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Bøger om Atlanterhavet

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  • af Siri Ranva Hjelm Jacobsen
    46,95 - 122,95 kr.

    Kære søster Snart vil store skove igen vokse frem i os, tykke og sorte af næring. Tænk på dét. Tænk på at vi bliver den eneste lyd i verden. Din, A I Havbrevene skriver de to søstre Atlanterhavet og Middelhavet til hinanden om universet, livet på landjorden, klimaforandringerne og verdenshavenes store plan. Teksten er en alternativ skabelsesberetning, en utopi set fra havenes perspektiv, skrevet i et stærkt poetisk sprog af den anmelderroste forfatter Siri Ranva Hjelm Jacobsen og illustreret med originale grafiske tryk af billedkunstneren Dorte Naomi.

  • af Troels Kløvedal
    47,95 - 117,95 kr.

    Hvad sker der når Nordkaperens besætning går i land og møder nye steder og mennesker i den store verden? "Den bedste bog, han har skrevet." - Berlingske Tidende.

  • af Ian McGuire
    81,95 - 224,95 kr.

    Et skib stævner ud med en morder ombord ...1859. Patrick Sumner får hyre som skibslæge på en hvalfanger med kurs mod polarcirklen. Sumner har et blakket ry fra Indien, hvor han gjorde tjeneste i den britiske hær.Da skibet er langt oppe i det nådesløse hav nær Vestgrønland, bliver en skibsdreng fundet myrdet, og Sumner tager affære. Han finder snart ud af, at han er oppe imod en brutalitet, der er langt værre end den, han oplevede under belejringen af Delhi. Han er oppe imod Henry Drax: harpunér, morder, monster. “Fuldkommen overbevisende og fængslende ... NORDHAVET er en opsigtsvækkende præstation.” MARTIN AMIS “Ian McGuires brutale roman om en arktisk hvalfangstekspedition fra det 19. århundrede er en stor hvid haj af en bog – hurtig, skræmmende, ubarmhjertig og umulig atstoppe.” NEW YORK TIMES "Der er både Melville, Conrad og Dickens i Ian McGuires roman" 5 stjerner, Jyllands-Posten ”Skidespændende hvalfangersejlads med mord om bord.” 5 hjerter, Politiken ”Et uforglemmeligt mesterværk. Intet mindre.” 6 stjerner, Bogpusheren "Nordhavet" [er] en af den slags bøger, der er svær at lægge fra sig -man kan snildt blæse igennem de lidt over 300 sider på en regnfuld lørdag. Den er nemlig særdeles velskrevet, og historien er fortalt lige ud af landevejen uden forvirrende krumspring og mærkelige twist i plottet." Lolland-Falsters Folketidende "Alene titlen. Omslaget. Et skib. En hval. Ærefrygt og storhed. Historiens vingesus … Gå du bare i krig med denne […] bog. Den er fantastisk spændende og også ind imellem ganske galgenhumoristisk." "Jens Munk møder Kim Leine … en fremragende roman, som jeg håber vil få en stor læserskare også her i Danmark." "Nordhavet er en beskidt, underholdende og særdeles nervepirrende historisk spændingsroman om en hvalfangerbåds skæbnesvangre rejse til det farefulde Nordhavet med en morder om bord. Det er Mørkets hjerte eller Blodets Meridian hensat til iskolde himmelstrøg og tilsat et fermt kriminalistisk plot." "Nordhavet er elementært spændende, en barsk og utrolig velresearchet bog, der emmer af blod, beskidte mennesker, mørke drifter og ondskab og samtidig giver et indfølt billede af menneskets kamp mod naturen - og længslen efter den." Nordjyske Stiftstidende, 4 af 6 stjerner "Der er tale om et uforglemmeligt mesterværk! Intet mindre!" Kø "Det er stor litteratur, der bringer mindelser om Herman Melville... flot læseoplevelse."

  • af Anthony Ham, Fionn Davenport & Adam Karlin
    177,95 kr.

