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  • af Robert M Sapolsky
    165,95 kr.

    Free will is the foundation of western society, dictating our notions of fairness and justice, punishment and reward, and our very identity as individuals. But as world-renowned scientist Robert Sapolsky shows, there is not a shred of evidence to suggest that free will exists. What would happen if we accepted that free will is a powerful illusion?

  • af Matthew Walker
    162,95 kr.

    Why We Sleep is a compelling and eye-opening book by Matthew Walker. Published in 2018 by Simon + Schuster Inc., this book delves into the fascinating world of sleep, exploring why it is so crucial to our wellbeing. As a renowned neuroscientist and sleep expert, Walker provides an in-depth look at the powerful effects of sleep on our health, brain, and life. The book is a mix of cutting-edge scientific research and practical advice, making it a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the importance of sleep and how to improve their own. It's a standout in its genre, providing not just information, but also solutions and strategies to help readers improve their sleep and, by extension, their lives. Why We Sleep is not just a book; it's a wake-up call about the power of sleep. Published by Simon + Schuster Inc., it's an essential read that has left a lasting impact on the genre.

  • af Peter K. A. Jensen
    427,95 kr.

    2. udgave, der tager højde for de allerseneste forskningsresultater, som ikke alene har revideret opfattelsen af menneskets tidlige udvikling, men også givet nyt syn på de første mennesker i Europa.Gennemgang af grundlæggende begreber inden for evolution, taxonomi og livets opståen samt primaternes evolution og systematikPræsentation af både fossile og genetiske fund, der kan belyse menneskeabernes og især menneskets udviklingBeskrivelse af de forskellige fundlokaliteterForklaringer på, hvordan og hvorfor mennesket opstodTillæg med beskrivelser af menneskets arvemasse samt metode til aldersbestemmelseBogen er skrevet til brug i undervisningen på videregående uddannelser.

  • - Nature's Secrets to Longevity
    af Nicklas Brendborg
    147,95 kr.

    THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER: a deep dive into the science and nature of aging

  • af Peter K. A. Jensen
    43,94 - 230,95 kr.

    Beretningen om hvordan mennesket på kort tid ændrede sig fra at være et ganske almindeligt pattedyr til at blive Jordens mest dominerende art nogensinde.

  • af Peter Attia
    277,95 kr.

    Outlive is a captivating book written by the brilliant Peter Attia. Published in 2023 by Random House LCC US, this book takes the reader on an unforgettable journey. The genre of the book is hard to pin down, as it skillfully blends elements of mystery, adventure, and suspense. The author's unique storytelling style and the book's intriguing plot make it a must-read. The publication year, 2023, marks a significant milestone in the author's career, as it is the year that this masterpiece was shared with the world. As you dive into the pages of Outlive, you will be transported into a world crafted by Peter Attia's imaginative mind. Random House LCC US, the publisher, is known for their high-quality books, and Outlive is no exception. This book is a testament to their commitment to delivering engaging and thought-provoking content to readers. In conclusion, Outlive is a book that deserves a spot on every book lover's shelf.

  • - det hypersociale dyr
    af Jill Byrnit
    101,95 kr.

    Med mange skønne eksempler argumenterer forfatteren for, at det, der gør mennesket unikt, er vores evne til at tankelæse eller at forstå, at andres handlinger fremkommer på baggrund af ønsker, tanker og formodninger. Denne sociale forståelse ændrer radikalt på den måde, hvorved vi relaterer os til hinanden og livet og åbner på godt og ondt op for måder at have med artsfæller at gøre, der rækker langt ud over andre flokdyrs sociale manøvremuligheder. En spændende bog henvendt til alle som interesserer sig for menneskets adfærd. Forfatteren, der har en doktorgrad i komparativ psykologi og er kendt fra TV2s serie Menneskedyret, har i årevis forsket i den sociale viden hos mennesket og andre aber og gør i bogen op med nogle af de myter, der eksisterer om mennesket og andre aber.

  • af Dr Alice Roberts
    294,95 kr.

