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  • - Tidsskrift for naturkritik
    af Joseph Roth, August Strindberg, Aksel Haaning, mfl.
    167,95 kr.

    Ny Jord – Tidsskrift for naturkritik er et multidisciplinært tidsskrift, der orienterer sig på tværs af århundreder og landegrænser og bringer videnskab, litteratur og kunst side om side i ønsket om at bidrage til en kvalificeret samtale om naturen i en tid, hvor vores forestillinger og idéer om den ændres markant.

  • - Tidsskrift for naturkritik
    af Joseph Roth, Vibeke Grønfeldt, Amalie Smith, mfl.
    207,95 kr.

    Ny Jord – Tidsskrift for naturkritik er et multidisciplinært tidsskrift, der orienterer sig på tværs af århundreder og landegrænser og bringer videnskab, litteratur og kunst side om side i ønsket om at bidrage til en kvalificeret samtale om naturen i en tid, hvor vores forestillinger og idéer om den ændres markant.

  • - Tidsskrift for naturkritik
    af Frans af Assisi, Amalie Smith, Jeppe Brixvold, mfl.
    167,95 kr.

    Ny Jord – Tidsskrift for naturkritik er et multidisciplinært tidsskrift, der orienterer sig på tværs af århundreder og landegrænser og bringer videnskab, litteratur og kunst side om side i ønsket om at bidrage til en kvalificeret samtale om naturen i en tid, hvor vores forestillinger og idéer om den ændres markant.

  • af Timothy Samara
    352,95 kr.

    Making and Breaking the Grid: A Graphic Design Layout Workshop (Third Edition) is the ultimate resource for designers who want to understand the rules of the grid, so they can get better at breaking them.

  • af Shaoqiang Wang
    294,95 kr.

  • af Nikolaj Zeuthen & Asbjørn Sand
    167,95 kr.

    SLIP is an intense documentation of the skateboarding community in various Danish cities shot by photographer and skater Asbjørn Sand. We are invited into the lives and the emotions of a group of skateboarders. A community of people that, based on a shared interest, create a common world with mutual support, acceptance, and room to show vulnerability. The book portrays youthful doubt, curiousness, love, and a community surrounding skateboarding. The photographs have gained international acclaim, among others they been awarded the main prize at the Italian photo festival Cortona On The Move 2012. Asbjørn Sand's images have been featured in the New York Times' photoblog Lens and one of the images were selected for the cover of Dansk Skateboarding, the first book on Danish skateboarding history. SLIP is opened by a short text written by poet Nikolaj Zeuthen, who is also lead singer in the Danish lyrical pop trio Skammens Vogn.

  • af Colin Salter
    215,95 kr.

    A look at 100 inspiring novels that have left a significant mark on the world of literature and popular culture.

  • af sendpoints
    317,95 kr.

    Starting from these 4 main Japanese color features: retro sense, minimalism, kawaii (cute) and avant--garde, this book categorizes popular Japanese popular color schemes. It aims to provide a panoramic view of how the colors' origin, cultural value and qualities can influence contemporary Japanese aesthetics, as well as how Japanese use colors to express their emotions and use color schemes to increase visual enjoyment. The book also includes the insights of great Japanese design masters such as Taku Satoh, Shogo Kishino, Kenya Hara, Kazumasa Nagai, Kazunari Hattori, Manabu Mizuno, etc., and shows readers the contemporary Japanese color matching from the aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation. With nearly 100 color matching cases, 168 chromatographic classifications, and 3 different covers, readers can more effectively learn about popular Japanese colors and be inspired to make their own unique color schemes!

  • af sendpoints
    272,95 kr.

