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  • - For bundlinjen og en bedre verden
    af Steffen Max Høgh & Simon Elsborg Nygaard
    118,95 - 297,95 kr.

    Bæredygtig business henvender sig til ledere og andre nøglepersoner i en virksomhed, som ønsker at kombinere arbejdet med FN’s Verdensmål med en økonomisk rentabel forretning. Eller ligefrem øge indtjeningen gennem arbejdet med bæredygtighed. Bogen er praksisnær og anvendelsesorienteret.Den viser, hvad din virksomhed kan vinde ved at arbejde med bæredygtighed, og præsenterer en række konkrete metoder og inspirerende eksempler på, hvordan du gør i praksis. Herunder hvordan du udvikler en bæredygtig strategi. Hvordan du motiverer og engagerer dine medarbejdere. Hvordan du sælger dine bæredygtige produkter. Hvordan du kommunikerer omkring bæredygtighed via konkrete flagskibsprojekter.STEFFEN MAX HØGH og SIMON ELSBORG NYGAARD tager udgangspunkt såvel i relevant forskning som i deres praktiske erfaringer med bæredygtighed i en række sammenhænge.

  • af Lone Hansen, Morten Dalbøge & Torben Rosenkilde Jensen
    217,95 kr.

    These assignments supplement the textbook Financial Management for the Academic Profession Programme.The assignments follow the same structure as the textbook, and provide students with theoretical and practical experience in the application of business economics models and methodology.The accompanying website at features examples of solutions and templates for some of the assignments in each chapter. The material takes the form of Excel files, which students can download and use.The book contains a large number of assignments. Combined with the textbook and website, they facilitate a differentiated, dynamic and varied course of study that incorporates structured teaching, independent study and project work.Each chapter concludes with multiple-choice questions that test the students’ understanding of its core concepts.The assignments are assigned a star rating that reflects the degree of difficulty – one star for the easiest, three for the most difficult.

  • af Lone Hansen, Morten Dalbøge & Torben Rosenkilde Jensen
    527,95 kr.

    This textbook in financial management provides a basic, up-to-date review of the financial issues faced by companies. It teaches students about models and methods to: analyse the basic financial situations faced by companies analyse companies manage company finances, including optimisation and budgeting analyse investments and financing options.The book is largely aimed at students who are studying on the marketing programmes, but it will also be of interest to others, including advanced-level financial management students.The book gives students a theoretical and practical basis from which to build up a holistic overview of key issues in financial management and decision-making processes.The book and its associated, but separate, collection of exercises can be used to support a range of types of learning, from structured courses to independent study.The data in the examples is available to download in Excel format from: Templates and solutions to some of the assignments are also available on the website.

  • - Mindset, strategi, ledelse og performance i fremtidens forretningsmodeller
    af Per Østergaard Jacobsen
    307,95 kr.

    CRM 5.0 – De ustyrlige kunder i en digital tidsalder er en håndbog i kundeorientering med fokus på mindset, strategi, ledelse & performance i fremtidens (bæredygtige) forretningsmodeller. Ikke alene har vi et bud på løsningen til at forhindre et fejlslået CRM-projekt. Værktøjskassen kan også anvendes på de mange digitaliseringsprojekter som kommer de kommende år.Vi har udviklet på den populære Business Model Canvas og gjort den tidssvarende. Vi udfordrer de forskellige kundetilfredshedsmålinger og NPS vanetænkningen.Vi lukker definitivt ned for AIDA modellen og præsentere en ny model for kunderejsen baseret på kundens ECO-system og med kundeværdi med udgangspunkt i kortlægningen af forbrugeradfærden.Vi ser på den nye loyalitetsmodel, og på segmenteringsmodeller.Vi advarer mod at anvende personas og kommer naturligvis med opskriften på hvordan man gør det rigtige rigtigt.Det starter med dig som leder/beslutningstager/influencer og medarbejder. Er du klar til at udvikle, forandre og forankre? Professor Torsten Ringberg, CBS, Lektor Pernille Rydèn, DTU og Christian Daugaard, Nordisk SoMe Lead, BCG, er gæsteskribenter.

  • af Robert B. Reich
    277,95 kr.

