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  • - Jan Magnussens unikke 30-årige racerkarriere i billeder
    af Nils Finderup & Jan Kaiser
    296,95 kr.

    Ingen racerkører i verden – nogensinde – har deltaget i så mange forskellige topklasser som Jan Magnussen, hvilket vidner om et medfødt naturtalent og en helt enestående evne til at kunne køre stærkt i hvad som helst på fire hjul – se blot listen herunder, der trods sit præg af kodesprog vil få mundvandet til at løbe hos alle motorsportsfans. En bugnende trofæhylde er endnu et bevis på Jan Magnussens imponerende meritter. Med blandt andet fire verdensmesterskaber, adskillige klassesejre på Le Mans, rekorden for flest sæsonsejre i det engelske F3-mesterskab og talrige DTC-titler er Magnussen den mest vindende danske kører gennem tiderne. Faktisk er han med godt 140 sejre på sit senior-CV den mest vindende racerkører i hele Europa netop nu! På vejen til disse resultater har Magnussen kørt flere end 100 forskellige biler med vidt forskellig teknik og karakteristika. Igennem 18 år har forfatterne bag denne bog indsamlet fotos af alle disse biler fra hele verden og kan med Magnussens egne ord beskrive, hvad der gør forskellen på en slap DTM-slæde og et overfedt, primitivt NASCAR-monster. ’MAGnificent’ beskriver også næste generation Magnussen, nemlig sønnen Kevin, der i en alder af blot 20 år allerede er på Formel 1-kontrakt med de mangedobbelte verdensmestre McLaren og i sin første F1-test kørte sensationelt hurtigt. Bogen byder på et væld af fotos, der aldrig er offentliggjort før. Ikke mindst vil et stort afsnit om de store Formel 1- og IndyCar-biler begejstre mange læsere. Forfattere og fotografer er Magnussen-familiens mangeårige pressechef Jan Kaiser samt Tom Kristensens mangeårige pressechef Nils Finderup. Dette par stod også bag Magnussen-biografien ”En fiaskos perfekte liv”, der lå på bestsellerlisten i otte uger og scorede ikke færre end fire gange seks stjerner i blandt andet Jyllandsposten. Anmelderne er lige så begejstrede for det nye værk:“Magnificent er en farvestrålende og frem­ragende visuel rejse gennem Jan Magnus­sens utrolige racerkarriere, krydret med en passioneret og indsigtsfuld skildring af de hundredvis af forskellige racerbiler, den sejrsvante dansker har kørt. Et must!” Thomas Wulff, kommentator, TV3 “Fantastiske fotos og underholdende anekdoter om Jan Magnussens formidable kar­riere. En smuk fotodokumentarisk bog, der kan anbefales til alle, der interesserer sig blot det mindste for motorsport.” Bo Christian Koch, chefredaktør, FDM “Genial idé, slet og ret. Bogens billeder er af meget høj kvalitet – teknisk såvel som kunstnerisk.” Flemming Haslund, Jyllandsposten “De velskrevne historier understøtter fint de mange fremragende billeder om verdens måske mest alsidige racerkører. ‘Magnifi­cent’ får mine største anbefalinger.” Ulrik Them Poulsen, Jan Magnussens imponerende rekordliste over kørte mesterskaber: Formel 1 IndyCar Le Mans-prototyper DTM WTCC NASCAR ALMS GT1 Porsche Supercup V8 Supercar Grand-Am GT2 ETCC Formel 3 Formel FordDTC Formel Opel/Lotus International GT Open Camaro Cup

  • - For børn, unge og voksne
    af Peter Nygaard
    247,95 kr.

    Formel 1 er mere populær end nogensinde, og især blandt de yngre generationer vinder motorsportens fineste klasse frem. Flere og flere helt unge ser Formel 1, men sporten handler om meget mere end det, man ser på TV, og derfor har Danmarks bedste F1-journalist og -fotograf, Peter Nygaard, lavet en bog til alle de nye seere af sporten.I bogen tager Peter Nygaard alle nye fans med gennem alle sportens facetter. Fra vejen til Formel 1 for en kører, over alle de tekniske aspekter til økonomi, kommercielle interesser og meget, meget mere.Bogen klæder dig perfekt på til endnu en sæson med verdens bedste motorsportsserie - Formel 1.

  • af Peter Nygaard
    497,95 kr.

