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Fagbøger for børn og unge: geologi, klima og den fysiske verden

Her finder du spændende bøger om Fagbøger for børn og unge: geologi, klima og den fysiske verden. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 1.346 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Sten, fossiler, mineraler, vulkaner, jordskælv, bjerge, atmosfæren, vejret, storme, tornadoer, osv.
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  • af Tory Christie
    412,95 kr.

    Historien begynder hos en panda i tågeskoven på en bjergside i Kina og zoomer derpå ud så man kan se, hvor på jordkloden dens levested befinder sig og få en forståelse af de forskellige verdensdele - her Asien. Smuk og tankevækkende naturformidling om levesteder og livsvilkår, som lægger op til en snak om naturbevaring.

  • - Bliv klog på
    148,95 kr.

    Globes nye fagbogsserie af "Bliv klog på" bøger giver dine børn en unik mulighed for at udforske verdenen omkring dem. Med imponerende fotografier og fantastiske illustrationer tager vi dine børn med på en visuel oplevelse, der vil vække deres nysgerrighed og begejstring.Vejret er noget, der påvirker os alle hver eneste dag, men ved dine børn, hvordan det virkelig fungerer? Med "Bliv klog på Vejret" får dine børn chancen for at forstå alt om skyer, regnbuer, storme og forskellige vejrtyper. Fra solskin til regnbyger vil denne bog hjælpe dine børn med at lære om naturens kraft og få et nyt perspektiv på, hvordan vejret påvirker vores verden

  • - Bliv klog på
    148,95 kr.

    Globes nye fagbogsserie af "Bliv klog på" bøger giver dine børn en unik mulighed for at udforske verdenen omkring dem. Med imponerende fotografier og fantastiske illustrationer tager vi dine børn med på en visuel oplevelse, der vil vække deres nysgerrighed og begejstring.Gør dine børn til små geologer med "Bliv klog på Sten & mineraler"! Denne bog vil føre dem på en spændende rejse gennem Jordens mest værdifulde skatte. Vi udforsker forskellige typer af sten og mineraler, deres dannelse og deres anvendelser. Dine børn vil blive fascineret af de gnistrende ædelstene og beriget med ny viden om Jordens geologiske vidundere.

  • af Timothy Knapman
    132,95 kr.

    Tag med på en rejse til jordens indre og lær en masse om vores fantastiske verden. Bogen besvarer en masse spørgsmål omkring jordens indre. Bogen henvender sig til børn fra 5 år, som gerne vil lære mere om jorden. De mange flotte, detaljerede tegninger og små tekster giver en god introduktion til emnet, så pak tasken og tag med på rejsen!22 sider.

  • af Megan Stine
    67,95 kr.

    While traveling through Canada in 1678, a French priest came across the most gigantic waterfalls he'd ever seen. Stricken with both awe and fear, he began to shake, fell to his knees, and prayed. Ever since, people from all over the world have come to explore Niagara: among them the daredevils determined to tumble down or walk across the falls on tightrope. Kids will get a kick reading about the hare-brained stunts and will also learn how the falls were formed and how--one day--they will disappear.

  • af Dorothy Hoobler
    67,95 kr.

    In this addition to the What Was? series, kids will experience what it was like to be in San Francisco in 1906 when the ground buckled in a major, catastrophic earthquake.One early April morning in 1906, the people of San Francisco were jolted awake by a mammoth earthquake-one that registered 7.8 on the Richter Scale. Not only was there major damage from the quake itself but broken gas lines sparked a fire that ravaged the city for days. More than 500 city blocks were destroyed and over 200,000 people were left homeless. But the city quickly managed to rebuild, rising from the ashes to become the major tourist destination it is today. Here's an exciting recount of an incredible disaster.

  • af Ellen S Levine
    127,95 kr.

    Rachel Carson combined her love of science and writing in her award-winning and controversial book Silent Spring. Revealing the dangers of pesticide use, it brought readers a new awareness of humankind's contamination of the environment and ultimately led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency.

  • - Bogkasse
    af Bogkasse
    1.487,95 kr.

    Bogkasse med 7 bøger i planetserien, en del af KRABATs Klodebøger:Den Gule Planet trilogiDen Blå Planet trilogi Den grå planet Spar 30% ved at købe bogkassen

