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Sociale netværk, sociale medier

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  • af L. D. Knowings
    232,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • - En introduktion til medier og samfund
    af Jack Andersen & Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen
    287,95 kr.

    Digitale medier griber ind i vores liv på flere og flere måder og påvirker stadigt nye arenaer i vores samfund og vores hverdagsliv – fra de mest intime livsområder til de storpolitiske spilleregler. Vi forstår og fremstiller os selv på nye måder, vi skaber relationer anderledes end tidligere, og vilkårene for den offentlige debat er markant forandret.Samtidig påvirkes de digitale mediers udvikling også af stukturene og værdierne i det samfund, de er opstået i, og digitale medier fungerer som katalysator for allerede eksisterende samfundstendenser.DIGITAL KULTUR – EN INTRODUKTION TIL DIGITALE MEDIER OG SAMFUND belyser denne gensidige påvirkning mellem de nye kommunikationsmidler og den kultur, de er en del af.Forfatterne sporer den digitale kulturs historie og undersøger de tendenser og handlemønstre, der skabes og nedbrydes i vekselvirkningen mellem digitale medier og samfund.Bogen består af fire dele, der til sammen præsenterer en bred vifte af tilgange til at forstå og analysere digital kultur:Del 1 opridser det komplekse sammenspil mellem det digitale og samfundet, indkredser de digitale mediers væsentligste kendetegn og opridser de seneste 40 års debat om digitale medier.Del 2 præsenterer tre forskellige teoretiske perspektiver, der kan anlægges i analysen af digitale medier: et kommunikationsfagligt perspektiv, et teknologisk perspektiv og et antropologisk, kulturanalytisk perspektiv.Del 3 introducerer læseren til brugen af algoritmer og belyser dataindsamling og personalisering i relation til emner som overvågning og selvovervågning.Del 4 stiller skarpt på sociale aspekter af digitaliseringen, herunder forskellige interaktions- og deltagelsesformer på sociale medier samt deres betydning for politisk kommunikation og offentlig debat.Bogen henvender sig især til studerende på universiteterne, men kan læses af enhver, der interesserer sig for eller arbejder med digitalisering og nye kommunikationsformer i et samfundsperspektiv.

  • af Jack Springler
    327,95 kr.

    Reddit? Diddit! A satirical guide to navigating the wild world of Reddit, where everyone's an expert on everything, egos must be stroked, manners go out the window, trolls abound, and where karma is the only currency.

  • af Ehsan Sheroy
    282,95 kr.

    An intelligent investigation into the tremendous and frequently unnoticed impact that social media has on our lives, "The Silent Killer: Social Media's Life Erosion" is a book that explores this topic. This book digs into the hidden effects of our digital interactions, showing a phenomenon that subtly erodes the fabric of our life. It takes place in a world that appears to be connected by the click of a button.A comprehensive investigation into the allure of social media is the first step in this journey. This investigation will trace the rise of social media from a method of communication to a pervasive presence that shapes our everyday experiences. By framing the conversation around the concept of "life erosion," which is a slow and subtle loss of our well-being brought about by the very platforms that are supposed to link us, the introductory chapter lays the groundwork for comprehending the complicated dynamics that are at play.The facade of perfection becomes a prominent theme as the story progresses and becomes more transparent. During the second chapter, the culture of curated content is dissected. This culture is characterized by individuals carefully crafting and displaying idealized versions of their life. An examination of the psychological repercussions of comparing oneself to these constructed realities is presented, with a focus on the impact that this comparison has on one's mental health and self-esteem.In the third chapter, the Dopamine Dilemma takes front stage, illuminating the addictive nature of social networking platforms from multiple perspectives. This book investigates the function that likes, comments, and notifications play as stimuli that cause the release of dopamine, which is the neurotransmitter that is responsible for the sensation of pleasure in the brain. The purpose of this chapter is to investigate the ways in which social media platforms make use of this mechanism to maintain users' continuous engagement, which ultimately results in implications that reach beyond the world of digital media.The topic of cyberbullying and the significant influence it has on mental health is discussed in chapter four, which moves into more negative territory. Examples taken from the real world highlight the catastrophic effects of online harassment, which prompts one to contemplate the responsibilities of social media platforms to establish safer environments for users to interact with one another online.The fifth chapter focuses on the transformational impact that digital communication has had on face-to-face encounters, especially in light of the fact that it highlights the deterioration of connections that exist in the physical world. Within the context of the widespread influence of social media, the book provides a comprehensive analysis that sheds light on the difficulties and opportunities that arise when attempting to cultivate meaningful connections.

