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Bøger om Yukionna

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  • af Christina Ramskov
    187,95 - 198,94 kr.

    Maria og hendes venner må tage til Yukionnas rige for at få svar samt finde den næste brik for at få Kitty tilbage, inden de må opsøge Freja, som har hendes sjæl, men det viser sig alt sammen at være lettere sagt end gjort. Rejsen mod at få Kitty tilbage er kun lige begyndt og er kun ét problem ud af en lang række, som Maria må tage sig af, mens hun finder ud af mere om, hvem hun selv er, og hvad hendes og den magiske verdens fremtid vil bringe. Og hun er ikke alene, en ny fremtid venter både hendes familie og venner, mens hun får flere svar om fortiden, og mørke væsner fra skyggerne lægger planer, som vil påvirke alle – og ikke kun i den magiske verden. Havets stemme er den fjerde bog i serien om Maria Carlsen og hendes eventyr. Uddrag af bogen Karl vidste ikke, hvad det var, Maria gjorde ved ham. Hans øjne var fyldt med tårer, som begyndte at regne ned over hans ansigt, smerten i hans bryst begyndte at lette, hvad der virkede som at være første gang siden Kittys død, og med ét lød hele deres ide ikke som noget, der kunne gå galt, men som hans mulighed for at få sin lillesøster tilbage. ”Kitty er en del af min familie, og jeg vil altid hjælpe min familie, så vi gør det her med eller uden din hjælp.” Marias hånd slap nu Karls ansigt. ”Og jeg respekterer det fuldt ud, hvis du vælger at blive, så ses vi blot om nogle dage, når jeg kommer med din søster,” afsluttede Maria, tog halskæden på igen og rejste sig op. Om forfatteren CHRISTINA RAMSKOV (f. 1989) bor i Albertslund. Hun er ordblind, men har ikke ladet det begrænse drømmen om at blive forfatter. Havets stemme er hendes fjerde udgivelse.

  • af Christina Ramskov
    267,95 kr.

    What would you do if all the mystical creatures, you have ever heard of, turned out to be real? Maria finds herself in the surreal situation, that all she has ever heard was fiction, truly exists. When she coincidentally puts on the Heart of the Phoenix, a magical jewel that holds humongous power, her entire life is turned upside down. Furthermore, the jewel turns out to be highly important to the magical world, which Maria is suddenly a part of.Follow Maria as she starts her new life at Manatecus, a school where everyone appears human but can turns into werewolves, dragons, yukionna, and many other magical creatures. She is starting off as an ordinary girl, but is now a piece in an important puzzle. How will she balance her own life, as well as the balance of the magical world? Can she manage? One thing is for sure, it’s going to be an adventure.Excerpt from the book“Give me the Heart of the Phoenix, right now, and maybe I’ll refrain from killing you,” the woman said, and in the next second Maria was lifted into the air. Maria stared down at her legs and saw that something resembling the tale of a snake curled around them. Then, she looked over at the woman but instead of seeing the former beautiful, young woman, she found a horrific creature made of half human and half snake. The entirety of the woman’s lower half was one humongous, green snake tale. The woman lifted her human torso until she came face to face with Maria.About the authorChristina Ramskov was born in 1989, she lives in Hjallerup in North Jutland, Denmark. Christina has always wanted to become an author but held herself back for many years because she is dyslexic. But now she is ready to show everyone that you can do what you want.

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