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  • af Stanley Bing
    232,95 kr.

    Since the latter part of the century just past, Stanley Bing has been exploring the relationship between authority and madness. In one bestselling book after another, reporting from his hot-seat as an insider in a world-renowned multinational corporation, he has tried to understand the inner workings of those who lead us and to inquire why they seem to be powered, much of the time, by demons that make them obnoxious and dangerous, even to themselves. In What Would Machiavelli Do?, Bing looked at the issue of why mean people do better than nice people, and found that in their particular form of insanity lay incredible power. In Throwing the Elephant: Zen and the Art of Managing Up, he offered a spiritual path toward managing the unruly executive beast. And in Sun Tzu Was a Sissy, he taught us how to become one of them, and wage war on the playing field that ends in a dream home in Cabo. Now he returns to his roots to offer the last word on the entity that shapes our lives and stomps through?and on?our dreams: The Crazy Boss. Students of Bing?and there are many, secreted inside tortured organizations, yearning for blunt instruments with which to fight?will note that he has walked this ground before, looking for answers. In 1992, he published the first edition of Crazy Bosses, which was fine, as far as it went. Now, some 15 years and several dozen insane bosses later, he has updated and rethought much of the work. Back in the last century, Bing was a small, trembling creature, looking up at those who made his life miserable and analyzing the mental illness that gave them their power. Today, while still trembling much of the time, he is in fact one of those people his prior work has warned us against. His own hard-won wisdom and now institutionalized dementia make this new edition completely fresh and indispensable to anyone who works for somebody else or lives with somebody else, or would like to. In short, Bing is back on his home turf in this funny, true, and essential book, peering with his keen and frosty eye at the crazy boss in all his guises: the Bully, the Paranoid, the Narcissist, the Wimp, and the self-destructive Disaster Hunter. If you loved the original, classic Crazy Bosses, you'll be thrilled to plunge back into the new, refurbished pool. If you are new to the book, strap yourself in: it's going to be a crazy ride.

  • af Giuseppe Cammarano
    507,95 kr.

    Agenda dedicata agli Amministratori di Condominio, divisa in due sezioni per agevolare la gestione delle pratiche e della propria clientela. Nella prima sezione, infatti, si devono scrivere, oltre alla data e ora dell'appuntamento col cliente, solo i riferimenti della pratica da svolgere, perché viene illustrata nelle pagine schematizzate della seconda sezione.L'Agenda è composta di 296 pagine, di cui 100 nella sezione 2. Valido per sei mesi, con possibilità di inserire 25 pratiche.

  • af Maria Fuller
    242,95 kr.

    Are you ready to become an invaluable asset to your manager in just 90 days? "Executive Assistant Mastery" is your roadmap to a game-changing journey with 43 essential steps, meticulously crafted for corporate executive assistants.Drawing from her 20 years of EA expertise, including 10 years of trusted support to CEOs, Maria Fuller shares her unparalleled step by step process to EA success.Inside, you'll uncover:Proven Productivity Hacks: Unleash your efficiency with proven techniques for EAs.Seamlessly Manage Business Travel: Ensure your executive's trips are smooth and stress-free.Calendar Mastery Exposed: Discover the secrets to mastering calendars and optimising schedules.Grasp the Rhythms of Business: Stay one step ahead by decoding the unique rhythm of your organisation.Boost Recurring Meetings: Take control of recurring meetings and eliminate time-wasting habits.Build Solid Calendar Foundations: Create a robust framework for your manager's success.More than just a guide, "Executive Assistant Mastery" is your comprehensive toolkit for success, containing phenomenal insights from a CEO level assistant.If you currently hold the title of Executive Assistant, Administrator, or Personal Assistant, this step-by-step manual will empower you to enhance your boss's effectiveness and truly master your craft in just 90 days.

  • af P. Thomson
    559,95 - 645,95 kr.

    In the bestseller A Woman's Place is in the Boardroom the authors described the problem, gave comprehensive views of how it looked from both sides, and presented the arguments for positive change. This book is all about the 'how to'. It takes all the arguments and analysis of the first book, and focuses on how to apply it and what to do.