    Formula 1 is more popular than ever. The race calendar expands every year, with more spectators flocking to Formula 1 circuits, and an increasing number of viewers tuning in to follow every turn, acceleration, and overtaking move from behind their TV screens.But Formula 1 is much more than what is shown on TV. It's the mechanics at work, fighting for split-seconds during pit stops. Formula 1 is about massive development departments working to unlock the key to success, and it's a commercial circus that entertains and impresses.In this book, readers are taken behind the scenes, where the stories of the greatest drivers, the wildest dramas, and the constant evolution unfold. All of it is presented through fantastic images and words from the actors who experienced these events with their own eyes – whether from inside the car, from the pit wall, or around the track.

  • - Vestkysten - Nordjylland
    af Frank Berben-Groesfjeld
    297,95 kr.

    360 DANMARK bøgerne tager dig med på en rejse på 2 eller 4 hjul langs Danmarks smukkeste og mest spændende veje. De 3 bind i 360 DANMARK-serien indeholder næsten 30 ruter i hele Danmark – ruter, der er skræddersyet til passionerede motorcyklister, bilister og landevejscykelryttere, men som samtidig også er yderst relevante for familier på dagsudflugt og turister på ferie.Via bøgernes onlineindhold får du adgang til turene mens du er på farten, og ruterne kan nemt downloades til mobilen. Ruterne og seværdighederne byder på årevis af udforskning og oplevelser.Bøgerne er et must-have for enhver person, der elsker at opdage nye steder. 360 DANMARK - Bind 3 - Vestkysten - Nordjylland indeholder 7 flotte og spændende ruter i følgende områder:#1 VADEHAVET – RINGKØBING FJORD#2 NISSUM FJORD – NISSUM BREDNING – NATIONALPARK THY#3 JAMMERBUGT – VENDSYSSEL#4 LIMFJORDEN VEST – MORS#5 LIMFJORDEN ØST – FUR – MORS#6 DOLLERUP BAKKER – HJARBÆK FJORD – MØLDRUP#7 MARIAGER FJORD – ROLD SKOV – REBILD BAKKERRuterne har en samlet længde på 1.903 km og der beskrives mere end 140 seværdigheder til hele familien. Ruterne og seværdighederne byder på mange års oplevelser ved Vestkysten og i Nordjylland. Bogen er rigt illustreret med 262 billeder, hvoraf mange i stort format. -The 360 DANMARK books will take you on a journey along Denmark’s most beautiful and engaging roads. Experience the best Denmark has to offer on two or four wheels.The three volumes of 360 DANMARK offer almost 30 routes throughout Denmark - routes that are ideally suited for passionate motorcyclists, drivers, and road cyclists but are still highly relevant for families on a day trip and tourists on holiday as well.The books' online content gives you access to the trips while you are on the road, and the routes can easily be downloaded to your mobile phone.The routes and points of interest offer years of exploration and experiences.These books are a must-have for everyone who loves discovering new places.360 DANMARK - Vol 3 - West Coast - Northern Jutland includes 11 exciting and scenic routes with a total length of 1,903 km. More than 140 points of interest are included in this book.

  • af Peter Nygaard & Kevin Magnussen
    314,95 kr.

    I denne medrivende og billedrige bog fortæller Danmarks største motorsportsstjerne om de mest ikoniske baner i Formel 1, hvor hestekræfter og teknologi ikke altid er nok til at vinde eller komme over målstregen. Det kræver noget særligt af køreren at få bilen gennem samtlige omgange af et løb. Det kan Kevin Magnussen i den grad tale med om. Han kører lige nu sin niende sæson i motorsportens kongeklasse. Bogen er skrevet af Peter Nygaard. Han har dækket Formel 1 siden 1982 og rejser fortsat rundt i verden for at dække samtlige løb i sæsonen. Peter Nygaard folder hæsblæsende historier om banerne ud med sans for dramatiske hændelser, vigtige detaljer, historiske nedslag og afgørende øjeblikke. Mærk suset fra Albert Park, Interlagos, Monza, Nürburgring, Monaco, Spa-Francorchamps, Suzuka, Marina Bay Circuit, Silverstone og Autodrómo Hermanos Rodriguez.

  • af Gordon Maltby
    593,95 kr.

    Marine on St. Croix, MN

  • af Sergio Remondino
    593,95 kr.

