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Indendørs plantedyrkning

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  • - flere porrer til folket
    af Persille Ingerslev
    227,95 kr.

    Gendyrk er genbrug, grøn omstilling, gratis mad, haveterapi og ikke mindst sjovt, hyggeligt og nemt. Det kan foregå hjemme i køkkenet, nede i baggården eller ude i køkkenhaven. Bogen her er til dig, der vil give dig i kast med at gendyrke rester fra frø og grøntsager og ønsker de bedste tips til, hvodan du kommer i gang. Persille Ingerslev, der er Danmarks ukronede dronning af gendyrk, fortæller, hvad der skal til, for at du selv kan gå i gang med at gendyrke, uanset om du vil prøve kræfter med ananas og chiagræs eller blot vil forsøge dig med mere konventionelle afgrøder som karse, tomater og forårsløg.I alt 47 afgrøder er beskrevet i bogen, herunder den storslåede porre, der ifølge Persille indkapsler alt det, der gør gendyrkning magisk og vidunderligt.Persille Ingerslev har mere end 16.000 følgere på Facebook-siden ’Persilles hjemmedyrk’, hvor hun deler sine erfaringer. Derudover holder hun foredrag landet over om at gendyrke. Hun begyndte selv på at dyrke frugt og grønt, da hun en overgang var på kontanthjælp og ikke havde råd til supermarkedernes friske varer. Hun opdagede undervejs, at gendyrkning også hjalp på hendes stress, depression og angst.

  • - Grønne planter indendørs
    af Jenny Leite-Vikra, Kathrine Winther Løkke & Marte Espevik
    237,95 kr.

    Grønne planter er tilbage i vores vindueskarme, også selv om det ikke altid er lige nemt at finde ud af, hvad der skal til for at få dem til at trives indendørs. Denne håndbog er spækket med praktiske plantetip og fortæller om alt det, du behøver at vide for at holde din bolig grøn. Den tager højde for lange vintre og nordiske lysforhold, og du får basal viden om pasning, pleje og formering. Desuden indeholder bogen inspirerende portrætter af en række populære planter med konkret information om, hvad de kræver af lys, vand, jord og gødning – året rundt. Bogens forfattere er Jenny Leite-Vikra, Kathrine Winther Løkke og Marte Espevik, som blandt andet skriver og designer plantemagasinet GRO, et skandinavisk netmagasin om stueplanter.

  • af Henrik Ærenlund Pedersen
    269,95 kr.

    Orkidéernes verden er en fascinerende bog skrevet af den talentfulde forfatter Henrik Ærenlund Pedersen. Udgivet i 2023, denne bog tager læseren på en utrolig rejse gennem den farverige og mystiske verden af orkidéer. Denne bog tilhører genren af naturvidenskab og er perfekt for dem, der er nysgerrige efter at lære mere om disse smukke planter. Henrik Ærenlund Pedersen's dygtige skrivning gør læsningen både informativ og underholdende. Udgivet af Gyldendal, en af de mest respekterede udgivere i Danmark, er Orkidéernes verden et must-read for enhver natur elsker.

  • af Workman Publishing
    147,95 kr.

  • af Ben Newell
    158,95 kr.

    Venture into the tiny worlds of terrariums and discover how to create a universe of your own. Like an artist, you'll learn how to use planting and hardscaping to make stunning terrarium compositions. Plus, master the fundamentals of successful growing - soil, water, and light - so your plants thrive.Put theory into practice with step-by-step projects of 13 terrariums:- Repurpose a spice jar to create a stunning yet small terrarium on a budget- Replicate natural environments in your home with planting and hardscaping choices, such as the fallen branch terrarium- Express yourself by including playful figurines to create fun imaginary worlds- Try a bioactive terrarium, adding custodians to thrive in these mini ecosystemsWith a combination of projects and deep dives into plant groups and care advice, you'll be well on your way to curating your own terrarium wonderland with Hello Tiny World.

  • af Paul Rees
    145,95 kr.

    The Kew Gardener's Guide to Growing Cacti and Succulents is the latest title from the Kew Experts series, giving you everything you need to master the art of growing cacti and succulents.

