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Religion: liv og lære

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  • - salmer og sange - 6 stk sanghæfter
    af Christina Christensen & Andreas Normann
    147,95 kr.

    “JULESTUND salmer og sange – 6 stk sanghæfter.24 klassiske julesange og salmer + juleevangeliet. Designet og layoutet af hæftet er enkelt og tidsløst. Trykt i Danmark på FCS miljøvenligt kvalitetspapir. Hæftet er perfekt til at tage med rundt om træet og teksten er tydelig i julens dæmpede belysning. Hæftet kan gemmes i den medfølgende æske af genbrugs-pap – og tages frem år efter år.”

  • af L.Ron Hubbard
    127,95 kr.

    Bogen indeholder de overordnede principper og love, der kan anvendes på alle arbejdsrelaterede problemer. Her er de opdagelser, der blotlægger kernen i disse problemer og forklarer selve livets struktur.• Opdag ”hemmeligheden” ved effektivitet • Find ud af, hvad der ligger til grund for udmattelse, samt hvordan man slipper af med den og genvinder ungdommens energi

  • af David Deida
    222,95 kr.

    Denne bog præsenterer dig for en revolutionerende ny måde at elske på. For når det kommer til sex, vil de fleste af os gerne have mere. Det store spørgsmål er bare: mere af hvad? David Deidas svar til de af jer, der dybde ønsker mere dybde i jeres sexliv, og som går rundt med en følelse af, at sex burde bestå af mere end bare kortvarig fysisk tilfredsstillelse, er, at tiden er inde til at udforske ens unikke spirituelle seksualitet. Bogen er lavet ud fra målet om, at kærligheden forstørres og bliver til noget hinsides det, to mennesker deler. At sex bliver en total forsvinden ind i kærlighedens fylde, noget, der går ud over den tilfredsstillelse, det giver, når to kroppe gnubber sig mod hinanden, og man nærer følelser for hinanden. Hvert kapitel indledes med en kort erotisk tekst, der belyser en særlig stemning af elskov, og efterfølges af direkte instruktioner, der taler klart og ligefremt til den drivkraft, de to køn hver især besidder, og som er et resultat af, at den feminine del af os længes efter en dybere kærlighed, og den maskuline del kæmper for større frihed. David Deida bringer 30 års erfaring og arbejde med tusindvis af par i spil for at illustrere de veje, vi – som mænd og kvinder – med sindsro kan begive os hen ad i vores bestræbelser på at nå frem til en mere utæmmet lidenskab, samhørighed og spirituel vækst, der rækker ud over nuet og os selv.DAVID DEIDA er internationalt anerkendt som en af de mest indsigtsfulde og provokerende spirituelle lærere i vor tid. Hans mål er at revolutionere den måde, mænd og kvinder vokser spirituelt og seksuelt på. Hans bøger bliver blandt andet betragtet som nogle af de mest originale og autentiske bidrag til personlig og spirituel vækst. Den maskuline mand og Min elskede af ham er allerede udkommet på dansk.

  • af C.S. Lewis
    271,95 kr.

    Gud på anklagebænken er en mesterlig samling af essays og breve, der her får en renæssance. De har hver især deres indfaldsvinkel til den kristne tro. Intet af det er forældet – tværtimod synes teksterne at være om muligt endnu mere aktuelle i dag.C.S. Lewis havde en sjælden evne til at formidle kristendommens sandhed enkelt og klart. Teksterne, der er skrevet over en 20årig periode, er samlet af Lewis' sekretær Walter Hooper, der også har skrevet en fin introduktion til bogen. ”Det antikke menneske nærmede sig Gud, som en anklaget nærmer sig sin dommer. Det moderne menneske har vendt forholdet på hovedet: Han er dommeren, og Gud sidder på anklagebænken. Og han er ikke en urimelig dommer. Hvis Gud kan komme med en god forklaring på, hvorfor han tillader krig, fattigdom og sygdom, er hans menneskelige dommer parat til at lytte.“C.S. Lewis i Gud på anklagebænken

  • af Simon Hallonsten
    260,95 kr.

