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  • af Will Kinney
    182,95 kr.

    What happened before the primordial fire of the Big Bang: a theory about the ultimate origin of the universe.In the beginning was the Big Bang: an unimaginably hot fire almost fourteen billion years ago in which the first elements were forged. The physical theory of the hot nascent universe—the Big Bang—was one of the most consequential developments in twentieth-century science. And yet it leaves many questions unanswered: Why is the universe so big? Why is it so old? What is the origin of structure in the cosmos? In An Infinity of Worlds, physicist Will Kinney explains a more recent theory that may hold the answers to these questions and even explain the ultimate origins of the universe: cosmic inflation, before the primordial fire of the Big Bang.Kinney argues that cosmic inflation is a transformational idea in cosmology, changing our picture of the basic structure of the cosmos and raising unavoidable questions about what we mean by a scientific theory. He explains that inflation is a remarkable unification of inner space and outer space, in which the physics of the very large (the cosmos) meets the physics of the very small (elementary particles and fields), closing in a full circle at the first moment of time. With quantum uncertainty its fundamental feature, this new picture of cosmic origins introduces the possibility that the origin of the universe was of a quantum nature. Kinney considers the consequences of eternal cosmic inflation. Can we come to terms with the possibility that our entire observable universe is one of infinitely many, forever hidden from our view?

  • af Rebecca Struthers
    165,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Hertog
    187,95 kr.

  • af Joshua N. Winn
    194,95 kr.

    "A concise and accessible introduction to exoplanets that explains the cutting-edge science behind recent discoveries. For centuries, people have speculated about the possibility of planets orbiting distant stars, but only since the 1990s has technology allowed astronomers to detect them. At this point, more than five thousand such exoplanets have been identified, with the pace of discovery accelerating after the launch of NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Satellite Survey and the Webb Space Telescope. In The Little Book of Exoplanets, Princeton astrophysicist Joshua Winn offers a brief and engaging introduction to the search for exoplanets and the cutting-edge science behind recent findings. In doing so, he chronicles the dawn of a new age of discovery-one that has rapidly transformed astronomy and our broader understanding of the universe. Scientists now know that many Sun-like stars host their own systems of planets, some of which may resemble our solar system and include planets similar to the Earth. But, Winn tells us, the most remarkable discoveries so far have been of planets with unexpected and decidedly un-Earth-like properties, which have upended what we thought we knew about the origins of planetary systems. Winn provides an inside view of the sophisticated detective work astronomers perform as they find and study exoplanets and describes the surprising-sometimes downright bizarre-planets and systems they have found. He explains how these discoveries are revolutionizing astronomy, and he explores the current status and possible future of the search for another Earth. Finally, drawing on his own and other scientists' work, he considers how the discovery of exoplanets and their faraway solar systems changes our perspectives on the universe and our place in it"--

  • - Astrologi og varselstagning i Oldtidens Mesopotamien
    af Ulla Koch
    106,95 kr.

