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Antikviteter og samleobjekter: videnskabelige instrumenter og musikinstrumenter

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  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    272,95 kr.

    TV and radio have gone through an emotional change lately as they adjust to the computerized age. This shift is a reaction to changing customer inclinations and mechanical progressions, which have re-imagined the manner in which we consume media. In this 300-word portrayal, we will investigate how both TV and radio have advanced in the computerized period. TV, when described by customary transmissions over the wireless transmissions or through link, has taken a critical jump into the computerized domain. With the ascent of streaming stages like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video, watchers currently have the adaptability to watch their number one shows and motion pictures on request. Brilliant televisions have become typical, permitting watchers to get to online substance straightforwardly through their TVs. What's more, virtual entertainment stages like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok have led to another age of advanced content makers, affecting the manner in which we consume and draw in with TV. Radio, as well, has embraced computerized change. Customary AM and FM radio broadcasts currently stream their transmissions web based, making it workable for audience members to tune in from anyplace on the planet. Besides, web recordings have acquired massive prominence, offering a different cluster of content, from news and diversion to instructive programming. This has permitted radio to stay significant and available in a period overwhelmed by cell phones and the web. The promoting scene has likewise adjusted to this computerized shift. Television and radio notices have become more information driven and customized. Promoters can target explicit socioeconomics with pinpoint exactness, and the viability of missions can be estimated all the more unequivocally, which is a critical takeoff from the customary telecom model. Moreover, the combination of man-made brainpower and voice acknowledgment innovation has significantly impacted the manner in which we collaborate with the two mediums. Brilliant speakers like Amazon Reverberation and research Home have made it more straightforward for buyers to get to radio broadcasts and web-based features with basic voice orders.

  • af Dave Hunter
    497,95 kr.

    In Fender Stratocaster® 70 Years, musician and guitar historian Dave Hunter traces Stratocaster® guitars across seven decades and into the present, beginning with Leo Fender's triumph of mid-century design originating in his modest shop in Fullerton, California.

  • af &1604, 1575, &158, mfl.
    131,95 kr.

  • af Tony Bacon
    187,95 kr.

    Legendary Guitars offers an illustrated tour of the electric guitars of the 1950s and '60s, illuminated by the concurrent world events that influenced their style.

  • af Jaan Whitehead
    367,95 kr.

    "We live in a world of bells but seldom notice them. However, bells have existed in all cultures since earliest times and are one of the world's most remarkable artifacts. They have been the "voice" of God and Buddha, a talisman for early monastics, a source of glorious music, and part of many sacred rituals. Yet, they have also been the clocks, school bells, fire bells, and shop bells of daily life. Bells brings together seventeen stories that explore the magic and mysticism of these bells, their political and religious power, their wide-ranging musicality, and their familiarity in our everyday lives" --

  • af Jonas Lohse
    398,95 kr.

    The double bass: It's history, important makers, and bassists in classical music and jazz.The many photos and illustrations allow for a deep look into the world of the double bass and transform this book into a captivating and entertaining lecture for every bassist and music lover.

  • - Christian 4.s orgelbygger
    af Henrik Fibiger Nørfelt
    347,95 kr.

    Orgelbyggeren Johan Lorentz den ældre (o. 1580 – 1650) var manden bag en række betydelige orgelværker, hvoraf enkelte facader endnu er bevarede. Han var kong Christian 4.s privilegerede orgelbygger og satte i allerhøjeste grad sit præg på dansk orgelbyggerkunst, som med ham nåede op på et meget højt kunstnerisk niveau. I dette smukt udstyrede og farveillustrerede værk gennemgår orgelbygger og organist Henrik Fibiger Nørfelt – på baggrund af årelangt arbejde og en lang række nye kilder – samtlige kendte orgler fra Lorentz’ hånd. Hermed belyses for første gang i bogform en vigtig dansk kunstnerskikkelse samt en kunst- og kulturhistorisk epoke af direkte betydning for senere tids så velkendte navne som Buxtehude og Bach.

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