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Juridisk kompetence og juridisk praksis

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  • af Kaare Thomsen
    137,95 - 158,94 kr.

    Nem og grundig indføring i forhandlingsteknik. Bogen beskriver én sammenhængende metode som er bygget op af en række forskellige teknikker. De spænder fra strategisk forberedelse over købslagning til samtaleteknik og konflikthåndtering. Dit udbytte vil være helt kontant: Du får større gevinst hver gang du forhandler. Du bliver i stand til at købe billigere og sælge dyrere. Også når det ikke direkte er penge du forhandler om, men fx indflydelse, tid og fordele af enhver art. Og du vil opleve tilfredsstillelsen ved at forhandle ordentligt og maksimere din gevinst.Bogen er kortfattet og konkret og indeholder præcis hvad du skal bruge i praksis i enhver forhandling.

  • - Advokat på de svages side
    af Birgitte Vestermark & Mads Pramming
    227,95 - 230,95 kr.

    Mads Pramming er – med egne ord – Danmarks nok mest tabende advokat. Han tager sagerne, som andre advokater for alt i verden vil undgå, fordi de er tidskrævende og besværlige, og fordi succesraten er lav. Men han kan ikke lade være, drevet som han er af en god portion social indignation og en utæmmelig nysgerrighed efter at flytte juraens hegnspæle. Og når han vinder, rydder det forsider og får betydning for masser af hårdtprøvede mennesker.Mads Pramming igennem årene ført en stribe højtprofilerede sager, der har givet genlyd både i jurakredse og i medierne. Han har blandt andet ført sager mod myndighederne på vegne af:• Drengene fra børnehjemmet Godhavn• Flere hundrede danske krigsveteraner• De grønlandske eksperimentbørn• De forældreløse søstre Sapran, Nanna og Amal, som kommunen anbragte i familiepleje hos en pædofil• De mange syge borgere, der kan fremlægge læge­erklæringer på, at de ikke har nogen arbejdsevne, men alligevel tvinges i aktiveringSom advokat kæmper Mads Pramming utrætteligt for at afprøve lovgivningens grænser og for at sikre retfærdighed for en stribe udsatte borgere, som har fået deres helt rimelige krav tilsidesat af myndighederne. Dette er fortællingen om en utraditionel advokat og en række af de svære sager, han har ført – og som har været med til at gøre det danske retssystem en lille smule mere retfærdigt.

  • af Jens Evald
    108,94 kr.

    Formålet med denne bog er at give en grundlæggende indføring i skriftlig jura for begyndere, det vil sige personer, som uden større erfaring skal give en skriftlig fremstilling af et juridisk problem med det formål at argumentere for en retlig løsning af dette.Om forfatterenJens Evald, f. 1961, er dr.jur. og professor ved Juridisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet og voldgiftsdommer ved Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), Lausanne, Schweiz. Han er forfatter og medforfatter til en lang række bøger og artikler, der ud over privatretlige emner omfatter biografier, retsfilosofi, juridisk metode og sportsret.

  • af Malene Bjerre & Helge Kvam
    317,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Ditlev Tamm, Rasmus Gottschalck & Merike Ristikivi
    267,95 kr.

    Juraen og måden at tænke juridisk på blev skabt af romerne i antikken og er et af det gamle Roms vigtigste bidrag til verdenskulturen. De romerske jurister udviklede en eminent god måde at analysere komplicerede retlige spørgsmål på, hvilket endnu i dag præger jurister verden over. Latin var romernes sprog og blev også juraens sprog i næsten 2000 år, og vi finder stadig i juristernes sprog rester af det latinske grundlag. Juristlatin er et særligt fagsprog med fagudtryk og vendinger, som man ikke finder i det litterære latin, der normalt læses i skolen og på universitetet. Denne bog er en indføring i den rige kulturelle verden, som romerretten er en del af. Den er på en gang en lærebog i latin, en indføring i juristlatin og en introduktion til romernes juridiske verden.Denne bog indgår i serien LATINERKVARTERET, der udgives i samarbejde med Societas Latina Daniae (Latinselskabet).

  • - Når vi ikke ser forhandlingen, bliver vi snydt
    af Nicolai Robinson
    417,95 kr.

