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Årsager til og forebyggelse af kriminalitet

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  • - I skyggen af en rocker
    af Stine Lukowski & Christina Ehrenskjöld
    128,95 - 217,95 kr.

    De bliver set som rockernes ejendom og mindre værd end klubben, brødrene og deres motorcykler.“Jeg så min søn tage kvælertag på min datter ud af det blå. Han havde set sin mor blive kvalt mange gange før, og så gjorde han det pludselig selv på sin egen lillesøster. Jeg græd og tænkte ’fuck’. Deres far kunne kneppe udenom, og han kunne slå mig, men det her betød, at jeg var nødt til at planlægge at forlade ham.”Regitze er en af kvinderne bag vesten – en af dem, der lever i skyggen af enrocker. Hendes navn er opdigtet af hensyn til hendes sikkerhed, og hun er en af seks kvinder, der hudløst ærligt fortæller om livet med en mand fra en af de klubber, som historisk er kendt for at hylde broderskab, motorcykler og frihed.Bogen inviterer læseren indenfor i den for de fleste ukendte og lukkede rockerverden og beskriver den afstumpethed, der følger med et kriminelt miljø, som er skabt af mænd, drevet af mænd og kun for mænd. Kvinderne er rockernes ejendom og betragtes som mindre værd end klubben, brødrene og deres motorcykler.Bogen er blevet til gennem dybdegående research og kildearbejde og på baggrund af lange interview med dem, det handler om: “Kvinderne bag vesten”.

  • af Søren Baastrup & Johnny Robin Jørgensen
    217,95 - 227,95 kr.

    PÅ GRÆNSEN er en øjenåbnende, forargende og underholdende historie om et utraditionelt politiliv bag kulisserne i KØBENHAVNS LUFTHAVN. Som veteran fra den navnkundige Uropatrulje mavelandede JOHNNY ROBIN JØRGENSEN i lufthavnen i 1992, på nederste hylde i politiets hierarki. Men han fandt ud af, at man kan gøre den største forskel, der hvor ingen andre gider at være. Han blev en del af den SPECIALENHED I POLITIET, som forvaltede den stramme danske udlændingepolitik i et pivåbent EU. Han blev ekspert i at profilere illegale immigranter og MENNESKESMUGLERE. Han spottede falske pas og papirer. Og fik dyb indsigt i de ofte groteske forhold bag de tonede ruder på DANMARKS MÅSKE VIGTIGSTE POLITISTATION. Bogen er skrevet i samarbejde med journalist Søren Baastrup, der står bag flere true crime-bestsellere.

  • af Derval Ambrose
    424,95 - 1.466,95 kr.

    This book explores how different social psychology theories and concepts can be applied to practice. Considering theories from attribution theory to coercion theory, social identity theories to ostracism, the authors offer a greater understanding and appreciation of the ways in which social psychology can contribute to forensic practice.

  • af Florence McLean
    1.042,95 kr.

    Psykolog Florence McLean går tæt på nogle af de værste seriemordere i verden og beskriver, hvordan en ’criminal profiler’ arbejder. Hun fortæller bl.a. om geografisk profilering, viktimologi og gerningsstedsanalyse og giver eksempler fra de forskellige sager. I bogen gør hun os klogere på, hvad der skaber seriemordere. Ifølge Florence McLean er de ikke født onde, men har været udsat for traumatiserende oplevelser. Og når vi forstår, hvad der får mennesker til at begå grusomme handlinger, bliver vi bedre til at forhindre dem. Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.

  • af Reinhard Brunner
    657,95 kr.

    Für die Umsetzung des Übereinkommens des Europarates zur Verhütung und Bekämpfung von Gewalt gegen Frauen und häuslicher Gewalt (Istanbul-Konvention) hat der Regierungsrat des Kantons Zürich in einem separaten Beschluss die prioritär umzusetzenden Massnahmen für den Kanton Zürich festgelegt. Der Interventionsstelle gegen Häusliche Gewalt, welche innerhalb der Präventionsabteilung bei der Kantonspolizei Zürich angesiedelt ist, obliegt die übergeordnete Koordination der direktionsübergreifenden Vorhaben (RRB 338/2021). Die Beiträge des Sammelbandes geben Einblicke in verschiedene Bereiche der Gewaltprävention, des Opferschutzes, der Strafverfolgung sowie der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit im Verbund des Bedrohungsmanagements.

  • af Scott Shapiro
    127,95 - 245,95 kr.

  • af Charles Mackay
    348,95 kr.

    This selection, first published in 1973, compiles a fascinating study of crowd psychology as it examines the moral epidemics and fits of madness that have bewitched the cities of Europe and their citizens from the dark ages to modern times.

  • af David C Brotherton
    522,95 kr.

    Authoritative, multi-displinery and international, this handbook defines the new theoretical and empirical traditions of Critical Gang Studies, taking into account the gang as a socio-cultural formation, its various forms and stages of development, the role of race and political economy, and the contradictory impact of repressive policies.

  • af Chase Burton
    473,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

  • af Evelyn Rose
    473,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • af Gerald Stanley Lee
    493,95 - 2.132,95 kr.

  • af Christian Leuprecht
    296,95 kr.

    "Dirty Money offers valuable insight into this vexing and important topic. The expert perspectives of its contributors shed light on money laundering, financial crime, and the ever-present shadow of corruption - all real concerns for today's governments and the public at large." The Hon. Austin Cullen, Commission on Money Laundering in British Columbia

  • af Stefano Becucci
    1.543,95 kr.