    Get under your skin with this access-all-areas guide to the human body. Now available in ebook(PDF) format.Discover a breathtaking portrait of the human body as it's never been seen before, using the latest medical and microscopic imaging. The Complete Human Body covers the development, form, function and disorders of the human body, all brought to life by incredible state-of-the-art 3D computer-generated artworks. Take a detailed look at how your respiratory system works, discover the anatomy up-close and learn about over 200 diseases and how they afflict the human body. Perfect for students, families and health professionals.

  • af Thomas Thaulov Raab
    67,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Er den største hjerne nødvendigvis den klogeste? Hvorfor sidder dyrenes hjerner i hovedet og ikke i bagenden? Hvilket dyr har den største hjerne? Og hvad kan elefantfiskens hjerne lære os om menneskets? Denne bog tager dig med på en forunderlig rejse i hjernens funktioner – fra den spæde udvikling flere millioner år tilbage til de nyeste resultater inden for hjerneforskning. Vores menneskehjerne er imponerende. Den indeholder følelser, tanker og handlinger, og den former den oplevelse, vi har af verden omkring os. “Din geniale dyrehjerne” rejser flere millioner år tilbage i tiden, til de tidligste hjerner og helt op til nyeste resultater inden for hjerneforskning. Thomas Thaulov Raab beskæftiger sig med den moderne hjerneforskning som forfatter og foredragsholder. Hans tidligere bøger om hjernen tæller “En bog om hukommelsen” skrevet i samarbejde med Peter Lund Madsen (2013) og “Den foranderlige hjerne og den forunderlige bevidsthed” (2015). Begge udgivet af FADL’s Forlag.

  • - Liv, død, kunst og kærlighed
    af Rebecca Wragg Sykes
    347,95 kr.

    Rebecca Wragg Sykes’ bog "Neandertaler – Liv, død, kunst og kærlighed" er selve bogen om, hvad vi ved – og det er alligevel meget – om neandertalerne. Rebecca Sykes, en ung britisk forsker, hvis bog Kindred er blevet en international bestseller. Hendes bog tog anmelderne med storm – bl.a. skrev Sunday Times: ’One of the best books of 2020’.Rebecca Sykes er arkæolog, ph.d. fra University of Sheffield i 2010, og har viet sit liv til studiet af neandertalerne. Med videnskaben i hånden gør hun neandertalernes verden levende og går i detaljer med deres åndsliv og sexliv. Sykes gør dem nærværende ved at vise, at de ligesom os var primært højrehåndede, hun formår at uddrage, hvad vi kan sige om det at være barn for 100.000 år siden, om neandertalernes nomade- og huleliv, om deres kost og også om, hvad vi ved om den første og den allersidste neandertaler.Rebecca Sykes har erklæret, at hendes store formidlingsforbillede er Jean Auel, forfatteren til de populære bøger Hulebjørnens klan. Sykes formår selv at levendegøre neandertalernes verden i en letlæst stil, der også har mindelser af det bedste fra National Geographic.Neandertalerne er det moderne menneskes, homo sapiens, nærmeste slægtninge, og de uddøde for cirka 40.000-30.000 år siden. Neandertalerne forsvandt fra jordens overflade efter at have være en del af det eurasiske landskab i mere end 300.000 år. Men de har efterladt et genetisk aftryk i os, idet mellem 2 og 3 procent af vores DNA stammer fra dem. Den store interesse for vores slægtninge krones lige nu af en stor udstilling på Moesgaard Museum, ’Neandertaler – i mammutjægernes land’.

  • af Peter C. Kjærgaard
    43,95 - 58,94 kr.

    Han er en del af din familie, ham på billedet. Ikke på den kedelige kerneagtige måde med fredagsslik og "Far til fire". Men som medlem af menneskehedens store familie. Alle os moderne mennesker er nemlig efterkommere af få tusinde fjerne slægtninge, der engang forlod Afrika og erobrede verden. Indimellem stødte de ind i en neandertaler eller en anden nu uddød menneskeart og overtog et par nyttige gener. Det var uheldigt. Ellers havde vi i dag ikke kunnet læse bogen om os selv af Peter C. Kjærgaard, dokumenteret menneskekender ved Aarhus Universitet.

  • af Ole Høiris
    43,95 - 58,94 kr.

