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Kontrafaktisk skønlitteratur

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  • af Judy Peters
    197,95 kr.

    The story unfolds in an alternate history setting during World War 1, enriched with steampunk elements and a blend of espionage and supernatural intrigue. Kit Hardwicke, initially introduced as reflecting on wartime experiences, is drawn into a complex web of spy missions against the backdrop of historical events interwoven with fictional deviations. He assumes various identities to infilatrate enemy lines and uncover plots with the aid of a group of friends and colleagues. Central to the plot is Peter Garnett, who is revealed to be a formidable antogonist orchestrating espionage activities for Germany. Themes of loyalty, sacrifice and duty are explored through Kit's interactions with characters who both aid and obstruct his mission. Ultimately the premise revolves around thwarting Garnett's machinations while grappling with internal conflicts amidst external chaos - a quest for truth beneath layers of lies in a world where history diverges into fantastical realms without losing sight of humanity's core struggles during wartime.

  • af H. Moors
    280,95 kr.

    Vladimir groeit op in de vooravond van de Russische revolutie. Hoewel hij van adel is, vindt de familie van zijn geliefde Elenie hem te min om met hem in het huwelijk te treden, zij zijn immers familie van de tsaar. Daarom besluit Vladimir uit haar leven te verdwijnen, met pijn in zijn hart. Hij keert terug naar zijn familie in het Wolgabekken, niet wetend wat voor verschrikking hem daar wacht. De gevolgen zijn niet te overzien. Dan brengt hij het ultiem offer om zijn familie te redden. Terwijl Elenie aan een wrede sadist wordt uitgehuwelijkt, breekt de revolutie uit...Leef mee met de adelijke families. Leer hun uitgesprokenkarakters kennen, liefhebben of haten. Houd je adem in bij sommige onverwachte ontmoetingen. Blijf tot het einde hopen wat je tijdens het lezen van de eerste bladzijde vanuit de grond van je hart hoopt.Wegleggen is er bij dit boek niet bij, totdat je met een vliegende vaart bij het onverwachte einde komt. Volg de twee families over de wereld en door de tijd.

  • af William Congreve
    114,95 - 242,95 kr.

  • af Za'chary Westbrook
    197,95 kr.

    It's 1920 and millionaire playboy, Cranston Walker, is dusting off his wartime interrogator skills to find the people threatening to kidnap a progressive heiress. Back when Cranston was still in short pants, Rosamunde Syme was the stern girl who kept the boys in line. On the other side of the Great War, Cranston is a veteran interrogator living with the stigma of doing what the army trained him to do and Rosamunde is a traveling lecturer on mental health living with a target on her back for some of her "indecent" claims. When Rosamunde narrowly escapes an attempted kidnapping, Cranston is exactly the man she needs to find those responsible and prevent a second attempt. Meanwhile, Cranston is trying to rebuild his relationship with his sister, Vivienne, the acting CEO of the family's multi-national corporation. Time and the war have made them strangers, but enlisting her to help him dig for clues might be the thing to bring them closer together, even as he struggles with hlf-buried demon from the war that threatens to destroy his sanity. The investigation begins with a fascist church, leads to a mental hospital, and into the half-tamed edges of civilization, social contract, and reality as we know it. Neon Jezebel is a character-driven revival of interbellum pulp adventure that combines the wild, anything goes spirit of vintage two-fisted tales with a cast of grounded characters for a story that alternates between thrilling and cozy, leading up to an explosive finale.

  • af John Pirillo
    199,95 kr.

