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Elektricitet, elektromagnetisme og magnetisme

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  • - En bog om Hans Christian Ørsted og elektromagnetismen
    af Johan Olsen
    Stream i AppenFysisk bog

    ”Om morgenen ringer vækkeuret på min telefon. Jeg står op, tænder lyset på badeværelset, børster tænder, tager tøj på, varmer vand i el-kedlen til kaffe, rister lidt brød, finder noget syltetøj i køleskabet. Jeg hører måske lidt radio, før jeg tager metroen hen på arbejde, fordi min cykel er punkteret. Før jeg går, tjekker jeg lige rejseplanen, så jeg er sikker på at tage den hurtigste rute til laboratoriet.Ud over tandbørstning og det med at tage tøj på, kunne ingen af de ting lade sig gøre, hvis ikke ham, denne her bog er skrevet om, havde fået en idé og lavet et bestemt eksperiment for 200 år siden. Et eksperiment, ingen før han havde haft fantasi til at lave. Alle andre var nemlig enige om, at det, han ledte efter, ikke fandtes. Men det gjorde det, og han fandt det. Eksperimentet ændrede verden og måden man opfattede den på radikalt. Lærebøgerne i fysik skulle skrives om. Et gammelt verdensbillede forsvandt, og et nyt dukkede frem.Før Ørsted gjorde sin opdagelse, så morgenen snarere sådan her ud: Om morgenen vågner jeg ved, at hanen galer. Jeg står op og tager tøj på, tænder olielampen og henter brænde til komfuret. Jeg henter vand i kedlen og varmer det over ilden. Jeg finder syltetøjet ude i fadeburet, rister og kværner kaffe, hælder vand hen over og drikker det, før jeg skal afsted. Min hest er punkteret, så jeg må gå hele vejen hen til arbejde. Før jeg går, vækker jeg lige Åge for at høre, hvilken vej jeg skal gå for at undgå at få for meget mudder på skoene.”Sådan begynder Johan Olsens bog, der udkommer i anledning af 200-året for H.C. Ørsteds opdagelse af elektromagnetismen.Bogen er illustreret delvis af faktuelle billeder og modeller, delvis af Thomas Hjorthaabs humoristiske streg, der også har akkompagneret Johans kloge ord i både Bogen om verden og Hvad er et æg?.

    Stream i AppenFysisk bog
  • af Christian Dahl Winther
    457,95 kr.

    Har du nogensinde tænkt over hvad der er bag stikkontakten? The Visual Guide to the Power Grid – Inside the Greatest Machine in the World er en illustreret rundtur i det fascinerende elsystem. Bogen viser det sammenknyttede netværk af brølende maskiner, knitrende infrastruktur og gigantiske investeringer som tilsammen sikrer, at der elektricitet i stikkontakten lige når du har brug for det.Bogen giver svar på spørgsmål som: Hvad foregår der under kølerhjelmen på et kraftværk eller i toppen af vindmølle? Hvorfor svinger elprisen fra time til time og fra sted til sted? Hvordan lægger man elkabler på havbunden? Hvorfor er kontrolrums-ingeniører særligt spændte under VM? Kort sagt: Det er elsystemets ’how stuff works’. Nysgerrige mennesker med interesse for videnskab og energi, vil aldrig se en stikkontakt i samme lys igen.Om forfatteren: Christian Dahl Winther (cand.oecon, ph.d.) har arbejdet med energi i en årrække, og hans passion for elsystemet giver bogen drivkraft og trækker læseren med. Bogen er særligt relevant netop nu, hvor den grønne omstilling er på alles læber, men hvor få kender til den bagvedliggende sektor.

  • af Henrik Prætorius
    197,95 kr.

