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  • af Dan Casebolt
    817,95 kr.

    The book shows some models I've had great success with. The color pictures were done outside on my balcony where I set my card table on and set my two-color matting board for the background.I used my Canon EOS Rebel, 35-80 millimeter or the 28-105 Quantaray lens. I used a Canon camera for all four books. You will see how the colors look with clear reception.Simplifying the construction of kits is understandable through the written information about what you will need as far as paints, airbrush compressors, and a storage air tank are concerned and works best. A picture of this type of airbrush compressor is shown in this book. I ordered this compressor at Northern Tools. Modeling putty types are two-part epoxy or tube putty. Photographing works best with a 35-millimeter camera using a 22-aperture setting for close-ups. You can also get a 50-millimeter lens so you won't have to adjust the zoom lens. My camera has a single-loading rewind automatic motor. Then when you're done, you can send your film to a company to develop. I suggest you find a company that gives your negatives back with your order.

  • af Jorma Havia
    376,95 kr.

    Kirjan tavoitteena on antaa kokemattomalle harrastajalle ohjeita ja neuvoja, miten nukketalonsa saa helposti täydennettyä led valaistuksella.Kaikki asennukset on neuvottu tekemään pienjännitteisinä, joko paristo- tai muuntajakäyttöisinä ja valmiista valo- tai itseasennussarjoista.Asentajan pätevyyttä ei tarvita.

  • af Jean-Philippe Kilian
    227,95 kr.

    Découvrez l'art de construire des cabanes, des mangeoires, des clôtures et diverses structures de jardin pour améliorer votre mode de vie durable !Explorez un éventail de projets d'arrière-cour, y compris : Structures de jardin : Les lits surélevés, les jardinières, les tonnelles, les lits d'arrosage automatique, les supports de lampes de culture et les blocs de terre.Clôtures et enclos : L'essentiel des poteaux de clôture, les clôtures à piquets, les clôtures solaires électriques, les conseils d'installation, les enclos à poules, les barrières et les enclos à poules en PVC.Poulailler : Éléments essentiels, construction de poulaillers et d'enclos, listes complètes de matériaux, vues détaillées et construction d'un tracteur de poulets à cadre en A.Construction d'abris : Les éléments essentiels, les abris pour chèvres, les abris de jardin en boîte à sel, les ateliers pour l'arrière-cour et le foyer, et les options de toiture alternatives.Énergie solaire et éolienne : Les éoliennes à compresseur et à boîte de vitesses, le fonctionnement des systèmes solaires, l'installation d'une éolienne et l'installation d'un système d'énergie solaire.Aquaponie et hydroponie : Comprendre et mettre en place des systèmes aquaponiques et hydroponiques.Construction de ruches : Instructions pour les ruches Langstroth, Warré et les ruches à barre supérieure avec des étapes de construction détaillées.En outre, vous découvrirez les bases de la plomberie, les disjoncteurs de fuite à la terre, les options d'arrosage à l'abri du gel, le câblage extérieur et l'éclairage d'appoint."40 Projects for Building Your Backyard Homestead" est un guide d'accompagnement de Backyard Homesteading, fournissant des informations sur plus de 40 projets pour enrichir votre expérience de vie durable.Chaque projet de ce livre met l'accent sur la simplicité, la commodité et l'accessibilité financière. Vous y trouverez également des conseils pour adapter les projets à vos besoins spécifiques.Grâce à des instructions complètes, des listes d'outils et de matériaux, des vues éclatées et des techniques faciles à suivre, même les personnes moyennement habiles peuvent apprendre à fabriquer leurs propres mangeoires, clôtures et structures.Ce faisant, vous économiserez non seulement de l'argent, mais vous aurez aussi la satisfaction de maîtriser le bricolage !

  • af Hannah Schöning Bb
    338,95 kr.

    100 Bellissime illustrazioni Libro da ColorareQuesto libro da colorare offre un modo unico per esprimere la vostra creatività e allo stesso tempo aiutarvi a rilassarvi. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di ragazze in pose e abiti diversi che vi aspettano per essere colorate.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o esperti, questo libro da colorare è adatto a chiunque sia interessato alla moda e all'arte femminile. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente studiata per permettervi di utilizzare i colori e le tecniche a vostro piacimento e creare la vostra personale interpretazione.Le immagini sono realizzate su un solo latoCiascuna immagine è collocata su una pagina a sé stante, in modo da non dover temere che si veda in trasparenza.Pagina di prova dei colori per i pennarelliÈ presente una pagina di prova dei colori per i pennarelli, in modo da poterne testare i colori e la qualità prima di iniziare a dipingere.Un grande regaloI nostri libri sono perfetti come regalo di compleanno per un'amica, per San Valentino, per la festa della mamma, per le ragazze e per Natale.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo libro da colorare per modelli unico nel suo genere!