    Vi kender alle historien om den der fjer, der blev til fem høns. Men hvordan blev Adam til en abe, og sølle 6000 år til 4,6 milliarder fjer ─ undskyld, år? Det er sværere at forklare. En ting er sikker: Mennesket har altid villet vide, hvor det kom fra, og hvordan det hele begyndte. Desværre ved vi ikke særlig meget om menneskets oprindelse. Til gengæld finder vi på en hel masse i historien om os, alt efter hvad vi selv foretrækker at høre. Sikke et held, at vi har Ole Høiris, menneskekender ved Aarhus Universitet, til at skille vandene i maj måneds Tænkepause.

  • af Flemming Vestberg
    277,95 kr.

    Forkert brug af ryggen med deraf følgende deformeringer, smerter og invaliditet er et at de store problemer, det moderne samfunds mennesker må slås med, og som opmærksomheden i de senere år da også i stigende omfang er blevet rettet imod.Med denne bog foreligger der på dansk et hovedværk om denne problematik. Overlæge Flemming Vestberg, Amtsygehuset i Gentofte, der er specialist i fysiurgiske sygdomme, har gennem en årrækkeindsamlet et omfattende materiale, der hermed udgives i bogform.Værket er opbygget som en anatomsik gennemgang af ryggen og bevægeapparatet med tilhørende beskrivelse af alle forekommende ryglidelser. Desuden gives en oversigt over de faktoreri dagligdagen som især har indflydelse på ryggens tilstand, med speciel vægt på fodtøj, arbejds- og løfteteknik, siddestillinger og - møbler. Endelig opstilles et rigt varieret system af øvelser til styrkelse og udspænding af rygmuskulaturen med det formål at forhindre ryglidelsers opståen eller genoptræne en allerede invalideret ryg.Bogen hovedtema er på visningen af den fejlholdning, som karakteriserer så store dele af civilisationenes mennesker, og denne modsætning, den ledbeskyttende og aflastende holdning, samt metoden til at opnå denne både stående og siddende.Bogen henvender sig i første række til de persongrupper, som er fortrolige med den medicinske fagtermonologi dvs. læger, fysioterapeuter etc., men for at også andre interesserede skal have mulighed for at tilegne sig indholdet, er den forsynet med en meget omfattende ordliste indeholdende en kortfattet sproglig og betydningsmæssig forklaring af over 400 lægevidenskabelige termer benytte i bogen.

  • af Anders Kofoed
    166,95 - 177,95 kr.

    Anders Kofoed fokuserer på faren og farens rolle. Bogen trækker på forskningsresultater fra hele verden, og der er masser af ny viden.Læs om faderrollen hos så forskellige dyr som klovnfisk, svaler, flagermus, præriestudsmus, chimpanser og gorillaer … men først og fremmest hos mennesker.Faderrollen er ikke en fikseret endelig og universel ting for vores art – der er vidt forskellige faderroller i forskellige samfund. Hos Aka-folket, et nomadefolk i Centralafrika, har faderen mere fysisk kontakt med barnet end moderen, og Aka-fædrene bruger fem gange så meget tid sammen med dem, som fædrene i de fleste andre menneskesamfund.Hos Ache-folket, et nomadefolk i Sydamerika, har faderen næsten ingen kontakt med små børn. Faren har først en rolle, når sønnerne skal lære at jage.I det moderne samfund kan vi i stort omfang selv vælge hvilken faderrolle, vi vil have.Anders Kofoed kalder til kamp for farens rolle som omsorgsperson for børnene. Naturen har fremavlet mænd til at være børnepassere, forsørgere, lærere og legeonkler, og de skal insistere på at tage det ansvar. ’Den nødvendige far’ er fuld af informationer og gode råd, der rækker fra graviditet til teenagebørn og går helt op til bedstefarrollen. Bogen kommer omkring emner som søvn, sprogudvikling, leg og opdragelse, og i modsætning til langt de fleste bøger om disse emner, fokuseres der på farens rolle.Anders Kofoed trækker på den nyeste forskning og inddrager også sine egne erfaringer, når han argumenterer for, at det er afgørende vigtigt, at faren påtager sig omsorgsansvar.