    Centered around a reflective narrative recounting the experiences of a participatory action research project into leading online small groups for adults in the Church of Sweden Diocese of Stockholm during 2021 and 2022, the dissertation argues for the need to reconceptualize and reemphasize teaching as an important aspect in Christian religious education. Employing creative non-fiction methods, the dissertation aims to broaden the scope of the initial Online Small Groups project, by inviting readers to join into a "learning journey." The narrative account is complemented with more traditional forms of analysis that connect experiences from online small groups in the Church of Sweden to similar research from Anglo-Saxon countries, noting especially how notions of community diverge due to different ecclesiological understandings. Insights are then synthesized into eight teaching strategies aimed at communicating actionable knowledge to small group leaders, before noting how the study complements research on Christian religious education and, particularly, the current debate about learning and teaching in the Church of Sweden.

  • af Elena Soto
    272,95 - 349,95 kr.

    Have you wrestled with the complexity of classroom teaching? Have you often wondered what might be impeding your performance in the classroom? Parker J. Palmer's exploration into teaching and the problems that teachers encounter offers practical theories that address the questions one has or perhaps might not have thought to ask. This book is about Parker J. Palmer's theories of education interwoven with his spiritual vision of education. Undergirding the spiritual aspect of his vision is his theory about the significance of the teacher's authentic self. Within the narrative is the personal story of one teacher's daunting experiences as she ventured into the field of teaching after a career in the corporate world. Meeting Palmer while in graduate school, and closely studying his work, served to modify her perspective about teaching for the better. This ultimately changed her as a teacher in ways that could not have occurred had she not had this encounter. This book aims to inform as well as to help transform the experience of teaching for both teacher and student.

  • af Christopher Felix Bezzina
    349,95 - 474,95 kr.

    Reclaiming Men's Spirituality is a study that investigates men's spirituality by exploring three research questions: Can a form of spirituality about men be identified and described, how can this spirituality be examined, and what is it that needs to be reclaimed? To answer these questions and at the same time remain committed to the importance of lived experience, this study opted to investigate the lives of men by attending to ten spiritual histories. The study is situated in Malta, and the ten spiritual histories provide access to various features, expressions, and contours that relate closely to men's being. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with ten spiritual directors who have men as spiritual directees. Their contribution clarifies the structure of men's spirituality, the effort required when directing male spiritual directees and the impact generated in the lives of men thanks to spiritual direction. To provide a frame of reference for the examination of all the gathered data, John of the Cross's spiritual framework has been chosen as the mystical instrument against which men's spiritualities are studied, leading to richer insights into the operations, motives, goals, and problems of such spiritualities.

  • af Andreina Cordani
    104,95 kr.

    Find the truth. Solve the murder. Never reveal your secret.Twelve years ago, eight friends ran an exclusive group at university: The Murder Masquerade Society. The mysteries they solved may have been grisly, but they were always fictional - until their final Christmas Masquerade, when one of the group disappeared, never to be seen again.Now, the remaining members of the group receive an invitation to a reunion masquerade, to be held in a beautiful and remote country house in Scotland. When they arrive they are each assigned a new identity themed around the Twelve Days of Christmas - they become Lady Partridge or Mr Gold; Lord Leapworth or Doctor Swan. The game begins, and it feels just like old times.Until the next morning, when Lady Partridge is found hanging from a pear tree.It quickly becomes clear that in this game, the murder will be all too real, and the story is bringing long-hidden secrets to the surface. If they hope to win the game and survive the festive season then they will need to face the truth about their history together, who they have become - and what really happened on that fateful night twelve years before.

  • af Ary Jr. S.
    163,95 kr.

    "What Keeps Us Away From God" is an in-depth examination of biblical themes surrounding the barriers that prevent our connection with God. This book delves into Scripture, shedding light on the forces that hold us captive and prevent us from experiencing the fullness of God's love and grace.

