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Kanosport og kajaksport

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  • af Hans Ketil
    147,95 - 247,95 kr.

    BORNHOLM OG CHRISTIANSØ RUNDT I KAJAK er en rigt illustreret guide til kajakroere, som vil opleve Bornholms unikke kyster.Bogen fører læseren en tur rundt om øen med en afstikker til Christiansø, og undervejs beskrives kysten, som den tager sig ud fra søsiden. Den omtaler såvel naturen som kulturen og giver baggrundstof for de mange oplevelser, der er at hente undervejs. Bogen er fyldt med praktiske informationer af speciel interesse for kajakroeren som f.eks. grotter, specialkort, refleksbølger, hurtigfærge, havneoplysninger, fredninger, militært skydeterræn, historisk baggrundsmateriale, fortegnelse over og be-skrivelse af primitive kystnære shelter- og teltpladser samt velegnede campingpladser, GPS positioner og nyt­tige telefonnumre.

  • - Teori og praksis
    af Jes Lysgaard
    277,95 - 526,95 kr.

    Vi er i Danmark begavet med ca. 7000 km kyststrækning, som er noget af det mest varierede, bedste og smukkeste, man finder. Alt fra vilde klinter, stille vige, endeløse sandstrande, Bornholms klippekyster, bølgeeksponerede kyster, strømfyldte farvande etc. Vi har det meste. Tilsvarende er vores nabolande mod nord og øst, beriget med fantastiske kyststrækninger. Alt sammen noget, der kan opleves og mærkes, når man bevæger sig i de kystnære farvande i havkajak. Naturen bliver nærværende, krop og sanser skærpes på en måde, så de fleste får havkajakroningen under huden som en del af deres livsstil. Måske endda som en del af deres identitet, "Jeg er havkajakroer". At begive sig ud i havkajakken for at udforske det kystnære farvand, på ferien såvel som aftenturen, er altid forbundet med en vis risiko for at komme en ufrivillig tur i vandet. Derfor er det en god ide at lære sig de basale færdigheder, der kan gøre forskellen på en god tur og en fatal tur. Emnerne i bogen spænder over den basale viden til mere avancerede teknikker. Alt sammen viden, som en havkajakroer vil kunne få glæde af - uanset om det er en kort tur, eller om det er på havkajakferien.

  • af Andy Burrows
    165,95 kr.

    Stand Up Paddleboarding is the fastest growing water-based activity worldwide. Thousands have tried it, with many more taking it up each year. It is easy to make the first steps to stand on a board and paddle. But many want to take this further - be it paddling greater distances, starting to race, SUPing in the surf, using it to improve their fitness or enhancing their well-being through yoga. To develop your SUPing requires a combination of improved technique, skills, fitness and mental attitude. This book will help anyone interested in SUPing get better at it. It shows how to improve your efficiency, technique, skills and physical capability before exploring the different ways of participating and the equipment you need. It suggests that seeking continuous improvement and rising to personal SUP challenges can help you enter the flow state, which enhances happiness. Packed with photos and photo sequences, this book provides both the inspiration and a blueprint for understanding how to improve your SUP capabilities in the area you choose.

  • - På fladt og strømmende vand
    af Martin Ladefoged Johnsen
    157,95 - 192,95 kr.

    At padle i kano er en enestående måde at forbinde sig til naturen og mærke sin egen krops formåen i samspil med vandet. Det er friluftseventyr, frihed og en verden af vandveje, der åbner sig for udforskning. Med denne håndbog om kano på sø, å, strømmende vand og fos kan du lære at mestre kanopadlingens kunst og opnå den glæde, som følger med de mange oplevelser på vandet. Alle aspekter af turkano dækkes fra kanodesign, udstyr, påklædning og padleteknik til risikohåndtering og planlægning af ture.Uanset om du er nybegynder eller øvet, får du her nøglen til at øge dine kundskaber og færdigheder i at padle kano, solo såvel som tandem. Du lærer at forholde dig til valg af kano og udstyr, hvilke padletag og manøvrer du benytter under givne forhold, hvordan faktorer som vind, bølger og strømmende vand påvirker kanoen, og hvad du gør, hvis du på uheldig vis ender i vandet. Her er masser af tips og tricks at hente, også til mere erfarne kanoentusiaster, eller hvis du er lærer, pædagog, natur- eller friluftsvejleder.Om forfatterMartin Ladefoged Johnsen har padlet og undervist i kano de seneste 15 år. Han er instruktør og censor på højeste niveau i de danske kanouddannelsessystemer. Han er uddannet kanosamrådsinstruktør 3, IPP 4 og DKF-instruktør 3. Derudover har han gennemgået uddannelsesforløb i det amerikanske padlesystem ACA. Han er formand for Kanosamrådet og arbejder som underviser og kanovejleder på pædagoguddannelsen og friluftsvejlederuddannelsen VIA. Han har bidraget til flere pædagogiske fagbøger og var fra 2007 til 2017 redaktør for et dansk friluftsmagasin.E-bogen er lavet i fixed format

  • af Henry Intili
    287,95 kr.

