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Børn og unge: personlige og sociale emner: migration og flygtninge

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  • af Mads Nygaard & Michael Graversen
    187,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Ti uledsagede flygtningebørns egne beretninger om flugten fra hjemlandet og op gennem Europa – for nogen blev det en flugt væk fra krig mod fred og familiesammenføring, for andre blev det til afslag og et liv under jorden i bl.a. Italien. Vidt forskellige baggrunde og personligheder, vidt forskellige ressourcer og drømme ... Fælles for fortællingerne er sorgen over at måtte rejse og den voldsomme. livsfarlige kamp, flugten var/er.Alle involverede i dette projekt (forfattere, fotograf, redaktører, grafiker og forlag) arbejder gratis og overskuddet går ubeskåret til De Uledsagedes Rejsehold.

  • af Anne Lise Marstrand-Jørgensen
    72,95 - 151,95 kr.

    HAVPALADSET fortæller historien om Noor, som flygter til Danmark med sin far og bror og må efterlade moren i Syrien. Undervejs mister de hendes lillesøster til havet. Om dagen går hun i skole og leger med sin nye veninde, men om natten får hun superkræfter og flyver af sted på farlige missioner til Syrien i håb om at redde moren fra krigen. Hendes største bedrift bliver at bygge et stort palads på havets bund, hvor de druknede kan vente, indtil de ikke længere skal være i havet. Med HAVPALADSET har Anne Lise Marstrand-Jørgensen skrevet en smuk og rørende, men også humoristisk og varm bog, som vil give både børn og voksne stof til eftertanke og til nogle gode samtaler om et svært emne, der er blevet en stor del af vores hverdag og vores nyhedsstrøm.

  • af Reem Faruqi
    112,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • af Sanne Bjerre-Hyldgaard
    229,95 kr.

    Moheb har mistet sin mor og er nødt til at forlade sit hjem. På flugt kommer han til farfarens gård. Her finder han et spejl, der ikke ser ud af meget. Men en nat går Moheb igennem spejlet, og på den anden side findes en parallel verden af folkeeventyr og magi. Det bringer Moheb ud på en rejse – både i de fantastiske eventyr og i den barske virkelighed, hvor mørke kræfter regerer. Moheb begiver sig af sted i en søgen efter sin far, der er et sted i Europa, og sin mor, der måske findes et sted i de folkeeventyr, hun har fortalt ham, mens hun levede.Efter punktum er en fortælling om at vokse op under de værste forhold, man kan tænke sig. Om krig og ødelæggelse, men også om håb, og om hvordan de historier, vi fortæller, både kan blive veje til at møde andre og finde os selv.

  • af Neil Gaiman
    197,95 kr.

    During the coldest season, when the world feels scary -- what do you remember about being warm? Baked potatoes. Trust. A kettle on the stove. Blankets. A smile. And, most of all, the reassurance that you belong. In his powerful and moving poem, featuring illustrations from thirteen extraordinary artists, bestselling author and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Neil Gaiman draws together many different memories to answer the question, 'what do you need to be warm?'

  • af Mark Oshiro
    192,95 - 212,95 kr.

  • af Shaun Tan
    213,95 kr.

    The Arrival, a captivating masterpiece by Shaun Tan, was published in 2007 by Scholastic. This book, which belongs to the genre of graphic novels, takes the reader on an extraordinary journey of discovery and understanding. The Arrival is a universal tale of the challenges, the joys, and the emotional upheaval of immigration. Tan's beautiful and detailed illustrations tell a story of a man leaving his homeland and trying to navigate an unfamiliar, confusing, and sometimes scary world. The narrative is a poignant commentary on the experiences of immigrants around the world. With no words, only images, Shaun Tan manages to convey the feelings of fear, hope, and determination that come with starting anew in a strange place. Published by Scholastic, this book is a must-read, offering a rich and deep reading experience that will leave you pondering long after you've turned the last page.

  • - Halvtreds år i frontlinjen
    af Ole Hammer
    237,95 kr.

