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Krigsteori og militærvidenskab

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  • af Anders Puck Nielsen & Kasper Junge Wester
    217,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Hvor lang er en forsyningslinje? Hvad er en black hat?Siden Ruslands invasion af Ukraine i februar 2021 har søofficer og militæranalytiker Anders Puck Nielsen slået sit navn fast i den danske offentlighed. Med stor erfaring, konkret viden og særlige formidlingsegenskaber klæder han dagligt danskerne på til at forstå en ny, kompleks virkelighed, der indbefatter ufred i Europa – og en fremtid, hvor ingen længere kan lade, som om kunsten at føre krig hører til i en en anden tidsalder.I denne veloplagte bog, der er skrevet i samarbejde med forsvarsjournalist og tidligere overkonstabel Kasper Wester, giver Anders Puck Nielsen en introduktion til krig anno 2022, hvor alle kan være med. Gennem konkrete eksempler får læseren indblik i krigens domæner – til lands, vil vands, i luften, i rummet og på nettet. Læseren bliver også klogere på moderne begreber som oprørskrig, informationskrig og atomkrig. Og ikke mindst den krig, alle frygter, nemlig en 3. verdenskrig.Uden at være dommedagsprofet forsøger Anders Puck Nielsen med sin bog at udbrede menigmands kendskab til krig. Som Anders Puck Nielsen slår fast i bogen: Det stærkeste våben mod krig er viden.

  • - Det russiske forår og Den russiske verden
    af Samuel Rachlin
    192,95 kr.

    Samuel Rachlins bog om Vladimir Putin fra 2014 er blevet profetisk. Skrevet i tiden omkring Majdan-revolutionen i Kyiv, ved optakten til den russisk-ukrainske krig, afdækker Rachlin den russiske præsidents vision og mission om at blive manden, der genrejser Rusland og giver nationen og folket den tabte identitet tilbage. Rachlin opruller forudsætningerne for den nu otte år lange konflikt med Ukraine ved at gå tæt på personen Putin og kortlægge hans adfærd og udvikling som leder. Denne bog handler om tilblivelsen af den største diktator i Rusland siden Stalin.Samuel Rachlin er født og opvokset i Rusland og har i årtier dækket russiske forhold som korrespondent og kommentator for bl.a. TV2 og Politiken. Jeg, Putin har solgt over 10.000 eksemplarer og er udkommet i fem oplag.Anmelderne skrev: ”Det er svært at skrive godt om svært tilgængeligt stof. Men det kan Rachlin. Let og ubesværet gennemgår han dette sære, kryptofascistiske filosofiske system, som Putin er blevet fanget af.” – Berlingske ***** ”Skræmmende, men overbevisende.” – Politiken ****"En fortræffelig bog om Putin og hans vision om at genskabe den russiske verden." – Kristeligt Dagblad”Skarp og velfortalt … Rachlins glimrende bog opruller den nuværende udvikling forbilledligt klart med oplysende sideblikke til Ruslands historie og politiske sprog. Nu er Putins sorte boks åbnet; dens ideologiske indhold viser sig at være mindst lige så sort.” – Weekendavisen

  • - The Roots of War and the Paths to Peace
    af Christopher Blattman
    105,95 kr.

  • af Mike Martin
    173,95 - 232,95 kr.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    347,95 kr.

    Machiavelli draws on his historical knowledge and experience as a statesman to examine the reasons that Kings, Emperors, Dukes and governments have thrived or crumbled while highlighting the principles that guided them.

  • - Militær anvendelse af kunstig intelligens
    af Rasmus Dahlberg, Iben Yde & Thomas G. Nielsen
    317,95 kr.