  • af Kelly Faulkenbery
    142,95 kr.

    Encounter, identity, and community! Get ready to break the chains and labels that are holding you back from living out all that you have been created for and embrace your dreams. Ever felt weighed down by life? Do you struggle with addiction or have other chains weighing you down? Have the labels of the world left you feeling like you can't take one more step? Like you don't matter or could never measure up? In this workbook, Hey Girl, He Sees You, Kelly takes you on a journey to fill the hole in your soul. Walking you through personal experiences partnered with scripture, you will journey through three words: Encounter Identity Community Encounter the love only Jesus can give. Embrace your identity as a daughter of the King and live a passionate counter-culture life that embraces community with others.

  • af Nikki Garcia
    150,95 kr.

    As parents, we encounter numerous hurdles while raising our children. From these trials arises "4D Love," a compelling book in which God unveils the profound dimensions of His love amid the challenges of parenting. Through insightful interpretations of scripture and personal anecdotes shared by the author, readers embark on a journey to grasp the vastness of God's love, encompassing its breadth, length, depth, and height. The book underscores how life's obstacles often obstruct our capacity to fully embrace this divine love. By delving into how God examines and refines our love, it showcases the transformative influence of love in our lives, ultimately fostering spiritual growth and maturity.

  • af Richard Francis Burton
    195,95 kr.

    A book as immortal as the act itself.The Kama Sutra is a frank and rapturous meditation on human bodies and the pleasures they can give each other. From aphrodisiacs to special touches, from orgasm-delaying techniques to the endless varieties of kisses, The Kama Sutra is a wellspring of erotic knowledge and inspiration. Sir Richard Burton's controversial translation caused a stir in the Western world simply for its unflinching adherence to the original text. Here, in the complete and unexpurgated edition of this world-famous classic, is the most explicit, most detailed, and most fascinating book ever written for lovers.

  • af T D Jakes
    192,95 kr.

    New York Times bestselling author T. D. Jakes presents the perfect gift for the holidays: a heartwarming collection of stories and reminiscences that will bring readers a deeper understanding of the true meaning of Christmas.At Christmas, families gather and presents are exchanged. But the true meaning of the holiday does not come wrapped in brightly colored paper, nor are scrumptious meals the reason for the season. The real gift of Christmas is the birth of Jesus-and the celebration is to honor the miracle with those we love.In Follow the Star, T. D. Jakes illuminates the meaning of the holiday through family stories about finding the Christmas spirit during the worst times of poverty and hardship-and of the need during the best of times to slow down and appreciate fellowship, love, and God. With warmth and wisdom, Bishop Jakes makes Christmas past and present come alive-and leads us to embrace fully the magnificent miracle of the birth of Christ.

  • af George Raymond Simonis
    211,95 kr.

    Who were the Shepherds of Bethlehem, who were the first to see the Holy Child? This book attempts to bring them into the world as living witnesses, not one dimensional characters.

  • af Manu Philip
    154,95 kr.

    This book is a great eye-opener and a finger pointed toward our life for all those who sincerely want to lead a successful Christian life. It is a captivating, original, and thought-provoking work depicting the inner lives and thoughts of biblical figures in a journalistic format. This book written is capable of both asking and answering the important questions that pertain to these biblical characters. There is an interesting sense of coming full circle while reading this, with one of the oldest narratives being, in a sense, retold through this modern media-like format. The informal, conversational tone and clarity not burdened by superfluous jargon allows the reader to fully appreciate the discussions presented, offered with clear direction, detail, and striking honesty, transfixing the reader upon the work. The depth of research and analysis creates deeper connection to the reader in the confidence it offers as well as encouraging positive actions. The work elates in its accessibility, restorative for the reader regardless of personal faith or prior convictions. The well-balanced sensitivity and openness welcomes all readers to offer comfort. The assured writing style, attention to detail, and clarity of the arguments set out in the work make this book one that will intrigue and fascinate the target audience. This book is a very good guide for the pastors and believers for leading day-to-day life in a challenging world with new issues and problems. This is a read that has the potential to pull a reader to the edge of their seat and leave a lasting impression.2

  • af Gordon Simmons
    158,95 kr.

