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  • af Hans Kragh-Jacobsen
    187,95 kr.

    Turen Går Til Prag dækker alle centrale kvarterer, og tager dig med ud til Vinohrady, Zizkov og Holesovice.Gå på opdagelse i Prags skæve brostensgader, snup en improviseret jazzkoncert på Karlsbroen og nyd roen på den jødiske kirkegård. Drik en kop kaffe i overdådige kagetempler, der smager af verden af i går. Eller tag metroen ud til gamle arbejderkvarterer, hvor kunstnere og nytilflyttere sætter dagsordenen.

  • - 8. Bind
    af Philip Kerr
    107,95 - 224,95 kr.

    Året er 1941, og Bernie Gunther vender tilbage fra Østfronten til et krigsplaget Berlin. Men hurtigt kaldes han til Prag af sin gamle chef, general Reinhard Heydrich, som har brug for en livvagt til at sikre sig imod den ulmende folkelige vrede i Böhmen-Mächen. På Heydrichs slot uden for Prag møder Gunther nogle af regionens ledende nazister og oplever fra første parket et kompliceret magtspil i nazisttoppen. Et magtspil, som Gunther ufrivilligt bliver en del af, da en af Heydrichs adjudanter bliver myrdet på sit værelse. Døren til værelset er låst indefra, og vinduerne forsvarligt haspet til. Bernie Gunther står over for en klassisk mordgåde, hvor morderen skal findes i den sluttede kreds af gæster. MANDEN MED ET HJERTE AF JERN er ottende bind i ­Philip Kerrs Berlin Noir-serie. Denne gang finder handlingen sted midt under Anden Verdenskrig, hvor nazisterne stadig er i offensiven, og forfølgelsen af Europas jøder tager fart. "Som i de foregående syv romaner er det en intens og spændende beretning, som Kerr disker op med. Det er sikkert og velturneret, så Kerr holder dampen oppe i den efterhånden lange saga om Bernhard Gunther, Berlin og nazisme." - Bogblogger "Den rapkæftede kommissær Bernhard Gunther er tilbage i nok en velskrevet, intens og ravnesort noir-roman. Den historiske akkuratesse er velintegreret i det velsmurte plot, Gunthers ironiske, hårdkogte fortællerstil med flittig brug af overdrivelse, sidder som regel lige i kronjuvelerne på de selvhøjtidelig, men dødsensfarlige SS-topfolk." - Kultur-cafeen "Philip Kerrs krimiserie er nået til 1941, hvor opdager Gunther skal hjælpe Reinhardt Heydrich i Prag. Det er eminent krimilitteratur." - Weekendavisen "Bind otte i Berlin Noir-serien er fremragende, og forfatterens brug af den historiske baggrund som rammen til romanen fungerer perfekt og er med til at skabe et levende og troværdigt billede af Tyskland under 2. verdenskrig." - Lektørudtalelse "Kerr skriver fænomenalt. Man føler sig grangiveligt som Gunthers alter ego, der futter rundt blandt kæderygende nazister i et krigshærget Mellemeuropa. Detaljerigdommen er ubegribelig og allestedsnærværende uden på noget tidspunkt at føles pålæsset. Personerne lever (indtil de dør pludseligt og brutalt!), og handlingen skrider rask af sted på lette fjed. For pokker, hvor er det godt." - Bogrummet

  • af Hermann Ungar
    58,95 - 166,95 kr.

