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Sociale grupper: alternativ livsstil

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  • - Du har ikke en chance - tag den! Et familiedrama
    af Peter Øvig Knudsen
    43,94 - 269,95 kr.

    Peter Øvig skriver stor dokumentarisk bog om 80’ernes vigtigste oprørere – BZ-bevægelsen Først besatte de en gammel rugbrødsfabrik ved navn Rutana i efteråret 1981. De næste ni år drev BZ’erne gæk med politi og myndigheder med den ene kreative aktion efter den anden – som da de gravede en tunnel under Korsgade fra det besatte hus Allotria, så en politistyrke på op mod tusind mand kæmpede sig ind i et tomt og forladt hus. Flere hundrede unge tilsluttede sig bevægelsen, som mange af dem betragtede som en ny familie, og i medierne blev BZ uden konkurrence den mest omtalte politiske gruppering i 80’erne. Efterhånden blev sammenstødene mellem BZ og politi mere voldelige, og brosten blev suppleret med brandbomber og slangebøsser med stålkugler. Hele Danmark holdt vejret, da BZ’erne i efteråret 1986 belejrede et helt boligkvarter omkring Ryesgade på Østerbro, og de følgende år opgav politiet til sidst helt at komme i nærheden af de besatte huse. I 1990 blev det sidste besatte hus ryddet, men da Peter Øvig 25 år senere gik i gang med researchen til en bog om BZ, skulle det vise sig, at familien stadig levede. Allerede før forfatteren havde besluttet sig for at skrive bogen, rejste en voldsom modstand sig i inderkredsen af det gamle miljø, som opfordrede alle til at boykotte bogprojektet. ”Du har ikke en chance – tag den!” var et af BZ-familiens mottoer, og Peter Øvig valgte at inddrage modstanden i sin bog. Bemærkelsesværdigt nok var de mest indædte modstandere blandt BZ’ere de samme, som gennem de seneste 35 år oftest selv har fortalt historien i bøger og på film.

  • - sådan bliver du mester i dit eget liv
    af Gina Asbjerg
    137,95 - 206,95 kr.

    ER DU KLAR TIL AT BLIVE MESTER I DIT EGET LIV? Kender du fornemmelsen af at leve et liv i kontant underskud? Har du fysiske gener, som kommer igen og igen? Eller oplever du hele tiden at tiltrække mennesker eller situationer, som ikke er gode for dig? Så kan Gaven i maven™-metoden hjælpe dig med at skabe balance i hverdagen – med at gøre dig til mester i dit eget liv. I takt med, at du læser denne bog, vil du opleve, hvordan du udvikler dig personlig ved at blive bevidst om det ubevidste, du har lagt i din mave. Din mave gemmer nemlig på hændelser og følelser af negativ karakter, som stammer tilbage fra din fødsel, til du er 12-13 år, og som forhindrer dig i at være den smukke sjæl, du er inderst inde. Det er hændelser, som du ikke har kunnet bearbejde på daværende tidspunkt, fordi du måske var for ung til at sætte ord på oplevelsen, eller fordi hændelserne ganske enkelt var for følelsesmæssigt voldsomme til, at du kunne tackle dem. I stedet kan de have skabt ubalancer i dit liv – ubalancer, som du kan rette op med Gaven i maven™-metoden. Kvinden bag denne unikke metode, der bl.a. tager afsæt i kinesiologi og tankefeltterapi, hedder Gina Asbjerg. Hun er uddannet sygeplejerske og har med stor succes drevet sin egen helseklinik i mere end 28 år. I denne bog guider hun dig med helt konkrete redskaber og behandlingsbeskrivelser til, hvordan du selv kan flytte hændelser og traumer fra din mave op i dit hjerte. Hjertet, som har styrken til at bevidstgøre dem og håndtere dem. Gaven i maven™Metodebog er en selvhjælpsbog, der er så nem at anvende og med budskaber, der er så vigtige, at den med sikkerhed ikke kommer til at samle støv i reolen. Gaven i maven™-metoden vil forandre dit liv – og du vil ikke være i tvivl!

  • - Om længslen efter et andet familieliv
    af Maj My Midtgaard Humaidan
    117,95 - 247,95 kr.

