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Børn og unge: personlige og sociale emner: personlig sikkerhed

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  • af Rick Riordan
    222,95 kr.

    Magnus Chase er søn af Frej; sommerens, frugtbarhedens og sundhedens gud, så han er ikke ligefrem krigerisk anlagt. Derfor er det godt at kunne læne sig op ad sine trofaste venner, der bl.a. tæller valkyrier og dværge, for Magnus er måske ikke født med et sværd i hånden, men han har en evne til at rode sig ud i de værst tænkelige situationer! Denne gang er Magnus og hans venner nødt til at sejle til det fjerneste hjørne af Jotunheim og Niflheim i jagten på Asgårds største trussel. Vil de lykkes med deres mission, eller vil de blive opslugt af Ragnarok? 3. og afsluttende bind i serien om Magnus Chase. Læs også de to første i serien: Kampen om sommersværdet (1) Thors hammer (2)

  • - - en uperfekt guide til din ungdom
    af Julius Winther Mygind
    153,95 kr.

    Af medforfatteren til bestselleren Mit barn tager ikke stoffer – jeg har spurgt.Er du bagud i skolen, orker du ikke din familie, føler du dig ikke god nok, som du er? Bare rolig – Du er ikke f***ed, du er bare ung! Ærlig, sjov og rørende guide til ungdommen fra en coach, der selv har prøvet lidt af hvert …Julius Mygind har gennem sit virke som coach og populær foredragsholder på skoler og institutioner i hele landet mødt og talt med en masse unge mennesker, som har delt deres tanker om dem selv og deres tilværelse med ham. I sin uperfekte guide til de unge deler Mygind ærligt og generøst ud af sine egne barske erfaringer og fletter levede eksempler sammen med psykologiske teorier, der formidles både jordnært og forståeligt.Helt i øjenhøjde med de unge formidles emner som dårligt selvværd, og hvordan det kan boostes; myldrende tanker, der kan føles umulige at finde hoved og hale i; og negative mønstre som kræver konstruktive løsninger.Har alle andre et meget bedre liv end dig? Har du ikke venner nok, er du ikke populær nok? Ved du ikke, hvad du skal med dit liv? Er du træt af din krop, træt af dig selv? Måske er du faktisk bare træt af den virkelighed, du har skabt for dig selv. Det kan der heldigvis gøres noget ved!

  • af Susanne Foldberg
    165,95 kr.

    Fortnite, battle royale og kampen for at blive den sidste overlevende er på kort tid kommet til at spille en stor rolle i mange børn og unges liv. Bøgerne om Selfie-Simon giver en realitisk skildring af en 13-årig drengs fascination af YouTuber-fænomenet og gaming og tager fat i tidstypiske og målgrupperelevante emner som venskab, cybermobning og YouTube-challenges.Simons forældre synes, at han spiller for meget, og de er bekymrede, fordi han ikke længere ses med nogen efter skole. Da de giver ham en uges spilleforbud, føles det som verdens undergang. Simon gør, hvad han kan for alligevel at komme til at spille og er rimelig tilfreds med sig selv, da han får en genial idé: Han kan tage hjem til sin nye spilleven Johan! Desværre viser det sig, at Johan bor i den anden ende af landet og uden at sige det til sine forældre, tager Simon afsted. Men det bliver en rejse fyldt med uforudsete hændelser, og undervejs når Simon at blive i tvivl: Er Johan overhovedet den, han udgiver sig for at være?Selfie-Simon. Epic Friends er en fortsættelse af Selfie-Simon, som udkom i september 2017 og Selfie Simon ft Rosa®. Bøgerne ramte plet hos sin målgruppe, de 8-12 årige drenge (og piger!).Pressen skriver: »Epic Friends er tredje bog om Selfie-Simon. Jeg springer først på her, men er tosset med den. Susanne Foldberg har skrevet en aktuel bog helt i øjenhøjde med målgruppen. Mange vil kunne spejle sig i Simon og være på hans side […] God bog til især drenge på mellemtrinnet.«- Rikke Dyrhave, Æseløre

  • af Nina Lynggaard Jørgensen
    127,95 - 132,95 kr.

