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Førstehjælp og ambulancetjenester

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  • af Merete Engell
    46,95 - 87,94 kr.

    Merete Engell har arbejdet som sygeplejerske for Læger uden Grænser under krigen i Afghanistan, i hungersnødsplagede Etiopien, med voldtagne kvinder og børnesoldater i Liberia og ledet nødhjælpsprojekter i Sudan, Congo og Niger. Hun er blevet kåret til Verdens Sejeste Dansker af P3's lyttere og har modtaget Florence Nightingale Medaljen, men ønsker ikke at skabe et rosenrødt Moder Theresa-billede af sig selv.SYGEPLEJERSKE I VERDENS BRÆNDPUNKTER er en fantastisk fortælling om en sygeplejerske og et menneske, en på én gang grusom og livsbekræftende beretning om, hvordan man må mærke efter i sig selv og lære, hvor ens egne grænser går, når man befinder sig et sted, hvor alle regler overtrædes, og al sund fornuft er tilsidesat. Om kærlighed og utopier, om virkelighed og kynisme. Om at kunne klare det hele og om at gå ned med flaget. Og om alt det, der gør, at det alligevel er det hele værd.

  • af Bo Lidegaard
    127,95 - 137,95 kr.

    Ny bog fra Bo Lidegaard om de skandinaviske aktioner for at redde fanger fra tyske kz-lejre i krigens sidste år. Dette er historien om de mange aktioner, der i foråret 1945 fik transporteret over 20.000 fanger fra tyske koncentrationslejre til sikkerhed i Sverige. Sporene følges fra de første norske og danske initiativer, der udgik fra aktivister, som trods modstand fra alle sider satte alt ind på at hente deres landsmænd fra lejrene, inden det var uigenkaldeligt for sent.For første gang samles perspektiverne fra alle de tre skandinaviske lande og Tyskland til en samlet fascinerende fortælling om handlekraft, vovemod - og de skandinaviske hjælperes første møde medkoncentrationslejrenes brutale verden. Allerede i slutningen af 1944 kom de første kørsler i gang med danske busser, der hentede syge fanger, som det lykkedes at få frigivet. Gradvist blev operationerne udvidet, men først da Sverige i marts 1945 trådte ind i aktionen, fik den et omfang, så det blev muligt at samle alle de skandinaviske fanger i kz-lejren Neuengamme. Længe så det ud til, at de måtte blive der, men gennem dramatiske og intensive forhandlinger med den magtfulde SS-ledelse lykkedes det i krigens sidste uger at få ikke alene langt de fleste norske og danske fanger ud, men også at få frigivet flere end 10.000 fanger af andre nationaliteter.Historien giver et enestående indblik i, hvordan disse hjælpeaktioner kunne tilrettelægges og gennemføres midt i Det Tredje Riges blodige sammenbrud og umiddelbart før dets endelige kollaps.Om forfatteren: Bo Lidegaard er en af de mest respekterede og læste danske historikere. Han er chefredaktør for Politiken og forfatter til flere bøger om Danmarks historie i det 20. århundrede. Han har senest udgivet Landsmænd. De danske jøders flugt i oktober 1943'. Denne nye titel fortsætter, hvor 'Landsmænd' slap, men kan læses helt uafhængigt.

  • af Peter DiPrima
    609,95 kr.

    A guide to the EMT-Paramedic exam. It helps you think through pre-hospital medicine while covering every must-know topic on the exam - from pharmacology to hazardous materials awareness. Each chapter begins with a clinical scenario followed by a bulleted overview of key topics and is summarized by chapter-ending Q&As.

  • af Victoria Lee
    395,95 kr.

