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  • af Ed Smith
    117,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Shane Warne
    452,95 kr.

  • af S. Giridhar
    282,95 kr.

    First published in 2014, Mid-wicket Tales is back almost a decade later, in arevised and expanded edition to delight and entertain cricket fans and scholarsalike. Humorous and richly detailed, this marvellous series of essays-writtenby two 'incurable cricket romantics'-tells the characterful story of one ofthe most beloved sports in the world.A seamless blend of theories with statistical data, technical assessments, andcharming anecdotes, the essays range in theme from Kapil Dev's batting style;big-hitting superstars like Victor Trumper, Viv Richards, and Virender Sehwag;the fearsome pace of Michael Holding; the magical close catches of EknathSolkar and Bobby Simpson; and the mastery of Sachin Tendulkar; to delightfulevenings spent with the dashing Salim Durani and the fabulous M.S. Dhoni,and illuminating conversations with the cerebral stars, Rahul Dravid and S.Venkataraghavan. This revised edition also has superb new essays where welearn of Mahatma Gandhi's involvement with cricket, discover the integralrole of video analytics in modern-day cricket strategy, and experience thebrilliance of women's cricket, which has taken the world by storm.

  • af Andreas Ermertz
    206,95 - 321,95 kr.

  • af Bhangu
    142,95 kr.

    Imagine a grassy meadow, a willow branch carved into a makeshift bat, and a cloth bundle balanced precariously atop two sticks. This was the humble cradle of cricket, a pastoral pastime in the rolling hills of 16th-century England. From these rural beginnings, a game blossomed, evolving into a sport that now captivates billions across the globe.Cricket's early rules were rudimentary, a blend of shepherd's croquet and archery. Over time, codified laws took shape, governing the size of the pitch, the shape of the wicket, and the intricacies of scoring runs. Clubs sprung up, first in villages, then in bustling cities, fostering rivalries and nurturing generations of cricketing heroes.The 18th century saw cricket transcend its English confines, carried by the sails of colonial ships. The West Indies embraced the game's rhythm, India saw it morph into a vibrant cultural expression, and Australia adopted it with a fierce, competitive spirit. Each new land added its own twist, enriching the tapestry of cricket with unique strokes, vibrant jerseys, and passionate chants.But cricket's journey wasn't just about rules and borders. It mirrored the tumultuous tides of history. Colonization wielded cricket as a tool of cultural influence, while sporting victories became symbolic acts of defiance. Cricket resonated across social divides, offering a common ground for communities divided by class, caste, and creed.Today, cricket stands as a testament to human ingenuity and adaptation. From the leather-bound ball to the flashing LED bails, technology has transformed the game, but the essence remains the same - the delicate dance between bat and ball, the thrill of the chase, the agony of defeat, and the ecstasy of victory.As we approach the 2024 ICC World Cup, cricket's past provides a rich context, reminding us that the game is more than just runs and wickets. It's a legacy woven from centuries of tradition, passion, and the unwavering spirit of competition.Stay tuned, for in this book, we delve into the contenders vying for the coveted crown, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, and the brewing rivalries that promise to electrify the tournament.

  • af Atul Kumar
    147,95 kr.

    Around the sixteenth century, the mankind took more than 100 years to overcome its hardened belief that the Sun revolved round the Earth.In modern times, the fact, that all the cricket we see is institutionally fixed and scripted like a puppet show, lies scientifically proved and publicly exposed since 2013. Yet, like in the 16th century, the totally false notion of natural cricket continues to persist among the masses. It is reinforced more by the vested interests.Strangely enough, even the best minds around fail to comprehend the reality which is not much difficult to perceive.This book will help the readers a long way in grasping the explosive truth through knowledge of cricket betting.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    307,95 kr.