    Nogle gange føles det, som om folkeskolen er en endeløs forhindringsbane, og nogle af os har brug for et ekstra skub for at komme igennem den. Lær at finde retning i dig selv, dine venner og online. Der er ikke nogen, der kommer helt uproblematisk gennem folkeskolen. Uanset om du tager popularitetens vej, eller om du er en af de elever, der bliver holdt udenfor, vil du blive mødt med udfordringer, der er med til at forme dig. I takt med det stigende forbrug af telefoner og hyppigere diagnosticeringer af angst og depression, er det vigtigt at finde de vigtigste pejlemærker for sig selv at navigere efter.Nina Lynggaard Jørgensen forsøger i How to teen at give de unge en bog, der kan simplificere deres situation en smule og kaste lys over deres problemer.Nina fortæller selv om sin motivation for at skrive bogen: ”Da jeg selv gik i folkeskole, var jeg håbløst forvirret og følte, at der var en masse ting, jeg burde have vidst eller fået fortalt. Denne bog er skrevet for at hjælpe andre der, lige som mit 13-årige jeg, føler sig lost og forvirrede i denne noget kaotiske periode af deres liv. Når man er teenager, skal man begynde at lære sig selv at kende, og det håber jeg denne bog kan hjælpe med.”

  • af Michella Rasmussen
    87,95 - 209,95 kr.

    Jeg ved ikke hvem han er. Eller hvorfor han har valgt mig. Men når jeg hører gulvet knirke eller fodtrin følge efter mig, fryser mit blod, og jeg glemmer at trække vejret. Jeg lukker øjnene og håber det er indbildning. Men jeg ved han altid er i nærheden. Midt i 2.g får Julie et romantisk brev fra en hemmelig beundrer. Pigerne i klassen bliver ellevilde og lægger straks planer for at føre dem sammen. Men brevene tager en uhyggelig drejning, og det går hurtigt op for Julie at beundreren ikke bare er betaget, han er besat. Og han skyr ingen midler for at komme tæt på hende ...

  • af Tom Miko
    178,95 kr.

    In my second self-help book, I will go over the areas where self-discipline, moderation, responsible behavior or even complete rejection are necessary in order to avoid more serious troubles and problems.Examples include alcohol consumption, drug use, smoking, presence on social media or the dangers of road traffic.The book will also discuss certain local and global dangers that it is good to be aware of, not only as a young person, but at any stage of life.In some places, I will support it with data and I will illustrate by presenting real trends how much of a problem in many places and how many people's lives are made difficult by the above-mentioned alcohol, drugs and smoking, as well as the unfortunately becoming more and more frequent road accidents. I will also show why it is important to have empathy if we want to live a responsible but also free life.In addition to these, I also touch on the topic of poverty, exclusion, inequalities and the disadvantages of excessive materialism, as well as sports and a healthy lifestyle, which we also have to approach responsibly and humbly if we want to live a good and lovable life in all respects .Read less

  • af Taylor Finn
    115,95 kr.

    In a world that seems to spin faster each day, every nook and cranny seems to be plotting against our pint-sized adventurers who might not have their superhero capes handy! We find ourselves, as parents, teachers, and caretakers, seeking a guide to help our children navigate the complexities that surround them. Enter "Essential Life Hacks for Kids Age 6" by Taylor Finn - a trusted companion for growing up with all the necessary tools.Diverse and Well-Rounded ApproachThis self-help book provides a crash course in safety awareness, independence, critical thinking, and emotional regulation for kids, all while weaving in financial literacy and a love for nature. From dressing independently and learning teamwork, this life skills 101 carefully lays the foundation for a socially adept, future-ready individual.Life-Changing PerksIncreased Independence: Through skills like dressing and organizing.Enhanced Social Skills: Courtesy, sharing, and teamwork.Safety Awareness: Street safety, stranger danger, and emergency response.Financial Literacy: Basic money counting and understanding.Gift the key to a brighter future to all the smart and talented learners around you! This insightful book for 6-year-old girls and boys is an investment in a lifetime of resilience, pragmatic thinking, and learning.So, take that first step together! Secure your copy of "Essential Life Hacks for Kids Age 6" today!

  • af Mylisa Larsen
    182,95 kr.

    In a timely, insightful story told with sparkling wit and heart, young musicians protesting plans for budget cuts navigate miscalculations, indifferent adults, and unexpected loss as they discover the power of speaking out and the value of listening.?A brave and dazzling debut, this timely novel is a blueprint for hope.??Katherine Applegate, Newbery Medalist and best-selling author of The One and Only Ivan?Keen and clear and fiercely funny.??Linda Sue Park, Newbery Medalist and best-selling author of A Long Walk to Water?Brilliant, sharp, comic, poignant, and true.?? Gary D. Schmidt, two-time Newbery Honor-winning author of The Wednesday Wars?A splendid novel filled with honesty and heart.??Karina Yan Glaser, best-selling author of the Vanderbeekers series.Fifth period is hands down the best time of day in Connor U. Eubanks Middle School, because that's when Mr. Lewis teaches Jazz Lab. So his students are devastated when their beloved teacher quits abruptly. Once they make a connection between budget cuts and Mr. Lewis's disappearance, they hatch a plan: stop the cuts, save their class.Soon, they become an unlikely band of crusaders, and their quest quickly snowballs into something much bigger?a movement involving the whole middle school. But the adults in charge seem determined to ignore their every protest. How can the kids make themselves heard?