  • af Shaomin Zhang
    207,95 - 617,95 kr.

  • af Richard E Cytowic
    255,95 kr.

    An award-winning neurologist on the Stone-Age roots of our screen addictions, and what to do about them.The human brain hasn’t changed much since the Stone Age, let alone in the mere thirty years of the Screen Age. That’s why, according to neurologist Richard Cytowic—who, Oliver Sacks observed, “changed the way we think of the human brain”—our brains are so poorly equipped to resist the incursions of Big Tech: They are programmed for the wildly different needs of a prehistoric world. In Your Stone-Age Brain in the Screen Age, Cytowic explains exactly how this programming works—from the brain’s point of view. What he reveals in this book shows why we are easily addicted to screen devices, why young, developing brains are particularly vulnerable, why we need silence, and what we can do to push back.In the engaging storytelling style of his popular TED Talk, Cytowic draws an easily comprehensible picture of the Stone-Age brain’s workings—the function of neurotransmitters like dopamine in basic instincts for survival such as wanting and reward; the role of comparison in emotion, and emotion in competition; and, most significantly, the orienting reflex, one of the unconscious circuits that automatically focus, shift, and sustain attention. In light of this picture, the nature of our susceptibility to digital devices becomes clear, along with the possibility of how to break their spell.Full of practical actions that we can start taking right away, Your Stone-Age Brain in the Screen Age is compelling evidence that we can change the way we use technology, resist its addictive power over us, and take back the control we have lost.

  • af Ary Jr. S.
    167,95 kr.

    Este ebook é uma guia completa para aqueles que querem criar, lançar e vender produtos digitais com sucesso. Desde encontrar uma ideia lucrativa até escalar seu negócio, este guia passo a passo aborda todos os aspectos importantes do processo.O ebook começa explicando como validar sua idéia de produto digital e encontrar uma nicho rentável. Em seguida, vamos discutir como criar um produto digital de qualidade, com dicas sobre como escolher o formato certo, produzir conteúdo relevante e criar uma página de vendas eficaz.

  • af Mikkela Thompson
    172,95 kr.

    Zest Quest, Fruity Adventures With a Fruit Fanatic, is a zesty dash around the worldsearching for fruit. From a fruit haven in Kandy, Sri Lanka, to the night markets ofSingapore, to a mountain village in Colombia, to the fruit-only menu on an airplane, this book is about eating fruit, from the best, worst, and the unusual. This is also about following a passion, not just for passionfruit, but for adventure with a fruit fanatic. Long may she quest!

  • af Corey Perlman
    212,95 kr.

    Are you ready to become Authentically Social? In a world cluttered with curated content and polished posts, Authentically Social is your ticket to breaking free from the facade and building a real connection with your digital audience. It's an opportunity to stop using social media like a billboard or brochure and start creating real content that inspires, influences, and leaves a lasting impact. This book is for individuals and businesses willing to transform their digital strategy from being inward-focused (self-serving) to outward-focused (serving others). Perlman shares 23 proven strategies that have helped his clients grow their audience, increase engagement, and generate more sales using social media. Ready to redefine your digital footprint? It's time to become Authentically Social.

  • af Liam Morgan
    212,95 kr.

    The power of data has become a force that propels innovation, decision-making, and industry transformation in our quickly changing world. The digital age has created a new massive information generation, collection, and storage era. The amount of data available is enormous, but it will take advanced methods and resources to fully realize its potential. Welcome to "Data Science and Big Data: Data Science and Big Data Analytics - Unlocking the Power of Information." Modern civilization now depends heavily on data, which shapes how companies run, how governments enact laws, and how individuals go about their everyday lives. Data-driven insights are becoming more and more crucial for businesses to obtain a competitive edge, from retail and healthcare to banking and entertainment. Today's information-driven world depends on the ability to draw meaningful conclusions and patterns from data, which drives innovation and advancement. At the heart of this change is data science, the art of turning raw data into insights that can be used. To extract useful information from complicated datasets, this multidisciplinary area incorporates aspects of computer science, machine learning, statistics, and domain expertise. Data scientists are the alchemists of today, using creative problem-solving and analytical methods to transform data into gold.

