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Internet og digitale medier

Her finder du spændende bøger om Internet og digitale medier. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 112 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Alle aspekter af internettet som medie, især for oprindeligt online-materiale; internet-berømtheder, bloggere og blogging, vloggere, podcasts osv.
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  • af The Try Guys
    257,95 kr.

    To be our selves, we must become secure in our insecurities. In The Hidden Power of F*cking Up, The Try Guys?Keith, Ned, Zach, and Eugene?reveal their philosophy of trying: how to fully embrace fear, foolishness, and embarrassment in an effort to understand how we all get paralyzed by a fear of failure. They'll share how four shy, nerdy kids have dealt with their most poignant life struggles by attacking them head-on and reveal their?ahem?sure-fail strategies for achieving success.But they're not just here to talk; they're actually going to put their advice to work. To demonstrate their unique self-improvement formula, they'll each personally confront their deepest insecurities. A die-hard meat-lover goes vegan for the first time. A straitlaced father transforms into a fashionista. A perpetually single sidekick becomes the romantic lead. A child of divorce finally grows more intimate with his family. Through their insightful, emotional journeys and surprising, hilarious anecdotes, they'll help you overcome your own self-doubt to become the best, most f*cked-up version of yourself you can be!

  • - fra billeder til bits
    af Marie Møller Kristensen
    172,95 - 187,95 kr.

    For nogle tusinde år siden fandt mennesker på at udviklebilleder og tegn til en ny teknologi: skrift. Med denne teknologiskabte de en kunstig hukommelse. Man kunne nu gemmeinformationer uden for hjernen og dele meddelelser på tværsaf tid og sted.Det samme gør vi i dag. Vi fastholder tanker i tegn ellerlader skriverobotter danne tekst ud fra input. Vi chatter medfolk fra Fredericia og Fiji, og vi opfinder nye billedtegn ogsymboler. Vil vi skrive i fremtiden? Ja, formentlig. Men måden,vi gør det på, vil ikke være den samme.Marie Møller Kristensen tager os i denne bog tilbage tilskriftens opståen og udvikling i årtusinderne frem til nutiden.Traditionelt har forskellige videnskaber undersøgt skrift ogskrivning ud fra hver sin opfattelse af, hvad skrift er, og hvadvi bruger den til. I denne bog er tilgangen tværfaglig.Igennem kapitler om BILLEDET, HÅNDEN, HUKOMMELSEN,DIGITALISERINGEN, GLOBALISERINGEN og MAGIEN servi, hvordan udviklingen af skriftsystemer og skrivning er tætforbundet med så forskelligartede områder som kunst ogmagi, krop og sanser, digitale medier, kulturel og eksternhukommelse i redskaber, tekster, filer og computerprogrammer.Bogen henvender sig til læsere med interesse for kultur- ogteknologihistorie, kunst og medier.MARIE MØLLER KRISTENSEN beskæftiger sig som forfatterog underviser med kulturhistorie, sprog og filosofi.

  • af Pelle Snickars & Rasmus Fleischer
    117,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Svenske Spotify har grundlæggende ændret, hvordan mennesker over hele verden bruger og lytter til musik. Historien om Spotify fortæller historien, fra dengang stifterne Daniel Ek og Martin Lorentzon sad i bare underbukser og fandt på navnet, til det, som siden blev musik- og teknologiverdens absolutte midtpunkt. Den første version af Spotify var en slags pirattjeneste, siden har de største musikselskaber investeret milliarder i Spotify og styrer nu musikudbuddet gennem uigennemskuelige playlister. Dette er en fortælling om en virksomhed, som holder fast i en grundidé, gratis musik, men undervejs har begået fejl, brudt love, fået kritik, gået på retræte, kopieret andre, prøvet igen – og lykkedes.Trods Spotifys eventyrlige succes har virksomheden aldrig givet overskud. I stedet er stifterne blevet mere og mere afhængige af risikovillig kapital.

  • - 9 radikale udfordringer erhvervslivet skal overleve
    af Jan Damsgaard
    313,94 kr.