    Læreren Josef Blau kommer, modsat de velhavende drenge, han underviser, fra små kår. Klasseskellet giver ham en overvældende følelse af mindreværd. Han har blikket stift rettet mod eleverne, når han træder ind i klasseværelset efter en nøje indstuderet rute. Han mærker, hvordan eleverne holder øje med ham fra alle sider, hvordan de afventer hans mindste fejltrin. Den mindste forstyrrelse af klasseværelsets orden vil føre til altings undergang. For at opretholde ordenen og afværge elevernes (forestillede eller virkelige?) planer om hans ødelæggelse møder Josef Blau klassen med streng disciplin.Men det er ikke nemt at afværge undergangen, når man ikke blot plages af eleverne, men også af en veksel, en hedonistisk og forgældet onkel, en kraftstruttende og indsmigrende kollega og en konspirerende barndomsven, der hader én. Og ikke mindst er der frygten for at miste sin alt for smukke kone samt en grundangst for at overføre sine synder til det barn, man venter. For i Josef Blaus paranoide verden hænger alt sammen, en dømmende, gammeltestamentlig Gud fører alle hans fejltrin til protokols, og selv antydningen af et fejltrin kan føre til katastrofen.Hermann Ungars anden roman Klassen (1927) er en usædvanlig skoleroman, hvor læreren og ikke eleverne er i centrum. Det er et psykologisk portræt af en hæmmet og isoleret mand, der lider af tvangstanker og forfølgelsesvanvid, og som bliver sadist af nødværge. Og som Ungars første roman, De lemlæstede (1922, da. 2016), er det en roman, hvor en nærmest pervers fornedrelseslogik blander sig med grotesk komik i et persongalleri bestående af neurotikere, manipulatorer og fedladne levemænd.Hermann Ungar (1893-1929), tysksproget tjekkoslovakisk forfatter, dramatiker og diplomat. Hans komiske og groteske forfatterskab er befolket af mennesker med tvangstanker, paranoia og perversioner, hvis velordnede tilværelser afspores på grusomste vis. Ungar, der var en anerkendt forfatter i sin samtid, blev glemt efter sin død, men er de seneste årtier blevet genopdaget og oversat til flere sprog. På dansk er tidligere kommet De lemlæstede (2016).

  • af Vítezslav Nezval
    155,95 kr.

  • af Karel Čapek
    105,95 kr.

    The Gardener's Year is a charming and light-hearted insight into the life of an amateur gardener. Structured loosely around what to plant, grow or cultivate each month, Karel Capek takes us on a rollicking journey through a year in his own small garden.Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features lively black and white illustrations by Czech artist Josef Capek and is translated by M. and R. Weatherall.From making puddles with an untamable hose to sowing luxuriant weeds instead of grass, Capek reveals how a gardener grows into his surroundings 'spurred on by each new failure'. Subverting the tradition of a 'how to' gardening book, he teaches his readers about the magic of seeds, the perils of planting vegetables and the thrilling surprises of a rock garden. As the year progresses and frail buds turn from flowering stems to drooping bulbs and falling leaves, Capek's small garden buzzes with life, wisdom and humour.

    97,95 kr.

    Opdag Prag med Politikens Kort og godt. Fremragende og detaljerede folde ud-kort, der giver overblik. Skarpt udvalg af attraktioner – berømte seværdigheder og overraskende oplevelser. Inspirerende udvalg af spisesteder, butikker og steder at gå ud. Præcise beskrivelser i et kompakt og praktisk format. Kort og godt.

  • af Tove Alsterdal
    143,94 - 297,95 kr.

    Et nyt liv på en malerisk vingård. Det er drømmen for Sonja og Daniel, et ægtepar i 50’erne, der trænger til en ny start. Vingården ligger i Bøhmen i Tjekkiet – det der engang var kendt som Sudeterland. Under renoveringen af den forfaldne vingård, der har stået tom i årtier, finder Daniel det mumificerede lig af en lille dreng med en Reichsmark fra 1945 i lommen. En dør til fortiden og til en brutal udrensning med rødder i Nazityskland åbner sig. BLINDTUNNEL er en stemningsfuld spændingsroman, hvor fortid og nutid fletter sig sammen i en fortælling om menneskelig brutalitet - og loyalitet. Tove Alsterdal giver et nyt perspektiv på en historie, vi alle troede, vi kendte, og stiller os spørgsmålet: Hvor langt vil vi gå for at redde os selv og minderne om dem, vi elsker? "Vellykket kombination af spændingsroman og fortælling om en af de mere oversete begivenheder i forbindelse med 2. verdenskrig, udrensningen af sudetertyskerne." Litteratursiden "Der er dømt storpolitik og familiestridigheder, og Tove Alsterdal folder på oplysende vis denne del af Europas historie ud via sine karakterer." "… en tankevækkende, perspektivrig illustration af det tragiske i, at hævntørst og blinde vinkler får lov at dirigere vores liv. Hvor opløftende at møde en forfatter, der så kompetent inddrager historisk viden!" "... velskrevet og indeholder overbevisende personer og miljøer." Bibliotekernes lektørudtalelse "Tove Alsterdal er en af Sveriges bedst kendte krimiforfattere." Søndag, 5 af 6 S'er "Alsterdal har på fremragende vis formået at blande thrilleren med den historiske roman, og udover at man med spænding kæmper sig frem til løsningen på hele dramaet, så er man samtidig blevet lidt klogere på et af de mørkeste kapitler i Europas nyere historie.", 5 af 6 stjerner "Tove Alsterdal har skrevet en skøn fortælling ... "

  • - I syv sind
    af Ole Morsing & David Bugge
    187,95 kr.

