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Astronomi og verdensrummet: for alment interesserede læsere

Her finder du spændende bøger om Astronomi og verdensrummet: for alment interesserede læsere. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 137 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Stjernetegn og stjerneatlas, samt astronomi, verdensrummet og rumfart for alment interesserede læsere.
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  • - Science eller fiction
    af Finn Willadsen
    213,95 kr.

    Terraforming af Mars – Science eller fictionTerraforming er et kontroversielt begreb, fordi det synes uden for de tekniske muligheder i dag. Men der er tradition for at overveje og udregne mulighederne inden for den verden, som både Dansk Selskab for Rumfartsforskning og British Interplanetary Society er vokset ud af.Dansk Selskab blev grundlagt i 1949 – otte år før den første kunstige satellit Sputnik. Den gang var rumfart noget forholdsvis hypotetisk baseret på udregninger ud fra fysikkens love. Det samme kan man sige om terraforming i dag. Men hvordan ser det så ud? Bogen gennemgår en række problemstillinger i den forbindelse.

  • af Lutz Spilker
    198,95 kr.

    Die Erfindung des Träumens - Illusion, Sehnsucht und TrugIn ¿Die Erfindung des Träumens¿ entführt uns der Autor auf eine faszinierende Reise in die tiefsten Sphären des menschlichen Bewusstseins. Mit wissenschaftlicher Akkuratesse und gleichzeitig einer erzählerischen Leichtigkeit entfaltet sich eine umfangreiche und bahnbrechende Untersuchung über die Natur und Bedeutung von Träumen.Der Autor nimmt den Leser an die Hand und führt ihn durch die neuesten Erkenntnisse der Neurobiologie, Psychologie und Traumforschung. Der Leser erfährt, wie Träume im Gehirn entstehen, welche Rolle sie für unsere psychische Gesundheit spielen und welchen Einfluss sie auf kreative Prozesse und Problemlösungsstrategien haben.Doch ¿Die Erfindung des Träumens¿ ist mehr als eine bloße wissenschaftliche Abhandlung. Durch geschickte Verknüpfung von fundiertem Fachwissen und einem mitreißenden Erzählstil entsteht eine Dokumentation, die den Leser von Anfang bis Ende in ihren Bann zieht. Im Zentrum steht nicht nur die Analyse von Träumen, sondern auch die Frage nach ihrer evolutionären Funktion und ihrer kulturellen Bedeutung.Der Autor wirft dabei einen Blick auf eindrucksvolle Fallstudien, historische Perspektiven und interkulturelle Unterschiede im Verständnis von Träumen. Das Buch regt nicht nur zum Nachdenken an, sondern öffnet auch Türen zu neuen Denkansätzen über die vielschichtige Welt des menschlichen Geistes.¿Die Erfindung des Träumens¿ ist ein intellektuelles Abenteuer, das die Grenzen zwischen Wissenschaft und Fiktion aufhebt. Mit einer beeindruckenden Verbindung von Tiefgang und Zugänglichkeit lädt dieses Buch dazu ein, das Mysterium des Träumens in all seinen Aspekten zu entdecken und zu verstehen.

  • af Carl Sagan
    107,95 kr.

  • af Tim Marshall
    247,95 kr.

    Rummet er et vildt og lovløst sted, der er vitalt for kommunikation, økonomi, militærstrategi og internationale relationer. Og de magtkampe, der udspiller sig på jordoverfladen, vil i stigende grad finde sted i rummet, efterhånden som kampen om rumterritorier, satellitbaner og ressourcer intensiveres. Hvem vil drage nytte af rummets ressourcer? Kan kommercielle virksomheder spille en rolle? Og hvordan vil en rumkrig kunne udspille sig? Tag med Tim Marshall på rejse til geopolitikkens nye slagmark.

  • - Fra Tycho Brahe til Andreas Mogensen
    af Anders Høeg Nissen & Tina Ibsen
    1.042,95 kr.

    Tycho Brahe var en af grundlæggerne af den moderne videnskab om rummet, og i dag får danske forskere international opmærksomhed inden for centrale områder som Big Bang-teorien, stjerne- og planetdannelse, exoplaneter og astrobiologi. Der er dansk teknologi med på Marsmissioner og på rumteleskoper. Et dansk firma har udviklet en motionscykel til Den Internationale Rumstation, ISS, og danske arkitekter arbejder med Marsbaser, der skal bygges med 3D-print. Podcast-værterne Tina Ibsen og Anders Høeg Nissen fortæller levende om Danmarks indsats i rumforskningen og interviewer forskere, ingeniører, forretningsfolk og en enkelt astronaut. Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.