  • af Jonathan Kennedy
    165,95 kr.

    A BBC RADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEKA TIMES SCIENCE BOOK OF THE YEARA SUNDAY TIMES SCIENCE BOOK OF THE YEAR'Powerfully argued... Fascinating and pacy' Sunday Times, Book of the Week'Superbly written... sure to please readers of Yuval Noah Harari or Rutger Bregman' The Times'Full of amazing facts' Observer'The book shines when it brings cutting-edge science to bear' Financial Times'A dizzying range of material' The Economist'A humbling story for humankind' SpectatorChallenges some of the greatest cliches about colonialism... A revelation' SATHNAM SANGHERA'Thrilling and eye-opening' LEWIS DARTNELL'Science and history at its best' MARK HONIGSBAUM'Unpicks everything we thought we knew... Mind blowing' CAL FLYNIn this revelatory book, Dr Jonathan Kennedy argues that germs have shaped humanity at every stage, from the first success of Homo sapiens over the equally intelligent Neanderthals to the fall of Rome and the rise of Islam.How did an Indonesian volcano help cause the Black Death, setting Europe on the road to capitalism? How could 168 men extract the largest ransom in history from an opposing army of eighty thousand? And why did the Industrial Revolution lead to the birth of the modern welfare state?The latest science reveals that infectious diseases are not just something that happens to us, but a fundamental part of who we are. Indeed, the only reason humans don't lay eggs is that a virus long ago inserted itself into our DNA, and there are as many bacteria in your body as there are human cells. We have been thinking about the survival of the fittest all wrong: evolution is not simply about human strength and intelligence, but about how we live and thrive in a world dominated by microbes.By exploring the startling intimacy of our relationship with infectious diseases, Kennedy shows how they have been responsible for some of the seismic revolutions of the past 50,000 years. Provocative and brimming with insight, Pathogenesis transforms our understanding of the human story, revealing how the crisis of a pandemic can offer vital opportunities for change.

  • af Thomas Bartholin & Niels W. Bruun
    297,95 kr.

    In 1644 the University of Copenhagen established its first anatomical theatre. In addition to the instruction of students, research was also carried out in the Anatomy House. Here Thomas Bartholin, the Professor of Anatomy, demonstrated the thoraic duct and later the lymphatic vessels in a human being, an achievement that has brought him fame. In 1662 Thomas Bartholin published A Short Description of the Anatomy House in Copenhagen, which meticulously describes the layout of the Anatomy House alongside the first eighteen years of its history. This volume presents Bartholin's book for the first time in English, as well as the original Latin text, enabling a broader audience to draw on its various and detailed accounts. A commentary and an introduction as well as rich body of illustrations make this edition a valuable resource for historians of medicine.Niels W. Bruun is a Senior Research Fellow at the Royal Library Copenhagen.

  • af Bill Hammack
    197,95 - 205,95 kr.

    Discover the secret method used to build the world...For millennia, humans have used one simple method to solve problems. Whether it's planting crops, building skyscrapers, developing photographs, or designing the first microchip, all creators follow the same steps to engineer progress. But this powerful method, the "engineering method", is an all but hidden process that few of us have heard of-let alone understand-but that influences every aspect of our lives.Bill Hammack, a Carl Sagan award-winning professor of engineering and viral "The Engineer Guy" on Youtube, has a lifelong passion for the things we make, and how we make them. Now, for the first time, he reveals the invisible method behind every invention and takes us on a whirlwind tour of how humans built the world we know today. From the grand stone arches of medieval cathedrals to the mundane modern soda can, Hammack explains the golden rule of thumb that underlies every new building technique, every technological advancement, and every creative solution that leads us one step closer to a better, more functional world. Spanning centuries and cultures, Hammack offers a fascinating perspective on how humans engineer solutions in a world full of problems.A book unlike any other, The Things We Make is a captivating examination of the method that keeps pushing humanity forward, a spotlight on the achievements of the past, and a celebration of the potential of our future that will change the way we see the world around us.

  • af William Ross Ashby
    257,95 - 387,95 kr.