    I en tid, hvor statistikker melder om stress og udbrændthed, og hvor mange oplever en økonomisk usikkerhed, inspirerer journalist og mor til fire, Maj My Humaidan, til at turde tro på, at livet kan leves anderledes og mere meningsfuldt. Sammen med sin mand valgte Maj My Humaidan at sige farvel til hamsterhjulet og et materielt overdådigt liv i storbyen og begynde en ny tilværelse på en lille gård på Ærø. De meldte børnene ud af vuggestuen, børnehaven og skolen, smed vækkeuret ud og levede i fire år et liv på kanten af samfundet, hvor de dyrkede afgrøder, badede, tegnede, byggede og øvede sig i at leve bevidst. De opdagede friheden i at vælge materielle goder fra og mavefornemmelsen til.Maj My Humaidan kaster gennem sin egen fortælling - og med sin stærke, poetiske pen - et knivskarpt blik på de ofte ubevidste normer, som flertallet lever efter, og som efterlader mange forpustede. Det gør hun med et håb og en optimisme for øje, idet hun minder om, at vi helt selv kan vælge, hvordan vi vil leve vores liv.

  • - Bind 1 Iværksætteren
    af Peter Tygesen
    347,95 kr.

    På Rådhuspladsen løber Amdi og Walther ind i en gammel ven. Jørgen Kragh er lige blevet optaget på Københavns Universitet og på vej til rusfest i Studenterforeningen.”De spørger, om jeg vil med jorden rundt? Det er der jo kun ét svar på.”Allerede som dreng samler Mogens Amdi Petersen kammerater omkring sig i tætte fællesskaber, baseret på oprørsk munterhed og spejderære.”Man skal ville noget med sit liv,” siger Amdi. Sådan opstår Danmarks første kollektiv og landets første kulturhus, ligesom mødet med Jørgen Kragh fører til en legendarisk jordomrejse, der bliver skabelon for Den rejsende Højskole og siden Det nødvendige Seminarium – og Tvind.Samfundet rystes i 1960’erne og 1970’erne. Den gamle verden fungerer ikke længere, noget nyt skal fødes, men hvad? Den nye verden skal være mere bæredygtig, mere fri, mere retfærdig, men hvordan? Mange unge forkaster forældrenes værdier i kompromisløse eksperimenter med at skabe den nye orden, også på Tvind. Amdis fællesskaber er skabt til tiden – og skaber den.Første bind slutter med Mogens Amdi Petersens dramatiske exit fra offentligheden i 1979, netop som Tvind står på spring til en global ekspansion. Andet bind beskriver retsforfølgelsen og Tvinds aktiviteter som multinational koncern.Research, medforfatter til kap. 9, 10 og 13: Anders-Peter Mathiasen

  • - Tvind i 50 år
    af Pia Elers
    72,95 - 246,95 kr.

    Med kilder helt tæt på Mogens Amdi Pedersen og aktiviteterne i Tvind fortæller Pia Elers den fascinerende historie om en flok unge, der med en karismatisk leder i spidsen ville forandre verden, men som i dag fremstår som en lukket kapitalistisk koncern. Pia Elers var selv medlem af Lærergruppen i 1970’erne og har derfor på egen hånd oplevet det fantastiske fællesskab, der blev skabt omkring opbygningen af Skolesamvirket, men har også været vidne til, hvordan gruppepres kunne drive folk ud på selvmordets rand. Hun fortæller om Amdi Pedersen og hans livsværk – på godt og ondt. Både om de mange pædagogiske og humanitære projekter, der i dag er bredt ud til en lang række lande verden over. Og også om hvordan Amdi Pedersen trods sine åbenlyse kvaliteter blev stadig mere enerådig og svigtede de kammerater, der ofrede de vigtigste år af deres liv for at realisere hans visioner.  

  • af Lene Tymoshenko
    147,95 - 408,95 kr.

    31. maj 1992: Jeg har opsagt min etværelses lejlighed i København Nordvest, foræret de flest af mine ejendele væk og tager nattoget til Berlin for at starte mit nye liv som del af det store besætmiljø, der er opstået i det tidligere Østberlin efter murens fald. Bogen er en autentisk fortælling, der giver et unikt indblik i de forskelligste subkulturer i 90-ernes Berlin blandt besættere, idealister, livskunstnere og illegale på flugt fra den økonomiske håbløshed i det opløste Sovjetunionen. Om truslen fra ordensmagten og nynazistiske bander. Om kærlighed og venskab, og det opslidende ved kampen for en stabil tilværelse, når man befinder sig på kanten. Om seksuelle eksperimenter, bordeller og det befriende ved sexarbejde. Et fortættet portræt af Berlin i en opbrudstid.