  • af C. P. Kumar
    182,95 kr.

    "Strategies to Overcome Office Challenges" offers a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted issues encountered in today's dynamic workplace. With a meticulous breakdown of twenty insightful chapters, this book delves into the heart of office challenges, from embracing technology disruptions to fostering harmonious workplace relationships. Readers will gain valuable insights into mastering time management, recognizing and addressing stress and burnout, and promoting mental and physical well-being in the office. The book further explores the vital role of leadership in overcoming challenges and dives into the specific struggles faced across various office roles, such as sales and marketing, IT and technical support, management, and human resources. It also examines legal and technological challenges, effective communication, innovation, and the future of office work. "Strategies to Overcome Office Challenges" provides practical solutions, fostering a productive and resilient work environment for today's professionals.

  • - Kunsten at skabe balance i en grænseløs tid
    af Tine Toft Nørgaard
    297,95 kr.

    At være i en tilstand af balance mellem arbejde og privatliv idealiseres voldsomt i vores tid. Det kaster forventninger af sig til os selv og til hinanden om, at vi ubesværet og harmonisk skal kunne veksle mellem det, der typisk præsenteres som to poler. Men livet er sjældent i vater. Når livet kommer på arbejde tilbyder en cirkulær tilgang til personlig trivsel med fokus på, at du løbende forholder dig til livets balancebræt. Bogen hjælper dig til øget bevidsthed og refleksion om egne valg og guider til nye handlemuligheder. Med konkrete værktøjer støtter den dig i at kortlægge din egen situation og justere dit mentale balancekompas. Når livet kommer på arbejde er skrevet til alle, der oplever ubalance i forholdet mellem arbejde og livet i al sin mangfoldighed. Den kan også læses af ledere, konsulenter og HR-professionelle, der søger inspiration til nye handlemuligheder og initiativer og viden om de dilemmaer, som viser sig, når mennesker går på arbejde.

  • af Howie Todoit
    167,95 kr.

    Domina el Arte de la Productividad en CasaEl mundo moderno ha sido testigo de un cambio sísmico en la dinámica laboral. Ya no estamos confinados a cubículos o espacios de oficina tradicionales. Con el auge del trabajo remoto, tu hogar se ha convertido en algo más que un santuario: es tu nueva oficina. Si alguna vez te has sentido abrumado por los desafíos de equilibrar la vida hogareña y laboral, o has luchado por crear un espacio de trabajo productivo en casa, este libro es para ti.Sumérgete en "Su casa, su oficina: " y descubre una hoja de ruta integral diseñada para elevar tu nivel de productividad en casa. Ya seas un teletrabajador experimentado o nuevo en el mundo del trabajo remoto, los conocimientos dentro de estas páginas transformarán la forma en que abordas tus tareas diarias. Desde configurar el espacio de trabajo perfecto, gestionar distracciones, hasta dominar la comunicación virtual, cada capítulo es un cofre lleno de consejos prácticos.Imagina tener un espacio de trabajo dedicado en tu hogar que no solo promueva la eficiencia, sino que también mejore tu bienestar. Visualiza poder gestionar tu tiempo con tanta destreza que puedas combinar sin problemas las responsabilidades laborales con las personales. Y piensa en la confianza que irradiarás en cada reunión virtual, sabiendo que estás aprovechando las mejores herramientas y prácticas de comunicación disponibles.No dejes que los límites entre el hogar y la oficina se difuminen en una mezcla caótica. Toma el control, establece un equilibrio armonioso y prospera en tu nuevo entorno laboral. Equipa con el conocimiento y las estrategias necesarias para sobresalir en la era del trabajo remoto. Embárcate en este viaje transformador y redefine la forma en que trabajas desde casa.

  • af How To Do It Publications
    167,95 kr.

