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Arkitekter og arkitektfirmaer

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  • af Johannes Hedal Hansen
    385,95 kr.

    Arkitekterne Eva og Nils Koppel har bygget i hele skalaen fra small til XX-large. Deres livsværk omfatter både boliger og markante offentlige bygninger, som f.eks. Panum Instituttet og DTU.Koppel-parret stod for en modernistisk arkitektur i et enkelt, men personligt, formsprog, som bedst kan karakteriseres som nøgternt. Arkitekturen er stille uden at være intetsigende – tilbageholdende uden at være selvudslettende. Denne ultimative monografi om Eva og Nils Koppel afdækker deres store betydning for dansk arkitektur i 1941-1989, mens velfærdssamfundet tog form.Bogen veksler mellem kronologiske fortællinger og analyser af hovedværkerne, der sættes i perspektiv i forhold til tiden og vigtige temaer som materialevalg, detaljering og farve samt den konsekvente inddragelse af natur og kunst i byggerierne.Om forfatteren Johannes Hedal Hansen (f. 1964) er uddannet fra Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole og arbejder som kommunikationsmedarbejder i arkitektfirmaet de Architekten Cie. i Amsterdam. Han løser desuden arkitekturhistoriske opgaver for bl.a. Realdania By & Byg. Bogens kapitel om de fire største uddannelsesinstitutioner er skrevet i samarbejde med arkitekt Jennifer Dahm Petersen (f. 1969), partner i NOVA5 arkitekter.

  • - Byg, tegn & lær
    af Malene Abildgaard & Julie Dufour
    206,95 kr.

    I 2018 ville den verdenskendte arkitekt Jørn Utzon være fyldt 100 år, og det markerer Strandberg Publishing med en smuk og nytænkende bog henvendt til børn om den store danske kulturpersonlighed. Med Jørn Utzon som guide inviteres børn – og deres forældre – til at gå på opdagelse i arkitektens legende og eksperimenterende univers og til selv at prøve kræfter med at formgive og bygge. Jørn Utzon er et oplagt valg som guide for børn ind i arkitekturens verden, fordi hans arbejdsmetode minder så meget om børns tilgang til verden og deres måde at opleve og tilegne sig erfaringer på: åbenhed over for nye og på papiret tilsyneladende umulige idéer, udforskning og eksperimenterne og ikke mindst nysgerrighed. Gennem 15 udvalgte værker formidles arkitekturen og dens fagtermer og redskaber samt Utzons inspirationskilder. Til hvert kapitel er knyttet letforståelige vejledninger til bygge- og konstruktionsopgaver, som børnene enten alene eller sammen med deres forældre kan bruge til at udforske Utzons univers med.

  • - Barokkens arkitektur og verdensbillede
    af Else Marie Bukdahl, Thomas Lyngby, Peter Thule Kristensen, mfl.
    385,95 kr.

    Lauritz de Thurah (1706-1759) var en af Danmarks mest betydningsfulde arkitekter i barokken. Han står bag flere markante bygningsværker, heriblandt Eremitageslottet, Det Gule Palæ i Roskilde, Gammel Holtegaard og Vor Frelsers Kirkes spir samt om- og tilbygninger af f.eks. Ledreborg, Frederiksborg Slot, Børglum Kloster og det nu nedrevne sommerslot Hirschholm – også kaldet Nordens Versailles.Monografiens omdrejningspunkt er arkitekt, dr.phil. Peter Thule Kristensens præsentation af Thurahs sansemættede og sammensatte arkitektur. De øvrige kapitler, skrevet af fageksperterne Else Marie Bukdahl, Martin Søberg, Thomas Lyngby, Natalie Patricia Körner, Sanne Maekelberg og Nina Ventzel Riis, beskriver Thurahs rolle som toneangivende arkitekturhistoriker, topograf, embedsmand, militærmand og en fornyer af arkitekturopfattelsen i enevældens Danmark. Bogens talrige nye fotos er optaget af Anders Sune Berg.Bogen belyser barokken i bredere forstand ved at beskæftige sig med epokens hofkultur, havekunst og kirkearkitektur. Endelig fortælles om bygningernes brug i dag, hvor de danner ramme om en ny tids brugere og behov.