    ”Bidrag til Danmarks indvandringshistorie” er en beretning om de sidste 50 års indvandringshistorie, sådan som forfatteren Ole Hammer selv har oplevet den og været en aktiv del af – som journalist, debattør og foredragsholder, som ansat i centrale funktioner og som samarbejdspartner for myndigheder, faglige og humanitære organisationer samt indvandrerorganisationer.Bogen er fyldt med historisk dokumentation, analyser, citater, eksempler og referencer. Den rummer erfaringer, viden og visioner, som læseren forhåbentligt vil reflektere over. Bogen er derfor et vigtigt bidrag til vores forståelse af det multikulturelle samfund og arbejdet med en positiv integration af indvandrere og flygtninge.

  • - Fortællinger af bydelsmødre
    af Lise Andersen
    165,95 kr.

    Fem kvinder fra forskellige dele af verden beretter deres barske livshistorier i denne bog. De har oplevet ting, som man end ikke i sin vildeste fantasi kan forestille sig. Historierne tager vejret fra én, men giver samtidig et unikt indblik i, hvad der får mennesker til at flygte fra alt det, de kender og holder af.Kvinderne er nu kommet igennem det, har slået sig ned i Danmark og har endda overskud til at støtte andre kvinder. Bogen har desuden en kort information om den uddannelse, kvinderne har taget for at blive bydelsmødre.

  • af Morten Dürr
    247,95 kr.

    “Zenobia” er historien om syriske Amina. Hun er på flugt fra krigen. Ved historiens begyndelse har hun sat ud i båd på vej tværs over Middelhavet. Båden tippes af en bølge. Amina havner i det kolde vand. I et langt flashback oplever vi i punktnedslag hendes liv i Syrien før, under og efter krigen forandrede hendes tilværelse.

  • af Pamela L. Laskin
    142,95 kr.

    What happens to the child left behind? Jubair's family is stuck in Myanmar, until his mother escapes-with three out of four children. On the cusp of adolescence, the young boy-interned to a farmer-is filled with rage. Jubair is left to sleep in the woods and fend for himself. He does not know how to read and write, so why does his mother even bother smuggling in these letters? Jubair begins to express this anger in his own letters, as he develops a level of literacy, eventually becoming a reader and writer. An epistolary novel, Why No Goodbye? explores loss, grief and transcendence.BlurbsAt times heartbreaking, at times shatteringly beautiful.… The rawness of Jabair's anger is all-encompassing and powerful.… Amid this pain are startling moments of joy and empathy. A beautiful meditation on forgiveness after great loss, and the unbearable pain of separation."-Marie-Helene Bertino, author of 2 A.M. at the Cat's PajamasBased on true events, Pamela L. Laskin captures the anguished survival of a 13-year-old boy after he is abandoned by his refugee family in war-torn Myanmar.… In breathtaking free verse, Laskin explores the heart of this uneducated, desperate man-child as he struggles with feelings of betrayal and rage, all while experiencing the aching confusion of new love. Informed by her own daughter's on-location aid work with refugees from Myanmar, Laskin goes beyond the headlines to create a stunningly poignant tale of grief, struggle, and emotional redemption.-Suzanne Weyn, author of The Bar Code Tattoo trilogyLaskin bravely and movingly tackles one of our decade's saddest and direst human rights crises. The protagonist of Why No Goodbye? must contend with a double loss: his family and his land. Laskin's use of letters written in verse convincingly portrays Jubair's dislocation and loneliness, while also ensuring that he and other characters remain flesh and blood, vital and very human. This is an extraordinary accomplishment.-Hasanthika Sirisena, author of The Other One, winner of The Juniper Prize for FictionThere has been a lot written about the Rohingya crisis in recent years, but nothing quite like this. Why No Goodbye? is unique in form and heart-wrenching in content. Through verse, the author helps expose the painful wake of the world's newest genocide.-Matthew Smith, co-founder and CEO, Fortify Rights

  • af Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick
    172,95 kr.

