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  • af Mahima Ranjan Adhikari
    526,95 kr.

    This third of the three-volume book is targeted as a basic course in algebraic topology and topology for fiber bundles for undergraduate and graduate students of mathematics. It focuses on many variants of topology and its applications in modern analysis, geometry, and algebra. Topics covered in this volume include homotopy theory, homology and cohomology theories, homotopy theory of fiber bundles, Euler characteristic, and the Betti number. It also includes certain classic problems such as the Jordan curve theorem along with the discussions on higher homotopy groups and establishes links between homotopy and homology theories, axiomatic approach to homology and cohomology as inaugurated by Eilenberg and Steenrod. It includes more material than is comfortably covered by beginner students in a one-semester course. Students of advanced courses will also find the book useful. This book will promote the scope, power and active learning of the subject, all the while covering a wide range of theory and applications in a balanced unified way.

  • af Anjan Mukherjee
    1.136,95 kr.

    This book discusses major theories and applications of fuzzy soft multisets and their generalization which help researchers get all the related information at one place. The primary objective of this book is to help bridge the gap to provide a textbook on the theories in fuzzy soft multisets and their applications in real life. It is targeted to researchers and students working in the field of fuzzy set theory, multiset theory, soft set theory and their applications. Uncertainty, vagueness and the representation of imperfect knowledge have been a problem in many fields of research, including artificial intelligence, network and communication, signal processing, machine learning, computer science, information technology, as well as medical science, economics, environments and engineering. There are many mathematical tools for dealing with uncertainties. They include fuzzy set theory, multiset theory, soft set theory and soft multiset theory.

  • af Ozer Mumcu
    422,95 kr.

    En este estudio, se examina la subestructura matemática de las obras del artista gráfico neerlandés M.C. Escher. Los efectos matemáticos en las obras de Escher pueden clasificarse en ciertos temas. Los más importantes pueden ordenarse como la división regular del plano, las paradojas visuales y las ficciones sobre la estructura de la perspectiva y la topología geométrica. Para cada uno de estos temas, se puede decir que Escher está influenciado por ciertos nombres específicos. Los más importantes de ellos son Harold Coxeter, Roger Penrose y Albert Flocon.

  • af Mo-Lin Ge
    1.136,95 kr.

    This volume celebrates the 100th birthday of Professor Chen-Ning Frank Yang (Nobel 1957), one of the giants of modern science and a living legend. Starting with reminiscences of Yang's time at the research centre for theoretical physics at Stonybrook (now named C. N. Yang Institute) by his successor Peter van Nieuwenhuizen, the book is a collection of articles by world-renowned mathematicians and theoretical physicists. This emphasizes the Dialogue Between Physics and Mathematics that has been a central theme of Professor Yang's contributions to contemporary science. Fittingly, the contributions to this volume range from experimental physics to pure mathematics, via mathematical physics. On the physics side, the contributions are from Sir Anthony Leggett (Nobel 2003), Jian-Wei Pan (Willis E. Lamb Award 2018), Alexander Polyakov (Breakthrough Prize 2013), Gerard 't Hooft (Nobel 1999), Frank Wilczek (Nobel 2004), Qikun Xue (Fritz London Prize 2020), and Zhongxian Zhao (Bernd T. Matthias Prize 2015), covering an array of topics from superconductivity to the foundations of quantum mechanics. In mathematical physics there are contributions by Sir Roger Penrose (Nobel 2022) and Edward Witten (Fields Medal 1990) on quantum twistors and quantum field theory, respectively. On the mathematics side, the contributions by Vladimir Drinfeld (Fields Medal 1990), Louis Kauffman (Wiener Gold Medal 2014), and Yuri Manin (Cantor Medal 2002) offer novel ideas from knot theory to arithmetic geometry.Inspired by the original ideas of C. N. Yang, this unique collection of papers b masters of physics and mathematics provides, at the highest level, contemporary research directions for graduate students and experts alike.

  • af Erdal Karapinar
    457,95 kr.

    This book presents fixed point theory, one of the crucial tools in applied mathematics, functional analysis, and topology, which has been used to solve distinct real-world problems in computer science, engineering, and physics. The authors begin with an overview of the extension of metric spaces. Readers are introduced to general fixed-point theorems while comparing and contrasting important and insignificant metric spaces. The book is intended to be self-contained and serves as a unique resource for researchers in various disciplines.