    'Exam Essentials: SBAs for Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine' is a single best answer (SBA) exam preparation book for those sitting exams for pre-hospital emergency medicine and all associated areas. It is structured around the curriculum for the Fellowship in Immediate Medical Care (FIMC) providing a crucial resource for those sitting this tenacious exam. It would also be an exceptional resource for those >With questions covering a variety of topics, including working in emergency medical systems, providing pre-hospital emergency care, equipment, rescue and extrication, transfer, major incidents, and team resource management, professionals sitting the Diploma in Retrieval and Transfer Medicine (DRTM) and the Diploma in Major Incident Management (Dip MIM), will also find the book useful. Other examples of relevant exams include the Membership of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (MRCEM), Fellowship of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (FRCEM), European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine (EBEEM) (European Society for Emergency Medicine), US Board of Certification in Emergency Medicine (BCEM), Diploma of Pre-hospital and Retrieval Medicine (Australasian College for Emergency Medicine, Australia), but this list is not exhaustive. Candidates sitting for postgraduate examinations in emergency medicine, pre-hospital emergency medicine, and retrieval and transfer medicine across the globe will find this an immeasurably helpful resource for exam technique and an invaluable guide to boost >This book is designed to give the reader as much practice at single best answer (SBA) questions as possible. These questions can be notoriously tricky to navigate, and it is through practice that builds competence in exam technique. Each question is provided with the correct answer, corresponding rationale and further resources.

  • af Rachel Smith
    282,95 kr.

  • - Teoretisk og lavpraktisk
    af Stefan Koust Hansen & Thomas Egesborg Pedersen
    137,95 kr.

    At være førstehjælpsinstruktør er et multidisciplinært "håndværk", som inddrager viden inden for mange forskellige fagområder – blandt andre pædagogik, didaktik, planlægning, videnskab og kommunikation. Samtidig findes der ingen eller meget få bøger, som binder alt dette sammen og skaber rammen om virket som førstehjælpsinstruktør. Håndværket som førstehjælpsinstruktør beror sig med andre ord på de mere uskrevne regler, eller hvad der kunne kaldes tavs viden. Som udøvende eller kommende førstehjælpsinstruktør kan det være svært at søge viden, der målretter sig til førstehjælpsundervisningen. Det er håbet med denne bog, at du kan få konkrete værktøjer, men også en dybere forståelse og baggrundsviden, der får dig til at stå endnu stærkere og troværdig som underviser.I bogen kan du blandt andet læse om, hvordan guidelines bliver til, og hvad en god relation til dine kursister har af indflydelse på din undervisning. Bogen forklarer teorien ud fra fiktive, men realistiske eksempler og inddrager højaktuelle emner fra det omkringliggende samfund.

  • af Michael Carunchio Fp-C
    692,95 kr.

    Our staff of experienced flight paramedics and nurses have taken difficult concepts and put them in an easy-to-understand format. We have created a top-notch resource for EMS providers using the most up-to-date literature and evidence-based practice. Preparing to take care of high-acuity patients in resource-and space-limited situations is what it takes to become a Flight Medical Provider(TM), and this book is the first step in getting you ready.Created for the flight clinician by flight clinicians, Flight Medical Provider: A Ground and Air Critical Care Guide explores the spectrum of pathologies and patient populations critical care transport crews will encounter in the field. You will be ready to excel when paired with our Flight Medical Provider(TM) course. Using high-quality graphics and images, we have made learning fun, and we think you'll find our course and this book to be the best learning experience you've ever had!The pages behind this cover will prepare you for high-acuity patient care and prepare clinicians to face advanced certifications without fear. The Flight Paramedic (FP-C(R)), Critical Care Paramedic (CCP-C(R)), and Certified Flight Nurse (CFRN(R)) are difficult exams that elevate the highest-performing prehospital providers, and earning a set of these letters can be just the edge you need to land that dream job.

  • af Jennifer Krawlinson
    557,95 kr.