    Det er et uforanderligt vilkår for os mennesker ikke at vide, hvad fremtiden vil bringe. Det er ikke et let vilkår at leve med, og gennem hele den menneskelige historie har vi på alskens måder forsøgt at finde måder at forudsige fremtiden på. Blandt de tidligst kendte af disse er at se på stjerner, læse i teblade og olier eller undersøge offerdyrs indvolde og fortolke bestemte observerbare tegn som gode eller onde varsler. Denne slags spådomme går helt tilbage til Oldtidens Mesopotamien, og de ældste, der findes bevaret, er over tre årtusinder gamle.I dag vil de færreste nok tro på, at stjernernes bevægelser eller markeringer på dyreindvolde har nogen egentlig indflydelse på vores hverdag – vi forlader os i stedet på meteorologer, statistikere, politiske eksperter og deslige for at se ind i fremtiden. Men i Mesopotamien var disse ritualer noget, der blev taget dybt alvorligt. Ved hofferne var der ansat professionelle varselstagere, og man foretog sig intet af vigtighed, før man havde fået et positivt varsel og vidste, at guderne var på ens side – selv konger drog ikke i krig foruden.Det kan måske virke fjernt for en moderne verdensborger, men i virkeligheden er forskellen på en varselstager, der fortolker varsler i fårelevere, og en børsmægler, der bruger statistik til at forsøge at forudsige markedssvingninger, slet ikke så stor. Sandsynligheden for, at de tager fejl, er omtrent lige stor, og fra et psykologisk synspunkt er begge blot tilgange til at løse et behov, vi har haft så længe vi kender til: at afdække fremtidens mysterier.I Hvad er værre end uvished? fortæller Ulla Koch på indlevende, tilgængelig og spændende vis om varselstagningens og astrologiens historie fra deres oprindelse i Oldtidens Mesopotamien, med inddragelse af nobelpristageren, adfærds- og økonomipsykologen Daniel Kahnemans forskning.

  • af William Sidis
    111,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Brian Thomas Swimme
    165,95 kr.

    "The discovery that the universe has been expanding from its fiery beginning fourteen billion years ago and has developed into stars, galaxies, life, and human consciousness is one of the most significant of human history. It is taught throughout the world and has become our common creation story for every culture with modern educational processes. It holds the promise of a new human unity. In terms of this story of the universe's development, we humans are not primarily French or Chinese, Democrat or Republican. We are primarily cosmological beings. Though An Unveiling of the Expanding Universe narrates the same cosmological events as thousands of other books, it has one unique feature. It tells the story of the universe while simultaneously telling the story of the storyteller. If indeed cosmogenesis is one of the greatest discoveries of human history, it will necessarily have an immense impact on humanity, at least as profound as the Copernican revolution. And yet, to my knowledge, none of the science books published in English explores the effects cosmogenesis has on human consciousness. An Unveiling of the Expanding Universe tells the story of how my mind was deconstructed by the impact of this new story and then reassembled. In shorthand: I began with the mind of a cartesian scientist and ended with a mind aligned with the creativity of the universe"--

  • af Avi Loeb
    165,95 kr.

    'The 'Enfant terrible' of astrophysics . . . Loeb has a joy in conjecture and an omnivorous spirit of inquiry that are more reminiscent of 20th-century thinkers such as Freeman Dyson or Carl Sagan than most of his peers' The TimesCould we build space craft that could travel to distant stars? Could we augment human biology for spaceflight? Could the search for extraterrestrials be brought into the mainstream of scientific research?Avi Loeb tells us that in each case, the real question is not could we, but will we choose to? With an approach that is firmly grounded in cutting-edge science, he explores the potential for non-rocket space launch, deep space probes, and the technological preservation of human civilisation. He examines the evidence for UFOs and UAPs, and argues that the search for further evidence, using existing scientific technologies, is long overdue.Urgent and important, Noah's Spaceship is a mission statement and a blueprint for the future of humanity. Loeb explains why becoming interstellar is imperative for our civilization to survive - and how we can accomplish it.'One of the more imaginative and articulate scientists around' New York Times