    The book comprehensively interprets Japanese layout design from theory to practice. With 6 major creative styles, 76 distinctive layout design strategies and 18 Japanese layout design masters, Japanese Layout Design passes the critical layout design elements and skills to readers.Yoshihisa Shirai, Ryu Mieno, Masayoshi Kodaira, Masashi Murakami... popular works of over 18 distinguished Japanese designers are shown in this book. It is hoped that it will provide designers and design enthusiasts with a solid sense of the rules and principle involved in layout designs to help them create better graphic design works after embarking on this journey of excellent design works. Combined western rational design tools with eastern aesthetic essence, the creative works can get rid of mediocre unique color schemes

  • af Line Meyer
    241,95 kr.

    Virkelig indbydende og smuk billedbog om en af kroppens meget vigtige funktioner, der tager dig med ind i din spændende krop. Der foregår nemlig en hel masse uventet – det er nemlig en slags fabrik, hvor de mange enheder skal arbejde sammen, så kroppen fungerer..PROFESSOR TARMFLORA laver både store og små prutter og slimede og tørre prutter og bombeprutter og gigantiske hørmere hver eneste dag nede i sit prutte-laboratorie.Og hun er virkelig god til det. Der er bare et problem … for selv når FLORA gør sit allerbedste for at lave rigtig gode, stinkende prutter, så siger ingen af hendes venner i kroppen nogensinde noget pænt om dem. Og det gør menneskene uden for kroppen heller ikke.Det kan da ikke være rigtig. For FLORA er et geni, når det kommer til at lave prutter!En dag får FLORA nok og forlader sit prutte-laboratorium – men uden nogen til at lave prutter, opstår der for alvor kaos i kroppen!Nu må alle FLORAS venner tage ud for at lede efter hende, før hjernebosserne sætter gang i den helt store udskylning …Billedbog fra 4 år.Debutanten Line Meyers har både skrevet og illustreret.

  • af Karsten Pers
    164,95 kr.

    Karsten Pers er skriverådgiver og forfatter til flere bestsellere. Han har her samlet sine mange års erfaring med skriverådgivning i denne inspirerende, lille guide, som hjælper dig med at skrive en rigtig god og nyttig fagbog - og gøre det med glæde - på basis af din egen ekspertise. Kapitler: Dit mod / Din plan / Din arbejdsro / Din skrivning / Din bogKarsten Pers er også kendt som stifter af - det åbne forfatterfællesskab.

  • - På vers af Lotte Salling
    af Andrea Beaty
    333,95 kr.

    Da Ruth begynder på sin nye skole, er hun meget nervøs og genert og føler sig udenfor. Men heldigvis får hun en klasselærer, Lis, der forstår, hvordan hun har det, og som stille og roligt får hende sluset ind i fællesskabet, uden at Ruth overhovedet opdager, hvordan det egentlig går til.Lis kommer til at betyde meget for Ruth – og ikke mindst for hendes beslutning om selv at blive lærer, da hun bliver voksen.Teksten er gendigtet på vers af Lotte Salling.De amerikanske udgaver af Andrea Beaty og David Roberts' billedbøger har vundet en lang række priser og har ligget på New York Times’ bestsellerlister. Og Netflix har lavet sin egen serie om VERA VAKS, som er kendt fra billedbogsserien.En smukt illustreret historie med veloversatte vers, hvor rimene ligger godt i munden. Bogens budskab, altså at man godt kan nyde en god historie uden at kunne læse, og at man muligvis er rigtig dygtig til noget andet, selvom bogstaverne driller, er vigtigt, og godt formidlet. Anbefales varmt til billedbogssamlingen.LEKTØRUDTALELSEN fra tidligere bind i serienTitler i serien:Billy Beck arkitektLille Mille præsidentVera Vaks og videnskabenSeje Sally ingeniørRuth vil være lærer

  • af Kylie Colwell
    97,95 kr.

    This book documents the grid research and process created by Kylie Colwell during the fall 2023 semester at Ohio University's graphic design program.

  • af Gifted At Play Llc
    252,95 kr.

    The world of graphic design and illustration is no stranger to evolution. From the inception of print to the advent of digital design, each technological leap has shaped the way we communicate visually. Today, we stand at the precipice of another transformative era, one where emerging media technology are rewriting the rules and expanding the horizons of creative expression.