    I de senere år har der været en stigende interesse for det frugtbare grænseland mellem litteratur, filosofi og teologi. Det gælder i forskningen, og det gælder i kulturlivet generelt. Men emnet er mangelfuldt repræsenteret på det hjemlige bogmarked, og mange har efterspurgt flere bøger herom. Derfor lanceres nu Syv-Sind-Serien: en antologi-række, hvor et bestemt skønlitterært forfatterskab med forbindelseslinjer til filosofien eller teologien belyses af syv forskellige litterater, filosoffer og teologer. Serien henvender sig såvel til "den dannede lægmand"’ som til undervisningssektoren, hvor den vil kunne anvendes på f.eks. universiteter, højskoler og seminarier eller i studie- og læsekredse. Syv-Sind-Serien indledes med bogen Milan Kundera – i syv sind.Pressen skriver:★★★★★★- The Good Discussion

  • af Petra Hůlová
    277,95 kr.

    ”En del Animal Farm, en del The Handmaid's Tale, en del A Clockwork Orange og (måske) en del Frankenstein; den tjekkiske forfatter Hůlovás roman afmonterer patriarkatet og erstatter det med et skræmmende alternativ … Hůlovás provokerende satire om en feministisk fremtid i lige høj grad udfordrer og foruroliger” Kirkus ReviewsPetra Hůlová (f. 1979 i Prag) er ph.d. og har studeret samfundsvidenskab, kulturstudier og mongolsk. Forfatterskabet har modtaget flere priser, bl.a. Magnesia Litera, Jiří Orten-prisen og Josef Škvorecký-prisen. Bevægelsen er første bog oversat til dansk; flere af hendes øvrige bøger er oversat til i alt tretten forskellige sprog. Hůlová benytter i hele forfatterskabet provokationen som brændstof, og hun foretrækker at beskæftige sig med ”3G”-emnerne ’Gender’, ’Generations’ og ’Geography’.

  • af Gill Thompson
    151,95 kr.

    Prag 1939. Da nazisterne invaderer byen, ved den unge jødiske mor Eva, at hun kun kan beskytte sin datter Miriam ved at sende hende væk. Også selv om det betyder, at hun aldrig ser hende igen. I London melder Pamela sig frivilligt til at hjælpe med at finde pladser til de jødiske børn, der ankommer fra Europa. Pamela bliver ven med en lille pige og beslutter sig for at tage hende med hjem. Pigen på perron 1 er inspireret af virkelighedens Kindertransport, som under 2. Verdenskrig reddede tusindvis af jødiske børn ved at sætte dem på tog til London.Om forfatteren: Britiske Gill Thompson har en MA i Creative Writing og underviste i engelsk i næsten fyrre år, før hun gjorde alvor af en gammel drøm og blev forfatter. Siden debuten med Verdener imellem os har hun vundet et stort og dedikeret publikum til sine hjertegribende historiske romaner.

  • af Patrick D Joyce
    147,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af Jaroslav Hasek
    169,95 kr.

    Gathering work from across Jaroslav Häek's brief but prolific career, this collection showcases the outrageous wit and biting social commentary that made him the most popular Czech writer of all time. Much like his beloved novel The Good Soldier ¿vejk, these sixteen tales-previously unavailable in English-are populated with unforgettable characters: various cranks, conmen, and secret geniuses. The Man Without a Transit Pass further solidifies Häek's place as one of the 20th century's greatest satirists.

  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    207,95 kr.

