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TV-relateret humor

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  • af Tom Simons
    145,95 kr.

    TommyInnit Says...The Quote Book is an exciting collection penned by none other than Tom Simons. Published recently on the 13th of October, 2022, this book has quickly made its mark in the literary world. The genre of this book is hard to pin down, as it encapsulates a range of emotions and experiences that are universal yet uniquely presented. The book is a testament to Simons' wit and wisdom, as it captures his most memorable quotes in a beautifully designed package. Published by Quercus Publishing Plc, this book is a must-have for fans of Simons and those who appreciate thought-provoking quotes. With TommyInnit Says...The Quote Book, each page turn brings a new insight, a new laugh, or a new perspective. Grab your copy today and dive into the mind of Tom Simons.

  • af Jeremy Clarkson
    105,95 kr.

  • - e-bog
    af Hans-Erik Saks - Anders Houmøller Thomsen
    197,95 kr.

    THE JULEKALENDER BOOK IS TOBACK !Den populære bog har længe været udsolgt fra People’sPress. Nu er den tilbage i HARDBACK version. Identisk med første udgave, på nær et nyt bogomslag.Exceptionel kampagne! Se mere på

  • af Lemn Sissay
    125,95 kr.

    For the past decade, Lemn Sissay has composed a short poem as dawn breaks each morning. Life-affirming, witty and full of wonder, these poems chronicle his own battle with the darkness and are fuelled with resilience and defiant joy. Let the Light Pour In is a collection of the best of these poems, and a book celebrating his morning practice.

  • af The Try Guys
    257,95 kr.

    To be our selves, we must become secure in our insecurities. In The Hidden Power of F*cking Up, The Try Guys?Keith, Ned, Zach, and Eugene?reveal their philosophy of trying: how to fully embrace fear, foolishness, and embarrassment in an effort to understand how we all get paralyzed by a fear of failure. They'll share how four shy, nerdy kids have dealt with their most poignant life struggles by attacking them head-on and reveal their?ahem?sure-fail strategies for achieving success.But they're not just here to talk; they're actually going to put their advice to work. To demonstrate their unique self-improvement formula, they'll each personally confront their deepest insecurities. A die-hard meat-lover goes vegan for the first time. A straitlaced father transforms into a fashionista. A perpetually single sidekick becomes the romantic lead. A child of divorce finally grows more intimate with his family. Through their insightful, emotional journeys and surprising, hilarious anecdotes, they'll help you overcome your own self-doubt to become the best, most f*cked-up version of yourself you can be!

  • af Unagi Books
    184,95 kr.

    ¿Buscas un regalo para un fan de la serie Friends? ¿Eres tú un enamorado de la serie de TV? ¡Este es tu libro!Bienvenid@ a un viaje lleno de risas, amistad y momentos inolvidables. Este libro es TU homenaje apasionado a una serie que ha tocado los corazones de millones de personas en todo el mundo: "Friends".En las páginas de este libro, explorarás los recuerdos que te unen a estos seis amigos que se convirtieron en parte esencial de tu vida. ¿Recuerdas la primera vez que entraste al Central Perk con Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Joey y Phoebe? ¿O cómo te sentiste al ver el último episodio? Estos momentos no son solo fragmentos de una serie; son instantes que se grabaron en tu corazón y se convirtieron en parte de tu historia.Este libro es un espacio para la nostalgia, para celebrar las risas compartidas, las lágrimas derramadas y los momentos que te hicieron sentir parte de esta familia peculiar. Ahora es el momento de escuchar tus historias, tus preferencias y tus recuerdos más preciados de "Friends". ¿Cuál es tu episodio favorito? ¿Qué personaje te hace reír incontrolablemente? ¿En qué momento de tu vida te sentiste más conectado con las vivencias de estos amigos de Nueva York?"Friends y tú" es un diálogo entre fans de verdad, un intercambio de experiencias y un tributo a la magia atemporal de "Friends". Sumérgete en este viaje lleno de preguntas, recuerdos compartidos y amor incondicional por una serie que siempre será más que un simple programa de televisión. Este es tu momento para compartir tus propias historias y opiniones. Porque, al final del día, ¿quién no quiere recordar por qué amamos tanto a "Friends"?

  • af Shabaz Ali
    167,95 kr.

    "Today many of us are feeling the pinch--and being bombarded with portrayals of social media 'perfection' is making that pinch feel more like a punch. We may know that social media--with all its billionaires and beauty queens--is just a highlight reel. So why is it still making most of us feel so low? Comedian Shabaz Ali wants to help you see the funny side of social media again. Because while it looks nice to live up in an ivory tower, this book reminds us that it is much more fun to be part of the baying mob that surrounds it. This ... deep-dive into social media's ridiculously rich, will help you love your own penny-pinched, rough-around-the-edges, extraordinarily ordinary life"--

  • - Strikkeopskrift
    af Kock Sokker
    52,95 kr.

