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Medicinsk etik og lægeetik

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  • af Lisa Meisner Kofoed
    247,95 kr.

    Som oftest er en graviditet forbundet med glæde, forventninger og drømme om den lykkelige familieforøgelse. Glæden kan dog slukkes med et fingerknips, når en rutinescanning viser, at noget er galt.Med nutidens muligheder for fosterdiagnostik opstår der ikke sjældent et etisk dilemma, når det lille menneske i maven er sygt. Hvor naturen ville gå sin gang uden menneskelig indblanding, bliver vi nu stillet over for nogle valg og beslutninger, som vi gerne ville være foruden.Sorg, mit barn er forfatteren Lisas egen fortælling om den alt for tidlige fødsel af hendes datter Smilla. Fortællingen om et forløb, hvor Lisa mod sin vilje blev herre over sin egen datters liv og død. For Smilla ville måske kunne bæres graviditeten ud, men hun ville ikke kunne leve.Lisas historie er langt fra unik. Flere og flere bliver stillet over for de umenneskelige beslutninger, som skal træffes, når videnskaben møder det menneskelige sind.Sorg, mit barn er langt mere end blot en trist historie om et kort liv. Gennem interviews med fagpersoner – blandt andre en jordemoder, en antropolog, en filosof, en præst og flere psykologer – får forfatteren sat ord og følelser på svære begreber som skam, eksistens og etiske overvejelser.Bogen vil kunne bruges af alle, der har prøvet at miste et ufødt barn – og deres pårørende, men også af fagpersoner i berøring med de familier, der bliver stillet over for de svære beslutninger.

  • af Jacob Birkler
    267,95 kr.

    ETIK – EN GRUNDBOG er en lettilgængelig præsentation af etikkens vigtigste begreber, teorier, værdier og dilemmaer. Medafsæt i mange typiske eksempler fremviser bogen de vigtigste etiske problemstillinger, som sundhedsprofessionelle står med i hverdagens arbejde. Hvad er svært, og hvordan er det svært?Målgruppen er især studerende på de sundhedsfaglige grunduddannelser, hvor bogen vil være en oplagt grundbog og fælles reference. Den er også et relevant valg på master- og kandidatuddannelser eller i forbindelse med efter- og videreuddannelse af sygeplejersker, fysioterapeuter, ergoterapeuter, diætister, jordemødre, bioanalytikere, radiografer, læger etc.ETIK – EN GRUNDBOG dækker alle de centrale pensumkrav og giver læseren et godt overblik over etisk teori, etisk refleksion, etisk ansvarlighed og professionsetik. Bogen giver desuden læseren forskellige redskaber til refleksion over etiske problemstillinger, ligesom den udfordrer læseren til selv at reflektere over grundværdier og professionsetik i mødet med dilemmaer i sundhedsvæsenet.

  • af John Brandt Brodersen & Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
    303,95 - 367,95 kr.

    Er det ikke altid godt at ‘vide besked’?En tsunami af overdiagnostik er ved at oversvømme vores samfund. Den medicinske teknologi er i konstant udvikling og bliver hele tiden mere fintfølende, og det betyder at vi med selvtest og diverse undersøgelser i sundhedsvæsenet kan opfange selv de mindste afvigelser og unormale værdier i vores kroppe, som kan tolkes som sygdom. Samtidig udvides definitionerne af sygdomskategorier hele tiden, og behandlingsgrænser for, hvornår man er syg, sænkes. Dette kan alt sammen lede til overdiagnostik, som gør den enkelte unødigt til patient. Det er ikke alene dyrt for samfundet, men også spild af sundhedsvæsenets knappe ressourcer. I denne bog redegør forfatterne for, hvad overdiagnostik er, hvorfor det opstår, og hvordan det skader både individer og samfundet. De løfter bl.a. sløret for en række overraskende pointer:• Der er under 4 % raske tilbage, når risici for hjerte-kar-sygdomme undersøges i en almindelig befolkning.• Omkring hver femte patient med en kræftdiagnose er overdiagnosticeret.• Overdiagnostik trives i vores sundhedskultur, hvor den enkelte forventes at tage ansvar for egen sundhed.• Overdiagnostik er et usynligt problem i hverdagen, fordi det ikke kan ses hos den enkelte, men kun kan forstås på befolkningsniveau.Snart er vi alle patienter giver såvel studerende som forskere, undervisere, klinikere og beslutningstagere et solidt grundlag for at diskutere og forstå overdiagnostik.