  • af Dani Robertson
    104,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • af Gavin Pretor-Pinney
    227,95 kr.

    An introduction to the wondrous world of clouds, by the internationally bestselling founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society and a prize-winning children's book author and illustratorHave you ever watched a cloud being born?Clouds come in all manner of shapes and sizes, from low-lying Stratus to high-flying Cirrus via roll clouds, banner clouds and tornados. This beautifully illustrated guide reveals the facts, secrets and stories of all the major cloud types, and how they shape the weather around them. We learn their fancy Latin names, explore the parts of the sky where they like to hang out, marvel at the ways they play with sunlight - and even visit them on other planets, where they are sometimes made of acid.Cloudspotting for Beginners will inspire curious minds with a lifelong sense of meteorological wonder.

  • af Jaime Green
    127,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Pontzen
    147,95 kr.

    **AS SEEN ON BBC BREAKFAST**Will we ever truly understand our cosmic home? This is the story of the technologies that allow us to look up, to learn and to discover our place in the cosmos.'An electrifying new history of the universe' HANNAH FRY, author of Rutherford and Fry's Complete Guide to Absolutely EverythingWe are part of an incredible chain of events stretching 13.8 billion years into the past and even further into the future. But what does that future hold? And how do scientists study the entire universe?The Universe in a Box is Andrew Pontzen's tribute to simulations - the remarkable computer codes that, over the last century, have allowed us to grasp the distant past and far future of the universe. It reveals the stories of pioneering scientists who unlocked the mysteries of the cosmos, and reframes our understanding of galaxies, black holes and space itself.'I was enlightened, amazed, and profoundly impressed' SIR PHILIP PULLMAN, author of His Dark Materials'Compelling...a veritable treasure chest filled with captivating stories'SCIENCE

  • af Sarah Perry
    177,95 kr.

    A story of love and astronomy told over the course of twenty years through the lives of two improbable best friends'Extraordinary' OBSERVER'A genre-bending novel of ideas' TELEGRAPH'A book with cosmic reach' FINANCIAL TIMES'Gorgeous... Ethereal' GUARDIAN'Sarah Perry just gets better and better' INDEPENDENTThomas Hart and Grace Macauley are fellow worshippers at the Bethesda Baptist chapel in the small Essex town of Aldleigh. Though separated in age by three decades, the pair are kindred spirits - torn between their commitment to religion and their desire for more. But their friendship is threatened by the arrival of love.Thomas falls for James Bower, who runs the local museum. Together they develop an obsession with the vanished nineteenth-century female astronomer Maria Veduva, said to haunt a nearby manor. Inspired by Maria, and the dawning realisation James may not reciprocate his feelings, Thomas finds solace studying the night skies. Could astronomy offer as much wonder as divine or earthly love?Meanwhile Grace meets Nathan, a fellow sixth former who represents a different, wilder kind of life. They are drawn passionately together, but quickly pulled apart, casting Grace into the wider world and far away from Thomas.In time, the mysteries of Aldleigh are revealed, bringing Thomas and Grace back to each other and to a richer understanding of love, of the nature of the world, and the sheer miracle of being alive.

  • af Tim Peake
    127,95 kr.

    From bestselling author and British astronaut Tim Peake, an inspirational human history of space travel, from the Apollo missions to our future forays to Mars. The Right Stuff for a new generation.PERFECT GIFT FOR FATHER'S DAY'This book is brilliant - once in a blue moon. A book for the whole family.' Chris Evans, Virgin Radio'The most wonderful book ... Tim Peake is a historian and encyclopaedia of space.' Rory Stewart'An extraordinary book. For anyone - even if you're not interested in Space. If you're interested in human stories and the human character - this is delightful.' BBC Breakfast'A fascinating, detailed, playful book drawn from extensive research - Peake met seven Apollo astronauts, Russian cosmonauts and various other space technicians - as well as his considerable personal experience. Lifts the lid on what space is like: the dedication and sacrifice; the politics and pantomime; the practicalities and the peril; the glory and fame; the adjustment back to normal life.' iPaper'A thrilling human history of space' Daily Mirror'The bible of space travel' Chris Moyles, Radio XAs seen in the major TV series Secrets of Our Universe with Tim Peake.Only 656 people in human history have left Earth. In Space: The Human Story, astronaut Tim Peake traces the lives of these remarkable men and women who have forged the way, from Yuri Gagarin to Neil Armstrong, from Valentina Tereshkova to Peggy Whitson.Full of exclusive new stories, and astonishing detail only an astronaut would know, the book conveys what space exploration is really like: the wondrous view of Earth, the surreal weightlessness, the extraordinary danger, the surprising humdrum, the unexpected humour, the newfound perspective, the years of training, the psychological pressures, the gruelling physical toll, the thrill of launch and the trepidation of re-entry. The book also examines the surprising, shocking and often poignant stories of astronauts back on Earth, whose lives are forever changed as they readjust to terra firma.Publication of the book comes on the eve of NASA's plans to return to the moon, fifty years after an astronaut last walked on the lunar surface. In 2024 the Artemis II mission will send four astronauts to orbit the moon. In 2025 Artemis III will send the first woman and the first person of colour to step on the lunar surface. What will separate these upcoming moonwalkers from the legendary Apollo crews? Does it still take a daring-do attitude, super-human fitness, intelligence, plus the 'Right-stuff' - a fabled grace under pressure? And how will astronauts travel even further - to Mars and beyond? Space: The Human Story reveals all.