  • af Tabita Wulff
    227,95 kr.

    Kan mesterrod slå influenza ned?Kan galtetand give dig appetitten tilbage?Virker hjertensfryd mod migræne? Én ting er at finde ud af, hvilke urter der virker, noget andet er at finde ud af, hvor de gror, hvordan de tørres, og hvilke mængder de skal tages i. "Urtemedicinens ABC" hjælper dig godt på vej i urtemedicinens spændende verden. Bogen giver en lang række urtemedicinske opskrifter og fortæller om de rigtige fremgangsmåder, hvor man finder de nødvendige planter, og hvordan man tørrer dem.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlTabita Wulff er en dansk forfatter og journalist, som er kendt for sit meget store fokus på blandt andet helse og urtemedicin. Hun har udgivet mere end et dusin bøger i forskellige genrer om emner så forskellige som rygestop, naturmedicin og cirkushistorier.

  • af Gavin Watson
    294,95 - 1.127,95 kr.

  • af Leigh Arnold
    427,95 kr.

    The artist duo Michael Elmgreen & Ingar Dragset continues to devise new ways of presenting and perceiving art through their subversive and versatile work. The updated and expanded edition of Elmgreen & Dragset: Sculptures is the most comprehensive study to date of the duo's sculptures from the mid-1990s to the present day. Visually designed to reflect the aesthetic and concep-tual working methods developed by the artist duo over the course of their careers, the book features detailed photographic documentation as well as four seminalessays on the artist duo's oeuvre. MICHAEL ELMGREEN (*Denmark) and INGAR DRAGSET (*Norway) have been working together since 1995. Their work explores socio-cultural and political themes such as the challenges of growing up, queer issues, the construction of identity, consumer culture, and the privatization of public space. The artist duo has received numerous prizes, including the Preis der Nationalgalerie in Berlin (2002) and a Special Mention at the Venice Biennale (2009).

  • af Cassandra Featherstone
    146,95 - 252,95 kr.

  • af Johanna Lindsey
    97,95 kr.

    Once Lady Leonie cursed 'the Black Wolf' - handsome Rolfe d'Ambert, the mercenary Lord of Kempston - for his bloody deeds and cruelty to the local peasants. Now she must marry the magnificent blackguard to bring peace to the land. Young, innocent, and possessing a rare and exquisite beauty, Leonie would be a prize for any man - yet Rolfe seeks the match solely for revenge. But her sensuous kiss ignites within him the fiery need to claim her - and an irresistible desire to unite their warring hearts in glorious love.

  • af Evans
    367,95 kr.

    In the untamed wilds of the 1800s Utah Territory, the Bingham family forges a life filled with adventure, hardship, and the extraordinary bonds of love and loyalty. "Binghams: Plural Love" is a sweeping tale of Thomas Bingham, his identical twin wives Mary and Louesa, and their resilient family as they navigate the challenges and joys of a unique polygamist lifestyle amidst the fervor of a pioneering West.Trek along with a story where faith meets the frontier, where the discovery of copper ore brings fortune and trial, and where the daily life of a family is anything but ordinary. Witness as they build a life in the face of enduring controversy, their journey an intimate testament to love, perseverance, and the unbreakable spirit of family. Each page is a passage back in time, inviting you to walk alongside the Binghams through moments of laughter, sorrow, and unparalleled adventure.Dive into "Binghams: Plural Love" and experience a saga of heart, hope, and the indomitable human spirit.

  • af Lexie Winston
    152,95 kr.

    Me the heir? What the Hell? Surely there has been a mistake.Don't I have enough cookies on my plate? What with a hit out on me, and seven mates to wrangle into line, but now I must worry about mate challenges too.Not to mention there's a demon who wants my position and doesn't want to play nice to get it. AKA, he wants Glory dead. Heck, I'm tempted to just hand it to him and be done. But his way of ruling would damn us all.So, I will have a crash course in becoming the ruler I need to be and learn everything I can from my uncle and the surprising source of his power. And when Mabuz comes for me, I will be ready. He better watch out because all hell's about to break loose.