  • af Helmut Hofer
    2.362,95 - 2.367,95 kr.

    Over the course of his distinguished career, Claude Viterbo has made a number of groundbreaking contributions in the development of symplectic geometry/topology and Hamiltonian dynamics.  The chapters in this volume - compiled on the occasion of his 60th birthday - are written by distinguished mathematicians and pay tribute to his many significant and lasting achievements. 

  • af Masanori Morishita
    589,95 kr.

    This book provides a foundation for arithmetic topology, a new branch of mathematics that investigates the analogies between the topology of knots, 3-manifolds, and the arithmetic of number fields. Arithmetic topology is now becoming a powerful guiding principle and driving force to obtain parallel results and new insights between 3-dimensional geometry and number theory.After an informative introduction to Gauss' work, in which arithmetic topology originated, the text reviews a background from both topology and number theory. The analogy between knots in 3-manifolds and primes in number rings, the founding principle of the subject, is based on the étale topological interpretation of primes and number rings. On the basis of this principle, the text explores systematically intimate analogies and parallel results of various concepts and theories between 3-dimensional topology and number theory. The presentation of these analogies begins at an elementary level, gradually building to advanced theories in later chapters. Many results presented here are new and original.References are clearly provided if necessary, and many examples and illustrations are included. Some useful problems are also given for future research. All these components make the book useful for graduate students and researchers in number theory, low dimensional topology, and geometry.This second edition is a corrected and enlarged version of the original one. Misprints and mistakes in the first edition are corrected, references are updated, and some expositions are improved. Because of the remarkable developments in arithmetic topology after the publication of the first edition, the present edition includes two new chapters. One is concerned with idelic class field theory for 3-manifolds and number fields. The other deals with topological and arithmetic Dijkgraaf¿Witten theory, which supports a new bridge between arithmetic topology and mathematical physics.

  • af Shouchuan Hu
    492,95 - 767,95 kr.

    This book, which is the first of two volumes, presents, in a unique way, some of the most relevant research tools of modern analysis. This work empowers young researchers with all the necessary techniques to explore the various subfields of this broad subject, and introduces relevant frameworks where these tools can be immediately deployed.Volume I starts with the foundations of modern analysis. The first three chapters are devoted to topology, measure theory, and functional analysis. Chapter 4 offers a comprehensive analysis of the main function spaces, while Chapter 5 covers more concrete subjects, like multivariate analysis, which are closely related to applications and more difficult to find in compact form. Chapter 6 deals with smooth and non-smooth calculus of functions; Chapter 7 introduces certain important classes of nonlinear operators; and Chapter 8 complements the previous three chapters with topics of variational analysis. Each chapter of this volume finishes with a list of problems - handy for understanding and self-study - and historical notes that give the reader a more vivid picture of how the theory developed. Volume II consists of various applications using the tools and techniques developed in this volume.By offering a clear and wide picture of the tools and applications of modern analysis, this work can be of great benefit not only to mature graduate students seeking topics for research, but also to experienced researchers with an interest in this vast and rich field of mathematics.

  • af Hal Schenck
    457,95 - 712,95 kr.

    This book gives an intuitive and hands-on introduction to Topological Data Analysis (TDA). Covering a wide range of topics at levels of sophistication varying from elementary (matrix algebra) to esoteric (Grothendieck spectral sequence), it offers a mirror of data science aimed at a general mathematical audience. The required algebraic background is developed in detail. The first third of the book reviews several core areas of mathematics, beginning with basic linear algebra and applications to data fitting and web search algorithms, followed by quick primers on algebra and topology. The middle third introduces algebraic topology, along with applications to sensor networks and voter ranking. The last third covers key contemporary tools in TDA: persistent and multiparameter persistent homology. Also included is a user's guide to derived functors and spectral sequences (useful but somewhat technical tools which have recently found applications in TDA), and an appendix illustrating a number of software packages used in the field.  Based on a course given as part of a masters degree in statistics, the book is appropriate for graduate students.