  • - din brugerguide
    af David Schmader
    111,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Pothåndbogen – en brugerguide er en underholdende og oplysende guide til, hvordan man får de bedste oplevelser med pot og cannabis. Bogen forholder sig til fup og fakta, skrøner og myter, og fremlægger den nyeste forskning og viden om emnet.Du får hele historien om pot og alt fra opskrifter og metoder til sikkerhedsforanstaltninger og sundhedsoplysninger. Sproget er humoristisk og lettilgængeligt, og bogen egner sig derfor godt som en sjov lille gaveide.”En sjov guide fyldt med historie, opskrifter og helbredsmæssig information.” Publishers Weekly”Pothåndbogen er elegant skrevet og fuldstændig gennemtænkt.” Booklist”Marihuanabrugere fra nybegynderen til den erfarne ryger vil sætte pris på de farverige anekdoter, opskrifter og sikkerhedstips.” Business Insider”Betragt bogen som den moderne mands vejledningsmanual til marihuana.” Men’s Journal

  • af Susan Wittig Albert
    192,95 kr.

  • af Isabella Bandoni
    872,95 kr.

    Dans le vaste jardin de la Terre, les plantes se dressent comme des gardiennes de la vie, émaillant notre monde de couleurs, de parfums et de vitalité. Depuis des temps immémoriaux, elles ont été nos compagnes fidèles, nous offrant nourriture, abri, médecine et beauté. Leur présence silencieuse mais puissante est un rappel constant de la magie et de la générosité de la nature.Les plantes sont les maîtres de la photosynthèse, ce processus miraculeux qui transforme la lumière du soleil en énergie vitale. Grâce à cette alchimie divine, elles produisent l'oxygène que nous respirons et absorbent le dioxyde de carbone que nous expirons, créant ainsi un équilibre parfait dans notre atmosphère. En cela, les plantes sont les gardiennes de notre air, nous rappelant notre interdépendance avec le règne végétal.Mais les plantes ne se contentent pas de nourrir nos poumons ; elles nourrissent également nos corps. Des légumes croquants aux fruits juteux, des herbes aromatiques aux céréales nourrissantes, les plantes offrent une abondance de saveurs et de nutriments pour nourrir notre corps et notre esprit. Leur diversité incroyable témoigne de la richesse infinie de la nature, offrant une palette infinie de goûts et de textures pour éveiller nos sens et nourrir notre âme.Les plantes sont également des guérisseuses dévouées, offrant leurs pouvoirs curatifs depuis des temps immémoriaux. Des remèdes traditionnels à base de plantes aux médicaments modernes dérivés de composés végétaux, les plantes sont au c¿ur de la médecine depuis des millénaires. Leur sagesse ancestrale et leur puissance régénératrice nous rappellent le potentiel de guérison contenu dans chaque feuille, chaque fleur, chaque racine.Enfin, les plantes sont des artistes de la beauté, créant un éventail éblouissant de formes, de couleurs et de textures pour égayer notre monde. Des forêts luxuriantes aux jardins fleuris, des paysages désertiques aux jungles exotiques, les plantes transforment notre environnement en un véritable tableau vivant, une symphonie de vie et de mouvement.En somme, les plantes sont bien plus que de simples êtres vivants ; ce sont les gardiennes de la vie, les alliées précieuses qui nourrissent, guérissent et embellissent notre monde. Que nous soyons dans une forêt, un jardin ou simplement entourés de pots de fleurs sur un rebord de fenêtre, les plantes nous rappellent notre lien indéfectible avec la nature, nous invitant à honorer et à protéger la précieuse biodiversité qui nous entoure.

  • af Dario de Felice
    857,95 kr.