    Hvordan sætter MobilePay, Airbnb, Amazon, Google og GoMore dagsordenen i den digitale økonomi?Hvorfor kan det forandre hele samfundet, at biler bliver selvkørende? Hvordan kan det lade sig gøre at sidde foran sin computer og grave digital valuta som bitcoins frem, og hvordan kan teknologien bag bitcoins sikre vores data langt bedre end hidtil? Hvordan vil det ændre vores hverdag, at vi får digitale tjenere som Amazon Echo og Google Home?Denne bog giver på en spændende og underholdende måde et indblik i digitaliseringen og dens gennemgribende betydning for vores liv. Denne opdaterede udgave opsummerer blandt andet de hovedtendenser i samfundsudviklingen, som digitaliseringen er afgørende for, lige som bogen med konkrete eksempler giver indblik i blandt andet cirkulær økonomi, Big Data, crowdsourcing, Internet of Things og blockchain-teknologien. Den digitale revolution er mindst lige så gennemgribende som den industrielle, og forandringerne viser sig med stigende synlighed. Traditionelle stensikre forretninger som banker og forsikringsselskaber er truede, og smartphonen har opslugt stribevis af lukrative brancher, gennemtygget dem og spyttet dem ud igen som gratis apps. Bogen forklarer på en let og forståelig måde teorierne og forskningen bag den digitale økonomi, og hvad den rummer af muligheder og udfordringer for erhvervslivet – og hvorfor det er på høje tid at tage begge dele alvorligt. Den digitale omstilling er udvalgt som en af de 10 bøger om innovation, forretningsudvikling eller ledelse i en moderne organisation, som du bør læse i 2018. Klummen er udgivet på Computerworld Online d. 24. januar 2018, og bøgerne er udvalgt af Jonathan Løw.9 konkrete udfordringer for erhvervslivet, som bogen giver svar på:• Hvordan undgår virksomheden at dø i digitaliseringen?• Hvordan vælger virksomheden den rigtige digitale løsning?• Hvordan kan virksomheden tjene penge, når digitale produkter er gratis?• Hvordan tiltrækker virksomheden brugere til sin platform og sørger for, at de bliver hængende?• Hvordan ændrer virksomheden sin kommunikation, så den passer til sociale medier?• Hvordan kan virksomheden udnytte deleøkonomien, blandt andet crowdfunding og crowdsourcing?• Hvordan ændrer virksomheden ledelseskultur, så den baserer sig på Big Data?• Hvordan kan virksomheden bruge Internet of Things (IoT) til at skabe værdi for kunderne?• Hvordan gør virksomheden sig klar til cloud computing?IndholdForord til 2. udgaveIntroduktion: Maskinerne kommerDigitaliseringens naturloveEn æra af kreativ destruktionDigitale forretningsmodellerDet digitale ægteskabNetværksøkonomi og principper for valg af digitale tjenesterEn, to – mangeDesign af profitable digitale platformeKampen om brugerneStrategier for digitale platformes udviklingKampen om sandhedenSociale medier i et erhvervsperspektivHvorfor eje, når man kan dele?Cirkulær økonomi og crowdsourcing200 mia. maskiner kan ikke tage fejlVærdiskabelse via Internet of ThingsMavefornemmelsen bliver udkonkurreretBig Data og fakta-baseret ledelseFarvel til it-afdelingenCloudcomputing som afsæt for digitaliseringEfterskrift: Høst fordelene, og tag højde for ulemperneAnonyme adfærdsprofiler sikrer privatlivets fredStikord

  • - på den pædagogiske assistentuddannelse (PAU)
    af Kirsten Dal Wellendorph
    287,95 kr.

    En grundbog til faget digital kultur på PAU, der giver den pædagogiske assistent redskaber til at arbejde med digital kultur i daginstitutionen og ser på de digitale mediers betydning for børns og unges samvær, kommunikation og relationer.Bogen veksler mellem teori og praksisnære eksempler på, hvordan du som fagperson kan skabe og fremme en god legekultur med inddragelse af digitale medier. Bogen gennemgår bl.a. emnerne:digital dannelse og legekulturfællesskab og venner på sociale medierkommunikation på sociale mediertilknytning og relationer på sociale medierafhængighed og mobningdigital sprogstimulering og literacydigitale medier som inklusionsredskabdigital kommunikation med forældre.Efter hvert afsnit er der øvelser og refleksionsspørgsmål samt inspiration til konkrete spil og apps, der understøtter de pædagogiske aktiviteter, som teksten beskriver.Kirsten Dal Wellendorph underviser på PAU-uddannelsen i Viborg. Hun arbejder desuden som foredragsholder og kommunikations- og pædagogisk rådgiver. Tidligere har hun bl.a. været ansat på Institut for Informations- og Medievidenskab, Aarhus Universitet samt pædagoguddannelsen i Ikast/Viborg.