  • - Drømmen om det gode liv
    af Nan Dahlkild
    206,95 kr.

    Sommerlandets arkitektur. Drømmen om det gode liv handler om sommerarkitekturens historie fra Frederik 2.s lille lystslot Lundehave ved Kronborg til årtusindskiftets primitive overnatningssteder i naturen. Udviklingen afspejler forskellige perioders og samfundsgruppers forestillinger om "det gode liv". Bogen undersøger deres baggrund og formidling i debatter, bøger og tidsskrifter. Den uddyber den historiske udvikling i forskellige dele af landet og dokumenterer de mange typer af bygninger og bebyggelser - fra landsteder, sommervillaer og typehuse til feriebyer, kolonihaver og campingpladser. I sommerlandet findes væsentlig kulturarv.Den øgede fritid har skabt nye bebyggelser og landskaber. Her er der historisk og nutidigt opstået anderledes livsformer med friere kropskultur i mere naturlige omgivelser. Som en form for nære utopier er der muligheder for at nærme sig det gode liv, om ikke hele livet, så dog i ”den frie tid” om sommeren. Sommerlivet kan føre til gentagelse af hverdagen, men det kan også opleves som frirum for sociale, arkitektoniske og indretningsmæssige eksperimenter, som kan pege frem mod mere uformelle livsformer og en lettere og lysere boligkultur og større bæredygtighed.Margrethe Floryan skriver om 1700-tallets forfinede salonkultur på Sophienholm og andre landsteder og Peter Thule Kristensen om borgerskabets både rekreative og sundhedsorienterede ferieformer i Cottageparken ved Klampenborg fra midten af 1800-tallet. Nan Dahlkild uddyber den fortsatte udvikling af borgerskabets landliggerkultur med store farverige sommervillaer og hoteller omkring 1900, der blev efterfulgt af demokratisering af friluftslivet i form af kolonihaver, vandrebevægelse og Dansk Folkeferies feriebyer. Vibeke Andersson Møller fokuserer på modernismens feriehuse. Efter 2. Verdenskrig har sommerlandet fået sine egne typefritidshuse og sommerlige parcelhuskvarterer, som beskrives af Jørgen Hegner Christiansen og Nan Dahlkild.Flemming Skude formidler årtusindskiftets arkitektoniske eksperimenter.Bogen og udstillingen Sommerlandets arkitektur. Drømmen om det gode liv er realiseret med støtte fra: A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene FormaalBergiafondenKøbenhavns UniversitetRealdaniaTømmerhandler Johannes Fogs FondAage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond.

  • af Christoffer Harlang
    336,95 kr.

    Bogen er skrevet af den kendte arkitekt og kritiker Christoffer Harlang og beskriver Nils Fagerholts (f. 1933) bidrag til dansk arkitektur og design fra omkring 1960 til 2005. Niels Fagerholt er ikke blandt de mest kendte designere og arkitekter i Danmark, men en lang række prisbelønnede mesterværker har placeret ham blandt eliten inden for dansk design.Præcision, poesi og mådehold er nøglebegreber i Fagerholts arbejde, og hans sans for stil og rum vil gøre bogen til en aha-oplevelse for dens læsere.Alt materiale i bogen bærer præg af Fagerholts egne krav til kvalitet og viser en formgivningsevne, der er usædvanlig i sine strenge krav til proportionering og materialeæstetik.Bogen præsenterer med ledsagelse af Christoffer Harlangs anerkendende pen, en række originale tegninger udført af Fagerholt suppleret med gengivelse af samtidige farve- og sort-hvid-optagelser af udførte og byggede værker.