    ALL IN ONE CFRN Study Guide Exam Prep Review Guide 2023, 2024 and 2025. INCLUDES OVER 500 PRACTICE TEST QUESTIONS!Prepare for takeoff! "Skyward Bound: The Ultimate CFRN Exam Preparation Guide" is your comprehensive co-pilot through the intricate skies of the Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN) examination. Designed to test, challenge, and elevate your understanding of aero-medical practice, this guide is chock-full of advanced, in-depth material tailored for healthcare providers who are serious about taking their career to the next level-or shall we say, altitude?¿¿¿¿ What's Inside?Advanced Airway Management: Dive into the science and art of maintaining those precious airways, even when gravity isn't on your side.Pharmacology: Master the nuance of medication administration in the flight environment, from dosage calculations to kinetic considerations.Ventilator Management: Learn the ins and outs of managing mechanical ventilation at 10,000 feet, from modes and settings to troubleshooting real-world complications.Shock and Multi-System Failure: Unveil the mysteries of identifying and managing shock scenarios while juggling the high-stakes variables of flight.Crew Resource Management: Decode the language and culture of effective communication and teamwork, because you're not just part of a crew; you're part of a lifeline.Use of In-Flight Equipment: Get hands-on with infusion pumps, monitoring devices, and other tech marvels crucial to in-flight care.Evidence-Based Practice: Make your clinical decisions rooted in current research tailored for the unique flight environment.Practice Exams and Case Studies: Evaluate your knowledge and skills with mock exams and real-world case studies designed to simulate the challenges you'll face.Expert Insights: Benefit from expert commentary, intricate explanations, and breakdowns that go beyond textbook facts and dive into real-life applicability.Interactive Learning: QR Codes link to video demonstrations, further readings, and interactive quizzes to enhance your learning experience.¿¿¿¿ Who is this Book For?This guide is designed for nurses and medical professionals who are not just looking to pass the CFRN exam but to excel in it. Whether you're a ground-based clinician aspiring for the skies, or a veteran of the airways looking to refresh your knowledge, "Skyward Bound" is the resource you've been waiting for.Take the controls. The sky's not the limit; it's just the beginning! Secure your copy of "Skyward Bound: The Ultimate CFRN Exam Preparation Guide" and let your career soar. ¿¿¿¿

  • af Sonja Andersen
    1.542,95 kr.

    The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence technology have paved the way for the use of machine learning applications in health care. These applications address existing challenges in the emergency department such as triage and disposition, early detection of conditions and outcomes, emergency department operations, and therapeutic interventions. Artificial intelligence can be used in three ways in the context of emergency and critical care. The first one is to build risk stratification prediction models in critical care. The second use of AI involves utilizing unsupervised machine learning techniques to divide the varied population into homogeneous subgroups. The third use of AI is for reinforcement learning algorithms to prescribe treatment regimens in a sequential way. The dynamic treatment regime (DTR) model uses reinforcement learning to estimate a set of decision rules, one for each step of intervention. It specifies how to tailor treatments to patients considering their treatment and covariate histories. DTR lowers model complexity and is considered more appropriate for medical epidemiology. This book is a vital tool for all researching or studying the role of AI in emergency medicine. It aims to equip students and experts with the advanced topics and upcoming concepts in this subject.

  • af Meena Kumari
    317,95 kr.

    Medical tourism has gained immense popularity over the years, a an seek medical treatments and procedures abroad. The allure of cost-effective, high-quality healthcare services, c and the opportunity to explore new destinations have de medical tourism a thriving global industry. However, ensuring patient safety and satisfaction in this rapidly growing field is of paramount importance.In this tourist hospitals becomes crucial to provide potential patients with the necessary information and confidence to make informed decisions. An effective evaluation process A practical various key aspect. Firstly, the hospital's infrastructure and medical equipment must meet international standards to deliver optimal care. Accreditation by reputable healthcare organizations adds credibility to the hospital's services.Additionally, the qualifications and experience of medical staff, including doctors, nurses, and support personnel, play a pivotal role in ensuring a positive medical tourism experience. Patient testimonials and reviews provide valuable insights into the hospital's track record and patient satisfaction levels.Moreover, seamless communication, including multilingual support, streamlined appointments, and pre- and post-treatment care, contributes significantly to a medical tourist's experience. Finally, the hospital's location, safety, and accessibility are essential to attracting medical tourists.As the medical tourism industry continues to flourish, a comprehensive evaluation process will serve as a guiding compass for patients and healthcare providers, fostering a robust and reliable global medical tourism network.

