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  • af Jamie Fiore Higgins
    117,95 kr.

    A rare, riveting insider's account on Wall Streetan updated Liar's Pokerwhere greed coupled with misogyny and discrimination enforces a culture of exclusion in the upper echelons of Goldman SachsJamie Fiore Higgins became one of the few women at the highest ranks of Goldman Sachs. Spurred on by the obligation she felt to her working-class immigrant family, she rose through the ranks and saw it all: out-of-control, lavish parties flowing with never-ending drinks; affairs flouted in the office; rampant drug use; and most pervasively, a discriminatory culture that seemed designed to hold back the few women and people of color employed at the company. Despite Goldman Sachs having the right talking points and statistics, Fiore Higgins soon realized that these provided a veneer to cover up what she found to be an abusive culture. Her account is one filled with shocking stories of harassment and jaw-dropping tales of exclusionary behavior: when she was told she only got promoted because she is a woman; when her coworkers mooed at her after she pumped for her fourth child, defying the superior who had advised her not to breastfeed; or when a male boss used a racial epithet in front of her, other colleagues, and clients without any repercussions. Bully Market sounds the alarm on the culture of finance and corporate America, while offering clear, actionable ideas for creating a fairer workplace. Both a revealing, extraordinary look at the industry and a top Wall Streeter's explosive personal story, Bully Market is an essential account of one woman's experience in a flawed system that speaks to the challenge and urgency for change.

  • af Lesley-Ann Noel
    135,95 kr.

    "Learn how to use design to fight for equity and inclusion, featuring ten strategies for taking creative risks to bring about change-from Stanford University's"--

  • af Lise Dahl Arvedsen & Liv Otto Hassert
    317,95 kr.

    MERE TRIVSEL, MINDRE STRESS, BEDRE PERFORMANCE OG EN SOLID BUNDLINJE ... ... det er drømmen for mange organisationer, der vil arbejde fleksibelt og hybridt. Men selvom de er ivrige efter at gribe mulighederne i det hybride arbejdsliv, frygter de typisk også at gå på kompromis med bundlinje, produktivitet og sammenhængskraft – og det med god grund. At skabe en hybrid organisation kræver nemlig et opgør med de måder, vi i generationer har indrettet arbejdslivet på. Snart griner vi af 8-16-jobbet klæder ledere og organisationer på til at gå skridtet videre fra "to hjemmearbejdsdage om ugen" til faktisk at skabe en organisation, der ikke bare overlever fremtidens kompleksitet, men tager organisationens trivsel og produktivitet til nye højder. Bogen giver: Overblik over de organisatoriske strømninger og paradigmeskift, der præger arbejdslivet. Svar på de udfordringer, som ledere kæmper med i transformationen af deres organisationer. En værktøjskasse til at skabe fælles forandringer i hybride organisationers hverdag. Snart griner vi af 8-16-jobbet er relevant for ledere, HR-professionelle og andre, der arbejder med organisations- og ledelsesudvikling, ligesom den henvender sig til studerende inden for organisation og ledelse.

  • af Cynthia A. Montgomery
    332,95 kr.

    Based on an acclaimed professor's legendary strategy course at Harvard Business School, The Strategist offers a radically new perspective on a leader's most vital role."Are you a strategist?" That's the first question Cynthia Montgomery asks the business owners and senior executives from all over the world who participate in her highly regarded executive education course. It's not a question they anticipate or care much about on opening day. But by the time the program ends, they cannot imagine leading their companies to success without being—and living the role of—a strategist.Over a series of weeks and months, Montgomery puts these accomplished executives through their paces. Using case discussions, after-hours talks, and participants' own strategy dilemmas, she illuminates what strategy is, why it's important, and what it takes to lead the effort. En route, she equips them to confront the most essential question facing every business leader: Does this company truly matter? In doing so, she shows that strategy is not just a tool for outwitting the competition; it is the most powerful means a leader has for shaping a company itself.The Strategist exposes all business leaders—whether they run a global enterprise or a small business—to the invaluable insights Montgomery shares with these privileged executives. By distilling the experiences and insights gleaned in the classroom, Montgomery helps leaders develop the skills and sensibilities they need to become strategists themselves. It is a difficult role, but little else one does as a leader is likely to matter more.

  • - psykologisk tryghed på arbejdet
    af Rebekka Bøgelund
    227,95 kr.

