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Forfatningsret og menneskerettigheder

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  • af Janneke (Universiteit Utrecht Gerards
    443,95 - 1.159,95 kr.

  • - Indfald og udfald om henfald og forfald
    af Claus von Barnekow
    297,95 kr.

    Pas på staten – Indfald og udfald om henfald og forfald kaster et kritisk blik på Danmarks udenrigspolitiske vilkår, international politik, menneskerettigheder, retsstat, demokrati, Ruslands ulovlige krig m.m. og udforsker spørgsmål om nationalisme. Gennem dybdegående analyse og refleksion søger forfatteren, Claus von Barnekow at belyse kompleksiteten af disse emner og opfordrer til en nuanceret forståelse af de politiske landskaber, der præger vores samtid.Forhenværende udenrigsminister, dr.phil. Per Stig Møller skriver i forordet, ”at Barnekows tekster udmærker sig ved klarhed og korthed. Derfor når han vidt omkring og er altid værd at følge.”Det har visse indlysende fordele, når vor politiske ledere ved, hvad de taler om, og søger at sætte sig ind i en problemstilling, inden politiske holdninger udbasuneres.I Pas på staten kommer vi vidt omkring, og emnerne inkluderer klimaforværring, koranafbrændingsidioti, russisk selvforståelse, Ungarns og Polens undergravning af Europarådet og EU, regerings- og udvalgte politikeres retorik vedrørende retsstat og menneskerettigheder, udenrigspolitiske vilkår for Danmark samt nationalisme.

  • - For praktikere
    af Jon Fridrik Kjølbro
    1.347,95 - 2.086,95 kr.

    DEN EUROPÆISKE MENNESKERETTIGHEDSKONVENTION FOR PRAKTIKERE, der nu foreligger i 6. udgave, indeholder en udførlig beskrivelse af Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstols praksis. Bogen behandler de materielle rettigheder og friheder i konventionen samt protokollerne og indeholder endvidere en beskrivelse af mere generelle emner såsom konventionens anvendelsesområde, fortolkningsprincipper, betydningen af praksis,beviskrav, klagebetingelser og konsekvenser af domme. Den behandler ikke reglerne om Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstols opbygning, funktion eller behandling af klagesager.Bogen indeholder i vidt omfang en tematisk omtale af praksis, herunder en beskrivelse af praksis i sager om udvisning på grund af kriminalitet, om tvangsfjernelse, om straffeprocessuelle tvangsindgreb og om pressens ret til ytringsfrihed. Endvidere indeholder den korte referater af domme. Det er derfor let at orientere sig og få overblik over praksis på et bestemt område.Målgruppen er praktikere, herunder advokater, anklagere, dommere og embedsmænd.Bogen er systematisk opdateret til og med 30. september 2022 og medtager derudover de væsentligste domme og afgørelser til og med 30. november 2022, herunder domme fra Storkammeret.Forfatteren har været dommer i Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol indtil november 2022, hvor han var sektionspræsident og vicepræsident. Frem til april 2014 var han landsdommer i Østre Landsret, hvorfra han har haft orlov. Forfatteren har tidligere været ansat i Justitsministeriet, hvor han bl.a. har arbejdet med menneskerettigheder.

  • af Hanna Brentrup
    430,95 kr.

    Mit der Einkunftsartenabgrenzung widmet sich die Autorin einem klassischen Thema, das jedoch an Aktualität nicht verloren hat. Im Gegenteil: Die moderne Arbeitswelt stellt das Steuerrecht vor immer neue Herausforderungen. Einführend werden die verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlagen, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die mit der Einkünftequalifizierung einhergehenden Rechtsfolgenunterschiede, erarbeitet. Im Rahmen der Abgrenzung zum nicht steuerbaren Bereich steht die Überzeugungskraft der Markteinkommenstheorie im Fokus. Im Rahmen der Einkunftsartenabgrenzung, dem Kernstück des Werkes, erarbeitet die Autorin unter Rückgriff auf vorhandene Literatur und Rechtsprechung sowie mittels Parallelen zu anderen Rechtsgebieten allgemeingültige Kriterien, die einkunftsartenübergreifend Anwendung finden können.

  • af Asmaa Khadim
    1.050,95 kr.

    This book considers the value of constitutional environmental rights in protecting water resources through an examination of the legal strategies utilized by communities engaged in protracted mining conflicts, including oil sands development in the Canadian boreal forest and gold mining in ecologically sensitive, glacier-rich areas of Argentina.

  • af Hartmut Krüger
    847,95 kr.

    Seit Jahrzehnten sind die in den jeweiligen Berufsordnungen (BRAO, StBerG, WPO) enthaltenen Restriktionen für Rechtsanwälte, Steuerberater oder Wirtschaftsprüfer hinsichtlich weiterer paralleler Tätigkeiten perpetuiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit hinterfragt die bisherigen Argumentationsmuster des Gesetzgebers und der Rechtsprechung. In diesem Zusammenhang werden die Inkompatibilitätsnormen sowie deren Auslegung durch die Rechtsprechung auf ihre Vereinbarkeit mit höherrangigem Recht überprüft. Letztlich zeigt sich die weitgehende Unvereinbarkeit der Regelungen der Berufsordnungen zu Inkompatibilitäten mit deutschem Verfassungsrecht und den europäischen Grundfreiheiten.

  • af Colleen Sheppard
    417,95 kr.

