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Fagbøger for børn og unge: andre religioner

Her finder du spændende bøger om Fagbøger for børn og unge: andre religioner. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 27 bøger om emnet.
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  • af Sigurd Barrett
    147,95 - 231,95 kr.

    Hvem var Odin og Thor? Hvor ender regnbuen? Og hvorfor var guderne så bange for Fenrisulven og Midgårdsormen? Sigurd Barrett fortæller den nordiske mytologi for børn. Kom med til Asgård, hvor guderne fester, æder og drikker. Når altså ikke lige de kæmper mod de ulækre og vilde jætter fra Udgård.Sigurd læser selv alle historierne for dig.

  • af Sigurd Barrett
    132,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Hvem var Zeus?Hvordan opstod de olympiske lege?Og hvad sker der, hvis man forelsker sig i sit eget spejlbillede?Efter succeserne med Sigurd fortæller bibelhistorier og Sigurd fortællerom de nordiske guderfuldender Sigurd Barrett nu sin gude-trilogi med en række fortællingerfra den græskemytologi. I sin vanlige sprudlende fortællestil og med tilhørende sangeinvitererSigurd børn og deres voksne med til de græske guders forunderligeverden,hvor uhyrer, søslanger og sfinkser bekæmpes af helte med mod ogmandshjerte.Sigurd læser alle historierne og synger alle sangene.I tilfælde af at du oplever problemer med at afspille historier og sange, kan du forsøge at åbne filen i iBooks-app’en.Målgruppe: 2-100 år.Illustreret af Jeanette Brandt.Pressen skrev om Sigurd fortæller om de nordiske guder:Hendes verden"Jeg synes, Sigurd er sublim til at skrive til børn."Kristeligt Dagblad"Barretts styrke består i, at der er #drive# i hans genfortællinger, ogat de sprogligt rammer især mindre børn."JydskeVestkysten"Han forstår, hvordan man fanger og ikke mindst fastholder børnenesinteresse for historierne # Sigurd Barrett fortæller i et ligefremt ognutidigt sprog til børnene, og bogen er særdeles velegnet tiloplæsning." - 5 stjerner

  • af Louie Stowell & Alex Frith
    186,95 kr.

    Spændende myter fra vikingetidenDe barske vikinger gav hinanden kampmod med vilde historier om uhyrer og helte og om guder og jætter.Mød blandt andre den bistre tordengud THOR og den frække ballademager LOKE, som kan skifte form, i kamp mod søslanger, dæmoner og jætter i de spændende myter fra vikingetiden.

  • - Mød vikingernes guder, uhyrer og helte
    af Matt Ralphs
    298,95 kr.

    Genfortællinger af mere end 30 spændende fortællinger om de nordiske myter, både dem vi kender, og de mere ukendte, fra den nordiske mytologi. De retro-agtige illustrationer spiller utrolig flot sammen med de spændende fortællinger. Bogen indeholder en indholdsfortegnelse, ordliste og stikordsregister.Resultatet er en yderst indbydende, charmerende og lærerig børne-fagbog, som jeg vil anbefale til anskaffelse til samtlige børnebiblioteker og PLC'er.LEKTØRUDTALELSEN målgruppe: 7+

  • af Knud Erik Larsen
    277,95 kr.

    Den nordiske mytologi rummer mange spændende myter, fortællinger og guder. Bogen fortæller om de væsentligste af disse og giver desuden et overblik over denne gudeverdens struktur. Vi hører bl.a. om, hvordan verden blev til, om Odin, Thor, Loke og de mange andre guder - og om Ragnarok.Opgaver kan hentes på:

  • af Paul of Venus
    297,95 kr.

    Featuring mystical photographs and invocations that offer an interactive experience. Blends adventure and Spirituality. Designed to inspire readers of all ages with love, courage, and hope.

  • af Mack van Gageldonk
    192,95 kr.

    In this sixth book in the Wow! series, you’ll discover the most beautiful places on earth. For world travelers ages 5 years and up.This series is full of inspiring animals, plants, and phenomena that are so spectacular, you’ll be left in awe!In this book, you’ll journey to every continent on the earth. Our planet has many beautiful places! You’ll search for the oldest buildings, the most spectacular celebrations, and the most stunning scenes. Along the way, you’ll face mysterious statues, rare animals, and the remains of ancient temples. Each continent will leave you speechless. Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure?

  • af Sasha Zouev
    277,95 kr.

    Tim and Kate go on a adventure to fix Kate's teddy and find the giant teapot in the sky. Along the way they meet a host of wonderful characters and ask important questions about what they believe and why they believe in it.