    Cricket has long been praised for its capacity to break down barriers and unite people. It is a sport known for its grace and strategic nuance. Cricket is a complex activity that improves the lives of those who participate in it since, in addition to its athletic merits, it has a significant positive influence on players' physical and mental health. This talk delves into the two sides of cricket, looking at how it supports mental and physical well-being. Physical Advantages:Playing cricket requires a certain set of physical qualities. Players get a full-body workout that improves their endurance and cardiovascular fitness as they run, bowl, bat, and field. Cricket is a great sport for people looking to enhance their general physical health because of its frequent movement, which helps with lung capacity and stamina. Cricket also demands coordination, strength, and agility. Bowlers need to be strong and flexible in order to throw the ball effectively, while batsmen need to use the willow with power and accuracy. Fielders dive and rush to stop runs and capture catches, showcasing their agility and quick reflexes. Because of this, playing cricket helps build the muscles and hand-eye coordination that are necessary for daily tasks. Another important advantage of cricket is weight management. The dynamic nature of the sport, which alternates between intense bursts of activity and rest intervals, can result in a notable burn of calories, making it an invaluable tool for anyone seeking to efficiently manage their weight. Still, there are more physical benefits to cricket than just fitness. Any sport can have injuries, but cricket offers participants a special chance to learn safety precautions and injury prevention. By using this knowledge in everyday situations, athletes may make sure they love the sport and grow to take ownership of their own health. Mental Advantages:Cricket is more than just a physical activity; it's also a mental game. Different facets of the sport improve mental well-being, providing participants with a comprehensive approach to health. Cricket's ability to reduce stress is well-established. The mental escape that comes from theintense attention needed to bat, bowl, and field combined with the team spirit of belonging can be therapeutic. The pure delight of the game, the rush of competition, and the satisfaction of winning offer an emotional release that eases tension and promotes mental calm. Another team sport that requires cooperation is cricket. Collaborating closely with colleagues promotes social bonding, fortifying bonds and establishing a feeling of inclusion. The relationships made on the cricket pitch carry over into everyday life, acting as essential support networks and thwarting feelings of loneliness or isolation. Cricket requires players to have mental toughness since it requires them to stay focused and make snap judgments. In addition to improving cricket play, the capacity for strategic decision-making and attention under duress has practical uses. It teaches people how to adjust to difficult circumstances and grow resilient in the face of difficulty.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    272,95 kr.

    Cricket, a sport renowned for its elegance and strategy, plays a vital role in promoting physical fitness and overall well-being. Originating in England but embraced by nations around the world, cricket is not just a game; it's a holistic fitness regimen that fosters endurance, agility, mental acumen, and camaraderie.A Comprehensive Workout:Cricket engages participants in a dynamic full-body workout. Batsmen and bowlers require strength and flexibility in their arms, legs, and core. Fielders sprint and dive to stop the ball, honing their speed and reflexes. Running between the wickets demands cardiovascular endurance, and the explosive power generated by a cricket shot or a fast-paced delivery adds to muscular strength.Cardiovascular Health:The sport's stop-and-start nature, punctuated by quick sprints, running, and walking, is excellent for cardiovascular fitness. Cricket players often cover significant distances in a match, promoting heart health and lung capacity.Strength and Conditioning:Bowlers, in particular, focus on building and maintaining upper body and core strength, crucial for delivering those powerful deliveries. Similarly, batsmen need strong leg muscles for explosive shots. Fielders need a blend of speed, strength, and agility to make quick plays in the field.Mental Fitness:Cricket is as much a mental game as a physical one. Batsmen need intense concentration to read the bowler's delivery, while bowlers must strategize to outwit the batsmen. Fielders need quick decision-making skills. This mental aspect of the game enhances cognitive agility and focus.Team Dynamics:Cricket fosters a strong sense of teamwork and camaraderie. Communication between players is essential for strategy and field placements, and the bond among team members can create a supportive and motivating environment, crucial for overall well-being.Social Engagement:Cricket transcends cultural and social boundaries, bringing people from diverse backgrounds together. This social engagement and inclusivity have a positive impact on mental health and personal growth.Lifelong Enjoyment:Unlike many other sports, cricket is a game that people can enjoy at various stages of life. From youth cricket to veteran leagues, the sport encourages lifelong participation, promoting physical activity as a constant in one's life.Promoting Healthy Lifestyles:Cricket sets a powerful example for promoting a healthy lifestyle. It encourages both players and spectators to engage in physical activity, appreciate teamwork, and enjoy the outdoors.A Global Sporting Legacy:Cricket's influence extends far beyond the field, leaving an indelible mark on cultures worldwide. It showcases the importance of physical fitness, mental acuity, and the spirit of competition.The Fitness of Mind and Body:Cricket's vital role in fitness goes beyond the physical. It is a holistic pursuit, nurturing not only the body but also the mind, offering a dynamic platform for individuals to improve their overall well-being. Whether you're a seasoned cricketer or an enthusiast, cricket's significance in promoting health and fitness is undeniable, making it a sport worth celebrating for generations to come.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    282,95 kr.

