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  • af Søren Ekman
    90,95 - 167,95 kr.

    En fuldt opdateret 2. udgave af det bedste og sundeste alternativ til potenspiller. Ved hjælp af bogens øvelser kan muskulaturen i mandens bækkenbund forstærkes væsentligt. Når mandens penis ændrer karakter fra regnorm til anakonda, er det ikke ved hjælp af magi, selv om det måske kan virke sådan. Det drejer sig om forholdsvis simple kropslige processer. I lighed med hvad der gælder for resten af kroppen, kan disse processer forbedres ved hjælp af træning. Træningen hjælper både på rejsningen, til at holde tæt og til at tømme de sidste dråber ud efter vandladning. Bogen henvender sig til alle, som ønsker at vedligeholde, forbedre eller genvinde bækkenbundens funktioner. Søren Ekman er bevægelsespædagog og underviser på Gotvedskolen.

  • af Svend Schulze, Jannik Hilsted, Henning Beck-Nielsen, mfl.
    985,95 kr.

    Basisbog i medicin og kirurgi udgør en overskuelig dansksproget introduktion til de to centrale kliniske fag på medicinstudiet: intern medicin og kirurgi. I bogens indhold og opbygning er der lagt vægt på hyppige og almindelige sygdomme samt på mere sjældne tilstande, hvor manglende viden om sygdommen kan få fatale konsekvenser for patienten. I denne 5. udgave er det grundlæggende koncept justeret og videreudviklet på baggrund af kommentarer fra bl.a. studerende og læger. For at sikre fornyelse og foryngelse er en del af forfatterne blevet udskiftet, hvilket har betydet store og væsentlige ændringer i mange af kapitlerne. Som en ekstra nyskabelse suppleres bogen af en hjemmeside med mange spændende og interessante cases. Basisbog i medicin og kirurgi er først og fremmest en basal lærebog for medicinstuderende, men bogen henvender sig også til andre inden for sundhedsvæsenet, der har brug for en overskuelig og opdateret viden inden for intern medicin og kirurgi.

  • - 3. udgave
    af Inge Eidemak, Thomas Elung-Jensen & Marianne Rix
    147,95 kr.

    DIALYSE er en håndbog, der omhandler behandlingen af patienter med nyreinsufficiens og dialysebehov. Bogen indeholder bl.a. kapitler om de forskellige dialyseformer, plasmaferese, dialysebehandling af forgiftninger samt forebyggelse og behandling af komplikationer til kronisk nyreinsufficiens. Bogen er skrevet for yngre læger, men henvender sig i høj grad også til sygeplejersker, medicinstuderende og andet sundhedsfagligt personale, som kommer i kontakt med dialysepatienter. Bogen er skrevet af en række danske eksperter på området, og alle kapitler er opdateret mht. teoretisk viden og nyeste behandlingsprincipper. Bogen er rigt illustreret, logisk opbygget og skrevet i et klart og lettilgængeligt sprog. DIALYSE 3. udgave, er en gennemgribende revideret udgave af den bog, som udkom første gang i 1999.

  • af Ea Suzanne Akasha
    217,95 kr.

    Få bedre orgasmer og hold på tisset – en stærk bækkenbund har mange forcer. En stærk og velfungerende bækkenbund er vigtig for god kropslig funktion og velvære gennem hele livet. Alligevel bliver bækkenbunden overset i næsten alle træningsformer. Og det er synd og skam, for en bækkenbund i topform mindsker risikoen for inkontinens, og med træningen følger også et bedre sexliv. Og det er aldrig for sent at gå i gang! Bogen instruerer i at lokalisere, aktivere, strække og afspænde bækkenbunden og giver forslag til enkeltstående øvelser med og uden redskaber samt til en række træningsprogrammer. Mange af øvelserne er illustrerede, så det er nemt selv at udføre dem derhjemme.Bogen er for alle, der ønsker viden om – og inspiration til – træning af bækkenbunden. Ea Suzanne Akasha er psykomototrisk terapeut og tidligere formand for Danske Afspændingspædagoger. Hun underviser i træning og afspænding og har skrevet flere bøger om krop, bevægelse og afspænding.

