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Praktisk brug af informationsteknologi

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  • af Inga Strümke
    187,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Selvom det føles nyt, kan videnskaben om kunstig intelligens spores tilbage til 1956. I bogens første del gennemgår Strümke historien om kunstig intelligens – en historie fuld af mærkelige anekdoter og sjove historier.Udviklingen i de senere år betyder, at StrChatbotten ChatGPT er på kort tid blevet et populært redskab verden over. Teknologien har taget et kvantespring. Men hvad sker der, når brugen af kunstig intelligens sniger sig ind i alle aspekter af vores liv, privat og på jobbet? Hvilke muligheder og hvilke konsekvenser har det?I Maskiner der tænker forklarer Norges førende AI -forsker, hvordan kunstig intelligens fungerer, hvordan mennesker udvikler kunstig intelligens, og hvordan muligheder og potentielle farer opstår ved maskiner, som i tiltagende grad kan tænke selv.Bogen er en indføring i tidens måske mest omdiskuterede teknologi. Forfatteren forklarer de centrale begreber med det formål, at læserne skal forstå, hvordan kunstig intelligens fremover kan præge vores hverdag.Strümke og en række andre forskere mener, at vi denne gang faktisk står på tærsklen til et gennembrud. Der er tegn på, at maskiner bliver klogere end mennesker, og at de snart kan løse problemer, vi i dag ikke aner, hvordan vi skal løse.

  • - Sådan bygger du software uden at programmere
    af Jacob Bøtter
    330,95 kr.

    NO-CODE er for dig, der er ekspert i alt andet end kode. Du mestrer måske Excel, men ønsker at gøre en større digital forskel. Bogen introducerer dig til 25 måder at bygge software eller automatisere arbejdsgange uden at skrive en eneste linje kode.

  • - The Practitioner's Handbook
    af Dan Rose Johansen
    247,95 kr.

    Although AI technology has become mature, affordable, and robust and promises immense business value, implementations often fail with broken budgets and dispirited staff in its wake. According to the author, the problem is always the same. The project methods we use for designing and implementing traditional IT do not work for AI. Thus, the high failure rate is not caused by the technology but by how we run the projects. In the book, the author explains how AI differs from traditional IT. He then provides an easy-to-follow step-by-step method to identify the main challenges, write the business case, plan the project, design the solution, get the users on board, and deliver tangible business value.Finally, a book that shows you how to apply artificial intelligence to everyday problems. The author has deep practical experience with AI and generously shares it with his readers. ★★★★★ Martin Boberg, CEO, DictionDan’s book brings us a practical approach to reap the potential of AI. Although the technology is sophisticated, he explains it simply and shows how it can be applied to solve critical business problems. I can recommend the book to anyone involved with business optimisation.★★★★★ Nicolai Hofsø, Director of P2P, Vertical, Mobile & Fintech, Visma e-conomicsOver the years, I have read many books on AI, studied articles, taken academic courses, and spoken to countless fellow AI practitioners. This book sums it up neatly and gives valuable answers on practically implementing AI into your organisation.★★★★★ Christian M. Prip, Head of Data Consulting, Netcompany

  • - Effektfulde kampagner med strategisk brug af influencermarketing
    af Louise Bonfils Høck
    118,95 - 247,95 kr.

    En influencer kan være mange ting. Det kan være en, der bestyrer en professionel kanal, hvor indhold af høj kvalitet når ud til flere hundredetusinde følgere. Det kan være en, der udsender en videodagbog, eller som livestreamer fra teenageværelset om mode og skønhed. Eller det kan være en, der spiller Fortnite med sin vennekreds som modtagere.Influencermarketing er den hastigst voksende marketing- og kommunikationskanal i disse år, for marketingpotentialet kan være enormt. Men arbejdet med influencere kan også være en skræmmende jungle at kaste sig ud i. Og selvom det lykkes at finde vej, kan det være svært at vide, hvordan man bedst samarbejder med influencerne og efterfølgende måler sine resultater. Bogen går systematisk til værks og gennemgår fra A-Z, hvordan man arbejder strategisk med influencere: Sådan lægger du den rette kampagnestrategi Sådan vælger du den rette influencer Sådan udvikler du godt indhold i samarbejde med influenceren Hvad kræver det at gennemføre influencerkampagner? Hvordan kan man måle og dokumentere effekten af indsatsen?Med denne bog i hånden får du en tjekliste med best practice-guidelines og sikkerhed for, at du får tænkt alt igennem og sikrer dig det bedst mulige afsæt for succesfulde influencerkampagner.