    Moderne krigsførelse er uhyre kompleks, og beslutninger skal ofte træffes hurtigt på baggrund af enorme mængder ufuldstændige data. Til det formål er kunstig intelligens særdeles velegnet. Maskinlæring, algoritmer, neurale netværk og andre computerdrevne efterligninger af den menneskelige tænkeevne repræsenterer derfor en egentlig militærteknologisk revolution. I denne antologi leverer førende danske forskere og praktikere for første gang en samlet introduktion til teknologien bag og anvendelsen af kunstig intelligens i militære systemer og organisationer. Emner som logistik, kontrol- og kommandoforhold, cybersikkerhed og etik præsenteres på letforståelig vis og sættes i både historisk, nutidigt og fremtidsmæssigt perspektiv.

  • af Stephen Robinson
    145,95 - 377,95 kr.

    Colonel John Boyd, a maverick fighter pilot, revolutionized the American art of war but his research relied on accounts written by Wehrmacht veterans who fabricated historical evidence to cover up their participation in Nazi war crimes. The Blind Strategist separates fact from fantasy and exposes the myths of maneuver warfare through a detailed evidence-based investigation and is a must-read for anybody interested in American military history.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    237,95 kr.

    Krigskunsten (L’arte della guerra, 1521) er det eneste af Machiavellis store politisk-militære værker, der udkom, mens han endnu levede. I Fyrsten og Drøftelserne beskæftiger han sig indgående med militære anliggender, men overvejende negativt som en kritik af de italienske staters måde at føre krig på. I Krigskunsten derimod fremlægger han en række positive forslag til reformer, der skal sætte disse stater i stand til at genvinde noget af den ”virtù” og militære kunnen, der havde givet det gamle Rom verdensherredømmet. Machiavelli er den første, som betragter statskunst og krigskunst som to sider af samme sag og drager konsekvenserne heraf. Han er også den første, der viser, at krigen kan gøres til genstand for teoretiske overvejelser og systematiske studier. Krigskunsten blev 1500-tallets autoritative militære grundtraktat og er blevet gransket af nogle af eftertidens største feltherrer og militære tænkere som Frederik den Store, Napoleon og Karl von Clausewitz. Den anerkendte britiske militærhistoriker John Keegan kalder bogen ”et revolutionerende skrift”, og den er endnu i dag en væsentlig tekst for enhver, som forsker i militær historie og teori. Alle Machiavelli-oversættelser udgivet af Forlaget HELIKON: Fyrsten (1998/2020) Drøftelser af Livius (Discorsi) (2004) Krigskunsten (2012/2020) Krig og diplomati. De mindre skrifter (2020)Private breve (2023)Om Machiavelli:C. Paludan-Müller: Undersøgelse af Machiavelli som skribent (2021)Frederik den Store: Anti-Machiavel (2022) Købes ofte sammen med: Francesco Guicciardini: Råd og refleksioner (Ricordi) (2018) Fritz Wolder: Magtens manual (2001/2018)

  • af Vitaly Kotsur
    643,95 kr.

    Monography discusses a complex of questions related to the socio-cultural prerequisites of the russian-Ukrainian war. The origins and origins of the ideology of ruscism are investigated. The authors analyze: features of the neo-imperial, totalitarian ideology of ruscism, aimed at neglect national and cultural values, formation of inferiority consciousness and self-awareness of Ukrainians; impact on ideology «russian world» of historical and political myths; the role of the individual in the implementation of the practice of ruscism.

  • af Carlos Alberto Dias Ferreira
    433,95 kr.

    Born in 1826, Francisco Paulo de Almeida was the son of a slave and had his name erased from history. What are the reasons for the silence surrounding the life of this man with no real assets, in a period and space considered restricted and slave-like, who began life as a goldsmith, was a muleteer, belonged to the coffee oligarchy and owned several farms in the Paraíba valley, owned the Yellow Palace in Petrópolis and lived in Catete. He rose to nobility with the title of Baron of Guaraciaba and was a friend of Princess Isabel? Questions such as: What power relations were established by and for blacks who managed to occupy posts, titles and positions seen as "proper" to whites? What were the implications of holding the title of baronet in 19th century Brazil? What were the benefits and their implications? What were the specificities of being black and a baron in Brazil in the second half of the 19th century? What do these considerations reveal about that time, its customs and social relations? Finally, what did it mean for a black man to be part of this political and social high street?

