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Industrialisering og industrihistorie

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  • af Winfried Schulze
    307,95 kr.

    Das Buch erzählt die Geschichte des deutschen Juristen Helmut Schneider (1910-1968). Der NS-Gegner wird leitender Mitarbeiter im Personalbereich der IG Farben, die 1941-1945 in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft zum KZ Auschwitz mit Hilfe von Tausenden jüdischer Häftlinge und Zwangsarbeitern ein großes Chemiewerk aufbaute. Er ist in dieser Funktion ein indirekter Mitorganisator des Systems der Zwangsarbeit von KZ-Häftlingen und damit der "Vernichtung durch Arbeit" in diesem Lager. Zugleich wird er zum Beschützer einer großen Gruppe französischer Zwangsarbeiter, deren Aktivitäten für die Résistance er unterstützt und die er im Januar 1945 auf dem gefährlichen Marsch nach Westen begleitet. Das trägt ihm in Frankreich den Titel des "anti-nazi assesseur Schneider" ein. Mit den jungen Franzosen schließt er eine lebenslange Freundschaft, die u. a. zu einer deutsch-französischen Städtepartnerschaft führt. Nach seiner Zeugenaussage im Nürnberger Prozess gegen die IG Farben, einem langwierigen Entnazifizierungsverfahren und einem Strafprozess wird er 1949 Oberstadtdirektor von Goslar, Verfasser politisch-philosophischer Texte und Briefpartner und Freund von Ernst Jünger. Schneiders Biografie zeigt exemplarisch, wie sich in einem durch den Nationalsozialismus belasteten Leben Opposition, Mittäterschaft und Verdrängung miteinander verknüpften.

  • af Professor Jon Mee
    339,95 - 1.151,95 kr.

  • af Franco Piperno
    1.648,95 kr.

    Music, Place, and Identity in Italian Urban Soundscapes circa 1550-1860 presents new perspectives on the role music played in the physical, cultural, and civic spaces of Italian cities from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, demonstrating how music and sound were intimately connected to changing social and political practices.

  • af Lisa Krissoff Boehm, Chicago, USA) Corey & mfl.
    547,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • af Eva-Maria Roelevink
    692,95 kr.

    Der landläufigen Vorstellung nach sind Unternehmen in ihrem Verhalten vor allem eines: zukunftsorientiert. Konfrontiert mit der immerwährenden riskanten Gegenwart und permanent auf der Suche nach Marktchancen blickten Unternehmenseigner und -manager in die Zukunft. Tatsächlich, dem geht Eva-Maria Roelevink am Beispiel der Geschichtspolitik der Friedrich Krupp AG im 20. Jahrhundert nach, ist diese Vorstellung unterkomplex. Nicht nur, dass sich Unternehmensentscheidungen ohne den Einbezug der Vergangenheit nicht erklären lassen. Auch die Vorstellung einer nach außen gerichteten Gegenwarts- und Zukunftsorientierung greift zu kurz. In der Studie wird die Arbeit an der eigenen Geschichte des Unternehmens Krupp in seiner Außenkommunikation ebenso wie in seiner Innenwirkung untersucht und mit der öffentlichen Aushandlung über Krupp in einen Zusammenhang gebracht. Dabei zeigt sich nicht nur ein Wandel der über Geschichte vermittelten Botschaften an die Öffentlichkeit, sondern ein stark vernachlässigter Umstand: Unternehmen brauchen ihre Geschichte. Sie können nicht auf sie verzichten.

  • af Jean-Baptiste Fressoz
    317,95 kr.

    How risk, disasters and pollution were managed and made acceptable during the Industrial Revolution

  • af Christoph Bernhardt
    1.117,95 kr.

    Until the end of the Cold War in 1990, building projects and architectural icons played an important role in the self-portrayal of the competing systems. However, as the current research shows, we also find a large variety of forms of cooperation between the East, the South, and the West, not to forget the manifold cross-border entanglements within the South or the East. This book explores the intersection of two strands of research. On the one hand, interaction in the field of architecture and construction between actors from socialist countries and from countries of the Global South have increasingly won interest amongst historians of architecture and planning. On the other hand, in the context of the strongly emerging Cold War Studies, scholars have explored cooperation and circulation across the Iron Curtain with a focus on economic and research planning. This book connects perspectives of planning, construction and architectural design with those on economic interests and conflicts in projects and networks. Furthermore, it opens the view to the hubs of communication and exchange, and on patterns of longterm transformation and appropriation of architecture.