    Following the  book Lancia Rally Group B, Sergio Remondino has returned to the rallying world with a book examining the golden age of Lancia in the World Rally Championship.

  • - How Motorsport Science can Save the World
    af Kit Chapman
    106,95 - 253,95 kr.

  • - Ole, Reine og Ronnie
    af Carsten Frimodt
    137,95 kr.

    Tre skandinaviske racerkørere sigtede højt og ambitiøst. De ville i F1 - men kom de det og hvordan? Ole, Reine og Ronnie var fortroppen for nutidens store stjerner Jan Magnussen og Tom Kristensen.De tre talenter var anden generation af formelracerkørere, der gjorde sig internationalt, men de var reelt det første kuld med ambitioner om og mulighed for at slutte sig til de store tenorer – F1-stjernerne.Midlet mod målet var ”racerbilernes liggestole” alias formelbilerne. Spektakulære og fremmedartede og med utopiske fartressourcer. Men også med en ildevarslende ringe sikkerhed. I tiden hvor sex var sikkert men racing var farligt – dødsensfarligt. I 1960’erne var tabstallet over 90 kørere om året!Formelkørerne i F3 også kaldet racersigøjnerne levede spartansk og med mange afsavn. De førte en nomadetilværelse i telt eller varevogn. De rejste fra bane til bane i ugens hverdage og kørte så race i weekenden og åndede lettet ud, når de havde ”overlevet” løbet.På legendariske og nu glemte baner som Roskilde Ring, Brno, Chrystal Palace, Montjuich, Montlhéry, Rouen, Schleiz og Vila Real. Baner på landeveje, i byer, i parker eller i lufthavne. Fra nord til syd – fra Finland til Sicilien og på baner i vest som i øst bag ”jerntæppet”.Bogen er en tredobbelt biografi ”fra vugge til grav” med hovedvægten på de vilde år i formel 3, hvor de tre kørte skulder mod skulder – dokumenteret af over 300 farve og sort/ hvide fotos fra dengang. Desuden apendix over samtidens konkurrenter (Emerson Fittipaldi, Niki Lauda, James Hunt m.fl.), samt alle banerne og bilerne.Forordet er skrevet af en dengang ung ukendt racerkører, der var dybt fascineret af racing. Entusiastiske Thorkild Thyrring har som bekendt selv været turen igennem, men husker de tre og tiden levende og intenst, som var det i går!

  • - Knægten, der blev konge
    af Nils Finderup
    96,95 kr.

    Ingen havde troet, der ville komme nogen hurtigere i Formel 1 end Ayrton Senna. Ingen havde troet, Michael Schumachers syv verdensmesterskaber nogensinde skulle blive slået. Nu synes Sebastian Vettel ikke desto mindre at kunne blive den største af alle. Med tre VM-titler for Red Bull-teamet og et væld af rekorder har den unge tysker allerede slået sit navn fast, og med sit ligefremme væsen samt en veludviklet humor, der er mere britisk end tysk, vokser hans fanskare eksplosivt verden over. Vettel er både som menneske og kører selve personificeringen af energidrik-producenten Red Bull, der rammer de unge med et fandenivoldsk image og budskabet om, at intet er umuligt. Historien om Vettel er derfor også historien om Red Bull, der med intelligent markedsføring og utraditionelle tankegange har gjort det umulige, nemlig at blive verdens bedste i motorsportens kongeklasse foran økonomiske og teknologiske mastodonter som Ferrari og McLaren. Spænd sikkerhedsselen, sæt dig godt til rette i husets hurtigste lænestol og nyd fortællingen om et utroligt par, der er på vej til at revolutionere Formel 1. Anmelderne skriver: Jeg synes, jeg ved meget om Formel 1, men denne fremragende bog om verdens i øjeblikket bedste racerkører giver selv kendere en mængde overraskende input. Bogen er et must og får på en skala fra 1 til 6 en ren six-pack Red Bull. Og det er ikke light! ****** Ulrik Them Poulsen, Motorsporten Hvis du vil vide mere om Sebastian Vettel, om Formel 1 bag kulisserne eller om motorsport i det hele taget, skal du læse Nils Finderups seneste værk. Bogen kommer helt ned til detaljen i hver en overhaling – og i fortællingernes slipvind får du et mylder af fremragende billeder. *****Flemming Haslund, Jyllands-Posten Forfatteren formår underholdende at fortælle en medrivende og spændende historie om det største navn i Formel 1 siden Michael Schumacher. Anbefales! ***** Michael Ewert, Bil Magasinet En altfavnende og fantastisk velskrevet bog om et utroligt talent, der med sin ildhu og ihærdighed må inspirere alle omkring sig. Thomas Wulff, motorsports-skribent

  • af Kyle Petty
    176,95 - 317,95 kr.