  • af J. R. Grady
    174,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿¿ World Geography Activity Book ¿¿¿¿Journey around the world without leaving your room!This interactive workbook will guide young explorers through every nook and cranny of our planet. Every country comes to life with colorable maps, engaging facts, and fun activities. Whether it's locating the capital of France, identifying the national animal of Australia, or coloring in the unique flag of Nepal, every page promises a new adventure.Features:¿¿¿¿ Comprehensive Maps: Every country gets its spotlight with detailed maps. Not just capitals, but major cities, surrounding countries, and key geographical features are labeled.¿¿¿¿ Fun Facts: Did you know that the world's smallest country is only 44 hectares? Learn this and more with tidbits about every nation.¿¿¿¿ Word Searches: Enhance memory and vocabulary with word searches tailored to each country. Find terms related to culture, landmarks, and more.¿¿¿¿ Quizzes: Test knowledge with end-of-section quizzes. A great way to reinforce learning and challenge memory.¿¿¿¿ Global Overview: Get the big picture with maps of each continent and the world. Understand how countries fit together on the global stage.Benefits:Broaden Horizons: Introduce kids to diverse cultures, languages, and histories from around the world.Engage and Educate: A hands-on approach ensures active participation, making learning more effective and fun.Resource for Educators: Perfect for teachers, tutors, and homeschooling parents looking for comprehensive geography resources.Skill Development: Beyond geography, kids enhance skills like critical thinking, observation, and problem-solving.Venture on a global expedition and discover the wonders our world holds. It's not just about places; it's about the stories, the people, the history, and the cultures. Equip young minds with knowledge and curiosity that will last a lifetime. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿So, why wait? Begin this worldwide adventure today! Great for birthdays, holidays, or just because. Let's explore the world, one page at a time! ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

  • - Bogpakke
    af Helle Perrier
    417,95 kr.

    Køb de 3 bøger i serienForfatter Helle PerrierIllustrator Aske Schmidt RoseLæs de første kapitler på forlagets hjemmeside serienDen Gule Planet er klimafiktion. En hæsblæsende trilogi fra en fremtidig verden, hvor vand er det mest dyrebare. Det overordnede tema i serien Den Gule Planet er tørke. Serien viser hvad der sker med naturen, når vi ikke passer på den. Den viser også hvilke teknologier der findes, for at overleve i en ørken. Og hvad vi selv kan gøre.Målgruppe: fra 9 årVinder af Niels Klim prisen 2020.Trilogien indenholder seks af FNs Verdensmål som en del af historien. Download gratis undervisningsmateriale fra forlagets hjemmeside.AnmeldelserBibliotekernes materialevurdering: "Absolut anbefaling." "Et yderst anbefalelsesværdigt materiale." "Det her er genialt." ★

  • af Elisabeth Reppel
    167,95 kr.

    Dansefuglen Solejma er en børnebog af Elisabeth Reppel. Bogen er skrevet på rim og adresserer emner som køn, ligestilling og diversitet på en humoristisk og uhøjtidelig måde.Dette er en poetisk fortælling om en fugl ved navn Solejma og hendes ønske om at bryde fri fra traditionelle kønsroller og forventninger inden for hendes fuglesamfund. I bogen udforskes temaer, som selverkendelse, selvtillid og udfordring af samfundsmæssige normer.Dansefuglen Solejma adresserer tillige spørgsmål om køn, ligestilling og betydningen af retten til og muligheden for at kunne udtrykke sig frit.I Ny Guineas jungle borfuglemænd, som swinger.En fuglekvindes modstand gror, hun danse vil på frie vinger.Men lov og regler har bestemt, at hun skal passe æg og unger,hendes drømme bli’r ej glemt, hun siger fra, så skoven runger!Hun kæmper for en større lighed, alle fugles ret til frihedalle køns retfærdighed mon flere tør at danse med?Lidt om Elisabeth Broby Reppel:Elisabeth Broby Reppel er forfatteren bag børnebogsserien om Økomusen. Hun er selvudnævnt Klimatosse, rodehoved, krea-nørd og musikelsker. Og så elsker hun at lære nyt, blive udfordret og få øje på verden fra nye og spændende vinkler. Elisabeth er pædagog, cand.pæd, og specialiseret i didaktisk børnelitteratur.

  • af M Borhan
    130,95 kr.

    "Why There Exists a Wind Park? Answers to Complex Queries for Wind Energy" is a captivating children's picture book from the Nature series by Knowledge Quest. Through engaging storytelling and stunning illustrations, young readers are taken on an enlightening journey into the world of wind energy. In this educational yet entertaining book, children discover the reasons behind the existence of wind parks and the importance of harnessing wind energy as a renewable resource. With clear and concise explanations, complex concepts are made accessible to young minds, fostering a deeper understanding of sustainability and environmental stewardship. Perfect for curious young learners, this book addresses common questions about wind energy in a fun and engaging way. From how wind turbines work to their benefits for the planet, "Why There Exists a Wind Park?" provides valuable insights into the role of wind power in combating climate change and preserving our natural resources. Ideal for both classroom exploration and bedtime reading, this book encourages children to think critically about energy sources and their impact on the world around them. By sparking curiosity and instilling a sense of environmental responsibility, "Why There Exists a Wind Park?" empowers children to become eco-conscious citizens of the future. Join us on an enlightening adventure through the world of wind energy with "Why There Exists a Wind Park?" Order your copy today and inspire young minds to embrace renewable energy and make a positive difference in the world.

  • - En udforskning af naturens vidundere
    af Hélène Druvert & Juliette Einhorn
    355,95 kr.

