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Åben læring, fjernundervisning

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  • af Julie Ekner Koch
    227,95 kr.

    Alt for ofte bliver e-learning ikke til andet end spredt fægtning. Hvis det virkelig skal skabe forandringer, skal det digitale integreres i organisationens læringskultur, så nærvær, deltagelse og motivation ikke går tabt.Denne bog viser, hvordan effektiv digital læring kan erstatte traditionelle kurser. Den er oplagt som håndbog for undervisere, ledere og HR-konsulenter, der skal facilitere digital læring i offentlige og private organisationer.Bogens første del giver dig indblik i muligheder og barrierer i forbindelse med digital læring. Bogens anden del præsenterer konkrete metoder til, hvordan man kan designe et digitalt læringsforløb. Der sættes blandt andet fokus på:blended learningden digitale facilitatordigitalt læringsdesigne-læringvirtuel læringsocial læring på digitale platformenye tendenser

  • af Martin Kruse
    208,95 kr.

    Entdecken Sie in "Studieren 2.0: Mit ChatGPT zum akademischen Erfolg" eine faszinierende Reise durch die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten, wie ChatGPT Ihr Studium bereichern kann. Dieser Leitfaden führt Sie durch innovative Ansätze zur Nutzung dieser fortschrittlichen KI für eine Vielzahl akademischer Herausforderungen.Recherchieren und Lernen: Lernen Sie, wie ChatGPT die Informationsbeschaffung revolutioniert und den Zugang zu Wissen vereinfacht, sodass Sie effizienter studieren können.Schreibfertigkeiten verbessern: Entdecken Sie Strategien zur Nutzung von ChatGPT für das Verfassen wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten und Essays, inklusive Themenfindung, Gliederung und Überarbeitung.Programmierhilfe und Mathematik: Erfahren Sie, wie ChatGPT bei der Lösung komplexer Programmierprobleme und mathematischer Fragestellungen unterstützen kann, um Lernprozesse zu beschleunigen.Sprachen lernen und kreatives Schreiben: Tauchen Sie ein in die Möglichkeiten von ChatGPT für das Erlernen neuer Sprachen und für kreative Projekte, die Ihre Ausdrucksfähigkeit erweitern.Studienorganisation und Vorbereitung: Nutzen Sie ChatGPT zur Optimierung Ihrer Studienplanung, Zeitmanagement und Prüfungsvorbereitungen für einen strukturierten und zielgerichteten Studienalltag."Studieren 2.0" ist Ihr Schlüssel zu einem effizienteren, kreativeren und erfolgreichen Studium. Machen Sie den ersten Schritt in eine Zukunft, in der KI Ihr stärkster Verbündeter im akademischen Erfolg ist.

  • af 1a-Studi GmbH
    230,95 kr.

    In ¿Thesis Sprint: Die 4-Wochen-Strategie zur perfekten Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit¿ findest du eine funktionierende Methode, um deine Abschlussarbeit in nur 4 Wochen zu schreiben. Dieses Buch ist genau das Richtige für dich, wenn du vor der Herausforderung stehst, eine qualitativ hochwertige Thesis unter Zeitdruck zu schreiben. Die Abschlussarbeit hat einen erheblichen Einfluss auf deinen Gesamtnotendurchschnitt und somit Bewerbung auf einen Job nach dem Studium.In diesem Buch (+ Workbook) lernst du, wie du effektives Zeitmanagement, das Schreiben unter Druck und bewährte Schreibtechniken nutzen kannst, um deine Arbeit fristgerecht und auf einem hohen wissenschaftlichen Niveau zu vollenden. Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit Studenten und Akademikern und kombiniert Expertenwissen mit den Ratschlägen professioneller Lektoren und Studentencoaches.Du lernst, wie du den Schreibprozess deiner Thesis effektiv und effizient organisierst und diese Herausforderung mit Entschlossenheit und Engagement angehst. Die 4-Wochen-Strategie ist mehr als ein Zeitplan ¿ diese ist ein Modell, wie du unter Druck arbeiten und dabei hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielen kannst. Diese Strategie wird dir nicht nur während deines Studiums, sondern auch in deinem späteren Berufsleben nützlich sein.

  • af N S Jesh
    352,95 kr.