  • - Myter, magi og missioner
    af Tina Ibsen
    166,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Mennesket har altid været optaget af Mars. Planeten kan som én af de eneste ses med det blotte øje fra Jorden, og helt fra Galileis opfindelse af teleskopet i 1600-tallet og frem til nu er det blevet debatteret, om der er eller har været liv på Mars.Mars er afbildet på 70.000 år gamle hulemalerier i Botswana og fascinerer stadig den dag i dag, hvor 600.000 danskere i 2021 fulgte med i live-sendingen af roveren Perseverances landing på Mars.I den rigt illustrerede bog gennemgår Tina Ibsen myterne om den røde planet, Mars-forskningens historie, de unikke geologiske og atmosfæriske forhold på planeten, vores missioner til Mars og den imponerende teknologi, der ligger bag opsendelserne af rumsonder og rovere - og ikke mindst det store spørgsmål: Er der liv på Mars - og kan mennesket bo der engang i fremtiden?I bogen er der interview med tre danske forskere:Morten Bo Madsen, der er lektor på Niels Bohr Instituttet og har deltaget i seks af NASAs Mars-missioner.Jens Frydenvang, der er adjunkt ved Globe Institute på Københavns Universitet og deltager i både Perseverance- og Curiosity-missionerne.Line Drube, der er ph.d. i astrofysik fra Niels Bohr Institutet og har deltaget i Phoenix-Marsmissionen, hvor hun styrede landerens robot-arms kamera fra NASAs kontrolcenter i Tucson."Mars - myter, magi og missioner" er skrevet af astrofysiker Tina Ibsen, kendt fra den populære podcast Rumsnak.

  • af Nicolaus Copernicus
    165,95 kr.

    New to Penguin Classics, the astonishing story of the Copernican Revolution, told through the words of the ground-breaking scientists who brought it aboutA Penguin ClassicIn the late fifteenth century, the earth stood motionless at the center of a small, ordered cosmos. Around us, it was believed, the moon, the sun, and the planets revolved in crystalline spheres, their orbits perfect, eternally unchanging circles. Just over a century later, the sun was now the center of creation; the earth just another planet hurtling through empty, near-infinite space. This is the story of an astonishing change, a transformation in human thought, about both the universe and our place within it, told through the words of the astronomers and mathematicians at its heart. Encompassing the most evocative excerpts from the works and letters of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Descartes, Newton, and others, and including guiding notes from renowned historian of science, Aviva Rothman, The Dawn of Modern Cosmology is the definitive record of one of science's greatest achievements.

  • af Sean Carroll
    198,95 kr.

    "The most trusted explainer of the most mind-boggling concepts pulls back the veil of mystery that has too long cloaked the most valuable building blocks of modern science. Sean Carroll, with his genius for making complex notions entertaining, presents in his uniquely lucid voice the fundamental ideas informing the modern physics of reality. Physics offers deep insights into the workings of the universe but those insights come in the form of equations that often look like gobbledygook. Sean Carroll shows that they are really like meaningful poems that can help us fly over sierras to discover a miraculous multidimensional landscape alive with radiant giants, warped space-time, and bewilderingly powerful forces. High school calculus is itself a centuries-old marvel as worthy of our gaze as the Mona Lisa. And it may come as a surprise the extent to which all our most cutting-edge ideas about black holes are built on the math calculus enables. No one else could so smoothly guide readers to grasping the very equation Einstein used to describe his theory of general relativity. In the tradition of the legendary Richard Feynman lectures presented sixty years ago, this book is an inspiring, dazzling introduction to a way of seeing that will resonate across cultural and generational boundaries for many years to come"--

  • af Thomas Hertog
    240,95 kr.

    "Stephen Hawking's closest collaborator offers the intellectual superstar's final thoughts on the cosmos-a dramatic revision of the theory that made him the heir to Einstein's legacy. Perhaps the biggest question Stephen Hawking tried to answer in his extraordinary life was how the universe could have created conditions so perfectly hospitable to life. Pondering this mystery led Hawking to study the big bang origin of the universe, but his early work ran into a crisis when the math predicted many big bangs producing a multiverse-countless different universes, most far too bizarre to harbor life. Holed up in the theoretical physics department at Cambridge, Stephen Hawking and his friend and collaborator Thomas Hertog worked shoulder to shoulder for twenty years on a new quantum theory of the cosmos. As their journey took them deeper into the big bang, they were startled to find a deeper level of evolution in which the physical laws themselves transform and simplify until particles, forces, and even time itself fades away. Once upon a time, perhaps, there was no time. This led them to a revolutionary idea: the laws of physics are not set in stone but are born and co-evolve as the universe they govern takes shape. On the Origin of Time takes the reader on a quest to understand questions bigger than our universe, peering into the extreme quantum physics of black holes and the big bang and drawing on the latest developments in string theory. As Hawking's final days drew near, the two collaborators developed a final theory proposing their radical new Darwinian perspective on the origins of our universe. Hertog offers a striking new vision that ties together more deeply than ever the nature of the universe's birth with our existence. This new theory profoundly transforms the way we think about our place in the order of the cosmos and may ultimately prove Hawking's biggest legacy"--