    As the Pastor preached another demeaning Father's Day message I wanted to scream, "I would have been a better husband if I had a better wife!"Choosing a spouse from a field seeded with weeds is the dilemma most men of this current Western feminist culture experience. Feminism has made the juice not worth the squeeze and men are tired of taking all the blame. Humiliated, exhausted, demoralized and, hopeless husbands have come to their wits' end and given up on trying to please their spouses. They cry out to God for peace but find none in their home life. And at the end of all their suffering there she stands with the divorce papers. "Oh my God! alimony and child support will ruin me. Please God help me!"

  • af Elisabeth Dutz
    371,95 kr.

    The ALBERTINA modern exhibition presents Alfred Kubin's view of the world of evil, the predominant theme of his life and work. The aesthetics of evil prove to be the antithesis of a tranquil idyll for him, one of the most outstanding drawing artists of the twentieth century. Trapped in his fantasies, he finds himself confronted with uncanny dream apparitions and a pronounced fear of the feminine, the night, and fate. This catalogue explores Kubin's graphic cosmos of the ominous, his nightmares and obsessions and the iconography of evil. ALFRED KUBIN (1877-1959) was an important Austrian draughtsman and graphic artist. In 1898, after a traumatic childhood in Zell am See and a series of mental crises, he began his artistic training in Munich. Kubin worked through his nightmares and obsessions in a large number of fantastic drawings.

  • af Sermones Bíblicos
    109,95 kr.

    En el libro de los Hechos de los Apóstoles podemos aprender varias lecciones importantes sobre la educación y el aprendizaje:1. La importancia de la enseñanza: Los apóstoles desempeñaron un papel fundamental como maestros en la iglesia primitiva. A través de sus enseñanzas y predicaciones, ayudaron a difundir el mensaje de Jesús y a formar a los nuevos creyentes.2. El poder del Espíritu Santo: La obra del Espíritu Santo es evidente en el libro de los Hechos, guiando y capacitando a los apóstoles para predicar con valentía y sabiduría. Esto nos enseña que el conocimiento y la educación deben ir de la mano con la influencia y el liderazgo.3. La importancia de la comunidad: En el libro de los Hechos, vemos que los discípulos se reunían y compartían juntos. Esto demuestra la importancia de la comunidad en el aprendizaje y la educación. A través del compañerismo y la interacción, podemos aprender y crecer.4. La apertura a nuevas perspectivas: El libro de los Hechos narra cómo los apóstoles fueron desafiados a abandonar sus prejuicios y a abrirse a nuevos grupos y culturas. Esto nos enseña la importancia de la apertura mental y la disposición para aprender de otros, incluso a pesar de nuestras diferencias.5. La perseverancia en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje: A pesar de los desafíos y las dificultades, los apóstoles demostraron una gran perseverancia en su misión de educar y formar a otros. Aprendemos que la educación no es un proceso fácil o instantáneo, sino que requiere esfuerzo continuo y compromiso.

  • af Carmen Wilde
    178,95 kr.

    "A Christ-centered Marriage: A Practical Guide to Building a Strong, Faith-based Relationship" is a comprehensive guide for couples who want to deepen their relationship with each other and with God. In this book, you will discover practical strategies and tips for building a strong foundation on Christ, improving communication, offering forgiveness and grace, cultivating a heart of gratitude, and serving together in your faith community.Drawing on biblical wisdom and personal experiences, this book offers practical advice on navigating challenges, handling finances, balancing marriage and career, and staying connected during tough seasons. With insights on understanding your spouse's love language, building a Christ-centered family life, and supporting each other through life transitions, this book is a valuable resource for any couple seeking to build a lasting and fulfilling Christ-centered marriage.Whether you're newlyweds or have been married for many years, "A Christ-centered Marriage" offers practical tools and strategies to help you deepen your connection with your spouse and with God. With its practical tips, engaging stories, and timeless wisdom, this book is the perfect guide for anyone looking to build a strong, faith-based relationship that will stand the test of time.

