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Skønlitteratur: mashup

Her finder du spændende bøger om Skønlitteratur: mashup. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 72 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Skønlitteratur, som kombinerer en eksisterende tekst, ofte en klassisk roman men en kontrasterende genre, som f. Eks.
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  • af Nina Millns
    125,95 - 167,95 kr.

  • af Christa Tillman
    182,95 kr.

  • af Ben Wolf
    115,95 kr.

  • af Luise Cowen
    167,95 kr.

    Jodie was born into a small but close-knit family and community in an old rundown neighborhood. What they lacked in wealth they made up for in love and support of each other. Little by little her childhood was taken away from her. She lost her family, friends and innocence. Those in charge of her welfare were cruel and mistreated her, they taught her how to survive. Just shy of her 21st Birthday she is kicked out of the system. Now free it's time for her to live on her own terms. Nothing is ever as it seems. Jodie feels the full weight of being alone in the world as she holds onto the tattered remnants of her childhood. She survived for what? What did she have to show for it? Then Shadow showed her...

  • af Michael Lane Bruner
    192,95 kr.

  • af Afonso Cruz
    287,95 kr.

    ”En af de stærkeste stemmer i portugisisk samtidslitteratur”El País En lille landsby i Portugal bliver omdannet til Jerusalem, fordi Rosa vil opfylde sin bedstemor Antónias sidste ønske – at se Det Hellige Land; i en snæver vending kan det tørre spaghettiwestern-landskab vel godt gå for Mellemøsten, hvis indbyggerne går med til at klæde sig ud og recitere Odysseen på esperanto.“Afonso Cruz morer og rører os med sin ironi, mens han forærer os en komedie om de vigtigste ting i livet: kærlighed, opofrelse og ... øl" – La RepubblicaAfonso Cruz (f. 1970) har skrevet over 30 bøger: romaner, billedbøger, ungdomsbøger, lyrik, essay og drama. Hans bøger er oversat til mere end 20 sprog og har modtaget adskillige priser, herunder EU's Litteraturpris for Kokoschkas dukke, der udkom på dansk i 2020. Afonso Cruz er også kolumnist, illustrator, øl-aficionado og medlem af bandet The Soaked Lamb. Læs også Kokoschkas dukke:”En imponerende gobelin eller et urværk … en hyldest til idéen om at skabe; skabertrangen, skaberlysten, skaberglæden” – ATLAS ”En nyskabelse inden for vidnesbyrdstraditionen. Afonso Cruz gør prosaen til en skabelsesproces, der omvender den virkelige verdens ødelæggelse ved at bruge fantasi og lethed” – Information

  • af C. D. Moulton
    197,95 kr.

  • af K. B. Jensen
    162,95 kr.

    Sometimes telling a story is just another way to stay alive. Swerving to avoid a hitchhiker out in a whiteout storm, Julie's car ends up wedged in a snow bank. With the inches piling higher on the dark road, she can't escape a man who makes little sense. Stranded in the freezing cold, the two tell stories to pass the time. From the Midwest to India, Denmark and Canada, they offer visions of lives and loves from young to old, far and wide. But as the hours blur together, and the snow and ice set in, it becomes less clear how their own story will end. A tale of love, craziness and impossibility.

  • af C. D. Moulton
    157,95 kr.

  • af Amanda Kimberley
    141,95 kr.

    Pride packs a punch, but packs should never get in the way of the heart.The federation of Valet de Chambre has ordered Verena, Queen of the planet Effeminate, to produce a male heir for her kingdom within the successive 30 moon cycles. If she does not, she and her planet of female lion shifters will be forced into a life of servitude under Jaxson, King of the planet Emir and most of their Equipoise solar system.With her heart set on saving her planet, Verena voyages out of her solar system to find a man from Earth. She prays the man is worthy enough to produce an heir that will suffice the new laws of the federation of Valet de Chambre. The baby will grow and train to become Effeminate's successor. The plan was foolproof because every woman Effeminate has done this to have a family, and now it was her turn to seek a mate for the sole purpose of procreation. But what Verena wasn't counting on was falling for Ciro DeLuca. A man who drew her into his world and his circle of friends that he considers family. She hadn't known family in 170 moon cycles because Jaxson, a powerful king and panther shifter in his own right, killed her parents in the Battle of Quell. This forced the now named queen to produce an heir under federation law.Ciro holds a secret too. He is a werewitch and finds his werewolf side has wholly fallen for Verena. Yet, his witch side knows she is hiding something, and he hopes his clan can help him find out what she is keeping from him. Will Verena mate with Ciro and save her planet in time? Or will her fears of losing him to her lie overcome her?Will Ciro help Verena save her planet once he finds out the truth?

  • af Maria Grace
    192,95 kr.

