told from the river¿s perspective, it is an immersive, empathetic portrait of a once-wild river and of the Sinixt, a First People who lived on the mainstem of this great western river for thousands of years and continue to do so even though Canada declared them ¿extinct¿ in 1956.The book¿s re-release comes at a critical time for natural systems and for reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples across North America. The Colville Confederated Tribes, representing over 3,000 Sinixt People, recently won a precedent-setting case in the Supreme Court of Canada affirming that Aboriginal Rights do not stop at the border. The important story of the Sinixt weaves together with the ongoing ecological impact of hydropower development on the Columbia and its tributaries.Central to the story is the joyous spirit of salmon, once a free swimmer in the Columbiäs currents north of the border but now blocked from ancestral spawning grounds by Grand Coulee and other dams. Restoring migratory fish indigenous to the Upper Columbia will require transboundary cooperation. With Indigenous Nations on both sides of the US¿Canada border now leading the way, many are hopeful that the fish will return.Lavishly illustrated by Nelson, BC, designer Nichola Lytle, this portrait of a globally significant river will inspire anyone who reads it to care about the future of the salmon, a fish that unites all of us in its quest for freedom and possibility.

  • af Jocey Asnong
    152,95 - 212,95 kr.

    Come along on a new and wonderous journey to the landscapes surrounding the Great Lakes with the adventurous cats, Nuptse and Lhotse!Welcome to the Land of the Great Lakes! Nuptse and Lhotse are off on another great adventure, this time searching for the Sugar Forest Festival with their new friend Ruckus Raccoon.With only a nibbled map of the Great Lakes and the raccoon¿s nose to guide them, they make their way across the Canadian Shield near Lake Superior, learn how to make the perfect s¿more when camping along Lake Huron shores, cross the fruit belt fields around Lake Erie to see a rainbow reach across Niagara Falls, and climb high above the clouds in a tower soaring over Lake Ontario to get a better view of the world.Along the way, they will meet new friends, discover shipwrecks and city subways, play in the red leaves of a maple forest, and learn to windsurf and canoe with loons. With the arrival of the spring sun¿s warmth after a long winter, will they finally find the Sugar Forest Festival they have been looking for?

  • af Elke Schwab
    311,95 kr.

    Ein berühmter Filmschauspieler wird tot am Rheinufer in Köln gefunden.  Nur einen Tag später wird eine Frau im Silwinger Tunnel im nördlichen Saarland getötet. Deren Tochter verschwindet spurlos. Zur gleichen Zeit lässt sich der Polizeibeamte Erik Tenes von Saarbrücken nach Köln versetzen.Es stellt sich heraus, dass die beiden Fälle in Verbindung stehen. Auch erkennen die Saarbrücker Kommissare, dass alles seinen Ursprung in der Vergangenheit hat. So bleibt den Beamten nichts anderes übrig, als Norbert Kullmann, Hauptkommissar a.D., zu Rate zu ziehen. Gerne unterstützt der Alt-Kommissar seine ehemaligen Mitarbeiter. Und er lässt es sich nicht nehmen, in der Metropole Köln zu ermitteln. Dabei ahnt er nicht, in welche Gefahr er sich begibt...

  • af Tino Dietrich
    206,95 - 301,95 kr.

  • af Nicole Wollschlaeger
    219,95 kr.

    Unfreiwillig strandet eine Düsseldorfer Reisegruppe in Kophusen. Der Bus ist defekt. Während die Gäste in dem kleinen Dorf festsitzen und auf den Ersatzbus warten, wird die Leiche eines jungen Mannes gefunden. Das Kophusener Ermittler-Trio gerät auf die Spur eines mysteriösen Geocachers, an dessen Verstecken immer wieder ein weißer Kastenwagen auftaucht. Kommissar Goldberg ahnt, dass die kuriosen Funde nicht Teil einer gewöhnlichen Schatzsuche sind. Hinter den Kulissen der harmlos wirkenden Reisegruppe entspinnt sich ein perfides Versteckspiel, das zu eskalieren droht.

  • af Pat Lamondin Skene
    232,95 kr.

    In this illustrated picture book set in 1952, a young Métis girl anticipates the arrival of electricity in her small town.

  • af Michael L Hadley
    317,95 kr.

    A member of the so-called Silent Generation, Michael Hadley has a great deal to say in his twilight years. Opening with his Depression-era childhood on a lonely lighthouse on the west coast of Vancouver Island, this remarkably nuanced memoir spans decades, countries, and oceans.Hadley’s reflections move through his years growing up in wartime Vancouver in the 1940s, his concert tours on the British vaudeville stage in the 1950s, and his early teaching career in Manitoba in the 1960s. He shares his naval service on both coasts and on the Great Lakes, and his professional experience in Germany, where unexpected friendships with former submariners trigger an interest in how countries deal with difficult wartime pasts. Human conflict, ethics, and multi-faith engagement in criminal justice reform and Restorative Justice shape Hadley’s understandings of reconciliation, taking him on prison visits across Canada, the UK, and Uganda. Whether examining ancient historical sites and battlegrounds, navigating at sea, or riding camels in the desert, he seeks universal patterns of human experience. At once a deeply personal chronicle of a fascinating life and a measured, mature reflection on some of the most cataclysmic events of the past century, Come by Chance is an unforgettable journey that will leave readers reflecting on the experiences that affect us all.

