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Overvægt: behandling og terapi

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  • af Charlotte Bøving
    177,95 - 192,95 kr.

    Hun er kendt som den læge, der både i sin praksis og på TV (DR’s Lægen flytter ind) kæmper imod overvægten i de danske familier. Charlotte har hjulpet mange danskere – store som, små – til et nyt liv uden overvægt ved at give dem et kærligt wakeup-call. Charlotte Bøving står bag bestselleren Jeg lever med en udløbsdato, der har solgt + 20.000 eksemplarer. At kvitte overvægten handler ikke kun om at holde op med at kværne flødeboller og chips og lette sig fra sofaen. Det handler om at indse, at der ofte bag overvægten er nogle mekanismer og følelser, som man kan arbejde med og slippe fri af og dermed omlægge livet. Charlotte giver et kærligt puf videre til et liv i kropslig balance, hvor win-win er, at når overvægten forsvinder, bliver man også et gladere menneske. Bogen er bygget op om erfaring, råd, tips og tricks.

  • af Suzy Wengel & Majken Brinkmann
    180,95 - 231,95 kr.

    Er du en af de stadig flere danskere, der tager vægttabsmedicin – eller overvejer at gøre det? Så glæd dig til denne bog, der forklarer, hvordan du får de revolutionerende, men også dyre, GLP-1-præparater til at virke på den mest effektive måde, så du opnår et sundt vægttab. Ikke mindst ved at optimere dine måltider og supplere med lidt motion. Bogen viser vej til en sundere og mere langsigtet strategi, der både hjælper én til at opnå vægttabsmålet og øger chancen for at bevare det gode resultat, også efter at være stoppet med medicinen.Majken Brinkmann, der er læge, og Suzy Wengel, ophavskvinden til sundhedskonceptet Sense og forfatter til en stribe bestsellere om vægttab, besvarer alle de vigtigste spørgsmål om vægttabsmedicin og viser trin for trin, hvordan man opnår den bedste vægttabsrejse.Bogen rummer desuden seks kostplaner og 100 sunde, billige og nemme opskrifter, skræddersyet til en hverdag med vægttabsmedicin.

  • - Kampen mod overvægt
    af Jens-Christian Holm
    157,95 kr.

    På Holbæk Sygehus har overlæge Jens-Christian Holm udviklet en revolutionerende og effektiv metode til behandling af overvægtige børn. 70-80 % af de børn, der kommer i behandling, taber sig, deres høje blodtryk, kolesterol og fedtlever reduceres, og børnenes livskvalitet og kropsopfattelse forbedres.Holbækmodellen har potentiale til at hjælpe alle familier med et overvægtigt barn. Hvert femte barn i Danmark er overvægtigt og har dermed en tilbøjelighed til ensomhed, skamfølelse og depression. Overvægtige børn har også stor risiko for forhøjet blodtryk og kolesterol, fedtlever og søvnapnø. Svær overvægt er i sig selv en kronisk sygdom, hvor hormonsystemet, med næb og kløer, forsvarer fedtet i kroppen. Derfor skal der en omsorgsfuld behandling og permanent livsstilsændring til for at opnå resultater, som varer resten af livet. Holm tilbyder ikke en kur med mystiske ingredienser, komplicerede opskrifter og hårde træningsprogrammer, men en værdig behandling, som kommer hele vejen rundt om det enkelte barn og omhandler kost, motion, spiseforstyrrelser, kræsenhed, opdragelse, søvn og brug af computer. Barnet skal sammen med sin familie leve efter en række simple regler. Det har den sideeffekt, at forældre og søskende også bliver sundere og gladere og har en god mulighed for at tabe sig, hvis de selv er overvægtige. Holbækmodellen har med sine enestående resultater allerede vakt opsigt verden over. Men Jens-Christian Holms ambitioner rækker videre. Han vil med et helt nyt paradigme og en radikalt anderledes sundhedspædagogik ændre vores syn på, hvad overvægt er, og hvordan det skal behandles. Jens-Christian Holms mål er at sikre det bedste for alle børn verden over.

  • af Richard M. D. Lipman
    192,95 kr.