    Planter des bonsaïs est bien plus qu'une simple activité de jardinage ; c'est un voyage vers la création d'une ¿uvre d'art vivante, une pratique qui exige patience, soin et respect pour la nature. Chaque bonsaï est une expression unique de la beauté et de l'harmonie, capturant l'essence même des grands arbres dans un espace restreint.Pour planter un bonsaï, il faut d'abord choisir le bon arbre et le bon pot. Les espèces les plus courantes pour les bonsaïs comprennent le pin, le ficus, le juniper et le bonsaï d'érable, chacun offrant ses propres défis et ses propres récompenses. Le choix du pot est également crucial, car il influence la croissance et le développement de l'arbre, ainsi que son esthétique globale.Une fois le bonsaï et le pot choisis, il est temps de planter l'arbre. Cela implique de préparer le sol avec un mélange bien drainant de terreau et de sable, de placer l'arbre dans le pot avec soin, en veillant à ne pas endommager les racines, et de le stabiliser avec du fil de cuivre ou de l'aluminium. Une fois planté, le bonsaï nécessite un arrosage régulier, une fertilisation périodique et une taille judicieuse pour encourager une croissance saine et équilibrée.Mais planter des bonsaïs ne se limite pas à la simple technique ; c'est aussi une leçon de patience et de persévérance. La formation d'un bonsaï peut prendre des années, voire des décennies, et demande un engagement constant et une attention minutieuse. Chaque coupe, chaque pincement est une décision réfléchie, un pas de plus vers la réalisation d'une vision esthétique unique.Pourtant, malgré les défis, planter des bonsaïs est une expérience profondément gratifiante. C'est une invitation à ralentir, à observer le rythme naturel de la croissance et à s'émerveiller devant la beauté de la nature dans sa forme la plus pure. C'est un rappel constant de notre connexion avec le monde naturel et de notre responsabilité envers sa préservation.En fin de compte, planter des bonsaïs est bien plus qu'une simple activité de jardinage ; c'est un art, une pratique méditative, une source de joie et de beauté dans notre quotidien. Que vous soyez un novice enthousiaste ou un expert chevronné, planter des bonsaïs offre une opportunité unique de créer, de s'exprimer et de se connecter avec la nature d'une manière profonde et significative.

  • af Iris Gardner
    207,95 kr.

    Are you captivated by the exotic beauty of orchids?Have you ever dreamed of cultivating these enchanting plants at home, but felt intimidated by their exotic reputation?Do you wish to delve into the world of orchid gardening but don't know where to start? "Growing Orchids for Beginners" is the guide you need. This comprehensive book transforms the complex world of orchids into a fun, accessible hobby. Its easy-to-follow structure and language make the process of learning about and growing orchids an absolute joy. Inside the pages of "Growing Orchids for Beginners," you'll discover: -A thorough introduction to orchids, their origin, history, and types, paving the way for a deep understanding of these fascinating plants.-An insightful overview of orchid anatomy, demystifying terms like pseudobulbs and providing a closer look at orchid flowers.-A detailed guide to getting started with orchids, including how to choose your first orchid, understanding the ideal location for your plant, and the essential tools and supplies you'll need.-Expert advice on planting and repotting orchids, understanding orchid potting mixes, and learning when and how to repot.-Comprehensive guidance on caring for orchids, such as how much water and light your plants need, how to feed them, and recognizing nutrient deficiencies.-Tips for troubleshooting common orchid problems, spotting diseases and pests, addressing physical damage, and reviving a sick orchid.-An introduction to orchid propagation, including different methods like using keikis and division.-Suggestions on how to incorporate orchids into your home decor and how to choose the right orchid as a gift. "Growing Orchids for Beginners" is more than just a book; it's a journey that takes you from a novice to a seasoned home orchid gardener. Whether you're a gardening enthusiast looking to broaden your plant collection or someone seeking a new hobby, this book will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to successfully grow and care for your own collection of orchids.

  • af Nadia Boyd
    242,95 kr.

    "Aquaponics for Beginners" is your go-to resource for diving into the world of sustainable gardening through the innovative practice of aquaponics. Whether you're a gardening enthusiast or a novice looking to explore eco-friendly cultivation, this comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions and valuable insights to help you create a thriving aquaponic system in your own backyard.Understanding Aquaponics: Grasp the fundamentals of aquaponics, the symbiotic relationship between fish and plants, and its ecological benefits.Setting Up Your System: Follow detailed instructions for designing and building your aquaponic system, tailored for beginners.Choosing the Right Fish and Plants: Explore suitable fish species and plants for your aquaponic garden, creating a balanced and sustainable ecosystem.Maintaining Water Quality: Learn essential tips for monitoring and maintaining optimal water conditions to ensure the health of both fish and plants.Troubleshooting and Problem-solving: Navigate common challenges and implement effective solutions to keep your aquaponic system thriving.Harvesting and Enjoying Your Produce: Reap the rewards of your efforts as you harvest fresh, organic vegetables and herbs from your aquaponic garden.¿¿¿¿ Ready to embark on a sustainable gardening adventure? Dive into "Aquaponics for Beginners" and unlock the secrets to cultivating a thriving garden that benefits both you and the environment. Whether you have a small backyard or ample outdoor space, this guide empowers you to grow fresh produce sustainably. Start your aquaponic journey today and experience the joy of growing your own food! ¿¿¿¿

  • af Ezequiel Koa
    287,95 kr.

