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  • af Renée Toft Simonsen
    167,95 - 207,95 kr.

    I bogen " Jeg er f*ucking hot" beskriver Renée Toft Simonsen både humoristisk og helt råt for usødet, den store forandring det er for kvinder at gå i overgangsalderen. René Toft Simonsen fortæller ærligt om hvordan hun oplevede og oplever netop de år hvor hormonproduktionen falder, hvor følelsesmæssige rutsjeture er hverdag, hvor hedeturerne giver varme og urolige nætter og dage og hvor alt opleves lige så intenst og forvirrende, som da teenagelivet gjorde sit indtog. Yderligere giver René, som både er psykolog, fotomodel og børnebogsfatter, fantastiske visdomsord og erkendelser omkring den situation der indtræffer når man er fyldt de 50. Den tid hvor overgangsalderen er sat ind, børnene er fløjet fra reden og man tager sig selv I at stå og kigge på hjemmets tomme og tidligere børneværelser. For hvem er man - når ens eksistens ikke længere kun er indbefattet af det, at være en andens mor?

  • af Peter Attia
    215,95 kr.

    Outlive is a riveting work of literature penned by the talented Bill Gifford. Published in 2023 by Random House UK Ltd, this book has already made a substantial impact in the literary world. The genre of the book is not easily defined, as it beautifully intertwines various elements to create a unique reading experience. The author's masterful storytelling and richly detailed narrative are sure to captivate readers from the first page to the last. Outlive is more than just a book; it's a journey that explores the human condition in a way that is both insightful and thought-provoking. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a deep and engaging reading experience. Published by Random House UK Ltd, it is a testament to their commitment to bringing quality literature to readers around the world.

  • - Noget om livet med Alzheimers
    af Thomas Bredsdorff
    72,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Lene Bredsdorff levede en aktiv pensionisttilværelse med litteratur, musik og rejser, da hun i 2012 fik konstateret Alzheimers. Her fortæller hendes mand, Thomas Bredsdorff, om hendes sygdomsforløb, fra de første symptomer viser sig, til hun fire år senere kommer på plejehjem. Det er en fortælling om tab – af hukommelse, sprog, tids- og rumfornemmelse og ikke mindst samliv. Men det er også en fortælling om uventede lyspunkter, om det uundværlige aktivitetscenter Klarahus, om timerne med musikterapeuten Hugo og om pludselige glimt af klarhed og glæde. Tøsne og forsytia er et personligt vidnesbyrd om alderdom og Alzheimers, men det er også en litteraturkritikers undersøgelse af aldringens filosofi og Alzheimers’ idéhistorie – en bog, der nærmer sig det store og smertelige spørgsmål: Hvad er et menneske uden hukommelse?

  • af Mark Hyman
    165,95 kr.

    Young Forever is a captivating novel penned by the talented Mark Hyman. Published in 2023 by Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., this book is a must-read for those who appreciate engrossing narratives. The genre of the book is a well-kept secret, promising to surprise readers with its unique blend of suspense, drama, and intrigue. Young Forever takes you on an unforgettable journey, making it a standout addition to your book collection. The author, Mark Hyman, is known for his compelling storytelling that leaves readers wanting more. Published by Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., a renowned publisher, the book promises high-quality content that will engage and entertain readers from start to finish. Dive into the world of Young Forever and experience the magic of Mark Hyman's writing.

  • - Slow aging med enkle øvelser til dit ansigt
    af Cecilie Blaksted, Tanja Eskildsen & Niki Terlich
    153,95 kr.

    Applicer yogaens ro, smidighed og styrke til din ansigtsmuskulatur og betragt en iøjnefaldende forvandling af rynker, linjer og spændstighed med blot 10 minutters øvelser om dagen.I Faceyoga lærer du enkle øvelser til de forskellige områder af ansigtet og får programmer, der er skræddersyet efter, om du skal bruge ansigtsyogaen meditativt til at falde ned ovenpå en hård dag eller effektivt mod linjer i huden og for øget glød og blodgennemstrømning.

  • af Lone Kühlmann & Henning Kirk
    43,94 - 230,95 kr.

    Aldringsforskeren Henning Kirk og bestsellerforfatteren og debatøren Lone Kühlmann gør op med vores forældede syn på alder. Man går ikke i stå af at blive gammel; man bliver gammel af at gå i stå. Man bliver heller ikke automatisk syg af at blive gammel. Bogen opfordrer og inspirerer til at blive i de voksnes rækker uanset alder og til at holde fast i ansvaret for sit eget liv.