    Semaglutides: Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro and Zepbound Produce Dramatic Weight Loss Embark on a transformative journey towards lasting weight loss with "Semaglutides: Once a Week Weight Loss Injections." In this groundbreaking guide, endocrinologist and weight loss expert, Dr Richard Lipman M.D. delves into the challenges of weight loss, the elusive nature of maintaining it, and the remarkable advantages offered by this revolutionary new group of medications-the Semaglutides and their newest partners, Tirzepatides.. Developed by experts around the world, this two group of medicatons have emerged as a game-changer in the realm of weight loss and diabetes treatment Weight loss is an arduous undertaking that many individuals struggle with throughout their lives. Traditional approaches often yield temporary results, as the battle against stubborn pounds becomes an exhausting cycle of losing and regaining. But now, there is a glimmer of hope. Imagine shedding 3-4 pounds every week without succumbing to hunger pangs, uncontrollable cravings, or strenuous exercise. With semaglutides, this dream can become your reality.. These once-a-week injections work synergistically with your body, targeting the root causes of weight gain while suppressing appetite, reducing food cravings while producing profound fullness.We guide you through every step of the process, from understanding the mechanism of action to creating a personalized injection regimen tailored to your specific needs. Say goodbye to crash diets and frustrating plateaus-this book empowers you with the tools to make lasting changes and reclaim control of your body.Inside, you'll find:1. A comprehensive overview of Semaglutides and their impact on weight loss and especially weight maintenance.2. Expert tips on how to maximize the effectiveness of Semaglutide injections including Ozempic, Wegovy and the Tirzepatides Mounjaro and Zepbound3. Guidance on incorporating exercise and nutrition into your weight loss journey.4. Strategies to overcome common obstacles such as slow weight loss and weight maintenance and stay motivated throughout your transformation.5. Real-life success stories from Dr Lipman's 800 ndividuals who have experienced remarkable results with Semaglutides over the past 2 years.. The advantages of semaglutides extend beyond mere weight loss. Through clinical trials, experts have observed positive effects on blood pressure, blood sugar levels, cholesterol, sleep apnea and overall cardiovascular healthAre you ready to take control of your weight and unlock a future of permanent weight loss and health? Let "Semaglutides: Once-a-Week Weight Loss Injections" be your guiding light on this life-changing ---expedition. Grab your copy today and embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier you.204 pages

  • - Et forskningshistorisk blik på behandling af diabetes og svær overvægt
    af Jens Juul Holst
    172,95 - 337,95 kr.

    Her kommer bogen om opdagelsen af hormonet GLP-1 skrevet af forskeren selv!Opdagelsen af hormonet GLP-1 har ændret behandlingsmulighederne markant for personer med type 2-diabetes og svær overvægt, og behandlingseffekten omfatter både bedre regulering af blodglukose og betydelige vægttab, samtidig med at risikoen for udvikling af komplikationer bliver nedsat.Professor Jens Juul Holst er én af verdens mest anerkendte forskere indenfor diabetes. Han var med til at opdage GLP-1 tilbage i 1980’erne, og i denne bog følger vi i de forskningshistoriske fodspor i jagten på det hormon, som i dag betegner et paradigmeskifte i behandlingen af diabetes og svær overvægt.Bogen er støttet af Novo Nordisk Fonden.

  • - Nye opskrifter til sundt og vedvarende vægtab
    af Lamont & Lauria
    98,94 kr.

    I bogen giver ernæringsekspert Laura Lamont dig en ny tilgang til low-carb kuren, som giver øget velvære og sikrer et vægttab. Hendes succesfulde plan i kombination med 75 lækre opskrifter dækker enhver begivenhed, giver et vægttab på op til et kilo om ugen - og du kan holde vægtabet.Bogen giver dig et indblik i, hvordan du kan få en sund kostsammensætning - doseret i de rette mængder af kulhydrater, proteiner og "gode" fedtstoffer (i fødevarer som avocado, laks og hørfrø), som kan medføre et sundt, langvarigt vægttab. Laura opdagede, at hvis man inkluderer rette mængder proteiner og sunde fedtstoffer i hvert måltid, hjælper det til at øge stofskiftet og stabilisere blodsukkerniveauet, hvilket så resulterer i et effektivt vægttab. Bogen giver dig råd og vejledning samt praktiske diagrammer, der hjælper dig med at identificere, hvilke fødevarer du skal spise, ligesom bogen indeholder konkrete måltidsplaner. Der er mere end 75 lækre opskrifter til morgenmad, frokoster, middage - og endda desserter! Og hver opskrift kommer med en ernæringsanalyse. Den nye lavcarb-diæt er succesfuldt testet og udnytter den nyeste videnskabelige forskning. Det er 21. århundredes måde at spise godt, tabe sig og føle sig sundere end nogensinde.