  • af Tanvi Patel
    109,95 kr.

    This book refers to gaining knowledge on technology and digital solutions to improve healthcare delivery, patient care, and overall health outcomes. These initiatives leverage mobile applications, wearables, telemedicine, artificial intelligence (AI), and data analytics to transform healthcare processes and enhance the patient experience.

  • af Ashu Kumawat
    132,95 kr.

    Reactive Attachment Disorder can be a challenging and overwhelming condition for both parents and children alike. But there is hope! In this comprehensive self-help book, you will find valuable information and practical strategies to help your child build healthy attachment relationships and overcome the challenges of Reactive Attachment Disorder. You will learn about the different types of Reactive Attachment Disorder and their unique characteristics, the role of attachment styles in the disorder, and effective therapeutic interventions to promote healing and growth. This book also covers the importance of nutrition, self-care for parents, and building a strong support system for families coping with Reactive Attachment Disorder. Real stories of recovery from individuals who have overcome Reactive Attachment Disorder will inspire and encourage you along the way. Whether you are a parent, caregiver, or professional working with children with Reactive Attachment Disorder, this book is an essential guide to help you navigate the challenges and find hope for the future.

  • af Durga Kumawat
    2.807,95 kr.

    This book is an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand Aarskog Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that affects multiple aspects of a person's physical and mental development. This comprehensive guide covers everything from the symptoms and diagnosis of Aarskog Syndrome to its management and treatment options. Readers will learn about the challenges that individuals with Aarskog Syndrome face throughout their lives, including difficulties with communication, learning, and socialization, as well as the medical concerns associated with the condition. Whether you are a parent, caregiver, or medical professional, this book is an invaluable tool for understanding and supporting those affected by Aarskog Syndrome. With its accessible language and practical insights, it is sure to become a go-to resource for anyone seeking to enhance their knowledge and care for individuals with this complex condition.

  • af Kathleen Tori
    662,95 kr.

    In Victoria, Australia, the introduction of Emergency Nurse Practitioners (ENPs) to the health care team in Emergency Departments (EDs) effectively contributed to care for patients with minor illnesses and minor injuries. These advanced nurses treat low acuity patients in an attempt to compensate for the shortage of medical staff in EDs. The implementation of the ENP role has enabled experienced Emergency Nurses to extend their SOP include ordering diagnostic investigations and prescribing medications for minor presentations, allowing care from initial presentation through to disposition. The ENP specialty is the fastest growing of the Australian Nurse Practitioner (NP) models: experiencing a 61% increase in numbers during the period 2010-2013 (Jennings, McKeown, O'Reilly, & Gardner, 2013) the ENP specialty represents approximately onethird of the total Australian endorsed NPs (Middleton, Gardner, Gardner, & Della, 2011). However, the introduction of a new level of nursing within an already well-established ED team has disrupted traditional understandings about the roles and responsibilities of nurses within the ED (Person & Spiva, 2013). Clarification of the ambiguities surrounding the ENP role, SOP, and model of care remains elusive despite the fact that the NP role was introduced nationally in 2000 and in the State of Victoria in 2004 (Driscoll, Worrall-Carter, O'Reilly, & Stewart, 2005; Lowe, Plummer, O'Brien, & Boyd, 2012).

  • af Magnus Reybells
    152,95 kr.