  • af Oscar Moses
    272,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey into the dynamic realm of software development entrepreneurship with 'Tech Haven.' This meticulously crafted guide offers a profound exploration of the key facets that define success in the ever-evolving tech industry. From inception to scaling, this book serves as a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs, seasoned developers, and business enthusiasts seeking to navigate the intricate landscape of software startups.Chapter 1: Introduction to Software Development EntrepreneurshipDelve into the foundational principles of software development entrepreneurship, unraveling the intricacies of merging technology with business acumen. Gain insights into the unique challenges and opportunities that characterize this dynamic field.Chapter 2: Identifying Market Needs and OpportunitiesNavigate the art of identifying market needs and capitalizing on opportunities. Learn how to spot gaps in the market and leverage them to drive innovation, creating a foundation for a successful software startup.Chapter 3: Crafting Your Software Startup VisionCrafting a compelling vision is essential to guide your software startup. Uncover strategies for articulating a vision that resonates with your team, investors, and customers, laying the groundwork for long-term success.Chapter 4: Building a Robust Software Development TeamExplore the intricacies of assembling a high-performing software development team. From talent acquisition to team dynamics, discover the key elements that contribute to a cohesive and efficient workforce.Chapter 5: Navigating Software Development ChallengesAddress the inevitable challenges that accompany software development. Learn effective strategies to navigate hurdles, from technical issues to team dynamics, ensuring a resilient and adaptable development process.Chapter 6: Funding Your Software StartupDemystify the world of startup funding. This chapter provides a comprehensive guide to various funding options, empowering you to secure the financial support needed to fuel your software venture.Chapter 7: Product Development and InnovationUnlock the secrets to successful product development and fostering a culture of innovation within your startup. Explore methodologies and practices that drive continuous improvement and creativity.Chapter 8: Marketing and Branding Strategies in the Tech IndustryNavigate the complexities of marketing and branding within the tech industry. Gain insights into effective strategies for promoting your software products and establishing a strong brand presence.Chapter 9: Scaling Your Software Development VentureChart a course for growth and scalability. This chapter delves into the strategies and considerations involved in scaling your software development venture, ensuring sustainable expansion.Chapter 10: Adapting to Software Industry Trends and Technological AdvancementsStay ahead of the curve by understanding and adapting to industry trends and technological advancements. Learn how to position your software venture for success in a rapidly evolving landscape.Chapter 11: Success Stories and Lessons Learned in Software EntrepreneurshipDraw inspiration from real-world success stories and invaluable lessons learned by seasoned entrepreneurs. Gain practical insights that can inform and enhance your own entrepreneurial journey.Chapter 12: Conclusion: Navigating the Future of Software Development EntrepreneurshipWrap up your exploration with a forward-looking conclusion. Gain a strategic perspective on navigating the future of software development entrepreneurship, equipped with the knowledge to thrive in an ever-changing landscape.

  • af C. P. Kumar
    132,95 kr.

    "Exploring the Dynamics of Online Messaging" delves into the heart of our interconnected world, unraveling the multifaceted layers of digital communication. From tracing the evolution and growth of online messaging to exploring its profound significance in contemporary communication, each chapter is a portal into a specific dimension of the digital frontier. The book navigates the convenience and accessibility of instant communication, examining its impact on relationships and global connectivity. It scrutinizes the challenges of conveying emotions online and the delicate balance between dependency and face-to-face interactions. Engaging discussions unfold on media sharing, privacy concerns, fraud prevention, and the intricate landscape of digital relationships, including the advantages and disadvantages of online romance. With insights into the risks and consequences of blocking, strategies for managing distractions, and a nuanced exploration of the impact on mental health, the book offers a comprehensive guide. The concluding chapter ties together key takeaways, emphasizing the importance of informed and mindful online communication in navigating the digital landscape.

  • af C. P. Kumar
    102,95 kr.

    "How Social Media Shapes Our Lives and Relationships" delves into the profound impact of social media on our modern existence, exploring its evolution, prevalence, and consequences. The journey begins with an 'Introduction to Social Media', providing a historical overview and tracing the development of various platforms. 'The Rise of Social Media' investigates its popularity and growth through compelling statistics and demographics. Chapters such as 'Social Media and Identity' and 'Social Media and Relationships' examine how these platforms influence our self-perception and interpersonal connections. 'Social Media and Mental Health' and 'Cyberbullying and Online Harassment' confront the darker aspects, offering insights into maintaining mental well-being and combating online threats. 'Social Media and Politics' scrutinizes its role in shaping opinions, while 'Social Media and Privacy' addresses concerns about data protection. The book further explores addiction, parenting challenges in the digital age, the business impact, and concludes with a speculative gaze into 'The Future of Social Media', anticipating emerging trends and technologies. Engaging and informative, this book serves as a comprehensive guide to navigating the complex landscape of social media in our interconnected world.