    Siden 1930’erne har middelklassens vækst været motoren og ryggraden i den amerikanske samfundsøkonomi. Sådan er det ikke længere. Allerede under præsident Reagan i 1980’erne startede en voldsom politisk liberaliseringsbølge, der lige siden systematisk har udhulet forbrugerbeskyttelse, lønmodtagerrettigheder og den almindelige amerikaners muligheder for social opstigning. En uhellig alliance mellem gigantiske koncerner, Wall Street og Washington har skabt en uhørt økonomisk vækst i USA. … Men kun for de få.Reichs bog beskriver ikke blot en udvikling i USA, men også en foruroligende global trend; Politisk indflydelse og ufattelig rigdom koncentreres hos en stadig mere magtfuld elite af koncerner og en finanssektor, der beskytter sig gennem kampagnebidrag, patenter, fordelagtig lovgivning og skjult lobbyisme. Middelklassen svinder til gengæld og er under økonomisk pres. Resultatet kan vise sig i stigende nationalisme og orientering mod de politiske yderfløje – med Englands Brexit og valget af Donald Trump som blot de seneste eksempler.Roberts Reichs løsning er en anden. Alliancen mellem Big Businessog den politiske elite skal brydes. Lovgivning, rettigheder og privilegier må vristes ud af hænderne på de få – og igen tjene de mange.Bogen er med dansk forord af professor Bent Greve. Om forfatteren Robert B. Reich har tjent i skiftende amerikanske administrationer under præsidenterne Gerald Ford og Jimmy Carter i 1970’erne og senest som arbejdsminister I Bill Clintons regering i perioden 1993-1997. Han er i dag professor i offentlig ret ved University of California, seniorforsker ved Blum Center for Developing Economies og kendt politisk kommentator i USA.”…Robert Reich har skrevet en suveræn bog (…)” Rune Lykkeberg, Politiken [5 hjerter]“If you want to understand why income and wealth inequality are the economic, political, and moral issues of our time, you must read this book. Robert Reich is one of the best economists in modern American history. This book is a roadmap on how to rebuild the middle class and fix a rigged economy that has been propped up by a corrupt campaign finance system.”USA Senator, Bernie Sanders“Robert Reich has written a riveting guide to how our economic and political system has become so badly flawed, distorted by pervasive rent seeking and monopolies. He explains our rising inequality and our poor economic performance.”Professor og nobelprismodtager i økonomi, Joseph Stiglitz

  • af Rebecca Giblin
    114,95 kr.

    A FINANCIAL TIMES BOOK OF THE YEARA call to action for the creative class and labour movement to rally against the power of Big Tech and Big Media.Corporate concentration has breached the stratosphere, as have corporate profits. An ever-expanding constellation of industries are now monopolies (where sellers have excessive power over buyers) or monopsonies (where buyers hold the whip hand over sellers) ¿ or both.Scholar Rebecca Giblin and writer and activist Cory Doctorow argue we¿re in a new era of `chokepoint capitalism¿, with exploitative businesses creating insurmountable barriers to competition that enable them to capture value that should rightfully go to others. All workers are weakened by this, but the problem is especially well illustrated by the plight of creative workers. From Amazon¿s use of digital rights management and bundling to radically change the economics of book publishing, to Google and Facebook¿s siphoning away of ad revenues from news media, and the Big Three record labels¿ use of inordinately long contracts to up their own margins at the cost of artists, chokepoints are everywhere.By analysing book publishing and news, live music and music streaming, screenwriting, radio, and more, Giblin and Doctorow deftly show how powerful corporations construct `anti-competitive flywheels¿ designed to lock in users and suppliers, make their markets hostile to new entrants, and then force workers and suppliers to accept unfairly low prices.Chokepoint Capitalism is a call to workers of all sectors to unite to help smash these chokepoints and take back the power and profit that¿s being heisted away ¿ before it¿s too late.

  • - Den korteste og sikreste vej til at forstå basal økonomi
    af Henry Hazlitt
    247,95 kr.

