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Tegnsprog, blindeskrift og anden sproglig kommunikation

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  • af Morten Bonde
    197,95 kr.

    Morten Bonde har en øjensygdom, der langsomt gør ham blind. Da hans syn i 2016 efterhånden var så kraftigt reduceret, at livet ikke kunne fortsættes som hidtil, havde han fuld fart på familieliv og en karriere i LEGO-koncernen. Hele hans verden ramlede sammen. Da det så mest sort ud, oplevede han et pludseligt klarsyn for, hvordan han skulle genfinde livsmodet og komme styrket videre med tilværelsen. Det lykkedes at vende tilbage fra håbløsheden og tilbageerobre et positivt og ukueligt livssyn. DØMT BLIND – HVA’ SÅ? som er skrevet af Morten Bonde, giver håndgribelige værktøjer og forslag til, hvordan livskriser og udfordringer kan mestres, og er en gribende og livsbekræftende beskrivelse af, hvordan han på mindre end et år – med et syn på kun fire grader – kunne gå fra depression og stagnation til igen at fungere som senior art director i LEGO-koncernen, og at nøglen til sådan en transformation ligger i vores sind! Hans beretning er en inspirerende hyldest til livet og et vidnesbyrd om, hvordan vi alle kan aktivere vores indre styrke og leve de liv, vi virkelig ønsker os

  • - fra billeder til bits
    af Marie Møller Kristensen
    172,95 - 187,95 kr.

    For nogle tusinde år siden fandt mennesker på at udviklebilleder og tegn til en ny teknologi: skrift. Med denne teknologiskabte de en kunstig hukommelse. Man kunne nu gemmeinformationer uden for hjernen og dele meddelelser på tværsaf tid og sted.Det samme gør vi i dag. Vi fastholder tanker i tegn ellerlader skriverobotter danne tekst ud fra input. Vi chatter medfolk fra Fredericia og Fiji, og vi opfinder nye billedtegn ogsymboler. Vil vi skrive i fremtiden? Ja, formentlig. Men måden,vi gør det på, vil ikke være den samme.Marie Møller Kristensen tager os i denne bog tilbage tilskriftens opståen og udvikling i årtusinderne frem til nutiden.Traditionelt har forskellige videnskaber undersøgt skrift ogskrivning ud fra hver sin opfattelse af, hvad skrift er, og hvadvi bruger den til. I denne bog er tilgangen tværfaglig.Igennem kapitler om BILLEDET, HÅNDEN, HUKOMMELSEN,DIGITALISERINGEN, GLOBALISERINGEN og MAGIEN servi, hvordan udviklingen af skriftsystemer og skrivning er tætforbundet med så forskelligartede områder som kunst ogmagi, krop og sanser, digitale medier, kulturel og eksternhukommelse i redskaber, tekster, filer og computerprogrammer.Bogen henvender sig til læsere med interesse for kultur- ogteknologihistorie, kunst og medier.MARIE MØLLER KRISTENSEN beskæftiger sig som forfatterog underviser med kulturhistorie, sprog og filosofi.

  • af Michael Pleyer
    205,95 - 617,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Gulick
    152,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Horace Caroll
    322,95 - 387,95 kr.

  • af Jack Hoza
    427,95 kr.

    Jack Hoza's newest research examines the components that enable interpreters to perform successfully, looking at literature in interpretation, cognitive science, education, psychology, and neuroscience, as well as reviewing the results of two qualitative studies he conducted. He seeks to uncover what it means to interpret in the zone by understanding exactly how the brain works in interpretation scenarios

  • af Donna Jo Napoli
    204,95 kr.