  • af Peter Attia
    277,95 kr.

    Outlive is a captivating book written by the brilliant Peter Attia. Published in 2023 by Random House LCC US, this book takes the reader on an unforgettable journey. The genre of the book is hard to pin down, as it skillfully blends elements of mystery, adventure, and suspense. The author's unique storytelling style and the book's intriguing plot make it a must-read. The publication year, 2023, marks a significant milestone in the author's career, as it is the year that this masterpiece was shared with the world. As you dive into the pages of Outlive, you will be transported into a world crafted by Peter Attia's imaginative mind. Random House LCC US, the publisher, is known for their high-quality books, and Outlive is no exception. This book is a testament to their commitment to delivering engaging and thought-provoking content to readers. In conclusion, Outlive is a book that deserves a spot on every book lover's shelf.

  • af Dan Buettner
    195,95 kr.

    "This illustrated guide to the Blue Zones includes lessons, top longevity foods and behaviors, and a surprising new Blue Zone"--

  • af Erica Jong
    235,95 kr.

    VINGESKUDT er en morsom, hjerteskærende og smuk historie, om hvad der sker, når en kvinde modvilligt træder ind i sit livs efterår. Vanessa Wonderman er en smuk forhenværende skuespillerinde i tresserne, der balancerer mellem sine døende forældre, sin ældende mand og sin højtelskede, gravide datter. Selvom Vanessa opfatter sig selv som en lykkeligt gift kvinde, får fraværet af et aktivt sexliv hende til at føle, at hun mister noget, der er for værdifuldt til at ignorere. Derfor indrykker hun en sex-annonce på en hjemmeside, og det liv hun kender begynder at krakelere. Med hjælp og rådgivning fra sin bedste veninde, Isadora Wing, navigerer hun omkring i denne nye og ukendte verden, og hun begynder at spørge sig selv om det hun leder efter måske slet ikke er så langt væk.

  • af Milena Penkowa
    144,95 - 164,95 kr.

    Ved at bruge de rette kosttilskud i rette sammensætning og dosis kan du ikke bare bremse aldringens DNA-skader og celleforandringer, du kan også bekæmpe de såkaldte zombie-celler, der spreder deres aldringsfremkaldende effekter på dine væv, huden og organerne. Men allervigtigst – du kan bremse de aldersbestemte sygdomme i hjerne og krop såsom demens, Parkinsons, slagtilfælde, hjerte-kar-sygdomme, gigt, diabetes, lungesygdom, nyresygdom, cancer, knogleskørhed, øjensygdomme og immunologiske sygdomme. Med denne bog får du serveret de bedste strategier til at ældes med ynde.

  • af Mark P. Mattson
    173,95 kr.

  • af Halldóra Thoroddsen
    227,95 kr.

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Thomas Bredsdorff, Politiken”En lille perle af en fortælling, der bliver hos sin læser længe efter, man har vendt sidste side” Karina Høyer, Dobbelte ruder vandt Islandske Kvinders Litteraturpris, Fjöruverðlaunin, og er præmieret med EUs litteraturpris; juryen kaldte det "en storslået historie fortalt i få ord". Det er Halldóra Thoroddsens (1950-2020) debutroman, hvormed hun prosadebuterede i en alder af 66 år. Modenheden mærker man i denne fortælling om en aldrende kvinde, der kun modvilligt involverer sig i et nyt parforhold - for hvad skal det nytte - samtidig med at omgivelserne ser skævt til den nye alliance. Det er en sjældenhed at læse moderne romaner med aldrende, ja meget gamle hovedpersoner, og Thoroddsen har tydeligvis ramt noget særligt med Dobbelte ruder, der er udkommet eller er under udgivelse i Albanien, Bulgarien, Frankrig, Italien, Kroatien, Makedonien, Rumænien, Tjekkiet.

  • af Dr Gladys McGarey
    232,95 kr.

  • - Lev selv for let øvede
    af Lone Kühlmann
    43,94 - 67,95 kr.

    Lone Kühlmann har kastet et skarpt blik på sine jævnaldrende og observeret en udbredt fornægtelse af, at det er menneskets lod at blive ældre og ældre. Derfor har hun skrevet en fyndig og inspirerende bog til de generationer, der måske skal til at vænne sig til tanken om, at det ikke er ALT, man selv bestemmer.Bogen behandler underholdende og åbenhjertigt emner som: Kirurgi eller terapi Når man bliver usynlig Respekt Alderdommens port

  • af Dasha Kiper
    127,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • af Rose Anne Kenny
    105,95 kr.