  • af Le Corbusier
    192,95 kr.

  • - Moderne arkitektur – levende tradition
    af Martin Søberg
    397,95 kr.

    I den danske arkitekturhistorie er Kay Fisker (1893-1965) ikke til at komme uden om. Han har både været med til at forme dansk boligarkitektur og velfærdsbyggeri og har gjort os bevidste om, at bygninger skal være i dialog med deres omgivelser.Gennem sit virke byggede Kay Fisker bro mellem traditionerne og det moderne: I sin studietid på Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole var han påvirket både af nationalromantik og nyklassicisme, og senere var han med til at definere den funktionelle tradition i den gryende velfærdsstat. I stedet for revolution var han fortaler for evolution – at arkitekturen skulle udvikle sig gennem en tilpasning til samfundets ønsker og behov, både de funktionelle og de æstetiske.Hans markante murstensbyggerier er stilfærdige og enkle, men på samme tid banebrydende. Det er denne særlige kombination, der gør Kay Fisker til en emblematisk dansk arkitekt.I bogen dykker Martin Søberg ned i Kay Fiskers værker, fra tidlige stationsbygninger på Bornholm over monumentale karrébygninger som Vestersøhus og Dronningegården, sundhedsbyggerier og uddannelsesinstitutioner som Aarhus Universitet og til sidst Det Danske Institut i Rom. Bogen er rigt illustreret med et stort udvalg af originale tegninger og nyoptagne fotografier af Anders Sune Berg.Martin Søberg er i kunsthistorie og ph.d. i arkitektur. Han er lektor ved Institut for Bygningskunst og Kultur på Det Kongelige Akademi – Arkitektur, Design, Konservering, hvor han forsker og underviser.

  • af Roland Krebs
    490,95 kr.

    What is required to renew and articulate public spaces? The need for, and demands of, public spaces are highly specific to the local spatial and social conditions under which people live. Action at neighborhood level is crucial, and must involve interacting and co-creating with residents to discover their needs. At the start of the pandemic, superwien was commissioned to develop innovative designs for urban public spaces in three different cities: Dhaka (Bangladesh), Maputo (Mozambique), and Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic). The main objective of this applied research was to strengthen the capacity of local governments to undertake participatory urban design processes. This book calls upon architects and urbanists to develop place-based solutions in challenging circumstances.

  • af Edmund De Waal
    212,95 kr.

  • af Hugh Eakin
    192,95 - 294,95 kr.

  • - Arkitekten Martin Nyrops samlede værk
    af Mirjam Gelfer-Jørgensen
    397,95 kr.

    DIALOG MED SAMTIDEN er det første samlede værk om arkitekten Martin Nyrop (1849-1921). Nyrop er især kendt for at have tegnet Københavns Rådhus, men han arbejdede med alle arkitekturens genrer, fra slotte, hospitaler og kirker til skoler, villaer, husmandshuse og pladser, og desuden alle former for inventar.Nyrops tanker om inddragelse af natur i byen, brug af danske materialer, lysets betydning, byggeri med hensyn til miljøet og genbrug er også i dag yderst aktuelle. Bogen er rigt illustreret med tegninger og fotos, hvoraf en stor del er nye optagelser, bl.a. af ikke tidligere publicerede bygningsværker.Dr.phil. Mirjam Gelfer-Jørgensen har været lektor ved Københavns Universitet, overbibliotekar og souschef på Kunstindustrimuseet, nu Danmarks Designmuseum, og er medlem af Videnskabernes Selskab. Hun har udgivet talrige bøger og artikler om dansk kunsthåndværk, design og arkitektur, bl.a. Japanisme på dansk. Kunst og design 1870-2010, Thorvald Bindesbøll – stærk form og frit spil og senest Kunstarternes forbrødring. Skønvirke – en kalejdoskopisk periode.

  • af Stefano Casciani
    742,95 kr.