  • af Herold Zu Moschdehner
    192,95 kr.

    Herold zu Moschdehner lädt Sie ein, die spannenden Fakten über Shurjoka zu entdecken und die Frau hinter dem Bildschirm näher kennenzulernen. Dieses Buch ist eine Hommage an die hochnormalen, aber dennoch außergewöhnlichen Aspekte des Lebens einer bemerkenswerten Frau.Erleben Sie Shurjoka. Inspirierend, authentisch, schwierig, eigenartig und bereit, die Grenzen der Normalität zu sprengen. Willkommen zu einer Lektüre, die nicht nur unterhält, sondern auch einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlässt.

  • af Shabaz Ali
    162,95 kr.

    "Today many of us are feeling the pinch--and being bombarded with portrayals of social media 'perfection' is making that pinch feel more like a punch. We may know that social media--with all its billionaires and beauty queens--is just a highlight reel. So why is it still making most of us feel so low? Comedian Shabaz Ali wants to help you see the funny side of social media again. Because while it looks nice to live up in an ivory tower, this book reminds us that it is much more fun to be part of the baying mob that surrounds it. This ... deep-dive into social media's ridiculously rich, will help you love your own penny-pinched, rough-around-the-edges, extraordinarily ordinary life"--

  • af Stan Parris
    257,95 kr.

    "Just Unfriend Me ... Or Not" is a compilation of Facebook posts by author Stan Parris, who began doing the grocery shopping for his wife, Charlotte, after his retirement from fulltime ministry in 2016. After 37 humorous stories about his shopping experiences, he decided that a retired minister should probably be writing more about life experiences, many of which come with a spiritual message or poignant reminders that life on Earth is short and temporary. So, the book is divided in two sections - or really two books - one called "Walmart Words," and the second, "Just Saying." Those words appear in each chapter as he makes his point.Readers may find themselves laughing aloud while guiding their virtual buggies through their own grocery stores or Walmart Superstores in their hometowns. His inexperience as a grocery shopper becomes evident when Charlotte accompanies him on one of his adventures and grabs things from the shelves without consulting his "orderly" list of items to be purchased. He only thought he knew his way around the store before being "schooled" by his wife.While the humor of "Walmart Words" may bring tears of laughter, the "Just Saying" portion may bring the other kind of tears as the author puts readers on the podium with him as he presides over funerals of loved ones or reflects on the lives of those he has known and loved. His points range from, "don't litter," to expressing the need to allow Jesus to be in control of people's lives.Stan's first book, "Just Outside of Hope," recounts his experiences as a missionary in Venezuela and his mission trips into many countries as missions pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock. He retired as pastor of Second Baptist Church in Arkadelphia, the same city where he met his future wife while both were students at Henderson State University.The author was raised just outside of Hope, as his dad always described his residency, and surrendered to the ministry while coaching football at Hope High School. He later returned to his hometown to pastor First Baptist Church.

  • af Stephen Sarrazin
    592,95 kr.

    John Sanborn became one of the most prominent protagonistsof the American video art scene in the 1970s and1980s. His work ranges from the beginnings of experimentalvideo art to MTV music videos, interactive art, and digitalmedia art. Consulting with Apple and Adobe, he contributedto shaping the possibilities of new image toolsand was instrumental to the dawning of the digital imagerevolution in California.This monograph brings together a collection of works thatspans over four decades of exploring sound, music, culturalidentity, memory, mythologies, and the human compulsionto tell stories. Essays by video art experts, contributions byhis friends and companions, and a conversation betweenSanborn and acclaimed media artist Dara Birnbaumexplore the tension between mass media and contemporaryart. Sanborn himself traces the unique arc of his careerand talks about a journey that took him from museumsand alternative spaces to television networks, Hollywoodand Silicon Valley before returning to the art world. Fewother artists working with media can claim to have delvedinto so many visual territories.JOHN SANBORN (*1954, Huntington, New York) is a key memberof the second wave of American video artists. His body of workspans the early days of experimental video art in the 1970sthrough the heyday of MTV music/videos and interactive artto the digital media art of today. His work has been exhibitedon television, as video installations, video games, Internetexperiences and in live performances such as God in 3 Persons,a collaboration with The Residents, at MoMA in New York (2020).Sanborn lives and works in Berkeley, California.