    Elektromagnetismens opdager, Hans Christian Ørsted, fejres i denne spektakulære udgivelse. HCØ opdager elektromagnetismen i 1820. Det er en af de mest betydningsfulde opdagelser i videnskaben nogensinde. HCØ er med andre ord en af de største forskere, Danmark har fostret. Men i sin egen tid var HCØ en videnskabelig oprører, der livet igennem måtte slås for sine ideer. HCØ – Kampen om videnskaben fortæller historien om én mands rejse mod oplysningens tinde, om hans sejre og nederlag, og om den gejst, eller ånd, der drev ham. I samarbejde med Videnskabernes Selskab udgiver Cobolt en tegneserie om Danmarks største videnskabsperson, H. C. Ørsted og fejrer dermed 200-året for hans skelsættende opdagelse af elektromagnetismen. Forfatter, Henrik Prætorius, er videnskabsformidler og har blandt andet 20 års erfaring som videnskabsjournalist i DR og Experimentarium. Peter Snejbjerg er tegneserieskaber særligt kendt for sit arbejde for det amerikanske forlag DC Comics, hvor han har tegnet til blandt andet Batman, Books of Magic (Neil Gaiman) og Preacher. Snejbjerg står også bag en række Anders And-historier. Niels Roland, illustrator og tegneserietegner, er særligt kendt for den videnskabelige stribe i Weekendavisen ‘Kloge hoveder’ og børnetegneserien i samme avis ‘Nøglevogterne’ (bind 1-2 er udkommet på Cobolt). Angelica Inigo er tegneserieskaber og illustrator og hun er uddannet i Grafisk Fortælling på The Animation Workshop. Projektet HCØ – Kampen om videnskaben er støttet af Novo Nordisk Fonden

  • af Michael Faraday
    387,95 - 497,95 kr.

  • af George Eliot
    227,95 kr.

    In "Frequency Selective Surfaces Unit Cell Design: Miniaturization and Angular Stability," esteemed author George Eliot delves into the intricate world of Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) with a focus on the revolutionary concepts of miniaturization and angular stability. This comprehensive guide is a testament to Eliot's profound expertise in electromagnetics, as he navigates readers through the complexities of designing FSS unit cells with precision and efficiency.The book opens doors to a new era in electromagnetic engineering, exploring the challenges and opportunities presented by miniaturization. Eliot provides invaluable insights into the nuanced art of scaling down FSS unit cells while maintaining optimal functionality. As technological advancements continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, Eliot's work serves as a beacon for researchers, engineers, and enthusiasts eager to master the intricacies of modern electromagnetic design.Moreover, Eliot explores the crucial aspect of angular stability, shedding light on strategies to enhance the performance of FSS unit cells across varying angles. With a meticulous blend of theory and practical applications, this book is a must-read for professionals and academics seeking to deepen their understanding of FSS technology. George Eliot's authoritative voice and meticulous approach make this work an indispensable resource for anyone passionate about advancing the frontiers of electromagnetic engineering.

  • af Christian Ngalamulume
    469,95 kr.

    Electrical energy is becoming increasingly essential to modern life, especially in terms of development and comfort. Capturing the sun's rays and transforming them into electric current is now possible and easy, thanks to technological expansion in the field of solar voltaic panel manufacture. But then the great difficulty lies in storing the electrical energy produced. Storing electricity as efficiently as we can store water or petrol is impossible at present (solar PV or other energy sources). In solar systems, inter-seasonal storage is virtually impossible to implement. With a solar pump that runs on the sun, we can store water rather than electricity. New forms of storage may borrow from the properties of lithium-based intercalation chemistry.

  • af Christian Ngalamulume
    676,95 kr.

    Elektrische Energie wird für das Leben des modernen Menschen zunehmend unentbehrlich, vor allem in Bezug auf Entwicklung und Komfort. Das Einfangen der Sonnenstrahlen und ihre Umwandlung in elektrischen Strom ist heute dank der technologischen Entwicklung im Bereich der Herstellung von Solarmodulen möglich und einfach. Die große Schwierigkeit besteht jedoch darin, die erzeugte elektrische Energie zu speichern. Die Speicherung von Elektrizität auf die gleiche Weise wie die Speicherung von Wasser oder Benzin ist derzeit unmöglich (PV-Solarenergie oder andere). In Solarsystemen ist eine saisonübergreifende Speicherung praktisch unmöglich. Mit einer solarbetriebenen Pumpe, die mit dem Lauf der Sonne arbeitet, wird es möglich sein, Wasser statt Elektrizität zu speichern. Neue Speicherformen könnten sich die Eigenschaften der Interkalationschemie auf Lithiumbasis aneignen.

  • af Fol Marc
    99,95 kr.