    Can two very different families find their space in the world together? A wonderful wordless picture book offers stylish art, humor, and charm.A mother owl and her three little owlets live happily on their branch. That is, until the bat family moves in. The newfound neighbors (owls up top, bats hanging below) can't help but feel a little wary of one another. But babies are curious little creatures, and that curiosity, along with a wild, stormy night, might just bring these two families together. With subtly and hilariously shifting facial expressions and gestures, Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick brings her accessible graphic style to a warm and ingenious wordless tale that is sure to bring smiles to readers of all ages.

  • af Deborah Hopkinson
    122,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Sibert Honor author Deborah Hopkinson illuminates the true stories of Jewish children who fled Nazi Germany, risking everything to escape to safety on the Kindertransport. An NCTE Orbis Pictus recommended book and a Sydney Taylor Book Award Notable Title.Ruth David was growing up in a small village in Germany when Adolf Hitler rose to power in the 1930s. Under the Nazi Party, Jewish families like Ruth's experienced rising anti-Semitic restrictions and attacks. Just going to school became dangerous. By November 1938, anti-Semitism erupted into Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, and unleashed a wave of violence and forced arrests.Days later, desperate volunteers sprang into action to organize the Kindertransport, a rescue effort to bring Jewish children to England. Young people like Ruth David had to say good-bye to their families, unsure if they'd ever be reunited. Miles from home, the Kindertransport refugees entered unrecognizable lives, where food, clothes -- and, for many of them, language and religion -- were startlingly new. Meanwhile, the onset of war and the Holocaust visited unimaginable horrors on loved ones left behind. Somehow, these rescued children had to learn to look forward, to hope.Through the moving and often heart-wrenching personal accounts of Kindertransport survivors, critically acclaimed and award-winning author Deborah Hopkinson paints the timely and devastating story of how the rise of Hitler and the Nazis tore apart the lives of so many families and what they were forced to give up in order to save these children.

  • af Ritu Hemnani
    212,95 kr.

    An evocative historical novel in verse about a boy and his family who are forced to flee their home and become refugees after the British Partition of India. Perfect for fans of Other Words for Home. Twelve-year-old Raj is happiest flying kites with his best friend, Iqbal. As their kites soar, Raj feels free, like his beloved India soon will be, and he can't wait to celebrate their independence.But when a British lawyer draws a line across a map, splitting India in two, Raj is thrust into a fractured world. With Partition declared, Hindu, Sikh, and Muslim families are torn apart--and Raj's Hindu and Iqbal's Muslim families are among them.Forced to flee and become refugees, Raj's family is left to start over in a new country. After suffering devastating losses, Raj must summon the courage to survive the brutal upheaval of both his country and his heart.Inspired by the author's true family history, Lion of the Sky is a deeply moving coming-of-age tale about identity, belonging, and the power of hope.

  • af Erika Lee
    212,95 kr.

    From three-time Newbery Honoree Christina Soontornvat and award-winning historian Erika Lee comes a middle grade nonfiction that shines a light on the generations of Asian Americans who have transformed the United States and who continue to shape what it means to be American.Asian American history is not made up of one single story. It's many. And it's a story that too often goes untold. It begins centuries before America even exists as a nation. It is connected to the histories of Western conquest and colonialism. It's a story of migration; of people and families crossing the Pacific Ocean in search of escape, opportunity, and new beginnings.It is also the story of race and racism. Of being labeled an immigrant invasion, unfit to become citizens, and being banned, deported, and incarcerated. Of being blamed for bringing diseases into the country.It is also a story of bravery and hope. It is the story of heroes who fought for equality in the courts, on the streets, and in the schools, and who continue to fight in solidarity with others doing the same.This book is a stirring account of the ordinary people and extraordinary acts that made Asian America and the young people who are remaking America today.

  • af Tom Lansford
    352,95 kr.

    This collection of international perspectives provides insights on the issue of immigration. Readers will evaluate immigration in relation to citizenship, economics, national identity, and national security. Readers evaluate citizenship in such places as India, Sweden, Russia, and Germany. They will evaluate immigration and economics in Ireland, China, Japan, and the United Kingdom. Further analysis takes them to Zimbabwe, Canada, Hungary, Morocco, and Spain.

  • af Julia Alvarez
    97,95 kr.