  • af Lea Schöning Bb
    232,95 kr.

    40 Increíbles Dibujos de Chicas Negras para Colorear de Lea SchöningBlack Girl Coloring Book for Adults ofrece una manera única de expresar tu creatividad y al mismo tiempo promover tu relajación. Las páginas del libro contienen ilustraciones detalladas de chicas negras en diversas posturas esperando a que las colorees.Ideal para todos los nivelesTanto si eres un principiante como un artista avanzado, este libro para colorear es ideal para cualquiera a quien le gusten las Chicas Negras. Cada imagen ha sido cuidadosamente diseñada para que puedas utilizar los colores y las técnicas a tu gusto y crear tu propia interpretación.Las ilustraciones están hechas a una caraCada imagen está colocada en su propia página para que no tengas que preocuparte de que se vea a través.Un gran regaloNuestros libros son un estupendo regalo de cumpleaños para una amiga, el Día de la Madre, un regalo para hombres, Navidad o cualquier otro regalo de aniversario¡Haz tu pedido hoy mismo e inspírate con este libro para colorear único de la Chica Negra!

  • af Collane Lv
    282,95 kr.

    These days, it seems like drones are ubiquitous: Amazon showcases a cutting-edge delivery system, YouTubers create countless aerial videos, and your neighbor frequently collides with your trees. However, drones represent more than just a trendy gadget. They constitute a thriving industry with the potential to transform various sectors, spanning from videography to agriculture to construction, and have the capacity to reshape your life.Drone U emerged from the expertise of seasoned drone pilots, tailored to assist aspiring professionals in converting their passion into a sustainable, lucrative, and thriving commercial venture. Embracing this invaluable experience, "Living the Drone Lifestyle" imparts comprehensive insights to future drone entrepreneurs, encompassing:1. Safely executing impressive technological feats2. Foundational principles of managing your independent enterprise3. Guidance on prospering within a dynamically evolving field4. Unveiling the strategies for navigating the intricate regulatory landscapeWhether you acquired your drone impulsively or joined the tech craze, now is the ideal moment to transform your enthusiasm into a lucrative enterprise and transition your hobby into a long-term investment. With the guidance of this book, Drone U will demonstrate how to pilot safely, operate ethically, and elevate your business to new heights.

  • af Peter M. Bowers
    187,95 - 342,95 kr.

  • af Ilaria Caliri
    172,95 kr.

    Make a flying start with Colorful Crochet Birds! Designer Ilaria Caliri has designed a friendly bunch of different species. Make a flamingo, puffin, hoopoe, toucan and more. With a wide variety of birds, ranging from exotic species to birds you find in your own backyard, the biggest challenge is choosing which one to make first! Perfect for beginners! With handy instructions on all stitches (including video tutorials) and help with all materials needed, you'll be mastering amigurumi in no time. Step-by-step pictures accompany challenging parts in the patterns. And there's an online forum as well if you have any questions left. Let your creativity take flight!

  • af Pham Hien Hanh
    252,95 kr.

    Couples and Animal Friends includes 14 patterns of doll couples and an animal friend accompany them. The book has different themes -- Home with Cat, Dog and Mouse; Farm with Chicken, Donkey and Sheep, Forest with Panda, Red Panda, and Koala, Desert with Kangaroo, Rhino and Hippo, and special animals with Penguin and Platypus. There are patterns for beginners they can crochet easily as well as advanced techniques that they can learn and improve their skills those advanced crocheters will like them. There are step by step pictures following the patterns that makes to follow the pattern easily.

  • af Lea Schöning Bb
    195,95 kr.

    40 fantastici disegni di ragazze nere da colorare di Lea SchöningLibro da Colorare per Ragazze Nere offre un modo unico per esprimere la propria creatività e allo stesso tempo favorire il proprio relax. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di ragazze nere in varie pose che vi aspettano per essere colorate.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o artisti avanzati, questo libro da colorare è ideale per tutti coloro che amano le Ragazze Nere. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente progettata per consentirvi di utilizzare i colori e le tecniche a vostro piacimento e creare la vostra personale interpretazione.Le illustrazioni sono realizzate su un solo latoOgni immagine è posizionata su una pagina a sé stante, in modo da non doversi preoccupare che si veda in trasparenza.Un grande regaloI nostri libri sono un ottimo regalo di compleanno per un'amica, per la festa della mamma, per gli uomini, per Natale o per qualsiasi altra ricorrenza.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo libro da colorare di Ragazze Nere, unico nel suo genere!