    Vi forhandler hele tiden. Nogle forhandlinger er vi opmærksomme på. Dem har vi forberedt og sat i bås som forhandlinger. Det gælder, når vi skal købe hus eller forhandle løn, når vi skal have en kontrakt på plads på vores arbejde eller en bedre rente i banken. Andre forhandlinger finder sted, uden at vi opdager dem. Eller i hvert fald uden at vi anerkender dem som egentlige forhandlinger. Det kan være, når vi taler med andre interessenter i et større projekt eller med politikere, eller når der skal fordeles nye kontorer på arbejdspladsen, når vi skal blive enige med vores ægtefælle om, hvad vi skal have til aftensmad, eller når en myndighed eller et forsikringsselskab blot meddeler os nogle bestemte vilkår.I de erkendte forhandlinger er vi allerede kommet bedre fra start, fordi vi har mulighed for at ruste os. I de situationer, hvor vi ikke ser forhandlingen, er der derimod stor sandsynlighed for, at vi bliver snydt.Og min erfaring er, at vi alt for ofte helt undlader at indlede en forhandling, alene fordi vi ikke ser muligheden.Om forfatterenNicolai Robinson, født 1972, er forhandlingsrådgiver og stifter af firmaet Han blev uddannet cand.jur. fra Københavns Universitet i 1997 og supplerede i 2006 med en master i konfliktmægling.

  • af Ginger Busby
    132,95 kr.

    When loves seems to fail, the system is broken, and all you have is faith. When love does not seem to be working, the system fails you, and all you have is faith. The battles keep coming and coming. You pray, worship, sacrifice. Lord where are you? Do you see whats happening, where is my help? As the battles roar and the system is not supporting you as a care giver. Feeling helpless while watching your family fall apart, friends seem to be full of advice, but not willing to help you carry this cross.

  • af Yuan Chuanyou
    587,95 kr.

    This Element offers a comprehensive examination of forensic linguistics in China. It traces the origins of the field in the 1980s and 1990s, and highlights the progress made in the 2000s, with a focus on the work of influential scholars such as Pan Qingyun, Wang Jie, Du Jinbang, Liao Meizhen, Yuan Chuanyou, and Wang Zhenhua. It discusses the development of Discourse Information Theory, the Principle of Goal, Functional Forensic Discourse Analysis, and Legal Discourse as a Social Process. It also analyses studies on language evidence and explores legal translation. It discusses emerging research areas, including cyberbullying language research, internet court discourse analysis, authorship analysis, expert assistance systems, and speaker identification and evidence of forensic phonetics. This Element provides valuable insights into the growth and potential of forensic linguistics in China, serving as a comprehensive resource for scholars, researchers, and practitioners interested in the intersection of language and law.

  • - With The Trial Of Counts Egmont And Horn, And The Siege Of Antwerp (1897)
    af Friedrich Schiller
    400,95 - 403,95 kr.

    The Revolt of the United Netherlands is a historical book written by Friedrich Schiller, first published in 1897. The book covers the period of the Dutch Revolt, which took place in the 16th century, when the Netherlands were under the rule of the Spanish Empire. The book provides an in-depth account of the events that led to the revolt, including the political and religious tensions between the Dutch and the Spanish, as well as the role of key figures such as William of Orange, Count Egmont, and Count Horn. The book also includes a detailed description of the trial of Counts Egmont and Horn, who were both executed by the Spanish authorities for their involvement in the revolt. Additionally, the book covers the Siege of Antwerp, which was a key event in the Dutch Revolt, and provides a detailed account of the military tactics used by both the Dutch and the Spanish forces during the siege. Overall, The Revolt of the United Netherlands is a comprehensive and informative book that provides a detailed account of one of the most significant events in Dutch history. It is an essential read for anyone interested in the history of the Netherlands, the Spanish Empire, or the political and religious tensions of the 16th century.To Which Is Added, The Disturbances In France Preceding The Reign Of Henry IV.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - Their Trials And Triumphs (1884)
    af Robert Young
    322,95 - 371,95 kr.