  • af Frederik Svinth
    144,95 - 162,95 kr.

    Alle har brug for gode venner, for uden dem mister vi kontakt med det at have betydning. Først når vi betyder noget for andre, forstår vi, hvorfor vi er her. Vi har brug for, at nogen har brug for os.Men har du nogensinde overvejet, hvordan venskab opstår, og hvordan man skaber gode venskaber? Venskab er alt andet end tilfældigt. Venskab er valg. Vi viser nogen, at vi vil dem, og vi bliver ved med at gøre det. Det sker ikke af sig selv – det har det aldrig gjort.Frederik Svinth har holdt foredrag om venskab og ensomhed i mere end 10 år, og han har udviklet et sprog for venskabet, som gør det til noget, vi kan arbejde med, noget vi bevidst kan bruge, som kan blive et værn mod den ensomhed, som mange går og kæmper med.Venner for livet handler ikke om, at vi skal have de samme venner hele livet, men at vi skal have venner gennem livet, fordi venner er gode for livet.

  • af Doreen Cronin
    142,95 kr.

    This is the diary . . . of a fly.Even though she's little?just like her best friends, Worm and Spider?Fly wants to be a superhero. And why not? She walks on walls, sees in all directions at once, and can already fly!Doreen Cronin and Harry Bliss, the team behind the #1 New York Times bestsellers Diary of a Worm and Diary of a Spider, reach hilarious heights with their story of a little fly who's not afraid to dream big. Really big.

  • af Jayneen Sanders
    102,95 - 192,95 kr.

  • af Julia Emote
    227,95 kr.

    Are you a parent in search of a tool to teach your kids about body boundaries and personal safety in an easy and natural way? This extraordinary book guides you and your child through vital lessons on personal safety, consent, respect, and navigating relationships.This comprehensive resource combines elements of personal safety books for children's and social emotional books for kids. It's designed to facilitate social emotional learning for kids while addressing crucial topics like body boundaries, personal safety and consent.This book helps to understand:¿ body boundaries, personal safety and consent¿ personal space, safe touch, and inappropriate touching¿ private parts and the importance of keeping them private¿ how to develop respect for themselves and others¿ how to express their emotions and foster healthy friendshipsThis exceptional body safety book for kids is suitable for children of all ages, from babies and toddlers to young boys and girls. It covers essential topics, including private parts, good touch, bad touch, and the concept that their body belongs to them.Through relatable stories and engaging illustrations, children are guided to understand and manage their emotions and feelings. This book promotes social skills and helps children establish personal boundaries while respecting those of others.Let's Talk about Body Boundaries is not just a children's safety book - it's a valuable addition to any child's library, fostering emotional intelligence and social emotional learning for kids. Parents can use this book to initiate meaningful conversations and empower their children with the knowledge they need to navigate personal boundaries and consent confidently.Ensure your child's safety and growth today - order the book now!

  • af A. W. Buckey
    387,95 kr.

    Surveillance is the close observation of a person or a group of people. Governments and organizations surveil people. Surveillance may help find and protect people from threats. But it can also be used to target people. Surveillance explores issues related to surveillance and people's right to privacy. Easy-to-read text, vivid images, and helpful back matter give readers a clear look at this subject. Features include a table of contents, infographics, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Core Library is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a division of ABDO.

  • af Sue Bradford Edwards
    387,95 kr.

    The Dark Web is a part of the internet that is hidden and hard to access. It allows users to remain anonymous. Some people use the Dark Web because they fear for their safety. Others use the Dark Web to sell illegal products or services. The Dark Web explores issues in policing the Dark Web.

  • af Heather C. Hudak
    387,95 kr.

    Computer networks allow people to easily share information. Organizations and entire cities rely on computer networks. Hackers can break into networks to disrupt systems or steal data. Hacking and other cybercrimes are on the rise. Cybercrime explores common cybercrimes and how people can guard against these threats. Easy-to-read text, vivid images, and helpful back matter give readers a clear look at this subject. Features include a table of contents, infographics, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Core Library is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a division of ABDO.

