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Jura og samfund: kønsspørgsmål

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  • af Dr Jessica Taylor
    114,95 - 167,95 kr.

  • - Magt, myter og misinformation
    af Susanne Staun
    43,94 - 205,95 kr.

    Ifølge forfatteren Susanne Staun har medierne – bevidst eller ubevidst – i årevis misinformeret den offentlighed, de er sat i verden for at informere – fordi de kan, fordi de ikke kan lade være. De elsker en god historie, hellere god end sand. I Mediernes møgkællinger viser Susanne Staun, hvordan medievirkeligheden skabes med alle propagandaens virkemidler, så det ligner et karaktermord på et helt køn, eftersom medierne efterviseligt har haft held til at forme den offentlige bevidsthed ved konsekvent misinformation i tæt samarbejde med interesseorganisationer: Mødre er onde kvinder, der fremsætter falske anklager og bruger alle de væmmelige tricks med det formål at monopolisere deres børn og efterlade en hale af grædende fædre i deres kølvand. Men hverken statistikker eller den aktuelt bedste viden fra nationale og internationale forskere kan levere dokumentation for den virkelighed, medierne præsenterer.

  • - Ligestillingsprojekter i de kvindedominerede fagforbund 1985-2010
    af Astrid Elkjær Sørensen
    92,95 - 258,94 kr.

    Pæne pigers oprør fokuserer på kampen for ligestilling i de kvindedominerede fagforeninger i tiden mellem 1985 og 2010. Her fortælles historien om ligeløn, det kønsopdelte arbejdsmarked, om balancen mellem familie og arbejde og til dels historien om feminismen. Det sker med udgangspunkt i, at Danmark har en af verdens højeste erhvervsfrekvenser for kvinder, at Danmark har et af verdens mest kønsopdelte arbejdsmarkeder, at mænd tjener ca. 18-21 % mere end kvinder, og at kvinder i gennemsnit tager mere end 90 % af den samlede barsel.

  • - Barnets lov 2024
    af Lars Buurgaard Sørensen, Advokaterne Martin Olsgaard & Kristian Korshøj Jørgensen
    117,95 kr.

    Anmeldelse af bogen:2024 er et skelsættende år inden for det lovområde, der har med tvangsfjernelser af børn at gøre. Alle brikker i puslespillet er blevet kastet op i luften af Folketinget, og ud af det er kommet ”Barnets Lov”. Nye regler er indført og eksisterende regler er ændret. Alt det - og meget mere - kommer ind på i deres nye bog ”Tvangsfjernelse og bortadoption - Barnets Lov 2024”. De tre forfattere - eller musketerer har jeg nær sagt - har heldigvis valgt at fastholde den overordnede systematik i bogen fra de to tidligere bøger fra 2018 og 2021. Så hvis man allerede kender dem, vil det være ekstra nemt at lære alt det nye at kende.Det er lykkedes forfatterne at undgå alt for meget juristsprog, sådan at alle kan være med. Igen er de vigtigste lovregler taget med, så man har det hele ved hånden. Bogen er god at have med når man mødes med sagsbehandlere og andre professionelle, der er blevet efteruddannet og har været på kurser i de nye regler. Du undgår at blive løbet om hjørner med og kommer faktisk på rimelig omdrejningshøjde med viden og indsigt. Der er kommet endnu flere gode råd og anbefalinger til, som du kan bruge undervejs i en sag, uanset hvilket stade den befinder sig på, før under eller efter en tvangsfjernelse. Selv professionelle vil kunne få noget ud af at læse bogen - om ikke andet så for få indsigt i forældreperspektivet og i de problemer og udfordringer, som fylder meget for de berørte familier i bred forstand, herunder også bedsteforældre og andre nære slægtninge. Også unge anbragte vil få meget ud af at læse bogen. Unge, der er fyldt 15 år, har de samme rettigheder som forældre. Jeg giver bogen mine allerbedste anbefalinger og synes, at det er på sin plads at rose forfatterne for at bogen ”sælges” til en pris, der kun dækker udgifterne til bogens fremstilling og udgivelse. Mange forældre til anbragte børn og unge har ikke for mange penge på kistebunden. Morten Boas Therkildsen, advokat. Speciale i børnesager. Møderet for begge landsretter.

  • - De to fortællinger om køn
    af Tobias Petersen
    257,95 kr.