  • af Lea Schöning Bb
    195,95 kr.

    40 Modèles étonnants de filles noires - Livre de coloriage par Lea SchöningLe livre de coloriage Black Girl pour adultes offre un moyen unique d'exprimer sa créativité tout en se relaxant. Les pages du livre contiennent des illustrations détaillées de filles noires dans diverses poses, qui attendent que vous les coloriez.Idéal pour tous les niveaux de compétenceQue vous soyez débutant ou artiste confirmé, ce livre de coloriage est idéal pour tous ceux qui aiment les filles noires. Chaque image a été soigneusement conçue pour vous permettre d'utiliser les couleurs et les techniques de votre choix et de créer votre propre interprétation.Les illustrations sont faites d'un seul côtéChaque image est placée sur sa propre page afin que vous n'ayez pas à vous soucier de la transparence.Un cadeau idéalNos livres constituent un excellent cadeau d'anniversaire pour un ami, la fête des mères, un cadeau pour les hommes, Noël ou tout autre cadeau d'anniversaire.Commandez dès aujourd'hui et laissez-vous inspirer par ce livre de coloriage unique sur les filles noires!

  • af Mathew Chandler
    317,95 kr.

    Discover the art of raising healthy chickens! Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to enhance your knowledge, this guide is your ticket to success. Get ready to embark on a journey of backyard chicken farming and enjoy delicious eggs every day.

  • af Ruby Kathleen Polkinghorne
    272,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Lea Schöning Bb
    191,95 kr.

    50 Model Incroyable Livre de Coloriage à Motifs par Lea SchöningMon Mode¿le Che¿ri Livre Coloriage offre une occasion unique d'exprimer votre créativité tout en favorisant votre détente. Les pages du livre contiennent des illustrations détaillées de modèles dans différentes poses et tenues, qui n'attendent que vous pour être coloriés.Superbe pour tous les niveaux de compétenceQue vous soyez débutant ou avancé, ce livre de coloriage convient à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la mode et à l'art. Chaque image a été conçue avec soin pour vous permettre d'utiliser les couleurs et les techniques à votre guise et de créer votre propre interprétation.Les images sont réalisées sur une seule faceChaque image est placée sur une face séparée, de sorte que vous n'avez pas à vous soucier d'un quelconque effet de transparence.Page de test de couleur pour vos marqueursIl y a une page de test de couleur pour vos marqueurs, afin que vous puissiez tester les couleurs et la qualité avant de commencer à peindre.Un super cadeauNos livres sont parfaits pour un cadeau d'anniversaire pour un ami, la Saint-Valentin, la fête des mères, un cadeau pour une femme, Noël.Commandez dès aujourd'hui et laissez-vous inspirer par ce livre de coloriage de modèles unique en son genre!

  • af Mary H. Morgan
    162,95 kr.

  • af Charles M. Miller
    177,95 kr.

  • af Robert Miller
    322,95 kr.

    "Pet Parent's Guide": The Ultimate Handbook for Every Stage of Your Furry Friend's LifeAre you ready to embark on the most rewarding journey of companionship with your furry friend? The "Pet Parent's Guide" is more than just a guide-it's your companion, confidante, and counselor in every step of this beautiful journey.¿¿¿¿ Key Highlights: ¿¿¿¿Understanding Pet Psychology: Dive deep into the fascinating world of pet behavior, ensuring a mutual understanding and respect.Choosing the Right Pet: Master the art of selecting a pet that harmonizes seamlessly with your lifestyle.First Steps in Pet Parenting: From preparing your home to those initial bonding moments, ensure you kick off the journey on the right paw.Pet Communication: Decipher body language, moods, and more-understand what your pet is truly saying.Holistic Well-being: A comprehensive approach to physical health, from top-notch nutrition to invigorating exercises.Mental Stimulation: Keep their minds sharp and engaged with enrichment activities tailored to their needs.Bonding through Grooming: Transform grooming sessions into cherished bonding rituals.Protective Health Care: Equip yourself with a proactive approach to health, from vaccinations to preventive care.Training and Socialization: Ensure your furry friend is well-mannered and sociable in every setting.Travel Made Easy: Jet-set or go on road trips, ensuring your pet's safety and enjoyment are in tow.Caring for Senior Pets: Navigate the golden years with grace, ensuring comfort and love.Celebrating Milestones: Make every moment count by honoring your pet's unique journey.Navigating Loss and Grief: Find solace and ways to immortalize the beautiful memories.Community Involvement: Extend a paw to other pets in need, amplifying the love.¿¿¿¿ In the Conclusion, the guide reinforces the essence of the human-pet bond-a never-ending voyage of love, learning, and memories.Grab your copy of the "Pet Parent's Guide" today, and forge a path of love, understanding, and joy with your beloved pet. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

  • af Ebenezer Landells
    337,95 kr.