    In India, cricket is more than simply a sport; it is also a cultural phenomenon that has had a profound impact on the lives of millions of people. Beyond the confines of the playing field, cricket has emerged as a potent agent of social change, and it has woven itself intimately into the social fabric of India. The article "Cricket as a Catalyst for Social Change in India" investigates the significant and complex impact that the sport has had on the social dynamics of the country. The sport of cricket has evolved beyond its role as a mere game, becoming instead a symbolic expression of Indian national identity at the very center of this multifaceted and diverse nation. This book explores the historical origins of cricket in India, tracking its development from a leisure activity popular among British colonists to a potent symbol of Indian national unity. It illustrates the ways in which the sport of cricket has formed and reflected India's character throughout the years, from the unforgettable moments that have occurred on the field to the creation of cricketing heroes. The significant role that cricket plays in the movement toward greater gender parity is one of the most striking aspects of this transition. Women's cricket in India has gone a long way, and this book highlights the incredible journeys of female cricketers who have broken stereotypes and inspired generations. Women's cricket in India has come a long way. This article investigates the impact that women's cricket has had on changing gender preconceptions, fostering empowerment, and pushing for social change. In addition, the game of cricket has been essential in redefining the power dynamics of caste in Indian society. It has made it possible for people who come from disadvantaged origins to overcome social preconceptions by rising to prominence through the chances it has provided. The book covers narratives of cricket players who have shattered caste barriers, as well as initiatives within the sport that promote inclusivity for players of all backgrounds. This narrative also examines regionalism from a number of different angles. The sport has frequently served to amplify existing regional rivalries; nevertheless, it has also served as a unifying force, helping to create brotherhood among various regions. The Indian Premier League (IPL) is a shining illustration of how cricket can develop a sense of national belonging while still honoring a region's unique heritage and traditions. In India, academics and the sport of cricket have become inextricably linked. This book analyzes the impact that cricket has on educational goals, focusing on scholarship programs and cricket academies that are radically altering the lives of aspiring cricketers and motivating them to continue their study. In addition to this, it investigates the part that cricket plays in social movements and charitable giving, illuminating the ways in which individual cricketers, teams, and organizations have contributed to the solution of social problems and given something back to the communities in which they live. The book, on the other hand, does not avoid discussing the problems and scandals that have plagued the sport, such as match-fixing scandals and corruption within cricket administration. It investigates the moral conundrums that are inherent in the sport of cricket as well as the ways in which the cricket community has responded to various social issues.The book takes a forward-looking approach by investigating developing tendencies and new developments in Indian cricket and by contemplating the potential of the sport to create greater societal transformation.

  • af Rafel Mechlore
    272,95 kr.