    This book provides a contemporary overview of migrant smuggling and trafficking in Southern Europe, focusing on Spain, Italy and Greece. It considers how criminal players increase such activity and investigates institutional and structural constraints to legal migration in Southern Europe. Migrant workers satisfy the need for a cheap workforce to sustain Southern Europe's economy, and laws to counter irregular migration alter smuggling routes and expose migrants to forms of exploitation upon reaching their destination. Revealing institutional, economic and criminal factors, the book explains the persistence of migrant smuggling and trafficking.

  • af John Scott
    486,95 kr.

    Ten percent of the world's population lives on islands, but until now the place and space characteristics of islands in criminological theory have not been deeply considered. This book moves beyond the question of whether islands have more, or less, crime than other places, and instead addresses issues of how, and by whom, crime is defined in island settings, which crimes are policed and visible, and who is subject to regulation. These questions are informed by 'the politics of place and belonging' and the distinctive social networks and normative structures of island communities.

  • af Claudia Heinzelmann
    499,95 kr.

    Der 26. Deutsche Präventionstag fand am 10. und 11. Mai 2021 unter der Schirm-herrschaft des Ministerpräsidenten des gastgebenden Bundeslandes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Armin Laschet, als digitaler Kongress online sowie live aus Köln statt. Das Schwerpunktthema des Kongresses lautete ¿Prävention orientiert!... planen ... schulen ... austauschen ...¿.Dieser Dokumentationsband enthält 15 zentrale Praxisbeispiele und Forschungs-berichte von insgesamt 30 Autorinnen und Autoren aus dem Kongressprogramm. Außerdem gibt die Dokumentation einen Überblick über den gesamten Kongress und enthält zwei Gutachtentexte zum Schwerpunktthema, die Kongresserklärung sowie die ausführliche Kongressevaluation.

  • - Reframing the English and Welsh Drug Courts
    af Anna Kawalek
    451,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

  • af Clemens (University of Northern Iowa) Bartollas & Aaron (Institute of Criminal Justice Studies Pycroft
    226,95 - 1.158,95 kr.

  • af Rebecca M. Hayes
    822,95 kr.

    From #notallmen to #MeToo, this book acts as an in-depth primer on how these outdated attitudes continue to persist, but also the role we can play in shifting this cultural mindset and create lasting social change.

  • af Claudia Heinzelmann
    287,95 kr.

    The German Prevention Congress [Deutscher Präventionstag ¿ DPT] (former German Congress on Crime Prevention ¿ GCOCP) is an annual event that takes place since 1995 in different German cities and targets all areas of crime prevention. Since its foundation the German Prevention Congress has been open to an international audience with a growing number of non-German speaking participants joining. To give the international guests their own discussion forum, the Annual International Forum (AIF) was established in 2007. For international guests this event offers lectures in English language as well as other activities within the German Prevention Congress that are translated simultaneously. This book reflects the outcomes of the 13th AIF (20 and 21 May 2019 in Berlin) and of the 14th AIF (10 and 11 May 2021 in Cologne). The articles show worldwide views on crime prevention and criminal policy as well as the current status, discussion, research and projects in crime prevention from different countries.

  • af Rafe (Edge Hill University McGregor
    449,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • af Jack Levin & Julie B. Wiest
    296,95 - 1.239,95 kr.

  • af Imran Awan
    853,95 kr.

    Rates of hate crime within football have been increasing, despite the visibility of anti-racist actions such as 'taking the knee'. With a unique collection of testimonies, this book shows that hostility is a daily occurrence for some professional football players, ranging from online threats to physical intimidation and violence at football matches. Bringing a range of perspectives to this widespread problem, leading academics, practitioners and policy makers shed light on the best strategies to tackle racism, homophobia, transphobia and misogyny in football.

  • af Yvon Dandurand
    785,95 kr.

    Sport-based crime prevention programmes are becoming increasingly popular worldwide but until now there has been very little research on the effectiveness of such approaches. Bringing together authoritative evidence from existing programmes, the authors identify and analyse emerging successful practices. Covering mentoring and coaching, particularly as they relate to Positive Youth Development (PYD) programmes, the authors explore how the development of core life skills can improve individual resilience and decrease the risk of criminal involvement. The book conceptualizes the links between criminological theory and PYD and gives recommendations for future policy and practice.

  • af Gwenola Ricordeau
    137,95 kr.

    An indispensable guide to the feminist case for prison abolition

  • af Bernard J., USA) McCarthy, USA) Braswell, mfl.
    877,95 - 2.382,95 kr.

  • - Approaches, Practices, and Evaluations
    af Steven P. (Bowling Green State University) Lab
    816,95 - 2.382,95 kr.

    Revised edition of the author's Crime prevention, 2014.

  • af Dieter Reinisch
    535,95 kr.

    This book sheds light on Irish republican prisoners during the Northern Irish Troubles and the ways in which they shaped the peace process from within the internment camps and prisons.

  • af Anthony A. Braga
    277,95 kr.

    In many U.S. cities, gun violence is the most urgent crime problem. High rates of deadly violence make a city less livable, dragging down quality of life, economic development, and property values. Drawing on fifty years of research and practical experience, Policing Gun Violence argues that it is possible for the police to create greater public safety while respecting the rights of individuals and communities. Anthony A. Braga and Philip J. Cook identify the most beneficial evidence-based practices, offering a comprehensive guide for deploying the authority and considerable resources of the police to reduce gun violence.

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