  • af Heaven Baek
    422,95 kr.

    Platforms of Reality is a multi-layered analysis and interpretationof Heaven Baek's work, which explores how individualsand society interact both in reality and on stage.It ranges from the artist's early works to her most recentpractice, in which she questions the reality of video timelines,instant realities, and collective memories. Her wellscriptedperformances are spatial visualizations of theflood of real information that has somehow lost its purposeand meaning.The book is divided into four chapters, each exploring adifferent sense of reality and bringing together her artisticapproaches. The metaphor of the platform can beimagined as stages for her work, where trains depart fromdifferent tracks with different destinations, crossing pathsas they meet continuously. Baek attempts to permeatesocial collectives with her research and artistic methods-from drawing to video to installation.HEAVEN BAEK (*1984, Busan, South Korea) studied Media Arts in Melbourne, and received her Master's degree from the Glasgow School of Art. She uses staged reality to bring her videos and installations to fruition, magnifying mechanisms of society and social interaction. She lives and works in Seoul and Berlin.

  • af Elio Endless
    317,95 kr.

    "TERRORISM AND THE SOCIAL MEDIA" Your Definitive Guide to Understanding the Complex Relationship Between Terrorism, Media, and FearHello there, dear reader! Have you ever considered the delicate dance that exists between terrorism, fear, and the media? Prepare for an eye-opening voyage through the pages of "TERRORISM AND THE SOCIAL MEDIA," a groundbreaking book that digs into the interwoven web of these three factors that create our society today.Discover the Hidden Links: Our expertly constructed pages reveal the unseen connections between terrorism, fear, and the media. Have you ever pondered how terrorists use the media to disseminate their ideologies? Or how the media's desire for sensationalism exacerbates public fear? Prepare to have your questions answered as we analyze the often-overlooked symbiotic relationship.A Treasure in Your Hands: Enter the world of this masterwork, brought to life by our exceptional publishing firm. As your friendly local book editor, I've sorted through innumerable volumes, and I can guarantee you that this one is a definite must-read. It's more than a book; it's a treasure that promises to broaden your horizons and challenge your preconceived assumptions.Empowering Knowledge: "TERRORISM AND THE SOCIAL MEDIA" delves deeply into Osama bin Laden's beliefs on media manipulation, the attraction of terrorism, and the worrisome rise of fear as a weapon. We provide you with a wealth of knowledge to navigate today's complex world with a discerning eye by examining these themes.Real Insights, Real Impact: Have you ever wondered about the impact of the media in molding popular perceptions of terrorism? Prepare to learn about the disproportionate coverage of some situations, the manipulation of narratives, and the unintended consequences that ripple across society.A Global Perspective: Our articles cross borders and cultures to investigate how different societies deal with the intersection between terrorism, media, and fear. You'll get a bird's-eye view of how these dynamics play out around the world, which will help you better grasp our linked global landscape.Unlock Truths: "TERRORISM AND THE SOCIAL MEDIA" helps you to distinguish between sensationalism and reality, enabling a more nuanced perspective on the world's concerns through thoroughly studied data and expert analysis.Ignite Conversations: Armed with this book's knowledge, you'll be prepared to engage in thought-provoking discussions about terrorism, media impact, and the role of fear in our lives. Encourage critical thinking and debate that can lead to constructive change by challenging traditional wisdom.The title may read "TERRORISM AND THE SOCIAL MEDIA," but this book offers much more-a better grasp of our modern world's complexities. Are you prepared to embark on a journey that will forever alter your perception of terrorism, media, and the concerns that bind them? Dive in now and let the awakening begin!

  • af Maria Grazia (Universita degli Studi di Messina Sindoni
    204,95 - 646,95 kr.

  • af Christine N. Stamper
    473,95 kr.

    This book explores the past place, current presence, and possible future status of lesbianism in comics.

  • af Andrew Kissel
    1.587,95 kr.

    This volume highlights interdisciplinary research on the ethical, metaphysical, and experimental dimensions of extended reality technologies. It explores themes connected to the nature of virtual objects, the value of virtual experiences and relationships, experimental ethics, moral psychology in the metaverse, and game/simulation design.