    "Cricket: A Nation's Passion and Progress" is an enchanting exploration of the sport of cricket and its profound impact on the nations that hold it dear. This documentary or book delves deep into the heart of cricket, examining its evolution from a mere sport to an intrinsic part of a nation's culture, identity, and history.This captivating narrative takes viewers or readers on an enthralling journey through the fascinating world of cricket, unravelling its origins and tracing its growth into the global phenomenon it is today. From the pristine cricket fields of England, where it all began in the 16th century, to the dusty grounds of India and the lush green pitches of Australia, cricket's story is one of passion, progress, and perseverance.Through interviews with cricket legends, historians, and die-hard fans, "Cricket: A Nation's Passion and Progress" vividly portrays how cricket has become much more than a game. It's a way of life, a unifying force, and a source of unbridled pride for many countries. The documentary or book offers a rich tapestry of anecdotes, riveting matches, and the emotional connections forged through the sport.As the narrative unfolds, viewers or readers will witness how cricket has been a catalyst for social change, an avenue for diplomacy, and a symbol of national pride. It sheds light on how cricket has played a significant role in bridging divides, fostering friendships, and transcending borders.This compelling exploration also touches on the contemporary face of cricket, where technology, commerce, and globalization have transformed the game into a multi-billion-dollar industry. The documentary or book dissects the rise of Twenty20 cricket, the glitzy world of the Indian Premier League, and the impact of social media on the sport's fan base."Cricket: A Nation's Passion and Progress" serves as a poignant reminder that cricket is not just a sport; it's a reflection of the human spirit's resilience and an embodiment of the collective hopes, dreams, and aspirations of a nation. Whether you're a seasoned cricket enthusiast or someone looking to uncover the magic of this captivating sport, this documentary or book is a must-watch or read, offering a deeper understanding of the passion and progress that cricket has brought to nations across the globe.

  • af Frederick William Lillywhite
    162,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Chetan Singh
    147,95 kr.

    Are you a cricket enthusiast who's passionate about the gentleman's game? Do you find yourself immersed in the thrilling world of cricket, but sometimes puzzled by the jargon and terminology used by experts and commentators? Whether you're a seasoned cricket fan or just getting started with the sport, "The Cricket Terminology: All about Cricket Terms" is your ultimate guide to unraveling the mysteries of cricket's unique language.This cricket vocabulary book delves deep into the heart of cricket's lexicon, breaking down the often complex terminology into simple, easy-to-understand explanations. No longer will you be left scratching your head when terms like "LBW," "googly," "gully," or "Yorker" are mentioned during a match."The cricket terms" is more than just a glossary. It's your passport to a deeper appreciation of the sport and a gateway to becoming a true cricket aficionado. Whether you're a player, coach, commentator, or just a cricket lover, this Cricket term book will enrich your experience and make you feel like an insider in the world of cricket.Take your passion for cricket to the next level and ensure you're always in the know with this invaluable reference guide. Dive into the captivating world of cricket terminology today and experience the game like never before.

  • af Tim Wigmore
    128,95 - 198,95 kr.

    'The gripping story of England's transformation from prissy blockers to double world champions'The Times'A must-read for any cricket lover'Nasser Hussain, Former England captain and Sky Sports commentatorThe inside story of how England became the first men's team to hold both of cricket's World Cups simultaneously, from the players and key people involved.When England lifted the T20 World Cup in November 2022, they became the first ever men's team to be One-Day International and Twenty20 world champions simultaneously. In English sport, triumphs aren't just rare - they also tend to be followed by a collapse. England's white-ball cricket side was different: a team that followed scaling the summit by doing so again. They became, as Australia's captain put it, "the benchmark" for the rest of the world. White Hot tells the full story of how England built one of the most extraordinary sides ever seen in limited-overs cricket. First in 2019 and then in 2022, they produced a series of mesmerising performances to win two World Cups. It is a story of the vision and strategy that underpinned England's transformation from white-ball stragglers into a side at the very cutting edge of their sport. It is a story of a golden generation, and the development of a system that passed on those values to the players that came next. And it is a story of how a conservative sporting culture shed its inhibitions to become a hub of innovation where players were free to be aggressive - even in the most important games. Featuring exclusive interviews with players at the heart of the 2019 World Cup win, including Joe Root and Jason Roy; the 2022 World Cup victory, like Harry Brook, Sam Curran and Alex Hales; and double world champions including Moeen Ali, Adil Rashid, Chris Woakes and Mark Wood. With insight from coaches and administrators, including Trevor Bayliss, Rob Key, Matthew Mott and Andrew Strauss, it reveals how England changed their culture, attitude to unorthodoxy and approach to risk forever. White Hot examines this incredible journey in forensic detail. This is captivating reading for cricket fans - and anyone who wants to understand how a floundering team can become record-breakers.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    297,95 kr.