    An award-winning, moving, and timely story about the families of undocumented workers by renowned author Julia Alvarez. After Tyler's father is injured in a tractor accident, his family is forced to hire migrant Mexican workers to help save their Vermont farm from foreclosure. Tyler isn't sure what to make of these workers. Are they undocumented? And what about the three daughters, particularly Mari, the oldest, who is proud of her Mexican heritage but also increasingly connected to her American life. Her family lives in constant fear of being discovered by the authorities and sent back to the poverty they left behind in Mexico. Can Tyler and Mari find a way to be friends despite their differences? In a novel full of hope, but with no easy answers, Julia Alvarez weaves a beautiful and timely story that will stay with readers long after they finish it. Winner of the Pura Belpré Award Winner of the Américas AwardAn NCSS-CBC Notable Children's Trade Book in the Field of Social Studies "A must-read." -Kirkus Reviews "Communicates in compassionate and expressive prose the more difficult points of perhaps the most pressing social issue of our day." -San Antonio Express-News "This timely novel, torn right from the newspaper headlines, conveys a positive message of cooperation and understanding." -School Library Journal "The plot is purposive, with messages about the historical connections between migrant workers today and the Indians' displacement, the Underground Railroad, and earlier immigrants seeking refuge. . . . The questions raised about the meaning of patriotism will spark debate." -Booklist "A tender, well-constructed book." -Publishers Weekly

  • af Patricia Reilly Giff
    87,95 kr.

  • af Joan Lowery Nixon
    77,95 kr.

  • af Paul Volponi
    117,95 kr.

    A fastball of a book by Paul Volponi-an author who knows sports and suspense! Julio Ramirez Jr. lives in the shadow of his famous father. Not just because Julio Senior is a pitcher for the Miami Marlins and famous for his scorching fastball, but because he defected from Cuba, leaving Julio and his sister and mother branded as the family of a traitor. Now sixteen, Julio has dreams of playing shortstop for Cuba's national team--until he's given the opportunity to sail to the U.S. Can he abandon his family, just like his Papi did? Is freedom worth the perilous journey and risking prison if he's caught? Will his Papi be waiting for him on the other shore-or, with the Marlins in the World Series against the Yankees, has Julio Senior forgotten all about his son?"An entertaining tale of baseball, family and loyalty."-Kirkus Reviews"Volponi once again delivers top-notch sports fare coupled with a deeper story of family and fidelity. . . Readers will identify with Julio as he juggles dreams, bitterness, and family loyalties in this lyrical, spare novel."-Booklist "A poignant story. . . this is a must-read for any teen who not only loves stories about sports but also enjoys reading about families."-VOYA

  • af Rosanne Parry
    112,95 kr.

    In 1863, 12-year-old Danny and his older sister Kathleen arrive in New York City to start a new life, but they soon find themselves navigating through the same prejudices and struggles they experienced in Ireland.

  • af Melissa Garin
    152,95 kr.

    ¿ Winner of the Children's Book International Award 2024 ¿¿ Winner of the Literary Global Children's Books Awards 2024 ¿¿ Winner of the 2024 PenCraft Seasonal Book Award ¿¿ Winner of the Literary Titan Book Award 2024 ¿¿ Reader's Favorite Five Star Book Review ¿This #1 Best Selling Children's book, transforms moving into an exciting adventure, and helps kids cope with the moving process:Normalizes Emotions: Acknowledges the range of emotions children may feel during a big move.Step-by-Step Guide: Takes kids through the moving process, making it less confusing. They'll know what to expect!Love Amidst Changes: Reminds kids that some things (and people) remain the same, no matter where you go.Promotes Resilience: The characters demonstrate how embracing change can lead to new opportunities, friendships, and joy.Provide a Safe Space: By offering a relatable and empathetic storyline, the book serves as a safe space for children to explore and express their own feelings about the transition.¿ Ideal for third culture kids, expats, families relocating, and any child going through a big change!¿ Let "A World of New Beginnings" be your child's comforting companion. Grab your copy today and turn moving into an exciting journey!¿ Dive into this enchanting children's story, now available in Spanish and French editions for a multicultural adventure!¿ Take the adventure further! Don't miss out on our FREE downloadable coloring pages. Visit the author's website today!