  • af Claus-Olaf Gravittsson
    214,95 - 270,95 kr.

  • af E. J. Campbell
    187,95 kr.

    A dark contemporary reverse harem #whychoose romance.Five years ago, Sebastian Grayson, Lexingtons's beloved Mayor, caught word of my rare ability and lured me off the streets with a job offer I couldn't refuse.Literally could not refuse, because when he's not kissing babies or approving city planning budgets, Sebastian is ruling the criminal underworld as the universally feared and revered gang lord, The Gray Man.Now, war is brewing, and my Crew and I are charged with planning and executing the next stage of our empire's expansion - a recruitment drive involving the next generation of local graduating students.The mission is clear: Bring as many new grads into the fold as possible...and don't bother coming home without the group of budding young gang leaders known as the Rox Boys.I don't have many memories of my life before Sebastian 'adopted' me, only a ragged scar, and a spiraling lack of self control. Now I find myself playing the part of a senior upperclassman in Roxborough, my supposed hometown.There's something about these eye-catching Rox Boys - one of the reasons why I've personally dubbed them The Pantheon.I just can't remember what it is.* * *This is a medium burn reverse harem that will contain MM.Warnings: Please be advised that this series contains dark themes, including violence, criminal activity, addiction, risk-seeking behavior, sexual assault, death, and loss of loved one. Additionally, consensual sexual themes suitable for mature audiences 18+.

  • af Jb Trepagnier
    187,95 kr.

    Well, we found Hex. And we know who Baba Yaga is.Baba Yaga was a pretty prolific spy. She knows how to disappear and she has funding. Baba Yaga has probably long ditched the identity she was given when we thought she was a victim. Finding her is going to be the hardest thing we've ever done. Especially since everyone on my team except Bailey and Casper quite literally just got hired.But she used to be one of us and there are people here who knew a certain version of her. We can do this.

  • af Ad Wilkie
    132,95 kr.

    This isn't an alien love story although aliens and love are at its core.This isn't a story about lost innocence although that certainly happens.This isn't a post-apocalyptic story although that's exactly where and when it occurs.This is the story of a young man born into a small clan that lives in a cave and hunts with stone tipped spears. His simple life revolves around providing for his clan and loving his family. It's all he knows;all anyone has known for generations. Then disaster strikes and he's forced into an epic journey where he experiences unimaginable hardship and unexpected kindness as his eyes are opened to just how big his world really is.

  • af R L Carroll
    257,95 kr.

    All you wanted was to curb your hunger, to indulge in some well seasoned meat wrapped in an expertly steamed envelope. Was that what you got? No. You had a lot going for you. Now in your late twenties you were a decorated author, a successful investor and a mother to a cat that might be a demon in disguise. Jury was still out on that one. You worked hard for this lifestyle, fighting omega stigmas and glass ceilings. You were enjoying it to the fullest, or as full as your introverted self desired. Yet, all in a moment, your life took a deep dive... Off a cliff, into a ravine, and down to the bottom of a lake. Past trauma resurfaces, trying to break down the fragile walls you'd constructed. Will you let it win? Let the KPop industry run over you and cost you the possibility of a happily ever after? Can you fight a war against a fandom that numbers in the millions? Baek Dae was a household name in countries all over the world. The alpha leader of KPop boy band Galaxy, he was accustomed to his life being chaotic. His members, Minju, Hyunbin, Hansung and Leo all brought him heaps of it on a daily basis. He was a seasoned professional, performing on stage for tens of thousands of fans then going home to practice for the next one. Nothing kept him down. So why was his entire existence thrown through a loop after one encounter? Finding his fated mate, the person genetically wired to match him in every way, was supposed to be a magical moment. Something to inspire a thousand love songs. When disaster after disaster happens, will he end up writing lost love songs for the rest of his career? In Too Deep is a book about You, the reader, and your journey trying to balance the wish for a future, and the past scars that kept you doubting yourself and others. Are you ready to commit to a pack? And are they ready for you? Book One of the Idolverse Series. Stay tuned for book two; will it all work out for the best? Will 5 become 6?