    Just over 500 kilometres in length, the route from Prague to Magdeburg offers a great mix of impressions and experiences, taking you though a change of landscapes, cultures and historic highlights - all in an easy-to-reach part of central Europe. A perfect blend of adventure, relaxed cycling, natural landscapes and a cultural and historic journey of great interest await you: Two great cultural capitals - Prague and Dresden, charming Bohemian and Saxon towns, palaces and castles, porcelain from Meissen, the Saxon Wine Road, Martin Luther's city Wittenberg, the Elbe's wide flood-plains and, as a concluding highlight, the old city of Magdeburg.

  • af Franz Kafka
    272,95 kr.

    Available for the first time in English, the complete, uncensored diaries of one of the twentieth century's most influential writers 'The writing glimmers with sensitivity, and openness to the world' - The Wall Street JournalDating from 1909 to 1923, Franz Kafka's Diaries contains a broad array of writing, including accounts of daily events, assorted reflections and observations, literary sketches, drafts of letters, records of dreams, and unrevised texts of stories. This volume makes available for the first time in English a comprehensive reconstruction of Kafka's handwritten diary entries and provides substantial new content, restoring all the material omitted from previous publications - notably, names of people and undisguised details about them, a number of literary writings, and passages of a sexual nature, some of them with homoerotic overtones.By faithfully reproducing the diaries' distinctive - and often surprisingly unpolished - writing as it appeared in Kafka's notebooks, translator Ross Benjamin brings to light not only the author's use of the diaries for literary invention and unsparing self-examination but also their value as a work of genius in and of themselves.

  • af Franz Kafka
    177,95 kr.

    Es ist spät am Abend in der Prager Niklasstraße. Endlich herrscht Stille in der elterlichen Wohnung, Vater, Mutter und die Schwestern haben sich zur Nachtruhe begeben. Nur Franz sitzt hellwach hinter seinem Schreibtisch - in raschen Zügen beginnt er mit der Niederschrift einer verstörenden Geschichte. Schon der erste Satz eröffnet ein Meisterwerk, das Millionen Leser in seinen Bann ziehen wird: "Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheuren Ungeziefer verwandelt."Neben dem Originaltext von 1915 ist diesem illustrierten Band auch die Fortsetzung der "Käfergeschichte" beigestellt, aus der Feder von Kafkas frühverstorbenem Schriftstellerkollegen Karl Brand. Ein sachkundiges und reich bebildertes Begleitwort zur Entstehungsgeschich­te rundet diese Prager Ausgabe der Verwandlung zum editorischen Glanzstück - ein Muss für eingefleischte Kafka-Freunde und für alle, die den Prager Dichter noch für sich entdecken wollen. Mit einem bebilderten Begleittext zur Entstehung und Wirkung des Werkes von Elisabeth Fuchs und Harald Salfellner.

  • af Özge Baykan Calafato
    497,95 kr.

    A prolific writer, photographer, portraitist, and documentarian, Lucia Moholy defies categorization. She was as active in avant-garde circles as she was in the field of information science, advancing an expansive understanding of visual reproduction. While previous publications on Moholy have limited her accomplishments to the five years she spent at the Bauhaus, Lucia Moholy: Exposures presents the full breadth of her writings and photographs for the first time. Extensive essays drawing on new archival discoveries offer insights into her early life in turn-of-the-century Prague, her involvement in the radical social movements of the 1920s in Weimar Germany, her emigration to London, where colleagues and friends included members of the Bloomsbury Group as well as her wartime involvement with microfilm and scientific documentation and her work in the Middle East on behalf of UNESCO. Acknowledging her reception by contemporary artists such as Jan Tichý, the publication demonstrates how Moholy's interdisciplinary approach to photography anticipated the medium's post-analogue present.LUCIA MOHOLYs (1894-1989) photographs in the aesthetics of the New Objectivity continue to shape the international reception of the Bauhaus to this day. After studying art history and philosophy in her native Prague, she worked as an editor before arriving at the Bauhaus with her husband László Moholy-Nagy in 1923. Her bestselling book A Hundred Years of Photography 1839-1939 was highly influential for the recognition of the medium as an art form. In 1959 she settled in Switzerland, where she continued to work as an art critic.

  • af Jan Rozner
    213,95 kr.