    Årets advents hit. Gør en mand lykkelig, og strik en unik og personlig gave sok til ham! Det kendte handelsfirma Kock Sokker Og Sko står bag årets adventshit. Strik den! I din helt egen yndlings farve!

  • af Marco Julius
    204,95 - 260,95 kr.

  • af Martin Bußmann
    210,95 kr.

    Elli ist nach einem Unfall im Wachkoma gefangen. Doch sie erkennt, dass sie die Körper von Schlafenden übernehmen kann. Will ihr Mann Mick sie ins Jenseits befördern? Kann sie ihn mit Hilfe ihres Jugendfreundes Pidder daran hindern? Was genau haben Kylie Monique und Helene Fleischer mit der ganzen Sache zu tun? Und was zur Hölle will der Krakauer? Es fängt alles damit an, dass Elli die Decke auf den Kopf fällt. Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Bis zu diesem Ereignis lief alles bestens: Elli ist Teilhaberin eines erfolgreichen Unternehmens, hat einen jungen Ehemann, den sie über alles liebt und sie muss sich keine finanziellen Sorgen machen. Doch dann ändert der Unfall alles. Ihr Bewusstsein ist fortan in ihrem regungslosen Körper gefangen. Das ¿Locked-In-Syndrom¿ verhindert, dass sie zu irgendeiner Kommunikation mit der Außenwelt in der Lage ist. Was sich wie der Beginn eine Tragödie anhört, ist der Startschuss einer turbulenten Geschichte über Freundschaft, Lebensmut und Empathie. Die Leserinnen und Leser erhalten Einblick in Ellis Gedankenwelt, die ¿ trotz oder gerade wegen ihrer fehlenden körperlichen Mobilität - erfrischen aktiv ist. In ihrem ¿Head-Office¿ bestimmt sie die Regeln. Und sie hat ein Geheimnis: Sie kann sich im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes ¿in andere hineinversetzen¿. Sie selbst nennt diesen Vorgang ¿Napping¿. Elli entdeckt, dass Mick zusammen mit seiner Geliebten Vicky ihren Tod plant. Es beginnt ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit. Als Elli in ein geheimes Versteck entführt wird, versucht sie mit Pidder Kontakt aufzunehmen. Ein Verwirrspiel beginnt, bei dem immer wieder die Perspektive gewechselt wird. Die Leserinnen und Leser fragen sich gemeinsam mit Pidder: ¿Elli, bist düs?¿. Neben einer wilden Verfolgungsjagd durch die imaginäre Landschaft des ¿oberen Niederrhein¿ geht es vor allem um einen Roadtrip durch die Köpfe der Protagonisten. Im Mittelpunkt des Ganzen liegt Elli: die Frau, die sich von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite keinen Millimeter aus eigener Kraft bewegen kann. Im verzweifelten Versuch, ihr Leben zu retten, treibt sie die Handlung voran, mischt sich ein und sorgt auf vielfache Weise für Chaos.Bernd Stelter: ¿... eine abgefahrene Story, die sich immer weiter steigert. Ich bin begeistert, meine Frau auch!¿

  • af Stan Parris
    242,95 kr.

    "Just Unfriend Me ... Or Not" is a compilation of Facebook posts by author Stan Parris, who began doing the grocery shopping for his wife, Charlotte, after his retirement from fulltime ministry in 2016. After 37 humorous stories about his shopping experiences, he decided that a retired minister should probably be writing more about life experiences, many of which come with a spiritual message or poignant reminders that life on Earth is short and temporary. So, the book is divided in two sections - or really two books - one called "Walmart Words," and the second, "Just Saying." Those words appear in each chapter as he makes his point.Readers may find themselves laughing aloud while guiding their virtual buggies through their own grocery stores or Walmart Superstores in their hometowns. His inexperience as a grocery shopper becomes evident when Charlotte accompanies him on one of his adventures and grabs things from the shelves without consulting his "orderly" list of items to be purchased. He only thought he knew his way around the store before being "schooled" by his wife.While the humor of "Walmart Words" may bring tears of laughter, the "Just Saying" portion may bring the other kind of tears as the author puts readers on the podium with him as he presides over funerals of loved ones or reflects on the lives of those he has known and loved. His points range from, "don't litter," to expressing the need to allow Jesus to be in control of people's lives.Stan's first book, "Just Outside of Hope," recounts his experiences as a missionary in Venezuela and his mission trips into many countries as missions pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock. He retired as pastor of Second Baptist Church in Arkadelphia, the same city where he met his future wife while both were students at Henderson State University.The author was raised just outside of Hope, as his dad always described his residency, and surrendered to the ministry while coaching football at Hope High School. He later returned to his hometown to pastor First Baptist Church.