  • af Cecilie Lyngsø & Lene Boesby
    377,95 kr.

    OPSLAGSVÆRK TIL ALLE, DER ER I KONTAKT MED PATIENTER MED DIALYSEBEHOVNU I 4. UDGAVE DIALYSE giver et bredt indblik i behandlingen af patienter med nyreinsufficiens og dialysebehov. Bogen indeholder bl.a. kapitler om de forskellige dialyseformer, plasmaferese, dialysebehandling af forgiftninger samt forebyggelse og behandling af komplikationer til kronisk nyreinsufficiens. Bogen er skrevet af de førende eksperter på området fra hele landet, og denne 4. udgave er grundigt revideret med den nyeste teoretiske viden, de nyeste behandlingsprincipper samt tre helt nye kapitler om hhv. dialysevalg, palliation og maksimal medicinsk uræmibehandling. Bogen er primært skrevet til yngre læger, men den henvender sig i høj grad også til sygeplejersker, medicinstuderende og andet sundhedsfagligt personale, som kommer i kontakt med dialysepatienter. DIALYSE er et rigt illustreret, koncist og lettilgængeligt opslagsværk.

  • af Humberto Villacorta Junior
    941,95 - 1.274,95 kr.

  • af Henry H. L. Wu
    1.742,95 kr.

    This book provides an extensive review of the current topics of interest and updated practices of renal replacement therapy for both pediatric and adult populations. The chapters are authored by nephrologists and healthcare and other professionals from around the world. This book brings a multidisciplinary and multidimensional perspective to the current advances in renal replacement therapy. It also provides updated recommendations to assist with clinical decision-making on whether a patient is suitable and indicated for renal replacement therapy across different clinical settings and contexts, and strategies to optimize their holistic care when they are receiving treatment.

  • af Gianluca Villa
    858,95 kr.

    This book provides easy consultation and guidance for an appropriate understanding and management of endotoxic shock. Endotoxic shock results from a severe, generalized inflammatory response induced by bloodstream infection with gram-negative bacteria. However, endotoxin-induced inflammatory activation may be disconnected by Gram-Negative threats (e.g. Gram-Positive and yeast infections) as well as occur in multiple clinical scenarios like post-cardiac arrest syndrome and trauma, possibly due to gut barrier dysfunction and consequent endotoxin translocation.The clinical management is structured focusing and dedicating a chapter for antibiotics, corticosteroids, volume support, vasoactive and cardiostimulating drug, coagulopathy and nutritional support. In addition, this book is remarkable because describing polymixin b hemoperfusion points out molecular interactions, and hydrodynamics of Sorption.Each section includes ¿) brief pathophysiology; ¿) principles of management; ¿) key messages. Readers can find updated tips related to the diagnosis and management of endotoxic shock with a multidisciplinary approach drawing a pathway from endotoxin structure and source and the related pathophysiology of endotoxic shock underling the specific clinical aspect and focusing on medical clinical management of endotoxemia and extracorporeal removal.The book ¿ written by international opinion leaders of this field ¿ is addressed to healthcare providers working in intensive care and represents a point of reference for intensivists, infectious disease physicians, nephrologists and critical care nurses involved in the management of endotoxic shock and enriched with useful downloadable material.

  • af Stephen Z. Fadem
    1.274,95 kr.

    The book surveys common complications in the procedure of dialysis, including those due to inherent complexities related to advanced kidney disease and the disorders that cause it. The chapters review the pathophysiology or mechanisms of each complication, how it can be recognized and managed, and more importantly how it can be prevented. The text also addresses whether the complication is due to conditions associated with kidney disease, such as frailty and muscle weakness, or whether the complication occurs as the consequence of treatment. The complications addressed include infections, AV access and catheter issues, problems in procedure, coagulation-related disorders, and falls, among others. Written by experienced dialysis experts, this book is a resource and learning tool for anyone involved in caring for patients undergoing renal replacement therapy.

  • af Fahad Aziz
    775,95 - 1.107,95 kr.