  • af Gladys McGarey
    171,95 kr.

  • af Lyn Slater
    212,95 kr.

    "A personal memoir in which Lyn Slater, known on Instagram as "Accidental Icon," brings her characteristic style, optimism, forward-thinking, and rules-are-meant-to-be-broken attitude to the question of how to live boldly at any age. When Lyn Slater started her fashion blog, Accidental Icon, at age sixty-one, she discovered that followers were flocking to her account for more than just her A-list style. As Lyn flaunted gray hair, wrinkles, and a megadose of self-acceptance, they found in her an alternative model of older life: someone who defied the stereotypes, refused to become invisible, and showed that all women have the opportunity to be relevant and take major risks at any stage of their life. Youth is not the only time we can be experimental. How to Be Old tells the ten-year story of Lyn's sixties, the sometimes-glamorous, sometimes-turbulent decade of Accidental Icon. This memoir is about the hopeful and future-oriented process of reinvention. It shows readers that while you can't control everything, what you can control is the way you think about your age and the creative ways you respond to the changes in your mind and body as they happen. Rather than trying to meet standards of youth and beauty as a measure of successful aging, Lyn promotes a more inclusive and empowering standard to judge our older selves by. In this paradigm-shifting memoir, Lyn exemplifies that even with its unique challenges, being old is just like any new beginning in your life and can be the best and most invigorating of all of life's phases, full of rebellion and reinvention, connection and creativity"--

  • af Deirdre Lundy
    155,95 kr.

    'The one-woman backbone of menopause care in Ireland' IRISH INDEPENDENTSuddenly feeling hot? Tired? Irritable? Not yourself?Having our bodies and minds change rapidly as we approach mid-life can be bewildering and even upsetting. It may be hard to get a handle on what's happening and what we can do about it.The Menopause is the handbook of everything you need to know from Ireland's leading menopause expert, Dr Deirdre Lundy. Drawing on decades of experience and on the most up-to-date research Dr Lundy . . .-Explains what's going on in your body - the key hormones that run your life, how they are changing and the impact of that-Helps you figure out where you are on the menopause spectrum and empowers you to have informed conversations with your doctor-Sets out approaches to dealing with symptoms - from nutrition, exercise, counselling and medication, to using hormone replacement therapies (HRT)-Explores every aspect of HRT - debunking the myths and explaining why it is helpful for many women-Addresses key areas of concern - from early onset menopause, to preserving vaginal, heart, breast and bone health, to managing your menopause if you have pre-existing health challengesDr Lundy came to public prominence during a remarkable ten-day discussion of the menopause on RTÉ Radio 1's Liveline. Now, as leader of Ireland's first dedicated menopause clinic, she continues her passionate advocacy for Irish women. The Menopause is her essential guide to having the best menopause you can and being as healthy and energized as possible in your middle years and beyond.________'Superb - essential reading for women and doctors alike' DR CIARA KELLY 'Essential, empowering and enjoyable - life-changing and potentially life-saving!' SALLYANNE BRADY, THE IRISH MENOPAUSE

  • af Alex Jadad & Tamen Jadad-Garcia
    225,95 kr.

  • af David A. Sinclair
    317,95 kr.

    From an acclaimed Harvard professor and one of TIME's most influential people comes a paradigm-shifting book that shows how almost everything people think they know about aging is wrong. He offers a front-row seat to the amazing global effort to slow, stop, and reverse aging, and calls readers to consider a future where aging can be treated.

  • af Erik Olaf Hansen
    232,95 kr.