  • af Miss Sherry
    132,95 kr.

    The Big, Bad, Wolf sneaks his way into a school with all of his evil intentions. However, the children of today are just far too much for him to handle.A funny children's story in rhyme, that also includes additional lesson plans and extra activities to help raise children's awareness about 'Stranger Danger Safety' and 'Intruder Safety'.

  • af Thomas Dahl
    187,95 kr.

    Most strangers are quite nice, but some are not. Still, they pretty much look like the nice ones and even have candy. How do you know who is nice and who is not? We'll show you!The 2nd book in "A Series Of Sensitive Topics For Kids". A good education in how to spot a predator. A lifesaver, and fun to read. Contains exciting practice runs. Edge to edge color illustrations.

  • af Jayneen Sanders
    67,95 kr.

    This Activity Book reinforces the crucial body safety skills taught in the children's picture book 'My Body! What I Say Goes! KIAH'S EDITION'.

  • af Heather L Beal
    107,95 kr.

    莉莉和妮可在托兒所時, 天氣突變, 下起了雷雨. 他們瞭解了惡劣天氣事件, 以及這些事件可能帶來的狀況, 如閃電, 冰雹和狂風. 他們還學習了如何保持安全.

  • af Heather L Beal
    118,95 kr.

    學齡前兒童莉莉和妮可準備從即將來臨的颶風中撤離, 但是妮可最喜歡的毛絨玩具迷路了. 他們能否及時找到它並安全撤離, 還是這個毛茸茸的家庭成員會被落下?

  • af Maritza Lynn Higuera
    162,95 - 262,95 kr.

  • af Heather L Beal
    119,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿¿¿¿The Mandarin Language Edition of Hurricane Vacation.¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿.

  • af Becky Coyle
    115,95 - 142,95 kr.

    Traffic safety matters. One of the first chances we get to teach this subject is as young ones start riding the bus. In School Bus Safety, Deputy Becky Coyle uses adorable rhymes and illustrations to teach young students, in a fun and engaging way, the importance of knowing and following the rules. This addition to the series includes the important steps to approaching, riding, and exiting the bus in a safe and friendly manner.The School Safety series' goal is to explain school safety to young children in a fun and engaging way. Created by a deputy sheriff and school resource officer, these books are informative and engaging with the goal to help children understand the importance of safety in their schools.

  • af Becky Coyle
    115,95 - 142,95 kr.

    A School Resource Officer has a diverse role in the school community and has many duties and responsibilities. Police In Our School teaches kids about the important role their school resource officers play to protect them and their school. Deputy Becky Coyle learned firsthand how children can misunderstand officer's roles in schools through her work as an elementary school resource officer. It inspired her to create this School Safety series to explain school safety concepts to young children in a fun and engaging way.The School Safety series' goal is to explain school safety to young children in a fun and engaging way. The author, Deputy Becky Coyle, learned firsthand how misinformation can affect student performance during emergency procedures and was inspired to create this School Safety series to explain school safety to young children in a fun and engaging way.

  • af Heather L Beal
    107,95 kr.

    莉莉和妮可的托兒班學習地震和大地震(TM)(Great ShakeOut(TM).)在一天結束的時候, 他們知道如何在地震中保持安全.

  • af Becky Coyle
    107,95 kr.

    The Lockdown Drill teaches students the importance of listening to their teacher and school resource officer during important school drills. Using fun characters and engaging rhymes, The Lockdown Drill explains safe emergency practices to young children in a non-threatening manner.The School Safety series' goal is to explain school safety to young children in a fun and engaging way. The author, Deputy Becky Coyle, learned firsthand how misinformation can affect student performance during emergency procedures and was inspired to create this School Safety series to explain school safety to young children in a fun and engaging way.

  • af Heather L Beal
    107,95 kr.

    莉莉和妮可的托兒班對龍捲風警報做出反應. 當他們發現龍捲風損壞了鄰居的房子時, 他們一起用智慧來説明鄰居.

  • af Heather L. Beal
    118,95 kr.

    莉莉和妮可在託兒所時, 煙霧警報器響了. 孩子們的消防演習會成功嗎? 還是他們的雪天樂趣會和烤麵包一起化為烏有?

  • af Andreas Lenniger
    316,95 kr.

  • af Jenifer Tull-Gauger
    312,95 kr.

    Karate girl, Michi, creatively outsmarts a bully. Then the Impulsiveness monster takes hold, making her act more and more wildly. Will Impulsiveness make her do something she will regret? Can karate's Dojo Kun help?

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