  • af Ross S Santos
    607,95 kr.

    The work is composed of two parts, the first, earlier, when the misogynist ultra-right movement studied, bolsonarismo, reached its peak in the process of fanaticism in Brazilian society after years of charlatan content freely disseminated under the guise of freedom of expression in the cyber universe; and the second, more recent - and not yet fully completed, since the ultra-right-wing hate pages with bolsonarist sexist content are still being monitored - seeks to identify pockets of extremist groups on the networks, their methods of action and the consequent real-life practices that lead to the incentive in such phallocentric niches to various forms of violence against women and / or their bodies.

  • af Rakesh Kumar Mishra
    817,95 kr.

    The idea of ancient civilization having contact with extraterrestrial Life is a popular in Science Fiction and conspiracy theories. however, here is no scientific evidence that any ancient civilization connect with contact of extraterrestrial life.there are some claim that Mayan had contact with alien visitor's who left behind evidence of their existence . however, these claim are not supported by any scientific evidence and are considered to be pseudoscientific.

  • af João Florêncio Da Costa Júnior
    1.077,95 kr.

    In this book of essays, João Costa delves deeply into a variety of topics, exploring issues ranging from the cultural revolution and the occupation of spaces to political science, ideology, culture and social transformations. With an impressive clarity of thought, Costa presents solid and eloquent arguments in his reflections. His essays offer a captivating insight into these complex themes and challenge readers to rethink their own perspectives, defying common sense. This book is a collection of profound and logical ideas that invite readers to explore the author's brilliant thinking on a journey through increasingly relevant historical themes.

  • af João Florêncio Da Costa Júnior
    1.032,95 kr.

    Dans ce livre d'essais, João Costa approfondit des sujets variés, allant de la révolution culturelle à l'occupation des espaces, en passant par la science politique, l'idéologie, la culture et les transformations sociales. Avec une clarté de pensée impressionnante, Costa présente des arguments solides et éloquents dans ses réflexions. Ses essais offrent un aperçu captivant de ces thèmes complexes et incitent les lecteurs à repenser leurs propres perspectives, en défiant le sens commun. Ce livre est une collection d'idées profondes et logiques qui invitent les lecteurs à explorer la brillante pensée de l'auteur au cours d'un voyage à travers des thèmes historiques de plus en plus pertinents.

  • af Jorge Henao
    457,95 kr.

    This paper offers a key to the interpretation of the application and validity of human rights in Colombia. The situations of abuse of the population by the State and various actors in the conflict are evidence of the country's social crisis, the impunity for such crimes, and the shortcomings in the implementation of a culture of peace. Thus, addressing the nature of fundamental rights today raises the question of their legitimacy, whether they could be considered an instrument of ideological domination, as elements of struggle, or, on the contrary, their legal defense is supported by a hermetic and corrupt legislative apparatus.

  • af Enrique Fortoúl Contreras Ramírez
    632,95 kr.

    I am one of those who believe, as do many people, that education from colonial times to the present day has been managed as an ideological instrument for the domination given by power relations. That education has always been managed expressing the interests of the class that dominates and responding to a "truth" imposed in an alienating way, so that they never questioned the instruction received, where reflection, analysis does not touch the brain of the learner, thus becoming the "formation" of a huge herd that is herded according to the objectives, purposes and goals of the ruler, keeping it isolated from a reality that gradually enslaves and plunges into intellectual and material poverty to the vast majority of the population. There are those who pretend to ignore that the genesis of our educational systems in Latin America, including the Caribbean, was born as a result of a relationship of force, that is to say, of power relations. That power was used at that time, so that education would fulfill the purpose, the objective and the end so that it would have a USEFUL value in the service of God and the Spanish Metropolitan State -in other words- USEFUL to God and the King.