    "Når den tid kommer, hvor man skal trække sig tilbage fra det daglige arbejde, tænker mange: Hvad nu? Hvad skal tiden gå med? Hvordan skal vi klare de sygdomme, der måske rammer os? Hvad hvis den ene af os falder fra? Hvordan med økonomien? Der kan være mange bekymringer.Glem det. Der er også mange, der ser frem til alle de aktiviteter, de nu kan tage op. Man hører gang på gang pensionister sige: "Dette er de bedste år i mit liv."Levemanden Erik Olaf-Hansen fortæller her om alle de lyse sider ved pensionisttilværelsen og om, hvordan man kan gøre op med de vanskeligheder, der måske opstår. Samvær med andre, god mad og et par glas vin dagligt forskønner og forlænger tilværelsen i ældreårene, foreslår han.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlErik Olaf-Hansen (1914-2004) er bedst kendt som Politikens mangeårige vinskribent. Han kastede sig straks efter studentereksamen over journalistikken og blev i 1945 ansat ved Politiken, hvor han skrev om sundhed og sygdom. Da hans artikler om alt det, man kan dø af – som selvfølgelig var skrevet i bedste mening – gjorde mange læsere ængstelige, blev han rådet til i stedet at skrive om vin. Det blev begyndelsen på en livslang interesse, som har resulteret i mange bøger, der gennemgående handler om livsglæde. Erik Olaf-Hansen er desuden forfatter til et par ungdomsromaner.

  • af Dorte Andersen
    221,95 kr.

    Dyk ned i hemmelighederne bag en ungdommelig glød og strålende hud med yogalærer og influencer Dorte Andersen. Med mere end 240.000 dedikerede følgere på de sociale medier er Dorte en pioner inden for ansigtsyoga – en revolutionerende træningsmetode, der ikke kun styrker og toner ansigtsmusklerne, men også kan forynge din udstråling.Dorte deler alt, hvad hun ved om ansigtsyoga. Fra at løfte kindbenene til at reducere rynker og afslappe spændte muskler. Her finder du en omfattende samling af øvelser og teknikker, der kan give dig den ungdommelige udstråling, du altid har drømt om.Med fokus på ansigtsudtryk, strækninger og massage er ansigtsyoga ikke blot en træningsrutine, det er en livsstil.Oplev fordelene ved forbedret blodcirkulation og stimuleret kollagenproduktion, mens du finder indre ro gennem dyb vejrtrækning og koncentration.DORTE ANDERSEN har 240.000 følgere på Instagram under @yogafacelift og er meget efterspurgt for tiden. Hun er 73 år, yogalærer, ansigtsyogainstruktør og influencer. Hun forlod arbejds- markedet som 67-årig, men hun kunne ikke se sig selv sidde i sofaen med et helt livs kompetencer, og hun rejste derfor til Indien og uddannede sig til yogalærer. Da hun kom hjem, fik hun ret hurtigt job som yogalærer hos Salig Yoga på Østerbro. Nu da yogaverdenen var hendes dagligdag, åbnede der sig en ny og spændende tid. Hun fortsatte med at tage yogakurser, så hun kunne undervise bredere i yoga. Her opdagede hun ansigtsyogaen, og den startede et helt nyt liv og karriere for hende. Efter at have levet 68 år uden at give sit ansigt særlig opmærksomhed blev ansigtsyoga en stor del af Dortes dagligdag. Nu træner og masserer hun sit ansigt dagligt med både hænder og Gua Sha, og hun giver det iskolde bade. På kort tid har hun set en kæmpe forandring. Siden 2019 har hun holdt regelmæssige workshops både fysisk og online i ansigtsyoga.

  • - How to Live a More Meaningful Life by Embracing Life's Transitions and Aging Gracefully
    af Hanna Bentsen
    121,95 - 208,95 kr.

    Are you ready to redefine the golden years of your life? Discover the art of thriving in your later years with "The Essential Guide to Aging with Grace." This book is your ultimate companion for transforming this stage of life into a vibrant journey of vitality and celebration. Perfect for anyone on the cusp of retirement or already enjoying their golden years, it offers a fresh perspective on aging, challenging stereotypes, and inspiring a life filled with purpose and excitement.Within the pages of this book, you will discover how to: Challenge age-related stereotypes and embrace aging with a positive mindset.Cultivate a healthy lifestyle with tailored nutrition, exercise, and self-care practices.Foster meaningful relationships and stay socially connected.Pursue personal growth, lifelong learning, and creative endeavors to sharpen your mind and spirit.Plan your financial future with confidence.Stay independent, adapt to new technologies, and ensure your living environment suits your changing needs.Beyond practical advice, this book explores the emotional and spiritual aspects of aging, offering a holistic view of how to live a life brimming with empowerment. From embracing change to discovering the joys of hobbies, travel, and giving back, "The Essential Guide to Aging with Grace" is more than just a book-it's a journey to finding joy and meaning in every moment.Whether you're planning for retirement or wanting to live a more enriching life, this book is an invaluable guide to finding happiness in your later years. Embrace the wisdom, freedom, and opportunities that come with aging, and take the first step towards a vibrant, fulfilling future today.