  • af Kayla Simmons
    113,95 kr.

    It is not easy living in today's world, let alone as a believer of Jesus Christ. Whether you are a seasoned Christian, new Christian, young Christian, or one step away for declaring Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, this book is for you. You will laugh, you will cry, you will assess, but most of all, you will know that you are *His, and He is yours. This book will give you real everyday "parables" to give you a deeper revelation of scripture and what that looks like in your day-to-day life. You will put this book down, knowing that you are a child of the living King, and you are to represent Him in all aspects of your life. As a Christian millennial, I know what it is like to live a set-apart lifestyle in trying and tempting environments. Whether you are a millennial or not, my stories of my upbringing and principles that I have learned along the way will assist in making the Bible real in your everyday life.The asterisk indicates that something was spelled wrong, and correction was made. Therefore, having the asterisk before "his" indicates that the correct way to refer to God the Father is with an uppercase letter. This concept came about by coming to the realization that God, at times, is not first in our lives and that we need to give Him His throne back in our lives.You will know that you are His and He is yours.

  • af John Lewis
    205,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Devarajan Pillai G
    283,95 kr.

    Embark on a captivating journey into the heart of human connection with "Enchanting Vibes: The Science and Art of Attracting Love." This enchanting book serves as a profound exploration of the intricate dance between science and artistry in the realm of love-a journey that unravels the mysteries of attraction, sustains the magic beyond the honeymoon, and unveils the radiant tapestry of enduring relationships.In this beautifully crafted volume, readers are invited to discover the secrets that lie beneath the surface of love, exploring the nuanced interplay of energy, compatibility, and the chemistry that sparks connections. From the initial spark of attraction to the enduring glow of radiant relationships, "Enchanting Vibes" acts as a guide through the various phases of love, offering insights grounded in both scientific understanding and the artful mastery required to create lasting connections."Enchanting Vibes: The Science and Art of Attracting Love" is an invitation to all those seeking to understand the timeless dance of human connection. Whether you are embarking on a new romance, navigating the complexities of an existing relationship, or simply curious about the profound mysteries of love, this book serves as a guiding light-a beacon illuminating the path to lasting joy, fulfillment, and the eternal enchantment of radiant relationships. Prepare to be captivated, inspired, and enchanted by the transformative power of love's vibrant symphony.

  • af Lamarr K. Lark
    137,95 kr.

    What if you knew the meaning of life?More importantly, what if you knew the meaning of your life? The truth is most people are lost. We see it everywhere every day: violence, families torn apart, distractions keeping people from their obligations, and apathy from living fulfilled lives.Several years ago, author Lamarr Lark felt this same angst deep inside his soul. He had the world at his fingertips: a dream job, a beautiful family, and a growing 401K. The problem is he was unfulfilled.This city boy found the answers in, of all places, The Barn. But it's not what you think. This book is bigger than that story, though. It's actually your story too.Located just outside Chicago, The Barn has become a physical place of deep transformation where every week, people from around the world make the pilgrimage to this place that's defined by listening and love. You don't have to buy a plane ticket to experience The Barn's miracles.Inside Meet Me at the Barn, you'll learn how to:Understand how to communicate so you can ask for your callingRemove the distractions so you can LISTEN for the answerOvercome FEAR to keep moving, growing, and developing your life's purposeIt's time to discover your life's purpose and embrace your higher calling. Maybe it's time for you to Meet Me at the Barn.

  • - Success in Recovery Through a Faith-Based Journey
    af Greg Schmalhofer
    102,95 - 116,95 kr.