  • af Mary-Jane Rubenstein
    192,95 - 225,95 kr.

  • af Eve Stars
    157,95 kr.

    Este libro para el signo de Aries es un certero, moderno, divertido y original libro de astrología práctica para que todos los Aries saquen el mayor provecho de la vida: Amor, trabajo, sexo, amistad, amuletos... ¡Todo lo que necesitas para triunfar en todo!Nacer bajo el signo de Aries es lo mejor que te puede pasar en la vida y ahora gracias a estos consejos, amuletos, deseos mágicos y más, alcanzarás... ¡las estrellas!Si estás buscando un regalo original para una amiga o amigo nacido bajo el signo de Aries, esta es un fantástica manera de sorprenderle! Y si eres tú el afortunado Aries, este libro te ayudará a conseguir todo lo que quieres.

  • af Christopher Cokinos
    367,95 kr.

    An immersive exploration of the nightly presence that has captured our imagination for the entirety of human history.

  • af Lonely Planet
    227,95 kr.

    Embark on an adventure to see the stars with this inspiring guide that spotlights the world's best places to explore the night sky. Discover 100 spectacular sites including dark sky parks, observatories and wild mountains and experience the meditative wonder of stargazing - with essential travel tips so you can have the ultimate starry-eyed trip.

  • - Liv i Mælkevejen
    af Claus Lund
    97,95 - 277,95 kr.

    Denne bog handler i virkeligheden ikke om liv i rummet – eller mere nøjagtigt om liv i vores galakse, Mælkevejen.Den handler om, hvad nogle mennesker troede en gang, hvad nogle mennesker tror eller forestiller sig og endelig om, hvordan videnskabsfolk opstiller betingelser for liv på andre planeter.Langt det meste videnskab bygger på noget, videnskabsfolk før dem har fundet ud af; derfor kan der være en ide i at se, hvordan videnskabsfolk i fortiden og enkelte svindlere i dag har opfattet livet på fremmede planeter. Videnskabsfolk har således skudt den ide, at Jorden har haft besøg fra Venus, ned – alene fordi Venus er alt for varm og ugæstmild.Bogen indeholder stof, som nogle vil sige alene er for voksne, mens andet henvender sig til store børn. Jeg har som lærer erfaret, at hvis interessen er der, er emnerne relevante for alle.Der er skrevet meget om liv på fremmede planeter som regel rigt illustreret. Det kan være spændende læsning og måske en indgang til senere studier. Man skal tage illustrationerne med forbehold – også i denne bog – selv om meget bygger på astrobiologers arbejde. Jeg håber med denne bog at kunne skabe interesse for et meget spændende emne.Der kommer jævnligt nye oplysninger til – ikke mindst på grund af James Webb Teleskopet. Bogen har en smule om teorier for livets opståen; i den sammenhæng er sorte hullers indflydelse på fordelingen af stoffer i en galakse et nyt spændende emne. Det når ikke at komme med i denne bog.Er der oven i købet nogle, der vil følge med i fagtidsskrifter og bøger, er mit mål nået.Skulle der være nogen, der bliver så interesseret i emnet ”Liv i verdensrummet” og astronomi i det hele taget, at de melder sig ind i en astronomisk forening, kan jeg garantere nogle spændende timer.

  • af Kelsey Oseid
    125,95 kr.

    "Discover the ancient myths and fascinating science of the world's most striking celestial phenomena--eclipses--in this educational, beautifully illustrated guide by the acclaimed author of What We See in the Stars"--

  • af Govert Schilling
    245,95 - 294,95 kr.

  • af Anthony Of Boston
    372,95 kr.

  • af Brian Jones
    195,95 kr.

    The longest-running astronomy book of its kind in the world (has appeared every year since 1962). Popular astronomy annual for amateur and professional astronomers, composed of several articles from established astronomers and space writers.