    Research has shown that students improve their problem-solving skills by working through puzzles, even from infancy. Children love working their way through a jigsaw, and as they watch the big picture emerging, they develop a sense of fulfilment and accomplishments. It is amazing how much students learn from wordsearches and puzzles.The goal is making Physics as a subject more accessible to more students. The path is through anagrams as brain teasers, wordsearches as builders of key vocabulary, crossword puzzles as concept keys, and the mind-maps to create the bigger picture, helping students appreciate why they are learning a topic.It promises to be an exciting journey. Why not start your students on the first step.Bon voyage!

  • - General And Terrestrial
    af Humphrey Lloyd
    272,95 - 311,95 kr.

    A Treatise On Magnetism: General And Terrestrial is a comprehensive book written by Humphrey Lloyd. The book delves into the science of magnetism, covering both general principles and terrestrial magnetism. The author provides a detailed explanation of the nature of magnetism, including its history, properties, and applications. The book also explores the various theories and models that have been developed to explain magnetism, including the molecular theory of magnetism and the theory of magnetic fields. In addition, the book discusses the practical applications of magnetism, such as in navigation, electricity, and magnetometers. It also covers the history of the study of magnetism, including the contributions of famous scientists such as William Gilbert and Michael Faraday. The author also provides a detailed analysis of the Earth's magnetic field and its various components, including the magnetic poles, magnetic declination, and magnetic inclination. Overall, A Treatise On Magnetism: General And Terrestrial is a comprehensive and detailed book that provides a thorough understanding of the science of magnetism. It is a valuable resource for students, researchers, and professionals in the field of physics, geology, and engineering.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Amin Khodadadi
    527,95 kr.

    Currently, the use of distributed intelligence with microprocessors that communicate through optical fibers and the use of personal computers as human-machine interfaces is common. Therefore, new developments are constantly being made in this area, and as a result, costs are reduced and performance is improved. In addition, more trained personnel are familiar with this new technology. The heavily centralized, top-down systems used in the 1960s and 1970s are no longer appropriate, as decentralized systems can more easily adapt to future changes than centralized systems. In addition, different generations of equipment made by different manufacturers can be easily combined in them. Updating or expanding such a distributed system is simple. For example, in the following, a comparison between a common electric high pressure post and a fully automatic high pressure post using digital technology has been made.

  • af Li Jufäj
    382,95 kr.

    V sootwetstwii s osnownymi tehnicheskimi trudnostqmi zakanchiwaniq skwazhin w plaste kislogo gaza Longwangmiao HPHT byl proweden rqd issledowanij i polewyh ispytanij, wklüchaq optimizaciü rezhimow zakanchiwaniq skwazhin, äxperimental'nuü ocenku i optimizaciü materialow kolonn, ocenku germetichnosti rez'by kolonn, optimizaciü konstrukcii kolonn skwazhinnyh trub i ocenku ärozionnoj stojkosti kolonn trub. Rezul'taty promyslowogo primeneniq pokazywaüt, chto äroziq wysokodebitnoj produkcii na kolonnah trub i skwazhinnom instrumente i wliqnie perforacii na germetichnost' äxpluatacionnyh pakerow byli äffektiwno snizheny, kachestwo zakanchiwaniq skwazhin uluchsheno, a anomal'noe dawlenie w kol'cewom prostranstwe pri pozdnej dobyche snizheno. Dannoe issledowanie sluzhit orientirom dlq razrabotki analogichnyh gazowyh mestorozhdenij.

  • af Li Yufei
    382,95 kr.

    In Anbetracht der technischen Hauptschwierigkeiten bei der Fertigstellung der HPHT-Säuregaslagerstätte Longwangmiao wurde eine Reihe von Studien und Feldtests durchgeführt, darunter die Optimierung der Fertigstellungsmodi, die experimentelle Bewertung und Optimierung von Strangmaterialien, die Bewertung der Dichtungsleistung von Stranggewinden, die strukturelle Optimierung von Rohrsträngen im Bohrloch und die Bewertung der Erosionsbeständigkeit von Rohrsträngen. Die Ergebnisse der Feldanwendung zeigen, dass die Erosion von Rohrsträngen und Bohrlochwerkzeugen bei hohen Fördermengen und die Auswirkungen der Perforation auf die Dichtungsleistung von Förderpackern wirksam reduziert wurden, die Qualität der Bohrlochkomplettierung verbessert wurde und der anormale Druck im Ringraum während der späten Förderung verringert wurde. Diese Forschungsarbeit stellt eine Referenz für die Entwicklung ähnlicher Gasfelder dar.