    Bogen Økonomi i En Lektion, som er en dansk oversættelse af den internationale bestseller, Economics in One Lesson.Med over en million solgte eksemplarer er Økonomi i En Lektion en vigtig guide til det grundlæggende i økonomisk teori. Bogen er en international bestseller og er stadig den hurtigste måde at lære, hvordan man tænker som økonom. Bogen er skrevet i et meget let læseligt sprog, som gør det enkelt at forstå grundlæggende økonomiske teorier, og den anvendes derfor stadig bredt som lærebog blandt universitetsstuderende i hele verden. Bogen regnes blandt de absolut mest populære indenfor økonomisk teori, nogensinde skrevet. Økonomiske kommentatorer på tværs af det politiske spektrum har senest krediteret Hazlitt for at forudse sammenbruddet af den globale økonomi, som fandt sted mere end 50 år efter den første udgivelse af Economics in One Lesson. Hazlitts fokus på ikke-statslige løsninger og hans generelle vægt på frie markeder, individers økonomiske frihed og farerne ved statslig indgriben gør Økonomi i En Lektion lige så relevant og værdifuld i dag, som den har været siden udgivelsen. Bogen indgår i serien fra Paludans forlag som klassiske 5 stjernede bestsellere for ledelse, som ligeledes tæller: Vind venner, indflydelse og fremgang af Dale Carnegie, Peter Plys om ledelse af Roger E. Allen og En sælgers vej til Succes af Frank Bettger

  • - lederskab og faglige strategier i en deltagerøkonomi
    af Bjørn Hansen, Rune Baastrup & Ane Stær Nissen
    247,95 kr.

  • - Empiri, teori og etik
    af Svend Hylleberg
    292,95 kr.

    "Videnskabelige metoder i økonomi" har som formål at udfordre økonomistuderendes idéer om videnskab. Med udgangspunkt i de emner, en økonomistuderende typisk er blevet præsenteret for i fx mikro- og makroteori, diskuteres og kritiseres de metoder og videnskabeligeantagelser, som ligger til grund for de fag. Hermed introduceres læseren til en bredere forståelse af økonomi som et levende videnskabeligt område.Svend Hylleberg, dr.oecon., er professor emeritus i økonomi ved AarhusUniversitet.

  • af Lone Hansen, Morten Dalbøge & Torben Rosenkilde Jensen
    237,95 kr.

    ERHVERVSØKONOMI - kompendium til Deseignteknologoer er baseret på ERHVERVSØKONOMI TIL AKADEMIUDDANNELSERNE, 4. udgave.Det er specielt udarbejdet til undervisning på designteknologuddannelsenBogen indeholder også en nyttig dansk-engelsk ordliste over regnskabsudtryk.Kompendiet er inklusiv opgaver, som er forsynet med en brugervenlig angivelse af sværhedsgrad.

  • af Hjarn von Zernichow Borberg & Robert Wederkinck
    227,95 kr.

    Penge, valuta og de finansielle markeder – et overblik giver på en overskuelig måde et godt overblik over sammenhængen mellem den danske statsgældspolitik, pengepolitik og valutapolitik samt koblingen til de finansielle markeder og deres indbyrdes sammenhænge. Bogen beskriver de mest centrale begreber som eksempelvis renter, fordringer, penge og likviditet samt forskellen mellem rentespænd, rentemarginal og rentestruktur. Der gives også en detaljeret beskrivelse af Nationalbankens pengepolitiske redskaber og valutapolitiske redskaber til forsvar for den danske kronekurs samt statens indenlandske og udenlandske låntagning. Desuden indeholder bogen en kort og praktisk anvendelig gennemgang af de mest centrale forklaringsfaktorer for udviklingen i den danske valutakurs, statsobligationsrenter m.v. Penge, valuta og de finansielle markeder – et overblik er nyttig for alle, som gerne vil videre mere om penge, valuta, statsgældspolitik og sammenhængen mellem disse emner, som alle har betydning for globaliseringen af dansk økonomi. Den kan bruges både som lærebog inden for dansk valuta- og pengepolitik og sammenhængen med de finansielle markeder samt som opslagsværk for alle, som har behov for viden forud for analyser af de finansielle markeder i Danmark.

  • af Carsten Lund
    237,95 kr.

    Grundlæggende virksomhedsøkonomi gennemgår begreber og de regnskabsforhold, som en iværksætter skal kende, når han eller hun starter egen virksomhed. Der er illustrative eksempler og opgaver, som konkret viser, hvordan man gør. Bogen giver desuden indblik i, hvad en god forretningsplan bør indeholde og hvilke forskellige selskabsformer, der findes.Grundlæggende virksomhedsøkonomi kan også bruges som opslagsbog for iværksættere, der skal have indsigt i det mest grundlæggende, når det handler om regnskab og økonomi i forbindelse med etablering af en virksomhed.Denne bog er til økonomiuddannelser, hvor den studerende har brug for en introduktion eller et brush up på grundlæggende virksomhedsøkonomi. Det kan være i fag på bygningskonstruktøruddannelserne, autoteknologuddannelsen eller på efteruddannelser som akademiuddannelserne i ledelse og økonomi, på handelsøkonom- eller finansøkonomuddannelserne, hvor de studerende kommer med forskellige baggrunde.