  • - How to Declutter and Organize Your Life With the Swedish Art of Döstädning
    af Hanna Bentsen
    129,95 - 220,95 kr.

    Are you prepared to face the clutter of a lifetime and the emotional weight it carries? "The Essential Guide to Swedish Death Cleaning" is not just a guide to decluttering; it's a profound journey through the Swedish practice of döstädning, or death cleaning. This transformative process is about more than sorting through possessions; it's a way to embrace minimalism, simplify life, and create a thoughtful legacy, no matter your age or stage of life.This book is a compassionate companion for those ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and decluttering that is as much about internal reflection as it is about external tidiness. Within the pages of this book, you will: Discover the philosophy and cultural significance of Swedish death cleaning.Learn practical strategies for sorting personal belongings, including the most sentimental items.Gain insights on curating memories, managing digital assets, and maintaining a clean space.Learn how to let go of possessions with gratitude and mindfulness.Experience the emotional benefits of releasing the past and embracing a minimalist lifestyle.Swedish death cleaning is not just a practice reserved for those contemplating the twilight of their lives. It is a lifelong process that encourages you to regularly evaluate your possessions and create a comfortable living space that reflects your current life phase, without the excess of material goods that can often lead to physical and emotional clutter.Whether you're contemplating your own legacy, helping a loved one through the process, or want to live a more intentional, clutter-free life, "The Essential Guide to Swedish Death Cleaning" offers a gentle, structured approach to facing one of life's most daunting and empowering tasks. It's not just about cleaning out your space; it's about honoring a life well-lived and the power of letting go.Take the first step towards a lighter, more intentional future. Embrace the art of Swedish death cleaning with "The Essential Guide to Swedish Death Cleaning" and transform how you think about your possessions and legacy.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    300,95 kr.

    In "The Art of Simple Living: Finding Joy in the Little Things," author SREEKUMAR V T invites readers on a journey to discover the beauty and richness of life's simplest pleasures. Drawing on personal experiences, insightful anecdotes, and timeless wisdom, this book offers a refreshing perspective on happiness and fulfilment.Through heartfelt stories and practical advice, readers will learn how to declutter their lives, simplify their daily routines, and cultivate a more mindful and grateful mindset. From the joy of a quiet morning cup of coffee to the beauty of a walk-in nature, this book reminds us that happiness is not found in the pursuit of more but in the appreciation of what we already have."The Art of Simple Living" is a guidebook for anyone seeking to slow down, live more intentionally, and find contentment in the present moment. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by the demands of modern life or simply looking to infuse your days with more joy and meaning, this book offers a roadmap to a simpler, more fulfilling life.With its uplifting message and practical tips, "The Art of Simple Living" is a must-read for anyone who wants to embrace the beauty of life's simple pleasures and find joy in the little things.

  • af Kevin James Joseph McNamara
    85,95 kr.

    This book is a heartfelt companion on the journey of life.It is about the reader.It celebrates each stage of life, from 70ish to 100ish and beyond, offering insights and encouragement.Readers are encouraged to embrace their age with confidence, find joy in the good moments, conquer challenges, and face the toughest times with resilience.The book provides practical tools for personal growth and promotes unity and inclusivity.It concludes by inviting readers to reflect on their journey, share the book and their experiences, and inspire positive change in the lives of friends and loved ones.

  • af Becca Levy
    195,95 kr.

    Yale professor and leading expert on the psychology of successful aging, Dr. Becca Levy, draws on her ground-breaking research to show how age beliefs can be improved so they benefit all aspects of the aging process, including the way genes operate and the extension of life expectancy by 7.5 years.The often-surprising results of Levy's science offer stunning revelations about the mind-body connection. She demonstrates that many health problems formerly considered to be entirely due to the aging process, such as memory loss, hearing decline, and cardiovascular events, are instead influenced by the negative age beliefs that dominate in the US and other ageist countries. It's time for all of us to rethink aging and Breaking the Age Code shows us how to do just that.Based on her innovative research, stories that range from pop culture to the corporate boardroom, and her own life, Levy shows how age beliefs shape all aspects of our lives. She also presents a variety of fascinating people who have benefited from positive age beliefs as well as an entire town that has flourished with these beliefs.Breaking the Age Code is a landmark work, presenting not only easy-to-follow techniques for improving age beliefs so they can contribute to successful aging, but also a blueprint to reduce structural ageism for lasting change and an age-just society.

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