  • af Julian Holland
    294,95 kr.

    It is more than 200 years since the world¿s first steam railway locomotive hauled its initial load of iron ore and passengers on a short, slow journey. From that time onwards, the evolution of the steam locomotive continued unabated through the 19th century and on into the 20th.

  • af Keith Fisher
    185,95 - 394,95 kr.

  • af Simone Cinotto & Daniel E. Bender
    193,95 - 606,95 kr.

  • af Anthony Burton
    162,95 kr.

  • af Nick Higham
    125,95 - 215,95 kr.

  • af Dieter Reinisch
    535,95 kr.

    This book sheds light on Irish republican prisoners during the Northern Irish Troubles and the ways in which they shaped the peace process from within the internment camps and prisons.

  • af Marc Clement
    346,95 kr.

  • af Mitchell G Ash
    451,95 kr.

    This book presents new research on "thick spaces" of scientific research and processes of interurban and transnational knowledge transfer and exchange in Vienna in the late 19th and early 20th centuries - infrastructural preconditions for the explosion of creativity known as "Vienna 1900."

    473,95 kr.

    Throughout the ages of sail and steam, migrants made vital contributions to the construction of the urban-maritime world in terms of the built environment, the sociocultural milieu, and contemporary representations of these spaces. Port cities, in turn, conditioned the lives of these mobile people.

  • af Eszter Gantner
    451,95 kr.

    Around 1900 cities in Southern and Eastern Europe were labelled "backward" and allegedly had to follow the model of London, Paris or Vienna. The volume shows that cities such as Barcelona, Lviv, Milan, Moscow or Zagreb pursued their agendas of modernization through interurban knowledge exchange.

  • af Sean W. Maher
    451,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

    473,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the ethnically composite nature of the Mediterranean cities and their cultural heritage. Contributors investigate the traces left by centuries of interethnic play on the urban scene of cities such as Acre and Cyprus, Genoa and Venice, Rome and Istanbul, Cordoba and Tarragona.

  • af Dale Belman
    473,95 kr.

    This book aims to share understanding of best practice in the industries associated with construction and related activities, recognising that effective work organisation and good standards of employee relations will vary from one location to another.

  • af Jeremy Black
    225,95 kr.

    Esteemed historian Jeremy Black examines the technological, social, political and economic reasons for the industrial revolution taking place in Britain.

  • af Antje Dietze
    1.464,95 kr.

    This book is part of an ongoing transnational turn in cultural history.

  • af Sadan Jha
    1.464,95 kr.

    This book examines urban experience from the vantage point of the global South. Drawing upon narratives coming from three key axes - communities, neighbourhoods, and market-places - it lays bare the specificities of urban experience coming from a non-megacity landscape of South Asia.

  • af Jason Russell
    549,95 kr.

    This book shows that there were key points of convergence and divergence in the past between the United States and Canada that explain current differences in labor-management conflict and interaction in the two countries.

  • - Industrial Relations and the Canadian State 1900-1911
    af Paul Craven
    455,95 kr.

    This book is an insightful and detailed analysis of Canadian labour relations policy at the beginning of the 20th century, and of the formulation of distinctive features which still characterize it today. The development and reception of this policy are explained as a product of ideological and economic forces. These include the impact of international unionism on the Canadian working class, the emergence of scientific management in business ideology, and the special role of the state in economic development and the mediation of class relationships.The ideas and career of Mackenzie King, including his 'new liberalism,' and his activities in regard to the Department of Labour are examined, revealing how he moulded Canada's official position in the relations between capital and labour. With a focus on King's intellectual qualities in an international context, the author brings out another dimension, portraying him as Canada's first practising social scientist.The book examines implementation of policy through an analysis of the work of the Department of Labour through detailed case studies of government interventions in industrial disputes. The initial acceptance of the labour relations policy by the labour movement is explained and its repudiation in 1911 is examined against a background of setbacks which reflected its practical limits as much as its philosophical orientation. The result is a study which moves beyond a particular concern with labour policy to illuminate the contours of Canadian life in a crucial period of national development. 

  • af Glyn Hughes
    137,95 kr.

  • af Brian Groom
    127,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Ralph Darlington
    225,95 kr.

    New insights into one of the most important episodes in British labour history

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