    Tør du fejle? Denne bog er ikke et forsvarsskrift for sjusk - men derimod et forsvarsskrift for, at vi skal turde eksperimentere.Vi skal turde kaste os ud i det, og så vil det uvægerligt føre til fejl. Og det er helt i orden. Faktisk er det supergodt! Frygten for fejl hæmmer både innovation, kreativitet og arbejdslyst, derfor bør alle arbejdspladser (private såvel som offentlige) opfordre til og hylde fejl.Men hvad skal der til, hvis man som leder ønsker en kultur, hvor fejl bydes velkommen? Eller hvis man som medarbejder tænker, at ens potentiale ikke bringes i spil? Psykologisk tryghed er i hvert fald helt essentielt! I denne bog har Rebekka Bøgelund talt med en række toneangivende eksperter og erhvervsledere, der alle sætter ord på, hvordan de konkret sikrer psykologisk tryghed og mod hos med­arbejderne til at byde ind med deres idéer og perspektiver.Rebekka Bøgelund er master i psykologi ved Aarhus Universitet og i kommunikation ved Københavns Universitet, foredragsholder og forsker i danskernes arbejdslyst ved Videncenter for God Arbejdslyst, selvstændig organisations- og ledelseskonsulent samt ejer af rådgivervirksomheden Crop Organisation.

  • - Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and the Company that Made the Modern Internet
    af Jimmy Soni
    112,95 - 185,95 kr.

    The gripping inside story of Paypal, the company that created the digital age as we know it.

  • - Historien om innovation og kundevalg
    af Clayton Christensen, Karen Dillon, Taddy Hall & mfl.
    367,95 kr.

    Enhver virksomhed har brug for at omdanne innovation fra vision til noget, hvor de udvikler produkter og tjenester, som kunderne ikke bare vil købe, men er villige til at betale for.Hvordan ved virksomhederne, hvordan de skal vækste? Hvordan kan de udvikle produkter, som de er sikre på, at kunderne ønsker at købe? Kan innovation være andet end spil hit & miss? Professor på Harvard Business School Clayton Christensen har svaret. For en generation siden revolutionerede Christensen business-verdenen med sin banebrydende teori om disruptiv innovation. Nu tager han skridtet videre og tilbyder kraftfulde nye indsigter.Efter mange års forskning er Christensen og hans medforfattere nået til en kritisk konklusion: Det, vi længe har troet – at det at forstå kunden er kernen i innovation – er forkert. Kunder køber ikke produkter eller tjenester; de "hyrer" dem til at gøre et job. At forstå kunden er ikke drivkraften i en innovationssucces. Det er til gengæld det at forstå den opgave, kunden skal løse. Jobs-to-be-done"-tilgangen kan ses i nogle af verdens mest respekterede virksomheder og hurtigst vækstende startups, herunder Amazon, Uber og Airbnb for blot at nævne nogle få. Men denne bog handler ikke om at fejre disse succeser, men om at forudsige nye.Forfatterne mener, at virksomheder ved at forstå, hvad der får kunderne til at "hyre" et produkt eller en tjeneste, kan styrke innovationen og skabe produkter, som kunderne ikke kun kan bruge, men også vil betale godt for. Bogen giver en omfattende og klar forklaring på jobs-to-be-done-teorien, hvordan man bruger den i praksis, og vigtigst af alt, hvordan man ikke taber den indsigt, teorien giver, på gulvet.

  • af Chad Peterman
    147,95 kr.

    Empower Your Employees and Watch Your Business GrowIf you think the key to business growth is focusing on customers, think again! In his engaging new book, The Empowerment Project, Chad Peterman, President and CEO of Peterman Brothers home services company, makes the case for empowering employees as the key to long-term business success. Peterman has evidence that his approach works: he and his brother Tyler took their company from a fledgling operation to a $110 million enterprise with 600 employees and impressive year-after-year growth. Loaded with practical advice, compelling stories and wise Peterman Principles, The Empowerment Project expands on the equation that has proven to be successful: Empower your employees to empower your company's growth.

  • af Franz Drucker
    197,95 kr.