    "Når kvinder har problemer, forsøger vi at ændre verden. Når mænd har problemer, forsøger vi - i det omfang, vi overhovedet interesserer os for dem - at ændre mænd." Aldrig din skyld, altid din skyld er en kritisk analyse af to fortællinger om køn, som ifølge forfatteren dominerer debatten og politikken om køn og ligestilling. Med eksempler fra de seneste 10 års ligestillingsdebat undersøger bogen, hvorfor fortællingerne eksisterer, hvordan de reproduceres, hvilke konsekvenser de har, og hvordan de kan nedbrydes. Analysen placerer en del af årsagen i den feministiske forestilling om patriarkatet og dennes betydning for det, forfatteren kalder den feministiske kirke og det feministiske økosystem. Men også politikere og medier tilskrives en del af ansvaret.Aldrig din skyld, altid din skyld er en debatbog, som forholder sig til en række af tidens ligestillingspolitiske aktører, idéer og diskussioner. Det er endvidere en personlig bog, i hvilken forfatteren inddrager sine erfaringer som deltager i debatten om køn og ligestilling.Tobias Petersen (f. 1979) er sociolog og har siden 2014 skrevet om køn og ligestilling på sin egen hjemmeside, for onlinemediet Kontrast og i debatindlæg og kronikker i blandt andet Politiken, Information, Jyllands-Posten, Altinget og Weekendavisen.

  • - et manifest
    af Nancy Fraser, Cinzia Arruzza & Tithe Bhattacharya
    51,95 kr.

  • - og dens omkostninger
    af Marianne Stidsen
    247,95 kr.

    I sit essay, som er den første samlede fremstilling af #MeToo i Norden, giver lektor og medlem af Det Danske Akademi Marianne Stidsen indblik i bevægelsens aftryk på nordisk kulturliv. Hendes fokus er på tre konkrete sager – om Københavns Universitet, Det Svenske Akademi og Forfatterskolen i Danmark – som hun selv har været med til at debattere.

  • af Marieke Bigg
    127,95 - 215,95 kr.

  • af Mikkel Thorup m.fl.
    187,95 kr.

  • af Drude Dahlerup
    147,95 kr.

    I denne bog spørger Drude Dahlerup, hvorfor det trods mange års fremgang skal tage så lang tid at opnå fuld inklusion af kvinder i det politiske liv. Kvinder har kun en fjerdedel af pladserne i verdens parlamenter, og i de nye globale styresystemer er kvinderepræsentationen endnu mindreDahlerups svar er baseret på hendes mangeårige forskning. De bringer eksempler fra hendes arbejde som international konsulent omkring integrering af kvinder i politiske beslutningsprocesser. Den danske udvikling sættes ind i et internationalt perspektiv.Citat fra bogen:"At tilbageskridt i ligestillingen er en reel risiko, er for mange andre lande i verden ingen nyhed. Men det er først for alvor gået op for os i de gamle demokratier efter valget af en sexistisk og racistisk præsident i verdens hidtil stærkeste magt og med udviklingen af illiberale partier og demokratier i visse europæiske lande. Der synes i visse lande at være opstået en ny modreaktion mod feminismen – en anti-gender-bevægelse mod kvinders og seksuelle minoriteters rettigheder – og det, længe før fuld ligestilling er levet en realitet."

  • af Gwenda Roland
    203,95 - 310,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Reusch
    426,95 kr.

    In this book the author - me - ponders on certain things, such as society and the universe. What is the underlying primordial matter of the universe and how can one relate this to our modern "society"? The word in itself hints the existence of a .....?Of a What?Of something unspeakable and dangerously terrible you may think, but that is something that might reveal itself to you, if you have the stamina to deal with the authors - me - gigantic and frivolous ego.

  • af Erin Gordon
    167,95 kr.

    Fresh out of law school, Erin Gordon was thrilled to launch her career at a major California firm. But within weeks, this 24-year-old found herself the target of blatant workplace bullying and humiliating harassment. With no support from firm administration or her seasoned colleagues, Gordon sought guidance from prominent employment attorneys. They informed her that despite the strength of her case, she could pursue justice or her career - but not both. Frustrated and furious, Gordon left the legal profession but never shook the lingering shame and despair that altered her life forever. Now longtime journalist Gordon shares the trove of smoking-gun memos, emails and handwritten notes she preserved from that difficult time, as well as fresh interviews with former colleagues, industry insiders, and experts in hostile work environments. Part memoir, part journalism, Look What You Made Me Do is a searing deep dive into Big Law. A battle cry against unchecked abuse of power and a woman's misplaced shame, Look What You Made Me Do is an unflinching first-person account of a legal and human drama about the all-too-familiar story of gender discrimination and toxic power.