    *A Wall Street Journal, Southern Indie, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller*Stock-car racing star, country singer, and sports broadcaster Kyle Petty shares his familial legacy, intertwined with NASCAR's founding and history, in Swerve or Die-written with Pulitzer Prize-winner Ellis Henican, the New York Times bestselling coauthor of In the Blink of an Eye."Born into racing royalty. The only son of NASCAR's winningest driver ever. The grandson of one of the sport's true pioneers. The nephew of our very first Hall of Fame engine builder. It's quite a family to represent, and through it all, I've somehow managed to keep being Kyle."Kyle Petty won his very first stock-car race, the Daytona ARCA 200, in 1979 when he was eighteen. Hailed as a third-generation professional NASCAR racer, he became an instant celebrity in circles he had been around all his young life. Despite being the grandson and son of racing champions Lee Petty and Richard Petty, Kyle didn't inherit innate talent. Working in his family's North Carolina race shop from an early age, he learned all about car mechanics and maintenance long before he got behind the wheel. And although Kyle continued the family business, driving "Petty blue" colored cars emblazoned with his grandfather's #42-a number once used by Marty Robbins-his career took a different route than his forebears'.In Swerve or Die: Life at My Speed in the First Family of NASCAR Racing, Kyle chronicles his life on and off the racetrack, presenting his insider's perspective of growing up throughout the sport's popular rise in American culture. In between driving and running Petty Enterprises for thirty years, Kyle took some detours into country music, voiced Cal Weathers in Pixar's Cars 3, and started his annual motorcycle Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America. And when his nineteen-year-old son Adam, a fourth-generation racing Petty, tragically lost his life on the track, Kyle founded Victory Junction, a camp for children with chronic and serious medical conditions in Adam's name-with help from Academy Award-winning actor and motorsports enthusiast Paul Newman.Filled with NASCAR history, stories of his family's careers, and anecdotes about some of stock-car racing's most famous drivers, Kyle's memoir also tackles the sport's evolution, discussing how welcoming diverse racers, improving car and track safety features, and integrating green technology will benefit NASCAR's competitors and fans in the future.Includes Photographs

  • - Danmarks største motorsportsgren
    af Mikkel Wendelboe
    231,95 kr.

    Bogen om Danmarks mest adrenalinfyldte motorsport, motocross. Bogen er din ultimative guide til en verden, hvor hastighed, ambition og lidenskab mødes i mudder og støv. Fra de tidlige dage af sportens historie til dens nuværende status som en af Danmarks mest elskede motorsportsgrene udforsker bogen motocrossens udvikling. Bliv klogere på, hvad motocross udover fart og vovemod også handler om – fra at vælge den rette maskine til at mestre banen. Motocross – Danmarks største motorsportsgren er mere end bare en bog; det er en hyldest til en sport, der kræver mere end bare drive – den kræver hjerte. Uanset om du er en ivrig fan, en spirende kører eller blot nysgerrig efter at lære mere, er denne bog din billet til at forstå og værdsætte motocross. Bogen er skrevet og fotograferet af Mikkel Wendelboe, som er mangeårig sportsjournalist, actionsport-fotograf og sportskommentator – med speciale i motocross.

  • af Rich Gilberg
    227,95 kr.

    There was a time......when the Indianapolis 500 was aired only on radio....when pit crews hammered wheels loose during a pit stop....when men raced in the Indianapolis 500 and drove the next day at a small dirt track....when race cars were transported on open trailers for all to see. Do you remember that? This is a story of that time.

  • af Angela Quintal-Snowman
    477,95 kr.