    Modern Missions: Their Trials And Triumphs is a book written by Robert Young in 1884. The book provides a detailed account of the trials and successes of modern Christian missions around the world. The author examines the challenges faced by missionaries in various parts of the world, including Africa, Asia, and the Americas. He also explores the impact of modern technology on missions, such as the use of steamships and telegraph lines to facilitate communication and travel. The book offers insights into the strategies and methods used by missionaries to spread Christianity, including the establishment of schools and hospitals. The author also discusses the role of native converts in spreading the gospel and the challenges they faced in doing so. Overall, Modern Missions: Their Trials And Triumphs provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and successes of modern Christian missions, making it an essential read for anyone interested in the history of Christian evangelism.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - Positive Negotiating and Decision Making for the Real World
    af Dan Strutzel
    177,95 kr.

    Almost everything in life is negotiable. Whether we're children trying to stay up past our bedtimes, employees who want some time off or a raise, or friends trying to decide where to go for dinner, we use negotiation to get what we want. But, negotiation doesn't have to be an "I win and you lose" proposition. In WIN! Positive Negotiating and Decision Making for the Real World, authors Dan Strutzel and Traci Shoblom will teach listeners the four steps to make sure that Everybody WINS.The Everybody WINS Method of Negotiation is: 1. Wait2. Identify3. Negotiate4. Settle on an AgreementOnce you master these steps, you'll have the power to negotiate: Better relationshipsGetting into better schools and jobsHigher incomeImproved self-imageHelping others get more of what they wantNegotiation is a core element of human interaction. From the bedroom to the board room, the principles of negotiation are at the foundation of our society. Are you ready to learn how to WIN! Let's go!

  • af Austen Zuege
    1.837,95 kr.

    Anyone involved with patent searching and risk management requires the proper tools and methodology to successfully avoid patent infringement. Patent Freedom to Operate Searches, Opinions, Techniques, and Studies is designed to build the necessary competencies, techniques, and best practices. Addressing a wide range of topics, this book covers: conducting and organizing freedom-to-operate studies to obtain actionable data; analyzing the results of those searches; developing appropriate risk management strategies; and preserving the information and analysis in order to be fully protected in the future. Everyone from in-house and private practice attorneys to businesspeople, non-lawyer patent professionals, engineers, and academics will find utility in this thorough and accessible resource.

  • af Piyush Gupta
    167,95 kr.

    The Uniform Civil Code-a subject entrenched in the very fabric of our nation's socio-legal discourse-stands at the intersection of law, ethics, religion, and societal norms. Within the pages of this book lies a repository of knowledge, a collection of perspectives, and an exploration of the nuances surrounding the concept of a Uniform Civil Code. It navigates through the intricacies of personal laws, addressing the complexities of diverse cultures, religions, and traditions that coexist within our pluralistic society.

  • - And Countess Almara's Murder (1886)
    af Julian Hawthorne
    172,95 - 203,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Menella Bute Smedley
    252,95 - 301,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Debra S Austin
    850,95 kr.

    "This book offers practical advice for legal professionals to optimize cognitive fitness and protect their brain from the damaging effects of chronic stress. Drawing on the latest research in neuroscience and psychology, it provides actionable information to help readers thrive amidst the demands and stressors of the legal profession"--

  • af Karolina Gmerek
    505,95 kr.

    In the book, the author presented the results of several years of empirical studies conducted in Polish common courts. On the basis of an analysis of 250 observed and recorded trials, conducted as part of various court proceedings (criminal, civil, insurance, etc.), the author outlined a picture of the trial as a communication occurrence, in which persons with various levels of communication competence are involved in the interaction. Among other things, the book answers the questions: "How does the communication process between a judge and a non-professional participant proceed?", "Implementation of which communication activities cause the greatest difficulty for non-professional participants?" and "How do judges try to counteract these difficulties?".

  • af Thomas G Roth
    214,95 - 375,95 kr.

  • af Andreas Kellerhals
    387,95 - 670,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Jackson Hirschl
    242,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Recovering Paralegal
    167,95 kr.

