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Religiøs fundamentalisme

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  • af Sara Omar
    127,95 - 147,95 kr.

    Det nyfødte pigebarn Frmesk er ikke ønsket af sin far på grund af sit køn. Hun er tilmed mærket for livet med en lille kridhvid hårtot på sin barneskaldede isse. Er det et tegn fra Allah? Er hun velsignet eller forbandet? Frmesks farmor insisterer på, at hun bliver omskåret med det samme, men Frmesks mor frygter, at hun er for lille og svag til at kunne overleve indgrebet. Endnu mere frygter hun sin mand og truslen om, at han vil skaffe den lille af vejen. Da hans voldelige adfærd intensiveres, er hendes eneste udvej at sætte barnet i pleje hos sine egne forældre. Frmesks mormor er dødevasker. Hun tager sig af de kvinder, som ingen andre vil begrave - kvinder dræbt i vanære og skam. Frmesks morfar er pensioneret oberst, og til forskel fra sin kone læser han ikke kun i Koranen, men besidder et mangfoldigt bibliotek. Det er et kærligt hjem, som dog kun for en tid er i stand til at skærme Frmesk mod den fysiske og psykiske overlast, der ubønhørligt nærmer sig fra alle sider i et Kurdistan præget af krig, folkedrab og had. DØDEVASKEREN er en voldsom roman om et ekstremt udsat pigeliv.

  • af Sofie Jama
    167,95 - 197,95 kr.

    En ung pige flygter fra konflikten i Somalia med sin mor og søskende, og de ender i Roskilde. Efter en tid som overbevist muslim og somalier vil den begavede, smukke Baraka assimileres. Hun har mødt Esther, en ældre jødisk kvinde, der betror hende historien om sin egen forvandling fra tjekkisk holocaust-overlever til den danske overklassekvinde Rosa. Baraka vil forvandle sig selv, koste hvad det vil. Hun bliver til Maria og bor i en lille ærkedansk provinsby, gift med en ansat fra det lokale byggemarked. Efter nogle år som husmor og studerende dér leder hendes stærke opdrift og udlængsel hende til USA, hvor hun bliver stjerne i en stor tv-serie. Men hun længes efter sin muslimske kultur og vender hjem til sin mor, der nu bor på Nørrebro. I København arbejder hun i Røde Kors, og her møder hun den asylsøgende dreng Umar med palæstinensisk baggrund. Hun føler sig uforståeligt stærkt knyttet til Umar. Lidt efter lidt tegner der sig et ubrydeligt mønster imellem de tre mennesker fra hver sin verdensdel og fra hver sin tidsalder. Et andet menneske, et andet liv er skrevet i tre spor: Barakas/Marias, Esthers/Rosas og Umars, men Baraka er fortæller igennem hele bogen. Hun er stærkt troende muslim, omskåret, som den somaliske tradition byder, og stolt af det. Omskæringen har ikke dæmpet hendes seksuelle begær, tværtimod, og hun mærker hele sit liv andres stærke begær efter hende. Sofie Jama er født i Somalia i 1982 og kom til Danmark, da hun var 14 eller 15 år. Hun har studeret kulturformidling og arabiske sprog på Aarhus Universitet og arbejder i dag som oversætter for de danske myndigheder og som forfatter. Hun skriver jævnligt for Dagbladet Information. Sofie Jama bor i Sydhavnen i København. Et andet menneske, et andet liv er hendes litterære debut.

  • af Eduard Tropea
    245,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Emily Rivers
    127,95 kr.

    In "The Courage to Leave: A Memoir of Escaping and Moving Forward From Spiritual Abuse", author Emily Rivers fearlessly shares her personal memoir, recounting the harrowing experience of leaving a spiritually abusive church and finding the strength to reclaim her own spiritual identity.This powerful and though-provoking memoir takes readers on an emotional rollercoaster as Emily delves into the depths of her past, shedding light on the manipulative tactics, control, and psychological abuse she endured within the confines of her former religious community. With raw honesty and vulnerability, she exposes the dark underbelly of spiritual abuse, offering a rare glimpse into a world often shrouded in secrecy.Through vivid storytelling, Emily Rivers recounts the gradual awakening that led her to question the teachings and practices of her church. As she grapples with the internal conflict between her faith and the toxic environment she found herself in, readers are invited to join her on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and ultimately, liberation.Many will see themselves in this story, and they need to know that there is hope. You are not alone in your journey. Purchase and follow Emily on her journey out of the chains of darkness into the light of freedom.

  • - Krigsbarn. Bandebror. Ekstremist. Familiefar
    af Louise Elly Meyer & Yaquob Ali
    227,95 kr.

