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  • - Flystyrt i Danmark 1939-45
    af Ole Steen Hansen
    296,95 kr.

    Der styrtede mere end 1000 flyvemaskiner ned i Danmark under Anden Verdenskrig, britiske, amerikanske, tyske – og en enkelt dansk. Her er historien om en række af de vigtigste krigen igennem.Ole Steen Hansen tager os med på farefulde minelægningsoperationer i lav højde over danske farvande. På nedkastningsoperationer til modstandsbevægelsen og med bombefly på vej til mål i Tyskland.Læseren får overblik over krigen i luften, er med når nedskudte flyvere forsøger at flygte, og møder også de barske konsekvenser af de mange styrt. Bogen er rigt illustreret med historiske billeder og med nutidige fotos af mindesmærker, krigsgrave og historiske fly, som stadig kan ses i luften eller på museer.

  • - Fortællinger fra luftrummet
    af Morten Knoth
    297,95 kr.

    I Cockpittets hemmeligheder løfter pilot og flyinstruktør Morten Knoth sløret for hvad der foregår bag den skudsikre cockpitdør. Han giver læseren et fascinerende indblik i det maskinrum, man ellers aldrig får adgang til, men som han selv har tilbragt de sidste 25 år i som både pilot og kaptajn. Morten Knoth har skrevet en bog fyldt med usædvanlige historier fra de højere luftlag og giver et helt unikt indblik i luftfartsbranchen - som aldrig før er skrevet om på dansk! I hans fly har der været alt fra udviste terrorister til solskoldede charterrejsende ombord. Knoth har fløjet privatjet ejet af rige og berømte mennesker, samt fået adgang til nogle unikke områder på jorden – lige fra golde forblæste klippeskær til ubeboede tropiske øer. Cockpittets hemmeligheder er altså også en utraditionel rejsefortælling fra pilotens sæde, hvor man som læser kommer vidt omkring. Morten Knoth er 46 år og Cockpittets hemmeligheder er hans første bog. Det er første gang, at en pilot fortæller om sit arbejde i bogformat på dansk.

  • af Kathrin Kaiser
    427,95 kr.

    With meticulous preparation spanning 20 months, I embarked on my journey with a hundred items packed, ready to traverse from Germany to the West Coast of America. My quest was to explore the world, immerse myself in diverse cultures, uncover the mysteries of Eskimo cuisine, and confront the legendary and feared Faroe Islands. Although faced with numerous dangers, genuine fear gripped me only once. Yet, the thought of surrender never crossed my mind.During long, perilous flights over icy expanses, unexpected encounters with whales reassured me that my choices were right. My little red plane startled seals on ice floes, touched down on closed runways, approached erupting volcanoes, and soared over the residences of American ex-presidents. The physical and mental strain led to significant weight loss, but each challenge was met with unwavering determination. A timely intervention by a policeman rescued me from an awkward situation and narrowly avoiding an illegal parking charge for an airplane added to the adventure.A windfall in Las Vegas provided enough funds for a barrel of AvGas in Canada, yet I squandered fees at an FBO for a simple hug after a particularly taxing flight. In Iceland, aggressive birds and a night in a dubious hostel were I narrowly escaped. From flying over the polar ice in the Arctic to crossing the Nevada desert, I navigated through icy clouds, turbulent Rocky Mountains, persistent headwinds, inclement weather, phone malfunctions, and technical breakdowns.Scarcity of aviation fuel, unavailable hotel rooms, and the absence of internet were commonplace challenges. A surreal encounter with a fata morgana added to the unpredictable journey. Landings consistently led to new friendships and unexpected assistance. Flying, I realized, is a skill, but the decisions made during such a journey transform a person. This expedition made me feel more alive than ever before, a personal and self-discovery odyssey where I learned invaluable lessons that theory alone could never teach. It was a genuine adventure, perhaps one of the last of its kind, and I would embark on it again without hesitation.

  • af J. C. Pompéïen-Piraud
    177,95 kr.

  • af Ronny Dee
    152,95 kr.

    What Learning to Fly Is Like: For Those Who Thought or Are Thinking About It but Never Have Jumped on Board offers first-hand advice on a path to becoming a certified pilot. For both the aviation enthusiast considering learning to fly for the first time as well as the flight novice, pilot Ronny Dee provides a step-by-step guide on pilot training. A comprehensive overview of the flight process, What Learning to Fly Is Like covers the pre-flight check, takeoffs and landing, basic and advanced maneuvers, flight testing, and much more.

  • af Jigish Gohil
    412,95 kr.

    217,95 kr.

    Moving on from the Super Decathlon in the book, Aerobatics Down Under, to performing more complex figures and having more fun in a Pitts Special. Many aerobatic pilots have taken that route over many years although monoplanes have interloped in later years. Whichever model Pitts is flown, that well known Pitts grin is evidence of having made the right choice.>Looking for a gift for that friend who aspires to fly Aerobatics? This is the perfect gift, one that he or she will treasure for a lifetime.

  • af United States Parachute Association
    517,95 kr.