    Have you been thinking about becoming a Paralegal? You owe it to yourself to consider this Public Service Announcement first. The Recovering Paralegal provides an insider's look into the toxicity of law firms and why this dead-end job is bad for women. Utilizing nearly ten years of experience as a litigation paralegal split between more than one law firm, the Recovering Paralegal explains why the law firm is no place to wind up. "I want to get people talking about what it is really like to work in a law firm as a paralegal. Based upon countless talks with anonymous paralegals across the country, it is my opinion that my own experiences were not unique to me. What I speak of in the book is something that goes on in toxic law firms everywhere! Unfortunately, it is a sort of dirty secret that people just don't talk about for fear of losing their jobs. Not all paralegals (thankfully) get to work with both a self-proclaimed "Dirty Old Man" and a boss who barks at his staff every 7-9 minutes like a dog at the same time, but it seems that almost every single one is exposed to some sort of psychological torment, which always felt like abuse to me. Bullying is alive and well in the law office. I would like to shine a light on the psychological warfare that lawyers engage in with their own staff on a daily basis (some for fun to boost their own egos, others because they are so broken they don't know how else to communicate). I would like to warn those who are looking to enter the field and perhaps even provide some comic relief to those who are still working as paralegals. I wish someone would have written the truth before I entered the field. I certainly might have been swayed to consider another "career" option."The Author outlines all of the reasons why the law firm is a toxic place to work, provides a short quiz to help the reader determine if they have the personality traits necessary to survive inside the law office, and includes twenty-five exhibits to demonstrate the reality of law firm culture and what the daily work actually is. Those who are researching the paralegal "career" field - either as brand new people entering the work force or those who are looking for a second career, deserve a look behind the curtain. This "career" path is being sold to unwitting consumers as a viable choice with growth potential, and it is nothing but a dead-end job.

  • af Johannes Rehmke
    152,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Hiram Luther Sibley
    337,95 kr.

    This legal treatise provides a comprehensive overview of civil and criminal law in the United States. It covers a wide range of topics including contracts, torts, property law, and criminal procedure. The book is an invaluable resource for anyone studying or practicing law.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af M. E. Dunlap
    397,95 kr.

    This book is a comprehensive guide to elementary law. It covers the general principles, rules, and definitions of law, as well as the common maxims and rules of equity jurisprudence. It is a valuable resource for law students and anyone interested in the legal system.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Sidney Arthur Taylor Rowlatt
    282,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af H. Thring
    322,95 kr.

    This book is a guide on how to compose and interpret legal documents, including Acts of Parliament and business documents. It offers practical advice and examples of good drafting, as well as discussing various legal principles and concepts. The author draws upon his experience as a lawyer and a member of the British Parliament to provide a clear and concise guide to this important area of law.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af M. Ed Cassandra Brooks
    222,95 kr.

    In the profound pages of "From Silence to Strength: Empowering Communities Through Advocacy," readers embark on a transformative journey of empowerment and enlightenment. This extraordinary book unlocks the secrets of passionate advocacy, offering a beacon of hope and guidance to those who seek to champion the rights of children, teachers, and families. Discover the Power Within: With captivating lessons that resonate deep within the soul, readers uncover the extraordinary ability to convert their fervor into actionable change. From the very first page, this book sets you on a path of self-discovery, igniting a spark that propels you towards purposeful advocacy. Crafting Success in Advocacy: Unveiling the blueprint for effective advocacy, this book goes beyond the superficial. It delves into the rich history and enduring principles of advocacy, providing invaluable insights into the intricacies of legal and political systems. As you turn each page, you'll find the keys to becoming a triumphant advocate, equipped with knowledge, strategy, and unwavering determination. Personal Narratives that Inspire: The author's personal journey is woven throughout the narrative, offering a poignant and relatable backdrop to the principles being taught. Her experiences, steeped in dedication and fueled by a commitment to her community, breathe life into the text, making it not just a guide but a heartfelt testimony to the power of advocacy. Nurturing Community through Understanding: In the heart of this book lies a profound understanding of the needs of children, teachers, and families. By immersing yourself in its wisdom, you'll gain the insight and wisdom required to create a palpable impact within your own community. This is your opportunity to effect real change, guided by the empathy and wisdom that this book imparts. Real-Life Triumphs and Tangible Wisdom: This book is a treasure trove of inspirational stories. It introduces you to real-world advocates who have triumphed against all odds, showcasing the incredible potential for positive change. The practical advice and hands-on examples empower you to embark on your own advocacy journey, fully prepared and inspired."From Silence to Strength" is not just a book; it's a call to action, a beacon of hope, and a guiding light for those who yearn to make a difference. Whether you're a seasoned activist or just beginning to find your voice, this book is your indispensable resource. It's the key to unlocking the doors of advocacy, enabling you to wield your voice and passion as instruments of transformative change. Join the ranks of those who have harnessed their silence and discovered their strength. Your journey begins here.