  • af Maja Worm Frandsen & Lærke Smidt Gasbjerg
    434,95 - 517,95 kr.

    Ny grundbog om den almene praksis.Den praktiserende læge har en afgørende rolle og et stort ansvar i det danske sundhedsvæsen. Hvert eneste år uddannes mange praktiserende læger til at varetage opgaverne i primærsektoren, og 85 % af danskerne er i kontakt med deres praktiserende læge i løbet af et år. Derfor er det også en høj prioritet, at de medicinstuderende i hele landet uddannes grundigt i opbygningen af den primære sundhedssektor, oplever dagligdagen og de mange former for konsultationer i almen praksis, og lærer hvordan en dygtig og grundig praktiserende læge arbejder. ”Almen medicin” fra FADL’s Forlag er målrettet danske medicinstuderende samt læger i klinisk basisuddannelse (KBU), og dækker organisationen af den danske primære sundhedssektor samt konsultation og diagnostik i almen praksis. Derudover har bogen et kapitel i kommunikation og bogen har lagt vægt på, at de kommunikative færdigheder og trygge relationer er altafgørende i mødet mellem den praktiserende læge og sine patienter. Alle forfattere tilknyttet bogen er eksperter i deres felt og har mange års ekspertise. Bogen er redigeret af Lærke Smidt Gasbjerg og Maja Worm Frandsen.

  • - Den professionelle læge
    af Louise Binow Kjær
    147,95 - 327,95 kr.

    Sundhedsstyrelsens beskrivelse af de 7 lægeroller har i høj grad præget opfattelsen af, hvad en professionel læge skal kunne i Danmark. Men hvordan træner man de forskellige lægeroller som studerende? Og hvilke elementer er vigtige i overgangen til lægerollen? "Lægens roller" giver både et overblik over og en guide til, hvordan man som studerende, yngre læge eller underviser arbejder målrettet med lægefaglig professionalisme. Bogen er ideel som lærebog i professionskurser ved medicinstudiet i København, Aarhus, Odense og Aalborg,men vil også være nyttig for nyuddannede læger, som ønsker at genopfriske viden og færdigheder indenfor f.eks. lovgivning, kommunikationsredskaber, ledelse og forskning. Bogen har fokus på rollerne som professionel, sundhedsfremmer, kommunikator, leder, samarbejder og akademiker, der støtter og supplerer rollen som medicinsk ekspert. I én bog får du en samlet guide til de vigtigste elementer i lægelig professionalisme. Derudover er bogen velegnet som inspirationskilde i forbindelse med jobstart og karrierevalg.

  • af Peter C. Gøtzsche
    247,95 kr.

    Borgerne mener, og videnskaben viser, at medicin mod depression og psykose og indlæggelse på en psykiatrisk afdeling oftere er mere skadelig end gavnlig.Alligevel tager de fleste patienter psykofarmaka i årevis. Lægerne har gjort hundreder af millioner af patienter afhængige af psykofarmaka uden at vide, hvordan de kan hjælpe dem med at trappe sikkert ud igen, hvilket kan være meget vanskeligt. Bogen forklarer i detaljer, hvor skadelige psykofarmaka er, og fortæller, hvordan man kan stoppe med at bruge dem."Bogen er en øjenåbner, der bl.a. besvarer spørgsmålet, om det er de biologisk orienterede psykiatere, der er mest gale, eller de mennesker, de har som opgave at hjælpe. Bogen er skrevet i et lettilgængeligt sprog og er pligtlæsning for alle. Bogen leverer argumenterne for, at man skal holde sig på lang afstand af den etablerede psykiatri og dens diagnose- og medicinkultur. Opsøg en dygtig psykoterapeut, der kan hjælpe dig med at få klarhed over dine traumer og de relationer, der er skadelige for dig."Allan Holmgren, aut. psykolog.,, specialist i psykoterapi, adjungeret professor, CBS.