  • af Ehsan Sheroy
    262,95 kr.

    WhatsApp, a pervasive informing stage, has seen a momentous flood in overall clients, setting its status as one of the most powerful specialized devices in the computerized period. This flood in worldwide mastery can be credited to a few factors that have added to WhatsApp's broad allure and reception across different socioeconomics. One key consider driving WhatsApp's flood overall clients is its easy to use point of interaction and availability. WhatsApp offers a direct and natural informing experience, permitting clients to send instant messages, settle on voice and video decisions, and offer interactive media satisfied easily. Its effortlessness requests to an expansive range of clients, going from well informed people to those less acquainted with complex informing applications. Besides, WhatsApp's obligation to giving a safe and confidential informing climate has reverberated with clients worried about information protection. The stage acquainted end-with end encryption, guaranteeing that main the planned beneficiary can get to the substance of a message. This emphasis on protection has become progressively critical in a period where clients are turning out to be more aware of the security of their own information. The flood in WhatsApp's worldwide client base is likewise intently attached to the stage's versatility to different social and semantic settings. WhatsApp upholds different dialects and offers highlights like voice informing that take special care of clients in locales with assorted phonetic inclinations. This flexibility has worked with its combination into the day to day routines of individuals all over the planet, rising above language obstructions and associating people across borders. WhatsApp's combination of extra elements past fundamental informing has additionally powered its worldwide allure. The presentation of voice and video calling highlights, as well as the capacity to share records, photographs, and recordings flawlessly, positions WhatsApp as an exhaustive correspondence stage. This advancement has made it a fundamental apparatus for both individual and expert correspondence, adding to its broad reception. Besides, WhatsApp's essential organizations and combinations with other Facebook-possessed stages, like Instagram, have enhanced its compass and utility. The interconnectedness of these stages empowers clients to share content consistently across various applications, upgrading the general client experience and empowering cross-stage commitment. The flood in overall WhatsApp clients is likewise apparent in its developing prevalence in developing business sectors. The stage's somewhat low information use, contrasted with customary text informing, requests to clients in locales where information costs are a huge thought. Furthermore, WhatsApp's capacity to work on lower-end cell phones adds to its openness in business sectors with assorted financial circumstances. All in all, WhatsApp's flood in overall clients can be credited to a mix of elements, including its easy to use interface, obligation to security, social versatility, developing list of capabilities, vital combinations, and allure in developing business sectors. As a flexible and open correspondence stage, WhatsApp keeps on forming the manner in which people and networks interface, underlining the stage's crucial job in the worldwide computerized correspondence scene.

  • af James Ball
    117,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Katarina
    317,95 kr.

    Social media has become an integral part of our lives, transforming the way we connect, communicate, and consume information. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, it is essential for businesses and marketers to recognize the power and potential of social media in reaching and engaging their target audience.In recent years, social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn have experienced exponential growth. With billions of active users worldwide, these platforms have become a goldmine for marketers looking to expand their reach and drive business growth.The impact of social media on marketing has been profound. Unlike traditional forms of advertising, social media allows businesses to engage with their audience on a more personal level. It provides a platform for direct communication, enabling brands to build relationships, gain customer insights, and establish brand loyalty.One of the key advantages of social media marketing is its cost-effectiveness. With minimal investment, businesses can create and share content that resonates with their target audience. This democratization of marketing has leveled the playing field, allowing small businesses to compete with larger corporations and reach a global audience.Furthermore, social media marketing offers unparalleled targeting capabilities. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide sophisticated algorithms that enable businesses to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This precision targeting ensures that marketing efforts are directed towards the most relevant audience, maximizing the chances of conversion and ROI.Another significant benefit of social media marketing is its ability to generate viral content. With the power of social sharing, businesses can create content that spreads like wildfire, reaching millions of users within a short span of time. This viral effect not only increases brand awareness but also enhances credibility and trust among the audience.

  • af Atwater Webb
    327,95 kr.