  • af Sebastian Kuhls
    342,95 - 401,95 kr.

  • af Teruo Matsushita
    650,95 kr.

    This book leads students to learn electromagnetism and then moves to chapters about electric circuits. It aims to give an understanding of electromagnetism which gives a fast way to master the features of circuit elements such as resistors, capacitors, and coils that compose electric circuits. The author provides chapters on electromagnetism and electric circuits separately and gives a chapter explaining the correlation between them in detail.In the chapters for electric circuit, DC electric circuits, transient and steady response of AC electric circuits are treated. AC circuit theory is introduced for describing the phenomena in circuits. Theoretical treatments such as branch current method, closed current method, and node potential method are also introduced to show the validity of solution methods that have been used in the book. The book can serve as a compact textbook for lectures, as an introduction for hardware system and electric control systems, and mechanical systems. Chapters for electromagnetism or ones for electric circuits are suitable for a lecture over a semester.

  • af Ibar Federico Anderson
    542,95 kr.

    Eco-fan is an electric motor of 220 (VAC), 50 (Hz), PMSM type (with ferrite magnet rotor). According to the IRAM 62480:2017 Standard, an Energy Efficiency (EE) Type: A. With an energy consumption lower than 55% of the nominal value of the motor. Value calculated for one (1) hour per day at maximum power: 25 (Watts). 59% active electrical energy saving. The physical unit of physical measurement (MKS) shows an energy consumption of 15 kWh/month (kiloWatt-hours/month), at maximum speed, without losing or lowering revolutions per minute (close to 3000 RPM), which is the synchronous speed of the two (2) pole rotor with the frequency of the alternating current (50 Hertz). PMSM type motors (like the one used here) provide rotation at a fixed speed in synchronicity with the frequency of the power supply, regardless of the load fluctuation (higher or lower) that produces the resistant torque. The voltage (Volts) and current (Amps) of the current drops when the TRIAC acts; and anyway, the motor runs at a synchronous speed (3000 RPM) with mains frequency (50 Hz).

  • af William Henry Meadowcroft
    197,95 - 233,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Prabakarn Balakrishnan
    346,95 kr.

    The dynamometer is used to measure torque and speed of an electrical machine. A three phase hysteresis motor is manufactured using ALNICO Material. This is modified and tested as a dynamometer. Design modifications were identified, analyzed and presented. The construction that uses cup type rotor of Cobalt steel is designed for required specifications. Because of the non availability of the permanent material Cobalt steel, done it with ALNICO Material.

  • af Warren L. Stutzman
    1.656,95 - 1.732,95 kr.

  • af Amin Khodadadi
    346,95 kr.

    We live in a world where oil, gas and coal reserves are running out. This statement may be sad, but it is good news because the high consumption of these fuels has accelerated the process of global warming. Unfortunately, since about 80-90% of the energy needed in the whole world is provided by fossil fuels, it is not possible to reduce their consumption overnight. But there is a question: what can be done now that renewable energies such as solar or wind energy cannot play the main role in the field of energy supply? One solution is to shift some of our power plants to different systems called Combined Heat and Power (CHP). The simultaneous production of electricity and heat provides the possibility of better efficiency than fossil fuels for providing energy with about 15-40% energy storage. These power plants perform well both in terms of cost reduction and environmental impact reduction.

  • af Rayan Musk
    297,95 kr.