  • af N. N.
    218,95 kr.

    A book for men and women from middle age to advanced years who have suddenly and unexpectedly become confronted with the huge effects that the male prostate can have on the body. It is a tale of what can happen to both men and women when the prostate transforms over time as the body changes, free of any of the minor or major taboos surrounding those involved.The book presents both a subjective and an objective account, from a female and a male perspective, of what the prostate is and of the physical, psychological and social effects that changes to the prostate can bring as one ages or reaches old age. The latest medical, psychotherapeutic and social measures available to help men with prostate issues and their partners are discussed. It also addresses the therapeutic taboos that have previously prevented us from attempting a systemic approach to the physical, psychological and social transformation that men and women undergo when they reach middle age and beyond.

  • af Elizabeth Rosner
    230,95 kr.

    This illuminating book weaves personal stories of a multilingual upbringing with the latest scientific breakthroughs in interspecies communication to show how the skill of deep listening enhances our curiosity and empathy toward the world around usThird Ear braids together personal narrative with scholarly inquiry to examine the power of listening to build interpersonal empathy and social transformation. A daughter of Holocaust survivors, Rosner shares stories from growing up in a home where six languages were spoken to interrogate how diverse areas of scholarship such as psychotherapy, neurolinguistics, and creativity can illuminate the complex ways we are impacted by the sounds and silences of others.Drawing on expertise from journalists, podcasters, performers, translators, acoustic biologists, spiritual leaders, composers, and educators, this hybrid text moves fluidly along a spectrum from molecular to global to reveal how third ear listening can be a collective means for increased understanding and connection to the natural world.

  • af Sunita Reddy
    1.168,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

  • af Hannah Rubin
    207,95 - 617,95 kr.

  • af Robert Desjarlais
    1.127,95 kr.

    This volume, written in a readable and enticing style, is based on a simple premise, which was to have several exceptional ethnographers write about their experiences in an evocative way in real time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rather than an edited volume with dedicated chapters, this book thus offers a new format wherein authors write several, distinct dispatches, each short and compact, allowing each writer's perspectives and stories to grow, in tandem with the pandemic itself, over the course of the book. Leaving behind the trope of the lonely anthropologist, these authors come together to form a collective of ethnographers to ask important questions, such as: What does it mean to live and write amid an unfolding and unstoppable global health and economic crisis? What are the intensities of the everyday? How do the isolated find connection in the face of catastrophe? Such first-person reflections touch on a plurality of themes brought on by the pandemic, forces and dynamics of pressing concern to many, such as contagion, safety, health inequalities, societal injustices, loss and separation, displacement, phantasmal imaginings and possibilities, the uncertain arts of calculating risk and protection, limits on movement and travel, and the biopolitical operations of sovereign powers. The various writings¿spun from diverse situations and global locations¿proceed within a temporal flow, starting in March 2020, with the first alerts and cases of viral infection, and then move on to various currents of caution, concern, infection, despair, hope, and connection that have unfolded since those early days. The writings then move into 2021, with events and moods associated with the global distribution of potentially effective vaccines and the promise and hope these immunizations bring. The written record of these multiform dispatches involves traces of a series of lives, as the authors of those lives tried to make do, and write, in trying times. A timely ethnography of an event that has changed all our lives, this book is critical reading for students and researchers of medical anthropology, sociocultural anthropology, contemporary anthropological theory, and ethnographic writing.

  • af Breda McTaggart
    407,95 kr.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    357,95 kr.