  • af Klaus Bahl Andersen
    137,95 - 198,94 kr.

    Livets oprindelse beskriver videnskabelige ideer om emnet i en blanding af tekst og billeder. Det et sammendrag af den nyere videnskabelige litteratur. Jorden er 4,6 milliarder år gammel, og livet startede for ca. 4 milliarder år siden. Det startede måske ved kontinentalsprækker som den, der i dag går ned gennem Atlanterhavet. Energi og livgivende molekyler kommer op af sprækkerne. De kunne have startet livet. Specielt i ”hvide skorstene”, også kaldet ”hydrotermiske hvælv”. Mange trin i udviklingen er udeladt, for at omfanget ikke bliver for stort. Nogle kemiske formler er med, men vær ikke bange, de er forklaret fra bunden. Samtidig er meget fagsprog udeladt. Værket fortæller om udviklingen af cellers stofskifte og slutter ved dannelsen af højere celler, også kaldet eukaryoter, for 2 milliarder år siden. Værket er tænkt til skolebørn og teenagere, men voksne må godt læse med. Om forfatterenKlaus Bahl Andersen er biokemiker og har altid holdt af at tegne.

    117,95 kr.

    The Vintage Journal Seacrest Beach, Mermaid pocket journal features an illustration of a mermaid with a short brown bob and a black shirt transitioning into her green scaly tail as she holds onto a yellow and white parasol with blue circles inside while sitting on top of rocks, looking out and waving with a white handkerchief towards a man in a small white boat. The boat is in green like water with a few sailboats in the far distance, underneath a pink, cloudy sky. At the top is a light pinkish purple branch with pink flowers attached. Directly under that is text that says """"Greetings from Seacrest Beach Florida"""". This journal has full color decorative vintage art on the cover, and is the perfect companion for your next trip, writing project, to-do list, or any occasion where a handy notebook is needed. Found Image Press Vintage Journals feature vintage art that celebrates your favorite places, hobbies and interests. The front cover design features a classic piece of art from the Found Image Press collection of over 60,000 pictures. - 4 x 6 inches - 100 lined opaque pages - Soft matte finish

  • af Olli Jalonen
    216,95 - 272,95 kr.

    “Finsk litteratur ændrer sig til verdenslitteratur i hænderne på Olli Jalonen ... Ingen andre finske forfattere er i nærheden af at skrive som ham.” Helsingin Sanomat I HIMMELKUGLEN tager den store finske forfatter Olli Jalonen os med på en eventyrlig rejse tilbage til år 1679, hvor vi er vidne til sammenstødet mellem religionog videnskab, set gennem drengen Angus’ øjne. Angus er en fattig dreng, der bor på øen St. Helena i Sydatlanten, hvor han lever som faderløs med sin moder og sine søskende. Hans liv ændrer sig for altid, da han møder den unge videnskabsmand Edmond Halley som kommer til øen fra London for at udføre sine videnskabeligeundersøgelser af stjernehimlen. Halley lærer Angus om stjernerne, universet, og hvordan man træner sit syn og bliver et oplyst og tænkende menneske. Ved sin afrejse giver Halley Angus en opgave, hvor han skal markere stjernebillederne på nattehimlen hver nat. Der venter Angus mange andre store og farefulde opgaver, men mødet med Edmond Halley og drengens uovertrufne syn bliver det, der redder hans liv.HIMMELKUGLEN er en historisk roman, inspireret af den verdensberømte videnskabsmand og astronom Edmond Halleys liv. Halley var den første, der kortlagde en komets bane, og han fik den opkaldt efter sig som Halleys Komet. OLLI JALONEN har arbejdet i over 30 år på denne roman, som han blev inspireret til at skrive da han i starten af 1990'erne rejste med et træskib til øen St. Helena, og på den lange rejse læste han mange beretninger om øen og om Edmond Halleys rejse dertil i slutningen af 1600-tallet. Olli Jalonen er født i 1954 i Finland, ph.d. i litteratur og en af Finlands mest anerkendte og prisvindende forfattere. Han er oversat til flere sprog og har været nomineret til Nordisk Råds Litteraturpris tre gange. I 2018 indbragte HIMMELKUGLEN ham Finlands største litteraturpris, Finlandiaprisen.