  • af Peter Schwarz
    861,95 - 1.598,95 kr.

  • af René Nesgaard Nielsen
    207,95 kr.

    Videnskabsteori er relevant og vigtig – også for erhvervsøkonomer. Derfor introducerer denne bog læseren for nogle af videnskabsteoriens helt centrale begreber, ligesom den præsenterer nogle af de paradigmer, eller positioneringsmuligheder, der er inden for videnskabsteorien.Bogen handler også om problembaseret projektarbejde for erhvervsøkonomer, herunder hvordan dette relaterer sig til videnskabsteori og metodemæssige overvejelser. I den forbindelse gennemgås processen omkring projektarbejdet såvel som skrivningen af den endelige projektrapport.I bogen inddrages løbende erhvervsøkonomiske eksempler for at understøtte en samlet integration af videnskabsteori, problembaseret projektarbejde og det erhvervsøkonomiske fagområde.René Nesgaard Nielsen er lektor ved Institut for Økonomi og Ledelse, Aalborg Universitet. Hans forskningsinteresser omfatter innovationsledelse, strategi og organisation. Han underviser i ledelse, strategi, organisation, innovation, videnskabsteori, metode og projektarbejde.

  • af Adolfo Crespo Marquez
    3.705,95 - 3.714,95 kr.

  • af Joanna Poyago-Theotoky
    245,95 - 701,95 kr.

  • af MD Nazim Uddin
    1.191,95 kr.

    This book identifies the effect of governance structure components on outreach and sustainability of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Bangladesh. It is designed to study and understand these structures with reference to the changing forms and functions of MFI administration, in theory and practice, with experiences from selected countries. It helps readers understand corporate governance across the globe with recent developments in this sector. It provides evidence from Bangladesh on what aspects need to be strengthened and identifies the importance of considering differences in institutional values, culture, and environment while pointing to the risk of applying normative assertions of governance structure. The book suggests that a regulatory and supervisory framework should be introduced in Bangladesh to enhance the governance structure of MFIs. It advocates that the sector requires a robust regulatory environment to improve its governance and administrative frameworks and expand the microfinance sector's outreach and sustainability opportunities. It will benefit researchers and students of economics, corporate governance, accountability, transparency, finance, business administration, microfinance institutions, and applied fields, as well as microfinance practitioners, administrators, and policymakers.

  • af Georgios I. Zekos
    1.304,95 kr.

    This book examines the impact of artificial intelligence on competition and antitrust in today's global digital economy. It scrutinizes the economic and legal ramifications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), addressing the challenges it presents to competition and the law.Beginning with an analysis of AI's developments across various economic sectors, the book highlights the need for updated legislation. It focuses on the digital economy, emphasizing digital platforms' role in shaping competition. Econometric investigations and a novel index assess competition's influence on foreign direct investment and multinational enterprises. Comparing competition practices across jurisdictions like the EU, US, Germany, and China, the book uncovers commonalities and differences in competition law principles. It also explores various theories on competition and competition law, seeking convergence or divergence.This book is an essential resource for scholars, legal professionals,policymakers, and anyone seeking a better understanding of how AI is reshaping competition and antitrust in the digital age.

  • af Fumitoshi Mizutani
    1.957,95 - 1.966,95 kr.

    This book is novel in that it reveals significant issues of economics, management and business fields currently observed in network industries such as public utilities and transportation, and provides empirical evidence of their mechanisms and policy implications from various perspectives. This is a holistic collection of literature on public utilities economics and management, since the industries discussed include a wide range such as electricity, water supply, sewerage, transport, and postal service, which compound social infrastructure as public benefit service, and the issues examined contain not only economics topics such as cost, efficiency, and productivity, but also management topics such as governance, strategy and organizational restructuring. The book also investigates general private companies to derive future implications for policy and governance of public utilities, and covers multiple countries such as Japan, the US, and Vietnam. It demonstrates various empirical approaches and methodologies for public utility analysis through 17 chapters by experts in each field, which contributes to further cultivation of empirical studies in public utilities.