    Embark on an exhilarating journey through the intricate choreography of life itself with "Dancing with DNA: A Revolution Unveiled." In this captivating exploration, the pages come alive with the rhythm of scientific discovery, unravelling the secrets encoded within the double helix. From the iconic revelation of the DNA structure to the cutting-edge technologies shaping the genetic landscape, this book unveils the revolutions that have transformed our understanding of the dance of genes.Discover the Dance of Discovery: Join us on the dance floor of scientific exploration as we traverse the milestones that have defined the genetic waltz. From the ground-breaking elucidation of the double helix by Watson and Crick to the awe-inspiring precision of CRISPR-Cas9, each chapter unfolds as a movement in the symphony of genetic revelation.Explore the Genetic Ballet: The narrative extends beyond the traditional focus on protein-coding genes, inviting readers to explore the captivating dance of non-coding DNA. Witness the elegance of epigenetics, where environmental factors influence gene expression without altering the genetic code. Engage with the dynamic interplay of genes and environment, and understand the complexities that shape the rich tapestry of life.Envision the Genetic Future: As the story unfolds, gaze into the horizon of possibilities in the genetic future. Tailor treatments to individual genetic scores with precision medicine, navigate the uncharted territories of synthetic genomics, and ponder the ethical and societal dimensions of the genetic frontier. The finale of the revolution dance leaves readers with a sense of wonder and anticipation for the continuous discoveries and unfolding narratives in the ever-evolving genetic saga.Key Features:Scientific Revelations: Delve into the pivotal moments in genetics, from the discovery of the double helix to the gene-editing renaissance.Holistic Exploration: Move beyond the known to explore non-coding DNA, epigenetics, and the intricate dance between genes and environment.Future Perspectives: Envision the future of genetics with insights into precision medicine, synthetic genomics, and ethical considerations in the genetic frontier.Accessible Language: Written in an engaging and accessible style, the book caters to both the curious reader and those with a scientific background."Dancing with DNA: A Revolution Unveiled" is not just a book; it's an invitation to partake in the grand dance of discovery, where the language of genes unfolds as a symphony waiting to be heard. Join us in this revelatory journey, as we waltz through the pages, unveiling the revolutions that have shaped our understanding of DNA and embracing the genetic future with awe and anticipation.

  • af Thomas J Joyce
    1.474,95 kr.

    Joint Replacement in the Human Body provides a comprehensive exploration of artificial joint designs. The book's primary focus is to introduce readers to the diverse landscape of artificial joint technologies while offering insights into their historical development. This book is divided into three sections, each addressing specific aspects of joint replacements. The first section delves into artificial joints of the lower limb, including the hip, knee, and ankle. In the subsequent section, the book explores upper limb replacements, covering joints such as the shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger, and thumb.The third section tackles broader themes like biotribology, regulatory aspects of joint replacements, examines noteworthy case studies like metal-on-metal hips, and addresses joint replacements not easily categorized in the previous sections, such as spinal total disc replacements. This book offers a critical assessment of the diverse and evolving design concepts currently in use, ranging from established metal-on-polymer joints to innovative biomimetic solutions. This book is designed to swiftly equip readers with a deep understanding of contemporary joint replacements and the immediate and long-term challenges they present.

  • af Olivia K.
    297,95 kr.

    "Angelfish Research: Translating Findings for Human Health" is a pioneering exploration into the world of scientific inquiry, where the delicate and vibrant angelfish serves as a key protagonist in unraveling secrets that may have profound implications for human well-being. This illuminating journey delves into the research endeavors focused on these aquatic angels and the potential crossover of their findings into the realm of human health.Within the pages of this interdisciplinary narrative, readers embark on a quest through laboratories and marine environments, witnessing scientists meticulously studying angelfish behavior, genetics, and physiological responses. The metaphorical angelfish becomes a symbol of biological inquiry, offering insights into the intricacies of life processes that may hold valuable lessons for improving human health.The book goes beyond the traditional boundaries of marine biology, weaving together the threads of research findings and their potential applications in medicine. From understanding the angelfish's immune system to deciphering genetic clues, each chapter unfolds as a bridge between the aquatic and human domains, where scientific discoveries in one realm inform and inspire progress in the other.This narrative doesn't merely showcase the fascinating aspects of angelfish research but emphasizes the translational journey, exploring how insights gained from these studies can be harnessed to address human health challenges. It highlights the interconnectedness of scientific disciplines and the potential for groundbreaking discoveries when lessons from the natural world are applied to medical research."Angelfish Research" is a testament to the collaborative spirit of scientific exploration, where marine biology converges with medical science to create a narrative that resonates with both researchers and the general audience. Whether you're a scientist at the forefront of research or an intrigued reader, this book offers a compelling perspective on the symbiotic relationship between the aquatic realm and advancements in human health.

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