    Taboo topics in deaf communities include the usual ones found in spoken languages, as well as ones particular to deaf experiences, both in how deaf people relate to hearing people and how deaf people interact with other deaf people. Attention to these topics can help linguists understand better the consequences of field method choices and lead them to adopt better ones. Taboo expressions in American Sign Language are innovative regarding the linguistic structures they play with. This creativity is evident across the grammar in non-taboo expressions, but seems to revel in profane ones. When it comes to the syntax, however, certain types of structures occur in taboo expressions that are all but absent elsewhere, showing grammatical possibilities that might have gone unnoticed without attention to taboo. Taboo expressions are innovative, as well, in how they respond to changing culture, where lexical items that are incoherent with community sensibilities are 'corrected'.

  • af Francois Grosjean
    1.082,95 kr.

    "Professor Franðcois Grosjean is a recognized world expert on bilingualism. In this fascinating book, he surveys the many contributions he has made to the field, gives follow-up comments, reviews how the field has responded, and stresses how important it is to inform the general public about bilingualism and biculturalism"--

  • af Razi M Zarchy
    204,95 kr.

    "Deaf children experience language deprivation at alarmingly high rates. This Element presents a case for developing signed language curricula for hearing families with deaf children that are family-centered and focus on child-directed language"--

  • af Rachel Sutton-Spence
    204,95 kr.

    "This Element describes creative sign language in deaf literature. To showcase the exciting developments in Latin American deaf literature it focuses upon creative Libras as it is used by the Brazilian deaf community, emphasising aspects of Libras literature seen in similar productions and performances in sign language literatures around the world"--

  • af Michele Zappavigna & Lorenzo Logi
    300,95 - 1.027,95 kr.

  • af Cristie Publishing
    137,95 kr.

    Education starts with learning the alphabet.This stunning book contains the ASL alphabet. Each letter has a page with a maze for your child to solve. This book is suitable for children that communicate using the sign language.Get the perfect gift for your loved ones!

  • af Razi Zarchy
    417,95 kr.

    American Sign Language at Home: A Family Curriculum (ASL at Home)is an innovative, family-centered curriculum designed for families withyoung deaf children and the professionals who support them.Each chapter of ASL at Home centers around a daily routine common toyoung children. The curriculum is geared toward families of childrenbirth to five years of age, but families with older children can also use itto learn! Families can learn on their own or with the guidance of theprofessionals who support them, including but not limited toSpeech-Language Pathologists, Deaf Mentors and Coaches, Teachersof the Deaf, ASL Specialists, and other service providers.

  • af Bela Davis
    342,95 kr.

    "Introduces young readers to American Sign Language words for the alphabet. Each page features two to four alphabet signs within an everyday situation a child might be a part of. The opposite page has a bright, fun image as well as illustrations of the sign created by an in-house designer and simple, step-by-step directions"

  • af Rosa Padilla
    217,95 kr.

    Let's Learn Sign Language Together by Rosa Padilla is for early readers and for all readers to learn how to sign!In this book, you will learn how to sign the American Sign Language alphabet. Along with each letter and sign, you will also learn some fun and enriching facts.So let's learn how to sign together!

  • af Raquel Veiga Busto
    1.897,95 kr.

    Person and number are two basic grammatical categories. However, they have not yet been exhaustively documented in many sign languages. This volume presents a thorough description of the form and interpretation of person and number in Catalan Sign Language (LSC) personal pronouns. This is the first book exploring together the two categories (and their interaction) in a sign language.Building on a combination of elicitation methods and corpus data analysis, this book shows that person and number are encoded through a set of distinctive phonological features: person is formally marked through spatial features, and number by the path specifications of the sign. Additionally, this study provides evidence that the same number marker might have a different semantic import depending on the person features with which it is combined.Results of this investigation contribute fresh data to cross-linguistic studies on person and number, which are largely based on evidence from spoken language only. Furthermore, while this research identifies a number of significant differences with respect to prior descriptions of person and number in other sign languages, it also demonstrates that, from a typological standpoint, the array of distinctions that LSC draws within each category is not exceptional.

  • af Elena Fornasiero
    1.562,95 kr.