    This textbook of clinical cases moves beyond the science of transplant medicine and covers important transplant nephrology concepts. This book covers the diagnosis and treatment of many typical and atypical immunological and infectious post-transplant complications, such as acute antibody-medicated rejection in early and late post-transplant period, post-transplant cytomegalovirus infections, congestive heart failure after kidney transplant, and many other typical and atypical post-transplant infections.In each chapter, a case scenario is given for important post-transplant complications. The scenario is followed by a question and answer on the best investigation, the diagnosis, and a discussion of the best treatment option and outcomes. This stepwise learning process makes this book uniquely helpful to trainees learning how to treat their complicated transplant recipients systematically. This book is an accurate and straightforward guide to assist future and current transplant physicians, as well as the primary care physicians who deal with these complicated patients every day.

  • af Ayman Karkar
    1.662,95 kr.

    Hemodialysis (HD) is the commonest form of kidney replacement therapy worldwide with a prevalence rate close to 90%. Despite significant improvements in HD techniques and related devices and solutions, the cardiovascular and all-cause mortality of HD patients remains unacceptably elevated. More recently, there have been significant improvements in the creation and maintenance of vascular access as well as the knowledge of types, classification, and monitoring of uremic toxins and their relationship with inflammation, atherosclerosis and vascular classification, and cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. More interesting is the innovation in dialysis membranes/dialyzers, which resulted in the creation of the medium cut-off membrane, which enables the safe, simple, and effective removal of middle- and large-sized uremic toxins. This type of HD treatment is called expanded hemodialysis (HDx) therapy, which so far has resulted in significant improvement in the quality of life of HD patients as well as reductions in hospitalization, medications, and non-fatal cardiovascular events. Updates on Hemodialysis discusses these innovations and how they can be used to improve daily practice and achieve the best possible medical outcomes in HD patients.

  • af Alp Sener
    1.191,95 kr.

    This book will be the first book that presents the beneficial effects of hydrogen sulfide in the treatment of various kidney pathologies. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a gas with a distinctive smell of rotten eggs, was known for over three centuries for its toxicity and death at high concentrations especially among agricultural and industrial workers. This is due to its ability to reversibly antagonize complex IV of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. However, studies over the past two decades have shown that H2S has risen above its historic notorious label and has received significant experimental attention as an endogenously produced gaseous signaling molecule that plays an important role in cellular homeostasis and influences a myriad of physiological and pathological processes at low concentrations. Its production is enzymatically regulated and has specific molecular targets. Several recent in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated that at low micromolar concentrations, H2S exhibits important therapeutic characteristics that target multiple molecular pathways and thereby preventing the development and progression of several pathologies.This beneficial effect of H2S suggests that it may meet the demand for alternative and/or additional therapeutic agents against various renal pathologies in which reduced levels of renal and plasma H2S were observed. Interestingly, while the distribution of H2S-producing enzymes is tissue-specific, they are abundantly expressed in the glomeruli and in the brush border and cytoplasm of epithelial cells of the renal tubules and in the peritubular capillaries. This makes the kidney a rich source of endogenous H2S production. From pre-clinical and clinical perspectives, this book is topical and timely, and seeks to lay the foundation for future clinical applications of H2S in nephrology.

  • af Wilmot Parker Herringham
    287,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af Ramesh K. Gupta & Pallav Gupta
    1.024,95 - 1.440,95 kr.

  • af Geraldo Bezerra Da Silva Junior
    858,95 - 1.191,95 kr.