  • - Medicinske selveksperimenter gennem tiden
    af Lasse Romer Olsen
    230,95 kr.

    I I embeds medfør får du historier om læger, der har udført forsøg på egen krop. Der er eksempler, der er tankevækkende, og eksempler, der er grænseoverskridende. Revolutionerende opdagelser og tragiske ulykker - nobelpriser og dødsfald. Der er eksempler fra 1614 og frem til i dag. Bogen præsenterer nogle af de mest betydelige tilfælde, og selv-forsøgene introduceres i deres rette medicinhistoriske kontekst. Bogens forfatter, Lasse Romer Olsen, forsøger ligeledes at adressere årsagerne til selvforsøgene: Er det rent etisk det mest forsvarlige? Det hurtigste? Eller har der slet og ret ikke været andre muligheder?

  • af Jørgen Lange Thomsen
    447,95 kr.

    RETSMEDICIN I NY 4. UDGAVEHermed foreligger 4. udgave af klassikeren Retsmedicin, hvor den studerende får en forståelse af, viden om og kendskab til læren om medicinens anvendelse i retsvæsenets tjeneste. Heri dokumenteres etik og lovgivning, obduktion, traumatologi, dødsmåder, dødsårsager, forgiftninger, klinisk retsmedicinsk samt metoder og forskning.I denne 4. udgave er bogens kapitler revideret efter nyeste retningslinjer og lovregler, ligesom bogens kapitler er strammet op, gjort mere pædagogiske og opdateret efter aktuelle læringsmål på landets fire medicinske fakulteter i København, Aarhus, Odense og Aalborg.Flere kapitler er udgået, mens 4. udgaven er opdateret med et kapitel om gerningsmandsprofiler og om undervisning i retsmedicin.fagredaktør er Jørgen Lange Thomsen.

  • af Mark P Khurana
    363,95 kr.

    "Exploring the forces that determine the rate and direction of medical progress, this book brings together the worlds of scientific policy, economics, sociology, and innovation to describe the medical research landscape. Covers how issues, including incentive structures and lack of novelty in drug development, influence and impede progress"--

  • - Grundbog i teori og praksis
    af Benjamin Olivares Bøgeskov & Lisbeth Aaskov Falch
    327,95 kr.

    ETIK I SYGEPLEJEN - grundbog i teori og praksisSygeplejeprofessionen er baseret på etiske værdier, såsom omsorg, respekt, ansvar, værdighed og integritet. Med denne bog skærpes sygeplejestuderendes bevidsthed og refleksion over de mange etiske spørgsmål inden for sygeplejeprofessionen, som knytter sig til vigtigt sygeplejefaglige værdier og principper.Etik i sygepleje giver et teoretisk fundament, hvorfra den studerende kan udøve refleksion om etiske dilemmaer, og den giver konkrete nedslag i komplekse problemstillinger i klinikken. Bogen er velegnet til studiebrug og er bygget op, så den er relevant fra 1. til 7. semester på sygeplejeuddannelsen.Del 1: ”Etik i teori” udgør den grundlæggende viden om begrebet etik, etiske dilemmaer og etisk refleksion. Del 1 vil kunne læses og genlæses gennem hele uddannelsen.Del 2: ”Etik i praksis” har fokus på kultursammenstød, gerontofobi, paternalisme, forråelse, der er bl.a. kapitler om at tilhøre en profession og om inddragelse af patient, borger og pårørende, om prioritering i sundhedsvæsenet og om etik ved projektarbejde med fokus på afsluttende bachelorprojekt.Bogen henvender sig primært til sygeplejestuderende, men vil også kunne bruges på efter- og videreuddannelse for sygeplejersker, fx sundhedsfaglige diplommoduler, ligesom at andre sundhedsprofessionelle også kan finde den relevant.