  • - 22 danskere fortæller om de værste og de bedste oplevelser i deres polyamorøse liv
    af Naomi Hagelberg
    27,95 - 117,95 kr.

    22 modige danskere fortæller om deres bedste og værste oplevelser i det polyamorøse liv.

  • af Reba Bale
    127,95 kr.

    Her fantasy is coming true - but can she trust it? Ever since Barb's friend Vanessa got into a committed relationship with two men, she's been fantasizing about what it would be like to have two people focused on her and giving her pleasure. But when she meets best friends Aaron and Carter at a nightclub, it seems too good to be true. These hot younger guys can't possibly be interested in her, right? But they keep coming around, chipping away at her resistance until she starts to believe that maybe she's finally found the two guys who can give her the happily ever after she's always dreamed about. Until someone from her past threatens to ruin it all... "Two for One Deal" is a sweet and steamy menage romance with meddling matchmaker friends, a cryptic New Orleans psychic, a sassy midlife woman, and two blue collar heroes looking to find their forever love.

  • af Martin Sommer
    386,95 kr.

    Dive into the shadowy corridors of history with Martin Sommer's "The Secret Brotherhood: Exploring the Odd Fellows' Path," a riveting exploration of one of the world's most enigmatic fraternal organizations. Sommer, writing under a pseudonym that reflects the secretive nature of his subject, unveils the mysterious world of the Odd Fellows and their profound influence on society, particularly in the German-speaking regions.With meticulous research and compelling narrative, Sommer brings to life the rituals, symbols, and principles that have defined the Odd Fellows for centuries. Discover their quests for personal growth, social responsibility, and moral integrity in a world that often overlooks such values. From their complex relationship with Freemasonry to their unyielding dedication to community service and charity, "The Secret Brotherhood" offers an unprecedented glimpse into the heart of this clandestine fraternity.Perfect for history enthusiasts, lovers of mystery, and anyone fascinated by the unseen threads that weave through society, this book promises to take you on a journey through time and secret spaces. "The Secret Brotherhood: Exploring the Odd Fellows' Path" is more than a book; it's an invitation to uncover the hidden legacy of brotherhood that continues to shape our world in unseen ways. Unlock the secrets with Martin Sommer as your guide ¿ your view of history's hidden side will never be the same.

  • af Holly Guy
    237,95 kr.

    Rebecca:I just needed to be alone and write my new romance novel- two simple, achievable tasks- until my dad's hot best friend, Brandon, shows up in my life again. Promising to help me research for my new book, he introduces me to his sex club, but that's where I meet his two irresistible brothers: Dags and Vixen. I soon realise that Dags is an insane murderer and Vixen is my obsessive stalker. Yet I can't help but spread my legs for them whenever they command it.And then the pact is made: play with each brother for a week, and by the end of it, I must decide which brother gets to fuck me first.Sounds simple enough on paper but a death sentence for sinful desires. Must I really choose just one brother, or can I have them all?

  • af Amber Bunch
    222,95 kr.

    Some say I was driven to madness.Others say I'm a stone-cold killer.The truth is . . . I'm just ridding this world of its most depraved souls, one surgery at a time.Banished from Wonderland as a child, I have searched for years to find a way back to the twisted realm that took everything from me.But for years, I failed.Until now.And if there's one thing I crave more than poetic justice, it's revenge on the Queen who banished me.When the looking glass reappears, I'm thrust back into Wonderland, right into the hands of the Black Spade brothers.They're monsters with a knack for taking what they want, and an insatiable taste for blood and vengeance.They've vowed to break me, but what they don't know is . . . I won't break easily.I've managed to escape their clutches-for now-but how long can I run until I'm captured by the Queen's executioners? Or, worse, back in the deadly grip of the Black Spade brothers?A Pursuit of Madness is a dark retelling. Reader discretion is advised.

  • af Rebekah Sinclair
    162,95 kr.