    Our world is facing unprecedented technological development, which affects all the sectors of society. The 4th industrial revolution has brought numerous advances that are currently integrated in our daily life, including artificial intelligence (A.I.), internet of things (IoT), genetic engineering, 3D-printing and robotics. The health care sector is one of the most impacted by these technologies of the so-called digital era. From the simple advent of medical records to robotic surgery, health care has significantly changed from the XX to XXI century and is constantly changing, incorporating novel technologies. Nephrology is itself an innovative branch of medicine, created as a discipline in the 1960s, with breakthrough inventions, such as the dialysis machine, which made it possible to prolong life of those who suffer from chronic kidney disease; kidney transplant, with point-of-care immunosuppression that favours maintenance of kidney allografts for long years; kidney biopsy, which made it possible to discover the mysteries of glomerulonephritis and nephropathology. Novel technologies, such as A.I., IoT, robotics, stem cells, 3D-printing, mHealth, eHealth and several others are starting to be applied in nephrology, with promising results. It is possible that a great part of these technologies will become routinely available in clinical practice, and the burden of kidney diseases will significantly decrease once prevention, prediction, detection, monitoring and treatment of kidney diseases are more precise, with patients taking part in the process and becoming more and more connected. This book gathers essential information on the technologies that have been applied in nephrology and that can be applied in the future, with real possibilities of improving the care of kidney diseases. At first glance, this work is directed to the entire nephrology community and all the healthcare professionals that deal with kidney diseases. Researchers from different fields, not directly linked to nephrology, may also be interested in the book since many of the topics presented are related to other areas and serve as examples of their uses in medicine, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and big data. Finally, the content provides an important resource to medical students, discussing technologies that will certainly be integrated in their professional practice.

  • af Subodh J. Saggi
    858,95 - 1.080,95 kr.

    The book explores how kidney disease care is being changed by new technologies, from inception and diagnosis to dialysis and kidney transplant. Massive technological advances have affected health care in the past decade, and doctors are moving quickly to change the way we provide care for kidney diseases. We are rapidly shifting from hospital- and clinic-based systems to providing care at home, with technologies that help monitor care and intervene remotely. Some of the technologies covered include genetic testing for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, metabolism/ezposome assessment, AI-driven tool for drug dosing, and apps available to patients. This book aims to educate providers on the many new scientific and technological interventions that can help monitor and mitigate kidney disease. 

  • af Sidharth Kumar Sethi
    941,95 kr.

  • af Percy Cook
    1.532,95 kr.

    Nephrology is an area of medical science that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and management of various kidney diseases and disorders. Some common kidney diseases and conditions treated under nephrology include chronic kidney disease, acute kidney injury and kidney stones. Chronic kidney disease is a progressive condition characterized by the gradual loss of kidney function over time. Acute kidney injury refers to the sudden and temporary loss of kidney function, often caused by conditions such as severe infections, dehydration, medications, or reduced blood flow to the kidneys. Kidney stones are hard deposits formed in the kidneys. They can be treated through medications, dietary changes and lifestyle modifications. This book unfolds the innovative aspects of nephrology which will be crucial for the progress of this field in the future. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by it.

  • af Hudson Palmer
    1.542,95 kr.

    The branch of medicine which deals with the causes, diagnosis and treatment of various kidney diseases and disorders is known as nephrology. Some of the prominent causes of kidney diseases are kidney stones, diabetes, hypertension, glomerulonephritis and polycystic kidney disease. There are various treatment approaches which are used within this field such as medications, dialysis and kidney transplantation. Medications can be used to manage the underlying causes and symptoms of kidney diseases. They are also used to control blood pressure, manage diabetes, reduce inflammation and treat infections. Dialysis is a treatment that performs the functions of the kidneys artificially when they are unable to do so effectively. It involves removing waste products and excess fluids from the blood using a machine. This book provides comprehensive insights into the field of nephrology. It is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area of medicine as well as for experts.

  • af Braydon Butler
    1.542,95 kr.

    Nephrology is a medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of kidney diseases and disorders. The kidneys play a vital role in filtering waste products, regulating fluid and electrolyte balance, and producing hormones that control blood pressure and stimulate red blood cell production. Nephrology covers a wide range of diseases and disorders, including glomerular diseases, hypertension-related kidney diseases, and Kidney-related metabolic disorders. Glomerular diseases are a group of conditions that affect the glomeruli, the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys responsible for filtering waste and excess fluids. The treatment of hypertension-related kidney diseases involves controlling blood pressure to prevent or slow the progression of kidney damage. This book brings forth some of the most innovative concepts and elucidates the unexplored aspects of nephrology. It will provide comprehensive knowledge to the readers.

  • af Ivor Morrison
    1.542,95 kr.