    En ekstraordinær vandring gennem planteriget. Dette storslåede værk er bragt til live af Hélène Druvert, illustratoren og papirkunstneren bag de anmelderroste Havet og Himlen, og teksten er skabt med Juliette Einhorns præcise og poetiske pen, som også beskrev Himlen så smukt. Denne gang inviterer de os til at udforske "planetens lunger" i alle dens former. Hvad er pionerplanter? Hvordan fungerer fotosyntese? Findes der virkelig et ”skovens internet”? Denne fascinerende, velbeskrevne vandring tager læseren med på en rundtur blandt kødædende og spiselige planter, tropiske planter og ørkenplanter. Den forklarer blomstens anatomi, bestøvningens og nedbrydningens mysterier, planternes utrolige egenskaber og giftstoffer og meget mere. En fantastisk smuk bog med laserudskæringer, flapper og klapper, der hjælper dig med at opdage naturens uendelige rigdom.

  • af Diane Andrews Henningfeld
    356,95 kr.

    Examines the issue of disaster relief and natural disasters from a variety of international perspectives.

  • af Noah Berlatsky
    349,95 kr.

    This striking volume delivers contemporary perspectives on water as a resource, with the majority of the material reflecting stances of countries other than the United States. Essays are assembled across four chapters that explain the state of our oceans, how we are managing water scarcity, how various cultures are trying to access safe water, and hydropower. Contributors include the HM Government, Department of Energy and Climate Change, The Economist, Integrated Regional Information Networks News, Zhou Jigang, Peng Guangcan, Kieran R. Hickey, and Mae-Wan Ho.

  • af Elizabeth Rusch
    212,95 kr.

    "The gripping inside story of the ongoing landmark lawsuit, Juliana v. United States, brought against the US government by twenty-one young people"--

  • af Grace Hansen
    357,95 kr.

  • af Gail Herman
    192,95 kr.

    Learn more about what climate change means and how it's affecting our planet.The earth is definitely getting warmer. There's no argument about that, but who or what is the cause? And why has climate change become a political issue? Are humans at fault? Is this just a natural development? While the vast majority of scientists who study the environment agree that humans play a large part in climate change, there is a counterargument. Author Gail Herman presents both sides of the debate in this fact-based, fair-minded, and well-researched book that looks at the subject from many perspectives, including scientific, social, and political.

  • af Charles Ghigna
    97,95 kr.

    From lemonade in the shade to picnics in the park, summer is all around us.

  • af Charles Ghigna
    97,95 kr.

    From rain and puddles to flowers and bugs, the wonders of spring are all around us!

  • af Cari Meister
    87,95 kr.

  • af Franklyn M Branley
    76,95 - 97,95 kr.

    Volcanoes are one of nature's great wonders. For years they can stand dormant, but once active they can erupt in tremendous explosions of power. Some eruptions are so big, they change the earth's climate. Luckily, geologists can now approximate when an eruption will occur. What are the causes of an eruption and what are the warning signs? Read and find out!

  • af Seymour Simon
    97,95 - 192,95 kr.

    With winds that can reach speeds of three hundred miles an hour and funnel clouds that can measure a mile in diameter, tornadoes leave enormous damage in their wake. Now award-winning author Seymour Simon examines these twisting columns of air and destruction. With the clear, concise style he is noted for, Simon explains how tornadoes are formed, why and when they are most likely to occur, how scientists classify and track them -- and what to do if one touches down. Spectacular full-color photographs show this powerful phenomenon in action.Outstanding Science Trade Books for Children 2000--selected by Natn'l Science Tchrs Assoc. & Child. Bk Cncl.

  • af Julie Kentner
    127,95 - 372,95 kr.

  • af Julie Kentner
    127,95 - 372,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Boothroyd
    82,95 kr.

    Come along as a girl maps her neighborhood to show her visiting grandmother where everything is. Simple text takes early readers step by step through the types of features a neighborhood map needs to have.

  • af Valerie Bodden
    107,95 kr.

    This five-book series is the perfect way to introduce early readers to the science, history, and forms of weather. Clear text and stunning photos are paired within a reader-friendly design to explain the ways that winds, temperatures, and precipitation affect our lives. Each title concludes with an activity for more meteorological exploration.

  • af Buffy Silverman
    322,95 kr.

    Engaging photos and wonderfully simple text welcome the start of spring.

  • af Sarah Fabiny
    192,95 kr.

    Explore Antarctica--the coldest, driest, and windiest continent on Earth--in this adventure-filled title in the Who HQ series.Antarctica, the earth's southernmost continent, was virtually untouched by humans until the nineteenth century. Many famous explorers journeyed (and often died) there in the hope of discovering a land that always seemed out of reach. This book introduces readers to this desert--yes, desert!--continent that holds about 90 percent of the world's ice; showcases some of the 200 species that call Antarctica home, including the emperor penguin; and discusses environmental dangers to the continent, underscoring how what happens to Antarctica affects the entire world.

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