  • af Erik Gahner Larsen
    338,94 kr.

    INTRODUKTION TIL R er til dig, der ønsker et godt arbejdsredskab til statistisk analyse.R er et gratis statistikprogram, som de seneste år er vokset i popularitet blandt erhvervsfolk såvel som forskere og studerende og med god grund: R dækker analysebehovene for nybegyndere og eksperter inden for kvantitativ metode. I bogen lærer du, hvordan du behandler data; du lærer processerne fra foranalyse til regressionsanalyse, og du lærer, hvordan du formidler resultaterne.INTRODUKTION TIL R giver den nødvendige viden for at komme i gang og for at arbejde videre derfra.2. udgave af bogen byder på nyt indhold samt revisioner til alle bogens kapitler. Disse forbedringer giver adgang til de nyeste muligheder i R, så du har de bedste betingelser for at lære og mestre R.Bogen er skrevet af Erik Gahner Larsen, som har en Ph.d. i Statskundskab og er en erfaren underviser i R.

  • - Databaser og informationssøgning
    af Jeppe Nicolaisen
    267,95 kr.

    En overskuelig og letlæselig håndsrækning til dig, der søger videnskabelig litteratur til dine studier eller din forskning. Sådan finder du videnskabelig litteratur er en grundbog i informationssøgning og henvender sig til dig, der er studerende på en videregående uddannelse eller søger videnskabelig litteratur som led i dit arbejde.Bogens første tre kapitler handler om de forskellige videnskabelige dokumenttyper, du leder efter, de databaser, du bruger til at søge dem, samt strukturen og indholdet af disse databaser.De næste fem kapitler handler om, hvordan du søger i databaserne, fra kombinatoriske søgninger over registersøgning til søgning efter kendt dokument, emnesøgning samt reference- og citationssøgning.Bogens sidste to kapitler handler om, hvordan du henholdsvis evaluerer og analyserer resultatet af søgeprocessen.Alle kapitler giver konkrete eksempler, der hjælper dig til selv at kunne foretage avancerede søgninger. Hvert kapitel indeholder desuden målrettede øvelser, som du kan bruge til at øve dine søgefærdigheder.

  • - Udnyt computerens kreative potentiale
    af Andreas Refsgaard & Mads Korsgaard
    287,95 kr.

    Computerens utrættelige regnekraft og fremskridtene inden for kunstig intelligens har gjort algoritmer allestedsnærværende i vores liv og arbejde. Men kan algoritmer også hjælpe os i kreative arbejdsprocesser? Bogens forsidebilleder er skabt af en kunstig intelligens. Kan computeralgoritmen betegnes som kreativ i dette tilfælde?Denne bog handler om, hvordan computeralgoritmer og nye digitale teknologier som machine learning og kunstig intelligens kan udvide rammerne for kreativt arbejde. Bogen tilbyder en forståelse af, hvordan algoritmer kan anvendes kreativt, og den indeholder massevis af eksempler. Desuden diskuterer bogen nogle af de konsekvenser, det kan have, når vi begynder at integrere kunstig intelligens i kreative arbejdsprocesser. Mads Korsgaard er psykolog med speciale i mekanismerne bag kreativitet og innovation, og Andreas Refsgaard er digital kunstner med en legende tilgang til kunstig intelligens. Ved at kombinere deres forskellige fagområder udforsker forfatterne computerteknologiens kreative mulighedsrum. På den tilhørende interaktive hjemmeside kan man selv afprøve en række bogens eksempler.

  • af Johannes Fibiger m.fl.
    77,95 kr.