    Nephrology is a specialized branch of internal medicine that deals with the physiology, diagnosis, and treatment of kidney-related diseases. Kidneys are bean-shaped organs located on either side in the retroperitoneal space and are a part of the urinary system. They are responsible for filtering blood and removing the waste products, excess water and electrolytes from the body. Some of the various conditions and diseases that can affect the kidneys include kidney/bladder cancer, excess excretion of protein in urine, glomerular diseases, kidney/bladder stones, acute or chronic kidney failure, and nephritis. A few symptoms that are associated with kidney diseases include swelling in the legs and feet, unexplained blood pressure changes, gradual loss of sense of taste and appetite, problem sleeping at night, and reduced urine output. Apart from medications, advanced treatments available for kidney diseases include continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT), plasmapheresis, liver dialysis (MARS therapy), peritoneal dialysis (CPD), kidney biopsy, and kidney transplant. In this book, using case studies, constant effort has been made to make the understanding of the difficult concepts of nephrology as easy and informative as possible, for the readers. It will provide comprehensive knowledge to the readers.

  • af P. H. Bach
    1.005,95 - 1.008,95 kr.

  • af MD FACP Mark K. Wedel
    322,95 kr.

    In the past, most people haven't realized they are suffering from kidney disease until the damage is far-advanced. Then the only treatment options are the extremes of permanent dialysis or kidney transplantation. Historically, treating physicians expended only minimal effort to identify kidney dysfunction in its early phases. Very few options existed that could modify an otherwise inexorable downhill course.But things have changed. A wide variety of treatment options are now available to slow this steady decline in kidney function. Many of these interventions are new. Some are well-proven, some not so much. For those people with kidney disease and those people at risk - those with high blood pressure, those with diabetes, those with a family history of kidney disease - this is a new era. And as is true in so many aspects of life, in kidney disease as well, knowledge is power.In this compendium, Dr. Mark Wedel lays out all those options, their ups and downs, their benefits and their risks. As a physician who mentors kidney transplant patients and is a kidney transplant recipient himself, Dr. Wedel sees kidney disease from both sides of the examination table. From meditation to marijuana to medicines old and new, this book is like sitting down with your best friend or brother and getting advice, encouragement, and cheer. View the buffet table of available options and then work with your most trusted physician to tailor-make your own treatment path forward. A more hopeful era is dawning. Let's go greet the sun.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    162,95 kr.

    "Glomerulonephritis Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide" is a comprehensive and invaluable resource that sheds light on glomerulonephritis, providing readers with an in-depth understanding of this complex kidney disorder. In this book, you'll embark on a journey through the intricacies of glomerulonephritis, starting with a thorough exploration of its basics, causes, and symptoms. You'll delve into the various types of glomerulonephritis and discover the diagnostic tests used to identify it. The book also covers potential complications, prognosis, and a wide range of treatment options.But this book goes beyond clinical aspects. It introduces the biopsychosocial approach to glomerulonephritis, emphasizing the importance of addressing biological, psychological, and social factors in managing the condition. Readers will learn about lifestyle modifications that can significantly improve their quality of life, including dietary changes, exercise, stress management, and more.For those seeking alternative therapies, "Glomerulonephritis Demystified" explores complementary approaches like acupuncture, herbal remedies, and mind-body practices. The book also addresses the emotional impact of glomerulonephritis, offering guidance on self-care, building support networks, and seeking professional help when needed.Caregivers and loved ones will find valuable insights on providing physical and emotional support, while patients will discover how to empower themselves, advocate for their rights, and engage in research and advocacy efforts. Throughout the book, inspirational stories of resilience and personal growth serve as beacons of hope.Ultimately, "Glomerulonephritis Demystified" is not just a guide; it's a roadmap to living a fulfilling life with glomerulonephritis. It encourages cultivating a positive mindset, finding meaning, pursuing relationships, setting personal goals, and celebrating achievements. This book aims to empower individuals affected by glomerulonephritis, equipping them with the knowledge and tools to lead healthier, happier lives.

  • af Paul W. Fürbringer
    227,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    172,95 kr.