  • af Adam Held
    172,95 kr.

    Unlock the secrets to transforming your body and revolutionizing your health with "HCG Diet Simplified: Strategies, Phases, and Results." This expansive guide is not merely a pathway to weight loss; it's a blueprint for redefining your relationship with food and achieving a lasting change in your lifestyle. Through detailed exploration of the HCG Diet, this book demystifies the science behind the method, offering a deep dive into how and why it works, backed by research and real-life testimonials. Each phase of the diet is broken down into manageable steps, with strategic advice to navigate challenges and optimize success.Beyond shedding pounds, "HCG Diet Simplified" emphasizes holistic health, encouraging readers to embrace a new perspective on eating, wellness, and maintenance. It's filled with practical tips for meal planning, overcoming plateaus, and incorporating the principles of the HCG Diet into a sustainable lifestyle. Whether you're a newcomer to the world of HCG or looking to refine your approach, this book serves as a comprehensive resource. Engage with personal stories of transformation that inspire and motivate, and utilize the wealth of knowledge provided to make informed decisions about your health journey. Step into a world where weight loss is just the beginning, and empower yourself with "HCG Diet Simplified" to achieve and maintain your ideal health.

  • af Anna Miller
    241,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey with Anna Miller in 'Healing Seeds: Transforming Health with Psyllium,' where she unveils the miraculous powers of psyllium seeds in revitalizing health. Plagued by persistent digestive woes and the shadows of irritable bowel syndrome, Anna's life was one of constant struggle and discomfort. But in these pages, she shares her groundbreaking discovery ¿ the humble psyllium seed. Witness her remarkable transformation, as she regains control over her health, experiencing newfound energy, regulated digestion, and an overall vitality. This compelling narrative is not just Anna's story; it's a beacon of hope for anyone seeking natural remedies to chronic health issues. 'Healing Seeds' is more than a personal account; it's a testament to the profound healing capabilities of nature, encouraging readers to embark on their own journey of health and rediscovery. Let Anna Miller guide you to a life of wellness and joy, proving that sometimes, the smallest seeds can yield the most significant changes.

  • af Nick Banatvala
    363,95 - 1.526,95 kr.

    Focusing on cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease, and their five shared main risk factors (tobacco use, harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and air pollution), this book provides a synopsis of one of the world¿s biggest challenges of the 21st century.

  • af Toshia Myers
    317,95 kr.

    Twenty-five thousand patients who underwent water-only fasting at TrueNorth Health Center experienced results that were nothing short of miraculous. Alan Goldhamer, DC, and Toshia Myers, PhD, reveal why this treatment is so successful.

  • af Heather A Brown
    473,95 kr.

    Weight stigma is so pervasive in our culture that it is often unnoticed, along with the harm that it causes. Health care is rife with anti-fat bias and discrimination against fat people, which compromises care and influences the training of new practitioners.

  • af Lisa De Rijk
    473,95 kr.

    Neurolinguistic Programming in Clinical Settings provides a theoretical framework for the clinical applications of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) protocols in mental health. It offers evidence-based models for a range of conditions; including PTSD, anxiety and depression, grief, phobias and binge-eating.

  • af M. Mastenbjörk
    177,95 kr.

    ACLS WORKBOOK - Over 350 questions and exercises designed to test your knowledge and memory retention so that you can feel more confident. Avoid feeling nervous and uncertain before the test by making sure you are thoroughly prepared. The perfect complement to any ACLS textbook containing the latest guidelines from 2020. The principles and practice of advanced cardiovascular life support (ACLS) are at the forefront of the battle to save precious lives every day. Understanding these principles and adopting them into practice gives healthcare providers a unique set of life-saving tools that are steeped in evidence-based medicine. Introducing our ACLS workbook, filled with over 350 questions and exercises designed to supplement and reinforce your understanding of the material. By working through these exercises and testing your knowledge, you will not only improve your retention of the material, but you will also gain that extra edge and confidence you need to excel on your test. This book contains different types of exercises. Some examples are: Complete the algorithmFill in the blanksMultiple choice questionsLabel the pictureMatch the columns If you have already gone through your ACLS textbook and are ready to test your knowledge with some pertinent questions and exercises, then this workbook is exactly what you need. Serving as a complement to any ACLS textbook, it can be used in the following ways: After you have finished the textbook, you can use this workbook to test your knowledge retention.If you have already studied this topic in the past, and you're feeling really confident, you can actually start off with the workbook first and see where you stand. If you find knowledge gaps, then you can go through the textbook to improve your grasp of the subject. We hope you will find this textbook a good practice tool to improve your understanding of the topic. Click 'Add to Cart' and start testing your knowledge.