  • - (Or: How to Beat the Big Bang)
    af Geraint F. Lewis & Luke A. (Western Sydney University) Barnes
    125,95 - 212,95 kr.

    For all those who wonder about our bizarre universe, and those who want to overthrow the big bang, this book gives you 'just the facts': the observations that have shaped established ideas and theories. The authors pull back the curtains, and show how cosmology really works.

  • - En fortælling om venskab og fysik
    af Leonard Mlodinow
    167,95 - 237,95 kr.

    Stephen Hawking var et enestående menneske. På én gang en ikonisk skikkelse i vores populærkultur, skelsættende forfatter og formidler af videnskabeligt stof til den almene læser, en dreven spøgefugl – og sidst, men ikke mindst en helt afgørende forsker, der bidrog med grundlæggende indsigter til vores forståelse af, hvordan den verden og det univers, som har skabt os, er dannet og fungerer.Fysikeren og forfatteren Leonard Mlodinow mødte første gang Stephen Hawking, da de skrev deres første bog sammen. Leonard og Stephen blev venner – og Mlodinow har været personligt og professionelt tæt på både Hawking, menneskene omkring ham og hans videnskabelige resultater. I ‘Stephen Hawking’ beskriver Leonard Mlodinow i seks kapitler, hvorfor Stephen Hawking var så stor og vigtig en videnskabsmand – og forklarer det, så vi alle kan være med. Det bliver en rejse, hvor vi bevæger os med Hawking ind i det mærkværdige og de vilde sorte huller, ser ham bevise, at tiden måske slet ikke findes og følger ham i hans arbejde med teorien om, at der findes mange verdener og parallelle universer. Og hvor vi samtidig møder ham som menneske. Medrivende, bevægende og storslået. Et indblik i et rigt sind og en stor ånds univers.

  • - ny model for universet? alvorlige fejl fundet i ""mainstream""-astrofysikkens teoretiske grundlag intellektuel nedsmeltning elle
    af Bent Kargaard Nielsen
    267,95 kr.

    Et ganske alvorligt opgør med myter i naturvidenskaben - i særdeleshed myten om Big Bang. Opgøret baserer sig på naturvidenskabelige opdagelser af fejl i det hidtidigt anerkendte forsøgs- og logikgrundlag.

  • - lær at læse nattehimlen stjerne for stjerne
    af Robin Kerrod
    127,95 kr.

    Alle stjernetosser kan være med her. Bogen fokuserer på de stjerner, planeter, stjernebilleder og andre himmellegemer, som kan ses med det blotte øje eller en almindelig håndholdt kikkert. Du behøver ikke noget særligt udstyr andet end evnen til at være vågen, når det er mørkt.Bag i bogen er der et drejeligt stjernekort, som viser himmelen på et hvert tidspunkt hele året rundt. Stjernekortet er tilpasset vore breddegrader.

  • - I kongens og videnskabens tjeneste
    397,95 kr.