    Billy is an aging San Francisco Hippy returned to his roots.He just wants to visit Haight-Ashbury, sit on its tallest hill, and try to figureout where he went wrong.A retired billionaire, Billies sold out, just like thousands if not hundreds of thousandsof other aging Hippies did.The Big Question in his mind as he sits gazing at the people in the park on the hillis why?What happened to him and everyone else?Then the worst possible nightmare.A tremble and a shake.Billie jumped to his feet in alarm.All up and down Haight Ashbury, people stopped.Frozen!Then it struck.The biggest earthquake ever to hit San Francisco, or the world!Call it luck.Call it what you will, Billy is going to get a second chanceto make his life work out.As he picks through the ruins of a decimated San Francisco,he begins rescuing people who were not so lucky as him.Soon, he has a following.People who depend on him for support and direction.Have they made the right choice?Will Billy make the right choice as he finds himself leadinghis new friends towards a distant goal, with no electricity,no gas, no running water, no vehicles to carry them.Food just scraps.And gangs out and about looting what littleis left.Can Billie protect his small group, and usher theminto a new future?

  • af Gary Beene
    191,95 kr.

    On January 6, 2021, over 100,000 people showed up at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to attend President Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally. For four hours, the crowd was whipped into a frenzy by speakers' exhortations to "Never give up! Never conceded!" The President of the United States brought the rally on the Ellipse to a close with these words, "Something's wrong here. Something's really wrong. Can't have happened...we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don't fight like Hell, you're not going to have a country anymore." Minutes later, a mob of Trump's supporters attacked the United States Capitol Building to prevent the joint session of Congress from certifying the Electoral College votes. The rioters assaulted Capitol Police officers and, within an hour, had broken through the police lines protecting several of the building's entrances. Over two thousand insurrectionists swarmed inside, vandalizing and looting the House and Senate Chambers, the National Statuary Hall, and Congressional offices, including the office of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. As rioters ransacked the Capitol, they searched for, called out, and threatened many lawmakers by name. They even erected a gallows on the lawn west of the Capitol Building. At 2:24 p.m., the President tweeted:Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth! Upon seeing the President's tweet, the mob inside the Capitol Building took up the chant, "Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!" 1/6: WILL BE WILD seamlessly braids together what actually did happen on January 6th with the terrifying and all too plausible alternate history of what might have happened. The story's pace will keep readers turning pages from the breathtaking first paragraph to the startling climax. Readers will long remember both how this book begins and how it ends.

  • af H. G. Wells
    117,95 - 162,95 kr.

    Los clásicos más escalofriantes en una edición actualizada y adaptada. Con ilustraciones de Antonio Navas. Un hombre con la cara tapada ha llegado al pequeño pueblo de Iping. ¿De qué huye el enigmático viajero? ¿Acaso oculta las secuelas de un terrible accidente? ¿Por qué no responde a las preguntas y se muestra tan brusco? La curiosidad en el pueblo no tarda endespertarse, pero hay secretos que es mejor no desvelar... ENGLISH DESCRIPTION: The most chilling of classics in an updated and adapted edition. With illustrations by Antonio Navas. A man with his face covered arrives in the small town of Iping. What is this enigmatic traveler running from? Is he hiding the consequence of a terrible accident? Why is he not answering any questions and being so rough? It doesnt' take long for curiosity to awaken in town, but there are secrets that might be better to remain hidden...

  • af Rodrigo Márquez Tizano
    182,95 kr.

    The turbulent and sweeping world of Jakarta erupts with engrossing new dystopias and magnetic prose to provide a portrait of a fallen society that exudes both rage and resignation.

  • af Max Barry
    222,95 kr.

  • af Melanie Ansley
    62,95 kr.

    One night. One heist. One thousand ways for things to go wrong.In a world ruled by dragons and their riders, Jin is a young thief surviving the underbelly of Tang China by following her boss's one simple mantra: never steal from the empire. But when she crosses paths with a rival gang during a heist at a nobleman's feast, Jin inadvertently ignites a bloody turf war. To save herself, she must now convince her boss to break all the rules and steal from the elite dragon riders of the Tang empire. But will this make her the most powerful thief in the province, or send her to an early grave?"Night of the Black Dragon" is an action packed short story prequel to the "Riders of Jade and Fire" series, an exciting new dragon rider adventure.

  • af Harry Turtledove
    107,95 kr.