    The Importance of Studying Plant GeneticsSubchapter: The Importance of Studying Plant GeneticsIntroduction:In today's world, where environmental concerns and food security are at the forefront, understanding plant genetics has become more crucial than ever before. From improving crop yields to developing disease-resistant plants, the study of plant genetics holds immense significance. This subchapter aims to shed light on the importance of studying plant genetics and its implications for everyone, particularly those interested in the fields of genetics and genomics.1. Unveiling the Secrets of Evolution:Studying plant genetics allows us to unravel the mysteries of evolution. By examining the genetic makeup of plants, scientists can trace their ancestry, discover their evolutionary history, and gain insights into how they have adapted to various environmental conditions over time. This knowledge not only helps us understand the past but also provides valuable information for predicting future changes in plant species.2. Boosting Crop Yields:As the world's population continues to grow, the demand for food is increasing exponentially. Studying plant genetics enables scientists to develop crops with higher yields, enhanced nutritional value, and improved resistance against pests, diseases, and environmental stresses. By manipulating plant genes, researchers can create varieties that are more productive, efficient, and sustainable, ultimately contributing to global food security.3. Conservation and Biodiversity:Plant genetics plays a vital role in the conservation of endangered plant species and the preservation of biodiversity. By studying the genetic diversity within plant populations, scientists can identify rare genes and traits that may be crucial for the survival of certain species. This knowledge helps in developing conservation strategies, ensuring that unique plant varieties are protected for future generations.4. Medicinal and Industrial Applications:Plants have been a source of medicines, fibers, and biofuels for centuries. Understanding plant genetics allows scientists to identify and manipulate genes responsible for producing valuable compounds, opening doors to new medical treatments, sustainable materials, and renewable energy sources. Studying plant genetics also helps in optimizing cultivation practices, leading to increased production and quality of plant-based products

  • af Liz Anderson
    162,95 kr.

    Delve into the world of orchids with this comprehensive guide to orchid care. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced orchid enthusiast, this book has something for everyone. From understanding the different types of orchids and their specific needs to mastering watering techniques, lighting, fertilization, and more, you'll have all the tools you need to keep your orchids thriving. With step-by-step instructions, practical tips, and actionable advice, you'll learn how to repot orchids, prevent and treat diseases, and create the optimal growing environment. Discover the joy of watching your orchids bloom year after year as you gain confidence in your abilities as an orchid caregiver. Packed with beautiful photographs, this guide will inspire and educate, making it an essential resource for any orchid lover. Enhance your knowledge, cultivate your green thumb, and find success in orchid care with this must-have book.

  • af Emily Bautista
    272,95 kr.

  • af Ravish Kumar
    297,95 kr.

    In "Scientific Advancements in Tribal Farming Knowledge," Ravish Kumar embarks on a captivating journey through the heartland of traditional agricultural practices, shedding light on the ingenious wisdom of indigenous tribes and their remarkable ability to coexist harmoniously with nature. Kumar's work is a profound exploration of the symbiotic relationship between modern science and age-old tribal farming techniques.Drawing on years of research and firsthand experiences, Kumar highlights the invaluable contributions of tribal communities to sustainable agriculture. He underscores how their profound understanding of local ecosystems, traditional crop management, and organic farming methods can inform and enrich contemporary agricultural practices. This book serves as a bridge, connecting the wisdom of tribal farmers with the tools of modern science, enabling the creation of innovative and sustainable farming solutions.Readers will be captivated by the compelling stories of tribal communities, their agricultural rituals, and the indigenous knowledge that has been passed down through generations. Kumar masterfully intertwines storytelling with scientific insight, making this book accessible to both scholars and the general public."Scientific Advancements in Tribal Farming Knowledge" is a testament to the resilience, wisdom, and resourcefulness of indigenous tribes and a call to action for society to embrace their valuable contributions to modern farming. Ravish Kumar's thought-provoking work serves as a beacon, guiding us toward a more sustainable and harmonious future in agriculture.

  • af Andrew Mikolajski
    192,95 kr.