    Disasters, which cause significant harm and disruption, can occur anywhere. These situations may become more upsetting and unpleasant if you are unprepared. It's essential to be prepared for crises and disasters.The likelihood of surviving a disaster is increased by having the appropriate gear and learning how to handle various situations. Crisis response is improved through preparation and understanding. This increases chances of surviving and lessens the effects of the calamity on one's family.There are numerous ways to get ready for catastrophes and disasters. Plans for emergencies are essential. This should include a strategy for leaving your house and connecting with loved ones in case you become separated.Put together an emergency supply kit with non-perishable food, water, a flashlight, a first aid kit, and other necessities.A comprehensive handbook for becoming ready for disasters? Done! You can keep yourself and your family safe in an emergency by using the knowledge and suggestions in this book.In these unsure times, it's imperative to be prepared for the unexpected. We cover everything in our book, from creating emergency plans and kits to maintaining composure and making sensible decisions in the face of a crisis.Inside:assistance from experts in creating an emergency kit just for your family.Set up a communication and escape plan step by step.Tips for avoiding natural calamities including earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoesTaking care of issues such as water shortages, power outages, and other issuesAdvice for those who are stranded or injured during a crisisaides and resources for information.early planning Start defending your family by obtaining a copy today.Get your copy today!

  • af Lucia Rules
    152,95 kr.

    Large-scale destruction and disruption from natural disasters are global phenomena. Unpreparedness can make these circumstances more stressful and unpleasant. Being ready for emergencies is crucial.Having the right supplies and knowing how to react in various scenarios can boost your chances of surviving a catastrophic event. When faced with a crisis, knowledge and training pay dividends. This improves the family's odds of survival and reduces the impact the disaster will have on them.Preparing for disasters and calamities can be done in a variety of ways. Make sure you have a plan in place for any unexpected events. If you get separated from your loved ones, you should have a plan on how to get out of the house and get in touch with them.Put together a survival kit with items like non-perishable food, water, a flashlight, and a first aid kit in case of an emergency.How about a complete guide to emergency preparedness? Done! Applying the information and advice contained in this book can help you and your loved ones remain safe in the event of an emergency.Keeping an open mind and a supply of emergency supplies is essential in these uncertain times. In our book, we discuss everything from developing emergency plans and kits to keeping your cool and making good decisions in a dire situation.Expert advice on putting together a survival kit for your household is included inside.Establish a method of constant contact and a means of rapid egress.Advice for staying safe during seismic events, hurricanes, and tornadoesIssues like water scarcity and power outages need to be addressed.What to do if you become lost or hurt in an emergencytools and references for gathering data.The Importance of Starting Early The time to start protecting your loved ones is now, so get a copy.

  • af Tina Bradley
    152,95 kr.

    Disasters, which cause significant harm and disruption, can occur anywhere. These situations may become more upsetting and unpleasant if you are unprepared. It's essential to be prepared for crises and disasters.The likelihood of surviving a disaster is increased by having the appropriate gear and learning how to handle various situations. Crisis response is improved through preparation and understanding. This increases chances of surviving and lessens the effects of the calamity on one's family.There are numerous ways to get ready for catastrophes and disasters. Plans for emergencies are essential. This should include a strategy for leaving your house and connecting with loved ones in case you become separated.Put together an emergency supply kit with non-perishable food, water, a flashlight, a first aid kit, and other necessities.A comprehensive handbook for becoming ready for disasters? Done! You can keep yourself and your family safe in an emergency by using the knowledge and suggestions in this book.In these unsure times, it's imperative to be prepared for the unexpected. We cover everything in our book, from creating emergency plans and kits to maintaining composure and making sensible decisions in the face of a crisis.Inside:assistance from experts in creating an emergency kit just for your family.Set up a communication and escape plan step by step.Tips for avoiding natural calamities including earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoesTaking care of issues such as water shortages, power outages, and other issuesAdvice for those who are stranded or injured during a crisisaides and resources for information.early planning Start defending your family by obtaining a copy today.

  • af Abduelmenem Alashkham
    592,95 kr.