    In "Nephrotic Syndrome Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide," you'll embark on a comprehensive journey through the complex world of nephrotic syndrome. This indispensable guide, meticulously crafted by medical experts, demystifies nephrotic syndrome, offering valuable insights for patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals alike. Dive into the nuances of this kidney disorder, exploring its causes, symptoms, and diagnostic procedures. Gain a deep understanding of the types and stages of nephrotic syndrome, and learn about the potential complications and associated risk factors. Discover a wealth of treatment options, from medications to dietary approaches, and explore holistic care strategies, emphasizing the importance of a biopsychosocial model. "Nephrotic Syndrome Demystified" also empowers you with preventive measures, lifestyle modifications, and early warning signs to help safeguard against this condition. You'll find a supportive community, coping strategies, and inspiring stories from nephrotic syndrome warriors in the chapters dedicated to living with the condition. Stay updated with the latest research, breakthroughs, and patient involvement in nephrotic syndrome research, fostering hope for a future cure. And to provide invaluable resources, this guide includes a compilation of organizations, support groups, financial assistance information, educational materials, and more. Concluding with a message of empowerment and resilience, this book equips you with the knowledge and support needed to navigate the nephrotic syndrome journey successfully.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    217,95 kr.

    In "Chronic Kidney Disease Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide," embark on a comprehensive journey through the intricate world of kidney health. This enlightening book takes you on a deep dive into understanding chronic kidney disease (CKD), covering its definition, common causes, symptoms, stages, and the paramount importance of early detection and diagnosis. You'll explore a holistic approach to preventing CKD, including healthy lifestyle habits, nutrition, herbal remedies, medication management, and self-care practices.Delve into the intricacies of dialysis and transplantation, gaining insights into living with dialysis and preparing for kidney transplantation. Discover coping strategies for emotional well-being, learn about alternative and complementary therapies, and navigate relationships and lifestyle adjustments with CKD. Explore kidney-friendly recipes and meal planning, financial and insurance considerations, exercise for kidney health, and self-care techniques. The book also delves into mental health and well-being, aging with CKD, managing comorbidities, and the latest innovations in kidney health care.Empower yourself and the CKD community with resources, case studies, success stories, and answers to frequently asked questions. Access a glossary of terms and definitions, valuable tools and resources, and conclude your journey with key takeaways and a holistic perspective on kidney health.

  • af Paolo Palatini
    858,95 kr.

    This book presents the current knowledge on the mechanisms by which exercise lowers blood pressure in hypertension and on its effects on the heart and arteries. In addition, it focuses on the optimal exercise protocols, the international consensus on clinical implementation, and the clinical indications for special populations (obese, diabetic etc). It also addresses possible drawbacks of exercise on left ventricular structure and function. Many experts in epidemiology, patophysiology and clinical research have contributed in preparing the chapters, with the main purpose of guiding clinicians in the optimal application of the present knowledge and to stimulate scientists to fill the gaps in knowledge by performing further research.The book is addressed not only to specialists in Hypertension, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Metabolism, and Nephrology, but also to general practitioners and all healthcare professionals working in the field of rehabilitation medicine. 

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    232,95 kr.

    In "Kidney Infection Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide," embark on a comprehensive exploration of kidney infections. This illuminating book unveils the intricacies of kidney infections, from their causes and symptoms to the importance of early detection and diagnosis. Delve into a holistic approach to preventing kidney infections, which includes hygiene, dietary modifications, stress management, exercise, and social support.Discover medical treatments for kidney infections, including antibiotics, pain management, surgical interventions, and complementary therapies. Explore coping strategies and emotional well-being, understanding the emotional impact of kidney infections and building resilience. Lifestyle modifications for kidney health, alternative therapies, and the mind-body connection are thoroughly explored.The book also covers support systems for kidney infection patients, prevention in children and during pregnancy, kidney infections in older adults, traveling with kidney infections, mental health, sexual health, fertility, work-life balance, sleep disturbances, and exercise. Finally, learn about life after kidney infections, including prevention strategies, follow-up care, and inspiring stories of resilience.

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