  • af Aditya Sharma
    365,95 kr.

    Welcome to the world of hacking and cyber threatsWith the widespread adoption of the internet, the digital world has become an integral part of our lives. Activities such as online banking, shopping, social media, and education are all available at our fingertips. However, along with these conveniences, concerns about cybersecurity have also increased.When we hear the word "hacking," we often picture criminals wearing black hoodies and masks, typing furiously on computers. But the world of hacking is much more diverse and complex than that.What is hacking?Hacking is the act of gaining unauthorized access to a computer system or network. Hackers can use this access to steal data, install malware, or disrupt operations.

  • af Neal Baer
    437,95 kr.

    "Comprising eight revised essays and seven new pieces, this work provides a comprehensive resource for students, scientists, bioethicists, physicians, and laypeople to better understand and discuss the ethical issues underlying this technology that has the potential to forever change the world"--

  • af Daniel S Goldberg
    313,95 kr.

    A timely look at the ethical, legal, and policy issues surrounding brain injury and collision sports.American tackle football is an industry like any other. And like many industries, it sells a product that is dangerous to those who use it--or, in this case, those who play it. In Tackle Football and Traumatic Brain Injuries, Daniel S. Goldberg explores the connections among traumatic brain injury, collision sports, and the industry's continuing efforts to manufacture doubt. Focusing especially on youths and adolescents--the most vulnerable population that comprises over 99% of tackle football players in the US--Goldberg addresses the ethical and social implications of their participation in tackle football.Goldberg discusses the true scope of the danger and the costs to society and individuals of caring for injured participants. If these risks were to become widespread public knowledge, the profitability and perhaps even the viability of American football would be at risk. As the tackle football industry has consistently worked to mask the health hazards involved in playing football, it has used a particular tool that has proved highly effective in achieving this subterfuge: the manufacture of doubt. Goldberg advocates for using public health laws as a tool for countering these efforts at obfuscation, and he outlines specific policy proposals intended to address the population health and ethical problems presented by tackle football.The book draws on public health ethics, public health law, and the histories of occupational and public health to assess the limits of parental choice to expose their children to risks of injury. Should kids play tackle football at all--and who decides if they should? Goldberg offers practical answers to these critical legal, ethical, and social questions. Chris Nowinski, former Harvard football player and WWE wrestler, provides a timely and insider's perspective on these critical issues in the foreword.

  • af N. N.
    218,95 kr.

    A book for men and women from middle age to advanced years who have suddenly and unexpectedly become confronted with the huge effects that the male prostate can have on the body. It is a tale of what can happen to both men and women when the prostate transforms over time as the body changes, free of any of the minor or major taboos surrounding those involved.The book presents both a subjective and an objective account, from a female and a male perspective, of what the prostate is and of the physical, psychological and social effects that changes to the prostate can bring as one ages or reaches old age. The latest medical, psychotherapeutic and social measures available to help men with prostate issues and their partners are discussed. It also addresses the therapeutic taboos that have previously prevented us from attempting a systemic approach to the physical, psychological and social transformation that men and women undergo when they reach middle age and beyond.

  • af S. Jack Olszewski
    3.952,95 kr.

    In the realm of mental health professionals, possessing knowledge of psychotherapeutic techniques is merely the tip of the iceberg. To excel in this field, professionals must master navigating the ethical challenges inherent in therapeutic relationships. Ethics for Mental Health Professionals illuminates the intricate landscape of ethical considerations that define the practice of mental health professionals. This book goes beyond the mere acquisition of psychotherapeutic techniques, emphasizing the paramount significance of navigating ethical challenges inherent in the field. This book delves into the ethical foundations underpinning the mental health profession, acknowledging the elevated responsibility and ethical requisites placed upon these professionals. Readers will embark on a journey transcending routine psychotherapeutic knowledge and exploring ethical decision-making within therapeutic relationships. The book addresses the critical need for mental health practitioners to possess clinical expertise and adeptly navigate ethical dilemmas that may arise in their professional journey. Mental health professionals will find invaluable insights within these pages. From dissecting the ethical dimensions of confidentiality to providing a roadmap for ethical decision-making when confronted with moral quandaries, this book equips practitioners with the tools to uphold the highest ethical standards in their practice.