  • af C. S. Forester
    352,95 kr.

    I 1942 får den amerikanske søofficer Krause ansvaret for at eskortere en konvoj af skibe sikkert over Atlanterhavet uden at blive sprængt i stykker af de tyske ubåde. Krause har mange års erfaring i flåden, men dette er første gang, han er i krig, og han føler sig på mange punkter underlegen i forhold til sine underordnede kaptajner, der har været i krig i to år. Vi følger ham i løbet af 52 timer, hvor han kæmper for at træffe de rigtige beslutninger, alt imens han tvivler på sig selv og tænker tilbage på alt det, han har ofret for at nå til dette sted."Den gode hyrde" er både spændende som en krigsroman og som et psykologisk portræt af en amerikansk søofficer og det mindreværdskompleks, han trods sin store succes endnu kæmper med. Bogen er i 2020 blevet filmatiseret med Tom Hanks i hovedrollen under titlen "Greyhound".idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlC.S. Forester (1899-1966) er pseudonym for den britiske forfatter Cecil Louis Throughton Smith, der blev kendt for sine fortællinger om krig til søs. Hans bogserie om den royale søofficer Horatio Hornblower blev oversat til en lang række sprog og gjorde ham meget populær. I 1951 blev hans bog "The African Queen" filmatiseret med Katherine Hepburn og Humphrey Bogart i hovedrollerne.

  • - Den sande historie
    af Lady Colin Campbell
    224,95 kr.

    Denne bog fortæller historien om, hvordan prins Harry mistede folkets gunst som følge af sit ægteskab med den smukke og dynamiske Hollywood-skuespillerinde og Suits-stjerne Meghan Markle. Lady Colin Campbell går bag kulisserne og taler med venner, familiemedlemmer, hoffolk og kolleger på begge sider af Atlanterhavet for at blotlægge den mest overraskende kongelige historie siden kong Edward 8.’s abdikation. Hun blotlægger de mange dilemmaer og udfordringer, der lurer under overfladen, og afslører, hvorfor parret valgte at træde tilbage som fremtrædende medlemmer af kongefamilien. Hun analyserer, hvilke konsekvenser kærligheden har haft for det unge og ambitiøse hertugpar, ligesom hun ser nærmere på, hvilken rolle drømmen om rigdom og berømmelse har spillet. I den forbindelse kommer hun også ind på den betydning, californisk kultur har haft for parrets adfærd. Meghan og Harry - Den sande historie afslører, hvordan hertugen og hertuginden af Sussex forsøgte at forandre det kongelige system, men fejlede. De prøvede at justere det, så det stemte overens med deres egne behov og ambitioner, og da det gik galt, besluttede de at skabe et helt nyt system – og liv – som var skræddersyet til dem alene. Uddrag af bogen Da Harry bragte emnet om ægteskab op hos sine bedsteforældre, påpegede prins Philip, som allerede var med på, hvorfor Meghan Markle ville finde det umuligt at passe ind i rollen som kongelig hertuginde uden en forudgående personlighedstransplantation, at ”vi har affærer med skuespillerinder; vi gifter os ikke med dem.” Dette var ikke snobberi fra hans side. De egenskaber, der gør en skuespiller succesfuld, er de absolut modsatte af dem, det kræver at være en god kongelig hertuginde, og der var for ham ingen tvivl om, at det ville være uretfærdigt over for både Meghan og monarkiet at forvente, at hun skulle udfylde en livstid med kongelige pligter med en fuldt udviklet personlighed, som var i strid med kravene til den kongelige rolle. Om forfatteren Lady Colin Campbell (f. 1949) har skrevet en lang række bøger om det engelske kongehus, bl.a. den internationale bestseller om prinsesse Diana, Diana in Private.