    Smugglers. A kidnapping. A fire-breathing fairy dragon? The Blue Order is falling apart at the seams.>The she-dragons, though, are no match for what Sir Fitzwilliam Darcy finds waiting for him in London. Threats to the Order on every side, and Lord Matlock demands he keep them secret from Elizabeth. No one keeps secrets from Elizabeth.Darcy manages to keep matters under control until a fairy-dragon's prank unleashes sinister forces who perpetrate an unthinkable crime that could spell the end of the Pendragon Accords and usher in a new age of dragon war. Meanwhile, Anne and Frederick Wentworth arrive in London with hopes of finally being accepted in good Blue Order society, unaware of the burgeoning maelstrom about to engulf them. Can Elizabeth and Darcy, with the Wentworths' help, restore balance to the Blue Order before the dragons decide to take matters into their own talons and right the wrongs themselves? A fresh new gaslamp fantasy adventure in the engrossingly intricate world of Jane Austen's Dragons. Anne McCaffrey meets Jane Austen perfect for dragon lovers and regency-era fans alike. Book 7 of the Jane Austen Dragons Series

  • af Matthew Daniels
    237,95 kr.

  • af S. L. Flynn
    212,95 kr.

  • af Matthew Ledrew
    237,95 kr.

  • af Maria Grace
    227,95 kr.

    Keeping a hibernating dragon should have been a simple thing. Should have been, but it was not.Apparently, nothing involving dragons was ever simple, at least not for Anne Elliot, junior Keeper to dragon Kellynch. With the estate in debt, Anne's father in denial, and the dragon's treasure missing, Kellynch's awakening is shaping up to be nothing short of catastrophe. Not to mention, there was the pesky matter of her own broken heart and resentment against the old friend who had caused it. Captain Frederick Wentworth had spent his life making something of himself in the Navy. With the war that kept him employed at an end and a small fortune in prize money, he found himself beached and at loose ends. What was he to do with himself now-take a wife like Laconia, his dragon Friend, insisted? Not when none compared to the woman who had broken his heart. Working as an agent of the Blue Order, managing dragon matters across England, seemed a much better alternative. At least until investigating one such matter sent him directly in the path of Anne Elliot, the woman who had ruined him for all others. Now a royal dragon rages, a sleeping dragon lurks, and too many treasures have gone missing. Can Anne and Wentworth lay aside resentment, pride, and heartbreak to prevent Kellynch's awakening from ending in bloodshed-or worse? A fresh new gaslamp fantasy adventure in the engrossingly intricate world of Jane Austen's Dragons. Anne McCaffrey meets Jane Austen perfect for dragon lovers and regency-era fans alike. Book 6 in the Jane Austen's Dragons series.

  • af L. a. McGinnis
    162,95 kr.

  • af John Kennedy Toole
    187,95 kr.

    WHAT MIGHT HAVE HAPPENED TO IGNATIUS J. REILLY?In this parody of A CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES by John Kennedy Toole, John Kennedy Toole Jr. plunges Ignatius J. Reilly into a New York City winter wonderland, where our Falstaffian hero inadvertently becomes vice president of the Charlie Chan Chinese Fortune Cookie Company, and where he finds a recently unearthed slip of paper that contains an occult secret for overthrowing the governments of the world (in a most unusual way, of course).Ignatius's parodic adventures would not be complete without his nemesis-friend, Myrna Minkoff. Add to the mix her parents, Mr. Minkoff and Mrs. Minkoff, two inept government agents (is there a redundancy here?), Ignatius's mother, his mother's fiancé, a virago or two, John Kennedy Toole, Ed Sullivan, and Myrna's concupiscent grandmother, Grandmother Horowitz, and you have the ingredients for a parody unlike any other ever written.With a foreword by Franz-Heinrich Katecki.

  • af Kevin Goodman
    152,95 kr.

    They were all crossing lines in their search for answers.Peta Shepherd had already crossed the line. Archie Conn might know why, and Harry Roberts would cross lines to find him. Emily Freeman had crossed a line, leaving the US and moving to London to be with Len Stone, Peta's friend, Archie's nemesis. Her head was full of secrets; why was she leaving? Colonel Skinner would cross lines to discover why, and to keep the Brits off his back. Mick Edge would cross lines to discover why the Yanks were operating on his soil without his authorisation, and what Archie had learned from Peta Shepherd about the aliens she had once talked to.And Archibald Franklin Conn? He had crossed many lines in his time - but the line he was about to cross would put him far beyond the pale. In the end, all lines cross - and the outcome changes lives forever.

  • af Nicole Lynn Roach
    177,95 kr.

    The author loves food, animals and science, which will quickly become apparent as you read this book. Surrealism meets humor in this weird work of illustrated fiction that challenges and inspires, while it cryptically defies logic. This book is better than gargling saltwater, is symmetrical if you use mirrors, and would never spike your tincture. Use it well.