  • af Rachel Verdin
    1.582,95 kr.

    The gender pay gap is economically irrational and yet stubbornly persistent. Focusing on the UK finance industry which is known for its gender pay disparity, this book explores the initiatives to fix gendered inequities in the workplace. Rachel Verdin crafts a unique framework, weaving extensive organizational data with women's lived experiences. Interviews uncover gaps in pay transparency, obstacles hindering workplace policies and the factors that are stalling progress for the future. This is an invaluable resource that offers key insights into gender equality and EDI measures shaped by legal regulations as well as corporate-driven initiatives.

  • af Stephanie Lucinda Hardacre
    497,95 kr.

    The burden of achieving gender equality is typically placed on women, limiting men'sinvolvement in the movement. In contrast to work focusing on women's experiences as targets ofdiscrimination, we propose a solidarity-based approach positioning men and women as agents ofchange, which relies on two key processes: leadership - particularly leadership as a form ofinfluence based on shared identities among leaders and followers; and political solidarity as a wayto mobilise the silent majority (men) to work as allies beside a minority (women) and embraceequality as a common cause for both groups.This thesis examines how to mobilise a broader audience for gender equality, and howleadership and social identity dynamics affect that mobilisation. Three empirical programs(totalling six experiments) investigate how best to increase women's and men's support forequality. Key independent variables of interest are leader gender, message framing, and socialidentity. Program 1 examines whether solidarity-based frames are more effective than traditionalframes which focus on either fixing (Experiment 1; N = 338) or blaming women (Experiment 2;N = 336). Program 2 investigates how emphasising different levels of subgroup andsuperordinate identities (Experiment 3; N = 251; Experiment 4; N = 319) affects men'smobilisation. Program 3 investigates whether positioning men as being responsible for genderinequality (Experiment 5; N = 258), or being fellow victims of gender inequality (Experiment 6;N = 543) affects their mobilisation.

  • af Riki Wilchins
    227,95 kr.

    If we could go back to 2020, we would be shocked at lives of transgender children, who changed their names and birth certificates, played school sports, and got puberty blockers and hormone treatment freely and without comment in all 50 states. But in three short years it would all disappear. Without warning, over 1,000 bills would be introduced across half the country criminalizing nearly every facet of their lives virtually overnight. What happened? Evangelical Christian nationalists-enraged after string of devastating Supreme Court defeats-had pivoted from gay to transgender, investing hundreds of millions of dollars into remaking trans youth as the new face of the anti-gay culture war. And it worked, beginning in Texas, which enacted the nation's first effective ban on treating transgender youth by redefining providing gender affirming medical care as felony child abuse, criminalizing loving parents, and sending scores of families fleeing across its borders in panic. This is the story of how that happened. Filled with exclusive new details and behind-the-scenes interviews, this book is the first in-depth account of how evangelical Christian nationalists and their Republican allies conceived, plotted, launched, and prosecuted the nationwide War on Transgender Youth.

  • af Uwakwe Chinomso
    187,95 kr.

    In 'Gender and Development Studies in Scope: Inclusive Development for Gender, Justice, and Rights,' readers embark on a comprehensive exploration of the dynamic field of gender and development. This enlightening book delves into the multifaceted dimensions of inclusive development, weaving together critical insights, contemporary perspectives, and transformative possibilities. From examining the intersections of gender, justice, and rights to analyzing the challenges and opportunities embedded in global development, the book offers a nuanced understanding of the evolving landscape.The narrative unfolds through a lens that embraces inclusivity, empowering readers to navigate through theoretical frameworks, policy considerations, and real-world applications. Through case studies, thought-provoking discussions, and a focus on the intersectionality of identities, the book encourages a holistic comprehension of gender and development dynamics.Whether delving into issues of economic empowerment, education, health, or political participation, the book addresses the complexities of gender disparities and advocates for social change. It underscores the importance of transformative leadership, challenging traditional norms, and fostering environments that prioritize justice and equality.'Gender and Development Studies in Scope' serves as a valuable resource for students, scholars, policymakers, and anyone seeking to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable global society. It invites readers to critically engage with the key themes of gender, justice, and rights, inspiring informed dialogue and action for a future that prioritizes the well-being and empowerment of all individuals, regardless of gender.

  • af Shreya Roy
    1.311,95 kr.

    A critical analysis of marriage law in India from the late nineteenth to early twentieth century

    377,95 kr.