  • af Tyler Jost
    222,95 - 925,95 kr.

  • af Noureddine Mbarki
    469,95 kr.

    In this exercise, I try to ask a primordial question which consists of seeking the specificity of the relationship or the link between two opposing disciplines: theology and politics. We see in this work that the presence of theology in our daily lives is always a subject of discussion. To analyze this question, we will return to the philosophy of Locke. This thinker wrote several articles explaining that human affairs do not need the teachings of the Church. In this context, Locke finds the solution in the need to establish a civil state whose creator is man. But this new political development was not easy to achieve. In this perspective he must find a clever way out at a time when religion is absolutely dominant. This is the exercise that we have been working on throughout this attempt. In this attempt we are obliged to resort particularly to the political philosophy of Hobbes, solely to compare the two philosophers. In this work we have also attempted to dialogue with Locke - from different points of view on the political present - as well as with a group of contemporary thinkers on the theological-political question.

  • af Thaís Alves Costa
    522,95 kr.

    Ever since Plato wrote the Republic, questions of politics and law have become common problems for all societies. It's no wonder that, for his discussions, different models have been suggested to account for what we consider to be just, good or right in terms of the role of the state towards its citizens. These models, whether utilitarian, liberal, egalitarian, virtue theorist or communitarian, try to deal with political problems by suggesting different starting points, and these points are as diverse as their theoretical models. Faced with this reality, the author will seek to clearly and precisely elucidate some of the main theoretical discussions in political philosophy and law.

  • af Richard Overy
    237,95 kr.

    Why has warfare always been part of the human story?From biology to belief, what explains the persistence of violent conflict?What light can this shed on humanity's past - and its future?There can be few more important but also more contentious issues than attempting to understand the human propensity for conflict. Our history is inextricably tangled in wave after wave of inter-human fighting from as far back as we have records.Repeatedly humans have foresworn war, have understood its appalling risks and have wished to create more pacific, productive societies. And yet almost inevitably circumstances emerge under which war once more seems inevitable or even desirableHow can we make sense of what Einstein called 'the dark places of human will and feeling'? Richard Overy draws on a lifetime's study of conflict to write this challenging account of how we can understand the causes of war. Looking at every facet of war from biology to belief, psychology to security, Overy allows readers to understand the many contradictory or self-reinforcing ways in which warfare can suddenly appear a legitimate option, and why it is likely to be part of our future as well as our past.

  • af Ángel Estigarribia
    797,95 kr.

    The study analyzes the political possibilities of a key public health strategy: Primary Health Care and examines the specific role it plays in the system of social control, in the shaping of subjectivity and social habitus in relation to the political objectives of the State. To this effect, it describes the mechanisms for collecting information on individuals, families and groups; it investigates the process of searching, collecting and processing data; it analyzes the role of the community both in the monitoring of individuals and in the production of desirable behaviors for the State. It explains the implications of the system, the effects on individual and social habits under the discourse of healthy life and finally, glimpses the possible lines of escape.

  • af Liliana Pardo Montenegro
    422,95 kr.

    Palimpsest of readings and writings, aims to generate a dialogue of ideas on the problem of science and ideology in the formation of knowledge. Understanding the role of the dominant ideology of the capitalist system in the discourse of science and in the construction of societies. We respond to an old dialogue regarding the role of modern science as an institution and discourse, in the conformation of capitalism, in Colombia in particular, in Latin America as a region; and in general in all countries that suffered or suffer from the colonial system without having resolved the progress and development promised by modernity.

  • af Kaique Aparecido Silva
    482,95 kr.