    The Bifunctional Molecules in Catalysis and Alzheimer's book, is a comprehensive guide book that discusses the applications of bifunctional organic molecules in asymmetric organic catalysis and Alzheimer's disease therapy. The book is aimed at researchers, chemists, and biochemists interested in the design and synthesis of new bifunctional molecules. The book begins with an introduction to bifunctional molecules and their potential applications in organic catalysis and Alzheimer's disease therapy. It then covers the design and synthesis of various types of bifunctional molecules, including chiral bifunctional molecules, bifunctional organocatalysts, and bifunctional ligands. The book also discusses the mechanisms of asymmetric organic catalysis and the potential therapeutic benefits of bifunctional molecules in Alzheimer's disease therapy. The book is written in a clear and concise style, making it accessible to both experts and non-experts in the field. It includes numerous examples and case studies to illustrate the design and application of bifunctional molecules in catalysis and therapy. The book also highlights the challenges and future directions in this rapidly evolving field. In conclusion, the Bifunctional Molecules in Catalysis and Alzheimer's book is an essential guidebook for researchers, chemists, and biochemists interested in the design and synthesis of new bifunctional molecules. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the applications of bifunctional molecules in asymmetric organic catalysis and Alzheimer's disease therapy, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in this exciting and rapidly evolving field.

  • af V. Vasta
    342,95 kr.

    This book "Optoelectronic Properties of Vertical Organic Field Effect Transistors," explores the fascinating world of organic semiconductor devices and their optoelectronic properties. The book is a comprehensive guide to the working principle, fabrication, and characterization of vertical organic field effect transistors, with a focus on their potential applications in optoelectronic devices. The book begins with an introduction to the field of organic semiconductors, explaining the basics of molecular electronics, organic semiconductors, and their unique properties. The author then delves into the detailed working principle and fabrication processes for creating vertical organic field effect transistors, providing an in-depth analysis of their electrical and optical properties. The latter part of the book covers the potential applications of these transistors in various optoelectronic devices, including photodetectors, organic light-emitting diodes, and organic solar cells. The author explores the underlying mechanisms behind these applications and provides a comprehensive review of recent developments in the field. Overall, "Optoelectronic Properties of Vertical Organic Field Effect Transistors" is an essential reference for researchers, students, and professionals interested in the exciting field of organic semiconductors and their potential applications in optoelectronics. It offers a comprehensive overview of the field and provides valuable insights into the working principle, fabrication, and optoelectronic properties of vertical organic field effect transistors.

  • af Annette Levesque
    497,95 kr.

    *Silver Winner, 2023 Nonfiction Book Awards**Winner, Best Book in Education, 2023 International Firebird Book Awards*

  • af Anymir Orellana
    492,95 kr.

    The Quarterly Review of Distance Education is a rigorously refereed journal publishing articles, research briefs, reviews, and editorials dealing with the theories, research, and practices of distance education. The Quarterly Review publishes articles that utilize various methodologies that permit generalizable results which help guide the practice of the field of distance education in the public and private sectors. The Quarterly Review publishes full-length manuscripts as well as research briefs, editorials, reviews of programs and scholarly works, and columns. The Quarterly Review defines distance education as institutionally based, formal education, where the learning group is separated and where interactive technologies are used to unite the learning group.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    297,95 kr.

    Hybrid cloud solutions have emerged as a compelling approach for organizations seeking to balance the benefits of both public and private cloud environments. These solutions combine on-premises infrastructure with cloud-based services, allowing businesses to optimize their operations, increase scalability, and improve flexibility. To harness the full potential of hybrid cloud, integration strategies play a pivotal role.Integration strategies for hybrid cloud solutions encompass a range of techniques and technologies aimed at seamlessly connecting and coordinating data, applications, and services across diverse cloud platforms. These strategies enable organizations to streamline their operations and derive maximum value from their hybrid cloud investments.One key integration approach involves creating robust application programming interfaces (APIs) that facilitate communication between on-premises systems and various cloud providers. This approach allows data and services to flow freely, ensuring that applications run smoothly across hybrid environments.Another essential strategy is data synchronization and replication. Organizations must ensure that data remains consistent and up to date, regardless of where it resides. Tools and techniques like data pipelines, database replication, and data warehousing are employed to maintain data integrity in a hybrid setup.Furthermore, containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes are instrumental in packaging applications and their dependencies, making them more portable across hybrid cloud environments. Containers provide the flexibility to run applications consistently across different cloud providers and on-premises infrastructure.Security and compliance are paramount in hybrid cloud integration. Strategies include robust identity and access management, encryption, and compliance monitoring to safeguard sensitive data and ensure adherence to industry regulations.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    272,95 kr.