  • af Hermann Selchow
    261,95 kr.

    Humor ist ein Phänomen, das uns Menschen seit jeher begleitet. Er dient als Ventil für unsere Emotionen, als Spiegel unserer Gesellschaft und als Verbindung zwischen den Menschen. Doch wenn wir an deutschen Humor denken, kommt uns nicht unbedingt als erstes ein herzhaftes Lachen in den Sinn. Im Gegenteil, wir neigen dazu, Deutsche als ernste und wenig humorvolle Menschen wahrzunehmen. Doch ist das wirklich so?In diesem Buch werde ich gemeinsam mit Ihnen den deutschen Humor genauer unter die Lupe nehmen und den Wandel, den er im Laufe der Zeit durchlaufen hat, untersuchen. Wir werden die Ursprünge des deutschen Humors im Mittelalter erkunden, in eine Zeit zurückreisen, in der die Minnesänger mit ihren schalkhaften Versen die Menschen zum Lachen brachten. Von dort aus werden wir uns durch die Jahrhunderte bewegen und die verschiedenen Einflüsse auf den deutschen Humor beleuchten.Dabei werden wir nicht nur auf die großen Komiker und Komikerinnen eingehen, die die deutsche Comedy-Szene geprägt haben, sondern auch auf die kleinen, alltäglichen Situationen, in denen sich der deutsche Humor widerspiegelt. Denn oft sind es gerade die kleinen Nuancen, die den Unterschied machen und uns zum Schmunzeln bringen. Wir werden uns mit den Wortspielen und der Ironie der deutschen Sprache beschäftigen, denn sie sind essentielle Bestandteile des deutschen Humors.Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt, den wir betrachten werden, ist der Einfluss der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen auf den deutschen Humor. Die deutsche Geschichte ist von Höhen und Tiefen geprägt, von politischen Umbrüchen und gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen. Und genau diese Ereignisse haben auch ihren Einfluss auf den Humor gehabt. Ob es die politische Satire in Zeiten der Weimarer Republik war oder die Kabarettisten der Nachkriegszeit, die die deutsche Gesellschaft kritisch hinterfragten ¿ der Humor spiegelt stets die Stimmung und den Zeitgeist wider.Doch Humor ist nicht nur Unterhaltung, sondern kann auch eine wichtige Rolle in gesellschaftlichen Debatten spielen. Wir werden uns mit dem politischen Humor auseinandersetzen, der Missstände aufzeigt und zum Nachdenken anregt. Denn oft gelingt es dem Humor, die Menschen auf spielerische Art und Weise für gesellschaftliche Probleme zu sensibilisieren und Diskussionen anzustoßen.Während wir uns auf unserer Reise durch den deutschen Humor bewegen, werden wir auch auf die Frage eingehen, warum der deutsche Humor oft als ¿ernsthaft¿ oder ¿trocken¿ wahrgenommen wird. Welche kulturellen und sprachlichen Besonderheiten prägen den deutschen Humor und wie unterscheidet er sich von anderen Humorformen? Es ist spannend zu erkennen, dass gerade die vermeintliche Ernsthaftigkeit Teil des deutschen Humors ist und seine eigene Komik birgt.Abschließend möchte ich Ihnen, liebe Leserinnen und Leser, für Ihr Interesse an diesem Buch danken. Ich hoffe, dass Sie beim Lesen genauso viel Freude haben werden wie ich beim Schreiben. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt des deutschen Humors, entdecken Sie die Vielfalt und lassen Sie sich zum Lachen bringen. Denn Humor ist eine universelle Sprache, die uns verbindet und uns auch in schwierigen Zeiten Trost spenden kann.Ihr Hermann Selchow

  • af Elio Endless
    322,95 kr.