  • af Gerardo Arizmendi Echegaray
    1.477,95 - 1.538,95 kr.

    This volume is devoted to various aspects of Alexandrov Geometry for those wishing to get a detailed picture of the advances in the field. It contains enhanced versions of the lecture notes of the two mini-courses plus those of one research talk given at CIMAT.Peter Petersen's part aims at presenting various rigidity results about Alexandrov spaces in a way that facilitates the understanding by a larger audience of geometers of some of the current research in the subject. They contain a brief overview of the fundamental aspects of the theory of Alexandrov spaces with lower curvature bounds, as well as the aforementioned rigidity results with complete proofs.The text from Fernando Galaz-Garcia's minicourse was completed in collaboration with Jesus Nunez-Zimbron. It presents an up-to-date and panoramic view of the topology and geometry of 3-dimensional Alexandrov spaces, including the classification of positively and non-negatively curved spaces and the geometrization theorem. They also present Lie group actions and their topological and equivariant classifications as well as a brief account of results on collapsing Alexandrov spaces.Jesus Nunez-Zimbron's contribution surveys two recent developments in the understanding of the topological and geometric rigidity of singular spaces with curvature bounded below.

  • af Viveka Erlandsson
    1.027,95 - 1.051,95 kr.

  • af Dominic Joyce
    751,95 kr.

    Schemes in algebraic geometry can have singular points, whereas differential geometers typically focus on manifolds which are nonsingular. However, there is a class of schemes, 'C¿-schemes', which allow differential geometers to study a huge range of singular spaces, including 'infinitesimals' and infinite-dimensional spaces. These are applied in synthetic differential geometry, and derived differential geometry, the study of 'derived manifolds'. Differential geometers also study manifolds with corners. The cube is a 3-dimensional manifold with corners, with boundary the six square faces. This book introduces 'C¿-schemes with corners', singular spaces in differential geometry with good notions of boundary and corners. They can be used to define 'derived manifolds with corners' and 'derived orbifolds with corners'. These have applications to major areas of symplectic geometry involving moduli spaces of J-holomorphic curves. This work will be a welcome source of information and inspiration for graduate students and researchers working in differential or algebraic geometry.

  • af Nam-Gyu Kang
    454,95 kr.

    This book consists of five chapters presenting problems of current research in mathematics, with its history and development, current state, and possible future direction. Four of the chapters are expository in nature while one is based more directly on research. All deal with important areas of mathematics, however, such as algebraic geometry, topology, partial differential equations, Riemannian geometry, and harmonic analysis. This book is addressed to researchers who are interested in those subject areas. Young-Hoon Kiem discusses classical enumerative geometry before string theory and improvements after string theory as well as some recent advances in quantum singularity theory, Donaldson-Thomas theory for Calabi-Yau 4-folds, and Vafa-Witten invariants. Dongho Chae discusses the finite-time singularity problem for three-dimensional incompressible Euler equations. He presents Kato's classical local well-posedness results, Beale-Kato-Majda's blow-up criterion, and recent studies on the singularity problem for the 2D Boussinesq equations. Simon Brendle discusses recent developments that have led to a complete classification of all the singularity models in a three-dimensional Riemannian manifold. He gives an alternative proof of the classification of noncollapsed steady gradient Ricci solitons in dimension 3. Hyeonbae Kang reviews some of the developments in the Neumann-Poincare operator (NPO). His topics include visibility and invisibility via polarization tensors, the decay rate of eigenvalues and surface localization of plasmon, singular geometry and the essential spectrum, analysis of stress, and the structure of the elastic NPO.Danny Calegari provides an explicit description of the shift locus as a complex of spaces over a contractible building. He describes the pieces in terms of dynamically extended laminations and of certain explicit "e;discriminant-like"e; ai ne algebraic varieties. 

  • af M. A. Kervaire
    187,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Ton Marar
    454,95 - 551,95 kr.

  • af Mahima Ranjan Adhikari
    476,95 kr.