    "Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India" is a cinematic masterpiece that stands as a testament to the power of storytelling, cultural diversity, and the spirit of resilience. Directed by Ashutosh Gowariker and released in 2001, this Indian epic sports drama transports audiences to the colonial era of 1893, where the heart of the story unfolds in a small village called Champaner.At its core, "Lagaan" revolves around the oppressive British colonial rule and the burdensome tax (lagaan) imposed on the impoverished villagers by the British officers. The villagers, led by the charismatic and determined Bhuvan (played by Aamir Khan), face dire consequences if they fail to pay the exorbitant tax. In a stroke of defiance and inspiration, Bhuvan proposes a high-stakes cricket match to the British officers, with the condition that if the villagers win, they would be exempt from paying lagaan for three years.The film's brilliance lies not only in its compelling storyline but also in its portrayal of the rich cultural tapestry of India. It beautifully showcases the diversity of the Indian subcontinent, as characters from various backgrounds and communities come together to form a united front against their oppressors. The cricket match becomes a symbol of hope, unity, and the indomitable human spirit, transcending boundaries of class and caste."Lagaan" is a visual spectacle, with lush cinematography capturing the scenic beauty of rural India. A.R. Rahman's musical genius shines through the film's soundtrack, delivering unforgettable songs that further enhance the emotional depth of the narrative.The performances of the ensemble cast, including Aamir Khan, Gracy Singh, and Ashutosh Gowariker himself, are nothing short of outstanding, immersing viewers in the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of the characters.Ultimately, "Lagaan" is a celebration of the human spirit's ability to overcome adversity, a paean to the power of unity in diversity, and a timeless cinematic gem that continues to captivate audiences worldwide. It not only entertained but also educated, shedding light on a pivotal period in India's history while showcasing the universal themes of hope, courage, and the pursuit of freedom. "Lagaan" is a cinematic marvel that remains etched in the hearts of movie enthusiasts, a true epic that transcends borders and generations.

  • af Maria K. M
    337,95 kr.

    "Unveiling MS Dhoni: The Man Behind the Icon" is a captivating and insightful exploration of the life and career of one of cricket's most enigmatic and celebrated figures, Mahendra Singh Dhoni. This compelling biography delves deep into the persona of a man who transcended the boundaries of cricket to become an enduring symbol of leadership, composure, and excellence.Written with meticulous research and unparalleled access to Dhoni's personal life, the book peels back the layers of his remarkable journey from a small-town boy in Ranchi to the captain of the Indian cricket team that achieved unprecedented success on the global stage. It unravels the lesser-known facets of Dhoni's life, providing readers with a glimpse into his formative years, his struggles, and the unyielding determination that propelled him to cricketing stardom.The book doesn't merely chronicle Dhoni's cricketing accomplishments; it offers an intimate portrait of the man himself. It delves into his leadership philosophy, his unwavering calm under pressure, and his ability to inspire his teammates to achieve greatness. "Unveiling MS Dhoni" explores the mindset that allowed Dhoni to make split-second decisions on the field and showcases the strategic brilliance that earned him the nickname "Captain Cool."The narrative is richly textured with anecdotes, interviews, and behind-the-scenes stories that provide fresh insights into Dhoni's character, values, and his impact on the sport. It highlights his contributions as a mentor and his enduring influence on the next generation of cricketers.This biography is not just for cricket enthusiasts; it's for anyone interested in the human spirit's triumph over adversity and the qualities that define a true leader. "Unveiling MS Dhoni: The Man Behind the Icon" is a must-read for those who seek inspiration from an extraordinary individual who etched his name into the annals of cricket history and left an indelible mark on the hearts of millions worldwide. It's a compelling journey through the life and times of a sporting legend who continues to inspire and captivate, on and off the cricket pitch.

  • af Cricket
    342,95 kr.

  • af Jones [From Old Catalog] Wister
    342,95 kr.

  • af Robert Henry Lyttelton
    242,95 - 387,95 kr.

  • af Krishnama Charya E
    262,95 kr.

  • af James Pycroft
    272,95 kr.

  • af John E. Hall
    372,95 - 492,95 kr.

  • af Robert Henry Lyttelton
    177,95 kr.

  • af Stuart Broad
    112,95 - 245,95 kr.

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