  • af Raju Srivastav
    292,95 kr.

    Social Media Education" by Raju Srivastav explores the profound impact of social media on modern society and advocates for a comprehensive understanding of its implications. In this insightful work, Srivastav delves into the significance of educating individuals about responsible and effective social media usage.The book highlights the growing influence of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok on communication, information dissemination, and personal interactions. Srivastav emphasizes the importance of digital literacy in navigating the complex landscape of online networks, emphasizing critical thinking and discernment to combat misinformation and cyberbullying.Raju Srivastav, a seasoned technology analyst, draws upon his extensive experience to provide practical insights into leveraging social media for personal branding, networking, and business growth. He addresses concerns related to privacy, mental health, and the addictive nature of social platforms, offering strategies for striking a healthy balance between online and offline life."Social Media Education" is a timely guide that underscores the need for educational institutions, parents, and policymakers to integrate digital literacy into curricula. With a blend of expert analysis and relatable anecdotes, Raju Srivastav empowers readers to harness the potential of social media while being informed and responsible digital citizens.

  • af Jim Lyngvild, Ghita Nørby & Anne Sophia Hermansen
    177,95 - 237,95 kr.

    Hvordan er det at være en del af den offentlige debat og blive hvirvlet ind i den ene shitstorm efter den anden både med og mod sin vilje? Ghita Nørby, Jim Lyngvild og Anne Sophia Hermansen deler ud af deres erfaringer om at stå midt i stormens øje. Bogen består af fire dele, hvoraf de tre første er individuelle essays fra de enkelte forfattere med deres personlige take på shitstormen.

  • af Michael James Schneider
    127,95 kr.

    From viral balloon-word artist and Instagram sensation Michael James Schneider (@blcksmth) comes a one-of-a-kind debut gift book with never-before-seen original artwork!Featuring many of @blcksmth’s most iconic balloon, flower, and light installations—plus exclusive new content—this book has a little something for everyone. Filled with funny, inspiring, and heartwarming messages on topics like self-love, self-growth, self-doubt, and advice for your future self, this is the perfect gift for any occasion or reader.

  • af Markus Jandl
    377,95 kr.

    Ars Electronica 2023 is dedicated to the complex questions of truth and the concept of ownership in this digital age. In doing so, the festival navigates the central questions of our time. The focus is on how our perception of "authentic" and "original" is being transformed and whether truth can be owned, and how this relates to digitalization and the rapidly developing performance of artificial intelligence. How can the achievements of a tool that is so much based on the globally collective "raw material" of knowledge and creativity be made accessible to everyone and be harnessed to the benefit of all? This comprehensive volume brings together the works of artists, scientists, developers, designers, entrepreneurs and activists from around the world and delves deep into the themes of the festival, offering insights, perspectives, and thought-provoking content that reflect on the intersection of art, technology, and society.

  • af Markus Jandl
    334,95 kr.

    The Prix Ars Electronica is the world's longest-running media art competition. With the award-winning works of international artists as a trend barometer, it offers an inspiring, current and forward-looking insight into the interface between art, technology and society. 3,176 projects from 98 countries were submitted to the Prix Ars Electronica 2023. The competition included the new category "New Animation Art," which focuses on forward-looking animations at the interface of new visualization techniques and new forms of communication, as well as the categories "Digital Musics & Sound Art," "Artificial Intelligence & Life Art" and "u19 - create your world.

  • af Lars C. Grabbe
    327,95 kr.

    The interplay of physical reality and media environments is getting enhanced by new technological innovations. We are living in the age of digital aesthetics and there is a need for individual, cultural or social forms and variations of media literacy. This book seeks the limits of media literacies, and to go beyond them. »Beyond Media Literacy« contributes to the wide range of the media literacy discourse with approaches in modern media theory, philosophy, art and film theory, computer graphics as well as the complex range of modern aesthetics. This volume monitors and discusses the relation of media and literacy in the context of media as environments with effects on psyche and society.

  • - Sammenbruddets økologier, kronopolitik og kommende retfærdighed
    af T. J. Demos
    230,95 - 237,95 kr.