    Ride where the adventure never ends!Adventure is calling as a new snowmobile season arrives in snow country! The Maine 2023-2024 Snowmobile Trail Atlas includes over 14,000 miles of groomed and backcountry snowmobile trails created from over 100 individual maps to show the most up-to-date and accurate trails possible! Discover new routes, plan scenic day rides, and epic multi-day adventures with the 2023-2024 Maine Snowmobile Trail Atlas. Now, you can plan the adventure of a lifetime for you and your crew!Unforgettable Rides and ExperiencesThe map shows ITS trails, snowmobile club trails, and ungroomed trails where you can lay first tracks after a fresh snowfall! Also included on the map are scenic and awesome hot spots and side trips like the Abandoned Locomotives, B-52 Crash Site, and Coburn Mountain Summit (the highest elevation you can reach by snowmobile in Maine). Now, you can plan ahead to see scenic views and unique landmarks instead of discovering them out on the trail when you're out of time! Maine's three legendary loop trails, the Moose Loop, Katahdin Loop, and Black Fly Loop, are clearly marked on the map for those who enjoy touring scenic and dynamic terrain. The Winter 2023-2024 edition includes marked trailer parking locations and fuel stops!2023-2024 Maine Snowmobile Trail Atlas Includes: ITS Primary Corridor TrailsITS Secondary Connector TrailsSnowmobile Club TrailsUngroomed TrailsLake Crossing TrailsTrail Route Numbers and NamesMore Detailed MapsGas StationsParking LocationsParts and Repair LocationsSnowmobile Club InformationMaine's Legendary Loop Trails: Moose LoopKatahdin Loop TrailBlack Fly LoopHot Spots and Side Trips: Grand FallsAbandoned LocomotivesCoburn Mountain (the highest elevation you can reach by snowmobile in Maine)Moxie FallsB-52 Crash SiteLow's Covered BridgeScenic OverlooksMany more remote historic sites and natural landmarks!Terrain Features & Elevations***PLEASE NOTE***These maps are intended for trip planning purposes only and are not for navigation. Maine's snowmobile trail routes can change daily due to weather conditions, logging operations, landowner requests, etc.Contact local snowmobile clubs for the most updated information on trail routes and closures.

  • af Tim Upietz
    612,95 kr.

    The 31th edition of the 'Porsche Sport' yearbook covers the triumphant achievements of Porsche race cars on four continents: America, Asia, Australia and Europe. With almost 1000 photos on 400 pages, the book also features the famous endurance races at Dubai, Daytona, Spa-Francorchamps, the Nürburgring and Le Mans and Porsche's return to top-level endurance racing in the hunt for overall honours in the Le Mans 24 Hours.Moreover, many major international sports car competitions and the thrilling battles in Carrera Cups and Sprint Challenges all over the world have been covered in an impressive way. Of course, Formula E and the prestigious Rennsport Reunion at Laguna Seca have been included as well. 'Porsche Sport' has been published annually since 1993 and over the last three decades has become established as a delight for every Porsche fan. Results and standings from the various series make the yearbook a unique reference. Many full-colour images from world-renowned motorsport photographers continue to impress the readers. The entertaining reports by well-known journalists enable readers to become part of the excitement. The book is a must for every Porsche fan!

  • af Tim Upietz
    422,95 kr.

    Die schönste und anspruchsvollste Rennstrecke der Welt ist Gastgeber für die größte Motorsport-Meisterschaft der Welt: Bei der Nürburgring Langstrecken-Serie (NLS) starten im Schnitt 130 Rennfahrzeuge - von seriennahen Renntourenwagen bis hin zu ausgewachsenen GT3-Boliden. Das NLS-Jahrbuch zeigt alle Fahrzeuge, Emotionen und gibt Blicke hinter die Kulissen - ein ausführlicher Statistikteil rundet das Buch ab.

  • af Alex Jones
    187,95 kr.

    Do you want to learn how to lead a successful motorsport team? Do you want to know the secrets of the best team leaders in the industry? Do you want to master the skills and strategies that will make you stand out from the crowd?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you. Motorsport Team Leader: How To Play The Game And Become A Leader is a comprehensive guide that will teach you everything you need to know about leading a motorsport team. Whether you are a driver, a mechanic, an engineer, a manager, or a sponsor, this book will help you improve your performance and achieve your goals.In this book, you will learn:How to develop a winning mindset and a strong team cultureHow to communicate effectively and motivate your team membersHow to plan and execute your strategy and tacticsHow to deal with challenges and overcome obstaclesHow to handle pressure and cope with stressHow to learn from your mistakes and celebrate your successesHow to network and build relationships with other teams and stakeholdersHow to balance your personal and professional lifeThis book is based on the real-life experiences and insights of some of the most successful team leaders in motorsport history, such as Enzo Ferrari, Frank Williams, Ron Dennis, Ross Brawn, Christian Horner, Toto Wolff, and many more. You will also find practical tips and exercises that will help you apply what you learn to your own situation.Motorsport Team Leader: How To Play The Game And Become A Leader is more than just a book. It is a game-changer that will transform your career and your life. If you are ready to take your leadership skills to the next level, then grab your copy today and start playing the game.