    The New York Times bestselling author of the Supervolcano trilogy envisions the election of a United States President whose political power will redefine what the nation is-and what it means to be American… The Great Depression continues to cast its dark shadow over the country. Desperate times call for desperate measures, so the Democratic Party makes an interesting nomination for their Presidential candidate: California Congressman Joe Steele, the son of a Russian immigrant laborer who identifies more with the common man than with the wealthy power brokers in Washington D.C. Achieving a landslide victory, President Joe Steele wastes no time pushing through Congress reforms that put citizens back to work. Anyone who gets in his way is getting in the way of America, and that includes the highest in the land. But Steele's homeland political enemies pale in comparison to European tyrants whose posturing seems sure to drag America into war…

  • af Jana Beek
    191,95 kr.

    In eine Welt geworfen, in der sie permanent den widrigen Gezeiten trotzen muss, entwickelt Misha eine eigenwillige Fähigkeit, den Kopf über Wasser zu halten und nicht unterzugehen. Als das Schlimmste vorbei ist und sie endlich in der Stadt Mela strandet, versucht Misha sich durch eine neue und ungewohnte Normalität zu navigieren. Aber auch hier kann sie die Angewohnheit nicht ablegen, immer und überall Strömungen zu entdecken, die sie mal tragen und auch mal überwältigen. Als die Stadt einen schweren Schicksalsschlag verkraften muss, drohen die Strömungen außer Kontrolle zu geraten und Misha muss alle Hebel in Bewegung setzen, um den Untergang zu verhindern.

  • af Alfred De Musset
    175,95 kr.

    L'histoire se déroule dans une petite ville de province et suit les amours contrariées de deux jeunes protagonistes, Camille et Perdican. Le Baron, père de Perdican, souhaite marier son fils à une jeune héritière, mais Perdican est initialement opposé à cette idée. Cependant, pour éviter tout scandale lié à une ancienne liaison, il finit par accepter le mariage arrangé.Camille, une jeune fille noble, revient au château de son père après avoir passé plusieurs années dans un couvent. Elle est destinée à devenir la femme de Perdican. Cependant, Perdican, qui avait l'habitude d'être un homme frivole et désinvolte, a changé et est tombé amoureux de Camille.La pièce explore les thèmes de l'amour, de la trahison, du fanatisme religieux et de la fatalité. Les sentiments entre Camille et Perdican sont complexes, et la tragédie découle de malentendus, de quiproquos et des jeux cruels du destin. La pièce se termine de manière tragique avec la mort des deux protagonistes."On ne badine pas avec l'amour" est une ¿uvre majeure du théâtre romantique français, mettant en lumière les conflits passionnels et les tensions sociales de l'époque.

  • af Arnold Kontiel
    242,95 kr.

    The violence and destruction of the Insurrection has been squelched and now the task of rebuilding America must begin. The first order of business is a Constitutional Convention, which replaces the United States of America with the American Republic. Across the country tens of millions of people are mobilized and begin the long and hard task of rebuilding America's cities. The residential sections of every city in America, great and small has been reduced to rubble. Within five years new cities rise up out of the rubble. The task is made simpler for Burton and the N.A.P.A. when it is made know to them of advance technology that had been hidden from the American people since the end of World War Two. Armed with this new technology the country is transform and a new and improved infrastructure is created. The result is an economic boom and soon the American people are enjoying prosperity unlike anything they have known since the 1950s. At the same time tens of millions of non-white people flee the country. Millions flee across the southern border into Mexico while millions more try to sail to the islands in the Caribbean Sea. While America is busy rebuilding itself, the world takes advantage of America's weakness. China exerts its new found economic and military power in Asia, and world witnesses the rise of Militant Expansionist Islam.

  • af Andrew Valencia
    182,95 kr.

  • af Kaitlin Solimine
    182,95 kr.

  • af Jack McDevitt
    97,95 kr.

  • af Laura Ellen Scott
    172,95 kr.