    Transform Your Space, Elevate Your Work!The modern era has ushered in a revolution, one where your living room, kitchen, or bedroom can transform into a bustling hub of productivity. As remote work becomes the new reality for many, the line between personal and professional gets blurrier. How do you navigate this new terrain without compromising on your output or personal well-being?Your Home, Your Office: A Roadmap to Enhanced Productivity isn't just another guide; it's your comprehensive manual to mastering the art of working from home. Dive deep into strategies that seasoned remote workers swear by and discover how to tailor them to your unique situation. Whether you're grappling with choosing the right corner for your workspace, fighting off the multitude of distractions, or figuring out how to shut off 'work mode' for some quality family time, this book has got you covered.Imagine a space where every corner is optimized for productivity. A realm where every hour is effectively utilized, distractions are minimized, and you still have ample time for self-care. Envision mastering the fine balance between professional commitments and personal life, ensuring neither gets compromised. Your Home, Your Office offers a treasure trove of insights, from designing your workspace to mastering remote communication etiquette, from self-care routines to keeping your skills sharp in this digital age.Don't let the challenges of working from home hinder your potential. Embrace the future of work with confidence and finesse. Equip yourself with the strategies and wisdom packed in this book, and watch as your home transforms into an arena of unparalleled productivity. It's time to redefine what it means to work from home. Dive in, and let the transformation begin!

  • af Dunja Schenk
    425,95 kr.

    Das Berufsbild Assistenz hat sich durch das hybride Arbeitsmodell weiter verändert. Unabhängigeres Arbeiten bietet nun die Chance, eigenverantwortlich mehr Themen und Projekte zu übernehmen. In diesem Chefsache-Buch erhalten Sie viele Ideen, mit welchen Aufgaben sich die Assistenz weiterentwickeln kann. Nutzen Sie die vielseitigen Inspirationen, um Ihre Kompetenzen als Assistenz sichtbar zu machen, oder ¿ falls Sie Führungskraft sind ¿ um die Fähigkeiten Ihrer rechten Hand noch besser zu nutzen. Sie erhalten in diesem Buch wertvolle Tipps, wie Sie als Assistenz die notwendige innere Stärke entwickeln, um selbstbewusst aufzutreten und Führungsverantwortung übernehmen zu können. Lesen Sie unter anderem, wie Sie als Assistenz im Bewerbermanagement oder als Konfliktmediator*in unterstützen können.

  • af Remington Typewriter Company
    327,95 kr.

  • af Mary Florence Cahill
    257,95 kr.

  • af Lisa Guerin & Deborah C. England
    472,95 kr.

  • af Carl Copeland Parsons
    349,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Saskia Alexandra Fleig
    773,95 kr.

    In Anbetracht der aktuellen Krisensituation besitzt die Risikoberichterstattung von Unternehmen weiterhin eine hohe Relevanz. Während bisherige Studien auf extern publizierte Risikoinformationen fokussieren, zeichnet die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit erstmals ein umfassendes Bild über die inhaltliche und prozessuale Ausgestaltung des internen Risiko-Reportings. Im Rahmen einer Feldstudie führte die Autorin dazu Interviews mit Risikomanagern aus 34 bedeutsamen Unternehmen der deutschen Wirtschaft, wodurch neben zumeist vertraulichen Daten auch interne Risikoberichte erhoben werden konnten. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen, dass der Risikomanager eine zentrale Einflussgröße der Berichtsqualität darstellt und dadurch eine besondere Bedeutung im internen Risiko-Reporting-Prozess besitzt. Durch die Wahrnehmung verschiedener Rollen obliegen dem Risikomanager dabei zahlreiche Tätigkeiten, welche unterschiedliche Kompetenzen erfordern. Zudem werden aufgrund einer Vielzahl an Schnittstellen zu Unternehmensakteuren diverse Erwartungen an den Risikomanager gestellt, sodass sich ein umfassendes, komplexes und zum Teil heterogenes Anforderungsprofil ergibt. In Ableitung aus den Ergebnissen der Untersuchung zeichnet die Autorin ein Rollen-, Tätigkeits- und Kompetenzprofil des Risikomanagers sowie seine Einflussmöglichkeiten auf die Informationsqualität in der internen Risikoberichterstattung.

  • af Rachel B. Simon
    312,95 kr.