    This second of the three-volume book is targeted as a basic course in topology for undergraduate and graduate students of mathematics. It focuses on many variants of topology and its applications in modern analysis, geometry, algebra, and the theory of numbers. Offering a proper background on topology, analysis, and algebra, this volume discusses the topological groups and topological vector spaces that provide many interesting geometrical objects which relate algebra with geometry and analysis. This volume follows a systematic and comprehensive elementary approach to the topology related to manifolds, emphasizing differential topology. It further communicates the history of the emergence of the concepts leading to the development of topological groups, manifolds, and also Lie groups as mathematical topics with their motivations. This book will promote the scope, power, and active learning of the subject while covering a wide range of theories and applications in a balanced unified way.

  • af Donald Yau
    1.342,95 kr.

    This book is suitable for graduate students and researchers with an interest in category theory, algebraic K-theory, homotopy theory, and related fields. The presentation is thorough and self-contained, with complete details and background material for non-expert readers.

  • af Vladimir Dotsenko
    583,95 kr.

    "This text provides a unique overview of the Maurer-Cartan methods in algebra, geometry, topology, and mathematical physics, offering a new conceptual treatment of the twisting procedure. It includes many motivating examples to render the theory accessible to graduate students, as well as a survey of recent applications"--

  • af Alessandro Sarti
    1.136,95 kr.

    This book describes about unlike usual differential dynamics common in mathematical physics, heterogenesis is based on the assemblage of differential constraints that are different from point to point. The construction of differential assemblages will be introduced in the present study from the mathematical point of view, outlining the heterogeneity of the differential constraints and of the associated phase spaces, that are continuously changing in space and time. If homogeneous constraints well describe a form of swarm intelligence or crowd behaviour, it reduces dynamics to automatisms, by excluding any form of imaginative and creative aspect. With this study we aim to problematize the procedure of homogeneization that is dominant in life and social science and to outline the dynamical heterogeneity of life and its affective, semiotic, social, historical aspects. Particularly, the use of sub-Riemannian geometry instead of Riemannian one allows to introduce disjointed and autonomous areas in the virtual plane. Our purpose is to free up the dynamic becoming from any form of unitary and totalizing symmetry and to develop forms, action, thought by means of proliferation, juxtaposition, and disjunction devices. After stating the concept of differential heterogenesis with the language of contemporary mathematics, we will face the problem of the emergence of the semiotic function, recalling the limitation of classical approaches (Hjelmslev, Saussure, Husserl) and proposing a possible genesis of it from the heterogenetic flow previously defined. We consider the conditions under which this process can be polarized to constitute different planes of Content (C) and Expression (E), each one equipped with its own formed substances. A possible (but not unique) process of polarization is constructed by means of spectral analysis, that is introduced to individuate E/C planes and their evolution. The heterogenetic flow, solution of differential assemblages, gives rise to forms that are projected onto the planes, offering a first referring system for the flow, that constitutes a first degree of semiosis.

  • af Mahima Ranjan Adhikari & Avishek Adhikari
    412,95 kr.

  • af Soon-Mo Jung
    457,95 kr.

    ¿This book discusses the process by which Ulam's conjecture is proved, aptly detailing how mathematical problems may be solved by systematically combining interdisciplinary theories. It presents the state-of-the-art of various research topics and methodologies in mathematics, and mathematical analysis by presenting the latest research in emerging research areas, providing motivation for further studies. The book also explores the theory of extending the domain of local isometries by introducing a generalized span.For the reader, working knowledge of topology, linear algebra, and Hilbert space theory, is essential. The basic theories of these fields are gently and logically introduced. The content of each chapter provides the necessary building blocks to understanding the proof of Ulam¿s conjecture and are summarized as follows: Chapter 1 presents the basic concepts and theorems of general topology. In Chapter 2, essential concepts and theorems in vector space, normed space, Banach space, inner product space, and Hilbert space, are introduced. Chapter 3 gives a presentation on the basics of measure theory. In Chapter 4, the properties of first- and second-order generalized spans are defined, examined, and applied to the study of the extension of isometries. Chapter 5 includes a summary of published literature on Ulam¿s conjecture; the conjecture is fully proved in Chapter 6.

  • af Markus Szymik
    376,95 kr.