    "Mit 50+ zum Traumjob" ist ein unverzichtbarer Wegweiser für alle, die sich in der zweiten Lebenshälfte beruflich neu orientieren möchten. In diesem Buch teilt der Autor seine wertvollen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus seiner erfolgreichen Karriere im HR-Bereich und als Coach. Er zeigt auf, wie man mit über 50 den Arbeitsmarkt erfolgreich navigiert, sich selbst optimal präsentiert und die Weichen für eine erfüllende berufliche Zukunft stellt.Mit praktischen Tipps, motivierenden Geschichten und strategischen Ratschlägen ist dieses Buch eine Quelle der Inspiration und ein praktischer Ratgeber für erfahrene Arbeitsuchende. Es macht Mut, die eigene Berufslaufbahn aktiv zu gestalten und den Traumjob zu finden, der zu den eigenen Fähigkeiten und Lebenszielen passt. "Mit 50+ zum Traumjob" ist mehr als ein Buch; es ist ein Begleiter auf dem Weg zu beruflicher Erfüllung und Erfolg.

  • af Kevin Fuller
    198,95 kr.

    In "Digitale Nomaden: Finanzstrategien für ein Leben in Bewegung" führt Kevin Fuller Sie durch die essenziellen Strategien, um finanzielle Unabhängigkeit zu erreichen, während Sie das aufregende Leben eines digitalen Nomaden genießen. Dieses Buch ist ein Muss für jeden, der davon träumt, die Welt zu bereisen, ohne dabei finanzielle Sicherheit aufzugeben. Fuller nutzt seine persönlichen Erfahrungen und tiefgreifenden Kenntnisse, um Ihnen einen praxisnahen Leitfaden anzubieten, der von Budgetierung und Investitionen bis hin zur Absicherung Ihres Einkommens reicht. Entdecken Sie, wie Sie Ihre Finanzen meistern können, um ein freies und ungebundenes Leben zu führen, voller Abenteuer und ohne finanzielle Sorgen.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    192,95 kr.

    From the bestselling co-author of the legendary The One Minute Manager®, and a former Twitter executive, comes the ultimate guide to creating powerful mentoring relationshipsWorking within a mentoring relationship is a powerful way to grow in your career. Whether you're learning from a seasoned pro or passing along your wisdom, mentoring offers a host of benefits?from increased knowledge and skills to elevated energy and deep satisfaction.But how do mentoring relationships begin, develop, and thrive? And what are the guidelines for keeping a mentoring relationship on track? The answers can be found in this engaging business parable.Josh Hartfield, twenty-seven, has been in the same sales job for five years. He's burned out, his career has stalled, and he isn't even sure he wants to work in sales anymore. A chance encounter leads Josh to Diane Bertman, a high-performing sales executive about to turn sixty.Stretched too thin by a relentless schedule, she's beginning to wonder if she should retire. From their first meeting, Josh and Diane know they each have much to learn from one another. As their relationship develops, they discover the power of mentorship: Josh as he transitions to a new career path, and Diane as she reignites her passion for meaningful work. One Minute Mentoring provides practical tools for developing successful mentoring relationships. One Minute Insights at the end of each chapter and the MENTOR Model at the end of the book guide readers step-by-step to create lasting, beneficial mentorships.

  • af Wendy Wallbridge
    217,95 kr.

    Full of insights, exercises, and over thirty relatable stories, Spiraling Upward has transformed countless women's lives and won a Nautilus Gold and Silver Award. This expanded New Edition includes a new chapter, "Spiral Up for Dudes", to show men how they can ally with women to Spiral Up.Women are in the majority of the college-educated talent pool and are increasingly represented in positions of leadership in business and society. Why then are women withdrawing from top-tier positions in unprecedented numbers?The linear, unyielding, single-minded approach to success forged by men will never lead women and non-binary people to the heart of fulfillment. We are not designed for the straight and narrow path. In Spiraling Upward, Wendy Wallbridge offers a step-by-step roadmap for professionals to unlock their power and achieve success on their own terms.The Spiral Up method teaches women in the workplace to cultivate the five co-creative powers-Energy, Thoughts, Feelings, Speech, and Action. These fundamentals of self-creation help female-identified leaders redefine success, become positive change agents, and re-author their lives.

  • af Sphr Janet Lynn Morrison
    1.112,95 kr.