  • af Femke Vindevogel
    107,95 kr.

    Crochet Peter Panda and his amigurumi friends: 10 quirky animals to brighten your day. Be captivated by the personalities of Peter Panda and his whimsical friends! Femke Vindevogel invites you to crochet 10 irresistible animals, each one with its own uplifting story to tell. If you can't decide between Harry Hare and Bertha Chicken, or Albert Whale and Karate Pig, you'll just have to make them all! Between 18cm (7in) and 26cm (10in) high, yet with personalities much bigger, these toys burst onto the scene with their Scandi palette, joyful outlook and smart accessories. Have fun adding pops of colour to your creations: mittens for Iggy Polar Bear, a scarf and derby hat for Tom Dachshund, a sweater for Jules Reindeer and a rainbow bag for Zoe Zebracorn. Whether you are at beginner, adventurous beginner or intermediate level, there is a playful amigurumi project waiting for you, complete with charts and templates.

  • af Penny Reid & Blythe Russo
    197,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Dave Taylor
    517,95 kr.

    The big book of Epic Dungeons for all you RPG campaignsThe Tremendous Tome of Epic Dungeons is a high-quality, 160-page hardback book, clad in red faux-leather, embossed, with gold foil, and filled with more inspirational 3-D dungeon builds than an adventurer could safely navigate in a lifetime! It is a collaboration with a load of fantastic high profile people from around the world in the gaming community!

  • af Anna-Marie Fahmy
    162,95 kr.

    How to Make Backyard Fairy Garden Accessories is a fun and approachable guide to creating adorable little outdoor accessories for your fairy garden including fairy doors, benches, window, chairs and tables Authors Anna-Marie and Andrew Fahmy combine their two passions, the outdoors and nature crafts, providing step-by-step instruction for creating welcoming whimsical fairy-themed spaces for your garden, small yard space or even a container. Over 20 projects are beginner friendly with only one requirement -- bring your imagination. Also included is an inspirational gallery of fairy gardens, houses and hand-made accessories!

  • af Lea Schöning Bb
    184,95 kr.

    50 Amazing Model Patterns Coloring Book by Lea SchöningFashion Coloring Book offers a unique way to express your creativity while helping you relax. The pages of the book contain detailed illustrations of models in various poses and outfits waiting for you to color.Great for all skill levelsWhether you are a beginner or an advanced artist, this coloring book is great for anyone interested in fashion and art. Each image has been carefully designed to allow you to use colors and techniques as you wish and create your own interpretationPictures are made on one sideEach image is placed on its own page so you don't have to worry about show-through.Color test page for your markersThere is a color test page for your markers so you can test the colors and quality before you start painting.A great giftOur books are great for birthday gift for a friend, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, gift for wife, ChristmasOrder today and get inspired by this unique fashion models coloring book!

  • af Lea Schöning
    197,95 kr.

    50 Modelli da Colorare di Lea Schöning.Il libro da colorare Il Mio Modello Adorato offre un modo unico di esprimere la propria creatività e di rilassarsi. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di modelle in pose e abiti diversi che vi aspettano per essere colorate.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o esperti, questo libro da colorare è ideale per chiunque sia interessato alla moda e all'arte. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente studiata per permettervi di utilizzare i colori e le tecniche che desiderate e creare la vostra interpretazione personale.Le immagini sono realizzate su un solo latoOgni immagine è posizionata su una pagina a sé stante, così non dovrete preoccuparvi della trasparenza.Pagina di prova dei colori per i pennarelliÈ presente una pagina di prova dei colori per i pennarelli, in modo da poterne testare i colori e la qualità prima di iniziare a dipingere.Un grande regaloI nostri libri sono perfetti come regalo di compleanno per un amico, San Valentino, Festa della Mamma, regalo per la moglie, Natale.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo esclusivo libro da colorare per modelli!

  • af Sabrina Somers
    125,95 kr.