    "Education Redefined: Social Media Across Borders" is a concept or initiative that aims to leverage the power of social media platforms to transform and enhance education in a global context. This concept recognizes the potential of social media to transcend geographical boundaries and bring education to a broader and more diverse audience.Here is a breakdown of the key elements of this concept:Education Transformation: "Education Redefined" signifies a departure from traditional educational models. It suggests a shift towards more flexible, accessible, and inclusive forms of learning that are not confined to physical classrooms or specific geographic locations.Social Media Integration: This concept emphasizes the utilization of various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and more, as tools for educational purposes. These platforms can be used to share knowledge, connect with learners, and facilitate discussions.Global Reach: By "Across Borders," the concept highlights the idea that social media can facilitate education on a global scale. Learners and educators from different countries can connect and collaborate, breaking down the barriers created by physical distance.Accessibility: Social media is often accessible through smartphones and computers, making it a convenient medium for learning. It can provide access to education for individuals who may not have access to traditional educational resources.Diverse Learning Opportunities: Social media allows for a wide range of learning opportunities, from short video tutorials to in-depth discussions and online courses. Learners can choose the format that best suits their needs and preferences.Collaboration and Networking: Social media platforms enable educators and learners to connect, collaborate, and network with peers, experts, and institutions from around the world. This fosters a rich learning environment and the exchange of ideas.Informal Learning: Education on social media doesn't always follow a structured curriculum. It often includes informal learning through blogs, vlogs, podcasts, and other user-generated content, which can be valuable for acquiring practical skills and knowledge.Challenges: While "Education Redefined: Social Media Across Borders" offers numerous advantages, it also comes with challenges such as ensuring the quality of information, dealing with distractions, and addressing issues related to digital literacy and online safety.In summary, "Education Redefined: Social Media Across Borders" represents a paradigm shift in education, where social media is harnessed as a powerful tool for learning and knowledge sharing that transcends geographical and institutional boundaries. It emphasizes the democratization of education, making learning more accessible, flexible, and collaborative on a global scale.

  • af John Michael Lafauci
    112,95 kr.

    Middle school can be a fun, challenging, and confusing time for adolescents who are forced to experience it. It winds up being a period of three years that encompasses many physical and emotional changes, along with new responsibilities placed on them by teachers and parents. This short book is a look at the humorous and serious situations that are thrust into the faces of these unsuspecting youngsters. Some of the situations are normal and others are strange, at best. Together, they add up to a mishmash of emotions and predicaments that will leave you shaking your head, wondering how today's children ever make it through middle school in one piece.

  • af Arthur Jay Klein
    152,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Katherine J. Nordyke
    637,95 - 1.132,95 kr.

  • af Annette Levesque
    322,95 kr.

    *Silver Winner 2024 Literary Titan Book Awards**Winner, Best Book in Education, 2023 International Firebird Book Awards**Silver Winner, 2023 Nonfiction Book Awards*The world is changing quickly, and the way in which we learn and educate others must adapt along with it. With technology at the crux of all learning, leaders must have a strong grasp on how to create and deliver effective learning and training experiences. In Annette Levesque's new guide Elearning Gold: The Ultimate Guide for Leaders, she facilitates leaders and educators as they navigate the challenging world of distance education and training programs. Levesque, an experienced leader and education expert, offers practical insights and strategies to help you catapult your learning programs to the next level. From building and launching a virtual learning environment to creating effective policies and strategies for operational excellence, this guide is your key to success. The Elearning Gold roadmap takes its readers on a journey of knowledge, focusing on:*Virtual Learning Success Criteria*Digital Age Learning Models, Including Blended Learning*How to Increase Course Completion Rates and Learner Engagement*Building Your Learning Community*What Leaders Need to Know About Learning Management Systems*Managing Academic Misconduct in your Virtual Learning Program*How to Plan Your Virtual World Launch or Update*The Future of AI and Chatbots in Education Relinquish what you thought you knew as an education expert or trainer and embrace this new ideology on how to reach all learners-especially online. These strategies and techniques will help you create elearning systems and content that meet the needs of learners today and also prepares them for tomorrow.

  • af Fabian Sachs
    325,95 - 432,95 kr.

  • af Amy Aldous Bergerson
    540,95 kr.

    Utilizing findings from over 200 interviews with students, staff, and faculty at a US university, this volume explores the immediate and real-life impacts of COVID-19 on individuals to inform higher education policy and practice in times of crisis.

    1.668,95 kr.

    This edited volume focuses on the changing research methodologies in social science research, prompted by the new social world shaped by the pandemic. It explores adaptations and developments to meet the demands of transforming social circumstances and showcases innovative alternative approaches.