    Unveiling Mulan's Odyssey: A Revolution in Gender and Empowerment AcrossChinese, Sinophone, and Global Frontiers" is a comprehensive exploration of theiconic figure of Mulan and her impact on gender representation and empowermentin Chinese, Sinophone, and global contexts. This book is a vital resource forscholars, cultural historians, feminists, and anyone interested in the multifaceteddimensions of the Mulan legend and its resonance in different cultural spaces.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a thorough examination ofthe legend of Mulan and its evolution across various cultural and linguisticfrontiers. It delves into the historical, literary, and cultural contexts that haveshaped the perception and adaptation of the Mulan story.One of the defining features of this work is its emphasis on the revolution ingender representation and empowerment brought about by the Mulan narrative. Itrecognizes the enduring significance of Mulan as a symbol of courage, agency,and resistance to gender norms.Additionally, "Unveiling Mulan's Odyssey" explores the implications of the Mulanlegend for discussions of feminism, identity, and cultural exchange in diversecultural settings. It highlights the ways in which Mulan has transcended bordersand resonated with audiences around the world.Furthermore, this book encourages critical thinking and dialogue on the broaderimplications of Mulan's story for contemporary discussions of gender andempowerment. It aims to inspire further research, collaboration, and theexploration of how narratives like Mulan can challenge and transform societalnorms and expectations.Overall, "Unveiling Mulan's Odyssey: A Revolution in Gender and EmpowermentAcross Chinese, Sinophone, and Global Frontiers" is an enlightening and thoughtprovokingresource. It strives to shed light on the enduring appeal and significanceof the Mulan legend, offering insights and perspectives for scholars andenthusiasts interested in the intersections of culture, gender, and empowerment.

  • af Cameron Compton
    352,95 kr.

    This book delves into the impact of gender-inclusive policies, or the absence thereof, on development during conflict transformation, with a specific focus on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Despite the recognized significance of women's presence and gendered policies in peace-building, their integration remains limited, making it challenging to assess their effects. This thesis aims to contribute to this research gap by demonstrating the implications of implementing or neglecting various types of gender-inclusive policies in the unique context of the Kurdistan Region.The Kurdistan Region, having endured decades of armed conflict and currently enjoying autonomy and economic prosperity, presents a distinctive development scenario. The government's focus on reducing conflict potential, achieving international competitiveness, and fostering positive development includes the promotion of gender and women's inclusion in public policies.

  • af Miranda M. Meyer
    297,95 kr.

    This descriptive qualitative study delves into the often-overlooked realm of sexual safety in nightlife settings, amplifying the voices of gender and sexuality minorities. With a focus on identity-specific experiences, needs, and ideas, the research challenges the predominant narrative centered on cisgender heterosexual individuals. Through semi-structured interviews with 40 gender and sexuality minority participants engaged in New York City nightlife, a nuanced understanding of sexual safety emerges.

  • af Olivia Emma
    212,95 kr.

    In her thought-provoking exploration, "Sexual Category Type," Olivia Emma delves into the intricate tapestry of human sexuality, challenging conventional norms and inviting readers to question the rigid categories that often confine our understanding of intimate connections. With a keen eye for nuance and a compassionate voice, Emma navigates the complexities of desire, identity, and societal expectations.The author challenges readers to move beyond binary constructs and consider the vast spectrum of sexual experiences that shape our individual narratives. Through a blend of personal anecdotes, sociocultural analysis, and scientific insights, Emma creates a compelling narrative that celebrates diversity and advocates for a more inclusive discourse surrounding sexual identity."Sexual Category Type" serves as a catalyst for open dialogue, encouraging readers to embrace the fluidity of human sexuality. Emma's work invites introspection, fostering a space where individuals can explore their own unique journeys without the constraints of preconceived notions. This insightful piece transcends boundaries, inviting readers to engage with a subject often shrouded in stigma with empathy, understanding, and a fresh perspective.

  • af Edwin Higgins
    162,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Sebrina Conner
    1.642,95 kr.

    Criminal justice refers to the system of practices and organizations, which are used for maintaining social control, discouraging and controlling crime, and punishing those who break the laws. Gender is considered to be an important factor which affects not only the rate of crime but also the manner in which it is dealt with, in a criminal justice system. The proportion of crime committed by a particular gender has a significant impact on criminological thinking as well as the criminal justice policies. The degree to which this impact is visible in a society varies with time, and has been observed to shift with changes in gender roles. The readers would gain knowledge that would broaden their perspective about gender, crime and justice through this book. For all those who are interested in this subject, it can prove to be an essential guide.

  • af Anita Grace
    558,95 - 1.757,95 kr.

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