    Inden for de senere år er skolen blevet gradvis meredigitaliseret. Digitaliseringen inviterer til nye læreprocesser, men udfordrerogså didaktik og dannelsessyn. Et nyt fag er under udvikling:Teknologiforståelse. Temanummeret giver bud på, hvor skolen står i forhold til dendigitale udvikling og belyser, hvilke muligheder og udfordringer der ligger i det nye fag.

  • af Monika Sintram-Meyer
    202,95 kr.

    Eine 74-Jährige im Ruhestand, die früher auf Reisen nie gefahren ist, hat Sehnsucht nach Frankreich, nach der Provence insbesondere. Sie stellt sich vor, am ersten Todestag ihres Mannes auf dem Gipfel des Mont Ventoux zu stehen. Beide waren früher häufig in Frankreich unterwegs. Sie prüft die Möglichkeiten. Die digitale Technik des Wagens sowie die Sicherheit im Umgang mit dem Smartphone geben ihr schließlich das sichere Gefühl: Sie kann und wird die Reise machen. Der Hund kommt natürlich mit und ein kleines, modernes Zelt wird angeschafft. Sie lässt sich treiben. Die Wetter App bzw. das Wetter bestimmt die Richtung. Sie meistert die Herausforderungen und kommt nach 3 Wochen glücklich zurück.

  • af Bruce F Kawin
    172,95 kr.

    Find Me: Stories by Bruce F. Kawin collects eight tales ranging in length from two pages to nearly a hundred, some strange and some comforting. "Terse and yet opulent, these stories are a revelation of language in action" (David E. James). Their topics include a brilliant sculpture made and named by a six-year-old girl; an FBI investigation that Kafka would recognize; a remark Borges made in a park to Kenneth Koch; and a fable of innocence and violence in an elementary school menagerie. The title novella, "Find Me," is a drama of love beyond death set in 21st-century Los Angeles in which the lovers confront both political and metaphysical forces on their way to a startling end.

  • af eCAADe 2021 Conference
    422,95 kr.

    Almost a hundred years after the first edition of the book ¿Towards a New Architecture¿, the problem of architecture in the age of the Industrial Revolution is relevant again. A century ago Le Corbusier advocated for a new concept of architecture based on engineering logic of the Second Industrial Revolution and mass production. At the end of the 20th century, the Third Industrial Revolution brought a digital turn in architecture, reshaping the way of thinking and making. Today, industrial revolution is already changing architecture before our eyes towards a new, configurable architecture.The notion of configuration can be described as a relative arrangement of elements in a particular system, form, figure, or other formations. Configuration represents the essence of the design process. The configurable architecture may include a process of abstract thinking through design and exploitation. It can be considered from different perspectives such as design analysis and critical thinking, creative process, digital fabrication, computational design, responsive architecture and environments, material-based design, autonomous assembly or interactive design visualization.We are already witnessing the application of configurable products in other engineering disciplines that allow end users to participate in the design process and personalize products. How will the architecture in the 21st century respond to the challenges of a new configurable approach to design production and collaboration in the following years?From mass-customization toward mass-personalization, configurable architecture is seeking for an answer to how architecture will adjust to habitual behavior of their users in the 21st century. What are the new lessons for architects in this new age, age of mass-customization? How parametric tools can enable every person to participate in the design process? What are the new tools for the design collaboration in architecture?¿Towards a new configurable architecture¿ critically questions the notion of configuration in architecture and how it can be applied to rethinking architectural ideas, design process, representation, fabrication and utilization process.In order to specifically address some of the questions above, we have invited researchers, professors, experts and students to discuss topics such as:Computational designRule based systems and shape grammar Building Information ModelingCAAD and educationCAAD, creativity and design thinking models Smart cities, city modeling and GISDigital fabrication and roboticsMass customization in designDigital representation and visualizationVR, AR and interactive visualizationAgent-based modeling and machine learning in design Simulation, prediction and evaluation in design Structure optimization and material-based design Bionics, bioprinting, living materialsCollaborative, participative or responsive design Digital design for sustainable buildingsPerformance based designDigital heritageThe first volume of the proceedings contains 58 papers while the second volume contains 59 papers. In addition to the accepted papers, the first volume is preceded by Keynote papers including keynote speakers' contributions concerning the themes of their keynote lectures and the workshops organized the days before the Conference.