  • af Suzanne Sullivan
    277,95 kr.

    Chip the Monk y los animales de la Armonía enseñan a los niños cómo encontrar la armonía interior. ¡Es el primero de una colección de libros inspiradores para toda la familia!

  • af Suzanne Sullivan
    227,95 kr.

    Chip the Monk and the Harmony Animals teach children how to find the harmony within. It is the first in a collection of uplifting books for the whole family!

  • af Dharmachari Nagaraja
    195,95 kr.

    A gift edition treasury of over 50 stories from the Buddha at Bedtime books, ancient Buddhist tales retold for children alongside summaries and meditations.Discover over 50 magical retellings of ancient Buddhist storiesBuilding on the age-old art of storytelling, this beautifully illustrated treasury brings together tales from three classic collections: Buddha at Bedtime, The Buddha's Apprentice at Bedtime and Calm Buddha at Bedtime.Transport your child into a world of enchantment and uncover easy-to-understand Buddhist messages through the adventures of delightful characters like the Brave Little Parrot, the Gentle Dragon or the Grateful Bull. In addition to these stories, you will find lessons on the art of meditation, advice on how to become more mindful and a selection of soothing, guided visualizations.Make this book a part of your regular bedtime routine and give your child the tools they need to be calm and relaxed before sleep and as they go about their day.

  • af David L. Phillips
    192,95 kr.

  • af Julie Murray
    342,95 kr.

  • af Ramon Orlando Mendez
    322,95 kr.

    127,95 kr.

  • af The Sincere Seeker Collection
    147,95 kr.

  • af Pratibha Sarkar
    167,95 kr.

    This spiritual children's book is for you, the parent, to read together with your child. Your child will learn the alphabet while they also learn about Lord Krishna. You will enjoy quotes from ancient sacred philosophical texts, namely "The Bhagavad Gita." This book can be shared with your child through the years together. May you always keep Krishna in the center of your life.

  • af Diksha Pal Narayan
    122,95 kr.

    If you want to teach children something of value to you, start them young. This book aims at simplifying Hindu customs and popular festivals for young children. The bright vibrant images speaks of the diversity of Hinduism. A fun read for all in the family.

  • af Demi
    107,95 kr.

    By award-winning picture book author Demi, this is a fully illustrated nonfiction picture book that tells the story of the search for the fourteenth Dalai Lama. Now in paperback for the first time, with a foreword written by The Dalai Lama himself.When the thirteenth Dalai Lama died in 1933, the highest holy men in Tibet searched throughout the land for his successor. They were spiritually guided to the humble dwelling of a loving family high in the Himalayas. When the search party greeted the youngest son, the child told them, "Now I am going home!" At last the fourteenth Dalai Lama had been found, and at the age of two, the young boy was taken to the capital city, Lhasa, where he began his training to become the spiritual leader of Tibet. The work of the Dalai Lama and the fate of Tibet are topics of evergrowing international focus. In simple language and glorious art, Demi pays tribute to the fourteenth Dalai Lama's remarkable life. She captures the beauty of Tibetan culture, as well as the charm, talent, and vision of one of the world's best-known spiritual figures.

  • af Jenine Lori
    372,95 kr.

    Joey and his magical friends are on a journey through the enchanted forest as he uncovers how to see through his third eye. But Joey will soon find out that not everyone believes that this magic is possible. Joeys' friends will teach him that perceiving reality uniquely and holding on to his beliefs no matter how unusual is the key to understanding the power of creation. The book focuses on building self-confidence, imagination and teaching acceptance for being different while embracing the unknown. This is a playful story which combines beautifully articulated rhythmic words with bright, vibrant, dynamic illustrations. Kids will love the happy unicorns, fairies, trolls, rainbows and magical creatures found throughout the pages. For anyone who loves the beauty of creativity and the belief that anything is possible Surprise, I have 3 eyes! will capture your heart.

  • af Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
    97,95 kr.

    The story of Buddha's life is timeless and is as relevant today as it was 2,500 years ago when Buddha was alive. Few can fail to be inspired by this powerful story.

  • af Ezra A. Cook
    142,95 kr.

    Delve into the world of the secretsocieties with this important work for the seriousstudent and researcherof freemasonry.Symbology used and ritualpractices up and includingthe 33rd* degree arecovered in this mostimportant book.

  • af Editori Hidayah
    222,95 kr.

  • af Editori Hidayah
    252,95 kr.

  • af Mi-Hwa Joo
    97,95 kr.

    Urt was born in a Buddhist country, Thailand. When Urt's uncle returned home after being a monk, Urt decided that he too would become a monk.

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