    The Role of Urban Parks in Community Well-being Subtitle: Designing for Recreation and Social InteractionBook Title: The Role of Urban Parks in Community Well-beingProduct Description:Discover the profound impact of urban parks on community well-being in this insightful and meticulously researched book. Authored by [Author's Name], this compelling work delves into the intersection of urban planning, social equity, and community development. Drawing inspiration from real-world experiences and expert guidance, the book provides a comprehensive examination of the role urban parks play in shaping healthier and more vibrant communities.Key Features:Origin Story: The genesis of this study lies in the author's internship at the Capitol Region Council of Governments in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1995. The firsthand experience working on the Capitol Region Fair Housing Compact On Affordable Housing ignited a passion for understanding the dynamics of urban spaces and their impact on well-being.Informed Insights: The author's exposure to regional and local concerns regarding affordable housing, coupled with timely debates in Washington, forms the foundation of this book. The exploration of tenant-based rental assistance and changes in Section 8 policy adds depth to the narrative, making it both relevant and timely.Acknowledgments: The author expresses gratitude to key mentors, including Professor Rolf Pendall and Professor Marcia Marker Feld, whose insights, encouragement, and teachings enriched the development and completion of this project. The acknowledgement of Mary Ellen Kowalewski, Director of Community Development at the Capitol Region Council of Governments, emphasizes the real-world connections that made this project possible.Why You Should Read:Insider Perspective: Gain insights from the author's internship experience, providing a unique insider's view of the challenges and considerations in urban planning.Timely and Relevant: Explore the book's timely discussions on affordable housing, tenant-based rental assistance, and policy changes, offering a fresh perspective on contemporary urban issues.Expert Guidance: Benefit from the wisdom and teachings of esteemed mentors like Professor Rolf Pendall and Professor Marcia Marker Feld, who played a pivotal role in shaping the author's educational foundation.Real-world Impact: Understand the practical implications of urban planning through the author's interactions with professionals like Mary Ellen Kowalewski, whose patience and guidance made this project both possible and attainable.Embark on a journey through the pages of The Role of Urban Parks in Community Well-being, and gain a nuanced understanding of how urban parks contribute to the vitality and health of communities. This book is a must-read for urban planners, community development professionals, and anyone passionate about creating inclusive and well-designed urban spaces.Urban Parks;Community Well-being;Affordable Housing;Section 8 Policy;Capitol Region Council of Governments;Urban Planning;Social Equity;Community Development;Real-world Experiences;Regional Concerns;Tenant-based Rental Assistance;Policy Changes;Professor Rolf Pendall;Professor Marcia Marker Feld;Social Indicators;Equity in Planning;Neighborhood Development;Professional Guidance;Capitol Region Fair Housing Compact;City Parks and Health

  • af Eduardo Ari
    297,95 kr.

    Understanding Social Media PRIn today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. Whether it's connecting with friends and family, staying updated with the latest news, or exploring new business opportunities, social media has transformed the way we communicate and interact. As a result, Public Relations (PR) professionals have had to adapt their strategies to leverage the power of social media platforms effectively.This subchapter aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Social Media PR, its importance, and how it can be utilized by individuals across various niches of the PR industry. Whether you are a PR practitioner, a business owner, an influencer, or simply someone interested in mastering the art of social media PR, this chapter is for you.Social media PR refers to the strategic use of social media platforms to manage and enhance an individual's or organization's public image. It involves building relationships, engaging with the target audience, and promoting positive brand perception through various social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. The main goal of social media PR is to create a strong online presence, increase brand awareness, and establish credibility in the digital space.This subchapter will delve into the key elements of social media PR, including content creation, community management, influencer marketing, and crisis management. It will provide practical tips and strategies to effectively utilize social media platforms to achieve PR objectives. Additionally, it will discuss the importance of analytics and measurement tools to track the success of social media PR campaigns and make data-driven decisions.Furthermore, this subchapter will explore case studies of successful social media PR campaigns from various niches of the PR industry. It will showcase real-life examples of how businesses, celebrities, and public figures have leveraged social media to build and maintain a positive public image.By the end of this subchapter, you will have a clear understanding of the fundamentals of social media PR and how it can be integrated into your PR strategy. Whether you are looking to enhance your personal brand, promote your business, or manage your online reputation, mastering social media PR will be a valuable skill to have in today's digitally-driven world.

  • af Kjersti Halvorsen
    247,95 kr.