  • af Amanda Velazquez
    903,95 kr.

    In this issue of Gastroenterology Clinics, guest editor Dr. Lee M. Kaplan brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Management of Obesity, Part 2: Treatment Strategies. Thirteen percent of the world¿s population are obese, and most of the world¿s population live in countries where being overweight and obese kills more people than being underweight. In this second issue (of two), key experts address treatment and prevention strategies for obesity, including bariatric surgery, medical management, and lifestyle modifications. Contains 16 practice-oriented topics including bariatric and metabolic surgery; mechanisms of weight loss and metabolic improvement after bariatric surgery; endoscopic therapies for obesity and its complications; obesity and viral infections including SARS-Cov-2; the future of obesity care; and more.  Provides in-depth clinical reviews on management of obesity, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.  Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Buyin Zheng
    370,95 - 460,95 kr.

  • af Eleanor Clark
    227,95 - 1.322,95 kr.

  • af Gitte Klausen
    74,95 - 347,95 kr.

    Overvægt bliver i stadigt større grad et problem i både Danmark og resten af den vestlige verden. Det er ikke blot et samfundsproblem, men også et problem for den enkelte person, der kæmper med vægten, for det medfører ofte følgesygdomme som sukkersyge og lavt selvværd og selvtillid. Gitte Klausens bog gør op med tanken om, at man bare skal tage sig sammen for at smide de overflødige kilo, og beskriver i stedet årsagerne til overvægt for på den måde at forklare, hvordan man overkommer problemet. Bogen bygger på videnskabelig forskning og er skrevet i et sprog, der er til at forstå for enhver. Den er en god følgesvend for den, der ønsker et varigt vægttab på den sunde måde.

  • af Rohan Agarwal
    195,95 kr.

    Want to score highly in the BMAT? Look no further than The Ultimate BMAT Guide.Whether you're applying for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, or Dentistry, the top universities like Oxford and Cambridge expect an exceptional BMAT score. The BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is a notoriously difficult test, testing your problem solving, critical thinking, knowledge of principles of Science and Maths, and ability to write an essay that guides its reader to a logical and reasoned conclusion - all within a tight time limit. More than ever before, universities rely on your BMAT score to give them accurate information about your academic skills. Therefore, it's essential to score as highly as possible on this crucial exam.Written by BMAT specialists, doctors and top medical tutors, and full of insider knowledge and tips, The Ultimate BMAT Guide is designed to help you make the most of your preparation, approach the test with confidence, and get those top scores.Published by the leading Medical and University Admissions Company, this fully comprehensive guide to the BMAT exam, is fully updated for the 2022 admissions cycle. It includes: 800 practice questions, written by experts exactly in the style of the real exam, to allow you to practice and revise successfully.Three mock papers so you can put your revision into practice.Fully worked solutions, including 12 annotated sample essays to give you clear and thorough guidance to help you understand where the gaps in your knowledge are and to learn from your mistakes.Score-boosting tips, tricks, techniques, and advice all written by medical experts, doctors, and BMAT tutors.Time-saving strategies to help you beat the clock and answer efficiently.Advice to cover every section extensively: Aptitude and skills (Section 1), Scientific Knowledge and Applications (Section 2), and the Writing Task (Section 3).Hungry for more? Visit the Uni Admissions website for even more admissions test tips, personal statement resources, and application support.

  • af Jennifer Friedman
    298,94 - 1.464,95 kr.

  • af Maria Iliakova
    182,95 kr.

  • af Jerry Elizondo
    187,95 kr.