    "These loveable little amigurumi monsters are so cute and quick to crochet, you'll want to make them all! At 4 inches high, these manga-inspired plushie creatures are perfect little companions that can peek out of your pocket. Using just one size hook, crochet your partner or a whole team of beasts with unique powers, from a sprout-like sidekick and spiky wolf guardian, to a springy mouse and a fiery cat! Suitable for crocheters of all abilities, these tiny collectables make awesome gifts and mini makes for any age"--

  • af Drew Birkmyre
    177,95 kr.

    We are proud to announce our first Grand Battles supplement has now been released! You can build Napoleon's French armies between 1808-1815 using Napoleon's Grande Armee Parade Handbook. It is 68 pages, full colour book. In this supplement you will find in-depth divisional organisations for all the French main battle divisions between 1808-1815. From these lists you can build pretty much any French corps that fought in Spain, Italy, Austria, Russia and Germany. Although for all allied divisions you will need their handbooks as well, as this supplement only covers the French.Build Line, Reserve, Marie Louise, Marine, Swiss, Grenadier, Young, Middle and Old Guard infantry divisions. You can also build historical Light, Dragoon, Cuirassier and Guard cavalry divisions as well as deploy Grand Batteries.We have also added in our selection of National Heroes into the Headquarters options. Napoleon comes to mind - naturally! However, you can also select Ney, Davout, Lannes, Massena, Soult, Macdonald and Nansoulty. Men like Murat and Eugene, who also commanded other national forces will be highlighted in those handbooks. Both of these French Generals will be found in the Armies of Italy handbook. All national traits and special rules pertaining to the French are easily located in the glossary at the end of the book, so you will never have to worry about trying to find out what Marie Louise troops can and cannot do! The army list building options are very flexible and clearly laid out. The other day we played a French vs Austrian game and going straight to George Nafziger's orders of battle for the Dresden campaign as my source, I built Lauriston's French corps in a few minutes, using this French supplement!Vive la France! Vive l'Empereur!

  • af Drew Birkmyre
    272,95 kr.

    Welcome to Koenig Krieg Version 4. This new edition allows players to not only re-fight battles during the wars of Frederick the Great, but also the Great Northern War, Napoleonic Wars, American Civil War, War of Triple Alliance, Mexican American War, Zulu Wars, Crimean, Franco-Prussian and Austro-Prussian wars as well. It has taken a few years now of game testing and organising but we are finally there.Inside the book:84 full colour, hardcover rulebook:Clearly presented rules, easy to read with plenty of diagrams and examples.New and improved sequence of play, with detailed rules for command and control, movement, shooting, close combat, exploitation and morale.New Brigade Morale Rules.New Combined Action Rules.New Reaction Rules.New Village and Garrison Rules.And much, much more!So come on and play Koenig Krieg, it's the way Freddy would have played it!Please note, books are printed on demand and take up to 7-14 days to arrive. Expect delays due to Christmas rush and Christmas Holiday Opening Hours!Lastly, thanks to all the loyal Koenig Krieg customers. I know you have been waiting patiently for the new release for a couple of years now. I thank you for your dedication and patience. Kindest RegardsDrew

  • af Lulu Compotine
    147,95 kr.

    Enter the whimsical world of Lulu Compotine's crocheted companions and bring her 8 enchanting dolls and their adorable animal friends to life! Lulu's Crochet Dolls takes readers on a creative journey through the seasons. Written by Sandra Muller under the pseudonym Lulu Compotine, the book features a collection of 8 charming crochet dolls, between 7 and 12 inches in height and in an increasing order of difficulty over the seasons: from the joyful strawberry-and-flower picking adventures of Caroline and Charlotte in Springtime to the festive fun had by Celia and Zoé in Winter, the dolls come to life with intricate crochet patterns and imaginative narratives. These endearing characters, each with unique outfits and accessories, are also accompanied by a lovable crew of animal friends, including a dainty ladybird, a friendly squirrel, a loveable cat and a mischievous mouse. Those new to crochet will especially enjoy the thoughtful layout: Details of the equipment neededThe basics of crochet to know with the step-by-step diagrams of the different stitches: magic circle, chain stitch, slip stitch, double crochet, increase, decrease...Her technical advice and pro tips for crocheting a spiral, creating a face, assembling an amigurumi...Step-by-step photos for each model.>Dive into this enchanting crochet world, where Lulu's dolls and their delightful animal friends await your creative touch!

  • af Susanne Pypke
    117,95 kr.

    "Craft whimsical, fluffy pom-pom forest animals with a realistic finish!"--

  • af Susanne Pypke
    117,95 kr.

    "Niedliche Pomponvèogel à 2022 Frechverlag GmbH"--Title page verso.

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