  • af Donnie Allison
    154,95 kr.

  • af Patricia Teixeira
    197,95 kr.

    Behind the exhilarating speed and radiant victories of Formula 1 lies a more subtle, often unseen realm. The Dark Side Behind the Wheel peels back the layers, revealing the intricate tapestry of emotions, aspirations, and vulnerabilities that each racer carries. Amidst the powerful resonance of engines, quieter personal battles wage, often hidden from the world. This book gracefully navigates the delicate balance of triumph and tribulation, highlighting the deep emotional currents these athletes navigate. From confronting the shadows of predecessors to the solitude that can shadow fame, it paints an intimate picture of their innermost journeys. As we turn each page, we're reminded that beyond the fierce competition and thrilling speeds, lies the poignant, raw, and beautifully human story of each individual behind the wheel.

  • af Thomas Braun
    492,95 kr.

    Rino Malzoni produced his first sports coupé back in 1962. After many modifications, this car was produced in small series in 1964, laying the foundation for the worldwide success of the Puma brand. Today we can look back on more than 20 Puma models and more than 24,000 Puma vehicles.Together with Vemag, the cars were built between 1962 and 1967 using DKW technology. In 1968, the Volkswagen-based Puma was built and in 1970, Rino Malzoni, together with Britinho, started to develop the Puma with GM technology. The Puma GTB was the most expensive car available in Brazil for over 10 years.Puma cars were not only built in Sao Paulo. In 1973, the coupé was modified to fit a right-hand drive VW Beetle chassis. In South Africa, the Puma was produced in small numbers between 1973 and 2019.This book tells the story of the Puma sports car brand in Brazil, provides information on export activities to USA, Canada, Europe and Japan, and covers production activities in South Africa.

  • af David Evans
    597,95 kr.

    Que s'est-il passé en rallye durant la saison 2023 ? 13 manches du Championnat du Monde se sont déroulées sur 4 continents lors de cette deuxième saison de l'ère des Rally1 Hybrid, auxquelles se rajoute le Championnat d'Europe et le Championnat d'Allemagne. La dernière édition de l'annuel de rallye vous présente une fois de plus les plus beaux reportages avec les résultats, les analyses et les coulisses.« Rallying 2023 - Moving Moments » de McKlein Publishing vous fait revivre la dernière saison de rallye qui a été à la fois passionnante et dramatique. L'accent est mis sur la catégorie reine. Pour la première fois, une épreuve, le Rallye d'Europe Centrale, a traversé trois pays : la République Tchèque, l'Autriche et l'Allemagne. Après la pause Covid, le Mexique et le Chili étaient de nouveau au rendez-vous en 2023. Mais la saison a aussi été assombrie par la mort de Craig Breen, à qui une nécrologie est dédiée. Et en tout début d'année, nous avons perdu Ken Block, une véritable star mondiale, à laquelle le livre rend également hommage.Bien entendu cet annuel revient aussi sur le WRC2, le Junior WRC et la WRC Masters Cup. Et l'Eifel Rallye Festival n'est bien sûr pas oublié. La manifestation a une fois de plus attiré dans le massif de l'Eifel une foule de passionnés venus admirer les anciennes gloires du rallye. Les 240 pages sont illustrées des images les plus spectaculaires des photographes McKlein, accompagnées des textes des spécialistes de l'équipe Dirtfish Media. Un duo éprouvé, gage de qualité.

  • af Grant Roff
    257,95 kr.

    A guide to 20 of the world's best motorcycle rides, covering Canada, America, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, India and Vietnam. Perfect for casual motorcycle riders (not hard-core adventurers), all routes included in this guide are on made, public roads with no more than average skill levels required for those inspired to recreate the rides.

  • af Jeremy Walton
    662,95 kr.