    Approx. 538 pages Specifically designed to enable student paramedics to fully appreciate the human body and its functioning Guides the reader through different regions of the body in a logical and coherent way Covers anatomy first, followed by the physiology of the various structures Extensive cross referencing to other relevant regions to enable full understanding of these both individually and in connection to one another Clearly written text supported by relevant and informative illustrations Text boxes covering applied anatomy, clinical anatomy, applied physiology and clinical physiology Self-test multiple choice questions in each chapter

  • af Russ West
    197,95 kr.

    This Large Print Blood Pressure Log Book is a convenient way to track your blood pressure on a daily basis. It features large, easy-to-read numbers that make it easier to read after checking your blood pressure. The pages also include boxes for recording your heart rate and pulse at the same time. This book includes a good quality cover to protect it from spills and other damage caused by everyday useOur Blood Pressure Log Book Large Print features:120 pages of Hight quality paper;The pages are nice, 8.5x11 inch size;Perfect for gel pen, ink or pencils;Perfects for daily use, easy to carry around

  • af Richard Pilbery
    417,95 kr.

    Clinical procedures are vital to delivering safe and effective patient care within the prehospital setting, but it is not always easy remembering each step accurately during a time-critical situation."This textbook can be used by a wider audience than just Ambulance staff... it is a very useful resource for anyone engaged in patient assessment and use of the attendant clinical skills in the pre-hospital environment. I feel this textbook will appeal to members of all arms of Search and Rescue Organisations, Police Firearms Medics, Fire Service Medics, etc. as well. I found this an easy book to navigate and one that I look forward to seeing on the shelves."David Whitmore QAM - Paramedic, Search and RescuePacked with over 75 clinical procedures, this book is the go-to guide to familiarise yourself with the correct sequence and techniques for a range of different skills. Including both fundamental and more advanced paramedic procedures, it makes each procedure easy to understand, with detailed step-by-step guidance and full-colour illustrations.Not only does the book explore prehospital skills in detail, it also provides the rationale and evidence behind them, so you can fully understand the underlying principles and feel more confident in your practice as a paramedic or ambulance clinician.Sections include:Patient assessmentAirwayBreathingCirculationDrug administrationTraumaCardiac arrestInfection prevention and control.

  • af Small Footprint Press
    352,95 kr.

  • af U S Department of Defense
    137,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Jrcalc
    692,95 kr.

    Combining expert advice with practical guidance, the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee Clinical Guidelines are the essential resource for paramedics. The guidelines are written specifically for the ambulance paramedic role, providing a comprehensive overview of the principle areas they may encounter, and supporting them in providing excellent patient care.This 2022 edition has been updated with the latest evidence and developments in clinical practice. Key reviews have taken place on guidelines within the Resuscitation and Special Situations sections, as well as updates to Maternity guidelines such as Care of the Newborn and Newborn Life Support. Medicine guidelines have been removed, but are available on the iCPG and JRCALC Plus apps, where they are regularly updated to ensure that the most up-to-date guidance is available to clinicians.The JRCALC Clinical Guidelines 2022 now contains crucial guidance on topics, including:Acute Behavioural DisturbanceAlcohol use-disordersLow Back Pain (Non-Traumatic)Patients with Communication DifficultiesSteroid-Dependent patientsVascular Emergencies.Medicine information and updates to guidelines are published on the JRCALC apps, iCPG and JRCALC Plus, as required. The JRCALC apps contain the complete and most current information.

  • af Gregory R. Ciottone
    1.496,95 kr.