    Ekstremist og tidligere bandemedlem afslører terrorplaner og viser vejen tilbage til samfundet.Had er et magtfulgt redskab og en trofast følgesvend. I størstedelen af sit ekstreme liv har Yaqoub Ali været drevet af had. Mit had er en hudløst ærlig og kritisk biografi om ekstremisme, had og håb. Og en afsløring af terrorplaner mod Dronningens slot Rosenborg i København, som blev stoppet af PET. Det er fortællingen om at vokse op i et krigshærget Irak, komme til Danmark og vælge en kriminel livsbane, om afsoning i fængslet og blive formand for jihadister i Kaldet til Islam. Hadet drev ham til at hjernevaske unge muslimer til ekstremisme, opfordrer til terror, undertrykke sin familie og i sidste ende rejse til Syrien for at kæmpe for Kalifatet. En ny fængselsdom og mødet med en socialrådgiver blev begyndelsen på et nyt liv med familien. Og forsøget på et farvel til det had, der har styret alt - men som også er det eneste, han ved, han er virkelig god til.

  • af Terry Wolfe
    142,95 kr.

  • af Keri L Ladner
    297,95 kr.

    End Time Politics shows how popular beliefs about God's impending judgment on the world--rooted in millenarian ideologies, Cold-War grandstanding, racial antipathy, and nuclear build-up--shaped an economic movement that led to white evangelicals' unflinching support of Donald Trump.

  • af Carolyn Baker
    212,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Silas House
    127,95 kr.

    Englische Literatur in Reclams Roter Reihe: das ist der englische Originaltext - ungekürzt und unbearbeitet mit Worterklärungen am Fuß jeder Seite, Nachwort und Literaturhinweisen. Eine Welt stürzt unaufhaltsam ins Chaos: Waldbrände machen die USA immer unwirtlicher und religiöse Fundamentalisten das Leben aller Andersdenkenden immer gefährlicher. Schließlich fällt für Lark und seine Familie die Entscheidung zur Flucht. Sie wagen die todbringende Überfahrt nach Irland, das friedliche Tal Glendalough ist ihr Ziel. Verzweiflung, Hoffnung, eine Frau und ein Hund werden zu Begleitern auf einem Weg ins Ungewisse. Diese Verdichtung aktueller Entwicklungen trifft mitten ins Herz und führt unmissverständlich vor Augen, wie das Leben in der Klimahölle aussehen könnte. Als musikalische Inspirationsquelle diente dem Autor »The Lark Ascending« von Ralph Vaughan Williams.Englische Lektüre: Niveau B2 (GER)Sprachen: Englisch, Deutsch

  • af Jon Jon
    262,95 kr.

    El 24 de julio de 1984, Allen Lafferty, un mormón practicante, se encontró con una escena terrible: su mujer y su hija de quince meses habían sido brutalmente asesinadas. Allen no tenía ninguna duda de la identidad de los culpables: sus hermanos, Ron y Dan Lafferty, dos fanáticos convencidos de que su acto obedecía a un mandato divino.Este clásico del true crime, escrito por uno de los maestros indiscutibles de la no ficción narrativa y que acaba de ser adaptada para la televisión, nos sitúa en un tiempo y unos personajes más propios del medievo que del corazón mismo de Estados Unidos. A la luz de la terrible historia de los fanáticos hermanos Lafferty y del relato del violento pasado del movimiento mormón, Krakauer ofrece un brillante y fascinante relato sobre las teocracias de la América profunda en los que la poligamia, el mesianismo y la violencia salvaje campan a sus anchas.Si las historias que Krakauer narró en Mal de altura o Hacia rutas salvajes eran ejemplos de vidas llevadas a los límites más extremos de la aventura física, este libro es también un viaje hacia una interpretación muy extrema de la fe religiosa, así como un documento fundamental sobre uno de los aspectos más misteriosos de la naturaleza humana, el factor religioso y su interpretación.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONBrothers Ron and Dan Lafferty insist they received a commandment from God to kill a blameless woman and her baby girl. Beginning with a meticulously researched account of this appalling double murder that happened on 1984, Krakauer constructs a multi-layered, bone-chilling narrative of messianic delusion, polygamy, savage violence, and unyielding faith. Along the way he uncovers a shadowy offshoot of America's fastest growing religion, and raises provocative questions about the nature of religious belief. This nonfiction book reads as a thrilling novel. It has been recently adapted as a series on HULU.

  • af Rebecca Jane Morgan
    192,95 kr.

    Exposes and explains the unlikely alliance between Evangelical Christians and anti-transgender feminists

  • af Shaupaun Koumar
    227,95 kr.