    Magnetic alchemy delves into the mesmerizing science behind iron's inherent attraction to magnets, uncovering the intricate chemistry orchestrating this magnetic symphony. At its core, this captivating phenomenon stems from the elemental composition and atomic structure of iron, intertwining with the laws of magnetism.Iron, a versatile metal abundant in the Earth's crust, possesses a unique atomic arrangement that endows it with magnetic properties. Its atomic structure allows for unpaired electrons, lending itself to ferromagnetism-the ability to become magnetized when exposed to a magnetic field. Within this atomic dance, the alignment of these unpaired electrons contributes to the magnetic personality of iron.The magnetic journey of iron converges with the principles of magnetism, where each magnetic field acts as a conductor orchestrating the alignment of iron's atomic magnets. When a magnetic field embraces a piece of iron, it nudges these atomic magnets into alignment, generating a magnetic force within the material. This alignment persists even after the external magnet is removed, creating a magnetic field in the iron itself-a state known as induced magnetism.However, the magic doesn't stop there. Heat plays a role in this magnetic ballet. At a specific temperature called the Curie point, iron loses its magnetic properties. The intense thermal energy disrupts the alignment of the atomic magnets, causing them to jostle and lose their magnetic coherence.The interplay of heat, atomic structure, and magnetic fields reveals the alchemical secrets behind iron's magnetic allure. This captivating chemistry doesn't solely fascinate scientists but also forms the bedrock of numerous technological advancements, from electromagnets powering machinery to the magnetic storage in our everyday devices.Understanding the magnetic enchantment of iron not only unravels the mysteries of fundamental physics and chemistry but also opens pathways to innovate and engineer magnetic materials, revolutionizing industries and amplifying our technological prowess. Magnetic alchemy, where the dance of atoms and fields converges, continues to illuminate the fascinating interplay of elements that underpin the captivating attraction of iron to magnets.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    357,95 kr.

    "Electromagnetic Wonders: From Atoms to Appliances, Understanding the Basics" is an illuminating voyage into the heart of the unseen forces that power our modern world. This comprehensive guide takes readers on a captivating journey through the fundamental principles of electricity and magnetism, demystifying complex concepts to make them accessible to all.Beginning with an engaging introduction that sets the stage for exploration, the book systematically unravels the mysteries of electric charge, magnetic fields, and the dynamic relationship between them. Readers will gain a clear understanding of the microscopic world of atoms and electrons, laying the groundwork for a deeper comprehension of the electromagnetic forces at play.The book seamlessly navigates through essential topics, including circuits, electromagnetic induction, and the properties of magnetic materials. Real-world applications are woven into the narrative, connecting theoretical knowledge to the devices and technologies we encounter in our everyday lives. From the humble light switch to the intricate workings of generators and motors, each chapter builds upon the last, creating a cohesive and engaging learning experience.Key Features:Clear and accessible explanations for readers of all levels, from beginners to enthusiasts.Real-world examples and applications that bridge the gap between theory and practice.Insightful explorations of the connections between electricity, magnetism, and the technologies that define our modern era.Illustrations, diagrams, and practical examples to enhance understanding and retention of key concepts.Thought-provoking discussions on the future frontiers of electromagnetism, showcasing emerging technologies and innovations."Electromagnetic Wonders" is not just a book; it is an invitation to embark on a journey of discovery. Whether you're a student, a professional in the field, or simply curious about the forces shaping our world, this book will spark your fascination and deepen your appreciation for the electromagnetic wonders that surround us. Let the exploration begin!

  • af Ehsan Sheroy
    337,95 kr.

    "Coal Residue to Power First light" is a convincing investigation of the multifaceted excursion embraced by coal, from its crude and apparently commonplace structure as residue to the vital job it plays in introducing the beginning of power. This artistic undertaking digs into the complex parts of coal, unwinding its verifiable importance, ecological effect, mechanical advancement, and its job in forming the energy scene. The story leaves on an ordered excursion, following the beginnings of coal and its development as a strong energy source. It disentangles the geographical cycles that birthed coal, illustrating the antiquated scenes that brought about this extraordinary asset. The story then, at that point, shifts flawlessly to the coal mining industry, investigating the difficulties and wins of the individuals who work underneath the earth to separate this dark gold. As the book unfurls, it dives into the modern transformation, a period that saw coal's climb to conspicuousness as the main impetus behind steam motors and assembling. The cultural movements, monetary changes, and natural outcomes of this critical time show signs of life through careful exploration and distinctive narrating. The natural effect of coal mining and burning becomes the dominant focal point, with a nuanced investigation of the environmental impression left by this energy source. From coal dust contamination to the multifaceted interaction among coal and environmental change, the account doesn't avoid tending to the squeezing natural worries related with coal use. "Coal Residue to Power Sunrise" rises above the authentic and natural domains to investigate the mechanical advancements that have molded the coal business. The story unfurls like an excursion through time, from the early steam motors to state of the art clean coal innovations and sustainable power choices. The book takes apart the advancing elements of force age, revealing insight into the multifaceted cycles that change coal dust into the soul of present day power. The last sections of the book enlighten the contemporary energy scene, where coal ends up at a junction. The story explores through discusses encompassing the change to cleaner energy sources, the worldwide push for manageability, and the potential future developments that could rethink the job of coal in the power area. "Coal Residue to Power First light" is in excess of a verifiable record; it is a provocative investigation of an asset that has both filled progress and touched off discusses. The story not just catches the ups and downs of coal's process yet in addition welcomes perusers to consider the fate of energy and the beginning of another period in power age. Through fastidious examination, enamoring narrating, and a reasonable investigation of different points of view, this book fills in as an enlightening aide into the core of the coal business and its significant effect on our reality.