  • af Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt
    1.051,95 kr.

  • af Tana Jean Welch
    1.002,95 kr.

    Advancing Medical Posthumanism Through Twenty-First Century American Poetry places contemporary poetics in dialogue with posthumanism and biomedicine in order to create a framework for advancing a posthuman-affirmative ethics within the culture of medical practice. This book makes a case for a posthumanist understanding of the body¿one that sees health and illness not as properties possessed by individual bodies, but as processes that connect bodies to their social and natural environment, shaping their capacity to act, think, and feel. Tana Jean Welch demonstrates how contemporary American poetry is specifically poised to develop a pathway toward a posthuman intervention in biomedicine, the field of medical humanities, medical discourse, and the value systems that guide U.S. healthcare in general.

  • af Mark Wicclair
    197,95 - 617,95 kr.

  • - The Code of Ethics Adopted by the American Medical Association
    af Austin Flint
    187,95 - 367,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy Reprint Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive selection of rare historical book reprints, we have chosen to reproduce this title even though it may possibly have occasional imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other reproduction issues beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting, preserving and promoting the world's literature.

  • af Leia Hedonus
    967,95 kr.

    "Zombiethics" by Leia Hedonus is a thought-provoking exploration of the ethical considerations and challenges faced in a world overrun by zombies. From different ethical frameworks to social dynamics, medical and bioethical concerns, legal and justice issues, and the psychological impact of the zombie apocalypse, this book offers a comprehensive analysis of zombiethics and its relevance in contemporary society. With insightful case studies and reflections, it presents key principles and encourages readers to reflect on its applicability to real-world ethics.

  • af Stanislaw Stawicki
    1.227,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

  • af James L. Bernat
    1.315,95 - 2.367,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Bläsius
    213,95 kr.

    Mein Freund Beuys - Das Buch zum Film¿Ich schreibe meine Biografie selbst, um Lügen und Täuschungen aus dem Weg zu gehen.Ich dachte ein Maler ohne Biografie gibt es nicht.¿ ¿ Claude Jaté.Claude Jaté wurde 1955 unter seinem bürgerlichen Namen Klaus-Dieter Schneider geboren und schon relativ früh entdeckte er die Kunst für sich. Wie er sagt, ist er bereits mit 14 oder 15 Jahren nach Paris gefahren und hat sich in ein Künstlerviertel gestellt, etwas gekritzelt und seine ersten Werke an Passanten für ein paar Franc verkauft. Nach angefangenen Ausbildungen und einer Phase, in der er sich viel ausprobiert hat, wurde er schließlich Taxifahrer in St. Ingbert. Das war auch die Zeit, in der seine Psychosen immer stärker wurden und er schließlich in die Psychiatrie eingewiesen wurde. Da sein Herz schon immer an Kunst hing und seine Kreativität ein wichtiges Ventil war, um sich ausdrücken und seinen Gefühlen sowie Gedanken einen Freiraum geben zu können, wurden Maltherapien ein wichtiger Bestandteil während seinem Aufenthalt in der Psychiatrie. Seine Gemälde waren Ausgangspunkt der therapeutischen Gespräche, die als Visualisierungen von Unbewusstem, als ¿Urbilder¿ der menschlichen Seele, gelten. In dieser Zeit nahm er auch mit Briefen Kontakt zum deutschen Aktionskünstler Joseph Beuys auf, von dem er schließlich seinen Künstlernamen ¿Claude Jaté¿ erhielt. In den folgenden Jahren musste er immer wieder in Psychiatrien behandelt werden, da ihn auch immer weitere Persönlichkeiten ausgemacht haben. Doch die Kunst wurde zur zentralen Liebe in seinem Leben, die ihn festigte.