    A 100 mile canoe trip on the Missouri River through the Missouri Breaks from Virgelle to Kipps Recreation Area in Montana.

  • af Henry Intili
    387,95 kr.

    Henry and Parker canoe the Middle Fork of the Koyukuk River in the Gates of the Arctic National Park above the Arctic Circle in Alaska.

  • af Kevin O'Sullivan
    347,95 kr.

    Battling time, tide and the weather, Big Dream, Little Boat is a compelling account of one man's journey by kayak around the island of Ireland. Kevin O'Sullivan, an Aer Lingus pilot based in Skerries in north County Dublin, had set himself a mission - to circumnavigate the entire Irish coast - and to get home safely. The only problem was finding a way to do it.With a demanding job and family commitments he decides to break the journey into manageable three- and four-day chunks, leaving his kayak at stages along the way and resuming the adventure when the opportunity arose. Traveling mainly in the summer months, his expedition takes three years.Along the way he reflects on the fascinating marine life, colorful Irish history, lovely scenery, and in particular on the remarkable people he met on his journey. He also recounts the many challenges he faced, not least of which was his biggest difficulty - chronic seasickness!Despite an attempt to paddle only in good weather, Kevin still encountered some very difficult conditions. Unexpected winds and great swells left him digging deep, using all his skills and experience of years of kayaking to survive.In the great Irish tradition of taking care of travelers on the road, he was supported by oftentimes complete strangers who put him up in their homes, fed him and enthusiastically encouraged him along the way. On a journey of soul-searching and deep contemplation, the kindness of strangers helped to renew his faith in humanity.

  • af Susan Marie Conrad
    177,95 kr.

    2017 Washington State Book Award finalist, based on the strength of its literary merit and lasting importance!The Ocean is calling me. This is my Journey.With these words, in the spring of 2010, Susan Marie Conrad scaled her world down to an 18-foot sea kayak and launched a solo journey that took her north to Alaska. With no sense of where she belonged in space and unreconciled feelings of a painful childhood following her, she decided that instead of running away, she would run toward her dreams. Her adventure took her along the western coast of North America, through the Inside Passage-a 1,200-mile ribbon of water-in a journey of the sea and soul.The expedition took her deep within herself, humbling her, healing her, helping her to discover the depths of her own strength and courage. On her way from Anacortes, Washington, to Juneau, Alaska, she grappled with fear and exhaustion, forged friendships with quirky people in the strangest places, endured perilous weather and angry seas, and pretended not to be intimidated by 700-pound grizzly bears and 40-ton whales.She lived her dream.

  • af W Wickliffe Walker
    151,95 kr.

    “Will have river veterans nodding in agreement and surprise. I loved the journey." — Doug Stanton, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, Horse Soldiers“An important contribution to the literature of exploration. This book had my pulse racing."— Peter Heller, author of The Dog Stars and The RiverA dramatic narrative tour of 10 of the world’s most incredible whitewater adventures—spanning 5 continents and 40 years—guided by a legendary whitewater trailblazerThis fascinating history of daring whitewater explorers stands alongside classic works on mountaineering, outdoor survival, and extreme sportsPerfect for fans of Jon Krakauer’s Into Thin Air and Candice Millard’s River of the GodsIn 10 thrilling real-life adventure stories, pioneering whitewater explorer Wick Walker examines what lured a generation of incredibly daring pioneers into some of Earth’s most wondrous yet forbidding river canyons:below Victoria Falls on the Zambezi, the Great Bend of the Tsangpo in Tibet, Tiger Leaping Gorge on the Yangtze, the flanks of Mount Everest, and more Loaded with great moments and personal stories, Walker details what these adventurers found there, and within themselves. The extraordinary characters, driven by different motives and visions, but united by their compulsion to seek the unknown and the pulse of free-flowing water, are as remarkable as the daunting geography and conditions they confront.Whitewater sport today stands side-by-side with mountaineering in participation and public attention, yet it has lagged in generating its own literature. Torrents As Yet Unknown helps fill that gap for readers interested in human drama played out against great natural challenges.Mountaineering history is deep and its literature rich, but whitewater adventurers approach and experience the same forbidding terrain from a different vantage, between the steep walls of their canyons and atop powerful torrents of cascading water.