    With offices in Milan and New York, Lissoni & Partners has a 30-year history in developing international projects in the fields of architecture, landscape, interior, product, and graphic design, as well as acting as art director for a range of prestigious companies.Led by Piero Lissoni, the practice combines a range of expertise with a tailored approach that sets it apart, establishing a stylistic code and a visual identity that are clearly recognizable. The works are inspired by a sense of rigor and simplicity and are characterized by a regard to detail, coherence, and elegance with particular attention to proportion and harmony.Piero Lissoni is creative director for Alpi, B&B Italia, Boffi, Living Divani, Lema, Lualdi, Porro, and Sanlorenzo, for whom he also designs an extensive range of products. Recognized as one of the masters of contemporary design, he has worked with many international brands including Alessi, Antrax, Atlas Concorde, Bonacina 1889, Cappellini, Cassina, Cotto, De Padova, Fantini, Fendi Casa, Flos, illycaffè, Janus et Cie, Kartell, Kerakoll, Knoll, Olivari, Salvatori, and Tecno.Organized around different fields of intervention, the practice comprises Lissoni Casal Ribeiro for masterplans, landscape design, and architecture; Lissoni Associati for interior design, product design, art direction, and fit-outs; and Lissoni Graphx for graphic design, visual communication, and brand identity, while Lissoni New York develops architecture and interior design projects for the American continent.The book, edited by Stefano Casciani, is the first far-reaching monographic study on Lissoni, richly illustrated with photographs, floor plans, and sketches. It is structured by theme and includes Lissoni’s most important projects for industrial and residential architecture, as well as commercial and public spaces, museums displays, boats, graphic design, and product design.

  • af William Smalley
    493,95 kr.

    An elegant presentation of interiors for introverts, placing the memorable work of London architect William Smalley alongside buildings around the world that have inspired his practice.

  • af Robert Gluck
    165,95 kr.

    ""I was a writer, but not the writer I needed to be. For that I had to become a different person," Robert Glèuck, widely acclaimed as a novelist and as a theorist of "the new narrative," recently told the Paris Review, in which a section of About Ed has appeared. About Ed is Glèuck's portrait of the artist Ed Aulerich-Sugai, his sometime lover, met in the seventies in San Francisco, when gay life emerged unabashedly from the closet. "I wanted to find in Ed something to latch on to that was outside my egotism and fear, my threadbare relation to the world-a leap through Ed into lyric time," Glèuck has said, and in this book that is both "a novel and my version of an AIDS memoir" he wanted to capture the full range of his feelings for Ed: "estranged from Ed, bored by him, moved by him." It is a book about the life they lived together-art and writing and family and sex and death-and, composed over many decades, it is also a book about how the past continues to change in memory and to charge the present. "What is the right question to ask about a life?" Glèuck asks, describing About Ed as a "collaborative project," since "Ed helped me write this book." Ed gave him "notes to fashion a chapter about the day he was diagnosed so I could describe his experience from the inside," and "after Ed died, Daniel, Ed's partner, lent me Ed's dream journals.... He started writing them in 1970, the year that we met. We both used his journals, not as puzzles to solve the truth of a self but as a commons producing images that we harvested for paintings and poems. And fifty years later, there I was reading and copying out and running away from his dreams. Are they a condensed version of Ed? Shorthand? Distillation? Is he knowable and unknowable in the same degree sleeping or waking?" About Ed is a challenging and beautiful book by one of America's finest and most adventurous writers"--

  • af Musa Mayer
    397,95 kr.

    Philip Guston paintings?particularly the liberated and instinctual forms of his late work?continue to exert a powerful influence on younger generations of contemporary painters. His daughter, Musa Mayer, manages the estate of Philip Guston and is president of The Guston Foundation. She has curated exhibitions of Guston's work and written books including the memoir Night Studio, first published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1988. In 2022 the Metropolitan Museum of Art announced that more than two hundred Guston works from her collection would be gifted to the museum.