  • af Elena
    297,95 kr.

    In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, the importance of ethical leadership cannot be overstated. Ethical leadership is not just a buzzword; it is the backbone of every successful organization. It sets the tone for the entire business and shapes its culture, values, and decision-making processes. In the book "The Power of Ethical Leadership: Empowering Change in Business," we delve into the significance of ethical leadership and how it can transform businesses and society as a whole.For EVERY ONE, from aspiring entrepreneurs to seasoned executives, understanding the importance of ethical leadership is crucial. In the realm of Business Ethics, ethical leadership serves as a guiding light, ensuring that organizations operate with integrity, transparency, and respect for all stakeholders. It goes beyond mere compliance with laws and regulations; it is about doing what is morally right, even when no one is watching.Ethical leaders lead by example. They possess a strong moral compass and consistently act in alignment with their values. By embodying ethical behavior, they inspire trust, foster a positive work environment, and cultivate a sense of purpose among their teams. Employees are more likely to be engaged and motivated when they feel that their leaders genuinely care about their well-being and are committed to doing business in an ethical manner.Moreover, ethical leadership enhances the reputation and credibility of organizations. In today's age of social media and instant communication, news of unethical practices can spread like wildfire, damaging a company's image and bottom line. On the contrary, organizations led by ethical leaders are seen as trustworthy, reliable, and socially responsible, attracting loyal customers and partnerships that are built on mutual respect.Ethical leadership also plays a pivotal role in driving innovation and long-term sustainability. By encouraging open and honest communication, ethical leaders create an environment where diverse perspectives are valued, leading to creative problem-solving and innovative solutions. Furthermore, ethical leaders prioritize the long-term well-being of their organizations and society over short-term gains, making decisions that consider the ecological, social, and economic impacts.

  • af Natalia Ivanova
    272,95 kr.

    In today's digital age, technology plays a vital role in almost every aspect of our lives. From communication and education to healthcare and entertainment, technology has revolutionized the way we live and work. However, just like any other tool, it can be used for both positive and negative purposes. This is where the importance of technology ethics comes into play.Technology ethics refers to the moral principles and guidelines that govern the use of technology. It involves understanding the impact of technology on individuals, society, and the environment, and making responsible choices that align with ethical values. As students and future coders, it is crucial to grasp the significance of technology ethics and integrate it into our work and decision-making processes.One of the primary reasons why technology ethics is essential is because it helps protect individuals' privacy and security. In today's interconnected world, the collection and use of personal data have become widespread. Ethical considerations ensure that individuals' information is handled with care, and their privacy is respected. By adhering to ethical practices, we can prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and other cybercrimes that compromise people's sensitive information.Furthermore, technology ethics helps promote fairness and equality. As the digital divide widens, it is crucial to ensure that everyone has equal access to technology and its benefits. Ethical considerations help prevent discrimination and bias in the development and deployment of technology. By designing inclusive and accessible technologies, we can bridge the gap between different socio-economic backgrounds and create a more equitable society.Additionally, technology ethics encourages sustainability and environmental responsibility. The production and disposal of technology have significant environmental impacts. Ethical practices prioritize the use of eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient designs, and responsible e-waste management. By considering the environmental consequences of our technological choices, we can minimize our carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future.Moreover, technology ethics fosters transparency and accountability. As creators and users of technology, it is important to understand the potential consequences of our actions. Ethical considerations help us take responsibility for the outcomes of our technological advancements. By being transparent about the intentions and potential risks associated with technology, we can build trust among users and ensure that our innovations serve the greater good.

  • af Logan Barnes
    272,95 kr.