  • af Danish Ali Bajwa
    237,95 kr.

    Derrière des portes closes, une épidémie cachée sévit silencieusement dans la vie des personnes âgées du monde entier. "Blessures Invisibles: Comprendre et Lutter contre la Maltraitance des Personnes Âgées" est une exploration éclairante de ce problème omniprésent qui demande notre attention. Ce livre plonge dans les profondeurs de la maltraitance des personnes âgées, dévoilant ses différentes formes - physique, émotionnelle, financière et négligence - et l'impact profond qu'elle a sur la vie des personnes âgées.Dans "Blessures Invisibles", vous entreprendrez un voyage transformateur de compréhension. Avec des études de cas captivantes, des résultats de recherche et des insights d'experts convaincants, vous prendrez une profonde conscience de l'épidémie cachée qui touche notre population vieillissante. De l'exploration des causes profondes de la maltraitance des personnes âgées à la révélation des conséquences à long terme sur le bien-être physique et émotionnel, ce livre dévoile le réseau complexe de mauvais traitements que subissent les personnes âgées.Mais cela ne s'arrête pas à la sensibilisation. "Blessures Invisibles" vous équipe de puissantes stratégies pour faire face et prévenir la maltraitance des personnes âgées. Découvrez le rôle vital de la prévention, de l'intervention précoce et des services de soutien dans la construction d'une société qui chérit et protège sa population âgée. Grâce à l'exploration des soins basés sur la compréhension des traumatismes, de la thérapie et des réseaux de soutien complets, vous apprendrez à soutenir les survivants dans leur parcours vers la guérison et la récupération."Blessures Invisibles" adopte également une perspective globale, plongeant dans les perspectives interculturelles et les défis auxquels sont confrontées les sociétés diverses pour lutter contre la maltraitance des personnes âgées. En comprenant les subtilités culturelles qui façonnent la dynamique de la maltraitance, ce livre vous permet de développer des approches sensibles à la culture qui favorisent le changement au sein de votre propre communauté.Ce livre n'est pas seulement un appel à l'action; c'est un phare d'espoir. Il invite les individus, les communautés, les organisations et les décideurs à se joindre au mouvement vers un monde exempt de maltraitance des personnes âgées. En mettant en lumière les blessures invisibles infligées aux personnes âgées, nous pouvons favoriser une société qui valorise, respecte et protège les droits de notre population âgée."Blessures Invisibles: Comprendre et Lutter contre la Maltraitance des Personnes Âgées" est une ressource essentielle pour tous ceux qui sont passionnés par le changement. Que vous soyez un aidant naturel, un membre de la famille concerné, un professionnel de la santé ou un défenseur, ce livre vous donne les connaissances, les outils et l'inspiration nécessaires pour lutter contre la maltraitance des personnes âgées.Ensemble, dévoilons les blessures invisibles, brisons le silence et créons un avenir où les personnes âgées pourront vieillir avec dignité, sécurité et le soutien qu'elles méritent.

  • af Bogus¿aw Przywora
    505,95 kr.

    One of the constitutional obligations of states is the defence of human rights. Such state activities encompass providing free pre-litigation legal aid. In search for solutions allowing to improve Polish model, the authors employed a comparative method. As a result, they analysed solutions adopted in international law, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.Swedish law is an example of a system with a rich legislative history in the area of free legal aid and contemporary solutions based on the model of legal aid with a ¿discount¿. The choice of Ukraine was based on the fact that its regulations are very modern, elastic and put to the ultimate test of war. The United Kingdom was chosen as an example of a country with a common law system, where pre-litigation-free legal aid has its unique form based on grant financing.In the summary of the book, the authors strive for presenting the proposal of a model of free pre-litigation legal aid for the polish legal system based on the experience of compared legal systems.

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