    In over 50 years as a renowned motoring journalist and racing driver, Jeremy Walton has driven many, many hundreds of performance cars, but Fords have always been prominent among them and particularly close to his heart. He was on the scene when fast Fords arrived in the early sixties alongside the Blue Oval becoming serious about motorsport. He has tested almost every significant performance derivative ever since, many straight from Ford’s competitions department. From Cortinas to Capris, Escorts and Sierras, via the epic GT40s to extraordinary Transit Supervans and into the new Millennium with Mondeo, Focus and Fiesta, Walton was there.   Populars and Anglias: the ‘Berpop’ club racing special; Harry Potter boosts Anglia’s global fame; future Grand Prix talent within Roger Williamson’s Anglia; World Champion Graham Hill’s speedy Goodwood endurance week. Cortinas in all their variety: from the ex-Jim Clark British Saloon Car Championship winner to the author’s later BRM-tuned Cortina Lotus, plus three Uren-modified Savage V6 legends. Ford GT40s: driving experiences of two factory-owned examples, a pair of modern tributes  and a privately owned example in Gulf colours. Supervans: Ford’s three generations of ludicrously fast Transits, variously with GT40 and Cosworth V8 engines. Rear-drive Escorts: numerous competition versions, including internationally celebrated RS1600s raced by John Fitzpatrick and rallied by Timo Mäkinen. Capris in profusion: all generations tested and raced, including the unique story of a 3-litre driven by Royalty and a triple World Champion; tales from the British Touring Car Championship, infamous ‘celebrity’ events and Belgium’s classic Spa 24 Hours. Front-drive Escorts: more racing experiences, Princess Diana’s immensely valuable Escort RS, plus a trio of wild rides in 550bhp turbocharged four-wheel-drive rallycross versions, setting records for electronically timed 0–60mph sprints. Sierras of many shades: from XR4i and XR 4x4 to Cosworth and RS500, including extensive racing, plus a winning factory World Rally Championship RS and the inevitable stolen road-test Cosworth RS. Works Escort Cosworth and Mondeo: still testing Ford’s finest into the 1990s, including two generations of Focus RS and Fiesta ST. American hearts: experiences with V8 Mustangs, Falcons and Thunderbirds, including a thundering NASCAR ‘T-Bird’ track test. American hearts: experiences with V8 Mustangs, Falcons and Thunderbirds, including a thundering NASCAR ‘T-Bird’ track test.   Presenting his extraordinary expertise and experience in his trade-mark colourful writing style, he puts the reader in the driving seat for a rollercoaster of exciting rides. Any enthusiast who has ever enjoyed a fast Ford will love this entertaining feast of nostalgia.

  • af Stanley Vast
    182,95 kr.

    Want to Ace your Rhode Island DMV Driver's License Exam, even if you've never Driven before? Are you afraid of failing your driver's license test? Or have you failed the test before and still aren't sure what the right answers are? Do you want to pass your DMV written exam without getting stumped on tricky questions? You might've heard that the driver's license test in Rhode Island is immensely difficult, regardless of your driving experience. Plenty of out-of-staters will tell you horror stories of how they failed terribly on the written exam... despite years of driving under their belts. And it's even scarier if you've never been behind the wheel. Because as excited as you may be to start driving on your own... you only get a few tries to pass the written test... before you're forced to begin the whole application process all over again. Even if you've read through the DMV handbook over and over, you might miss a "redundant" question where all of the answers look like they could be correct. And missing just one question is enough to invalidate your entire driver's license application. But there's a simple and easy way to save yourself the embarrassment of failing your driver's license test. With the right study guide, you'll be prepared for every question you come across on the test so you can pass with flying colors. In this Rhode Island Driver's Practice Tests Course, you will discover: A comprehensive guide to applying for, taking, and passing the Rhode Island DMV written exam Over 700 questions and answers to prepare you for the most recent version of the written test Detailed explanations of each answer to help you get a perfect score Over 9 different chapters that lay out the basics of each section on the exam - plus 2 BONUS cheat sheets The biggest mistake most people make when prepping for their tests, and how you can avoid the same fate 56 tips and tricks to get you ready for both the written exam and the road test Studying hacks to make sure you ace every question on the test, even if you don't have enough time to practice The 12 questions most test takers get wrong - answer these the right way if you don't want to fail And much more! Don't waste hundreds or even thousands of dollars on driver's ed courses that barely even help you with the written portion of your driver's license test. This Rhode Island Driver's Practice Tests Course shows you everything you need to know to pass your exam on the first attempt... and for only a small fraction of what it costs to hire an instructor. Regardless of your driving experience, this all-in-one guide will boost your test-taking confidence and have you cruising around Rhode Island in no time. You could keep sitting at home worrying about whether or not you're going to have to retake the test... or you can master all the essential road rules, skills, and practices and get one step closer to obtaining your driver's license. If you want to Pass your DMV written exam once and for all, then

  • af Ewan McKenzie
    217,95 kr.

