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Børn og unge: personlige og sociale emner: angst, depression og selvskade

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  • af Dedria Bryfonski
    351,95 kr.

    Because wherever I sat, on the deck of a ship or at a street café in Paris or Bangkok, I would be sitting under the same glass bell jar, stewing in my own sour air. Readers who are familiar with Sylvia Plath's work may recognize this well-known quotation from her first and only novel, The Bell Jar, which tackles issues of depression, mental illness, and the search for individuality. This compelling volume examines Sylvia Plath's life and writings, with a specific look at key ideas related to The Bell Jar. A collection of twenty-three essays offers readers context and insight to discussions centering around the pervasive impact of illness, the novel as a search for personal identity, and the autobiographical nature of the work. The book also examines contemporary perspectives on depression, such as the sometimes deadly pressure of perfectionism on gifted teens, and the idea that depression and risk of suicide run in families.

  • af Mason Deaver
    122,95 - 185,95 kr.

    "Everything happens for a reason. At least that's what everyone keeps telling Liam Cooper after his older brother Ethan is killed suddenly in a hit-and-run. Feeling more alone and isolated than ever, Liam has to not only learn to face the world without one of the people he loved the most, but also face the fading relationships of his two best friends in the process. Soon, Liam finds themself spending time with Ethan's best friend, Marcus, who might just be the only person that seems to know exactly what they're going through"--

  • af Cheryl Eager
    187,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Giglio
    160,95 kr.

    Exploring childhood anxiety and selective mutism, Bravery Grows tells the story of a young girl who is happy and confident at home but finds herself worried and quiet out of the house. This tale of facing fears and growing bravery muscles offers children aged 3+ the skills to overcome their own worries and practice brave talking.

  • af Patricia McCormick
    142,95 kr.

    An astonishing novel about pain, release, and recovery from two-time National Book Award finalist, Patricia McCormick.A tingle arced across my scalp. The floor tipped up at me and my body spiraled away. Then I was on the ceiling looking down, waiting to see what would happen next.Callie cuts herself. Never too deep, never enough to die. But enough to feel the pain. Enough to feel the scream inside.Now she's at Sea Pines, a "residential treatment facility" filled with girls struggling with problems of their own. Callie doesn't want to have anything to do with them. She doesn't want to have anything to do with anyone. She won't even speak.But Callie can only stay silent for so long...

  • af Sara Amhaz
    192,95 - 242,95 kr.

  • af Marin Canaday
    212,95 kr.

    A young girl faces day-to-day struggles with her OCD monster. Some days she is victorious, unbothered, and confident. Other days, it feels as if the monster is the one leading the way. It's a one-on-one battle for control--or is it? With the support of those around her listening, encouraging, and reassuring, she gains the strength to continue facing her monster. The Very Best Me is a helpful tool for those with obsessive compulsive disorder. It sheds light on the type of support that would be helpful for those battling their own little--and sometimes big--OCD monsters.

  • af Haskell Harris
    467,95 kr.

    A manual to home design that is a reflection of the important moments and people in our lives by the founding style director at Garden & Gun, Haskell Harris

  • af Tegan Anderson
    162,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Frédéric Fanget
    192,95 kr.

    A graphic guide to help identify, understand and manage anxiety

  • af Kekla Magoon
    142,95 kr.

    From the Coretta Scott King and Printz Honor-winning author of How It Went Down, Light It Up, and Revolution In Our Time comes a moving contemporary YA novel about the bonds between a group of teens whose lives have been upended by tragedy.Fifteen-year-old Kermit Sanders knows grief and its all-encompassing shadows. After losing his beloved older sister in a tragic car accident, nothing quite punctures through the feelings of loss. Everywhere Kermit goes, he is reminded of her. But then Kermit finds a mysterious invitation in his locker, signed anonymously with "-1." He has no idea what he's in for, but he shows up to find out. Dubbed the "Minus-One Club," a group of his schoolmates has banded together as a form of moral support. The members have just one thing in common-they have all suffered the tragic loss of someone they loved. The usual dividing lines between high school classes and cliques don't apply inside the Minus-One Club, and Kermit's secret crush, the handsome and happy-go-lucky Matt (and only out gay student at school), is also a part of the group. Slowly, Matt's positive headstrong approach to life helps relieve Kermit of his constant despair. But as Kermit grows closer to Matt, the light of his new life begins to show the cracks beneath the surface. When Matt puts himself in danger by avoiding his feelings, Kermit must find the strength to not only lift himself back up but to help the rest of the group from falling apart.Praise for The Minus-One Club"This evocative exploration of grief, sexual identity, and personal spirituality will be a boon to any teen grappling with these issues." -Horn Book"Magoon thoughtfully includes themes relating to depression, suicide, identity and religious expression as she compassionately builds Kermit's complicated, sensitive inner life and depicts the various ways people might respond to the loss of a loved one." -Shelf Awareness starred review