  • af Bob Sclater
    287,95 kr.

    Embark on a riveting journey of ambition and valour that takes a young sailor from the humblest beginnings in the Merchant Navy to the apex of the marine world. This tale of ascent is punctuated by thrilling perils at sea: accidents, collisions, blazes, and even the perils of war. As the first North Sea Oil makes landfall in Orkney, our protagonist steers mammoth oil tankers through some of the planet's most treacherous waters, skilfully averting near-catastrophes and environmental hazards with expertise. His career crescendos as he assumes the mantle of authority over one of the U.K.'s most multifaceted Harbour Authorities, overseeing port operations, towage, ferries, and the burgeoning oil sector. A highlight of his tenure includes securing the prestigious BP contract to tranship the first North Atlantic Crude Oil into the Flotta Oil Terminal, a testament to his professional acumen. This narrative is a testament to the power of resolve, proving that with unwavering dedication, the path to extraordinary achievement is always navigable.

  • af Michael C Hardy
    267,95 - 417,95 kr.

  • af Ted Pulliam
    267,95 - 462,95 kr.

  • af Peter Siefermann
    272,95 kr.

    Teddor, ein junger Mann, im Leben verunsichert, im Beruf desillusioniert, schlägt, nachdem er sich in die Enge getrieben und zu Unrecht angeklagt fühlt, einen Weg in die vermeintliche Freiheit ein. Aber wie so oft in seinem bisherigen Leben leistet er sich bei der Auswahl des Segelbootes, das ihn der erträumten Zukunft näherbringen soll, einen fatalen Fehlgriff. Das Boot stellt sich als Kurierboot für Drogen heraus, und so gerät er in den Fokus von Leuten, deren Arm weiter reicht als ihm lieb ist. Doch er lernt eine Frau kennen, die in ihm mehr zu sehen vermag als er selber von sich weiß.

  • af Diana Hollingsworth Gessler
    197,95 kr.

  • af Thomas D Wilson
    228,95 kr.

    The Allied Chaplains of the American, British, Canadian and Polish armies in the battles for Northwestern Europe and in the Battle of the Atlantic are often overlooked due to their small numbers in relation to the hundreds of thousands of other men who made up the Allied armies. However, the chaplains were highly respected and appreciated by the men in the various units they served, as well as often being incredibly brave men who were (and are) forbidden by the rules of war from carrying any sort of weapon into battle, beyond their holy books and their faith. Allied chaplains suffered the second highest loss rate of killed or wounded of any group of men in World War II (second only to that of RAF Bomber Command) and were virtually irreplaceable due to the academic and religious training that took years to complete.This book looks at the Allied Chaplains who died during the Battle for France in 1940, endured the horrors of the Dunkirk evacuation, died in the battles on the North Atlantic (due to the sinking of their ships by German U-Boats), in the Battle for Normandy in 1944, during the Allied liberation of occupied Europe, and the defeat of Germany. It includes information about their lives before entering military chaplaincy, their deaths and sometimes the differing accounts of their deaths, as well as their final resting places in cemeteries across Europe andin the United States of America or where they are commemorated on Memorial Walls to the Missing.The Revd Dr Thomas Wilson has had an interest in WW II military history since he was 12 years old. Revd Wilson had a career in the business world before answering the call to ordained ministry. He was ordained in the Anglican Church of Canada, and served as the Rector of a parish in Southwestern Ontario. In 2007, he had the chance to spend a year in France, on a university exchange program that his wife, Professor Dawn Cornelio was coordinating. While there, they led some of the Canadian students on a visit to Normandy, where they all participated in graveside memorial Service for Canadian Chaplain Walter Brown. It was Padre Brown's murder that led Revd Wilson to initially explore all the Allied Chaplainskilled in the Battle for Normandy. After moving to serve as the Rector of a Scottish Episcopal (Anglican) Church for over 5 years, Revd Wilson now is the Anglican Chaplain of St Raphael and the Var in southern France where he ministers to a multi-national English-speaking congregation

  • af Nancy Beach Gray
    252,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af Seaboard Air Line Railway Company
    152,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Thomas D Wilson
    247,95 kr.