  • af Erin Trejo
    137,95 kr.

    There's a threat inside the compound.I don't take threats lightly. I zero in on the newest girl that one of the guys brought in. Too many coincidences for me. She shows up, so do cops? No, there is something about her that I don't like. Until there's more about her that I do like.One touch of her and I'm done for. Now I want more but I can't have her. When things go south, she has to go. But can I accept that she's gone?

  • af Ricardo M. Forno
    122,95 kr.

  • af Lee C. Hillman
    182,95 kr.

    The heat of the summer has driven the gods of history to take refuge on the small screen. Once again, we bring you the unholy juxtaposition of your favorite television show overrun by your favorite pantheons - TV Gods: Summer Programming.

  • af Jeff Young
    182,95 kr.

    Take your favorite TV Show. Imagine your favorite mythology. Mash them together. What could go wrong?

  • af Daisy Johnson
    196,95 kr.

    DAISY JOHNSONS DEBUTROMAN VENDER KLASSISK MYTOLOGI PÅ HOVEDET OG AFSØGER SKJULTE KROGE AF BÅDE LANDSKABET OG MENNESKESINDET...! Daisy Johnsons debutroman – den Man Booker Pris-nominerede ”Under Overfladen” – er flere ting på én gang. Bogen opfinder ord, genfortæller og revitaliserer en gammel myte samt ituriver kronologi. Ved hjælp af et billedligt og poetisk sprog, ophæves grænsen mellem nyt og gammelt. Bogen er på den måde både chokerende, hjemsøgende og smuk. Hovedkaraktererne i bogen er Gretel og Sarah; den førstnævnte er datteren, der som 16-årig bliver forladt af moderen, Sarah, og siden har været på jagt efter hende. Selvom Gretel har forsøgt at begrave barndomsminderne, fortsætter hun med sin søgen ved bl.a. at ringe til hospitaler og lighuse hver gang der er uidentificerede lig. Efter at have ledt flere steder beslutter Gretel sig for at kontakte sin barndomsven Marcus, som måske kan lede hende til moderen. Her starter endnu en vigtig historie i bogen – Marcus’ hemmeligheder om bortadoption og transkønnethed afsløres af hans forældre, Roger og Laura, og styk for styk sammensættes et komplekst narrativ mellem Marcus, Gretel og i særdeleshed moderen, Sarah, og trådene, der binder karaktererne sammen, bliver mere og mere tydelige. Dystopiske tilstande åbenbares, traumer genåbnes mens andre tråde synes at forsvinde og kan kun anes i Sarahs tiltagende demens. Bogen udvikler sig således fra at være en hjemsøgende horror-historie, til et forskruet eventyr for nærmest at ende som en græsk tragedie med et moderne tvist. En bedrift i sig selv – men fordi sproget og fortælleteknikkerne er så enestående, fremstår bogen i sin helhed unik og nyskabende. Bogen er udkommet i knapt 20 forskellige lande nu og er blevet lovprist af en samlet udenlandsk presse, da den blev udgivet i England i 2018. Udover at være nomineret til Man Booker Prisen, så blev bogen ligeledes nomineret til Desmond Elliot prisen og blev endda Book of the Year hos bl.a. Entertainment Weekly, News Statesman, Guardian og Lithub. ”Under Overfladen” er oversat til dansk af Rasmus Hastrup, der er kendt for sine anmelderroste oversættelser af Paul Auster, Siri Hustvedt, Ernest Hemingway og John Irving og senest nyoversættelsen af George Orwells hovedværk 1984.

  • af Cassandra Chandler
    222,95 kr.

    The greatest danger lurks beneath their skin.Tessa Rhodes has been as good as dead for seven years-ever since the dweller that killed her family decided to turn her into one of its kind. She's kept the infection at bay while taking out as many dwellers as possible, but knows her time is almost up. Going out fighting was always her plan, until she meets a man with golden eyes and a touch that makes her want to change her destiny.Marcus Lowell has dedicated his life to the Blades of Janus, hoping to build peace between humans and dwellers and find a place for himself in the process. He's used the strength, speed, and heightened senses of his own dweller nature with that single-minded focus-but when Tessa Rhodes storms into his life, all he can think about is her.Tessa's arrival upsets the balance among all the Blades in Providence, awakening urges Marcus has fought since he was infected. If he can convince her to let him fight at her side, they stand a chance against the dweller pursuing her-and maybe a chance at something more. Will she trust him, or will the dweller tracking her be the death of them both?Main Content: Approximately 82,404 words, 385 (5.5 x 8.5) pages

  • af Cassandra Chandler
    237,95 kr.

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