  • af John Wave
    107,95 kr.

    ¿Dive into a vibrant journey ofinspiration with these motivationalquotes , where words come to life in akaleidoscope of colours! Designed touplift and inspire your mind and soul.Stress relief therapeutic benefits, reducestress and enhance consciousness,suitable for all age. Let the quotesguide you, and let the colours speakyour truth. Your journey to inspirationbegins here.

  • af Dave Njogu
    172,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey into the captivating world of design with Design Mastery: Principles of Page Layout and Typography for Beginners. This comprehensive guide is your key to unlocking the secrets of creating visually stunning and organized pages, even if you're just starting.Chapter 1: Introduction to Page Layout and TypographyBegin your exploration by understanding the basics of page layout and typography. Uncover the importance of effective design that goes beyond aesthetics, making your creations not only visually pleasing but also purposeful.Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Page LayoutDelve into the heart of design with an in-depth look at page dimensions, margins, and grid systems. Learn how to craft your canvas, frame your content with margins, and utilize grid systems for a systematic arrangement.Chapter 3: Typography EssentialsMaster the art of typeface selection, understanding its impact on conveying mood and message. Dive into font size and line spacing, discovering the perfect fit for readability and aesthetics.Chapter 4: The Art of HierarchyExplore the visual symphony created by headings, subheadings, and contrast. Learn how to guide the viewer through your design with intentional hierarchy, creating a harmonious and impactful composition.Chapter 5: Color in DesignEnter the vibrant realm of color theory, color schemes, and combinations. Unravel the basics and discover how colors influence mood, convey messages, and evoke emotional responses.Chapter 6: Balancing ElementsMaster the delicate dance of symmetry and asymmetry. Understand visual weight, hierarchy, and the principles that bring balance to your designs.Chapter 7: Working with ImagesLearn the art of image placement, and alignment into layouts. Discover how to tell compelling stories through powerful visuals.Chapter 8: Consistency and UnityEstablish a design system, maintain cohesiveness, and explore the significance of color palettes and font harmony. Strengthen brand recognition through consistent tone and style.Chapter 9: White Space and Breathing RoomDelve into the purpose of negative space, understanding its psychological impact and influence on typography, minimalism, and visual impact.Chapter 10: Practical Tips and TricksAvoid common mistakes and enhance user experience with actionable insights derived from industry best practices.Conclusion: Bringing it All TogetherRecap key principles and encourage creative exploration, empowering you to apply your newfound knowledge in your design endeavors.Appendix: Resources and ToolsAccess a curated list of recommended books, websites, and design software for beginners, propelling your design journey to new heights. This book isn't just a guide; it's a companion on your creative voyage. Whether you're a novice or seasoned creator, "Design Mastery" is your gateway to transforming a blank canvas into a well-organized and visually compelling composition. Dive into the world of design excellence and unleash your creative potential.

  • af Hedley Kayson
    392,95 - 472,95 kr.

    397,95 kr.