    The Allied Chaplains of the American, British, Canadian and Polish armies in the battles for Northwestern Europe and in the Battle of the Atlantic are often overlooked due to their small numbers in relation to the hundreds of thousands of other men who made up the Allied armies. However, the chaplains were highly respected and appreciated by the men in the various units they served, as well as often being incredibly brave men who were (and are) forbidden by the rules of war from carrying any sort of weapon into battle, beyond their holy books and their faith. Allied chaplains suffered the second highest loss rate of killed or wounded of any group of men in World War II (second only to that of RAF Bomber Command) and were virtually irreplaceable due to the academic and religious training that took years to complete.This book looks at the Allied Chaplains who died: during the Battle for France in 1940, endured the horrors of the Dunkirk evacuation, died in the battles on the North Atlantic (due to the sinking of their ships by German U-Boats), in the Battle for Normandy in 1944, during the Allied liberation of occupied Europe, and the defeat of Germany. It includes information about their lives before entering military chaplaincy, their deaths and sometimes the differing accounts of their deaths, as well as their final resting places in cemeteries across Europe and in the United States of America or where they are commemorated on Memorial Walls to the Missing.The Revd Dr Thomas Wilson has had an interest in WW II military history since he was 12 years old. Revd Wilson had a career in the business world before answering the call ot ordained ministry. He was ordained in the Anglican Church of Canada, and served as the Rector of a parish in Southwestern Ontario. In 2007, he had the chance to spend a year in France, on a university exchange program that his wife, Professor Dawn Cornelio Was coordinating. While there, they led some of the Canadian students on a visit to Normandy, where they all participated in graveside memorial Service for Canadian Chaplain Walter Brown. It was Padre Brown's murder that led Revd Wilson to initially explore all the Allied Chaplains killed in the Battle for Normandy. After moving to serve as the Rector of a Scottish Episcopal (Anglican) Church for over 5 years, Revd Wilson now is the Anglican Chaplain of St Raphael and the Var in southern France where he ministers to a multi-national English-speaking congregation.

  • af S. T. [From Old Catalog] Kelsey
    152,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Anonymous
    152,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Mark Bowman
    282,95 kr.

    In The Franchise: Atlanta Braves, take a more profound and unique journey into the history of an iconic team. This thoughtful and engaging collection of essays captures the astute fans' history of the franchise, going beyond well-worn narratives of yesteryear to uncover the less-discussed moments, decisions, people, and settings that fostered the Braves' one-of-a-kind identity. Through wheeling and dealing, mythmaking and community building, explore where the organization has been, how it got to prominence in the modern major league landscape, and how it'll continue to evolve and stay in contention for generations to come. Braves fans in the know will enjoy this personal, local, in-depth look at baseball history.

  • af Lisa Zehner
    252,95 - 260,95 kr.

  • af Anne Anderson
    167,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Rediscover the simple pleasures of a day trip with Day Trips from Tampa Bay. This guide is packed with hundreds of exciting things for locals and vacationers to do, see, and discover within a two-hour drive of the Tampa Bay metro area. With full trip-planning information, Day Trips from Tampa Bay helps make the most of a brief getaway.

  • af Jürgen G. H. Hoppmann
    150,95 kr.