  • af Jayanti Sarker (Bhattacharjee)
    1.207,95 kr.

    Here are a few strong points highlighting the benefits of Flexible Alternating Current Transmission (FACT) devices in power quality improvement: (1) Voltage Control: (a) FACT devices, such as Static Var Compensators (SVCs) and Static Synchronous Compensators (STATCOMs), offer precise control over voltage levels in the power system. (2) Reactive Power Compensation: (a) FACT devices provide reactive power support, helping to maintain power factor and reduce line losses. (3) Enhanced Grid Stability: (i) By dynamically controlling voltage and reactive power, FACT devices contribute to the stability of the power grid. (4) Increased Transmission Capacity: (*) FACTS technologies enable better utilization of existing transmission infrastructure. (5) Fast Response Time: (A) FACTS devices can respond rapidly to changes in the system, providing real-time adjustments to maintain stability. 6) Mitigation of Line Congestion: (p) Power flow control offered by FACT devices helps in alleviating congestion on transmission lines. (7) Integration of Renewable Energy: FACTS technologies facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid.

  • af Krishna Sarker
    697,95 kr.

    The design of a virtual electrical lab offers a myriad of advantages that contribute to a rich and effective learning experience. One key strength lies in its accessibility¿students can access the virtual lab from anywhere, breaking down geographical barriers and allowing for flexible learning schedules. This democratization of education ensures that individuals, regardless of their location, can engage with practical electrical experiments. Moreover, the virtual electrical lab provides a safe environment for experimentation. Unlike traditional labs, there's no risk of electrical accidents or damage to equipment. This promotes a stress-free learning atmosphere, encouraging students to explore and experiment without fear of negative consequences. This safety aspect is particularly crucial in nurturing a student's confidence in handling electrical concepts and applications. Interactivity is another standout feature. The virtual lab can simulate a wide range of scenarios, allowing students to experiment with different parameters and observe outcomes in real-time. This hands-on approach enhances understanding and retention, as students actively participate in the learning process.

  • af Edward Leedskalnin
    152,95 kr.

    2024 Reprint of Two Separate Publications Published in a Single Volume. ¿Facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. The Collected Writings of Edward Leedskalnin is a compilation of two of Leedskalnin's works, A Book in Every Home and Magnetic Current. This eccentric sculptor and amateur scientist devoted most of his life to creating a large complex of megalithic stones that he quarried and carved himself.Leedskalnin purchased a modest plot in Florida and began removing and relocating enormous stones from his land, moving them into position, and carving them entirely on his own as far as we know. The pieces include sculptures and carved stone furniture, as well as a two-story tower that served as his living quarters. Due to the scale of the project, some have dubbed it "Florida's Stonehenge." While it's unclear how Leedskalnin was able to complete it, it is all the more impressive considering his small stature and questionable health.Leedskalnin also spent two years testing magnets and recording his findings. These experiments would form the basis of Magnetic Current, published in 1945. In the book, Leedskalnin argues that electricity and magnetism are not separate phenomena but are instead two aspects of the same fundamental force, which he calls "magnetic current." He also proposes a new model of atomic structure and suggests that the fundamental particles of matter are tiny magnets that are constantly in motion.Leedskalnin presents a variety of experiments throughout the book, many of which involve the manipulation of magnetic fields using simple items like various magnets, car batteries, light bulbs, and coils of wire. He believed that his discoveries could provide insights into the mysteries of the universe, including the relative positions of the celestial bodies. Both works demonstrate Leedskalnin's unique view of the world and his eccentric personality. Though certainly eccentric, the two works offer an intriguing glimpse into the mind of a self-taught philosopher and inventor who had a unique perspective on the world around him.