    - Gesamtdarstellung aller Tafeln der wunderbar illuminierten mittelalterlichen Handschrift- das geheimnisvollste Kunstbuch der Geschichte ist bis heute nicht entschlüsselt- ein erhellender Essay führt ein in Geschichte und Interpretation Das Voynich-Manuskript (benannt nach Wilfrid Michael Voynich, der das Manuskript 1912 erwarb), ist ein handschriftliches mittel¬alterliches Schriftstück, dass sich einmal im Besitz von Rudolf II., Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs befunden haben soll. Das Manuskript ist inhaltlich noch immer ein Rätsel. Es enthält florale und anatomische sowie kosmologische, biologische und pharmazeutische Abteilungen mit wunderbaren Illustrationen, die geografisch nicht zweifelsfrei zugeordnet werden können; das Schriftbild gibt noch mehr Rätsel auf: Seit der Entdeckung 1912 ist es niemandem gelungen, den Text zu entschlüsseln. In regelmäßigen Abständen vermeldet jemand die Entschlüsselung, die sich aber stets als wissenschaftlich nicht haltbar erweist. Einige gefalzte Bögen-Lücken in der Paginierung zeigen, dass Seiten entnommen wurden. Unser Buch zeigt das gesamte erhaltene Manuskript mit allen sorgfältig gefertigten Zeichnungen und dem nicht zu entschlüsselnden Text. Anhand von zahlreichen Detail-Abbildungen und Close-Ups kann seine Schönheit noch einmal neu entdeckt werden. Ein Essay von Vera Pache führt in das Werk ein, durch den Einsatz grafischer Elemente wird der Leser durch das Buch geführt. Klaus Schmeh erläutert in seinem Essay die wichtigsten Entschlüsselungsversuche der vergangenen 100 Jahre. Das Original befindet sich unter der Katalognummer MS 408 im Bestand der Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library der Yale University.

  • af London Centre for Book Arts
    267,95 - 294,95 kr.

    - Fun and visually appealing way to understand how a book is made, through the work of 30 diverse contemporary makers and artists - Broad appeal: this book speaks to a broad audience of craftspeople and anyone related to books and bookmaking whether they are amateurs or professionals - Beautifully illustrated with colorful and inspiring images, behind-the-scenes shots of the makers' studios, and photographs of the makers at work - Includes contributions from experts that give insight into the different processes used to make a book Books are a meeting place. A sum of their many parts and artistic approaches. Form, concept, material, and craft are bound together to create something rooted in its functionality; a process that often crosses over into the messier realm of art. Books. Art, Craft & Community presents a thriving ecosystem of papermakers, printers, bookbinders, artists, designers, and publishers from around the world. They draw on traditional skills, art, and experimentation to make books that matter today. With over 30 profiles - spanning traditional craftspeople, to modern makers reimagining the book for new audiences - and contributions from experts, we are given an insight into the history and contemporary context of the processes behind the books. Selected by Simon Goode and Ira Yonemura of the London Centre for Book Arts, these artists and makers share a spirit of curiosity and resilience. They not only adapt to new ways that readers engage with books, but are forging new possibilities for their craft along the way.

  • af Benito Cossari
    167,95 kr.

    Forever Purrfect Journal is the complete notebook for cat owners. With space to record your feline's details, medications, vaccinations, milestones and photos.It's a must for all the important "cat stuff " about your cat.

  • af Freddie Reid
    187,95 kr.

    ¿Llevas escribiendo mucho tiempo pero aún no te animas a publicar? ¿Qué es lo que necesitas tomar en cuenta para publicar un libro? ¿Cómo generar dinero de mis publicaciones? Entonces sigue leyendo..."Los libros son el mejor viático que he encontrado para este humano viaje." - Anónimo Seguramente la escritura es parte de tus ratos libres y te has dedicado a darle forma a esa historia o texto de investigación que estás convencido que se puede convertir en un libro real, que puedes vender y hacer llegar a miles de lectores.Ya te habrás planeado en más de una ocasión cómo sería poder publicar un libro ¿por dónde comenzar? La publicación de libros se ha transformado mucho actualmente. Ya no es imprescindible tener el apoyo de una editorial o grupo editorial, al ser cada vez más los escritores que deciden realizar la edición de sus propias historias. Sin embargo, son numerosos los casos en los que buscar editoriales para publicar un libro de forma correcta ha impulsado a un autor, ya que es importante dónde publicar un libro.En este libro, descubrirás: Todo lo que necesitas saber para empezar a escribir. Consejos efectivos para aquellos que desean escribir ficción. Tips para mantenerte organizado y productivo. Pasos para afrontar los cambios y empezar la etapa de edición. Y mucho más...Aunque los medios de comunicación modernos han cambiado para siempre la manera en la que accedemos al conocimiento, nos educamos y nos entretenemos, los libros no han perdido su magia. Todavía los compramos, los leemos, los atesoramos en una biblioteca y los regalamos a nuestros hijos, sobrinos o nietos, con la ilusión de que compartan con nosotros el amor por la lectura... Además, el creciente fenómeno de la autopublicación ha hecho mucho más accesible la posibilidad de convertirse en un autor.¡No esperes más! ¡Comparte tu talento con el mundo! ¡Desplaza hacia arriba y añade al carrito de compra!

