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Fagbøger for børn og unge: kristendom

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  • af Kim Fupz Aakeson
    93,95 - 247,95 kr.

    I Barnets Bibel gendigter Kim Fupz Aakeson 60 af de allervigtigste bibelhistorier fra Det Gamle og Det Nye Testamente og giver os dermed en børnebibel, som både børn og voksne kan nyde. For Fupz skriver som en drøm, og Biblen er fuld af fantastiske historier, som vi alle fortjener at høre. Biblen handler om mange ting. Der er historier om brødre, der ikke kan komme overens. Der er historier om konger, der er bange for deres trone. Der er historier, der handler om krig, om magre køer, om trompeter, der vælter mure, om et land, der flyder med mælk og honning. Men først og sidst handler Biblen nok om kærlighed. Barnets Bibel er en samling af de 60 vigtigste bibelhistorier, gennemillustreret af Signe Kjær og smukt pakket ind i en gavebog til alle aldre. Fra ca. 4 år.

  • af Sigurd Barrett, Rasmus Welling, Mette Kongstad Welling & mfl.
    137,95 kr.

    Det er 10 år siden, Sigurd Barretts nyklassiker og bestseller Sigurd fortæller bibelhistorier udkom, og det fejres i år med udgivelse af en jubilæumsudgave, en aktivitetsbog samt en kuffert med 31 kort om bibelhistorierne.Aktivitetsbogen understøtter Sigurd fortæller bibelhistorier med en lang række varierede opgaver, kreative lege og aktivi- teter inden for fagene kristendom, dansk, historie, samfundsfag og billedkunst.Bogen lægger op til leg, eftertænksomhed, kreativitet og samtale om mange af bibelens vigtige emner på en pædagogisk, inkluderende og sjov måde for børnene. Alle opgaver er illustreret med trin for trin-guide og materialeliste og er inddelt i sværhedsgrader, så det er let at navigere i bogens mange muligheder.Opgaverne kan løses både i grupper eller alene, og der er rig mulighed for at tage bogen under armen og tage ud i landet og opdage nogle af de mange historiske steder og kirker, der omtales i bogen.Aktiviteterne er udarbejdet af de tre lærere Rasmus Welling, Mette Kongstad Welling og Dennis Hornhave Jacobsen og kan anvendes både privat af forældreog i undervisningsøjemed.

  • af Peter Madsen
    166,95 kr.

    Signe er blevet uvenner med sin bedste veninde og må tage alene i sommerhus for at læse til eksamen. I skoven møder hun en gammel kone, som taler et underligt, fremmed sprog. Men konen leder alligevel Signe på sporet af historien om pinsen og Helligånden. Drøm og virkelighed krydser hinanden i Vingeslag i en fortælling om at kæmpe for at overvinde sig selv og turde række ud efter fællesskab. Vingeslag er sidste del i den prisbelønnede tegner og forfatter Peter Madsens trilogi om Signe og hendes oplevelse af de kristne højtider jul, påske og pinse. Signes Jul handler således om julen, Rejsen til Jerusalem om påsken. Peter Madsen er f. 1958, tegner, forfatter, filmskaber og foredragsholder. Hans streg er kendt og elsket af både tegneserieentusiaster og billedglade børn og voksne. Han står bag bestsellerserier som Valhalla og Troldeliv og -bøger som Eventyrbogen og Menneskesønnen. Han har modtaget en lang række priser bl.a. Orla Prisen og Adamsonstatyetten. Peter Madsen er gift og har to børn og to stedbørn.

  • af Sara Nørholm
    267,95 kr.

    Bibelen for nysgerrige er for alle, der har lyst til at gå på opdagelse i Bibelen og blive klogere på, hvad Bibelen er for en bog.Bibelen fortalt og udfoldet i ekstra stort format.Hvad står der i Bibelen – og hvorfor? Og hvordan hænger den sammen? Bibelens mange tekster har forskellige stemmer. De synger og hvisker, græder og råber, truer og beder og beretter om det mest utrolige.For at Bibelens forskellige stemmer og fortællestil kan træde tydeligt frem er teksterne i denne bog genfortalt så tæt som muligt på den originale danske oversættelse af Bibelen. De er udvalgt, forkortet og forenklet, men uden fortolkende kommentarer.Bibelen for nysgerriges store format inviterer til udforskning og fordybelse, og til alle fortællinger er der en række leksikalske opslag. Her er væsentlige begreber og fænomener udfoldet og kan fungere som oplæg til samtale mellem forældre og børn – og de større børn kan selv gå på opdagelse. Fortællingerne er ledsaget af illustrationer, der sætter endnu flere tanker i gang.Bogen indeholder 37 fortællinger, fordelt påDet Gamle og Det Nye Testamente. Teksten er forfattet og udfoldet af Sara Nørholm og illustreret af Lars Vegas Nielsen.