    In post-Katrina New Orleans, dying wishes can come true--with often unexpected results.

  • af Ron Tanner
    162,95 kr.

  • af Frauke Besteman
    253,95 kr.

    Die Uhr tickt...Daria ist es gelungen, das Zepters zusammenzufügen, jedoch offenbart sich seine Funktion nur an einem bestimmten Ort. Da dieses Artefakt etwas mit dem ägyptischen Gott des Mondes Thoth zu tun hat, hofft Daria darauf, mehr in dessen Tempel im Nord-Sudan zu erfahren.Nur gilt Daria nach eine weltweit gesuchte Terroristin und die Reise dorthin entwickelt sich zu einem Wettlauf mit der Zeit.Die Arche ist der zwölfte Teil der Forbidden Artefacts-Reihe und kann nicht ohne Kenntnis der anderen Teile gelesen werden.

  • af Sigmund Freud
    217,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Taylor Anderson
    97,95 kr.

    "Taylor Anderson is one of the best at military science fiction as his plots combine cerebral thought-provoking issues within a great adventure tale; the alternate realm of the Destroyermen saga is worth the journey."-Alternative WorldsLieutenant Commander Matthew Reddy of USS Walker has found an unlikely ally in Commodore Jenks of the New Britain Imperial Navy. And now they are united in their desire to find a traitor who abducted the women they would die for: Reddy's love, nurse Sandra Ticker, and young Princess Rebecca of the New British Empire. But when Reddy and Jenks report the situation to the New Britain Company, it soon becomes obvious that the ruthless Company is attempting to overthrow the Imperial throne-and that someone involved knows where Sandra and Rebecca are. And Reddy must navigate through a tempest of politics, deception, and betrayal if he is ever going to save the hostages and live to fight another day…

  • af Julie E. Czerneda
    87,95 kr.

    Some of today's top science fiction writers explore the futures that might have been, including original stories from Julie E. Czerneda and other great names in the genre.

  • af Annie Besant
    122,95 - 132,95 kr.

  • af Martin Drapkin
    197,95 kr.

    Here are narratives by "nobodies" who were privileged (or, in some cases, not) to be employed by or otherwise to have served famous people. They include corpulent Horatio, who serves as "a sort of muse" to a grieving William Shakespeare; Mose, a runaway slave who serves as a masseur and bedtime reader to Anne Bonny; the fierce but nervous pirate; and Parson, a spiritual advisor to Davy Crockett. There's Buffalo Hump Woman, a hairstylist to General Custer; ten-year-old Mimsy, a tea party assistant to aged Lewis Carroll; pretty Antoinette, who serves as a maid for Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas; and Louie, a press aide to President William Howard Taft, whose endeavor is to mislead the press as to Taft's true weight. There's burnt-out Jean, a fortuneteller for Marilyn Monroe; and Percy, a spy for temperamental Vince Lombardi. And Solly, who serves as a trivia research assistant to retired gangster Meyer Lansky in Miami Beach.

  • af Robert Blumetti
    472,95 kr.

    After Prussia defeated the Austrian Empire in the 7 Weeks War King Wilhelm and his generals wanted to march on Vienna and vanquish the Austrian Hapsburgs. Bismarck opposed the idea because he wanted Austria as a future ally to his Little Germany. In this alternative history Bismarck is forced to agree and the Austrian Empire is destroyed. Bismarck is forced to change his plans and creates a Greater Germany in 1867. What kind of alliance would Bismarck weave and what would be the fate of Germany and all of Europe?

  • af Paul Ieson
    132,95 kr.

    Twisted Life is a heartfelt love story of pain, despair, and loss.The main character only wants a normal life but can't because of an alien species called the insectoid's that seem to be manipulating everything going on in his life.There's fast action, a bit of fun, and lots of imagination in this story of time travel.

  • af Charles Darwin
    307,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Harry Turtledove
    97,95 kr.

  • af Joe Haldeman
    87,95 kr.

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