    Han rundede hjørnet ved læsesalen, og som ved alle ulykker tog det kun et sekunds uopmærksomhed fra Edvins side, før katastrofen var et faktum. Ved døren til trappeopgangen stod André. Han så Edvin direkte i øjnene, fastholdt blikket. Edvin følte kroppen stivne. Han genkender mig, tænkte han. Edvin er flyttet til en ny by med sin kæreste, der er gravid med deres første barn. Her har han fået arbejde som psykolog på byens gamle, hærgede slot, som er omlagt til et behandlingssted.En dag ankommer en ny patient. André. Han har tyrenakke og tatoveringer. Edvin kan huske ham fra sin barndom, men gensynet vækker ingen glæde. På sine vandringer gennem slottets mange mærke og dystre rum forsøger Edvin at gøre alt, hvad han kan, for at undgå at støde på André. Alligevel er André allestedsnærværende i Edvins tanker. Manden fra hans fortid ripper på i gamle traumer, og langsomt begynder Edvins liv at smuldre.Det er mig der kan hjælpe dig er både uhyggelig og underholdende i sin psykologiske udforskning af magt, hævn og forsoning.Kjersti Halvorsen (f. 1993) er uddannet psykolog ved universitetet i Oslo. Hendes debutroman, Ida tager ansvar, fik fremragende anmeldelser. Det er mig der kan hjælpe dig er hendes anden roman.

  • af Alessio Mandredi
    367,95 - 482,95 kr.

  • af Alina Hazel
    257,95 kr.

    "Silent World: Internet's Final Breath" paints a vivid and thought-provoking picture of a world on the brink of a digital cataclysm. This narrative plunges into the heart of a scenario where the internet, once a vibrant global connective tissue, faces an existential threat, heralding an era of profound silence.The description unravels the intricate threads of this speculative tale, exploring the hypothetical factors and events that lead to the demise of the internet as we know it. From technological vulnerabilities to systemic failures and geopolitical tensions, the narrative weaves a tapestry of suspense, inviting readers to contemplate the fragility of our interconnected digital ecosystem.As the virtual realm falls into silence, the description captures the repercussions on communication, information exchange, and the very fabric of modern society. It explores the void left in the wake of the internet's demise, reflecting on the societal dependencies, opportunities, and challenges that emerge in this silent world.While delving into the darkness of this speculative future, the narrative also prompts reflection on the resilience of human innovation and adaptability. It contemplates the potential paths towards rebuilding connectivity, emphasizing the importance of lessons learned from the digital downfall."Silent World" is more than a cautionary tale; it is a captivating exploration of the intricate relationship between humanity and technology, urging readers to consider the consequences of a world where the internet takes its final breath. It challenges preconceptions, sparks curiosity, and prompts a deeper understanding of the digital era's impact on our lives.This speculative narrative serves as a compelling meditation on the fragility and resilience of our digital infrastructure, inviting readers to ponder the potential ramifications and opportunities that lie in the hypothetical silence of the internet's final breath.

  • af Nick E. Evans
    297,95 kr.

    This project delves into the intersection of past and present modes of curating Black trauma, specifically examining the transition from traditional scrapbooking methods used by the Emmett Till Generation to contemporary practices on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter by the Trayvon Generation. The central argument posits that these digital spaces serve as an extension of historical scrapbooking, revealing parallels in the ways Black communities curate and disseminate traumatic experiences.

  • af Sam Loray
    262,95 kr.

    WhatsApp, in its excursion from a basic informing application to a worldwide correspondence behemoth, has been at the front of a social change in the manner individuals collaborate and share data. This social change is profoundly interlaced with the stage's elements, openness, and the developing elements of advanced correspondence. At the core of WhatsApp's social impact is its obligation to straightforwardness and easy to understand plan. The stage's instinctive point of interaction and direct informing highlights have made it open to a different worldwide crowd. This inclusivity has added to a social shift where people from different foundations, paying little mind to mechanical capability, can consistently participate in computerized discussions. WhatsApp's impact stretches out past the well informed to embrace a more extensive range of clients, encouraging a social shift towards more boundless and popularity based computerized correspondence. The stage's job as a connector of individuals across geological limits has fundamentally influenced social elements. WhatsApp has turned into a necessary piece of how families, companions, and networks stay associated, rising above the restrictions of distance. The promptness and continuous nature of correspondence on WhatsApp have reshaped social assumptions, establishing a climate where steady network is the standard. This social shift mirrors a more extensive pattern in the public eye, where computerized correspondence stages reclassify the speed and nature of relational connections. The sight and sound highlights of WhatsApp, for example, photograph and video sharing, have acquainted a visual component with computerized discussions, further impacting social communications. The social shift towards more visual correspondence has suggestions for how people put themselves out there and offer encounters. Emoticon loaded discussions, picture based announcements, and the sharing of media content have become vital parts of the contemporary advanced correspondence culture, worked with and advocated by WhatsApp. WhatsApp's job in business correspondence has likewise added to a social change in how endeavors draw in with clients and partners. The quickness of correspondence, combined with highlights like WhatsApp Business, has changed client assistance and promoting procedures. The social assumption for expeditious and customized cooperations with organizations is an immediate consequence of WhatsApp's impact on the elements of client commitment.