  • af Sara Beth Meyer
    212,95 kr.

  • - På opdagelse i kiken
    af Gaelle Tertrais
    77,95 kr.

    Min lille messebog har svar på alle de spørgsmål, der dukker op, når man er med til at fejre katolsk messen. Teksten er let at læse og de svære ord forklares. Bogen er en god hjælp til den, der er i gang med at lære den Katolske Kirkes liturgi at kende.

  • - Patron Saint of Ireland
    af Tomie dePaola
    97,95 kr.

    The story of Patrick's life, from his noble birth in Britain, to his being captured and taken to Ireland by a group of bandits, to the "dreams" that led him to convert the Irish people to the Christian faith. DePaola also retells several well-known legends, including the story of how Patrick got rid of all the snakes in Ireland.

  • - Gracias Dios por Amarme
    af Grace Young
    157,95 - 162,95 kr.

    Thank you God for Loving Me is a story about a little boy, who is now a grown up young man. He remembers how God had blessed him as a young boy. He truly knows now that when he was young it was God who was blessing him all the long. He has a sister who grew up to be a beautiful young lady. They both got married and had families of their own. His baby brother grew up and he became a preacher. The young man wanted his children to learn early in their young lives, about how good God is. He started teaching his children about some things that they should be thankful for. He is also very thankful now how God has blessed him with new family members. Gracias Dios por amarme, es una historia acerca de un niño, Quien crecio para ser un joven adulto. El recuerda como Dios lo bendijo cuando era niño. Ahora reconoce cuando era niño, fue Dios quien siempre lo bendijo. El tiene una hermana que creció hacer una hermosa Señorita. Los dos están Casados y cada uno tiene su propia familia. Su hermano pequeño se convirtió en un pastor. Este Joven queria que sus hijos aprendieran desde muy niños de las Bendiciones de Dios. El empezó a enseñarles a sus hijos a dar gracias por las cosas que ellos deberián estar agradecidos por. El ahora también esta agradecido de como Dios lo ha Bendecido con nuevos miembros en su familia.

  • af Edward Eli Seelye
    126,95 kr.

    Bible Emblems, authored by Edward Eli Seelye, is a unique painting that mixes non secular perception with inventive expression. Seelye delves into the wealthy symbolism located within the Bible, using trademarks or symbolic representations to light up religious truths. The book serves as a visible and contemplative journey through the Scriptures, imparting readers a deeper information of biblical concepts via the language of symbols. Seelye employs an aggregate of written reasons and inventive representations to bring the profound meanings at the back of biblical passages. The trademarks, observed by means of insightful commentary, invite readers to reflect at the spiritual messages encapsulated inside the selected verses. The synthesis of visible and textual elements creates a harmonious and tasty exploration of biblical narratives. Bible Emblems stands as a testament to Seelye's undertaking to bridge the gap between the written phrase and visible illustration, fostering a deeper connection between readers and the timeless awareness determined in the Bible. This work serves no longer best as a supply of non-secular perception but additionally as a celebration of the intersection between artwork and spirituality.

  • af James Gibbons
    198,95 kr.

    The religious and apologetic treatise "The Faith of Our Fathers" was authored by American prelate James Gibbons, who was the Archbishop of Baltimore before being made a cardinal. The book, which was first published in 1876, is an explanation and defense of Catholicism that was written with the intention of allaying the worries and objections of non-Catholics living in the United States in the late 1800s. In his opening remarks, Cardinal Gibbons highlights the similarities that all Christians have and stresses how Catholic doctrine is consistent with the teachings of the early Church. He examines some of the core beliefs of Catholicism, offering justifications and background information on topics like the sacraments, tradition, and the power of the pope. Overall, James Gibbons' writings encourage collaboration and religious tolerance among various Christian communities while at the same time serving as a witness to the tenacity and vigor of the Catholic faith. The book continues to make a substantial contribution to the conversation on religious practices and beliefs in the setting of late 19th-century American culture.