  • af W. Reichman
    1.086,95 kr.

    Industrial and Organizational Psychology Help the Vulnerable documents a new direction for industrial and organizational psychology. The chapters are written by psychologists who have used the methods, procedures and theories of industrial and organizational psychology to help the vulnerable people of the world.

  • af V. Pulignano
    559,95 kr.

    An examination of the form and character of recent transformations in the international automobile industry. Using comparative and national-based case study analysis, it explores the nature of such recent developments (outsourcing, modularization, high performance workplaces, etc.) and their impact on issues in the sector on a world scale.

  • af T. Wang
    1.940,95 kr.

    Efficient measurement plays a vital role in any sort of production but there is a dearth of both applications and in-depth research relating to the container port industry. This book analyzes the relationship between ownership, competition and port efficiency by applying traditional theories in industrial organization and examining them empirically. It is the first to conduct comprehensive comparisons of alternative approaches to efficiency measurement for the industry. This original work makes an important contribution to the establishment of central government policy on port investment, policy and governance.

  • af Sabrina Leo
    1.668,95 kr.

    This book showcases cutting-edge research on a variety of themes related to sustainable and impact investments. It sheds light, theoretically and empirically, on three particular contemporary challenges for sustainable finance: shifts in banking towards prioritizing sustainable growth, the rapid evolution of sustainable bonds, and the growing role of women in sustainable finance.The first section of the book explores the benefits for banks and the financial industry from integrating sustainable finance into their business processes, as well as the role banks play in allocating resources towards a decarbonized economy. Chapters discuss risk reduction and the reputational boost for banks, as well as assessing the impact of new regulation frameworks targeted at sustainable growth. The second part examines sustainable financial products, with a focus on green bonds, and discusses how they can be used for long-term financing for sustainable projects, encourage accountability andtransparency, stimulate market growth, manage risk, and benefit the environment and society more broadly. The final section of the book takes an internal look at sustainable finance and addresses the significant role that women play, helping to develop more creative and practical solutions, serving as role models, and increasing involvement in the financial sector. Combining academic analysis with practical examples from the industry, this book will be useful to students and researchers working in sustainable finance, banking, and financial regulation.

  • af D. Walters
    1.085,95 kr.

    Lives in Peril demonstrates how and why seafarers are a vulnerable group of workers. It argues they are made so by the organisation and structure of their employment; the prioritisation of profit over safety by the actors that engage and control their labour; the limits of enforcement of the regulatory framework that is in place to protect them; and by their weakness as collective actors in relation to capital. The consequences of this vulnerability are seen in data on their occupationally-related morbidity and mortality - evidence that probably only represents a partial picture of the actual extent of the physical, mental and emotional harm resulting from work at sea. This volume's central argument is that this situation is likely to remain broadly unchanged as long as global maritime governance and regulation remains in thrall to the neo-liberal economic and political arguments that drive globalisation, and fails to enforce regulatory standards more robustly.

  • af G. Rusten
    1.092,95 kr.

    Economic activities are becoming increasingly globalised. One result being that for companies in developed market economies price-based competition is being replaced or supplemented by other forms of competitiveness. This book explores the shift towards design-based competitiveness and the escalation in the design-intensity of goods and services.

  • af Xiaohuan Lan
    1.286,95 kr.

    This book, a bestseller in China with over a million copies sold, depicts the role played by the Chinese government in Chinäs economic development. It explains how the Chinese government has gradually established and improved market mechanisms while promoting economic growth. The book particularly points out that the Chinese government not only governs the economy through policy guidance but also directly participates in the process of urbanization and industrialization as part of the market. It also introduces the specific mechanisms of government involvement in economic activities, which forms a bridge between economic theory and the reality of China. This book, a winner of the Wenjin Book Award by the National Library of China, will be an invaluable reference for scholars seeking to understand Chinäs economic policy and government system reform in the years to come.

  • af Sumiko Takaoka
    1.668,95 kr.

    This book focuses on environmental technology and financial markets of the Asia-Pacific region, which includes traditional and emerging innovative countries such as Japan, China, and South Korea. The research and its outcomes presented here are devoted to the nexus between innovation in environment-related technologies, finance, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. A promising means of achieving a sustainable society is to accelerate innovation in environmental technologies. Chapters of this book tackle some important issues. Using the data on environmental innovation creation and financial markets, the contributors identify three scopes in which ESG performance forms how investors evaluate corporate performance against climate-related risk in the Asia-Pacific capital markets (e.g., corporate bond and credit default swaps); how lenders allocate their credits according to carbon emissions in Japan; and what determines environmental technology creation and how it affects environmental improvement at a country-level. This book thus provides insights into the nexus between innovation in environment-related technologies, finance, and ESG.