  • af Mette Mortensen
    469,95 - 757,95 kr.

  • af Ricky Lam
    282,95 - 992,95 kr.

  • af Mekiki Magazine
    327,95 kr.

    How can we leverage technology to uplift society while safeguarding our core values? This essential query is the central theme of the comprehensive essay anthology, "La Ecuación del Futuro: Equilibrio entre Humanidad y Tecnología" (Spanish Edition), by Meikiki Magazine. Covering a diverse range of disciplines, this forward-looking book delves into the intricate impact of innovations on individuals, communities, and the trajectory of our existence.The essays within this collection shed light on artificial intelligence, exploring its potential while grappling with ethical conundrums such as fairness and transparency. Additionally, they explore the profound possibilities of virtual reality beyond mere entertainment, envisioning its role in transforming spaces for collaboration, nurturing social bonds, and providing solace for the mind. Furthermore, the compilation addresses pressing issues such as mass surveillance, the dissemination of disinformation, the challenges posed by climate instability, and the implications of gene editing.Rather than sounding reactive alarms about technology, these essays propose proactive solutions aimed at aligning emerging tools with a moral compass. Meikiki advocates for careful advancement under the direction of ethical wisdom rather than restraint. With insightful analysis, "La Ecuación del Futuro" seeks to empower its readers to champion the cause of human dignity and collective well-being in an increasingly digitized society.This essay collection aspires to ignite inquiry and promote a balanced sense of optimism. The multifaceted perspectives presented here encourage discussions about sustainable innovation rooted in compassionate ethics. For all of us navigating the complex terrain between utopian aspirations and dystopian concerns, this anthology serves as a guiding compass, directing us toward the highest values of humanity.

  • af Karen Schümann
    205,95 - 264,95 kr.

  • af Bin Tian
    567,95 kr.

    This book presents the basic concepts, principles and technologies of wireless communication. The author focuses on the characteristics of the channel, the performance degradation, and various technologies to improve the performance of the wireless communication system. The upper technologies involved in building wireless performance are also discussed, and a prototype of the system is presented.

  • af Kuldeep Singh Kaswan
    1.587,95 kr.

    The authors present a comprehensive review of fog computing systems including energy efficiency and quality of service issues, reliability and fault tolerance, load balancing, and scheduling, utilizing mobile edge computing, internet of things, resource estimation and virtualization in fog computing environments for smart applications.

  • af Bo Shepherd
    282,95 kr.

    "A stunningly photographed collection of homes featuring sustainable designs that celebrate the ingenuity of reclaimed materials and unexpected antiques, from the founders of Detroit-based furniture design brand Woodward Throwbacks. In an effort to celebrate the unique and beautiful material that is often scrapped in renovations Bo Shepherd and Kyle Dubay founded Woodward Throwbacks, which creates original furniture and home goods using reclaimed materials salvaged in Detroit. In Throwbacks Home Interiors, they dive into the creativity of home salvage, showing readers how to incorporate found and reclaimed materials into their home décor and furniture."--

  • af Prasenjit Chatterjee, Roshani Raut, Yogini Borole, mfl.
    1.707,95 kr.

    This book explores the significance, challenges and benefits of digital twin technologies; it focuses in particular on various architectures, applications and challenges in the implementation of digital twins to Machine Learning and Internet of Things capabilities. Through the analysis of smart city and smart manufacturing case studies, the book explores the benefits of digital technologies in the Industry 4.0 Era.

  • af Katharina Morik, Jörg Rahnenführer & Christian Wietfeld
    3.292,95 kr.

    Addresses novel machine learning algorithms that are challenged by high-throughput data, by high dimensions, or by complex structures of the data in three volumes. Resource constraints are given by the relation between the demands for processing the data and the capacity of the computing machinery. Comprehensive overview of novel approaches to machine learning research that consider resource constraints and application of the described methods.