    "TERRORISM AND THE SOCIAL MEDIA" Your Definitive Guide to Understanding the Complex Relationship Between Terrorism, Media, and FearHello there, dear reader! Have you ever considered the delicate dance that exists between terrorism, fear, and the media? Prepare for an eye-opening voyage through the pages of "TERRORISM AND THE SOCIAL MEDIA," a groundbreaking book that digs into the interwoven web of these three factors that create our society today.Discover the Hidden Links: Our expertly constructed pages reveal the unseen connections between terrorism, fear, and the media. Have you ever pondered how terrorists use the media to disseminate their ideologies? Or how the media's desire for sensationalism exacerbates public fear? Prepare to have your questions answered as we analyze the often-overlooked symbiotic relationship.A Treasure in Your Hands: Enter the world of this masterwork, brought to life by our exceptional publishing firm. As your friendly local book editor, I've sorted through innumerable volumes, and I can guarantee you that this one is a definite must-read. It's more than a book; it's a treasure that promises to broaden your horizons and challenge your preconceived assumptions.Empowering Knowledge: "TERRORISM AND THE SOCIAL MEDIA" delves deeply into Osama bin Laden's beliefs on media manipulation, the attraction of terrorism, and the worrisome rise of fear as a weapon. We provide you with a wealth of knowledge to navigate today's complex world with a discerning eye by examining these themes.Real Insights, Real Impact: Have you ever wondered about the impact of the media in molding popular perceptions of terrorism? Prepare to learn about the disproportionate coverage of some situations, the manipulation of narratives, and the unintended consequences that ripple across society.A Global Perspective: Our articles cross borders and cultures to investigate how different societies deal with the intersection between terrorism, media, and fear. You'll get a bird's-eye view of how these dynamics play out around the world, which will help you better grasp our linked global landscape.Unlock Truths: "TERRORISM AND THE SOCIAL MEDIA" helps you to distinguish between sensationalism and reality, enabling a more nuanced perspective on the world's concerns through thoroughly studied data and expert analysis.Ignite Conversations: Armed with this book's knowledge, you'll be prepared to engage in thought-provoking discussions about terrorism, media impact, and the role of fear in our lives. Encourage critical thinking and debate that can lead to constructive change by challenging traditional wisdom.The title may read "TERRORISM AND THE SOCIAL MEDIA," but this book offers much more-a better grasp of our modern world's complexities. Are you prepared to embark on a journey that will forever alter your perception of terrorism, media, and the concerns that bind them? Dive in now and let the awakening begin!

  • af Raju Srivastav
    297,95 kr.

    Social Media Education" by Raju Srivastav explores the profound impact of social media on modern society and advocates for a comprehensive understanding of its implications. In this insightful work, Srivastav delves into the significance of educating individuals about responsible and effective social media usage.The book highlights the growing influence of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok on communication, information dissemination, and personal interactions. Srivastav emphasizes the importance of digital literacy in navigating the complex landscape of online networks, emphasizing critical thinking and discernment to combat misinformation and cyberbullying.Raju Srivastav, a seasoned technology analyst, draws upon his extensive experience to provide practical insights into leveraging social media for personal branding, networking, and business growth. He addresses concerns related to privacy, mental health, and the addictive nature of social platforms, offering strategies for striking a healthy balance between online and offline life."Social Media Education" is a timely guide that underscores the need for educational institutions, parents, and policymakers to integrate digital literacy into curricula. With a blend of expert analysis and relatable anecdotes, Raju Srivastav empowers readers to harness the potential of social media while being informed and responsible digital citizens.

  • af Michael James Schneider
    127,95 kr.

    From viral balloon-word artist and Instagram sensation Michael James Schneider (@blcksmth) comes a one-of-a-kind debut gift book with never-before-seen original artwork!Featuring many of @blcksmth’s most iconic balloon, flower, and light installations—plus exclusive new content—this book has a little something for everyone. Filled with funny, inspiring, and heartwarming messages on topics like self-love, self-growth, self-doubt, and advice for your future self, this is the perfect gift for any occasion or reader.

  • af Christopher Salem
    167,95 kr.

    If you or someone you know is looking to get out of their shell and grow their skills, this book will help. For someone that struggles with challenges, learn how to have the grit to overcome obstacles. Find out how someone self-focused can become others focused and why it is so important. Learn how even an introvert cna build a big community and grow their connections effectively. This book contains parables and stories of a kid from the inner city of New York, who was shy, introverted, learning disabled, and bullied, who overcame many obstacles, has amassed a huge network, speaks to thousands of people regularly and has turned his biggest weaknesses into his superpowers. You will learn about four pillars of a Master Connector: Having the grit to overcoming obstaclesBe others focused and pay it forwardHow to connect authenticallyBuilding a community and growing your connections

  • af Serenity Tanner
    152,95 kr.