    The domain of evaluative morphology is vast and complex, as it requires the combination of morphological, semantic and pragmatic information to be understood. Nevertheless, cross-linguistic studies on spoken languages show that languages share some patterns in the way they encode evaluative features. It follows that investigating evaluative morphology in sign languages (SLs) can enrich the literature and offer new insights. This book provides descriptive and theoretical contributions by considering Italian Sign Language (LIS) as empirical ground of investigation. At the descriptive level, the analysis of corpus and elicited data improves the description of morphological processes in LIS, as well as typological studies on evaluative morphology by adding the patterns of a visuo-gestural language. At the theoretical level, the study shows the benefit of combining different approaches (Generative Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, Cognitive Linguistics) for the exploration of evaluative constructions in SLs, as it allows to identify both modality-specific and modality-independent properties.In sum, this book encourages the readers to rely on different data types, analyses and theoretical perspectives to investigate linguistic phenomena in SLs.

  • af Roxie Laurens
    322,95 - 452,95 kr.

  • af Roxie Laurens
    387,95 - 557,95 kr.

  • af Jan May
    212,95 kr.

    If your daughter loves crafts and playing princess, she will love this fairytale writing adventure! Students develop a princess character, the setting of a story, and develop a plot that will help the princess grow in character. Each lesson includes special Princess School Time where inner beauty traits are highlighted, relevant Bible verses are copied, and lessons learned are applied with simple steps and journal entries in a Princess Diary. It's also filled with princess crafts and activities like making a princess hat and donating your time and treasure to the poor. You will love the self-guided, easy step-by-step instructions! There are twelve bite-sized lessons, 45-60 minutes each, to be used once or twice a week for twelve weeks. Each lesson includes Lesson Time, Writing Time, Activity Time, and Princess School Time. Students learn how to use descriptive tools like "wow words" and personification. The lessons culminate with an illustrated story and a Fairytale Theater. It's easily adaptable for teaching multiple age levels together and great for incorporating literature and art. It's perfect for individual students and groups alike. This writing adventure is so much fun because every girl can be a princess!Ages 8 to 12 Includes: - Student-guided lessons to eliminate work for the teacher- One - to two student worksheets per lesson - Make an itty-bitty princess diary- Make a princess hat- Make and share friendship bracelets- Bake special princess cupcakes- Design a bedroom name decoration

  • af Bela Davis
    342,95 kr.

  • af Bela Davis
    342,95 kr.

    This book introduces young readers to American Sign Language words for body parts. Each page features one body part sign within an everyday situation a child might be part of. The opposite page has a bright, fun image as well as an illustration of the sign created by an in-house designer and simple, step-by-step directions. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.

  • af Sara Bingham
    174,95 kr.

    Your baby is ready to sign when they can wave bye-bye. What are the benefits of teaching your baby basic sign language? Beginner's Baby Sign Language: Sign and Sing at Home includes 100+ American Sign Language (ASL) signs to introduce to your baby. This book is designed to show you what and when to sign to your child. Not only is it surprisingly easy, signing with your baby can increase connection and bonding as you better understand baby's behavior and can relieve frustration by helping them to communicate their wants. You'll find easy-to-follow illustrations and instructions for signs like milk and diaper. You'll also learn familiar and practical songs to sign and sing with your child. Also included are the alphabet and numbers (1-10) in ASL conveniently located at the front and back of the book for quick reference. Unlike other books in the genre, this beautifully designed educational book stands out with loads of full-color photographs to make it easy to look up the signs you want to share. ASL is the predominant sign language in the US and Canada and the vocabulary here has been chosen especially for new parents, expecting parents, grandparents, caregivers, educators, therapists and child-care workers to use. With this book you and your baby will be communicating clearly and confidently! FUN FACTS Signing allows your child to clearly communicate their thoughts Signing will not delay verbal language development; in fact, it will most likely increase it Signing reduces frustrations for your child, significantly lessening the terrible twos!

  • af Andrea Beitia
    192,95 kr.

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