    The Twelve Steps of Recovery: Success in Recovery Through a Faith-Based Journey presents a fresh new look at The Twelve Steps with a blend of recovery principles and a biblical faith-based perspective on each of The Twelve Steps. One reason The Twelve Steps are so successful is because they go beyond just recovery and include a spiritual experience with God. This book expands on this spiritual perspective so that you can be successful in recovery, grow in your faith, and have a brand new life.

  • af Kerstin Söderblom
    245,95 kr.

    Is it possible to combine Christian and queer-affirming attitudes in a counseling context? This book provides concrete case studies to show that it is indeed possible and shows how this connection can be touching and liberating. Kerstin Söderblom explains the meaning of queer-affirming pastoral care, using narrative miniatures of counseling sessions. The basis for this is the evaluation of case studies from pastoral care and casual services. Moreover, it presents queer-friendly impulses for pastoral care sermons, queer "re-readings" of biblical texts, prayers and rituals. The book shares exciting and touching stories from a pastoral-theological world that is usually still completely ignored. It combines professional pastoral care work with the question of how it can be offered to queer people in an appropriate and respectful way.

  • af Prudence Audrey Assogba
    81,95 kr.

    Penned in divine company, this book reveals spiritual progress brewing on Earth despite humanity's trials. Living conditions will markedly improve for multitudes as enlightenment advances. The Winged Mare is in fact a diminutive humanoid spirit who inhabits an unsullied white horse. In Greek lore, Pegasus befriends kind-hearted people on spiritual paths to help them thrive. This celestial creature appears either male or female based on the selected person's gender. Once their transformation culminates in sacred freedom, the enlightened individual earns the moniker 'Winged Mare.' Through signs and wonders sprinkled amid struggle, glimmers emerge of long-foretold Ascension. All living souls inch toward higher states, yet some courageous pioneers blaze ahead by consciously nurturing spiritual faculties. In these quickening times, are you hearing rumblings of a great Awakening? Heed the Winged Mare's higher call, and perhaps discover your own wings waiting.

  • af Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    259,95 - 476,95 kr.

  • af Kerry Urdzik
    188,95 kr.

    This guide covers everything you need to know to prepare for married life and to have a beautiful ceremony.It begins by offering guidance to help couples evaluate their readiness to make a permanent life commitment. It follows by addressing both the practical and spiritual aspects of planning a Catholic wedding, both within and outside of Mass. Couples will find that it provides a rich formation in marriage catechesis, helping them to understand the teaching of the Catholic Church on matrimony and family life.Each chapter contains practical tips, points of reflection and a prayer.This invaluable resource is ideal for anyone who wishes to get married in the Catholic Church, as well as being the perfect supplement for marriage ministers and catechists as they accompany couples on their journey to the altar.

  • af Surrendra Gangadean
    262,95 - 487,95 kr.

  • af Wayne Quarrier
    307,95 kr.

    "You shouldn't feel like that" is a statement that demonstrates ignorance and unkindness, whether intentional or not. It invalidates the expression of the person revealing his or her inherent feelings and exploits that person's vulnerability. Research shows that this can result in mental health disorders, divorce, suicide, and even mass murders.Everyone has emotional experiences, and all the significant events of life include them; however, the causes and the consequences of emotions are among the least understood and underappreciated aspects of the human experience. Emotional integrity boldly intends to change that.This book presents conclusively that the disciplines of theology, social science, and medical science support the concept of emotional integrity and that the health and well-being of our society depends upon the understanding and acceptance of and adherence to this concept.This will not be an overnight transformation. Centuries of misunderstandings and decades of assertions based on them will need to be challenged until a broad enough base of theologians, educators, and mental health practitioners understand the concept of emotional integrity, accept it, and persuasively promote it. If they are successful, it is very likely that husbands and wives, parents and children, bosses and workers, friends and neighbors will experience healthy and fulfilled personal relationships.

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