    Are you looking for a way to boost your overall wellness? Do you want to improve your mental health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases? Look no further than Social Connecting for Health: The Importance of Relationships for Overall Wellness.In this insightful and engaging book, you'll discover the transformative power of social connections for your health and well-being. With a focus on building and maintaining relationships, you'll learn practical tips and strategies for connecting with others and overcoming barriers to socializing.The book explores the different types of social connections, from family and friends to professional networks and online communities. With in-depth coverage of the latest technology for staying connected, you'll gain a better understanding of the pros and cons of various social platforms and devices.But the benefits of social connections go far beyond simply staying in touch. The book also delves into the ways that social connections can improve your mental health and help you overcome common mental health challenges. With practical advice for addressing stress, anxiety, and depression, you'll learn how to tap into the healing power of relationships.But that's not all. The book also provides a comprehensive comparison of different methods for staying connected, helping you make informed decisions about the best approach for your unique needs. With a focus on the criteria for comparison, you'll gain valuable insights into the trade-offs of various methods.Whether you're looking to boost your mental health, prevent chronic disease, or simply improve your overall well-being, Social Connecting for Health is the ultimate guide to building and maintaining social connections. With its engaging and informative style, it's the perfect resource for anyone looking to get the most out of their relationships and improve their health. Don't wait - get your copy today and start connecting for a healthier, happier life!

  • af Rebecca Shaw
    165,95 kr.

    From Rebecca Shaw and Ben Kronengold, the youngest comedy writers ever for The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and masterminds behind the viral 2018 Yale graduation speech, comes a hilarious collection of short stories taking on coming-of-age, memes, sex, politics, relationships, and Goop, with satire, self-deprecation, and utter irreverence.Showing off their trademark humor and writing chops that have made them a viral sensation, Rebecca Shaw and Ben Kronengold provide a collection of startlingly funny short stories that will keep readers laughing.Naked in the Rideshare is a riotous collection of comedic short stories, bursting with the safe spaces, shrooms dealers, and Notes app apologies that define growing up right now. The essays take a drunken cannonball into this generation's hopes and anxieties. A camp color war ends in ritual sacrifice. A twenty-something enters a sexual relationship with his childhood fairy god milf. A summit outside of space and time brings together a teen's selves from ages 1 to 81.Irreverent, disturbing, and surprisingly rife with hope, Naked in the Rideshare aims to shine a light on the generation we can't stop talking about?and all the ways we get them so wrong.

  • af Katrina Logan
    117,95 kr.

    Four friends. Twelve years. One Eurovision . . .  Eurovision is always the highlight of Millie's year. So when she and her best friend James get the chance to see the final live in Oslo, it's a dream come true - until they get swept up the excitement and try to break backstage, along with carefree German singer Ingrid and charismatic Australian backpacker, Noah. Getting thrown out of the stadium wasn't exactly the plan, but it might just spark the friendship - and the pact - of a lifetime. The four of them are going to reunite for every final, every year, every Eurovision.  Over the years, the unlikely four celebrate iconic Eurovision moments all across Europe - and, most importantly, are there for each other during all their highs and lows, heartaches and triumphs. But real life takes them down increasingly different paths, their promise becomes harder and harder to keep. Can the magic of Eurovision bring them together one last time...?A joyous and uplifting novel inspired by the iconic song contest, about friendship, love and finding where you belong.

  • af Lauren Oyler
    297,95 kr.

    From the celebrated and national bestselling novelist and critic, an eye-opening and groundbreaking collection of essays on the state of cultural criticism and what meaning art has in our ever-challenging world.

  • af Sam Canning
    85,95 kr.

  • af Salvatore Attardo
    1.159,95 kr.

  • af Viggo P. Hansen
    87,95 kr.

  • af Viggo P Hansen
    87,95 kr.

  • af Ian Allen
    125,95 kr.

    The follow-up to Ian Allen¿s uproarious Embarassing Dad Jokes, Even More Embarrassing DAD JOKES takes the `dad joke book¿ to new dimensions!

  • af Kitty Flanagan
    107,95 kr.

  • af Damian Bradfield
    167,95 kr.

  • af Kaitlyn Tiffany & Lizzie Plaugic
    142,95 kr.

    Dispatches from the everyday adventures of two regular women in New York. An Atlantic Edition, featuring long-form journalism by Atlantic writers, drawn from contemporary articles or classic storytelling from the magazine's 165-year archive.Welcome to Lizzie and Kaitlyn's New York: Join two regular women as they recap small parties, weird dinners, and aimless evenings. Highlights include taking the Q train to Coney Island, an Uber to eat Garbage Plates, and a walk to a Crown Heights birthday party. Eclectic and endlessly funny, these dispatches invite you to get together and go nowhere with nobody all that famous.

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