    Unlock the Future of Strategic Diversity: A Proven DEI Blueprint for Fortune 500 Leaders & Academia.Navigating the intricate maze of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) has been a daunting task for Fortune 500 CDOs, CHROs, and CEO's. While grad students immerse themselves in multicultural programs, they're seeking comprehensive methodologies that resonate with the evolving corporate world. Enter Diversity Determined.Janet Lynn Morrison, SPHR, GPHR, brings over two decades of unparalleled HR experience to the table, introducing a groundbreaking strategy. Through Diversity Determined, Janet addresses the critical gap between aspirational DEI goals and their tangible realization. She underscores the paramount importance of legally compliant diversity programs, drawing links from their historical roots to current complexities.In a world where the value of individual differences is often misunderstood, Diversity Determined serves as a compass. For corporate leaders, this guide offers a lens through which they can view DEI not just as a trend, but as a strategic tool amplifying business outcomes. For the academia, it lays the groundwork for sustainable programs that champion real change.Dive into an innovative, holistic approach that promises not just to change organizations but to redefine strategic diversity for generations to come.

  • af Stanley Bing
    232,95 kr.

    Since the latter part of the century just past, Stanley Bing has been exploring the relationship between authority and madness. In one bestselling book after another, reporting from his hot-seat as an insider in a world-renowned multinational corporation, he has tried to understand the inner workings of those who lead us and to inquire why they seem to be powered, much of the time, by demons that make them obnoxious and dangerous, even to themselves. In What Would Machiavelli Do?, Bing looked at the issue of why mean people do better than nice people, and found that in their particular form of insanity lay incredible power. In Throwing the Elephant: Zen and the Art of Managing Up, he offered a spiritual path toward managing the unruly executive beast. And in Sun Tzu Was a Sissy, he taught us how to become one of them, and wage war on the playing field that ends in a dream home in Cabo. Now he returns to his roots to offer the last word on the entity that shapes our lives and stomps through?and on?our dreams: The Crazy Boss. Students of Bing?and there are many, secreted inside tortured organizations, yearning for blunt instruments with which to fight?will note that he has walked this ground before, looking for answers. In 1992, he published the first edition of Crazy Bosses, which was fine, as far as it went. Now, some 15 years and several dozen insane bosses later, he has updated and rethought much of the work. Back in the last century, Bing was a small, trembling creature, looking up at those who made his life miserable and analyzing the mental illness that gave them their power. Today, while still trembling much of the time, he is in fact one of those people his prior work has warned us against. His own hard-won wisdom and now institutionalized dementia make this new edition completely fresh and indispensable to anyone who works for somebody else or lives with somebody else, or would like to. In short, Bing is back on his home turf in this funny, true, and essential book, peering with his keen and frosty eye at the crazy boss in all his guises: the Bully, the Paranoid, the Narcissist, the Wimp, and the self-destructive Disaster Hunter. If you loved the original, classic Crazy Bosses, you'll be thrilled to plunge back into the new, refurbished pool. If you are new to the book, strap yourself in: it's going to be a crazy ride.

  • af Julie Jansen
    252,95 kr.

  • af Eric Papp
    132,95 kr.

    The #1 book for managers.Have you ever managed people who don't follow through on their commitments? Virtually every manager has grappled with this issue, and knows how difficult, frustrating, and time-consuming it can be.Luckily, you don't actually need to manage people.You need to manage their promises.Micromanagement is what happens when you manage the person instead of their promises. When we honor our promises and ensure others do the same, we make things happen and feel more in control and confident.In this transformative book, you'll learn the secrets of effective leadership:The Three Parts of a PromiseRepairing Broken PromisesCoaching Others to Honor Their WordManage Promises, Not People is full of stories, examples, and exercises that will help you become a more effective leader. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to improve their personal and professional lives.Eric Papp is considered one of North America's top management trainers. He has worked directly with thousands of managers, and has delivered more than 350 professional training programs to corporate and private clients. He believes that with the right tools, anybody can become a more effective and inspiring leader, while finding greater career fulfillment.

  • af Jeremy D. Mackey
    1.267,95 kr.

    This is the eighth edition of the Stress and Quality of Working Life book series. The Brazilian section of the International Stress Management Association (ISMA-BR), a not-for-profit organization that studies stress and ways to prevent it, together with two renowned American researchers, has organized the eighth volume of the series Stress and Quality of Working Life: Coping at Work and at Home. The new volume offers some of the latest theories and methods on how to cope with stress and quality of working life issues based on the experience and knowledge of recognized international experts in this field. This book is meant to be a tool to provide information and suggest ways to deal with pressures and demands from the workplace. The contemporary workplace includes a combination of traditional workplace environments, work-from-home arrangements, and hybrid models with some combination of working from a traditional environment and at home. Our authorship team comprises international experts from many disciplines so we can provide insights into contemporary stress and quality of working life issues, as well as how to cope with them at work and at home.