    Includes complete 2023 season results in which Verstappen will become 3rd on the list of all- time F1 winners surpassing Sebastian Vettel and behind only Schumacher and Hamilton.

  • af Luca Del Monte
    128,95 - 282,95 kr.

    Soon to be an AppleTV+ series, Enzo uncovers a wealth of new facts about the origins, ambitions, and private life of Enzo Ferrari.Drawing on years of original research conducted in Italy and abroad, this book lays bare the hidden aspects of Ferrari's career. From his earliest failed business ventures, to his political dealings with Italy's fascist government, Allied occupiers, and even Communist leaders.Revisit all the highlights of Ferrari's rise to greatness. Including his driving career in the 1920s, his management of racing teams for Alfa Romeo in the 1930s and the launch of his own company and team in the late 1940s.A must have for Ferrari and Formula 1 fans, this definitive biography makes previous accounts obsolete.

  • af Charles Thomas
    177,95 kr.

    Rev up your motorcycle journeys with the Motorcycle Log Book - your ultimate companion for recording and preserving every exhilarating ride. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a passionate newbie, this log book is designed to help you keep track of every twist of the throttle and every scenic route you explore.Capture the details that make each ride memorable: date, time, starting and ending locations, weather conditions, road types, fellow riders, and more. Document your odometer reading to monitor your bike's performance and maintenance schedule. Jot down special moments, road challenges conquered, and new routes discovered along the way.The Motorcycle Log Book isn't just about numbers and data; it's a journal of your adventures on two wheels. Reflect on the breathtaking landscapes, the camaraderie of group rides, and the serene solitude of solo trips. With dedicated sections for notes and reflections, you can relive the sights, sounds, and emotions of each ride whenever you flip through its pages.

  • af Dave Roberts
    132,95 kr.

    Motor Sport:"He captures the true spirit of a nation's grass roots""A refreshing antidote to bland paeans about the overly familiar""He makes adversity sound vaguely appealing"Total Kit Car:"an enthralling read""Buy this book if you are into the underdog and tales of derring-do""I found it gripped me. I picked it up for a five minute 'flick through' and I couldn't put it down""Get it, read, enjoy what is a great tale about proper club motorsport"Lowflying:"I fell for Dave Roberts' prose before I'd even finished page three""It is very hard to put down""I recommend this book very highly to anyone who enjoys club motor sport"Dave Roberts started circuit racing at the age of 50, feeling like a bumbling overweight bee amid a swarm of angry hornets. Although he began to learn, haphazardly, how to become slightly more credible as a racer, even overtaking another car now and then, the pursuit of prizes was never at the top of the list of priorities. In fact, just arriving at the track with a working race car was often a cause for celebration.Dave is no Hamilton or Verstappen, a state of affairs for which he gives thanks. Some people believe winning is everything; some think of motorsport as being just some cars going round and round making a noise. In between we find this defiantly unprofessional memoir, which speaks most of all about the humour and fun of it all.

  • af Bob Wilber
    397,95 kr.

    In 2001, Bob Wilber was entering his fifth season as the Team Manager and PR Rep for NHRA Nitro Funny Car driver Del Worsham. The team was also entering its fifth season with CSK Auto (a large auto parts retailer) as their primary sponsor. While the team had performed admirably in the first four years with CSK, they had only won one race on the NHRA tour. Somehow, Wilber decided to roll the dice and write a full-season diary in 2001, having no idea if the subject matter would be interesting or boring. It would be whatever it would be. He kept copious notes and wrote the diary throughout the calendar year, and in the end it was a season that Del Worsham said, "Changed our lives and careers." Wilber printed one copy, and put it away, not feeling yet justified as a writer to attempt to publish it. For 22 years it was lost. In 2023 it was found again. This is his work, as it was written "in the moment" during the 2001 season. It is The Lost Manuscript.

  • af Alexandru Dobai
    707,95 kr.

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