  • af Daniel S Elliott
    1.031,95 kr.

    "Master undergraduate electromagnetics with this concise and accessible textbook, linking theory to realworld engineering applications, with gentle mathematical support. A versatile full-color textbook for a one-or two-semester course, supported by lecture slides, instructor solutions, Matlab animations, and PowerPoint and jpeg digital figures"--

  • af Christopher White
    992,95 kr.

    Our current understanding of nature is in terms of matter that is acted on by forces. There are four fundamental forces, of which three are described by so-called gauge theories, a type of quantum field theory. The fourth force, gravity, is best described by general relativity, and our traditional ways of thinking about gauge theories and gravity look completely different from each other.In recent years, an exciting new correspondence called the "double copy" has emerged, which suggests that the above theories may be much more closely related than previously thought. Inspired by previous work in string theory, it originated in the study of how particles interact, but has since been generalised to show that many gravitational quantities can be simply obtained by recycling simpler gauge theory results. This has significant practical applications - such as new calculational tools for astrophysics - but is also of conceptual importance, in suggesting that our current ways of thinking about fundamental physics are hiding a vast underlying structure.This book reviews our current theories of fundamental physics, before describing in detail how the double copy was discovered, how it can be applied to different types of object in gauge or gravity theory, and what its current and future applications are. No prior knowledge of quantum field theory or string theory is assumed, such that the book will be of interest to a broad audience of physicists and mathematicians.

  • af Karthikeyan S
    346,95 kr.

    The apparatus is used in a working environment and it is calculated that the Octamagnetocore ceiling fan is able to generate an independent overall AC power of 3 Watt which is further increased to an applicable commercial range for AC loads. The developed apparatus can be utilized in homes,industries as well as other commercial spaces for sustainable generation of power as well as for energy conservation. The overall efficiency of the fan is calculated to be around 80% and this value can further be increased to provide a low power operated - innovative fan capable of generating power to the electrical loads. The generated power can also be utilized for charging batteries and storage for future purposes. A significant reduction in EB bills can be noticed while using the apparatus. The modern day energy requirements can be achieved in an innovative and sustainable way through this methodology.

  • af Ranjith Kumar Gatla
    346,95 kr.

    The Reliability of power electronic devices has been an important issue since the early power electronic applications introduced. The power electronic converter plays a crucial role in the failures of a PV system. The unscheduled maintenance failure due to power electronics devices are 37 % of the total failure. In that 31% of the failures are due to the power semi conductor devices. In recent years, many researchers have conducted reliability assessments of power electronic devices, yet the reliability of numerous circuits used widely has not been evaluated. This project presents a comprehensive reliability evaluation of fundamental photo voltaic inverter. The reliability of the inverter is analyzed by calculating the mean time to failure for an IGBT module. The calculation was performed by Parts stress method to achieve better results. In the Parts count method, due to the direct relationship between component failure and temperature; we used PLECS to determine power losses in switches taking into account and the Junction temperature factor.

  • af K. C. Ramya
    346,95 kr.

    Unlock the potential of solar energy with a groundbreaking power control strategy that transforms the landscape of photovoltaic (PV) systems. This book introduces an advanced method that imposes a cap on the maximum feed-in power, ensuring a seamless transition between maximum power point tracking using Partial Power Converter (PPC) and the Phase Locked Loop and Current Controller (PLL-CC) method.No longer bound by fluctuations in solar irradiance levels, this strategy guarantees high-performance and stable operation under all conditions. Tailoring PV output power to any set-point, the system effortlessly operates on the left side of the maximum power point, eliminating stability concerns.Key Features:Precision and Speed: Explore the effectiveness of the proposed PPC control with its high accuracy, rapid dynamics, and improved stability transitions.Holistic Management: Gain insights into the overall power management unit controlled by the converter and control loop.Real-world Simulation: Dive into a comprehensive performance analysis, evaluating both power and stability, using the MATLAB/SIMULINK model.

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