  • af Charles Pack
    222,95 kr.

    You certainly deserve better than the outdated, standard advice, interview preparation manuals and mock interview templates out there to 'help' you prepare for your interview.This publication provides an all-inclusive guide to positive interview preparation empowering you through mindfulness practices From your initial decision to enter the job market, to applications, through to screening and final interviews, you will learn to explore your own inner motivations and mindset, as well as examining your outer-facing actions and how to bring these into alignment to land your dream job.In this book, you will:You will completely manage the behavioral interviewIt will help you find the job you want Find all possible questionsTricks to show the best of your personalityUse your skills in the best wayAnd much more...It is not too much of an exaggeration to think of a job interview as one of the most nerve wrecking situations one can be in. For career changers, there's no telling what to expect in the unpredictable job market Times have certainly changed, and so have the requirements and expectations of employers; what was acceptable or applicable a few years ago may not be so in the modern age.

  • af Karen Brown
    232,95 kr.

    "Many business leaders know that diversity in organizational leadership is important; this book ushers executives through the next steps of understanding exactly why diverse leadership teams produce better business outcomes and how to diversify their companies' leaders"--

  • af Sarah Wells
    297,95 kr.

    "Go Ask Your Mothers is a guidebook for leaders at every level and in every sector, offering them an outlining of the struggles new working moms face, context for why communication problems can arise between managers and moms, a roadmap for initiating successful conversations with new mothers, and proven strategies for facilitating successful transitions back to work for new moms"--

  • af Catherine Shovlin
    162,95 kr.

    In a world saturated with stories of division, where walls seem to multiply between races, nations, and minds, Catherine delves into the heart of the matter. Drawing on her diverse life experiences, she weaves real-life anecdotes to illuminate the walls that stand tall in our collective consciousness. Beyond the headlines, organizational strife, and personal struggles, "Walking through Walls" beckons readers to confront the barriers that hinder unity. Catherine invites you on a journey through inspiring narratives that resonate in the external world and mirror within, urging you to dismantle the walls that keep us isolated. Every section ends with practical steps to challenge that wall. This book is a practical guide for those seeking a path to a happier, healthier, and more peaceful existence-both within their souls and in the broader world. Join Catherine on a transformative exploration of breaking down barriers for a brighter future.

  • af Harvard Business Review
    1.217,95 kr.

  • af Harvard Business Review
    1.430,95 kr.

    Are analytics and technology a strategic part of your business?Artificial intelligence, platforms, algorithms, machine learning. Most business leaders know the value in advanced technologies. But how do you embed them into your business—and make them a key part of your strategy? HBR's 10 Must Reads Technology and Strategy Collection features innovative ideas to help you understand what new technologies offer, decide what business models are best for your business, and move forward with new innovations. Included in this seven-book set are:HBR's 10 Must Reads on AI, Analytics, and the New Machine AgeHBR's 10 Must Reads on Business Model InnovationHBR's 10 Must Reads on Platforms and EcosystemsHBR's 10 Must Reads on InnovationHBR's 10 Must Reads on Design ThinkingHBR's 10 Must Reads on StrategyHBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy, Vol. 2The collection includes seventy articles selected by HBR's editors from renowned thought leaders including Clayton M. Christensen, W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne, and Thomas H. Davenport, plus the indispensable article "Why Every Company Needs an Augmented Reality Strategy" by Michael E. Porter and James E. Heppelmann. With HBR's 10 Must Reads Technology and Strategy Collection, you can bridge the divide between your digital and strategic efforts, and ensure your business is on the cutting edge.HBR's 10 Must Reads paperback series is the definitive collection of books for new and experienced leaders alike. Leaders looking for the inspiration that big ideas provide, both to accelerate their own growth and that of their companies, should look no further. HBR's 10 Must Reads series focuses on the core topics that every ambitious manager needs to know: leadership, strategy, change, managing people, and managing yourself. Harvard Business Review has sorted through hundreds of articles and selected only the most essential reading on each topic. Each title includes timeless advice that will be relevant regardless of an ever-changing business environment.

  • af Sam Schreim
    277,95 - 482,95 kr.

  • af Stanley Bing
    172,95 kr.