  • af Geoffrey McRae Smith
    247,95 kr.

    This book describes a solo Arctic Canoe Expedition completed through Alaska's Brooks Range from June 30--August 19, 1985. It covered 650-miles and took 51 days. I traveled through extensive parts of Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve and the Noatak Preserve. I started the journey at the oil pipeline haul road (Dalton Highway) just south of Coldfoot and above the Arctic Circle where I got on the Middle Fork of the Koyukuk River. I floated down this to the town of Bettles. Form Bettles, I went on to the mouth of the John River. I headed up the John River then turned up the Malamute Fork of the John, portaged to the East Fork of Henshaw Creek, and after three days of misery, I reach the Malamute Fork of the Alatna River. This took me to the Alatna River proper. I pushed up this river for almost 200 miles to its headwater lakes near the Continental Divide. I crossed the divide at Survey Pass and then moved down the North Slope on the Nigu River, part of the Colville River drainage. I floated down this for about 30 miles then portaged to Etivlik Lake. After paddling across this, I portaged over another divide into Noatak National Preserve and to the headwaters of Flora Creek. After a long struggle with the creek's shallow water and rocky bed (it completely dried up at one point), I reached the Aniuk River. This flowed into the Noatak River. I floated the Noatak River to the Chukchi Sea and crossed a ten-mile stretch of open ocean to reach the Baldwin Peninsula and the end of the trip at Kotzebue, Alaska.

  • af Tony Robinson-Smith
    282,95 kr.

    Of Canoes and Crocodiles is a story of adventure set in the remote and threatened landscapes of Papua New Guinea. In 2018, Tony Robinson-Smith and his wife Nadya Ladouceur bought dugout canoes and paddled down the Sepik, the country's longest river. Travelling with local guides and staying in their villages, Tony and Nadya ate smoked piranha and sago pancakes, heard tales of river gods and sorcerers, marvelled at rainbow bee-eaters and cat-size flying foxes, sank in a tropical storm, and hid from pirates in mangroves near the sea. As the narrative follows the bends of the river, Robinson-Smith incorporates into its flow reflections on colonization, crocodile initiation rites, Christian missionaries, bride price, "big men," the barter system, and the joys and fears of travelling down a long, snaky waterway in a volatile Australasian country.

  • af John Dowd
    367,95 kr.

    Twenty years ago, two empty-nesters with a love of the outdoors stumbled upon a vacant beach house on a small island in Clayoquot Sound, part of an off-grid, ten-acre stretch nestled within a provincial park reserve. Our Stolen Years in Clayoquot Sound is an extended love letter to this place, chronicling the decade John and Bea Dowd spent as year-round caretakers of the property.Told with humour and heart in alternating voices, and lavishly illustrated throughout with stunning natural photography, this book a story of joyful solitude, of living in harmony with wildlife and respecting the forces of nature. It is about the fleeting definition of home and family, and about creating community in the wilderness. Above all, it is a tribute to an achingly beautiful, fragile place.

  • af Dave Japikse
    217,95 kr.

    Readers can relive the experience of Thoreau's last wilderness trip through the eyes of his Penobscot Guide, Joseph Polis. Joe was an exceptionally gifted man, an expert in the wilderness, and an expert in building and using a canoe in all weather and conditions. One can plan their own trip with the materials given herein as well as further their knowledge of safe travel and wilderness living. The equipment available in 1857 is definitively not recommended for a trip today but the running commentary points to contemporary preferences; however, the means of travel and outdoor living skills can only slightly be improved upon. This story reveals much about Thoreau and Polis as well as how the forests and lakes of Maine during the heyday of lumbering and exploration were used and how they have changed. Many people say: ' I haven't gotten to Maine yet, but it is beautiful and I want to go there sometime'. If that is you, read this book now and you will be well on your way! (More info at: thoreaumainewoodscanoeing).

  • af Henry Intili
    372,95 kr.

    Henry and Barbara invite you to join them hiking, camping, and canoeing to some of the beautiful places.

  • af Henry Intili
    297,95 kr.

    Henry and Barbara invite you to join them as they hike, bike and canoe in New Zealand, Alaska, and Montana.