    Dietary Jerry's Weight Loss Survival Guide draws amusing and informative parallels between survival situations and the struggle to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. The Survival Guide is designed to help anyone chart a path to health using a balance of nutritional advice, environmental change and behavior modification. It includes recipes and proven weight loss strategies- all delivered in an entertaining manner. It also includes a "Compass Card" to help readers identify problematic environments, set goals and measure progress. The author, Dietary Jerry, is a Board-Certified Specialist in Obesity and Weight Management (CSOWM). He has helped thousands of patients who've struggled to maintain a healthy weight survive a weight loss industry with contradictory, confusing and sometimes unsafe advice. In this book, Jerry shares keys to successful weight loss that are often overlooked by those without a background in clinical nutrition. Jerry Elizondo has been a practicing dietitian for twenty years. He is a board-certified specialist in obesity and weight management through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and has provided nutrition education for over 10,000 patients preparing for bariatric surgery. He grew up in the hill country of Helotes, Texas, where he found his love for the outdoors. Jerry and his wife, Amanda, live in Austin, Texas, where he remains an outdoor enthusiast and takes every chance he gets to go rock climbing, mountain biking, or swimming in a Texas river. Although he is not active on social media, he will make an occasional post on Instagram at dietary_jerry.

  • af Megan Aston
    400,95 kr.

    This book presents experiences of LGBTQ+ people relating to food, bodies, nutrition, health, wellbeing and being queer through critical writing and creative art.

  • af Phillip Joy
    1.464,95 kr.

    This book presents experiences of LGBTQ+ people relating to food, bodies, nutrition, health, wellbeing and being queer through critical writing and creative art.

  • af James R. (University of British Columbia Kirkpatrick
    365,95 - 1.464,95 kr.

  • af Nieves Saiz-Sapena
    1.677,95 kr.

  • af Duc C. Vuong
    237,95 kr.

    Patients and fans of The Support Surgeon, Dr. Duc Vuong, will understand the importance of his "Big Ass" tagline: Big-Ass Goals, and the one that started it all... Big-Ass Salads. He teaches that when starting your weight loss journey, "One big-ass salad a day will change your life!" He now presents 31 Big-Ass Salads, one for each day of the month, which if followed will help you meet your weight loss goals.

  • af Patrick Kimuyu
    100,95 kr.

    Essay from the year 2018 in the subject Medicine - Epidemiology, grade: 1, Egerton University, language: English, abstract: Over the past few decades, the burden of non-communicable diseases seems to have been increasing year-by-year. Childhood obesity serves as an outstanding example of non-communicable conditions whose consequences seem to have reached catastrophic levels. Evidence indicates that obesity and overweight trends have been increasing at alarming rates, especially over the past three decades. This implies that the trends of obesity related health conditions are going to reflect upward changes in the future. According to Parsons, Power, Logan and Summerbell reaffirm that 70% of obese adults became obese during their childhood ages. In retrospect, this phenomenon is believed to be attributable to the greater social inequality in developed countries as compared to developing countries. Nevertheless, primary prevention strategies are required to reverse the diseases¿ trends across the world. Epidemiological rationale for the emphasis on primary prevention of childhood obesity is based on the fact that the condition is difficult to reverse with secondary interventions. Therefore, this report is intended to inform the Federal Health Minister the scope of childhood obesity and the appropriate interventions which can address its impact.

  • af Mariana Den Hollander
    177,95 kr.

    "I am not trying to convince anyone to not have the surgery, rather, I want to bring light to experiences and lists of symptoms, possibilities of how to take care of ourselves, different points of view.... I want to create awareness regarding this subject. That if a person today decides to have bariatric surgery, she or he can already contemplate what her life can become in the long term." "The Heaviest Surgery is a generous window that Mariana has opened into her life, providing us with the magnificent opportunity to learn in detail about the world of bariatric surgery, since she has the experience of living with two surgeries. This book is an act of vulnerability that will benefit everyone who for some reason is interested in learning more about bariatric surgery. If you have been considering bariatric surgery, you need to read this book to make an informed decision. Unfortunately, there is not enough scientific information about the long-term consequences of these surgeries. Therefore, it is very possible that your doctor will not offer the information you will find here. If you've already had bariatric surgery and have been struggling with post-op risks and side effects associated with it, The Heaviest Surgery will validate your experience and guide you as to the next steps you can take to compassionately take care of your health and feel better. If you are the family member or the loved one of someone who is suffering from the aftermath of bariatric surgery or considering having it, this book will be an invaluable resource to support your loved one in his or her journey. And if you are a healthcare professional, reading The Heaviest Surgery is a must to understand, from the experience of individuals who have undergone bariatric surgery, the harm caused by diet culture, weight stigma, and fatphobia." Haica Rosenfeld, Psy.D., CEDS-S. Licensed Psychologist in FL & VT. Certified Eating Disorders Specialist & Approved Supervisor by IAEDP. Anti-diet and Fat Positive provider & activist

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