    The themes of Naturocracy could be interesting for a wider audience around the globe; reading it requires no specialised academic background. Not getting attached to anything or anyone is tremendously important in order to grasp the essence of the book. Those who think rationally and who do not want their daily lives to be dictated by others may find it a valuable read.This book is about religious brokers who deceive and control people in the name of God. It raises many basic questions about the role of religio-politicians who divide humankind in the name of religion to create disharmony among peaceful people in a society. Religion is a completely personal affair. Nobody needs any religious traders to know what is right and what is wrong. Each human being can understand the language of nature independently without explanation from any spoken human languages.I have striven to unearth what makes people religious. Those who do not even understand what a tiny creature like the humble bee is, how can they define its creator? I have always wondered about this. If the creator of this mysterious universe had given any holy book for mankind to follow, then he would have clarified the existing fragmentary or contradictory statements in it. But how can preachers clarify and even correct the words of the Almighty? How did they know the mind of God when they did not know about themselves? Can there be any greater sinners than those who lie and commit crimes under the religious umbrella? Against the evils of society, there should be a nature-inspired political platform for my motherland where people of all colours and creeds can live together in harmony without imposing their religious convictions on others.Who is ruling a country is not so important for the ordinary people, but how it is being ruled is of paramount importance. The economic scale, which measures the rich and poor countries of the world, is inappropriate to measure the joy and sorrow of their people. Common people all over the earth believe in living in true peace and happiness rather than with material comforts. The more we interfere with nature, the more we will suffer for it. The root of this is the relentless desire for more pleasure and power. We must respect and accept natural laws as we are not above the laws of nature. In nature, there is no such thing as rich or poor. People in the financial economy are arbitrarily putting a monetary value on the natural economy which makes the natural economy unsustainable.Once you have the picture in your mind's eye, you will lucidly understand that the greatest damage being done to our planet today is being done by humans. On no account must we work anymore against nature but together with it.

  • af Marla Taviano
    257,95 kr.

  • af Susan Ford
    182,95 - 287,95 kr.

  • - Religious Pluralism and the Problem of Race in Guatemala
    af Andrea Althoff
    1.992,95 kr.

    Two unprecedented, striking developments form part of the reality of many Latin Americans. Recent decades have seen the dramatic rise of a new religious pluralism, namely the spread of Pentecostal Christianity - Catholic and Protestant alike - and the growth of indigenous revitalization movements. This study analyzes these major transitions, asking what roles ethnicity and ethnic identities play in the contemporary process of religious pluralism, such as the growth of the Protestant Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal movements, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, and the indigenous Maya movement in Guatemala. This book aims to provide an understanding of the agenda of religious movements, their motivations, and their impact on society. Such a pursuit is urgently needed in Guatemala, a postwar country experiencing acrimonious religious competition and a highly contentious debate on religious pluralism. This volume is relevant to scholars and students of Latin American Studies, Sociology of Religion, Anthropology, Practical Theology, and Political Sciences.

  • af Ahmed Rashid
    192,95 - 651,95 kr.

  • af David D'Andre
    297,95 kr.

  • af Jamin Andreas Hübner
    177,95 kr.

    "This book is electric! Hübner goes about Deconstructing Evangelicalism with the skills available only to someone formerly embedded in the apologetics-oriented, take-no-prisoners, Calvinist-Piperian-Brownian conservative evangelical subculture. Brilliant. Learned. Passionate. Creative. Angry. Hopeful? Maybe. You must read it for yourself and find out. I will be studying this book for a long time to come."-DAVID GUSHEEPast President, American Academy of Religion and Distinguished University Professor of Ethics, Mercer University"This book is special: at once incendiary and charming, you are invited into the world of Christian fundamentalism, in all of its glory and complexities and traumatic realities. This world is a crazy place, filled with all of the political zealotry, casual sex(ism), and apocalyptic young-earth creationism one could desire. Hübner's story is a dynamic, sobering testament to that reality. From the depths of his days as an Internet apologist to his interdisciplinary career as a professor, we see the impact of religious fundamentalism on heart, mind, and body. For those who have walked through the valley of the shadow of fear, may you be filled with curiosity and joy at the sight of another theologian on the journey. From one sojourner to another, I am happy to commend to you the work of my colleague and dear friend."-NICHOLAS RUDOLPH QUIENTAssociate Pastor, The First Baptist Church of Redlands Co-Host of the Sinnergists Podcast and Author of The Perfection of Our Faithful Wills "Many of Jamin's experiences mirror my own, and I am grateful we were friends while surviving as faculty at evangelical "liberal arts colleges." Reading this book has once again encouraged me, and given me a hopeful way forward, as he always has as a friend. His theological nuance and understanding highlights why evangelicalism is, in many ways, so superficial, and it will encourage anyone that their own deconstruction can lead to a stronger, more robust, and more inclusive faith in God. I will be passing along his book to my friends who come to me for help as they struggle with asking questions of who God really is."-KRISTY WHALEYPhD Theology (Candidate), University of GlasgowFormer Theology Faculty, Colorado Christian University

  • af B. J. Leonard
    157,95 kr.

    Riddled with irreverent sarcasm, Your Religion is Bullshit illuminates the subtext of religious abuse found universally within fundamentalist communities.

  • af Al Editor Truesdale
    172,95 kr.

    In Square Peg, well-respected educators, pastors, and ministry leaders demonstrate the distinct differences between Wesleyan theology and Fundamentalism through historical, biblical, scientific, and theological exposition.

  • af Tom Greggs & Robert W. Heimburger
    395,95 kr.

  • af Tommy Tenney & Dian Layton
    182,95 - 192,95 kr.

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