  • af Pan Cooke
    137,95 - 252,95 kr.

  • af Megan Menkis
    187,95 kr.

    Recovering a Restful¿¿ Bedtime Experience for Overstimulated KidsBedtime can be tough for kids with sensory processing or anxiety disorders. The day's sights, sounds, and sensations can leave them feeling overstimulated and restless. This therapeutic workbook guides you and your child toward a calm and peaceful bedtime routine.Inside these pages, you'll discover a treasure trove of practical strategies and activities designed to help your child wind down and relax before sleep. From soothing sensory exercises to mindfulness techniques, this workbook offers a gentle and therapeutic approach to creating a bedtime routine that promotes restful sleep.Written in kid-friendly language and beautifully illustrated, this workbook engages young readers and encourages active participation. Your child will learn how to create a personalized bedtime routine that meets their unique needs. You'll also find helpful tips and guidance for parents, ensuring you can provide the best support for your child's sleep journey.

  • af Kitty Black
    197,95 kr.

    With humor and sensitivity, Max and the Purple Worry delves into the quest for perfection, the anxiety it creates, and the inherent value in simply offering our best.

  • af Stephanie Kuehnert
    262,95 kr.

    A raw and bold memoir about abuse and addiction, and the power of expression and community that helped Stephanie Kuehnert, the author of Ballads of Suburbia and regular Rookie contributor, survive and thrive. Told in varied narrative styles, including journal entries, original illustration, and pages torn from her actual diaries and zines, this is the memoir of Stephanie's life as a struggling outsider who survived substance and relationship abuse to become a strong young woman after years and years trapped in a cycle that sometimes seemed to have no escape.

  • af Gilles Tibo
    192,95 kr.

    Mathieu découvre la peur en faisant la rencontre d'une couleuvre et les occasions de vivre la peur se font de plus en plus nombreuses dans son quotidien. Avec l'aide de son entourage, il apprendra à neutraliser ses peurs.

  • af Nancy Land McCurtin
    272,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af Who Hq & Micah Hecht
    74,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Carrigan Richards
    152,95 kr.

    One second.Seventeen-year-old Corinne has everything. Her life. Family. Friends. Boyfriend. But in that one second, she loses it all. Now she's left with harrowing nightmares. Hallucinations. And panic attacks that seem to come out of nowhere. She tries everything to take the pain away, but there's only one option she sees as a true way out.When Corinne is sent to live in a psychiatric institution, she doesn't want to talk. It's pointless. They can't help her. But slowly Corinne opens up and wants to remember what it's like to be happy so she begins reliving her past life to her doctor. She knows she can't live in the past, but she sees no future and is faced with the hardest decision of her life.Pieces of Me is a gripping young adult contemporary fiction novel.

  • af Carrigan Richards
    162,95 kr.

    Some people use drugs to escape pain. Some drown their sorrows in alcohol. Alisa cuts herself to FEEL.After her mom dies, sixteen-year-old Alisa moves with her father back to the small town in Alabama where she grew up. Alisa hopes the familiar setting will give her grieving dad a shot at sobriety and that she can refocus on the goal she's saved toward for years: attending culinary school. Alisa rekindles her friendship with her childhood friend, Sarah, and even though it's been years, she realizes she's still in love with the first boy she ever kissed, Ben.But he wants nothing to do with her.A basketball star in the making, Ben has the homecoming queen at his side, and unlike Alisa, he never has to worry about whether there's food in the pantry. For reasons even he doesn't completely understand, he pushes Alisa away.What Ben and Alisa don't realize about each other is that they're both struggling to find solid footing as both their families crumble. Ben's parents' marriage is falling apart, shattering their picture-perfect façade, and leaving Ben's future in question. Alisa, meanwhile, long subjected to her father's physical abuse, is grateful he seems happier when his new girlfriend is around but wonders if the woman he's brought into their lives can be trusted any more than he can.Can Alisa and Ben find their way back to each other before their lives leave them broken?