    A dissident's deeply personal and unflinching view of Soviet oppression in Czechoslovakia in the wake of the 1968 invasion. Seven Days to the Funeral is the fictionalized memoir of Ján Rozner, a leading Slovak journalist, critic, dramaturg, and translator. Rozner and his wife Zora Jesenská were champions of the Prague Spring and were blacklisted after the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. When Jesenská died in 1972, her funeral became a political event and attendees faced recriminations. A painstaking account of the week after his wife's death, Seven Days to the Funeral is a historical record of the devastating impact of the period after the invasion. Through ruthless portraits of key figures in Slovak culture, the book provides a fascinating cultural history of Slovakia from 1945 to 1972. It is also a moving love story of an unlikely couple. Although Rozner began the book in 1976, it was left unfinished upon his death. The book was published posthumously in 2009 by his second wife Sláva Roznerová.

  • af Pavel Kladiwa
    505,95 kr.

    Formal categorization of people presents significant challenges. When politics and law become ethnicized, the pivotal question arises: who is who? This problem surfaced in Moravia after the 1905 Settlement. Other countries faced similar dilemmas decades later, during affirmative action implementation. Contemporary Moravians, like Americans or Brazilians later on, possibly grappled with a clash between traditional individual rights and modern collective rights. The critical inquiry: how far can we limit individual rights for collective rights (nation, race, minority)? Moravia, in the early 20th century, served as the first experimental laboratory.

  • af Franz Kafka
    162,95 kr.

    Der vorliegende Brief an den Vater gilt als Schlüssel zu Werk und Leben des Prager Dichters Franz Kafka. Anklage und Selbstanalyse zugleich, erzählt der Monolog nicht nur vom tyrannischen und übermächtigen Wesen des Vaters, sondern auch vom komplizierten Seelenleben des feinsinnigen Sohnes. Als kristallklares Psychogramm einer schmerzlichen Entfremdung besteht das einzigartige literarische Werk neben den analytischen Schriften Siegmund Freuds.Erreicht hat das erschütternde Schreiben seinen Adressaten wohl nie - es war vermutlich Kafkas Mutter, die eine beabsichtigte Aushändigung zu verhindern wußte.

  • af Franz Kafka
    246,95 kr.

    Selected Stories by Franz Kafka offers new renderings of the author's finest work. Mark Harman's English translations convey the uniqueness of Kafka's German-the wit, irony, and cadence. Expert annotations illuminate Kafka's cultural allusions and wordplay, while a biographical introduction places the man and his work in historical context.

  • af Arnold Suppan
    408,95 kr.

    As neighbors since the ninth century, the German and Czech inhabitants of the Austrian and Bohemian Lands have experienced substantial political, economic, social, and cultural changes. In the Holy Roman Empire, Premyslides, Babenbergs, Habsburgs, and Luxembourgs founded abbeys and towns and promoted settlement based on German law. In 1526, Ferdinand I began common Habsburg rule. Under his successors, confessional conflict erupted in the Thirty Years' War. The Peace of Westphalia allowed absolute control of the realm but not the Holy Roman Empire until victory over the Ottomans. Reforms under Maria Theresa and Joseph II brought modernization. After the Congress of Vienna, ethnic nationalism increased, leading to Czech-German national conflict in the Bohemian Lands. Still, Austria-Hungary experienced economic, technological, educational, and cultural quantum leaps under Emperor Francis Joseph I until it disintegrated in WW I, a fate sealed by the unbalanced Treaties of Saint-Germain (1919) and Trianon (1920). Hitler's policy of aggression, the forced "Anschluss" of Austria, the Munich Agreement, and the creation of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia pitted Austrian, Czech, and Sudeten-German societies against each other and annihilated the Jews. In 1945/46, the BeneS Decrees forced the expropriation, expulsion, and resettlement of Sudeten Germans. In 1948, Austria and Czechoslovakia were separated by the Iron Curtain. Twenty years after the suppression of the Prague Spring by the Warsaw Pact in 1968, a socio-political watershed occurred in 1989/90, creating a new Central European community: Austria joined the European Union in 1995, Czechia in 2004.

  • af Claire Morelon
    1.029,95 kr.

    "How did it feel to experience the Habsburg Empire's fall into war and revolution? Morelon reconstructs the sights, sounds and material culture of a city in turmoil. From imperial city to nation-state capital, she traces Prague's emerging place within the post-Versailles world order, and what this meant for its citizens"--

  • af Rough Guides
    182,95 kr.