  • - Architecture and World Views in Eighteenth-Century Denmark
    af Else Marie Bukdahl, Thomas Lyngby, Peter Thule Kristensen, mfl.
    385,95 kr.

    Lauritz de Thurah (1706–1759) was one of Denmark’s most significant architects of the Baroque period. He created several important buildings, including the Hermitage Hunting Lodge, the Royal Palace in Roskilde, Gammel Holtegaard and the famous spire of the Church of Our Saviour in Copenhagen, and masterminded conversions and extensions of properties such as Ledreborg, Frederiksborg Castle, Børglum Kloster and the now demolished summer residence Hirschholm Palace – widely known as the Versailles of the North.The mainstay of this monograph is architect dr.phil. Peter Thule Kristensen’s presentation of Thurah’s rich and complex architecture. The other chapters, written by experts Else Marie Bukdahl, Martin Søberg, Thomas Lyngby, Natalie Patricia Körner, Sanne Maekelberg and Nina Ventzel Riis, describe Thurah’s roles as a leading architectural historian, topographer, grand tour traveller, civil servant, military man and trailblazer within the new social structure in Denmark under absolute rule.The book also sheds light on the Baroque period in a broader sense, delving into the era’s court culture, garden design and church architecture. Finally, the afterlife of Thurah’s works is addressed: how do his buildings function in our present day, having been adapted to the needs and users of a new era?

  • af Deyan Sudjic
    772,95 kr.

    The only comprehensive book on the fascinating life and work of the celebrated architectural designer, John Pawson This visual biography brings together John Pawson's architecture, life, clients, travel, photography, design, books, and ideas. Written by Deyan Sudjic, an architectural historian and long-time friend, it explores the full scope of Pawson's life, from his Yorkshire upbringing and time spent in Japan to the fashion years and the influence of art, and provides a thoughtful and intimate insight into his life, inspirations, and work. It features wonderfully engaging stories and anecdotes about Pawson's work with such clients as Bruce Chatwin, Calvin Klein, Karl Lagerfeld, Shiro Kuramata, Martha Stewart, and many more. The book features documents, photography and ephemera, including never-seen-before images from Pawson's personal and professional archives - richly illustrated, this is the ultimate book on John Pawson.

  • af Rory Olcayto & Andrew Beharrell
    424,95 - 1.526,95 kr.

  • af Julie Phillips
    157,95 kr.

    What does it mean to create, not in "a room of one's own" but in a domestic space? Do children and genius rule each other out? In The Baby on the Fire Escape, award-winning biographer Julie Phillips traverses the shifting terrain where motherhood and creativity converge.With fierce empathy and vivid prose, Phillips evokes the intimate struggles of brilliant artists and writers, including Doris Lessing, who had to choose between her motherhood and herself; Ursula K. Le Guin, who found productive stability in family life; Audre Lorde, whose queer, polyamorous union allowed her to raise children on her own terms and Alice Neel, who once, to finish a painting, was said to have left her baby on the fire escape of her New York apartment. A meditation on maternal identity and artistic greatness, The Baby on the Fire Escape illuminates some of the most pressing conflicts in contemporary women's lives.

  • af Miguel Ángel Pérez Arteaga
    274,95 kr.

  • af Gijs van Hensbergen
    297,95 kr.

    An illuminating biography of one of the most famous--and most famously unfinished--buildings in the world, the Sagrada Familia of Barcelona.The scaffolding-cloaked spires of Antoni Gaudí's masterpiece, the Sagrada Familia, dominate the Barcelona skyline and draw in millions of visitors every year. More than a century after the first stone was laid in 1882, the Sagrada Familia remains unfinished, a testament to Gaudí's quixotic ambition, his religious devotion, and the sensuous eccentricity of his design. It has defied the critics, the penny-pinching accountants, the conservative town-planners, and the devotees of sterile modernism. It has enchanted and frustrated the citizens of Barcelona. And it has passed through the landmark changes of twentieth-century Spain, surviving two World Wars, the ravages of the Spanish Civil War, and the "Hunger Years" of Franco's rule.Gijs van Hensbergen's The Sagrada Familia explores the evolution of this remarkable building, working through the decades right up to the present day before looking beyond to the final stretch of its construction. Rich in detail and vast in scope, this is a revelatory chronicle of an iconic structure, its place in history, and the wild genius that created it.