  • af Dza Kilung Rinpoche
    159,95 kr.

    "Our engagement with digital technology connects us to people but can also cause anxiety, distraction, imbalance, and suffering. This book offers a unique Buddhist approach to develop a clear understanding of our inner lives and the world of digital communication to lessen our suffering and deepen our happiness. Dza Kilung Rinpoche, a respected contemporary Tibetan Buddhist teacher, skillfully addresses these widespread issues in modern life geared toward his Western students and readers. He offers straightforward Buddhist strategies and tools to clear away the distractive clutter that prevents us from advancing in our careers and relationships. The book also explores deeper issues like the nature of wisdom, question of karma, and importance of lovingkindess and compassion. The practices and meditations in this book will appeal to anyone who enjoys mindfulness apps like Ten Happier, Insight Timer, and Headspace. By calming our minds, we can clearly see the sources of our inner and outer problems and begin to work on them for the benefit of ourselves, others, and the earth"--

  • af Giovanni Giotto
    272,95 kr.

    Lesson planning is a crucial aspect of education that often goes unnoticed by students. However, it plays a vital role in ensuring effective teaching and learning. In today's digital age, the role of technology in lesson planning has become increasingly significant. This subchapter aims to shed light on the importance of lesson planning and how technology can enhance the process to promote student success.Lesson planning is the foundation of every successful teaching session. It involves careful thought and organization to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences. Without proper planning, teachers may find it challenging to deliver lessons effectively, resulting in confusion and a waste of valuable class time. Lesson planning allows teachers to set clear objectives, select appropriate teaching strategies, and design relevant assessments. Consequently, it enables students to understand what is expected of them and provides a roadmap for achieving their learning goals.Technology has revolutionized the way lesson planning is conducted. It offers a plethora of tools and resources that can greatly enhance the planning process. For instance, online lesson planning platforms provide teachers with templates and guidelines for creating well-structured lessons. These platforms often include features like standards alignment and a repository of pre-built lesson plans, saving teachers time and effort.The role of technology in lesson planning extends beyond organizational aspects. It also facilitates the integration of multimedia elements into lessons. Teachers can utilize videos, interactive simulations, and educational apps to make their lessons more engaging and interactive. By incorporating technology, teachers can cater to diverse learning styles and create an inclusive learning environment for all students.Furthermore, technology enables teachers to assess student progress more effectively. Online assessment tools allow teachers to track individual student performance and provide timely feedback. This feedback loop helps students understand their strengths and areas for improvement, enabling them to take ownership of their learning journey.

  • af Louise McDonnell
    297,95 kr.

    Introducing the 2024 Social Media Content Planner and Guide for Coaches, Consultants and Online Experts developed by the award-winning internationally renowned social media marketing strategist and trainer, Louise McDonnell. Designed to revolutionise your social media marketing game, it is a must-have for coaches, consultants, course creators, and online experts ready to unlock social media's true potential and massively elevate their online presence. With over four best-selling books under her belt, McDonnell's track record speaks for itself.The 2024 Social Media Planner and Guide is not your average marketing book; it is a game-changer that demystifies the complexities of social media marketing. With its eye-catching layout and compact A5 format, it is so easy to navigate through every page. Packed with helpful suggestions and strategies, this book will empower you to skyrocket your social media engagement like never before. It is like having an encyclopedia of tips and knowledge at your fingertips. From national days to add fun to your posts to a full year's worth of diary space, this planner and guide has it all, transforming your social media posts and campaigns into powerful and engaging experiences for you and your growing followers.One of the key features is the section dedicated to events and days to remember. You will never miss out on capitalising on those trending hashtags and popular trends. McDonnell knows that timing and relevance are key to successful social media campaigns, ensuring you have all the tools needed to stay ahead of the game. Another impressive aspect is the space it provides to jot down your ideas, insights, and personal reflections. Why try to navigate the vast and ever-changing landscape of social media marketing trying to figure it out for yourself and getting more frustrated by the lack of results when you can easily start implementing strategies that work from the outset. Here is a snapshot of what it contains:Free Resources1) 2024 Social Media Content Planning Calendar (Value ¿159/£138/$159)2) Unlocking Social Media Success: 6 Strategies to Boost Leads for Coaches and Consultants: Free Training (Value¿159/£138/$159)3) Building Your Bio Blueprint (Valued at ¿59/£50/$59),4) An invitation to join my private Facebook Group. The Potential of Social Media as a Lead Generation ToolSelling Services on Social Media: A Unique Approach Establishing A Brand Narrative Consistently Better ContentBrand Awareness Content Consideration Content Conversion or Sales Content Advocate Content How to Get Social Media Posts Seen by More People Fostering Engagement: The Power of Two-Way Communication on Social Media AI Powered Social MediaAugment Organic Reach with Paid AdsReview Performance to Inform Future CampaignsHow to Maximize the Benefits of Your Content CalendarSocial Media Prompts for 2024 Week to View Diary The 2024 Social Media Content Planner and Guide for Coaches, Consultants and Online Experts is your secret weapon to success in the digital space and get the attention and interest you deserve to grow your business. Order your copy today!