    This Prague guidebook is perfect for independent travellers planning a longer trip. It features all of the must-see sights and a wide range of off-the-beaten-track places. It also provides detailed practical information on preparing for a trip and what to do on the ground. And this Prague travel guidebook is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet the FSC's strict environmental and social standards. This Prague guidebook covers: Hradcany, Malá Strana, Staré Mesto, Josefov, Nové Mesto, Vysehrad and the eastern suburbs, Holesovice and the western suburbs, day-trips to Melník, Terezín and Kutná Hora, Konopiste chateau, Karlstejn Castle and Lidice. Inside this Prague travel book, you'll find: A wide range of sights - Rough Guides experts have hand-picked places for travellers with different needs and desires: off-the-beaten-track adventures, family activities or chilled-out breaksItinerary examples - created for different time frames or types of tripPractical information - how to get to Prague, all about public transport, food and drink, shopping, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, tips for travellers with disabilities and moreAuthor picks and things not to miss in Prague - Charles Bridge, Old Town Square, Stavovské divadlo, Convent of St Agnes, Vysehrad, Prague Castle, UPM, Veletrzní Palace, Obecní dům, Church of Sv. Mikulás, AghaRTA Jazz Centrum, Café Louvre, Josefov, Wenceslas Square, Strahov Monastery Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money, and find the best local spotsWhen to go to Prague - high season, low season, climate information and festivals Where to go - a clear introduction to Prague with key places and a handy overview Extensive coverage of regions, places and experiences - regional highlights, sights and places for different types of travellers, with experiences matching different needsPlaces to eat, drink and stay - hand-picked restaurants, cafes, bars and hotelsPractical info at each site - hours of operation, websites, transit tips, chargesColour-coded mapping - with keys and legends listing sites categorised as highlights, eating, accommodation, shopping, drinking and nightlife Background information for connoisseurs - history, culture, art, architecture, film, books, religion, diversityEssential Czech dictionary and glossary of local terms Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to Prague Fully updated post-COVID-19The guide provides a comprehensive and rich selection of places to see and things to do in Prague, as well as great planning tools. It's the perfect companion, both ahead of your trip and on the ground.

  • af Kytka Hilmarova
    272,95 kr.

  • - Postsocialist Nostalgia and the Politics of Heroism in Czech Popular Culture
    af Veronika Pehe
    263,95 - 1.240,95 kr.

    This innovative study develops the concept of "retro" to describe the nuanced and ironic depiction of the past as seen in Czech popular culture.

  • af Vaclav Zurek
    283,95 kr.

    A critical examination of the life and legacy of Charles IV. Charles IV, King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor, has been called "one of the most learned and diplomatically skillful sovereigns" of the fourteenth century. Having moved the seat of the Holy Roman Empire to Prague and founding the first university in Central Europe, Charles IV is a towering figure in Czech history and a crucial character in the story of medieval Europe. Recent research, especially in art history, has tended to present Charles IV in a purely positive, unblemished light: viewing him and his imperial court as the engine behind a flourishing of culture in the region. This book views Charles IV through a more critical lens, examining the careful construction that went into the way he presented himself and the characteristic manifestations of Charles' execution of royal power. The first part of the book offers a chronological description of Charles' life within the broader context of the times and the House of Luxembourg. The second part provides a close look into Charles IV's style of rule while focusing on phenomena that reveal his personal conception of power and how it was wielded.

  • af Honza Vihan
    179,95 kr.

    "From the world's largest castle to the coziest pubs, experience the Old World charm of the Czech Republic with Rick Steves. "--

  • af Mark Baker & Marc Di Duca
    97,95 kr.

  • af Gertie Hampel- Faltis
    72,95 kr.

  • af Ost&
    1.159,95 kr.

    "Much of the existing accounts assume that investment treaties affect national governance. However, how exactly this happens has been subject to little analysis. Conventional accounts presume that these treaties improve national governance, leading to good governance and the rule of law for all. Critical accounts charge that investment treaties unduly empower foreign investors and cause a regulatory chill. On both accounts, investment treaties are expected to empower and constrain. Comparing extended case studies of Argentina, the Czech Republic, India and Mexico, this book shows how investment treaties influence national governance ideologically, institutionally, and socially"--

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