    Whether you're just learning to skydive or have been in the sport for decades, the Skydiver's Information Manual (SIM) is the premier source for information on how to do so safely and enjoyably. The United States Parachute Association-a non-profit membership organization run by skydivers, for skydivers-produces the SIM as the foundational textbook and reference manual for all skydivers, from beginner to highly experienced. The SIM provides the organization's Basic Safety Requirements (the commonly accepted safety standards to which USPA members must adhere), and well as more in-depth information about all aspects of the sport. It also contains the most up-to-date information about skydiving, including: Curriculum for student skydivers (the USPA Integrated Student Program)General recommendations for all skydivers on emergencies, currency training, equipment, weather and more.Recommendations for advanced skydiving such as freefall formation flying, night jumps, wingsuit flying and advanced canopy piloting.Exhibition jumpingAwards programsFederal Aviation Administration documents that relate to skydiving

  • af United States Parachute Association
    412,95 kr.

    The Instructional Rating Manual (IRM), an official publication of the U.S. Parachute Association, is required reading for any USPA-licensed skydiver seeking an instructional rating with the organization. The manual covers the information necessary to attend a USPA Rating Course to become a USPA Coach; AFF, Tandem, Static-Line and Instructor-Assisted Deployment Instructor; Evaluator and Examiner. In conjunction with the rating course, the IRM provides the tools to excel at teaching skydivers through the USPA Integrated Student Program and includes information on:Basic instructional methodsCandidate evaluationObservation and debriefing strategiesLesson planningAnd much more

  • - Om at navigere i et præstationssamfund
    af Jack J. Frederiksen & Anne Ravn
    206,95 kr.

    Performance.Vi har kendt til begrebet siden 1970, men dets relevans er kun blevet større med årene. De fleste af os performer på arbejdet, som familiemedlem – ja, hele tiden, uden vi rigtig tænker over, hvad det gør ved os. Men hvad er performance egentlig, og hvad betyder det for os som mennesker? Det har Anne Ravn Grønholt i samarbejde med Jack J. Frederiksen blandt andet spurgt en række kendte mennesker om – og deres svar er vidt forskellige. Med "Performancemennesket – Om at navigere i et præstationssamfund" får læseren udvidet sin horisont og forståelse af begrebet performance. Det giver læseren muligheden for at tage bedre valg for sin egen performance i fremtiden.

  • af Josephine Lowes
    167,95 kr.

  • af Federal Aviation Administration (Faa)
    142,95 kr.

    THE DEFINITIVE TOOL FOR AIRMAN KNOWLEDGE EXAM STUDY IN 2023, DEVELOPED BY FAA EXPERTS This testing supplement was designed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Flight Standards Service and intended for use by Airman Knowledge Testing (AKT) administrators in the following knowledge areas: Sport Pilot: Airplane (ASEL and ASES), Gyroplane, Glider, Airship (LTA), Balloon, Weight-Shift Control (WSCS and WSCL), and Powered Parachute (PPL and PPS) Recreational Pilot: Airplane (RPA), Rotorcraft/Helicopter (RPH), Rotorcraft/Gyroplane (RPG) Private Pilot: Airplane/Recreational Pilot–Transition (PAT), Helicopter/Recreational Pilot–Transition (PHT), Gyroplane/Recreational Pilot–Transition (POT), Airplane (PAR), Rotorcraft/Helicopter (PRH), Rotorcraft/Gyroplane (PRO), Glider (POL), Free Balloon–Hot Air (PBH), Free Balloon–Gas (PBG), Lighter-Than-Air–Airship (PLA), Powered-Parachute (PPP), Weight-shift Control (PWS) Unmanned Aircraft General: Small (UAG) With dozens of full-color illustrations, diagrams, graphs, and charts, this testing supplement provides crucial tools for sport, recreational, remote, or private pilots in their knowledge exams and beyond.

  • af Lisa Turner
    237,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Véronique Petit
    287,95 kr.

    Fascinerende fransk ungdomsroman om at have flere liv”Statistisk set har 91 procent af befolkningen kun et enkelt liv. Sådan var det for min far, og sådan er det også for min stedfar og for ni ud af ti elever på min skole. Seks procent har to liv, som min mor, to procent har tre liv, og kun én ud af hundrede har mellem fire og syv.” 14-årige Gabriels testresultat er kommet. Kuverten rummer et svar, der åbner verden for ham. Han er blandt den ene procent, der har mellem fire og syv liv. Spørgsmålet er hvor længe. Og hvad han skal bruge dem til.

  • af Glenn Tupper
    2.062,95 kr.

    212,95 kr.

    The Basic Aerobatic Manual, Third Edition, is a complete reference for the beginning aerobatic student, with invaluable unusual attitude and spin recovery information for the more straight-and-level flyer. This book emphasizes techniques for the Cessna Aerobat models, but the described maneuvers easily translate to other aerobatics-certified airplanes.Starting with stalls, chandelles and lazy-8's, the student is guided through spins and the three fundamentals of basic aerobatics: the aileron roll, loop, and the snap roll. Once these basics are learned, the combination maneuvers (the cloverleaf, for example) are covered in-depth.This third edition includes a new chapter on loss of control in-flight (LOC-I), the leading cause of fatal general aviation accidents, to complement the chapter on unusual attitudes (upset) recovery for pilots especially focused on flight safety. Returning to controlled flight solely by reference to instruments is examined closely. The chapter on spins and spin recovery benefits from the knowledge gained in over 7,000 spins, each having from 3 to 25 turns, in the Cessna Aerobat.

  • af Source: Wikipedia
    176,95 kr.

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