  • af James Howard
    172,95 - 282,95 kr.

  • af Shigeru Ban
    543,95 kr.

    The recipient of the 2014 Pritzker Prize in architecture, Shigeru Ban remains one of the most innovative of architects. A pioneer in the use of sustainable materials, Ban is the most visible proponent of wood and bamboo in contemporary architecture, and especially mass timber, a fireproof, composite material, and nearly 50 new buildings and projects are featured in this latest volume on his work.

  • af Frei Otto
    542,95 kr.

    In the 1950s, Frei Otto's tent structures left their mark on the horticultural shows of the new Bonn Republic; together with Behnisch & Partner he created the roof landscape for the Munich Olympic Games in 1972. The innovative potential in his work is based on the interdisciplinarity of a mode of thinking that took in architecture, technology, art, science, and society. He saw nature as a model and tried throughout his life to harness it for the sake of architecture and civil engineering¿-¿and thus also for the future. The Frei-Otto Archive features a large number of experimental models. The book will come out in two editions (German and English) and will be the first time Frei Otto's models have appeared in print. The book is being published in conjunction with the most extensive exhibition to date of the work of Frei Otto at the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe in association with the Wüstenrot Foundation. The exhibition will open in autumn 2016.

  • af Patti Smith
    292,95 kr.

    National Best Seller From the National Book Award-winning author of Just Kids: an unforgettable odyssey of a legendary artist, told through the prism of the cafés and haunts she has worked in around the world. It is a book Patti Smith has described as "a roadmap to my life." M Train begins in the tiny Greenwich Village café where Smith goes every morning for black coffee, ruminates on the world as it is and the world as it was, and writes in her notebook. Through prose that shifts fluidly between dreams and reality, past and present, and across a landscape of creative aspirations and inspirations, we travel to Frida Kahlo's Casa Azul in Mexico; to a meeting of an Arctic explorer's society in Berlin; to a ramshackle seaside bungalow in New York's Far Rockaway that Smith acquires just before Hurricane Sandy hits; and to the graves of Genet, Plath, Rimbaud, and Mishima. Woven throughout are reflections on the writer's craft and on artistic creation. Here, too, are singular memories of Smith's life in Michigan and the irremediable loss of her husband, Fred Sonic Smith. Braiding despair with hope and consolation, illustrated with her signature Polaroids, M Train is a meditation on travel, detective shows, literature, and coffee. It is a powerful, deeply moving book by one of the most remarkable multiplatform artists at work today.

  • af Laura Raicovich
    127,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • af Merete Ahnfeldt-Mollerup
    277,95 kr.

    Arkitekten Henning Larsen (1925-2013) var gennem hele livet optaget af tegningen som redskab til skitsering og udvikling af projekter, fra små huse til universiteter så store som byer. Han tegnede altid, og havde tilmed en lille blok fæstnet til instrumentbrættet i sin bil. Tegningerne spænder fra små visuelle notater til grafiske eksperimenter, der inspirerede til nye arkitekturformer. Men kun få af de tusinder bevarede skitser har været vist i de hidtidige udgivelser om Henning Larsen. Henning Larsen talte aldrig meget, han kommunikerede ofte sine tanker til medarbejdere og bygherrer gennem tegningen. Derfor giver skitserne et både dybt og bredt indblik i hans arbejde.

  • af Michael Merrill
    682,95 kr.

    An ideal introduction to Kahn's thinking. Over two hundred drawings, most published for the first time in a generous, high-quality volume. A narrative in drawings sheds light on a profound culture of designing.

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