    Note from the Author:This is a 1.5 Novella in The Forgotten Goddess Series. It is highly recommended you read The Forgotten Goddess, book 1 first for a richer experience and to avoid spoiling the ending of book 1. And with that.... please enjoy. "We should have seen this coming. I should have seen this coming."Calypso, a resilient Wind Siren, combats with the aftermath of a devastating battle that thrusts her best friend, Rhea, into the clutches of their greatest enemy, Ares, the God of War.Reliving the darkest moments of her immortal life, Calypso's harrowing past resurfaces as she recalls the torment of her captivity at the hands of the Fire-wielding Princes of Troy, a period that stripped her of power, her voice, and hope for the future.As she navigates the uncertain winds of newfound freedom, Calypso's revelation about her Fated Mates, who share the elemental power of her captors, forces her to confront a harrowing choice between embracing the path ordained by destiny or rejecting her mates and the haunting echoes of her painful captivity.Embark on an enthralling journey alongside Calypso as she sets out to confront her captors, reclaim her voice and power, and ultimately seek the vengeance she has long yearned for.

  • af Lexie Winston
    152,95 kr.

    They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but Glory knows that's a load of shit. It's bumpy and dusty, and it smells bad, not to mention the gatekeeper is a royal PITA.But if that's what it's going to take to save herself and her mates from whomever it is that is targeting them, then the denizens of the infernal realm better watch out because hell hath no fury like a bounty-hunting gluttony demon on a mission.What she finds there surprises them all. Bounty Hunting just became a whole new ball game.Join Glory as she explores the underworld and meets the Uncle, she never knew she had while trying to keep her and her mates alive.

  • af Kathryn Moon
    187,95 kr.

    Baby's heat is coming...After years of assuming she was a beta, discovering her omega designation in a biker bar surrounded by alphas isn't exactly fulfilling any fantasies for Baby. She only wanted to get have a fun night, not get knotted, bitten, and bonded. Now Baby's entire life is about to turn upside down.With her heat on its way, she needs to find a pack, a nest, and alphas she can trust.The Late Night Howlers have given up hope...After years of waiting for an omega to choose them, this motorcycle club of alphas is ready to move on with their lives. Until one sweet woman takes a chance on them.A rundown bar and apartment building is no place to spoil a new omega but the Howlers are determined to do right by Baby when she needs them. All they have to do is keep her satisfied while resisting the mouthwatering temptation to bite and bond her, permanently.When a rival MC comes sniffing after Baby, her safety is put at risk and the Howlers may be torn apart forever.

  • af Kathryn Moon
    182,95 kr.

    Lola Barnes only wants one thing, to get her life under control. No more chasing alphas who abuse and toss away betas like her. No more hiding in her cousin's apartment licking wounds that won't heal. Armed with her dream job and her less than dreamy apartment, Lola is ready to start a new chapter of her life without alphas. But that's easier said than done when one stumbling incident after another leads Lola closer to an alluring pack of captivating men.These alphas are everything Lola dreamed of, but they already have an omega-a playful male model who won't stop flirting with her. And Lola is only a beta, one who comes with deep scars and an unshakeable aversion to alphas and their powerful presences. If only she could resist their perfect beta, Leo, whose patience and determination to see her heal breaks down one wall after another.When the alpha who all but destroyed Lola tries to start a game of cat and mouse that's all claws, the safest place for Lola may be the one she's most terrified of, in the arms of an alpha pack.

  • af Kathryn Moon
    187,95 kr.

    No one ever said not to bite the hand that unlocks your cage.Faith Robins has been torn away from her brother, kept captive by an omega trafficking ring, and auctioned to the highest bidder. But when fate twists a new key in her lock, she finds herself in the care of an alpha named Bear, safe for the first time in ages.She's lost in this new world, surrounded by strange men, but she has claws now. And she's prepared to dig them in and hold onto safety, no matter the cost.The Dead End Devils aren't a pack. They aren't Boy Scouts. And if their prez, King, has his way, they're getting rid of this broken and terrified woman at the first chance. Before she can tear their club apart.

  • af Ben Bowles
    1.394,95 kr.

    London and the Southeast of England is home to many people and families who live on narrowboats, cruisers and barges, along a network of canals and rivers. Many of these 'boaters' move from place to place every two weeks and form itinerant communities in the heart of some of the UK's most crowded urban spaces. Boaters of London delves into the process of becoming a boater and the political impact of this travelling population on the state, the volume examines an alternative style of living and the potential of a life spent afloat.

  • af Tom Harris
    197,95 kr.

    A first-hand account of the high-profile Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) animal liberation campaign

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