  • af Nathan Shedroff
    472,95 kr.

    Product design can have a tremendous impact on the world in terms of usability, waste, and resources. In Design Is the Problem, Nathan Shedroff examines how the endemic culture of design often creates unsustainable solutions, and shows how to ensure that design processes lead to more sustainable products and services.¿¿This second edition updates frameworks and tools for designing more sustainably.

  • af Taschen
    687,95 kr.

    Die 1534 erschienene Lutherbibel veränderte die Weltgeschichte nachhaltig. Sie machte die Bibel für Laien zugänglich und markierte gleichzeitig eine Zäsur in der Geschichte des Christentums. Sie führte im Folgenden zur Kirchenspaltung und Bildung des Protestantismus. In diesem mit großer Sorgfalt hergestellten zweibändigen Nachdruck präsentiert TASCHEN sowohl das Alte als auch das Neue Testament in Luthers bahnbrechender Übersetzung. Auf der Grundlage des kostbaren Originals der Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek, das heute zum UNESCO-Weltdokumentenerbe zählt, offenbart der Band die vielschichtige Pracht dieser Bibel, mit ihrem akkuraten Schriftbild, ihren kunstvollen Initialen und den vorzüglichen farbigen Holzschnitten aus der Werkstatt Lucas Cranachs des Älteren . Stephan Füssel, geschäftsführender Leiter des Instituts für Buchwissenschaft an der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität zu Mainz, bereichert diese Publikation durch detaillierte Beschreibungen der Illustrationen sowie einer Einleitung, die Luthers Leben und die weltbewegende Bedeutung seiner Bibel beleuchtet.

  • af Christopher de Hamel
    192,95 kr.

    'Exquisite... intelligent, illuminating, mischievous ... delightful The TimesThe acclaimed author of Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts introduces us to the extraordinary keepers and companions of medieval manuscripts over a thousand years of historyThe illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages are among the greatest works of European art and literature. We are dazzled by them and recognize their crucial role in the transmission of knowledge. But we generally think much less about the countless men and women who made, collected and preserved them through the centuries, and to whom they owe their existence.This entrancing book describes some of the extraordinary people who have spent their lives among illuminated manuscripts over the last thousand years. A monk in Normandy, a prince of France, a Florentine bookseller, an English antiquary, a rabbi from central Europe, a French priest, a Keeper at the British Museum, a Greek forger, a German polymath, a British connoisseur and the woman who created the most spectacular library in America - all of them were participants in what Christopher de Hamel calls the Manuscripts Club.This exhilarating fraternity, and the fellow enthusiasts who come with it, throw new light on how manuscripts have survived and been used by very different kinds of people in many different circumstances. Christopher de Hamel's unexpected connections and discoveries reveal a passion which crosses the boundaries of time. We understand the manuscripts themselves better by knowing who their keepers and companions have been.In 1850 (or thereabouts) John Ruskin bought his first manuscript 'at a bookseller's in a back alley'. This was his reaction: 'The new worlds which every leaf of this book opened to me, and the joy I had in counting their letters and unravelling their arabesques as if they had all been of beaten gold - as many of them were - cannot be told.' The members of de Hamel's club share many such wonders, which he brings to us with scholarship, style, and a lifetime's experience.

  • af Carlos Bravo Marentes
    1.032,95 kr.