    In Relationships at Work, executive Rachel B. Simon shares her proven approach to demystify the art of networking. As a frequent speaker and panelist, Rachel offers her unique perspective with simple, yet often overlooked, tips to organically build relationships across departments and chains of command. Packed with over 200 examples, she outlines practical, tactical guidance for planting and nurturing the seeds of a reciprocal network, and enjoying the blossoms of success.This book is for everyone who seeks broader and deeper relationships with their colleagues. It's designed with a comprehensive list of strategies to form human connections and create a meaningful impact in the workplace. Readers will hold the power to improve the way they collaborate with coworkers, accomplish goals, and quite possibly change the trajectory of their careers.

  • af Henrietta A. Abbey
    192,95 kr.

  • af Steven J. Smith
    337,95 kr.

  • af Stuart J. T. Dodds
    2.232,95 kr.

    This resource provides you with an easy-to-read "roadmap" that guides you through the steps to improving your law firm's existing pricing and legal project management capability, as well as the overall profit contribution. Comprehensively revised and updated; applicable to the state of the legal market in mid-2019 and beyond.

  • af Eric Lorenzen
    117,95 kr.

    "No manager enjoys disciplining employees, but great managers know how to discipline effectively." - Eric Lorenzen Target the Work, Not the Worker is a concise, step-by-step guide on how to warn employees, write up troublemakers, and fire those employees who can't be salvaged.Learn the 4 steps of discipline, what progressive discipline means, and how to document poor performance.Understand how to control your own attitude and responses.Get a better understanding of why employees sometimes fail and the importance of not guessing at what might be their motivations.Master the when, where, how, and what of any disciplinary meeting.Understand what laws to watch out for when firing an employee."Target the Work, Not the Worker will help you become a more effective leader for your team." This book includes the following sample forms for your use: Performance Improvement NoticeTermination LetterTarget the Work, Not the Worker is part of the How to be a Better Boss series and is intended as a general business guidebook, addressing the needs of managers, supervisors, and small business owners in the USA.

  • af Katharina Bisset
    507,95 kr.

  • af Sunny Stout-Rostron
    257,95 kr.

    Management Mastery and Practice Series is suited to a range of managers. You might be a newly promoted manager or about to step into a greater managerial role with increased responsibilities. Or perhaps you have been in a management position for some years' time but have had no formal management training, or you are an executive leader but have simply forgotten some of the basics of leading and managing yourself and others. Whichever length of time you have been managing, this series is to help you deal with people management including cultural diversity issues, systemic issues within the organization in which you work, and to develop effective communication and coaching skills, the ability to manage conflict, difficult situations, company politics and career development. The authors look at how to motivate staff and teams, understand motivation and demotivation, manage stress, build better performance with effective communications and well-run meetings, build great teams, and prepare leaders for the future. Each book includes theory, research, case studies, practical exercises, and tips on how to handle challenges - avoiding the pitfalls that can cause managers to fail. Your effectiveness as a leader-manager depends on what support you can expect from your staff, direct reports, and team members. This series will help you to build your skills and competence, developing your own unique signature as a leader and a manager. Being a leader-manager requires both skills of management and leadership. Everything you ever wanted to know about managing people but were afraid to ask covers essential aspects of both. Identifying and solving your most challenging people problems quickly and motivating your people to perform at their highest potential. Understanding when to lead and when to manage, taking a deeper dive into self-awareness and self-management, delegating to develop your team, broadening your range of communication skills in order to inspire and motivate people and managing difficult people and situations. However, the most important competence that is essential for stepping into being a leader-manager is that of self-awareness, conscious observation and understanding yourself at a deeper level to lead and manage people. It is critically important that you understand and know how your teams 'experience' you - because this is the path towards identifying what change is needed in terms of your own assumptions about yourself and others, and understanding your own thinking, feeling and behaviour at a deeper level. In this book there are clear guidelines, cases studies, practical exercises, and self-assessments to move you into greater competence as a leader-manager.

  • af Gideon Haigh
    172,95 kr.

    Has COVID-19 ushered in the end of the office? Or is it the office's final triumph?

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