  • af Greg Schwendinger
    392,95 kr.

    MAYAN WHITEWATER EL SALVADOR, HONDURAS, & NICARAGUA is your guide to the rivers and creeks in mid-Central America. Every explored river is covered, from high-altitude creeks to lowland jungle rivers. This guidebook includes:detailed river descriptions, trip planning and background information, schematic maps, useful links and contacts, articles on history and the environment, adventure stories, color photos,and a Spanish dictionary for boaters. The author Greg Schwendinger has been exploring the rivers of Mexico and Central America since 1999. He is also the author of Mayan Whitewater Guatemala and the co-author of Mayan Whitewater: Chiapas & Belize.

  • af Shawn E Burke
    347,95 kr.

    Our canoes kayaks, SUPs, paddles, and the water already know what to do. Shawn Burke invites us to learn their language - the language of science - to get at the why. Why do our hulls float, why do they move when paddled, and what are the three types of drag that impede their motion? How can we use this understanding to better trim and turn our hulls, select paddles, cross rivers, optimize our stroke, or just stay upright? How can competitive paddlers adapt training concepts from other sports to make them paddling-specific?Shawn combines the practical experience of an engineer with the passion of a dedicated paddler to help us understand what our hulls and paddles do. Combining insights and explanations grounded in physics and exercise physiology, additional material for those wishing to go deeper, and an abundance of references, The Science of Paddling is the ideal resource for the curious paddler.

  • af William J O'Hern
    252,95 kr.

    Travel with Paoli Boy Scout Troop 1 on its 1956 paddle from Old Forge to Saranac Lake as documented in its recently discovered photo journal "The Adirondack Log", including a visit with Noah John Rondeau the Hermit of Cold River Flow.

  • af William Nealy
    212,95 kr.

    Laugh out loud with this hilarious collection of William Nealy’s beloved river maps, together in book form for easy reading!A celebrated author and cartoonist, William Nealy gained cult-hero status in the outdoor-sports community by blending his passion for the outdoors with his unique style of caricatures. He had a knack for learning—not by doing but by crashing and burning! For years his informative and hilarious cartoon maps of popular canoeing and kayaking streams have delighted whitewater paddlers. Practically collectors’ items, these maps are sought by paddlers all over the United States for their relevance and wild insider’s perspective.A brilliant and uproarious follow-up to Whitewater Home Companion: Southeastern Rivers, Volume I, this second volume is a special guidebook to 11 celebrated Southeastern streams in six states. It’s special because it provides, in map format, a wealth of information on each of the rivers described—and additionally special because it is embellished throughout with William’s nationally renowned art and humor.William was a phenomenon, unilaterally deciding that whitewater paddlers should have a sense of humor. Now, largely because of him, most of them do. If you have any doubts concerning your own sense of humor, you should read this book just to be on the safe side.Featured Rivers:AppalachiaChattahoochee, AtlantaCumberland, “Below the Falls”Cumberland, “Big South Fork Gorge”James River at RichmondMaury River, Goshen PassNew River Gorge, RevisitedNew River, South ForkPotomac River, LowerShenandoah RiverWilson Creek GorgeWilliam’s zany illustrations have been bound and bandaged together in a monumental new collection of books that include cartoons long out of print. Whitewater Home Companion is a wonderful part of The William Nealy Collection, ideal for anyone who loves to laugh and enjoys the great outdoors.

  • af William Nealy
    195,95 kr.

    Laugh out loud with this hilarious collection of William Nealy’s beloved river maps, together in book form for easy reading!A celebrated author and cartoonist, William Nealy gained cult-hero status in the outdoor-sports community by blending his passion for the outdoors with his unique style of caricatures. He had a knack for learning—not by doing but by crashing and burning! For years his informative and hilarious cartoon maps of popular canoeing and kayaking streams have delighted whitewater paddlers. Practically collectors’ items, these maps are sought by paddlers all over the United States for their relevance and wild insider’s perspective.In Whitewater Home Companion: Southeastern Rivers, Volume I, William coupled his most celebrated Southeastern US river maps with an anthology of cartoons, paddling homilies, and unsolicited advice. Artistically bizarre, totally irreverent, and laced with lethal doses of macho-deflating, highly barbed wit, this masterpiece helped establish William as the Kliban of outdoor literature. Through his distinctive drawing and wholly peculiar river-submarine terminology, William successfully portrays rivers and boaters as never before.Featured Rivers:ChattahoocheeChattooga, Sections III & IVCheat CanyonFrench Broad/Big Laurel CreekGauleyHawHiwasseeLocust Fork of the Warrior RiverNantahalaNew River GorgeNolichuckyOcoeeSavageYoughioghenyWilliam’s zany illustrations have been bound and bandaged together in a monumental new collection of books that include cartoons long out of print. Whitewater Home Companion is a wonderful part of The William Nealy Collection, ideal for anyone who loves to laugh and enjoys the great outdoors.