    Sit down. Breathe deep. This is the last business book you will ever need. For in these pages, Stanley Bing solves the ultimate problem of your working life: How to manage the boss. The technique is simple . . . as simple as throwing an elephant. All it takes is the proper state of mind, a step-by-step plan, and a great leap of faith. This humble guide provides all these and more. It is Zen that enables one to take an object of enormous weight and size and mold it in one's grasp like a ball of Silly Putty. For senior management, in truth, is the silliest putty of them all.This comprehensive course walks budding business bodhisattvas through basic skills needed to provide the simple elephant handling that makes everyday life possible, including but not limited to the primary task of following along after the elephant with a little broom and dustpan. Serious students will then move to intermediate steps, from Polishing the Elephant's Tusks to Hiding from the Elephant When It Has Been Drinking and Feels Quite Nasty. Beyond this level lies the land of the practiced Zen masters, culminating in the ability to leverage and then throw the now-weightless elephant--and even play catch with it at corporate retreats.If What Would Machiavelli Would Do? was the meanest business book since the Renaissance, Throwing the Elephant provides the yang to that yin. Because sometimes you've got to be selfless, compassionate, and completely empty to get the job done.Stanley Bing is a columnist for Fortune magazine and the author of What Would Machiavelli Do? and Lloyd: What Happened, a novel. By day, he works for a gigantic multinational conglomerate whose identity is one of the worst-kept secrets in business.

  • af Harvard Business Review
    1.367,95 kr.

  • af Roberto Delanese
    172,95 kr.

    "Roberto Delanese escreveu um excelente livro para aqueles que querem deixar de ser uma consequência do destino e começar a assumir o controle da própria vida por meio do poder da força de vontade e da lei da manifestação. Este livro é um guia para quem deseja viver a vida sem limitações e alcançar seu pleno potencial".~ Peggy McColl Autora de best-seller do The New York TimesO Método Delanese¿ fala sobre como alcançar algo raro - viver a vida de seus sonhos! A energia otimista de Roberto Delanese transborda das páginas para encher o coração e a mente com positividade e clareza. A principal lição a ser aprendida com sua mensagem é que é possível conquistar prosperidade e abundância em qualquer área de sua vida. O autor mostra como fazer isso!Enquanto atuava como executivo em multinacionais, Delanese dedicou a vida motivando outras pessoas a encontrar a melhor versão de si mesmas. Desenvolveu um método comprovado que obtém resultados sólidos e consistentes a longo prazo. O mesmo método o levou de sua origem humilde em uma pequena cidade no Brasil a desfrutar sucesso, felicidade, prosperidade e abundância nos Estados Unidos.O Método Delanese¿ inclui experiência pessoal de vida, guia de atividades práticas e lições de coaching para ajudar os leitores a cumprir suas metas mais importantes na vida. A experiência do autor como executivo e suas habilidades naturais de coaching levam os leitores a aderir à mentalidade de um vencedor a cada encruzilhada da estrada metafórica da vida.Para se beneficiar totalmente do audiolivro e do eBook, adquira uma cópia do livro de O Método Delanese¿ para realizar as tarefas ao final de cada capítulo.

  • af Eryc Eyl
    262,95 kr.

    Stop Engaging Employees provides heart-driven leaders with a constructive, contrarian, and practical approach to cultivating healthier workplace cultures. The book's six disciplines of humancentric leadership provide guideposts that every conscientious human can follow to support more satisfaction, fulfillment, self-actualization, and flourishing at work.

  • af Beverly Kaye
    191,95 kr.

    "This new edition of the bestselling classic includes updates as well as fresh material around remote work and today's challenges in career development and retention. Study after study confirms that career development is the single most powerful tool managers have for driving retention, engagement, productivity, and results. It's the sustainable competitive advantage that will distinguish the winners from the losers. Nevertheless, it's frequently back-burnered. When asked why, managers say the number one reason is that they just don't have time-for the meetings, the forms, the administrative hoops. But there's a better way. And it's surprisingly simple: frequent short conversations with employees about their career goals and options integrated seamlessly into the normal course of business. Beverly Kaye, coauthor of the bestselling Love 'Em or Lose 'Em, and Julie Winkle Giulioni identify three broad types of conversations that will increase employees' awareness of their strengths, weaknesses, and interests; point out where their organization and their industry are headed; and help them pull all of that together to design their own up-to-the-minute, personalized career plans. Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go is filled with practical tips, guidelines, and templates, as well as nearly a hundred suggested conversation questions. This new edition will also be released alongside an interactive Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go card deck to create organizational pathways for career development, and twenty-seven minutes of video trainings covering content, activities and practices in the book"--

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