    Vi nærmer os afslutningen – på demokratiet, på liberalismen, på kapitalismen, på en sund planet og på civilisationen, som vi kender den. Men hvad kommer efter verdens undergangRadikale futurismer er en undersøgelse af, hvad der følger efter undergangsfortællingerne, og hvordan vi derfor bør organisere os. Med udgangspunkt i eksempler på eksperimentel visuel kultur, nye medier og sociale bevægelser fremkalder kunsthistorikeren T. J. Demos visioner for retfærdige fremtider og argumenterer for, at det er lige så vigtigt at bekæmpe nihilistisk sortsyn som kapitalismens greenwashing og algoritmiske herredømme.T. J. Demos (f. 1966) er kunsthistoriker og professor i visuel kultur ved University of California. Han har vundet flere priser for sine bøger om samtidskunst, international politik og økologi. "Radikale futurismer" er hans første bog på dansk.Bogen er del af Bibliotek for ny kunstteori. Tidligere bøger i serien: "Kunstner i arbejde" af Bojana Kunst, "Retsteknisk arkitektur" af Eyal Weizman, "Den frigjorte beskuer og Det sanseliges deling" af Jacques Rancière, "Vores æstetiske kategorier" af Sianne Ngai, "Toldfri kunst" af Hito Steyerl og "Samtidskunstens teorier" af Juliane Rebentisch.

  • af Christopher Salem
    177,95 kr.

    If you or someone you know is looking to get out of their shell and grow their skills, this book will help. For someone that struggles with challenges, learn how to have the grit to overcome obstacles. Find out how someone self-focused can become others focused and why it is so important. Learn how even an introvert cna build a big community and grow their connections effectively. This book contains parables and stories of a kid from the inner city of New York, who was shy, introverted, learning disabled, and bullied, who overcame many obstacles, has amassed a huge network, speaks to thousands of people regularly and has turned his biggest weaknesses into his superpowers. You will learn about four pillars of a Master Connector: Having the grit to overcoming obstaclesBe others focused and pay it forwardHow to connect authenticallyBuilding a community and growing your connections

  • af Serenity Tanner
    147,95 kr.

    Are you looking for a way to boost your overall wellness? Do you want to improve your mental health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases? Look no further than Social Connecting for Health: The Importance of Relationships for Overall Wellness.In this insightful and engaging book, you'll discover the transformative power of social connections for your health and well-being. With a focus on building and maintaining relationships, you'll learn practical tips and strategies for connecting with others and overcoming barriers to socializing.The book explores the different types of social connections, from family and friends to professional networks and online communities. With in-depth coverage of the latest technology for staying connected, you'll gain a better understanding of the pros and cons of various social platforms and devices.But the benefits of social connections go far beyond simply staying in touch. The book also delves into the ways that social connections can improve your mental health and help you overcome common mental health challenges. With practical advice for addressing stress, anxiety, and depression, you'll learn how to tap into the healing power of relationships.But that's not all. The book also provides a comprehensive comparison of different methods for staying connected, helping you make informed decisions about the best approach for your unique needs. With a focus on the criteria for comparison, you'll gain valuable insights into the trade-offs of various methods.Whether you're looking to boost your mental health, prevent chronic disease, or simply improve your overall well-being, Social Connecting for Health is the ultimate guide to building and maintaining social connections. With its engaging and informative style, it's the perfect resource for anyone looking to get the most out of their relationships and improve their health. Don't wait - get your copy today and start connecting for a healthier, happier life!

  • af Ralph Beliveau
    452,95 kr.

    The second edition of Digital Literacy provides a highly focused exploration of key critical concepts in understanding digital media in a clear, engaging, and accessible way for an introductory audience.This updated edition explores a variety of approaches to digital literacy, including prescient work by media theorists, the historical influences of legacy media, the contemporary transformations of the digital environment, and the way our communication ecology is constructed. The book argues for an understanding of the changes in traditional media, the rise of Big Tech, and the challenges these pose to privacy and to democratic ideals.Important themes explored in chapters across the book include digital identity, the internet as infrastructure, the web as a collaborative tool, and domestic and global digital divides. The new edition also explores digital literacy and the pandemic, as well as the growing body of research around the effects and impact of the digital technologies we use every day. Also included are useful Applied Skills Appendices outlining core areas of digital practice.The text is an ideal resource for students and scholars of mass communication, media literacy, digital information literacy, and digital technology courses, as well as for all those wanting to know more about the deep on-going impact of communication technologies on our lives.

  • af Çagla Ilk
    473,95 kr.