    While medical specialists in disaster mitigation, preparedness, and response are needed worldwide, the initial phase of disaster response is almost entirely dependent upon local resources-making it essential that all healthcare personnel have a working knowledge of the field and stand ready to integrate into the response system. Ciottone's Disaster Medicine, 3rd Edition, is the most comprehensive reference available to help accomplish these goals in every community. It thoroughly covers isolated domestic events as well as global disasters and humanitarian crises. Dr. Gregory Ciottone and more than 200 worldwide authorities share their knowledge and expertise on the preparation, assessment, and management of both natural and man-made disasters, including lessons learned by the responders to contemporary disasters such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Australian and western U.S. wildfires, European heatwaves, the Beirut explosion, recent hurricanes and typhoons, and the global refugee crisis. Part 1 offers an A-to-Z resource for every aspect of disaster medicine and management, while Part 2 features an exhaustive compilation of every conceivable disaster event, organized to facilitate quick reference in a real-time setting.  Covers basic concepts such as identification of risks, organizational preparedness, equipment planning, disaster education and training, and more advanced concepts such as disaster risk reduction, health in complex emergencies, building local disaster resiliency, psychological impact of disasters on children, and more.   Contains new decision trees throughout that help guide you through the decision-making process in difficult situations.   Uses an easy-to-follow, templated approach to historical perspectives, overviews of current practice including pre-incident and post-incident actions, medical treatment of casualties, and potential pitfalls.   Includes updated sections on man-made disasters, including mass casualties, active shooter situations, integrated response to terrorist attacks, and chemical/biological/radiological/nuclear/high-yield explosives disasters.    Discusses the latest technologies, such as the use of mobile disaster applications, drone response systems, and virtual reality simulation training.  Features thoroughly updated information on crisis leadership, practical applications of disaster epidemiology, disaster and climate change, and the integration of non-government agencies (NGOs) in disaster response-a critical topic for those responding to humanitarian needs overseas.   Includes new chapters on Pandemic Preparedness and Response, Disaster Medicine in a Changing Climate, Disaster Response in Asia, Building Local Capacity and Disaster Resiliency, Civilian-Military Coordination in Disaster Response, Medical Simulation in Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Nursing, Crisis Meta-Leadership, Palliative Care in Disasters, Counter-Terrorism Medicine, SARS CoV (COVID-19 and SARS), and Disasters in Space Travel.  An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.

  • af Terry Simpson
    218,95 kr.

    By 2030, it is projected that mental health issues will be the leading cause of mortality and morbidity globally (World Health Organization, 2011).With cases of mental health illness on the rise, it is increasingly crucial that ambulance clinicians and paramedics feel empowered in their ability to assess and manage a variety of conditions. This resource provides the foundation of knowledge you need to navigate often-fraught situations with sensitivity and confidence.Encouraging an interactive approach, critical thinking, and practical application to reinforce your learning, this guide includes and covers:A range of mental health presentations (including post-traumatic stress disorder, psychosis, and addiction)Patients with complex needs (learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, dementia)Guidance on risk assessment and safetyThe nuances of the legal framework surrounding mental health and mental capacityNine case studies, eight reflective exercises, seven workbook activities and further clinical tips.

  • af Frances Howorth
    191,95 kr.

    This is the ultimate guide to liferaft survival for all boaters and its purpose is to ensure the survival of skipper and crew in the event of their boat sinking. In this essential safety book, expert authors, Frances and Michael Howorth, cover how to be mentally and physically prepared for a sailor's ultimate nightmare. It includes invaluable advice on the essentials to pack into the emergency grab bag for a short or long cruise, hot or cold climate, coastal or offshore trip. Packed full of checklists and clear diagrams, there are lessons learned from disasters, flowcharts to prioritise abandon ship procedure, sections on first aid and emergency treatment. Featuring some essential content from the authors' previous title The Grab Bag Book but completely revised and updated, the new Liferaft Survival Guide is what you need right now to stay safe at sea and covers up to date information on the way satellites and beacons work, world monitoring of distress signals and advances in medical practice. Preparation and planning are key for safe enjoyable sailing. Every boater needs to plan and prepare, and every boater should read this book. This unique survival at sea handbook helps you ensure your crew's survival in a liferaft. Buy it, build your own grab bag and be sure to be prepared!

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