    September 19, 2021 marked the centennial of the First National Exhibition of Popular Arts held in Mexico. One hundred years of complex and complicated academic work and institutional practice on the handcrafted object and those who create it. One hundred years that went practically unnoticed; oblivion caused, perhaps, because both the academic work and the discourse of the Mexican State that recognizes, since then, the handcrafted object as an element of national identity, as part of the country's cultural heritage and the economic sustenance of thousands of families in the countryside and cities, contrasts drastically with its real development and the living conditions of those who create handcrafted objects.

  • af Mirta d'Argenzio
    322,95 kr.

    The exhibition "(RE)VERSVS. Reuse and Redemption in the Patrimony of the Vatican Library and in the Art of Sidival Fila" is the result of a profound reflection by the artist and the curators of the Vatican Library on the theme of reuse - redemption, conceived as two different, and at times opposing, possibilities of using and valorising an ancient, or simply previous or extraneous, material in a new and different way. It presents a recovery of fragments and discards of manuscripts, textiles, marbles and other materials that, in the case of reuse, defines their new purpose, while in the case of redemption celebrates them in themselves, in their ontological value, regardless of their possible new utility. The exhibition concludes in the Sala Barberini with the site-specific installation 'Natura Artificialis', a work that represents the Brazilian artist's integral vision, the starting point of his critical view of the human race and the erroneous idea of nature seen solely as being at the service of man.Ed.: Cristiano Grisogoni. Text: Giacomo Cardinali, Emanuele Coccia, Emanuele Dattilo, Simona De Crescenzo, Delio Vania Proverbio.

  • af Slanted Publishers
    274,95 kr.

    Slanted #42-BOOKS ist ein Magazin über Bücher. Ist die Zukunft des (gedruckten) Buches an seine sinnliche Qualität gebunden ist? Wie können sich schöne Bücher ihren Platz in den Medien und der Gesellschaft sichern? Wie sind Inhalt, Medium und Form miteinander verbunden? Sind Herstellungs- und Gestaltungsqualität neben ihrer Funktionalität nur noch als Marketingargumente zu verstehen? Slanted stellt in dieser Ausgabe experimentelle Gestaltungsstrategien vor - Bücher, die unkonventionelle Wege gehen: Unfälle, Arbeiten, die auf Fehlern und Ungenauigkeiten beruhen, Cutting-Edge-Ansätze sowie neue experimentelle Verfahren, von der Verarbeitung bis zum KI-generierten Inhalt. Im Gegensatz dazu präsentiert Slanted Publishers zeitlose Buchgestaltungen, bei denen der Inhalt die Form bestimmt.

  • af Tasneem Ibrahim
    468,95 kr.

    This book is meant to enhance and facilitate the learning process and covers the important and salient points in pharmacology for MBBS students. Fifty-five cases are designed for the purpose and sample answers have been provided to ease the learning process. The book is also in line with the new pharmacology curriculum which is competent based medical education. It will help students to use and apply their knowledge of pharmacology in clinical scenarios.

  • af Walter
    197,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af Rev Chris Noble
    225,95 kr.

    This research study engages with the everyday theology and practice of evangelism by focussing on the signifying practice of tract usage amongst evangelical Christians. A significant theological disclosure is identified as taking place within the gifting of the evangelistic tract Journey into Life that dominated the UK Christian book market for over three decades selling more than thirty million copies. The findings of this research offer a unique insight into the lived and embodied faith of evangelical Christians in the UK demonstrating how the distribution of religious tracts has played an important role in the development of evangelical faith identity. The study concludes by engaging its findings with the development of digital tracts and digital evangelism. Dr Chris Noble is a research fellow at St Augustine's College of Theology. Article of Faith is the fruit of ten years of study and research in contemporary ecclesiology at Kings College London. His current research is in the area of addiction and pastoral care with a focus on developing spiritual resources for people in recovery from addiction. His two recent publications are Breaking the Power of Addiction and Rudiments of Faith which provide daily readings for people seeking to break free and stay free from life-controlling habits and addictions.

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