  • af Philip P. Wells
    208,95 kr.

    The book "Bible Stories and Religious Classics" explores the vast array of religious writings and teachings. It provides readers with an extensive compilation of Old and New Testament stories from the Bible. The book also offers readers a clearer knowledge of the core ideas and ideals of Christianity through the parables and teachings of Jesus Christ. The book seeks to illuminate the relevance of religious classics in diverse cultures and traditions by examining them. It gives readers the chance to interact with ageless tales and lessons that have influenced the values and customs of millions of people worldwide. The book is intended for readers who are knowledgeable about and passionate about religious studies. It offers perceptive commentary and analysis that improves the reader's comprehension of the texts. The goal is to encourage readers to consider their own beliefs, values, and spiritual journeys while facilitating a meaningful examination of religious classics. All things considered, "Bible Stories and Religious Classics" is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to learn more about other religious traditions and for anyone curious about the spiritual and moral implications of these ageless writings

  • af Jane Werner Watson
    67,95 kr.

  • af Esther J Cole
    208,95 kr.

    Emily is having a bad day. Nothing seems to be going right. It's all because she's lost her special coin! You can help Emily on a journey to find her missing treasure, alongside beautiful generative AI pictures, adventure puzzles, colouring pages and craft ideas. You'll hear what Jesus has to say about money in Emily's kids' Bible. You'll learn about generosity and giving. This book is a great way for children to learn about God's Kingdom of Heaven, grow in faith and find their purpose as children of God.

    145,95 kr.

    A unique family guide to continue the holiday focus with the journey of the Wise Men as they follow the star. A must-have family guide for your holiday season. Epiphany is January 6.The Path to Epiphany ¿ a 21-day holiday family guide to worship Jesus is a delightful family devotional activity book that captures the wonder and hope of the holiday season. This captivating book takes young readers on a daily countdown adventure from before Christmas Day to Epiphany, incorporating fun holiday poems, short verses, devotions, and engaging activities for the whole family to enjoy.Every day brings a unique activity, be it a craft, game, recipe, or project, allowing children to engage their creativity and immerse themselves in the joyous festivities. From making homemade ornaments to playing fun holiday games, these activities are sure to bring laughter and warmth to your home during the holiday season.The Path to Epiphany is the perfect companion for families who want to celebrate the holiday season through your entire Christmas break in a meaningful and interactive way. So join us on this journey as we count down to Epiphany with the Wise Men and worship Jesus together!

  • af Emily Belle Freeman
    192,95 kr.

  • af Clayton King
    117,95 kr.

  • af Fontineese Green
    89,95 kr.

    Join Willow on a heartwarming adventure in 'Willow's Christmas Bear Coloring Book. When Berry, a lovable teddy bear, accidentally falls out of Santa's gift bag, Willow becomes his unexpected guide. Together, they embark on a magical journey to the North Pole, teaching young readers about friendship, kindness, and the joy of helping others during the holiday season.

  • af Beauty in Books
    123,95 kr.

    "Hooray! Jesus is Risen: A Story of Easter"Dive into the joyous spirit of Easter with "Jesus Is Alive," a captivating tale tailored for curious minds. This enchanting story seamlessly blends the magic of Easter with essential life lessons, creating a delightful narrative that sparks curiosity and instills values.¿¿¿¿ Key Features:¿¿¿¿ Vibrant Easter Celebrations¿¿¿¿ Religious Education for Young Hearts¿¿¿¿ Values and Morals ExploredJoin our young protagonists on a colorful journey as they uncover the profound meanings of love, sacrifice, and the triumphant spirit of Easter. The narrative, crafted with age-appropriate language and engaging storytelling, transforms this book into a treasured resource for both parents and educators.¿¿¿¿ Educational and Enchanting:This book celebrates the festive Easter season and serves as a valuable tool for religious education, nurturing spiritual growth, and introducing foundational Christian teachings. Immerse your child in a tale that transcends the holiday, delivering joy, wisdom, and the timeless message that love conquers all.