    Great European planetary festival in Dresden: a serial killer sends out poison horoscopes.Police student Max, severely disturbed by combat missions in Afghanistan, and his Evi, a petty criminal bakery clerk from Upper Lusatia, go in search of clues. While she hunts poisoners in the pulsating Florence on the Elbe, he accompanies the star astrologer Scultetus as a bodyguard to the end of the world.Art Nouveau palace in Prague, Chinese pagoda on the Canary Islands, heavenly priests of the Sahara, Istanbul horoscope scholars, alpine castle with scary witch, planetary avenues on the Atlantic, Scottish druid circles, star hall in Øresund, secret studies in Warsaw, examination by granite-headed lodge brothers and odyssey through the Zittau mountains, escape and return to Dresden.Showdown on the roof of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main. And on, on and on, to the city of dawn in distant India.

  • af Damon Swisher
    137,95 kr.

    Whether you are new to Alexandria, just visiting, or are a long time local, this guide will help you learn more about the excellent coffee shops peppered throughout this beautiful city!This guide is broken down by regions within Alexandria and then lists each coffee shop within that region in alphabetical order. There is a catalog located on the back of the cover to help you jump to specific shops, and at the end of the guide are articles about coffee culture and a coffee terminology glossary.

  • af Jerry Barker
    297,95 kr.

    "Jerry Barker has long championed North Carolina's Mountains-to-Sea Trail (MST) and led its development for many years. In Discovering North Carolina's Mountains-to-Sea Trail, he draws on that experience to take readers on a unique journey along the trail's full route, sharing the rich history and stories that live on each segment. Connecting the route to the Indigenous history of western North Carolina, to the long military presence near the Carolina coast, and more, Barker offers a new way to understand and appreciate not only the natural beauty of North Carolina but also its people and history. Dedicated long-distance hikers and day-trippers alike will value and enjoy this armchair guide. [This resource is] abundantly illustrated with over fifty color photographs and maps for each of the MST's nineteen segments, [it] narrates significant histories related to each MST segment, places prominent natural features of the trail in context, [and] introduces hikers to nearby attractions, cultural heritage sites, and trail towns"--

  • af Brock Kingsley
    167,95 kr.

    Master the Art of Hurricane Preparedness and Protect Your Loved OnesWhen the skies darken and the winds pick up, what's your plan? Living in West Florida means that hurricanes are an inevitable part of life. But with the right knowledge and preparation, they don't have to be a catastrophe. Bracing for the Storm: A West Florida Hurricane Survival Guide is your all-encompassing resource, designed to help you prepare, act, and recover like a pro.Attention: West Florida ResidentsDon't leave your safety to chance. Learn from the experts how to assess your risk, prepare your home, and most importantly, protect your family. This book delves deep into the science of hurricanes, breaking down complicated meteorological terms into easy-to-understand language. You'll get the inside scoop on how to read hurricane forecasts, what to expect from different categories of storms, and when it's time to hunker down or evacuate.Be Prepared, Be SafeDid you know that preparing your home can make a significant difference in how well you fare during a storm? Our comprehensive guide walks you through home inspections, modifications, and even DIY fixes to ensure your safety. From securing windows and shutters to fortifying your roof, you'll get step-by-step instructions for making your home a fortress. Plus, we've included an emergency supplies checklist so you won't forget the essentials.Strategies for Every SituationWhether you're riding out the storm at home or evacuating, this book has you covered. Learn how to develop an effective evacuation plan, choose the best route, and what to pack in your evacuation kit. Special chapters focus on unique considerations for families with children, senior citizens, and pets.It's Not Over When It's OverPost-storm recovery can be just as challenging as the hurricane itself. You'll find invaluable advice on assessing damage safely, dealing with insurance claims, and even coping with the psychological effects of a natural disaster. Community resources and volunteer opportunities are also highlighted, empowering you to help your neighbors and rebuild stronger than ever.If you're living in or relocating to West Florida, this book is not a luxury-it's a necessity. Gain the confidence and peace of mind that comes from being thoroughly prepared. Don't wait for the next hurricane warning to scramble for information. Arm yourself with the wisdom and practical tips found in Bracing for the Storm: A West Florida Hurricane Survival Guide, and face the hurricane season with unshakeable assurance.

  • af Bill Thompson
    197,95 - 352,95 kr.

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