  • af Xavier Kickz
    165,95 kr.

    The author has 450K+ followers on his Xavier Kickz YouTubechannel, and his audience is eager to learn his techniques, tricks, and tips for creating their own custom sneakers. The book is a great fit for his YouTube audience, which is always asking for more information on how to customize sneakers.

  • af Cyrus Shahabi, John Krumm & Andreas Züfle
    627,95 - 877,95 kr.

  • af Stefan Bernhard
    677,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch erklärt die Prinzipien der Biosignalverarbeitung und ihre praktischen Anwendungen mit MATLAB. Die Themen umfassen die Entstehung von Biosignalen, Elektrophysiologie, analoge und digitale Biosignalverarbeitung, analoge und digitale Filter, Mustererkennung und statistische Datenanalyse. Diese neue und überarbeitete Auflage enthält weitere wissenschaftliche Anwendungen für maschinelles Lernen und Klassifikation von PPG-Signalen von Dr. U. Hackstein, sowie zur Bewegungsanalyse von den Gastautoren Prof. Dr. J. Subke und B. Schneider.

  • af Stefan Bernhard
    652,95 kr.

  • af Maxi Osterhaus
    375,95 kr.

    Bachelor Thesis from the year 2021 in the subject Business economics - Miscellaneous, grade: 1,0, University of Applied Sciences Hanover, language: English, abstract: This thesis derives guidelines to path a way for digital transformation using the example of commercial dental laboratories. Therefore, commercial dental laboratories' current approach to managing digital transformation was identified by conducting 12 expert interviews with commercial dental laboratories according to SMEs' underlying size categorisation. Based on the discrepancy between the theory-based procedural stages and the laboratories' holistic assessment, practical and comprehensible guidelines were derived. It was found that size-specific differences prevail in the way digitalisation measures are managed. Micro-sized and small laboratories suffer from financial and personal constraints and are limited to collaborating with partners. In contrast, medium-sized laboratories are confronted with increased internal complexity and resulting ambiguity within the workforce. This thesis enables managers of different sized laboratories to adapt guidelines tailored to their industry and provides support in implementing new technology.Digital transformation is the technology-induced change on different organisational levels that includes both the exploitation of digital technologies and the exploration of digital innovation to transform the business model. Even though digital transformation is empirically and conceptually elaborated in theory, existing literature neglects the specifies of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Often existing models lack concrete recommendations for action that guide through the digital transformation and offer decision-making assistance.

  • af Nicolò de Sandre
    375,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2019 in the subject Computer Science - Applied, grade: 8,5, Leiden University, course: Information and Communication Technologies in Business, language: English, abstract: This research focuses on how blockchain can optimally adapt and improve the healthcare system. It proposes an analysis of the multiple blockchain solutions, proposed until the time of this research, and their technical features. Different blockchain types, as well as different consensus algorithms, result in different benefits, advantages and limitations regarding their application to the healthcare system. This research aims to find out, through a multicriteria evaluation, how these benefits change with different blockchain technologies.Blockchain is the disruptive innovation that will change the way we exchange value. While this innovation is being considered for multiple businesses, its potential to revolutionize the healthcare system is also gaining attention. How useful would it be to access, every time we want, and we need, our full history of health records?Moreover, what if patients could own their medical data? Healthcare system will become patient-centered. On the one hand, the overall quality of healthcare would undoubtedly rise and, on the other hand, costs, risks, and deaths will belikely to decrease. Patients will be able to see a complete picture of their medical history maturing a broader responsibility on their daily routine. They could be the CEO of their health. Doctors will be able to access real-time life-saving data, update records for their patients and so on, avoiding in this way data silos, extra costs and information blocking. However, ¿we do not own our data; we just visitthem from time to time¿ and, interoperability between health providers is still a hurdle to overcome.

  • af Mounir Mokhtari, Sumi Helal, Johnny Wong, mfl.
    701,95 kr.

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