    Die Topologie beschäftigt sich mit den qualitativen Eigenschaften geometrischer Objekte. Ihr Begriffsapparat ist so mächtig, dass kaum eine mathematische Struktur nicht mit Gewinn topologisiert wurde.Dieses Buch versteht sich als Brücke von den einführenden Vorlesungen der Analysis und Linearen Algebra zu den fortgeschrittenen Vorlesungen der Algebraischen und Geometrischen Topologie. Es eignet sich besonders für Studierende in einem Bachelor- oder Masterstudiengang der Mathematik, kann aber auch zum Selbststudium für mathematisch Interessierte dienen.Die Autoren legen besonderen Wert auf eine moderne Sprache, welche die vorgestellten Ideen vereinheitlicht und damit erleichtert. Definitionen werden stets mit vielen Beispielen unterlegt und neue Konzepte werden mit zahlreichen Bildern illustriert. Über 170 Übungsaufgaben (mit Lösungen zu ausgewählten Aufgaben auf der Website zum Buch) helfen, die vermittelten Inhalte einzuüben und zu vertiefen. Viele Abschnitte werden ergänzt durch kurze Einblicke in weiterführende Themen, die einen Ausgangspunkt für Studienarbeiten oder Seminarthemen bieten.Neben dem üblichen Stoff zur mengentheoretischen Topologie, der Theorie der Fundamentalgruppen und der Überlagerungen werden auch Bündel, Garben und simpliziale Methoden angesprochen, welche heute zu den Grundbegriffen der Geometrie und Topologie gehören.

  • af Hirotaka Akiyoshi, Makoto Sakuma, Masaaki Wada & mfl.
    454,95 kr.

  • af José Seade, José Luis Cisneros-Molina & Lê D¿ng Tráng
    2.697,95 kr.

  • af Charles R. Giardina
    1.465,95 kr.

    Many-Sorted Algebras for Deep Learning and Quantum Technology presents a precise and rigorousdescription of basic concepts in quantum technologies and how they relate to deep learning and quantum theory. Current merging of quantum theory and deep learning techniques provides the need for a source that gives readers insights into the algebraic underpinnings of these disciplines. Although analytical, topological, probabilistic, as well as geometrical concepts are employed in many of these areas, algebra exhibits the principal thread; hence, this thread is exposed using many-sorted algebras. This book includes hundreds of well-designed examples that illustrate the intriguing concepts in quantum systems. Along with these examples are numerous visual displays. In particular, the polyadic graph shows the types or sorts of objects used in quantum or deep learning. It also illustrates all the inter and intra-sort operations needed in describing algebras. In brief, it provides the closure conditions. Throughout the book, all laws or equational identities needed in specifying an algebraic structure are precisely described.

  • af Santiago López de Medrano
    1.392,95 kr.

    This book gives an overview of research in the topology and geometry of intersections of quadrics in $\mathbb{R}^n$, with a focus on intersections of concentric ellipsoids and related spaces. Unifying and organizing material previously spread over many articles, it also contains new results.The first part provides very detailed foundations of a wide-ranging theory that could be useful for future developments. It includes chapters on general intersections of quadrics, operations on them, and intersections of concentric and coaxial quadrics. Moving from the general to the specific, the second part focuses on a topological description of transverse intersections of concentric ellipsoids, including a complete description of the case of three ellipsoids, and of some large families of more than three of them. The third part looks at relations to other areas of mathematics such as dynamical systems, complex geometry, contact and symplectic geometry, andother applications. An appendix gathers some technical items and also gives an account of the origins, motivations and progression of the subject, including historical recollections of the author, who has been central to its development.

  • af Emmanuel Moulay & Wouter Jongeneel
    283,95 kr.

    This open access book provides a unified overview of topological obstructions to the stability and stabilization of dynamical systems defined on manifolds and an overview that is self-contained and accessible to the control-oriented graduate student. The authors review the interplay between the topology of an attractor, its domain of attraction, and the underlying manifold that is supposed to contain these sets. They present some proofs of known results in order to highlight assumptions and to develop extensions, and they provide new results showcasing the most effective methods to cope with these obstructions to stability and stabilization. Moreover, the book shows how Borsuk¿s retraction theory and the index-theoretic methodology of Krasnosel¿skii and Zabreiko underlie a large fraction of currently known results. This point of view reveals important open problems, and for that reason, this book is of interest to any researcher in control, dynamical systems, topology, or relatedfields.

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