    For 300 år siden afgik en af Danmarks største begavelser ved døden. Inden da havde den danske astronom og ingeniør Ole Rømer opnået verdensberømmelse på grund af sin bestemmelse af lysets hastighed, han var blevet en af den danske konges højt betroede embedsmænd, og i Paris havde han udarbejdet fontænesystemet på det franske kongeslot Versailles og undervist tronarvingen.Særligt hans opdagelse af lystes tøven placerer Rømer i selskab med den danske videnskabs fineste selskab fuldt på linje med Tycho Brahe, H.C. Ørsted og Niels Bohr. Imponerende bedrift af en skippersøn fra Aarhus!Ole Rømer er derfor en helt fortjent fordybelse i en af astronomiens største skikkelser og et af Danmarks største naturvidenskabelige talenter. Bogen fortæller igennem 18 velskrevne bidrag om både de kendte og ukendte sider af Rømers virke, om hans ophold i Paris, hans afgørende rejse til London samt hans biografiske baggrund.Bogen er forfattet af en lang række anerkendte og velbevandrede forskere inden for Rømers mange forskellige interessesfærer.

  • af Katrine Skovgaard Rasmussen & Tina Ibsen
    144,95 kr.

  • af Morten Ingemann
    150,95 kr.

    Med 365 sjove, flotte, flabede og alvorlige striber er der noget for enhver smag i Og Det var Danmark-kalenderen, der selvfølgelig også kan erhverves i år.Morten Ingemann fanger hverdagssituationer med en skøn humor og sin helt unikke streg. I årets kalender finder man en samling af hans bedste striber samt spritnye, eksklusive striber tegnet specielt til kalenderen for 2025.Uanset om man er fan af Morten Ingemanns arbejde fra hans år på Ekstra Bladet, eller man først lige har opdaget hans satiriske univers, vil denne kalender være et sjovt indslag i dagligdagen.

  • af Sigurd Barrett
    195,95 kr.

    Hvad er rummet? Hvor stort er det? Hvor kommer det fra? Og hvad ved vi om det? Den folkekære Sigurd Barrett, hvis bogsalg har rundet 1 million eksemplarer, tager i sin seneste udgivelse børn og voksne med ud i rummet.I samarbejde med DTU Space og andre førende rumforskere har Sigurd Barrett skrevet denne fascinerende bog om rummet og rumfart. Få historien om planeterne i vores solsystem, om Solen og Månen, om stjernerne, om galakserne og om hele det utrolige univers, vi er en del af.Hvad er en komet? Hvad er en asteroide? Og hvordan gik det til, da man første gang landede på Månen?I 16 kapitler fortæller Sigurd på sin vanlige finurlige måde om det store uendelige rum, og hvordan vi mennesker gennem tiderne har udforsket det. Kom med på en eventyrlig rejse ud i det eventyrlige univers, og syng med på de 16 nye sange, som Sigurd Barrett og Eskild Dohn har skrevet til kapitlerne.I bogen findes QR koder til sangene og også til 16 helt nye film, hvor Sigurd og ”Einstein” fortæller børn og voksne om rummet og viser nogle af de fantastiske billeder og film, der gennem tiderne er optaget i rummet. Bogen er rigt illustreret af Jørgen Eivind Hansen og henvender sig til alle nysgerrige læsere mellem 5 og 100 år

  • af Anders Morgenthaler & Mikael Wulff
    143,95 kr.

    I en verden, hvor vejret ofte føles som en endeløs strøm af regn og blæst, er der brug for noget at grine af. Lad derfor Wulffmorgenthaler kalenderen være din følgesvend gennem 2025.Når hver dag føles som en gentagelse af det foregående i det evige danske efterår, er det godt at have noget at se frem til.Wulffmorgenthaler kalender 2025 er den perfekte måde at navigere gennem årets vigtigste datoer, mærkedage og fødselsdage på, og måske vil du endda se det danske efterår med nye, humoristiske øjne hele året rundt.

  • - Science eller fiction
    af Finn Willadsen
    213,95 kr.