  • af Elizabeth F. Caldwell
    182,95 kr.

    The world is full of so many different things: animals, plants, foods, languages, people. But it might not have been that way if it weren't for God's big plan . . . This vibrant picture book illuminates a new understanding of the story of Babel in Genesis, revealing God's plan for wonderful diversity throughout the world. God's Big Plan...

  • af Annie Hendren
    140,95 - 225,95 kr.

  • af Annie Hendren
    132,95 - 224,95 kr.

  • af Joyce Denham
    112,95 kr.

    A wonderful retelling of an all-time, much - loved tale from the Bible about Jonah for children

  • af Verity Books
    167,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Eric Little
    137,95 - 162,95 kr.

  • - katolsk tro forklaret
    af Stephen Wang
    157,95 kr.

    Alt hvad man kan ønske at vide om den katolske tro.20 korte kapitler, der fortæller om troens kerne og katolsk praksis – skrevet for den, som møder troen for første gang såvel som de, der ønsker at uddybe en tro, de allerede har.- Skrevet i let fortællende stil- Historier og eksempler gør teksten levende- Reflekterende spørgsmål til hvert kapitel- Citater fra centrale steder i Bibelen- Mere end 100 illustrationerBogen kan læses som den er, eller bruges i en studiegruppe. Stephen Wang er katolsk præst fra Westminster i England. Han har arbejdet i menigheder, på skoler og præstekollegier i London og har undervist i filosofi og teologi. Han arbejder nu som rektor på det engelske præstekollegium i Rom.

  • af Jenna Ortega
    117,95 kr.

    An empowering collection written by Jenna Ortega, the award-winning actress starring in the hit Netflix series WEDNESDAY. These deeply personal stories and quotes are accompanied by beautiful illustrations that explore Jenna's struggles with depression, experiences falling in—and out of—love, the loss of close family members, and growing up Latina in Hollywood.You are not alone. We are in this together.This collection from actress Jenna Ortega is filled with her own original quotes and affirmations that will inspire you to lean into faith and love and family during life's most difficult, and most joyous, moments.   Jenna has had to balance her acting career, her private life, and public expectations from a young age, and she’s learned that the only way to get through it all is to wake up every morning and affirm her commitment to herself, her faith, her mental health, and her family. In this honest and moving debut, she shares openly and intimately what it means to live this life of self-appreciation.Jenna's vulnerability in her writing will remind readers that there’s power within us all and we are not alone in our struggles.

  • af Anna Dickson
    162,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Katie Swanson
    162,95 - 222,95 kr.

  • af Brittani Ramirez
    217,95 kr.

    "Is Easter in the Bible" dives into the historical and spiritual examination of Easter. The narrative explores how early "Is Easter in the Bible" dives into the historical and spiritual examination of Easter. The narrative explores how early Christian observances intertwined with various springtime traditions, shaping the modern-day celebration. Presented as an engaging dialogue between a parent and child, this book invites readers to explore the biblical connections of Easter and its transformation into a mix of religious and secular customs. It provides an insightful look at why some opt to observe their faith distinct from traditional Easter celebrations, offering a compelling story for those who desire a deeper comprehension of its roots. observances intertwined with various springtime traditions, shaping the modern-day celebration. Presented as an engaging dialogue between a parent and child, this book invites readers to explore the bibli"Is Easter in the Bible" dives into the historical and spiritual examination of Easter. The narrative explores how early Christian observances intertwined with various springtime traditions, shaping the modern-day celebration. Presented as an engaging dialogue between a parent and child, this book invites readers to explore the biblical connections of Easter and its transformation into a mix of religious and secular customs. It provides an insightful look at why some opt to observe their faith distinct from traditional Easter celebrations, offering a compelling story for those who desire a deeper comprehension of its connections of Easter and its transformation into a mix of religious and secular customs. It provides an insightful look at why some opt to observe their faith distinct from traditional Easter celebrations, offering a compelling story for those who desire a deeper comprehension of its roots.All of our books honor the original names of God, using titles such as YHWH (Yahuah), and refer to the Messiah as Yahusha or Yeshua. In addition, we incorporate Hebrew terms like shalom (peace) and Elohim (God) to enrich the reading experience. We are committed to spreading the true names and accurate scriptures to foster a deeper understanding of the faith

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