  • af Miriam Fancelli
    292,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af Margarita
    217,95 kr.

    "Dive into 'The Real World of Social Media: Moving Past the Filter,' a groundbreaking look at the digital world that goes beyond the smooth surface of carefully chosen material. In a time when Instagram beauty and Snapchat filters are all the rage, Margaritaopens people's eyes by showing how complicated social media can be and how different the real world is from what people see online.This book makes you think because it looks into the psychology behind filters and shows how our digital lives are filled with the need to be perfect. "The Real World of Social Media" talks about more than just the obvious effects of filtered material on mental health and self-esteem. Margarita guides us through the tricky world of social comparison with interesting ideas and relevant examples from real life. They show how filters help create unrealistic standards.The book urges readers to be aware of the differences between the digital world and real life and encourages them to use social media with care. In a time when carefully controlled personas are common, Margarita argues for authenticity through powerful case studies and expert analysis.Find out about the hidden effects of filtered material on mental health, read personal stories of people who have been affected by filtered reality, and learn how to build a real online presence. Anyone who wants to learn more about the digital world and get tips on how to have a better relationship with social media should read "The Real World of Social Media." Be a part of the effort to get rid of the filter and embrace being real on social media.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    337,95 kr.

    Media plays a pivotal role in health communication by serving as a primary channel for disseminating information, shaping public perceptions, and influencing health behaviors. Through various platforms such as television, radio, print, online news, and social media, media outlets convey critical health-related messages to the public. Media acts as a bridge between healthcare professionals, researchers, and the general population, facilitating the exchange of knowledge on topics ranging from disease prevention and vaccination campaigns to health crises and medical breakthroughs. It provides a platform for experts to share their insights, helps raise awareness about emerging health issues, and educates the public on healthy lifestyle choices. However, the impact of media in health communication isn't one-sided. It can also perpetuate misinformation and contribute to public confusion on health matters. Therefore, responsible and accurate reporting is crucial to ensure that media serves as a reliable source of health information, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their well-being

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    307,95 kr.

    Environmental issues in media messaging refer to the portrayal, coverage, and communication of various ecological concerns, challenges, and solutions through different forms of media, including television, radio, print, online publications, and social media platforms. This crucial aspect of media plays a significant role in shaping public awareness, attitudes, and behaviors related to environmental conservation and sustainability. Media messaging on environmental issues encompasses a wide range of topics, including climate change, biodiversity loss, deforestation, pollution, water scarcity, renewable energy, conservation efforts, and more. Here's a brief description of the key aspects of environmental issues in media messaging: Awareness and Education: Media serves as a primary source of information and education about environmental challenges. Through news reports, documentaries, articles, and feature stories, the media informs the public about the latest environmental developments, scientific findings, and the consequences of human actions on the planet. Advocacy and Activism: Environmental issues in media messaging often highlight the voices of environmental activists, experts, and organizations advocating for change. It provides a platform for raising awareness about critical environmental concerns and mobilizing public support for environmental causes. Policy and Regulation: Media plays a pivotal role in influencing government policies and regulations related to the environment. Comprehensive coverage of environmental issues can put pressure on policymakers to take action, enact new laws, or strengthen existing regulations to protect the environment. Corporate Responsibility: Media messaging scrutinizes the environmental practices of corporations and businesses. Investigations and exposés often shed light on instances of environmental harm or unethical behavior, encouraging companies to adopt more sustainable practices and increase transparency.Environmental Justice: Media messaging highlights the intersection of environmental issues with social justice concerns. It sheds light on how environmental problems disproportionately affect marginalized communities and advocates for equitable solutions. Solutions and Innovations: Media messaging showcases innovative technologies, solutions, and sustainable practices that can mitigate environmental problems. These stories inspire hope and encourage the adoption of innovative approaches to environmental challenges.

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