    Become a green thumb in no time with this fun plant care deck. Looking for tips on how to care for your plants? Look no further than this deck of 50 cards! Featuring a wide variety of indoor plants, from the African Milk Tree to the Zebra Cactus, each card is packed with helpful tips and tricks for keeping your plants happy and healthy. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or a newbie to the world of plant care, this deck has something for everyone. You'll learn about the unique needs of each plant, including how much light, water, fertilizer and grooming they require, and even some fun facts about their history and origins. Each card is brought to life with vibrant color illustrations of the plant, making it easy to identify and care for them. And with 50 different plants to choose from, you're sure to find something that fits your environment and lifestyle. Whether you're looking to add some greenery to your home or office, or just want to learn more about the world of plants, this deck of 50 cards is the perfect way to get started.

  • af Fredy Ramón
    227,95 kr.

    Sumérgete en el exuberante mundo de la jardinería interior con 'Cómo Cuidar Las Plantas Del Hogar'. Esta guía integral es tu pasaporte para nutrir la vegetación dentro de las acogedoras paredes de tu hogar. Desde el momento en que abres sus páginas, te embarcarás en un viaje cautivador, desbloqueando los secretos para crear un oasis en interiores que florezca con vida y belleza.En este libro, encontrarás un tesoro de conocimiento que va más allá de lo básico. Desde comprender los fundamentos del cuidado de las plantas hasta dominar el arte de la preparación del sustrato, 'Cómo Cuidar Las Plantas Del Hogar' no deja hoja sin voltear. Te guía a través del intrincado baile de seleccionar el lugar perfecto para tus plantas, plantarlas con cuidado y proporcionarles el cariño esencial que necesitan para prosperar.Pero este libro no se detiene en lo fundamental. Se adentra en los detalles más sutiles, revelando los secretos de la poda efectiva e incluso la elaboración de tu propio alimento para las plantas casero. Con cada capítulo, te verás más profundamente inmerso en el encantador mundo de la jardinería interior, adquiriendo las habilidades y la confianza para transformar tu hogar en un refugio de belleza natural.Ya seas un entusiasta de las plantas experimentado o estés comenzando tu viaje en el mundo de la vegetación, 'Cómo Cuidar Las Plantas Del Hogar' ofrece una gran cantidad de conocimientos valiosos, convirtiéndolo en un compañero imprescindible para cualquier persona que busque cultivar un santuario verde y floreciente dentro de sus propias cuatro paredes. Prepárate para ver cómo tu hogar florece y prospera con la sabiduría contenida en estas páginas.

  • af &107, &1090, &1077, mfl.
    314,95 kr.

  • af John R. Mollison
    227,95 kr.

  • af Jen Racine
    117,95 kr.

    Ready to learn about some of the most gorgeous plants on every plant parent's wishlist?If you're a plant parent who has mastered the basics of the more common houseplants, perhaps you are ready for some new, unique and special plants? Coloring is a great way for seasoned plant-lovers to learn more about plants they may want to add to their collection as well as for newcomers to expand their knowledge base. In this creative book you will find thirty illustrations of plants in decorative pots labeled with helpful information such as recommended light, how often to water and fertilize, place of origin and more. Easy-to-color but detailed illustrations are set against simple backgrounds (check interior pages or back of book for examples).Plants include: Alocasia Regal Shield, Calathea Rattlesnake, Mini Monstera, Neon Pothos, Philodendron Florida Ghost, Polka Dot Begonia, Purple Shamrock, Ric Rac Cactus, Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight, Staghorn Fern, Starfish Snake Plant, Strawberry Cream Syngonium, Stromathe Triostar, Sweetheart Hoya, Swiss Cheese Plant, Velvet Cardboard Anthurium, Watermelon Peperomia and more!Pair this book with a houseplant for a unique and thoughtful gift.Perfect for: housewarming giftnew plant parentsplant loversminimalistshomeschoollearning about plantsurban gardenersdecorating with plantsLook for the companion book, The Plant Parent Coloring Book.

  • af Darryl Cheng
    197,95 kr.

    Darryl Cheng, best-selling author of New Plant Parent, is back with the first book for indoor gardeners who want to step up from basic plant care to creating rewarding plant collections.

  • af E. A. Maling
    352,95 kr.

  • af Hugh Findlay
    397,95 kr.

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