    Wie kann man sich in einen Klang hineinversetzen? Welche Perspektiven öffnen sich durch das Aufeinandertreffen von Raum, Resonanz und Wahrnehmung? Und wie verändern sich dabei die Beteiligten? Der Künstler und Komponist Jan St. Werner, bekannt als Mitglied des Duos Mouse on Mars, entwirft mit Space Synthesis ein radikal neues Verständnis von Klang und Raum. Das Zusammenspiel von beidem wird zur Methode der Erkundung von Architektur und sozialen Zusammenhängen. Space Synthesis ist der Katalog zur ersten Einzelausstellung von Jan St. Werner und zugleich das Dokument einer Praxis, die sich gegen scheinbar feststehendes Wissen wendet und die produktive Kraft von Klang multiperspektivisch untersucht. Zahlreiche Beiträge vertiefen das Verständnis seiner künstlerischen Arbeit.JAN ST. WERNER (*1969, Nürnberg) bezieht sich in seinen Soundarbeiten stets auch auf den Austausch mit der bildenden Kunst. Werner realisierte Klanginterventionen und Ausstellungen im Rahmen der documenta 14 in Athen und Kassel, dem Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, Lenbachhaus und ebenso auf der 6. Ural Biennale. Werner lehrte an der Nürnberger Akademie der Bildenden Künste, am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) in Boston und an der New York University Tisch School of the Arts in Berlin.

  • af Alexander Nym
    207,95 kr.

    1992 aus dem Kunstkollektiv NSK (Neue Slowenische Kunst) der Gründungsgruppen Laibach - jener berühmten slowenischen Industrialband -, dem Künstlerkollektiv Irwin und der Theatertruppe Scipion Nasice (später Noordung/Postgravity Art) hervorgegangen, wirkt der NSK-Staat in der Zeit seit drei Jahrzehnten an den Schnittstellen von Kunst, Ideologie und Geschichte. Mit seinem künstlerischen Werkzeugkasten imaginieren weltweit über 15.000 Bürgerinnen und Bürger utopische Alternativen zu den dominanten Erzählungen von Macht, Moneten und Demokratie - oder warnen vor deren dystopischen Effekten.Vorliegendes, vom Kulturwissenschaftler Alexander Nym herausgegebenes Buch mit zahlreichen Texten, Fotografien und Grafiken lädt Sie ein zu einer Safari durch das unbekannte Land des Geistes. Erforschen Sie das allumfassende Gesamtkunstwerk: Willkommen im Staat in der Zeit, dem Staat von NSK!

  • af Victor Perez
    424,95 - 1.526,95 kr.

  • af Rebecca Shaw
    165,95 kr.

    From Rebecca Shaw and Ben Kronengold, the youngest comedy writers ever for The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and masterminds behind the viral 2018 Yale graduation speech, comes a hilarious collection of short stories taking on coming-of-age, memes, sex, politics, relationships, and Goop, with satire, self-deprecation, and utter irreverence.Showing off their trademark humor and writing chops that have made them a viral sensation, Rebecca Shaw and Ben Kronengold provide a collection of startlingly funny short stories that will keep readers laughing.Naked in the Rideshare is a riotous collection of comedic short stories, bursting with the safe spaces, shrooms dealers, and Notes app apologies that define growing up right now. The essays take a drunken cannonball into this generation's hopes and anxieties. A camp color war ends in ritual sacrifice. A twenty-something enters a sexual relationship with his childhood fairy god milf. A summit outside of space and time brings together a teen's selves from ages 1 to 81.Irreverent, disturbing, and surprisingly rife with hope, Naked in the Rideshare aims to shine a light on the generation we can't stop talking about?and all the ways we get them so wrong.

  • af Walter Smerling
    372,95 kr.

    Digitale Kunst seit 1859? Was hat digitale Kunst mit dem noch ganz analogen 19. Jahrhundert zu tun? Und wie beeinflusst die Digitalisierung heute Künstlerinnen und Künstler?Längst hat die Digitalisierung auch die Kunst erreicht - weltweit erfinden Künstler* innen neue digitale Räume und Erzählungen. DIMENSIONS zeigt, dass es sich hierbei weniger um einen neuen Trend, sondern vielmehr um eine Konstanteder Kunstgeschichte handelt, die immer schon vom Dialog neuer Technologien und künstlerischer Ausdrucksweisen geprägt wurde.

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