  • af R Troy McMullin
    394,95 kr.

    Lichens are complex life forms that are the result of a symbiotic partnership between multiple organisms, usually a fungus and an alga. Though often overlooked or mistaken for other organisms (like moss), lichens are a critical part of each ecosystem they inhabit and are important sources of food, absorbers of carbon dioxide and biomonitors that help scientists detect air pollutants, among their many other functions. Written by one of the foremost lichenologists in North America, Lichens is an extensive guide to lichen species of Ontario and central parts of North America, but many of the featured lichen species are found in other parts of the world. Lichens presents photographs and detailed information on over 450 species of macrolichen, which are types of lichen with large thalli that appear either leafy and lobed or bushy and branched. Because of these qualities, the vernacular names of the species often take on colorful and intriguing descriptions, such as Witch's Hair, Toy Soldiers and Yellow Specklebelly. Each entry details the lichen's composition, habitat, distinctive features, North American range information and comments about the lichen's application or significance. The book also features an extensive introductory section about lichen basics, a photographic summary of the genera, keys to the genera, an extensive list of references and an illustrated glossary. In short, the amount of detail included in Lichens will be sure to satisfy both the serious lichenologist and the casual nature lover. The format and binding make this ideal as a field guide as well as a comprehensive reference. Each range map indicates the range into Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York -- the states adjacent to Ontario.

  • af Sarah Nelson
    97,95 - 192,95 kr.

  • af Jocey Asnong
    97,95 kr.

    All the animals are awake and ready to explore the province of Ontario and the Great Lakes in this early concept alphabet book.Make a splash in Muskoka, skate outdoors on Ottawa's Rideau canal, help turn sap into maple syrup, grab a grilled lunch with some sea gulls, and peek through the pines at a welcoming campsite in one of the province's many beautiful parks. Jocey's vibrant and whimsical illustrations showcase a selection of the regional diversity found throughout this province, and of the many birds and animals that call Ontario home.

  • af Orange Hippo!
    80,95 kr.

    This little book is full of all the waterfall-fun you can think of; stats, jokes, quotes, notes, stories, icons, and origins to inspire your next quest to America's northeast.

  • af Nicole Wollschlaeger
    230,95 kr.

  • af Karen Lutsky & Sean Burkholder
    454,95 kr.

  • af Dayle Furlong
    242,95 kr.

  • af William C Even
    487,95 kr.

    Black and white images taken at the turn of the 20th Century provide a gorgeous, nostalgic view of Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Western New York, and beyond.

  • af Malachy Tallack
    107,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • af Mark Andrew Hill
    1.850,95 kr.

    Archaeological data from the Late Archaic, 4000-2000 years ago, in the Western Great Lakes are examined to understand the production and movement of copper and lithic exchange materials, access to and benefits from exchange networks, and social changes accompanying the development of extensive, continental scale, exchange systems of interaction ...

  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    187,95 kr.

    In ancient times the Danube bordered the Roman Empire, later the river was the lifeline of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until the Iron Curtain separated countries and ended the economic and cultural connection of the countries till 1989. The changeful history of the countries at the Danube cycle route between Vienna and Bratislava cannot only be seen in cities like Bratislava, Györ or Esztergom, but also right next to the route at the roman excavations at Petronell-Carnuntum. The cycling tourist can look forward to excellent cycling paths on the dykes that line the Danube which leads him through its floodplains. Not less scenic is the Danube's Bend near Visegrád where the river turns south and is headed to Hungarian capital city, Budapest.

  • af Paul Carroll
    317,95 kr.

  • af Clemens von Looz-Corswarem
    892,95 kr.

    Seit dem Mittelalter ist der Rhein einer der bedeutendsten Handels- und Verkehrswege Europas. Über Jahrhunderte befuhren schwere hölzerne Frachtschiffe den Fluss, wurden von Pferden zu Berg getreidelt oder ließen sich, vom Segel unterstützt, mit der Strömung treiben. Erst die Dampfschifffahrt revolutionierte ab 1825 den Verkehr und löste die alte Segelschifffahrt ab. Der Band versammelt 16, teils bereits früher verstreut publizierte, jetzt neu überarbeitete und reich illustrierte Beiträge von Looz-Corswarems. Er stellt die Organisation der Schifffahrt und die unterschiedlichen Schiffstypen auf Nieder- und Mittelrhein vor und zeigt die Schwierigkeiten, mit denen die Schiffer bei Niedrigwasser und Eisgang zu kämpfen hatten ebenso wie die Erschwernisse des Handels durch Zölle und das Kölner Stapelrecht. Beschrieben wird auch die frühe Dampfschifffahrt, die aus der Kölner Handelskammer heraus entstanden ist und der Beschleunigung des Handels dienen sollte. Eigene Kapitel sind den Prunkschiffen auf dem Rhein, besonders der Stadt Köln und des Kurfürsten von Trier gewidmet. Äußerst wertvoll ist das nur digital beigegebene Verzeichnis der Akten der Kölner Handelskammer zur Schifffahrt und zum Stapelrecht von ca. 1800 bis 1830. Es ist zugleich ein Fundus für die kölnische und rheinische Wirtschaftsgeschichte dieser Zeit.

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