    Discrimination Stories: Exclusion, Law, and Everyday Life explores diverse legal cases brought before courts and human rights tribunals to help us understand the development of anti-discrimination law in Canada. The cases take us into -- and teach us about -- the concrete realities of inequality in everyday life.

  • af Timothy Zick
    361,95 - 975,95 kr.

  • af Pe¿a ¿Urasovi¿
    143,95 kr.

    Essay from the year 2018 in the subject Politics - Topic: Public International Law and Human Rights, grade: B, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, language: English, abstract: This paper is about sexual and reproductive health and rights, especially the issue of unsafe abortion and female genital mutilation. Sexual and reproductive health and rights present the most vital part of every society, and thus should be treated with the highest importance. The selected fields of these rights, unsafe abortion and female genital mutilation, highlight a small part of the possible violation of these same human rights, while at the same time, revealing the gravity of bad practices that stand behind it. The proposed strategies for affecting these issues mainly rely on well-developed international policies, not excluding any of the recognized duty barriers.The United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner provided the list of human rights that imply the sexual and reproductive health and rights, and those are: the right to life, the right to be free from torture, the right to health, the right to privacy, the right to education, and the prohibition of discrimination. In addition, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women have clearly defined that women's right to health include their sexual and reproductive health. The human rights that derive from sexual and reproductive health include access to sexual and reproductive healthcare and information as well as autonomy in sexual and reproductive decision-making.

  • af Jean Atabong Fomeni
    518,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2019 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: Public International Law and Human Rights, grade: 2.3, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, course: Master of Arts in Human Rights, language: English, abstract: The research seeks to provide answers to the following questions: Does the ICC have jurisdiction over crimes allegedly committed in the former Southern Cameroons? Do victims of the alleged crimes have the right to reparation? If yes, against whom? Is there any justification under international law for incitement to violence, extra-judicial killings, torturing, kidnapping, destruction, etc. as a means of self-defence?Besides being an eyewitness, this work has benefited from the works of others. First, I identified and studied a large volume of relevant documents, texts, images, videos, etc. on the subjects. This approach is qualitative, and it has been supported by Bridget and Darko. To them, the qualitative research method is a "systematic collection, organization and interpretation of textual information (also images/video)". I equally sought information from libraries, where I read books, law journals, reports, journal articles, research papers and/or academic write-ups, etc. The research was equally assisted with information from the social media, including the Facebook pages of journalists and official authorities, WhatsApp groups, etc. Online sources, especially the official websites of international human rights organizations (The UN, for example) are also a great source upon which this research work benefitted. To this end, I explored the World Law Guide (, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, official website of the International Criminal Court ( and a host of others relevant to the work. According to Polkinghorne, ¿qualitative data are gathered primarily in the form of spoken or written language rather than in the form of numbers¿. As such, this project has benefitted largely from interviews with some lawyers, teachers, human rights activists, journalists, university professors, judges, members of parliament, selected institutional respondents and the man on the streets in both the South-West and North-West regions.

  • af Temiloluwa Lawal
    426,95 kr.

    Bachelor Thesis from the year 2018 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: Public International Law and Human Rights, grade: A, University of Lagos, course: Public International law, language: English, abstract: This research thesis is a thorough analysis on the jurisdiction of the International criminal court and the International criminal tribunals over genocide, warcrimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of aggression. Also, it seeks to inquire into the inability of the International criminal court to prosecute global terrorism. The author has also proffered solutions to the jurisdictional problems inherent in the operations of the International criminal court.

  • af Aydin Pakdaman
    322,95 kr.

    Academic Paper from the year 2018 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: Public International Law and Human Rights, grade: A, Urmia University (Urmia Azad University), course: International Law, language: English, abstract: The determination of the international community to combat non-criminality and the fight against international crime has prompted the international community to find ways to address the legal vacuum existing in international criminal law. Due to the temporary nature of the courts established since World War II, as well as the absence of major crimes such as terrorism and human trafficking in the Statute of the International Criminal Court, the international community is inclined towards domestic courts and plans for actions such as global jurisdiction and commitment to extradition or trial. Due to differences arising from the obligation to perform an extradition or trial, it is necessary to examine the principles governing this obligation.Meanwhile, the judiciary and international bodies' opinions on these actions are of great importance. The International Court of Justice is one of the most prominent legal entities in the international community in terms of its distinctive and important role in the development of international law. In the present article, the Tribunal's judgments on the obligation to extradite or trial and the effect of the Court on the development of this commitment have been examined.

  • af Michael Homberg
    432,95 kr.

  • af Carolina Gerwin
    312,95 kr.

    Essay from the year 2019 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: Public International Law and Human Rights, grade: 8,4, Leiden University, language: English, abstract: Based on a case study analysis of the Mission des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation en Haiti (MINUSTAH), the essay answers the question of how and under which criteria one can assess whether peacekeeping operations are successful. The paper shows that while the criteria of short-term analyses are the most prominent ones in the literature, they are not universally applicable and that there is a need to establish common criteria for the assessment of peacekeeping missions that focus on the long-term consequences of such missions. Regarding the success of MINUSTAH, it is concluded that it was neither a (full) success for the UN nor for the Haitian population.Since 1948 the UN has deployed more than seventy peacekeeping missions (UN Peacekeeping n.d.). Peacekeeping operations can be defined as operations, which were deployed with or without the compliance of belligerent parties, depending on international legislation and mandate to sustain and implement a peaceful environment impartially and without using combat arms, if not necessary.

  • af Jan Eckel
    432,95 kr.

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