    The purpose of this monographic work is to analyse and convey a contemporary interpretation of the origin, foundation and realisation of the concept of the State developed by the idealist philosopher Hegel, in his famous philosophical system contained in Philosophy of Law - 1820/21. In order to do this, we will use Platonic and Aristotelian philosophy as a basis for the idea of the original state, as well as contractualist philosophy, based on these three contractual currents: liberal, absolutist and socialist, to support our contemporary reinterpretations of Hegel's concepts of the individual, the family, civil-bourgeois society, morality, ethics and the state.

  • af Marcellin Mugabe
    562,95 kr.

  • af Jamshid Shonazarov
    469,95 kr.

    This monograph is devoted to the study and analysis of the formation of the spiritual and moral image of civil servants in the management of the state and society, related to the management activities and socio-political relations, and the solution to the problems that may arise in this field. In this study, in today's increasingly globalized, highly competitive, highly conflicted era, the comprehensive and effective organization of problems related to the proper organization of state and community management is becoming more urgent than ever. Scientific analyzes aimed at finding a solution to these tasks and implementing them in practice are interpreted from the point of view of politics and moral philosophy. The results of this study can be used by civil servants, political party leaders, researchers conducting research in the field of public administration, and the general readership.

  • af Isaac Katsuva Mutanga
    537,95 kr.

    This work reviews the frameworks and strategies used by the citizen movement Eveil citoyen in mass and adult education in the city of Butembo. But first, it reviews the frameworks and strategies of popular education in general, takes stock of citizen movements in this city, and highlights the opportunities offered by popular and adult education to bring about change. Weaknesses in the frameworks and strategies used by Eveil Citoyen are identified, while proposing ways of improving performance; then the first attempts at mid-term improvement are presented.

  • af María Amalia Pérez Bourbon
    482,95 kr.

    This paper is an analysis of the anthropological aspects of economic liberalism and its relationship with personalism. Today's reality shows that the hegemony of capitalism in the Western economy still does not resolve the serious situations of poverty that afflict thousands of people, and that the ideal of lasting peace is far from being achieved. These are current challenges for economists, sociologists, politicians and all those committed to contributing to the common good. The market economy promotes the satisfaction of all material needs of those who participate. So what does this economic system lack in order to achieve its goal? The economy seeks to solve three fundamental economic problems: what is to be produced, how the resources will be used and for whom they will be produced. The distribution of income and consumption among individuals are part of the objectives. In this context, it is possible to analyse whether economic liberalism seeks to solve the needs of the consumer, or whether its focus on productivity and profit has not left aside the central issue, which is the individual. The aim is to provide an answer to this question, and to suggest possible future lines of action.

  • af Andrew R Curtis
    256,95 kr.

    Concentrating on decisions taken below the political level, this book uncovers the factors that underpin the translation of strategic direction into military capability.

  • af Alan Chong
    337,95 kr.

    This book explores civil-military relations in Asia. With chapters on individual countries in the region, it provides a comprehensive account of the range of contemporary Asian practices under conditions of abridged democracy, soft authoritarianism or complete totalitarianism. Through its analysis, the book argues that civil-military relations in Asia ought to be examined under the concept of 'Asian military evolutions'. It demonstrates that while Asian militaries have tried to incorporate standard, Western-derived frameworks of civil-military relations, it has been necessary to adapt such frameworks to suit local circumstances. The book reveals how this has in turn led to creative fusions and novel changes in making civil-military relations an asset to furthering national security objectives.

  • af Antonio C. A. de Sousa Lara
    342,95 kr.

    The first people to have a formal manifest destiny in History was the Jewish people. It is a case apart, given the divine bestowal of that space. All empires, before and since, have been in a more torrential way, a self-justified manifest destiny. Geopolitics came to give some comfort to the "vital spaces" of the then present and future and to explain the manifest destiny of the thirteen colonies that revolted until independence.Today's manifest destinies seem more incompatible with each other because the planet has become smaller. The war is now between the old New World Order of Capital over the State and another new world order of the State over capital. After the catastrophe, a despotic and unitarian New World Order will begin again. Only then will the other one begin.

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