  • af William Nealy
    152,95 kr.

    Laugh out loud with this hilarious look at the trials and tribulations of paddling, as seen through the eyes of renowned cartoonist William Nealy.A celebrated author and cartoonist, William Nealy gained cult-hero status in the outdoor-sports community by blending his passion for the outdoors with his unique style of caricatures. He had a knack for learning—not by doing but by crashing and burning! The works of this American treasure were almost lost forever, but Menasha Ridge Press is proud to help bring back William’s irreverent illustrations.A follow-up to William’s best-selling Kayaks to Hell, Whitewater Tales of Terror is an outrageous collection of cartoons, featuring epic adventures, unusual new outdoor products, whitewater songs, and unsolicited advice. This is William at his finest, turning the sport of whitewater paddling inside out and demonstrating in the process the insight and humor that made him one of America’s most acclaimed sports satirists.Topics include:CampsitesColorful river expressionsPaddling mannersKayak shoppingMuch, much more!William’s zany illustrations have been bound and bandaged together in a monumental new collection of books that include cartoons long out of print. Whitewater Tales of Terror is a wonderful part of The William Nealy Collection, ideal for anyone who loves to laugh and enjoys the great outdoors.

  • af William Nealy
    152,95 kr.

    Laugh out loud with this hilarious look at the trials and tribulations of paddling, as seen through the eyes of renowned cartoonist William Nealy.A celebrated author and cartoonist, William Nealy gained cult-hero status in the outdoor-sports community by blending his passion for the outdoors with his unique style of caricatures. He had a knack for learning—not by doing but by crashing and burning! The works of this American treasure were almost lost forever, but Menasha Ridge Press is proud to help bring back William’s irreverent illustrations.Kayaks to Hell is a riot of a book that accurately depicts the monomania, elusive machismo, and marathon-dance mentality of whitewater paddling. With a unique blend of satire and cartoon art, the best-selling author opens up about the sport—and its disciples.Topics include:Boat racksCanoeing businessmenPaddling tripsWater rescuesMuch, much more!William’s zany illustrations have been bound and bandaged together in a monumental new collection of books that include cartoons long out of print. Kayaks to Hell is a wonderful part of The William Nealy Collection, ideal for anyone who loves to laugh and enjoys the great outdoors.

  • af Johnny Molloy
    242,95 - 384,95 kr.

    "Distributed by Publishers Group West"--T.p. verso.

  • af Robert McCall
    217,95 kr.

  • af Wickliffe W Walker
    254,95 kr.

    A dramatic narrative tour of 10 of the world’s most incredible whitewater adventures—spanning 5 continents and 40 years—guided by a legendary whitewater trailblazerThis fascinating history of daring whitewater explorers stands alongside classic works on mountaineering, outdoor survival, and extreme sportsPerfect for fans of Jon Krakauer’s Into Thin Air and Candice Millard’s River of the GodsIn 10 thrilling real-life adventure stories, pioneering whitewater explorer Wick Walker examines what lured a generation of incredibly daring pioneers into some of Earth’s most wondrous yet forbidding river canyons:below Victoria Falls on the Zambezi, the Great Bend of the Tsangpo in Tibet, Tiger Leaping Gorge on the Yangtze, the flanks of Mount Everest, and more Loaded with great moments and personal stories, Wick details what these adventurers found there, and within themselves. The extraordinary characters, driven by different motives and visions, but united by their compulsion to seek the unknown and the pulse of free-flowing water, are as remarkable as the daunting geography and conditions they confront.Whitewater sport today stands side-by-side with mountaineering in participation and public attention, yet it has lagged in generating its own literature. Torrents As Yet Unknown will help fill that gap for readers interested in human drama played out against great natural challenges.Mountaineering history is deep and its literature rich, but whitewater adventurers approach and experience the same forbidding terrain from a different vantage, between the steep walls of their canyons and atop powerful torrents of cascading water.

  • af John Kudlas
    307,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af Paula Johanson
    127,95 kr.

  • af Arja Speelman
    177,95 - 332,95 kr.

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