  • af David Skernick
    225,95 kr.

    Everything you need to know to photograph and postprocess images of the night sky with standard DSLR and mirrorless camera equipment

  • af Raymond Hickey
    282,95 kr.

    Have you ever wondered whether we are alone in the universe, or if life forms on other planets might exist? If they do exist, how might their languages have evolved? Could we ever understand them, and indeed learn to communicate with them? This highly original, thought-provoking book takes us on a fascinating journey over billions of years, from the formation of galaxies and solar systems, to the appearance of planets in the habitable zones of their parent stars, and then to how biology and, ultimately, human life arose on our own planet. It delves into how our brains and our language developed, in order to explore the likelihood of communication beyond Earth and whether it would evolve along similar lines. In the process, fascinating insights from the fields of astronomy, evolutionary biology, palaeoanthropology, neuroscience and linguistics are uncovered, shedding new light on life as we know it on Earth, and beyond.

  • af Jillian Scudder
    105,95 - 160,95 kr.

  • af Swapna Krishna
    117,95 kr.

    "A guide to the night sky with meditations inspired by stars and space"--

  • af Nigel Henbest
    125,95 kr.

    "If you've ever wondered about the mysteries of deep space, or you're simply awed by the wonders of the cosmos, The Night Sky will introduce the basic concepts of when and how to observe space, through to current theories on everything from black holes to red giants. The cosmos has a visceral hold over us. And whether you're a science fiction fan or not, everyone has an opinion on alien life. Do they look like us? Can they voyage across interstellar space in UFOs? Accessible, informative, with a guide on how to spot the constellations and what they look like, this is a valuable, practical companion for anyone who loves stargazing" -- Page 4 of cover.

  • af Colin Stuart
    107,95 - 182,95 kr.

    The whole cosmos in your hands, The Universe in Bite-sized Chunks is your one-stop guide to everything you ever wanted to know about space and our place in it.

  • af Moiya McTier
    152,95 kr.

    In this approachable and fascinating biography of the galaxy, an astrophysicist and folklorist details everything humans have discovered—from the Milky Way's formation to its eventual death, and what else there is to learn about the universe we call home.  After a few billion years of bearing witness to life on Earth, of watching one hundred billion humans go about their day-to-day lives, of feeling unbelievably lonely, and of hearing its own story told by others, The Milky Way would like a chance to speak for itself. All one hundred billion stars and fifty undecillion tons of gas of it. It all began some thirteen billion years ago, when clouds of gas scattered through the universe's primordial plasma just could not keep their metaphorical hands off each other. They succumbed to their gravitational attraction, and the galaxy we know as the Milky Way was born. Since then, the galaxy has watched as dark energy pushed away its first friends, as humans mythologized its name and purpose, and as galactic archaeologists have worked to determine its true age (rude). The Milky Way has absorbed supermassive (an actual technical term) black holes, made enemies of a few galactic neighbors, and mourned the deaths of countless stars. Our home galaxy has even fallen in love. After all this time, the Milky Way finally feels that it's amassed enough experience for the juicy tell-all we've all been waiting for. Its fascinating autobiography recounts the history and future of the universe in accessible but scientific detail, presenting a summary of human astronomical knowledge thus far that is unquestionably out of this world.   NAMED A BEST BOOK OF 2022 BY PUBLISHERS WEEKLY AND SCIENCENET NAMED A BEST AUDIOBOOK OF 2022 BY BOOKPAGE

  • af Jim Bell
    296,95 kr.

    Hundreds of deep space missions since the 1960s have captured stunning photographs of the cosmos. Many of these scientific images can also be classified as art. This book highlights more than 100 examples, revealing the splendor of our universe. This book is a gallery of human accomplishment that celebrates the scientists and engineers who push civilizationincluding the ways that we produce and experience artbeyond the physical limits of our planet. The photographs, selected by Dr. Jim Bell, represent some of the finest examples of the art of deep space exploration, most of them involving high-tech robotic emissaries. The images are loosely organized by distance from the Earth, so that readers will slowly travel on a journey farther and farther away from home, ultimately voyaging out to vistas of the farthest-known places in the universe.

  • af Various
    257,95 kr.

    For countless millennia humans have read the future in the night sky and seen the effects of celestial movement here on Earth, this was astrology, the very first attempt to understand the stars and planets. In a very short amount of time mankind has come from the practice of astrology through the work of countless great men and women to the fully fledged scientific study of astronomy and cosmology. This book follows the train of thought and discovery taken by a few people. Including biographies of Ptolemy and Copernicus.

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