  • af Sarah Detweiler Farrugia
    232,95 kr.

    An illustrated book with a message for all ages.

  • af Claire Davis
    212,95 kr.

    When children experience depression, it can be hard for them to understand exactly what they are feeling. Because each child may experience depression differently, it can be difficult for parents to accurately identify thesymptoms of depression in their children. The first book in The Feelings Series, Why Is Lucas Sad?, gives a voice to the struggles that children with depression face. It also demonstrates helpful ways parents can take a closer look at their children's thoughts and actions to identify depression and take action to get them the help they need. Follow along with Lucas and his parents as they work together toward healing.

  • af Melanie Hawkins
    147,95 kr.

  • af Sheri van Dijk
    270,95 kr.

    Self-harm is a serious problem with potentially long-term or even deadly consequences. From the author of Don't Let Your Emotions Run Your Life for Teens, this workbook outlines the four essential skills of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) to help teens regulate emotions, make behavioral changes, and cultivate resilience. Using the evidence-based tools in this guide, teen readers can put an end to self-harming behaviors and build the life they truly want.

  • af Dan Toft
    287,95 kr.

    Bogen rummer fire litterære fortællinger om Oswald og Nabiha, som er ængstelige børn på hver deres måde. Historierne lægger op til dialog med børn i alderen 7-11 år om det at have ængstelige eller bekymrende tanker, som fx kan handle om at være bange for at prøve nye ting, bange for at blive afvist eller holdt udenfor – eller bange for nogle helt bestemte ting i livet. Bogen rummer også forklaringer på, hvad der sker i ens hoved og krop, når man bliver bange, og hvordan man kan lære at blive bedre til at klare de angstfremkaldende situationer.Både børn og voksne får viden og konkrete redskaber til at snakke om, forstå og anerkende de følelser, der er forbundet med at være ængstelig og usikker.Bagerst i bogen giver et kapitel gode råd og vejledning til voksne, der gerne vil have mere psykologisk og pædagogisk viden om, hvordan de bedst kan agere og snakke med børnene. Dette kapitel rummer også forslag og inspiration til konkrete øvelser.Til brug i skolen kan der tilkøbes et hæfte med opgaver til historierne inkl. vejledning til læreren. Dette kan kun købes på forlagets hjemmeside:

  • - Ramt af psykisk sygdom
    af Camilla Kimmie Plytsgaard Kirk
    247,95 kr.

    Bagsidetekst:”Jeg var glad og sorgløs. Jeg havde store drømme. Jeg var parat til at kaste mig over hele verden. Jeg var fuld af eventyrlyst, energi og begejstring for livet. Jeg var opsat på at gøre mit allerbedste indenfor alt, hvad jeg foretog mig. Jeg var ung, og jeg var lykkelig. Jeg havde relativt let ved næsten alt, hvad jeg foretog mig, så jeg satte ingen grænser for mig selv. Alting syntes muligt.” Men det fortsætter ikke. Alt forandrer sig på et øjeblik. Eventyrlysten, energien og begejstringen for livet forsvinder som dug for solen. Mit liv kollapser.

  • af Helen C. Hipp
    227,95 kr.

    From the time he was little, Abel the elephant could always hear other elephants talking about his small ears and sensitive nature. Afraid of being rejected, Abel tried very hard to be like other elephants, but that did not work. Unlike them, he was unable to act tough or be seen as strong until he learned to look in the right places.

  • af Helen C. Hipp
    227,95 kr.

    Facing a BIG world of BIG new challenges, Shorty the giraffe feeling tall, rather than small, discovers that he has grown up in his own way.

  • af Kristin Wegner
    287,95 kr.

    Brody the Lion Needs a Haircut is Book 5. The book begins Brody running away when his mother tells him it's bath time. Instead of scolding, arguing, or punishing, Brody's mother hugs her little cub and helps him succeed. The book shows children and their grown-up's strategies to teach skills and overcome anxieties by breaking tasks into small steps

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