    Understanding the Basics of HackingIn today's digital age, it is crucial for students to be aware of the basics of hacking. Hacking, often portrayed in movies and media as a mysterious and illegal activity, is actually a broad term that encompasses various techniques used to gain unauthorized access to computer systems. While hacking can be used for both good and malicious purposes, it is important for students to understand the fundamentals to protect themselves and their digital assets.Firstly, it is essential to grasp the motivations behind hacking. Cyber criminals use technology to exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems to gain unauthorized access or steal sensitive information. Their motives can vary, ranging from financial gain, personal vendettas, or even political agendas. By understanding the motives behind hacking, students can better comprehend the potential threats they may face and take appropriate precautions to safeguard their devices and data.One of the most significant aspects of hacking is understanding common attack vectors. Cyber criminals exploit various techniques, such as phishing, social engineering, malware, and brute force attacks, to compromise computer systems. Phishing involves tricking individuals into revealing sensitive information through seemingly legitimate emails or websites. Social engineering exploits psychological and behavioral patterns to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential data. Malware, including viruses, worms, and Trojan horses, are malicious software programs that infect computers and allow hackers to gain unauthorized access. Brute force attacks involve repeatedly guessing passwords until the correct one is found.Students must also be aware of the importance of strong passwords and regularly updating them. Weak passwords are easily cracked by hackers using brute force techniques. By creating unique, complex, and lengthy passwords, students can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to their accounts. Additionally, using multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring additional verification, such as a fingerprint or a generated code.Another crucial aspect of understanding hacking is the concept of ethical hacking or penetration testing. Ethical hackers, also known as white hat hackers, use their skills to identify vulnerabilities in computer systems and help organizations strengthen their security. By learning about ethical hacking, students can gain valuable insights into the mindset and techniques of hackers while also exploring potential career paths in cybersecurity.

  • af Bhupinder Chaudhary
    1.191,95 kr.

    This book provides a detailed insight into the amalgamation of the healthcare and hospitality sector, which brought forward the concept of healthcare tourism or medical tourism. There have not been comprehensive resources in this particular area. The available quality resources focus on the Western world. Countries like India are an upcoming and one of the most favored destinations for medical tourism, and this trend is going to increase exponentially in the coming years. This book is developed in a very simple and lucid manner to enable even a layman to grasp the key components of the healthcare and hospitality sector at different levels and gradually link it to the present scenario where factors like accreditation, health insurance, corporatization, and public policy make an impact. Scholars in these sectors attempt to provide the recent trends and prospects supported with updated information. Therefore, it can solve the problem of a single source of detailed information relevant to different yet interconnected industries with a focus on developing countries.

  • af Irene Domenici
    1.857,95 kr.

    Introducing ethically controversial (bio)technologies into the public healthcare system inevitably provokes societal and legal conflict. While it is often argued that these choices ought to comply with moral standards, the consideration of ethical and religious concerns raises a serious problem of legitimacy. By adopting the position that the state must act in an ethically neutral manner this book provides a critical legal analysis of the relationship between ethics and law and its implications for the public healthcare system. The ensuing examination combines a comparative, legal-constitutional perspective with the investigation of two case studies: preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT).

  • af Alexander Mersel
    858,95 - 1.107,95 kr.

    This book equips the reader with a sound understanding of the treatment of neglected and vulnerable patients in the dental office. It offers a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to atraumatic carious treatment, minimal intervention dentistry, TMJ affections and nutritional consequences. Maintaining proper oral health includes managing of oral hygiene, healthy diet and seeking for a treatment when needed. Untreated dental disease can have a significant adverse impact on the health, wellbeing and quality of life. This book helps practitioners to understand and address the needs of dental neglected adults and children, and guide them through prevention procedures, diagnostics and treatment planning. Important techniques like physiologic impression for removable denture, single crown impression, digital planning and prosthodontic bridges are explained, and socio-demographic and economic changes in Oral Health are discussed. The comprehensive coverage of the topic and the evidence based references make this book a must have for dental practitioners.

  • af Jukes De Styrap
    172,95 - 342,95 kr.

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