  • af Apollo M. Nkwake
    1.285,95 kr.

    This book focuses on methods of choice in program evaluation. Credible methods choice lies in the assumptions we make about the appropriateness and validity of selected methods and the validity of those assumptions. As evaluators make methodological decisions in various stages of the evaluation process, a number of validity questions arise. Yet unexamined assumptions are a risk to useful evaluation. The first edition of this book discussed the formulation of credible methodological arguments and methods of examining validity assumptions. However, previous publications suggest advantages and disadvantages of using various methods and when to use them. Instead, this book analyzes assumptions underlying actual methodological choices in evaluation studies and how these influence evaluation quality. This analysis is the basis of suggested tools.The second edition extends the review of methodological assumptions to the evaluation of humanitarian assistance. While evaluatorsof humanitarian action apply conventional research methods and standards, they have to adapt these methods to the challenges and constraints of crisis contexts. For example, the urgency and chaos of humanitarian emergencies makes it hard to obtain program documentation; objectives may be unclear, and early plans may quickly become outdated as the context changes or is clarified. The lack of up-to-date baseline data is not uncommon. Neither is staff turnover. Differences in perspective may intensify and undermine trust. The deviation from ideal circumstances challenges evaluation and calls for methodological innovation. And how do evaluators work with assumptions in non-ideal settings? What tools are most relevant and effective? This revised edition reviews major evaluations of humanitarian action and discusses strategies for working with evaluation assumptions in crises and stable program settings.

  • af Varun Gupta
    1.657,95 - 1.666,95 kr.

    Innovation Mechanisms in Start-ups: Practice, Strategies and Impacts serves as a practical resource for startups looking for innovating their business models in domestic and global markets. This book's main objective is to describe the innovative business practices adopted by startups during the pandemic, with a special emphasis on value proposition innovation and business model innovation more generally. In order to promote open innovation, this book emphasizes the value of strategic alliances with academic libraries, peer startups, and freelancers. Additionally, using actual startup case studies, it was shown how important technological innovation is for gathering feedback, prototyping, and conducting both secondary as well as primary market research. Startups can utilize the technology evaluation and adoption frameworks as a useful reference when choosing a technology to embrace strategically. The need of regularly experimenting with new approaches, learning from mistakes, and enhancing current processes is also emphasized in this book. The ability to dispel falsehoods, capitalize on technological advancements, and form strategic alliances will be essential for innovation even in times of pandemic. This book links theoretical insights with practical experiences of startups amid the pandemic. With a perfect balance of empirical research and assessment study types, this book is a source of quick knowledge for entrepreneurs, academics and researchers on how to enhance a company's innovative capacities and success rates. The BMI-Pandemic 2.15 model, which is an expanded version of the Odyssey 3.14 model, is presented in this book which highlight 15 guidelines to follow in order to innovate business models in pandemics. This book is suitable for Entrepreneurs, Academicians, Researcher and Technologists.

  • af Minal Ghante
    1.191,95 kr.

    The pharmaceutical quality system ensures that the process performance is suitably achieved, the product quality is regularly met, improved opportunities are identified and evaluated, and the knowledge is constantly expanded. Auditing also plays a crucial role within the pharmaceutical industry. It helps to assess and review quality to improve and build a better system for the benefit of companies.This book aims to develop a tool that will substantially decrease the number of Inspectional Observations and Warning letters, thus eliminating Import Alerts and Consent Decree. This book targets the Pharmaceutical Industry and students of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance so they can get in hand-ready consolidated information on Pharmaceutical Quality guidelines, Quality metrics, and implementation of simplified SOP guidelines, plant layouts to implement Quality metrics for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing systems in tablets, capsules, liquid orals, and semi-solid dosage forms.The chapters cover the various aspects of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance. The selection of topics is mainly based on the requirements of Pharmaceutical regulatory guidelines of India, the UK, the USA, Australia, and South Africa. Each chapter includes the abstract, detailed explanation, implementation guidelines, flowcharts, layouts, and Standard Operating Procedure of quality metrics for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing System

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