  • af Bart Rienties
    548,95 kr.

    This book provides state-of-the-art contemporary research insights into key applications and processes in open world learning. Open world learning seeks to understand access to education, structures, and the presence of dialogue and support systems

  • af Stacey Cabaj
    437,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

    1.769,95 kr.

    This edited collection presents a Nordic perspective on intensified discussions concerning digitalization and digital competence in the current trends of educational work.

  • af Valentina (University of Turin Goglio
    564,95 - 1.764,95 kr.

  • af Kimberly A. Hall
    412,95 - 1.758,95 kr.

    542,95 kr.

    Bildung in the Digital Age explores the challenges and potentials of digitalization for educational theory and practice and identifies how the pedagogical concept of Bildung can be used to meet these demands

    1.784,95 kr.

    Assessment of Online Learners offers essential foundations, insights, and real-world examples for pre-service teachers preparing to assess students in today's digitized classrooms.

  • af Doctor Ashok Sethi
    162,95 kr.

  • af Igor Vinicius Lima Valentim
    142,95 kr.

    Como construir outro país, outra educação, outra universidade, se os mestres e doutores que formamos cursam inúmeras disciplinas que desperdiçam suas curiosidades e interesses? A educação universitária ainda é, muitas vezes, medieval. Tanto nos métodos quanto nas relações interpessoais. Os métodos educacionais utilizados em diversas disciplinas de Mestrado e Doutorado são baseados majoritariamente na 'transmissão' de conhecimentos e no tratamento de estudantes como ignorantes: uma educação bancária, como já alertava Paulo Freire. Este livro é fruto de uma aventura coletiva que teve início em uma disciplina de Pós-Graduação chamada Escuta, curiosidade e amor, lecionada a partir da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, em 2022, aberta a estudantes de todo o Brasil, de maneira totalmente remota e baseada em métodos ativos de aprendizagem.A junção do modo remoto e síncrono com o fato de a disciplina ser baseada em métodos ativos, aberta para alunos de Mestrados e Doutorados do Brasil inteiro e atuantes em áreas do conhecimento muito distintas, potencializou trocas, encontros, pontes... Expandiu a universidade pública para além de seus muros!A utilização de métodos ativos buscou colocar o interesse e a dedicação dos estudantes no centro do processo educacional e fez com que a disciplina, desde seu início, fosse "mão na massa". Cada estudante teve de produzir diversas atividades ao longo do semestre e, desde o primeiro encontro, começou a construir um trabalho final individual de tema livre, articulando ensino e pesquisa, e ligado aos seus interesses e curiosidades.Como a forma do trabalho final era livre, houve vídeos, performances, poemas, cartas, slides, minidocumentários, bem como textos acadêmicos 'tradicionais'. Após o fim da disciplina, algumas pessoas demonstraram interesse em utilizarem seus trabalhos como matéria-prima para a construção de textos para serem compartilhados no formato de um livro. Um livro-ferramenta que, agora, se abre ao diálogo com o mundo.Os métodos educacionais nunca foram, não são e nunca serão, sozinhos, a solução mágica para todos os problemas da educação. Entretanto, quando são combinados métodos ativos, ensino remoto síncrono, ao vivo, com atividades baseadas nos interesses e desejos dos estudantes, a formação em mestrados e doutorados, pode, com algum otimismo, estimular os sonhos dos próprios estudantes e contribuir com outra educação e outra sociedade. Isso dá muito mais trabalho para todos, mas traz sentido, energia, compromisso social e, principalmente, alegria.Muitas vezes nos sentimos sozinhos. Nem sempre temos apoio institucional ou dos próprios colegas. Mas não estamos sozinhos. Precisamos nos conhecer, nos ouvir, nos ler, trocar experiências e construir mudanças em nossos cotidianos. Por menores que sejam, na direção dos mundos que façam nossos olhos brilhar e que nos encham de alegria e tesão. Os textos que compõem este livro são prova viva de que isso é possível.

  • af Anymir Orellana
    492,95 kr.

    The Quarterly Review of Distance Education is a rigorously refereed journal publishing articles, research briefs, reviews, and editorials dealing with the theories, research, and practices of distance education. The Quarterly Review publishes articles that utilize various methodologies that permit generalizable results which help guide the practice of the field of distance education in the public and private sectors. The Quarterly Review publishes full-length manuscripts as well as research briefs, editorials, reviews of programs and scholarly works, and columns. The Quarterly Review defines distance education as institutionally based, formal education, where the learning group is separated and where interactive technologies are used to unite the learning group.

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