    Terraforming af Mars – Science eller fictionTerraforming er et kontroversielt begreb, fordi det synes uden for de tekniske muligheder i dag. Men der er tradition for at overveje og udregne mulighederne inden for den verden, som både Dansk Selskab for Rumfartsforskning og British Interplanetary Society er vokset ud af.Dansk Selskab blev grundlagt i 1949 – otte år før den første kunstige satellit Sputnik. Den gang var rumfart noget forholdsvis hypotetisk baseret på udregninger ud fra fysikkens love. Det samme kan man sige om terraforming i dag. Men hvordan ser det så ud? Bogen gennemgår en række problemstillinger i den forbindelse.

  • af Søren Flott, Anja C. Andersen, Pia Søltoft & mfl.
    1.217,95 kr.

    Tre af Danmarks dygtigste fagfolk og bedste formidlere, astrofysiker Anja C. Andersen, biolog Anders Kofoed og teolog Pia Søltoft, sætter nye og aktuelle perspektiver på, hvad det vil sige at være et menneske i en verden, der både er præget af nye opdagelser og gamle forestillinger. De diskuterer forskellen mellem tro og videnskab og forholder sig fra hvert deres faglige ståsted til spørgsmål, der knytter sig til liv og eksistens. Resultatet er en tankevækkende, overraskende og morsom bog, som sætter tilværelsen i perspektiv. Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.

  • af A. Guilmin
    204,95 kr.

    Leçons de cosmographie; à l'usage des lycées et collèges et de tous les établissements d'instruction publique, est un livre classique et rare, qui a été considéré comme important tout au long de l'histoire de l'humanité, et pour que cet ouvrage ne soit jamais oublié, chez Alpha Editions, nous avons fait des efforts pour sa préservation en rééditant ce livre dans un format moderne pour les générations présentes et futures. . Tout ce livre a été reformaté, retapé et repensé. Ces livres ne sont pas constitués de copies numérisées de leur ¿uvre originale et leur texte est donc clair et lisible. Ce livre remarquable s'inscrit dans les genres de Science, Astronomy

  • af Sheila Kanani
    159,95 kr.

    It was a story about space - Apollo 13 - which first hooked Sheila Kanani, and now, decades later, after achieving a PhD in Saturn's magnetosphere and working as an outreach officer for the Royal Astronomical Society, she has made a career of weaving together the science and tales of the stars.In The Starspotter's Guide, her first book for adults, Sheila pulls together the rich tapestry of the night sky for the armchair stargazer, sharing the stories that cultures across the world have told about the stars for millennia - and how these have shaped our exploration and understanding of the Earth, from astrologers in ancient India using the stars to calculate the length of the year, to Polynesian explorers using them to navigate far beyond their homes. And now, as our knowledge expands about the endless expanse above us - such as what the stars actually are - Sheila takes us on a journey through what you'd see if you could jump on a spacecraft and explore these galaxies yourself.In this endlessly informative and persuasively interesting miscellany of the night sky, Dr Sheila Kanani takes us on a journey through the cosmos and through the human experience of the stars throughout the ages that will have you rushing outside and looking up, searching for the curve of the Milky Way.

  • af Dionysius Lardner
    412,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Horatiu Nastase
    713,95 kr.

    This graduate textbook covers the basic formalism of supergravity, as well as its modern applications, suitable for a focused first course. Assuming a working knowledge of quantum field theory, Part I gives the basic formalism, including on- and off-shell supergravity, the covariant formulation, superspace and coset formulations, coupling to matter, higher dimensions and extended supersymmetry. A wide range of modern applications are introduced in Part II, including string theoretical (T- and U-duality, AdS/CFT, susy and sugra on the worldsheet, superembeddings), gravitational (p-brane solutions and their susy, attractor mechanism, Witten's positive energy theorem) and phenomenological (inflation in supergravity, supergravity no-go theorems, string theory constructions at low energies, minimal supergravity and its susy-breaking). The broader emphasis on applications than competing texts gives Ph.D. students the tools they need to do research that uses supergravity and benefits researchers already working in areas related to supergravity.

  • af Yale University Observatory
    412,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Amedee Victor Guillemin
    412,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

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