  • af Erin Entrada Kelly
    182,95 kr.

    Twelve-year-old Apple Yengko believes that there are at least three interesting facts about every person on Earth. Unfortunately, her three IFs make her an outcast in Chapel Spring Middle School in Chapel Spring, Louisiana: She has slanted eyes She has a weird Filipino nickname . . . and a weird motherWhen Apple is voted the third-ugliest girl in school, her life quickly falls apart. The boys bark at her in the halls and a rumor spreads that she eats dogs for dinner. Music is her only escape. All she needs is enough money to buy a guitar, and then she'll be able to change herself and her life forever. So what if her mother doesn't understand and thinks she's becoming too American? So what if her supposed best friends turn the other way . . .It might be the Beatles and their music who save Apple, or Mr. Z (Chapel Spring Middle's awesome music teacher)?or it could be two unexpected friends who show her that standing out in a crowd is better than getting lost in it.​

  • af Ivan Parra Gonzalez
    128,95 kr.

    A bilingual story about frogs that promotes positive values around immigration and multiculturalism.

  • af Fran Nuno
    142,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Winner of the 2017 New York City Big Book AwardIn The Map of Good Memories, a young girl takes time to remember her home before her and her family must flee their war-torn city.Zoe had lived in the city since she was born. She knew every building, every park, every corner of the city. When the war broke out, Zoe, like many others, had to say goodbye to her home and leave without knowing when she might return. Zoe has so many good memories of her city. There was her grandparents' house, which was a shelter full of dreams and games, her old school where she met her friends and loved learning newthings, and of course, the downtown park, where she’d spent many Sunday mornings there, playing on the swings, listening to people playing music, and riding her bike.Just before her and her family leave, Zoe spreads the map of the city on a table and marks all the places where she was truly happy, with the certainty that they will always accompany her.

  • af María Quintana Silva
    142,95 - 182,95 kr.

    Winner at the 2018 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards. When home doesn't shelter Kalak's family, they decide to set off and find a new life elsewhere. Together, they will fight the odds to find the longed-for happiness.Kalak is a stork who lives with his family somewhere where the nests are old, the roofs are all damaged, the earth is dry, and there is never enough food for everyone. One day, with a nostalgic longing in their hearts but also hope for the future, they decide to leave everything behind, and fly off to a new part of the world... The journey is long and tenuous and it lasts for weeks. Little Kalak starts to lose hope and strength after days of flying above the ocean. He lags behind the flock, almost catching up only to be separated from them again by a storm.When he finally arrives to a new land, injured and exhausted, he finds himself rejected by a group of local storks, but hopefully Kalak finds his family and reunites with them in joy. Finally, Kalak's flock finds a new home where there is food for everybody and help from others.

  • af Cynthia So
    197,95 kr.

    This heartfelt, poignant YA debut is a second-chance summer romance that will steal your heart?perfect for fans of Heartstopper, Some Girls Do, and It's Not Like it's a Secret.This summer, Elsie is finally going to confess her feelings to her longtime?and long-distance?crush. Ada's fanfics are to die for, and she just gets Elsie like no one else. That is, until Joan, Elsie's childhood best friend, literally walks back into her life and slots in like she never left. Like she never moved away to Hong Kong and never ignored Elsie's dozens of emails and letters. Then Ada mentions her grandmother's own long-lost pen pal (and maybe love?), a woman who once lived only a train ride away from Elsie's Oxford home, and Elsie gets the idea for the perfect grand gesture. But as her plan to reunite the two older women ignites a summer of repairing broken bonds, Elsie starts to wonder if she, too, can recover the things she's lost...With a beautifully earnest voice and a dash of fandom, this wistful and delightful novel is a love letter to queer coming-of-age, finding community, and finding yourself.

  • af Marcia Argueta Mickelson
    112,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Millie Vargas struggles to balance her family's needs with her own ambitions, especially after her mother's employer, a Senate candidate, uses Millie as a poster child for deserving immigrants

  • af Lola Walder
    142,95 - 197,95 kr.

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